• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 07

    The rest of the LAN stream was a hormone infused nightmare. Melody played as best she could, while constantly being goaded by Beatrix. Every mistake she made warranted the use of the word baby.

    “Don’t be such a baby, get in there.

    Spit out your pacifier and shoot those guys.

    Don’t baby the jetpack, get up on that point!”

    Not that the absolutely drenched diaper she was wearing was going to let her forget either. All the while Beatrix taunted her, Melody’s mind raced with dread and excitement about what was going to happen after the stream. She couldn’t forget the feeling of being cornered in the bathroom, mocked by a disgusted Beatrix. Her lips tingled from the touch of Bea’s hand, her heart was squeezed by the humiliation.

    Not a moment too soon and far too early, Beatrix called an end to the stream. Financially it was a huge success. Even paying for the new accounts they were all going to walk away with a few hundred bucks on top of the fun they’d had. As the other four teammates left one by one, Melody sat in her soggy, rashy diaper and waited for Beatrix to tell her what was to come.

    “I thought they’d never leave!” Beatrix said after closing the door behind Ginger. “Alone at last, baby girl.”

    “Beatrix please,” Melody said. “I’ll do whatever you say, but please don’t tell anybody okay? It’s not a regular thing for me, I was doing it cause my roommate wanted to uh, play around.”

    “Oh good, you’ve already got rule one figured out!” Beatrix said, spinning Melody’s chair to face her and leaning on the armrests. “You do whatever I say, or your secret is out.”

    Melody whimpered and said, “Please, Bea…”

    “Let’s see what’s in your bag,” Beatrix said, snatching it off the floor. She peered inside and cackled. “I fucking knew it. Another diaper and all kinds of baby supplies. You wanted to get caught, didn’t you?”

    “No! I–“ she was cut off by Bea’s hand on her mouth again.

    “Hush,” Beatrix said. “You’re cute when you beg but I want you quiet for a moment. I still don’t want to fuck you. This is about the control for me. We’re not girlfriends. If you get off, it’s because you’re a dirty freak who is really into this stuff. Most likely you’re going to have to jill-off when you get home.”

    Beatrix plopped down in an armchair against the wall. She looked Melody over and said, “If I feel like jilling-off with you around, I will, because you’re here to be my toy and get stepped on. But I’m not all bad. If you’re a really, really good baby and you do everything I say, maybe someday I’ll let you eat my pussy.”

    Melody’s mouth hung open. Having to sit and listen to that speech was almost as humiliating as being forced down on the floor and being stepped on. Getting turned on by that speech while in a wet diaper topped the bathroom experience for humiliation by a long shot. It was the absurdity that was the worst part. She could walk out of Bea’s house right now. Nobody would believe Bea about the diaper without proof. Melody could laugh it off.

    But she wanted it. She wanted to be the focus of Beatrix’s attention. She wanted those beautiful hands on her body. God help her, she desperately wanted to bury her mouth in Beatrix’s heavenly snatch. Even if it would never, in a million years actually happen. It was an obvious carrot dangled in front of her and she was going to pull the cart anyway.

    “It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything,” Beatrix said. “That dumb fish-look you have tells me plenty. It’s early and I’m tired as hell, so let’s get going. Strip. Clothes off, but leave the diaper on.”

    Melody stood up and fumbled at her pants with trembling hands. As she slid them slowly down, Beatrix leaned over and whispered, “Come on baby, I want to see you naked.”

    A sort of whimpering moan came out of Melody before she could stop herself. There wasn’t much to take off anyway, her shirt and socks, it hadn’t been a day for a bra. She tried covering her chest but Beatrix pulled her arms to her sides.

    “You know, you have some pretty nice tits,” Beatrix said. She pushed Melody into turning in place, poking and prodding her at random intervals.

    “How’s that diaper feeling?” Beatrix asked.

    “Feels gross,” Melody said.

    “Aww, you want it off, baby?” Beatrix asked.

    “Yes please,” Melody said.

    “I don’t know,” Beatrix said. “As dirty and gross as you are right now, it kind of fits you. I mean look at this hair.” She grabbed a clump of Melody’s hair, it was greasy enough to clump, and let it flop down to her shoulder.

    “I – I’m sorry,” Melody said.

    “Damn I wish the guys I get with would be half as good at subbing as you are,” Beatrix said. “You beg nicely, you apologize, you’re obedient…” She stepped in front of Melody and lifted Melody’s chin with a fingertip, staring into Melody’s eyes. “Are you my gross little diaper slut?”

    Tears leaked out of Melody’s eyes, she trembled between humiliation and desire, “Yes Beatrix.”

    “Yeah, this is a turn-on,” Beatrix said. “I was a little worried it wouldn’t be hot enough. Congratulations baby, you finally got me wet.”

    Melody hoped she wouldn’t have to answer, she closed her eyes and whimpered softly.

    “Oh, you liked that,” Beatrix said. “Alright, you can ditch the diaper. And no going all cross-legged. I want to see this pussy that’s been so hot for me.”

    It was a relief to rip open the tapes and let the diaper drop. Even to Melody’s saturated nose, the smell made itself known, but the air was nice and cool on her skin. Beatrix leaning back to inspect her naked body sent another thrill through Melody.

    “Not bad, you keep it shaved I see. Probably a good thing for a diaper slut,” Beatrix said. “Now, bend over my lap.” She patted her skirt.

    Melody laid herself over Beatrix’s legs. This was a dream come true, but it was happening in such a messed up way. Beatrix didn’t wait, she started spanking Melody’s ass like it was free real estate. The slaps weren’t bad, in fact they barely stung. Melody had expected punishment from the spanking, not sexy slaps. Which was a punishment of its own, she supposed. It wasn’t as if Beatrix was going to finish her off. Throwing whatever last tatters of dignity she had to the wind, Melody moaned and squirmed on Beatrix’s lap, panting as the light spanking drove the heat between her legs to a furnace fire.

    “That’s probably enough,” Beatrix said, stopping the spanking and laughing at Melody’s extended whine. “Damn, you’re all sticky with piss. My skirt is probably super dirty. Let’s check and see how turned on you are…”

    A finger sliding up Melody’s slit nearly slipped into her soaking sex on its own. Her head came up as she shamelessly cried out, with tingles all over her crotch.

    “Oh wow, you probably are going to come at some point when we’re playing,” Beatrix laughed. “My finger’s gunky now though, and you know this isn’t my thing.” She shoved Melody off her lap and to her knees. After taking a moment to admire Melody’s sweaty, flushed face, Beatrix put her wet finger to Melody’s lips.

    At this point the humiliation was a constant. In her obedient, horny haze she licked the finger. She’d never been a fan of her own taste, but this time it was heaven. Panting, she waited for more. A little bit more, and as Beatrix said, she’d be able to come.

    “That’s enough for now,” Beatrix said, dashing all of Melody’s hopes into a deep darkness. “Go to the kitchen and drink two tall glasses of water.”

    Melody obeyed. When she returned, Beatrix had her spare diaper laid out on the floor. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what Bea wanted next. Melody laid down on the diaper. Lotion and powder rained down from a height, the lotion mostly landing in Melody’s diaper area, but the powder drifting everywhere, sticking to Melody’s sweaty skin. Bea taped the diaper up tight, and looked down at Melody.

    “You look tired. You tired, diaper slut?” Beatrix asked.

    She was tired all the way to her bones, Melody realized. The Adderall and the red bull had worn off a long time ago. The horny rush was running down. She was crashing in three or four different ways.

    “Put your clothes back on and take a nap. You have until I finish adding up the money and clipping the stream for previews. I don’t want you dying in a car crash on your way home,” Beatrix said, nudging Melody with her toe.

    Melody complied, half asleep by the time she was in her clothes, crashing out on the couch almost immediately. When she woke, she had a massive headache, and her bladder was screaming. She looked up to see that it was Beatrix that had shaken her awake.

    “Wakie, wakie,” Beatrix said. “Need to pee?”

    “Yes…” Melody said, only half aware of the diaper she had on.

    “Then do it,” Beatrix said. When Melody hesitated, she got a light slap across the cheeks. “Piss yourself, slut.”

    Melody bit her lip and let go, soiling herself for the second time in Beatrix’s house. There wasn’t any buildup to make it feel sexy, she was ashamed, tired, and wet.

    “Good baby!” Beatrix said. “I’d kiss you but your breath smells like dogshit. Go home.”

    Melody nodded and grabbed her bag, shuffling toward the door.

    “Hey, diaper slut!” Beatrix called out, halting Melody in her tracks.

    “Wh-what is it?” Melody asked.

    “Shouldn’t you thank me?” Beatrix asked, hands on her hips.

    “Sorry. Thank you, Beatrix,” Melody said, hanging her head.

    “Good girl, now go home and beat off,” Beatrix said.

    Melody blushed, knowing she was going to do exactly that. Shuffling due to the uncomfortable wet padding around her crotch, she slipped out the door and was free from Beatrix at least for the moment.

    When Melody got home, the house was mercifully empty. She waddled to her room and flopped down on the bed. The first orgasm reignited the fire that Beatrix had lit. It took two more to douse it. When she finally came down and could relax, Melody realized she was crying. It didn’t make any sense why, her brain was John Cena level confused about it, but she couldn’t stop either. She finally got to fool around with Beatrix, even if it was in a weird way, and still, sobs. Sobs that wouldn’t subside for half an hour.

    In her exhaustion, Melody gave serious consideration to passing out. Only the thought of Briana finding her tear streaked, stinking of sex, and in a soggy diaper gave her pause. Imagining Briana fetching Victoria to ‘help’ with the situation was enough to get her out of bed.

    The shower did feel good, all forty minutes of it. The diaper was hidden away, deep in the outside trash. For some reason pajamas seemed like the pro-gamer move, so Melody put on her only pair. Clad in a Transformers PJ set, Melody crawled into bed and crashed hard.

    The problem with having roommates was that they would make noise whenever they felt like it. Like in the middle of the afternoon, at like, four. Melody glared at the door but her laser-eyes failed to activate. They never activated when she woke up grumpy. Or any other time. Maybe she could do a return on Amazon.

    Melody blew out a long sigh that ended in a raspberry. It was probably enough of a nap. She hauled herself out of bed and gave herself a quick look in the mirror. The evaluation came back at probably cleaner than she normally was, considering she’d showered. With a shrug she ventured out of her room in search of carbs.

    Casey was in the kitchen looking all big and sporty. A light blue athleisure outfit and a perfect sheen of sweat were the outfit for the day. Big himbo energy for sure.

    “Hey Melody, cute PJs,” Casey said.

    “Oh, thanks, I needed some comfort after a super long day and an all-nighter. Do we have Kraft dinner?” Melody asked, poking her head into the pantry.

    “I could make you something way healthier than that,” Casey offered.

    “Would it taste exactly like Kraft dinner?” Melody asked. “Or would it break my comfort food needing heart?”

    Casey laughed and walked over to the pantry, reaching into the back of the top shelf to produce two blue boxes of happiness.

    “Thanks!” Melody said, grabbing butter and milk from the fridge.

    “Why the all-nighter, isn’t it early in the quarter for that?” Casey asked.

    “Not school related,” Melody said. “I have a friend who’s a streamer. She and I and a few others have a high level Overwatch team. We made a ton of donations last night rocketing up the ladder.”

    “I didn’t realize we had an e-sports celebrity in the house,” Casey said.

    “Ha-ha. I know better than to go pro e-sports,” Melody said. “Big stress and tiny money.”

    “Yeah, it’s the same in physical sports,” Casey said. “I could have gone for the Olympics but honestly, it can chew you up even if you do get gold. And if you don’t get gold, no one remembers you did it.”

    “Exactly. Champions eat cake, everyone else eats shit,” Melody said.

    “What are you going to do when you finish your program then? With that outlook you probably don’t want to teach,” Casey said.

    “Hell no, seems like they’re only adding adjunct positions nowadays,” Melody said. Ingredients assembled, she stirred her double-batch of MSG and Cheese. “Freelancing is actually working okay right now, but at some point stable income would be nice. Maybe I can go through hell at a startup at some point and save all the money. Not sure really!”

    “You’ve got a better setup than me if you’re already making money,” Casey said.

    Melody nodded and stirred the pot. There was a question trying to escape her brain, but no good way to ask it. She didn’t have many fucks to give on a good day, and the field was completely barren right now. With a shrug Melody gave in to temptation and asked, “So, uh, what’s the deal between you and Briana?”

    “Why, you interested in her too?” Casey asked, way too casually for such a quick clap back.

    “No! No, I uh, am trying to figure out relationships and stuff here. It’s a lot of people to keep track of, and I’m not good at that,” Melody said.

    “Yeah fair enough,” Casey said, apparently not bothered. “It’s kind of a friends with benefits thing I guess. I like her a lot, and we have a good time, but I have another girlfriend that I see a lot more often in a romantic way.”

    “Can I ask uh, how you got into her whole thing?” Melody asked.

    “Sure. I was always attracted to Briana, and we ended up flirting when she was going through her whole transition. The way we play kind of evolved with her needs. It turned out to be hot and so I kind of went with it,” Casey said.

    “Okay, sorry for being nosey,” Melody said.

    “I really don’t mind,” Casey said, chuckling. “You sure you don’t have any interest? You two play a lot. More than anybody but Veronica and Jane do with her.”

    “She comes to see me mostly. I’m a shiny new toy, she’ll get tired of me and calm down eventually,” Melody said. It sounded a little too true. So true that she had to pretend to inspect the pot to hide a wince at the cold sharp feeling in her gut.

    “I don’t know, she’s a pretty genuine person,” Casey said.

    “Hey Casey, hi Melody!” Briana chirped on her way into the kitchen. “Whatcha guys talking abou– Oh my gosh is that mac and cheese?!” Briana was in her grown up clothes but as always, she didn’t sound it. It was hard to imagine her being adult in class.

    Casey intercepted Briana’s dash toward Melody, picking her up with comical ease and dangling Briana upside down by her ankles. Briana shrieked and giggled, holding on to her plain blue t-shirt to keep it from falling.

    “Slow down you, that’s Melody’s dinner,” Casey said.

    “She can have some if she wants,” Melody said, pulling the pot off the stove. “I have a bunch, and I can always make more if I need to.”

    “But she hasn’t even asked you yet,” Casey said. She pulled Briana up into her arms and tickled her, eliciting more shrieks and squeals.

    “Sorry! Sorry Casey!” Briana gasped and giggled. “Melody, can I AUGH! Can I have some of the mac and cheese, please?”

    Melody poured a pair of bowls and carried them to the table. “Sure, it’s actually way too much now that I look at it.”

    Casey put Briana down and she scampered away from those powerful arms, panting and disheveled. She stuck her tongue out at Casey and plopped down next to Melody. “Thank you Melody.”

    “You’re welcome,” Melody said, grinning at the obvious delight on Briana’s face.

    “I’m going to bounce, need to do my second round of running,” Casey said. “You two play nice.”

    “Hey, I’m not the kid here,” Melody replied, surprising herself a little at the sharpness of it.

    “Didn’t say you were,” Casey said, waving and jogging out the kitchen door.

    “I like your PJs,” Briana said. She scooted her chair close enough for her shoulder to touch Melody’s.

    “Thanks,” Melody said. Was she going to be a kid in the house because she hung out with Briana a lot? That didn’t feel good.

    “Do you wanna play this evening?” Briana asked.

    “Uh, I would love to, but staying up all night burned a lot of time that I should have been working,” Melody said.

    “Oh, okay,” Briana said.

    “Maybe this weekend though?” Melody asked.

    “Oh, not until the weekend?” Briana asked.

    “Depends on how much I get done,” Melody said, feeling guilt sink in on top of the mac and cheese in her belly. “I really am behind.”

    “I understand, I have homework and stuff too,” Briana said.

    “Cool, sorry, you know how grad school and work and stuff gets,” Melody said.

    “Yeah, of course,” Briana said, nodding but with no enthusiasm. “Thanks for making mac for me. I’ll clean up the plates and pot and stuff if you want.”

    “You don’t have to–“

    “I don’t mind!”

    “Okay, okay, thanks Briana.”

    Melody got up awkwardly from the table and shuffled out of the kitchen. The whole conversation had been a Kobayashi Maru. Worst of all, there was a ton of work waiting for her. It was sorted into categories of mandatory, sort of optional, and actually optional. Unfortunately those categories were only for her school program. The ‘optional’ stuff was the paying work.

    Melody whipped her pajamas off in a sudden flash of anger. In a few minutes she was back in leggings, a t-shirt, and her door was firmly closed. With the lights off and a red bull on the desk, it was time to get back to business.