• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 06

    Melody arrived home late after a stupid brutal Wednesday and staggered to her room. There was a lot of regret going on at the moment. In theory it was a good idea to have only three days a week of on-campus stuff, in practice, three labs in the same day was a little bonkers.

    Dropping her backpack, Melody barely caught it in time to keep the laptop inside from hitting the hardwood floor. Not having carpet was still taking some getting used to. The room looked weird beyond the lack of carpet. It was clean, with the bed made and all her laundry folded on the comforter.

    Melody took a moment to be a surprised Pikachu. Sitting on top of the laundry was a stuffed animal, a pretty clear calling card. That brought a smile to her face. The little gray cat plushie was stupid soft, Melody found she couldn’t put it down right away.

    Homework could wait for tomorrow, Melody only had enough brain left for something mindless, like a couple rounds of LoL ARAM. While her computer booted up she shed her pants and her hoodie, freezing in mid-stretch at the sound of her door opening.

    “Hi Melody! You’re back super late, do you want me to heat up some dinner for you?” Briana said, with an impossible amount of energy.

    Melody was feeling a little more gross than usual after being stuck on campus all day, for some extra cringe she hadn’t showered that morning either. Briana was in her little girl mode already, diaper only from the waist down and a white shirt with a tiger puking rainbows on it. “Uh hey Briana,” she said. “I uh, should probably clean up a little.”

    “Oh I don’t mind,” Briana said, infuriatingly. “But if you wanna shower do you want me to heat up some bao?”

    Melody’s stomach rumbled, making the decision for her. “Okay, thanks,” she said. How she was supposed to stay upset with Briana, she didn’t know. The kid, and she couldn’t think of her as anything other than a kid, was trying to be helpful and nice.

    Warm bao and cold coke were bringing Melody back to life. She didn’t load up a game, she didn’t even realize that Briana was gone until the girl came back into Melody’s room with a couple of diapers and a package of wipes in her hands.

    “Oh hey Briana, let me finish eating and then I can change you,” Melody said.

    “No, I’m still dry. They’re for you!” Briana said eagerly.

    “What?” Melody’s brain was still feeling foggy, but she didn’t see why she needed diaper delivery.

    “Yeah, because you’ve been having accidents,” Briana said. “It’s okay, I won’t tell anybody.”

    “What do you mean I–“ Melody froze, her eyes drifting over to the laundry. She’d forgotten about the soiled clothes she’d shoved to the bottom of the bin. Briana had found them, obviously, and now was trying to be helpful in an embarrassing way.

    “What do I tell her?” Melody wondered in a minor panic.

    The truth felt out of the question, way too embarrassing. On the other hand, the way she’d dealt with the clothes, or rather not dealt with them was pretty sus. Three pairs couldn’t be written off as a single bad day either.

    Briana was still staring at her, with the stupidest kind expression Melody had ever seen. Anybody else would have felt the awkward silence and backed off, but nope, Chuck Testa.

    “Yeah um, it’s not really that big of a deal,” Melody said, unconvincing even to herself. “Thanks for the offer but I think I’ll pass.”

    “Just try them for one night, okay?” Briana asked. “You look super tired and that’s the kind of thing that can totally make an accident happen.”

    “Um, yeah, okay, maybe,” Melody said. The will to argue with Briana was not there. Besides, it meant she could go for round four after Briana got off to bed. “Probably should grab me a pullup instead though, those look awkward for me to put on by myself.”

    “Actually um…” Briana said, blushing shyly at Melody, “I was thinking I could put it on you. I’ve never put one on anybody, but tons of people have changed me.”

    “Wat.” Melody felt like her brain was glitching out.

    The caffeine hadn’t kicked in yet, so she couldn’t formulate an argument fast enough to beat Briana’s overwhelming puppy dog eyes. Refusing her felt like drop-kicking the poor girl’s heart.

    “Okay,” Melody said in defeat. “I’m kinda gross from not showering though…”

    “That’s okay, you’ve changed my wet diapers,” Briana said, bouncing to her feet. Melody regretted finishing her bao, good as it had been. With her plate empty there was nothing to stop Briana from hauling her out of her computer chair and walking her to the bed.

    “I know you’re tired, I’ll take care of everything,” Briana said, falling to her knees in front of Melody. A wonderful fantasy scene from Melody’s dreams played out as Briana unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down with her underwear. Being pushed down on top of a diaper was not part of the fantasy, but maybe it would be now.

    “God dammit, this better not awaken anything else in me,” Melody thought.

    Briana insisted on the whole thing, leaving Melody splayed out on a diaper while she ran off to get lotion and powder. It felt good, and made Melody glad that she preferred hardwood to carpet in some areas of her life. She didn’t know what lotion and powder would look like in hair and didn’t want to find out. Briana taped the diaper up, leaving Melody wanting some private time. Well, wanting some more explicit Briana time but that obviously wasn’t going to happen.

    With boundless energy, Briana even insisted on helping Melody back into her pants. “See? Now you don’t have to worry,” Briana chirped.

    “Yeah, yeah, thanks,” Melody said, chuckling. “Hey, uh, not to be that chick, but I never see you up this late. Isn’t it past your bedtime?”

    Briana giggled and said, “Yeah, but don’t tell Mom! She’s at a conference thing and won’t be back until around midnight!”

    “Briana, sweetie, it’s like, eleven twenty right now,” Melody said.

    “Oh shit!” Briana said, then clapped her hand over her mouth. “Please don’t tell Mom I said that, or that I was up late!”

    “I’m not a snitch,” Melody said. “I’m glad you were up, I probably wouldn’t have had any dinner if you hadn’t brought me some.”

    “I’m glad I was too! Okay, I gotta go, see you tomorrow Melody!” Briana said, grabbing the spare diaper and supplies. “Oh, and I’ll put these in your bag, so you’ll have them just in case you have an accident at school. Those are SUPER embrassing.” She shoved the handful of baby gear into Melody’s bag and scampered out the door.

    Shaking her head, Melody collapsed back into her computer chair. The diaper felt weird and pillowy around her rear. Kind of nice, not that she was worried about an accident. With dinner giving her a boost of energy there wasn’t much point in going to bed right away. A few quick games, and bed.

    None of her LoL friends were on, Rocket League was still a ghost town, and even Fortnite didn’t have anyone cool on. Melody was about to give up on gaming and go straight to the porn when Beatrix messaged her on Discord.

    • bbXXX – LAN
    • bbXXX – LAN
    • bbXXX – bitch, LAN, now
    • Ocarina – WTF. Dude I’m so tired
    • bbXXX – fu. get over here, finally got other 4 to agree to LAN.
    • bbXXX – i no you class <> tomorrow
    • bbXXX – LAN
    • bbXXX – LAN, BITCH

    Melody stared at the Discord channel. Beatrix was unstoppable when she was like this. There seemed to be a lot of hot ladies that Melody couldn’t say no to in her life. “Am I a f-ing harem anime protagonist now?” she asked herself.

    • Ocarina – Fine thot. Be there in like 20.
    • bbXXX – finally! move that thicc ass

    “Ugh,” Melody said, heaving herself out of her chair. She tossed a couple of red bulls in her bag, and after reflection, her Adderall prescription. A protein bar and a bag of M&Ms followed. Books were chucked to make room for her headset, and her portable gaming mouse and keyboard. The laptop could handle Overwatch. Her cell phone could probably handle Overwatch.

    Standing in her room, Melody felt like she was forgetting something. The front door opened, breaking her precarious concentration. With a shrug Melody picked up her pack and headed into the living room.

    “Hey Veronica, Jane,” Melody said.

    “Hello Melody, you’re headed out?” Veronica asked. “You look exhausted.”

    “Yeah well, no class tomorrow,” Melody said, “Did your um, conference or whatever go well?”

    “It did, thank you!” Veronica said with rare broad smile.

    “How did you know we were at a conference?” Jane asked. “Was Briana up late?”

    “I dunno, she must have been in bed when I got home,” Melody said, glad her foggy brain could quickly cover with a lie. “Weren’t you talking about it yesterday?”

    “Probably,” Jane said with a shrug.

    “Well, have fun,” Veronica said. “Try to get some sleep eventually.”

    “Sleep is for the weak,” Melody scoffed. With a quick wave she was past them and out the door. As she made her way down to her car she couldn’t shake the feeling that Veronica had been super judge-y. All that diaper-mom stuff must be going to her head. Maybe it was the age difference, but first year in grad school was an adult by any measure that Melody cared to respect.

    Grumbling to herself about having a den mom on her way across town, Melody was parking her car when she realized what she’d forgotten. The diaper she was wearing. She face-palmed her greasy forehead and sighed. At least she had baggy pants on, nobody should be able to tell. Not that Beatrix ever looked at her butt anyway.

    Beatrix lived in a cookie cutter house in a cookie cutter housing development. Her roommates would gag at it, especially Veronica. It was a nice cookie cutter though, and there was something to be said for a house that was built recently enough to have Ethernet in the walls. Melody was two steps from the door when Beatrix flung it open.

    Beatrix was especially ridiculous today. She’d never caught on that she was a nerd and didn’t have to dress like all her webcams were 4k. Beatrix was yoga-fit and had gorgeous blonde hair in short ringlets, ringlets! As if that wasn’t enough, the wings of her eyeliner could cut steel. She was wearing a baby blue halter top and a black miniskirt. Hell, maybe she did Cam, she could probably make bank at it.

    “Mel, finally, get in here, everybody else is all set up!” Beatrix said.

    “Step on me, Senpai,” was all Melody’s brain could come up with. Luckily her brain was too tired to transmit its stupid to her mouth.

    “Mel, what the fuck?” said Beatrix, and snapped her fingers at Melody. “You’re only here because you can play Pharah at 4.5k SR. Wake up, juice up, whatever you’ve got to do.”

    “Yeah, sorry, long day,” Melody said, ducking her head. Of all the times to be a complete grease-ball, with a diaper on to boot, it had to be when Beatrix was dressed to kill.

    “Yeah, yeah, and kids in Syria are getting bombed, come on,” Beatrix said, leading Melody into the living room.

    The rest of their e-sports crew waved. They were Yesenia, Gurpreet, Mikhail, and because some parents have a sick sense of humor, Ginger. Everyone else was dressed chill. That helped the tension run out of Melody’s shoulders. She took her seat at the long table that had displaced all the other furniture to the walls and set up her gear.

    “So are we going to–“ Melody began.

    “STOMP THE LADDER!” cheered the rest of the group.

    Melody took only a second to recover from the shock and laughed out loud. New accounts with a nice crispy appetizer of noobs to warm up on, and then some real meaty try-hards to bite into afterward. She chugged the first of her redbulls and settled into the chair.

    “Hell yes, let’s snap some noob necks,” Melody said.

    As team after team fell before them, Melody was glad she’d come. The placement rounds were so easy they could try out silly stuff like getting Mercy a sextuple kill, or Reinhardt as ‘support’.

    Once they’d ranked up a bit they got serious, which was its own kind of fun. Melody and Gurpreet had a God-tier Pharmercy combo, while Beatrix lead the rest of the team as Reaper as a deadly brawler group. Bea could be a huge bitch pretty much all the time, but she might be a pro-tier shot-caller. She could keep the whole battle in her head and direct her team instantly to an advantageous position. It was all being streamed from Beatrix’s computer, and the number of viewers was climbing fast despite the non-prime-time slot.

     When three am rolled around, Melody was high on caffeine and sugar but feeling uncomfortable pressure. She tried to call a break, but before she could Beatrix declared them to be on a ‘hot streak’ and told her Twitch chat that there would be no more commercials for the next three games.

    By now the group was in the Master level rankings pushing for Grandmaster. AFKing out for a potty break was not an option. Melody resigned herself to being in pain for the next hour until she shifted in her seat and was reminded of the padding swaddling her.

    Her eyes flashed to her friends. They were laser focused on the game. Nobody was so much as glancing her way. With a nervous tremble in her hands, Melody took a sip of her drink and shifted her legs apart. Still, nobody noticed.

    As the game exited the lobby and loaded the map, Melody tried relaxing her bladder a little. That didn’t work out. Once she opened up, there was no stopping the stream from flooding her diaper with sopping wet that soaked her crotch and rear. Her face burned and her hands trembled on the controls; she fell behind her teammates. But still, nobody noticed. Some quick work with Pharah’s jets and she was caught back up to her team. The game was on and she was in a well soaked diaper. She gave her team some WTF Girl side-eye and actually caught Gurpreet’s gaze. Nothing happened, a quick nod and they were both back into their screens.

    Determined to not give anyone cause to ask her what was up, Melody threw herself into the game. High-explosive death rained down on their enemies until even Beatrix was cackling in glee. The match ended with an embarrassing loss for what Beatrix’s viewers told her was another highly ranked streamer team.

    The next two games were not quite as one sided but still solid wins. It was great to be recognized as MVP by Beatrix, but Melody was looking forward to that commercial break where she could finally get out of her soggy diaper. Hiding it in Beatrix’s bathroom would be a challenge. Hopefully there would be enough stuff in the trash can to cover it over, or she could pitch it out the window, or something.

    When the commercial break hit, everyone stood up and stretched, groaning through the happy grins. “Stream is on mute,” Beatrix said.

    “Damn, those were some great games. Too bad it’s not prime-time, we might actually get matched against pros,” Yesenia said.

    “Pros on their off-heroes maybe,” laughed Mikhail.

    “Guys I’m running commercials for fifteen minutes, get your break done and come back on time, got it?” Beatrix said.

    “Girl, are you paying us out of the donations you’re getting? Because you’re talking like you’re my boss,” Gurpreet said.

    “Actually I am, there’s a little over six hundred tonight from subs and bits already. You’re all getting a fair chunk of it,” Beatrix said.

    “Well shit. Then aye-aye captain,” Gurpreet said.

    Melody had been working her way around the group with her backpack in hand, hoping nobody would notice the sag in her pants. She dashed for the bathroom and closed the door. Everyone else was going to need to use the bathroom too, she had to find a spot to ditch the diaper, and fast. Dropping her pants, she investigated the window. No good, there was a bush pressed right up against the window, with her luck she’d end up framing the thing for whoever walked in.

    “Hey Mel we gotta talk about your Pharah,” Beatrix said on her way down the hall.

    “Yeah, give me a sec,” Melody called back.

    “Since they nerfed the infinite flying I think our strat is weak on low maps, we need to switch it up and start having you and Preet swing around,” Beatrix said. Without the slightest regard for privacy, she opened the door. Melody froze, as did Beatrix as soon as she realized what she was seeing. Even worse, Beatrix stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

    “Is that a fucking diaper?” Beatrix asked.

    “Shhh!” Melody said, trembling under a massive wave of embarrassment that threatened to compress her chest.

    “Holy shit, it’s got little bears and stuff on it. Well, not that many anymore because you really used that sucker,” Beatrix said. She locked the door and advanced on Melody with a smirk.

    “I uh, knew we’d be streaming for a long time and–“

    “Bullshit,” Beatrix said. “You live with that diaper girl, and you’re into it.

    “No, no this isn’t–“

    “Mel, shut the fuck up,” Beatrix put a hand casually on Melody’s mouth. “I know you’re super hot for me, that’s why you came over tonight on no notice. Course, I’m not into girls.”

    Beatrix slapped the soggy padding over Melody’s butt and said, “But this might make things interesting.”

    Melody tried to back up and only managed to corner herself between the toilet and the tub. Beatrice was right in front of her, trapping her in. “Bea, no, please, don’t tell anyone,” Melody begged. The sheer weight of panic was making her break out in sweat all over like a fever.

     “Don’t worry, baby,” Beatrix said. “This is your dream come true. Because I don’t like girls. But this whole thing? This whole scared bunny thing you have going on? Yeah, it’s fun, so you and me are gonna play.”

    “What?” Melody asked. It was too much, she was feeling dizzy, hollow inside.

    Beatrix leaned in close and wrinkled her nose. She said, “Damn, you are pretty gross tonight. You’re never squeaky clean but you stink even without the diaper.”

    Melody blushed again, her stomach in free-fall.

    “Hah, I was right, you’re embarrassed and you like it,” Beatrix said. “Your nipples are about to poke right out of your shirt.”

    Melody threw her arms around her chest and bowed her head, still quivering. Quivering for a lot of reasons, she realized, one of them being that she would do anything to be under Beatrix in bed right now.

    “This is amazing,” Beatrix said. “We don’t have a lot of time here, but we have enough for one quick thing. Get down on the floor.”

    “What? No,” Melody protested. Everything was spinning, and the aching heat in her crotch was not helping.

    “Lie down on the floor Melody,” Beatrix said, grinning like a vampire. “I’m going to step on you.”

    “This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening…” Melody thought. The floor honestly sounded good, as dizzy as she was. Besides, all Beatrix had to do to make her friendless was open the door and call the rest of the group in. She could even tell her stream viewers. Melody half-tumbled to the floor, rolling over on her back.

    “Maybe you’ll catch a look at my panties,” Beatrix said. “Try not to get a nosebleed, weeb.” Beatrix raised a foot, and to Melody’s shame she craned her head to see a flash of red lace up Bea’s skirt. The foot came down on Melody’s abdomen, right over her bladder.

    “Let’s see if you’re done,” Beatrix said, pressing down none too gently. Melody groaned, gasped, and to her even greater shame, finished emptying herself into the diaper. When Beatrix crouched down to feel the warmth in the diaper all Melody could do was cover her face and quiver.

    It was, without question the most horribly embarrassing moment of her life. She was also one good squeeze on that diaper from loudly orgasming on Beatrix’s floor.

    “Nasty,” Beatrix said, giving Melody’s chest a light slap. She giggled at Melody’s soft moan. “Alright, get up, put your pants on, and go back to your laptop.”

    “Let me get rid of this thing,” Melody whimpered.

    “Oh no honey, that’s not happening. You’re doing the rest of the stream in that diaper, and then you’re staying after with me for some extra curriculars,” Beatrix said.

    The smart thing would have been to run home, but extra curriculars burned in Melody’s ears like a promise of paradise. There was still the matter of figuring out a way to get Beatrix to promise to be quiet too. With a whimper, Melody pulled her pants back on over the soggy diaper. Beatrix even helped her yank them up nice and high, and cinched up the built-in belt.

    “Get back to your seat, baby,” Beatrix said. “We’ve already hogged the bathroom for most of the break.”

    Trying not to feel the squish in her pants, or trying not to enjoy the squish in her pants, Melody gingerly walked back to her seat and sat on her soggy padding.