• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 05

    “Hey Briana!” Tamira, her main study-buddy, flagged her down from the door of one of the study rooms. Briana waved back but didn’t hurry over, anything above a slow walk made her crinkle. It probably wasn’t that loud but to Briana’s paranoid ears it sounded like everyone could hear it.

    “Hey Tamara,” Briana said. “Are we the first ones?”

    “Yeah, and probably the only ones today,” Tamara said. “Thanks for not letting me down!”

    “No problem,” Briana sat carefully across from Tamira. “Are you letting your hair grow out?”

    Tamira nodded, proudly patting the thick curls around her head. “Yeah, actually got a job where the dress code doesn’t prohibit my natural hair.”

    “That’s awesome!” Briana said. “It looks really pretty.”

    “Thanks hon,” Tamira said, beaming.

    Digging into the material for their Advanced Topics in Biotechnology course was enough to wipe pretty much all the little-feeling from Briana’s mind. It wasn’t until the second hour that the soda kicked in and Briana felt caught between mindsets again. Going back to being little was a long, long way from talking to Tamira about synthetic bacteria production. Since getting everything sorted out over the summer, she hadn’t wet at all while in big-space.

    Hoping Tamira wouldn’t notice, Briana bit her lip and carefully relaxed. It wasn’t a ton of wetting, but enough to soak her crotch and run back across her rear. Squished as it was by her jeans, the diaper couldn’t expand, which meant the wet feeling wasn’t going away any time soon.

    Tamira didn’t seem to notice at all. They continued on with the studying while Briana reveled in her little secret. By the end, both women were rubbing their eyes from the strain of going back and forth between books, notes, and online journals on their phones.

    “That’s probably enough for today,” Tamira said. “We should catch up a little anyway. You kinda vanished over the summer.”

    “Yeah I uh, had a lot of stuff going on,” Briana said, squirming in her wet diaper.

    “Yeah, I heard that you got like, assaulted after a biochem final,” Tamira said with a sympathetic frown. “Are you okay?”

    “That was really bad,” Briana said, looking down. “But my roommates were super cool and helped me out a ton. It’s better now, thanks.”

    “Well I want you to know that whatever issues you’re having, I’ve got your back, okay?” Tamira said.

    “Oh uh, thank you,” Briana said. A nervous knot was growing inside her. How much had Tamira heard anyway?

    “No problem, really,” Tamira said. “If you need anything, I’m right on campus in the graduate dorms. You can always borrow a pair of pants… or whatever.”

    Briana blushed profusely, there’s no way that spare pants were being offered as a coincidence. She should have expected that the story would spread after Lisa flipped up her skirt during her biggest, worst accident.

    “Seriously, I’m not judging your or anything!” Tamira said. “I want to help if I can.”

    “Um, thanks,” Briana said. “Look, I should go…”

    “Oh sweetie, I’m really sorry I said anything,” Tamira said with a worried expression. “I wanted you to know that it’s more than your roommates that got your back.”

    Briana squirmed, in no small part because the squashed diaper was STILL not absorbing everything. “I… okay, yeah. It’s just um, an embarrassing problem.”

    “I totally get it, and I’m not saying that I understand your issues or whatever, because I’m sure I don’t,” Tamira said. “I want to be supportive.”

    With a big sigh, Briana banished the butterflies in her stomach. “Okay, thank you Tamira.”

    “And for real, if you need help right now…” Tamira said, giving a gentle smile. “I’m only saying because there’s a little bit of a smell hon.”

    Going scarlet down to the collar of her shirt, Briana put her hands in her lap and curled in on herself. Unfortunately, Tamira wasn’t giving her any reason to make a scene, she was waiting patiently like a good friend, or something. After a few minutes the position was uncomfortable enough that Briana had to uncurl and face her friend.

    “I mean I can just go home, my ride is picking me up in an hour or two,” Briana said.

    “You don’t have to sit in it for that long, come on, let me get you some spare protection,” Tamira said.

    “Wait, why do you have dia – um, protection?” Briana asked.

    “I’ll tell you why when we get to my dorm, okay?” Tamira said with a wink.

    Confused and embarrassed, but curious too, Briana packed up her books and followed Tamira out of the library. It was a quick trip, across one lawn and around a building before she was heading up the elevator to Tamira’s place. She had to admit that two more hours in the diaper didn’t feel like a good idea, her skin was already gross and rashy.

    Tamira’s dorm was basically a studio apartment, even with a tiny kitchenette. Small, sure, but everything was nice and newish. There was a cool coral and brown color scheme going on that almost looked like it was out of a magazine.

    “Wow, your place is nice!” Briana said, setting her bag down.

    “Aw, thank you hon,” Tamira said. “So, I know this is going to be a super big ask, but can I see your diaper?”

    Briana looked down and dug a hole in the carpet with her toe. “I don’t know…”

    “Oh right, I didn’t tell you yet!” Tamira said. “Here’s the deal, I’m trying to get my boyfriend to wear them, so I have most of the stuff but I wanted to see how somebody else was wearing them. To see how it goes.”

    “You are?” Briana cocked her head to the side. “Why?”

    “Cause I think it’s super hot,” Tamira said with a big grin. “We have a whole kinky thing going on, and I think it’d be a great add. Don’t worry, I’m not hitting on you, I’m not into girls. This is for research.”

    Briana dithered, chewing her lip. Apparently the whole school knew about her, which she probably should have guessed. Tamira was being nice and maybe it would be okay, especially if Tamira was excited about it.

    Looking Tamira in the eyes she saw the same, goofy nerdy expression that Tamira had when she got excited about virus interactions. With a shy smile, Briana unbuttoned her jeans and slowly unzipped them. After another moment to gather her courage, she slid her pants down and stepped out of them.

    Tamira’s face lit up, she did a quick circle around Briana and grinned. “Girl, those are cute! Where did you get those?”

    “I don’t know, my uh… Veronica buys them for me,” Briana said. “Oh um, except these came from uh… someone else.”

    “Well they are really pretty, I like the skateboarding unicorns,” Tamira said. She was holding her hands away from her side like she didn’t know what to do with them. Briana rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Tamira.

    “You can touch them if you want,” she said. The words were hardly out of her mouth before Tamira was patting her butt, and giving the rest of the diaper a quick once-over. True to her word, it wasn’t a sexy touch, but it still made Briana feel little. Standing in front of someone in her diapers had always meant being little.

    “Okay, I’ll stop,” Tamira said reluctantly. “There’s a bunch of them in the bathroom cabinet, behind the towels.”

    After being released from her jeans, the diaper had finally absorbed all the liquid, but Briana still wanted to clean off. She tried wetting, figuring she might as well get it all out, as she slipped into the bathroom and closed the door. A good sized trickle flowed into her diaper, properly absorbed this time.

    The towels were on the bathroom counter and Briana was investigating Tamira’s diaper stash before she realized she could have used the toilet. Giggling softly to herself, Briana popped the tapes on her diaper and dumped it in the trash. Tamira was right, there was a bit of a smell, and the diaper padding was dark yellow. Briana resolved to drink more water.

    There was a single box of wipes, so Briana took one and did her best, reaching under herself with her foot on the toilet. Immediately she felt bad for criticizing Melody, it was not easy to make sure she’d wiped everywhere.

    “You okay in there hon?” Tamira asked.

    “Yeah uh, I’m just not used to um, doing this myself,” Briana said, managing to get that embarrassing info out only because she had a door between her and Tamira.

    “Are you saying you need some help?” Tamira asked. “Because I could really use the practice for my boyfriend.”

    “No, I wouldn’t expect you to…” Briana said, unable to make herself complete that sentence.

    “Seriously, I want it to go well when I do it with him, so I do need practice. I’ve tried putting them on myself but it’s not the same,” Tamira said. “Don’t say yes if you’re uncomfortable, but I’m offering.”

    Briana hesitated for a while, then tossed the wipe in the trash. The limits of her big girl patience was already stressed to the limit. She wanted to be little badly, and she knew she couldn’t do that with Tamira. Maybe she could at least be taken care of instead.

    “Yes please,” Briana said, opening the door shyly. “Um, I guess there’s no point in me covering up…”

    “Not if I’m about to change you,” Tamira said. She stepped into the bathroom and gave Briana a warm, friendly hug. There was nothing romantic about it and her eyes hadn’t even dropped down to Briana’s crotch. Breathing a bit easier, Briana returned the hug.

    “Uh, got another big favor to ask,” Tamira said. “Do you mind putting the old one back on? So I can do the whole process?”

    Briana shrugged and nodded, pulling the diaper out of the otherwise clean trash. It was a bit awkward to get the tapes set, but with Tamira’s help, she managed it.

    “Okay, I’m going to get you out of that quick, promise,” Tamira said. Grabbing a towel and Briana’s hand, she led Briana back to the bed and had her lie back on the towel. “Tell me if I’m messing it up, okay?”

    Lying back with her legs spread, Briana was surprised she wasn’t nervous when Tamira ripped the tapes open. There had been enough diaper changes to make it feel normal even with an unexpected person.

    “Nice plug,” Tamira said. “Do you want to leave it in?”

    “Yes please, it’s not uncomfortable,” Briana said.

    The businesslike way that Tamira wiped her down helped too, her study buddy obviously had babysitting experience. Thinking about being babysat made her want one of her stuffed animals.

    “I can’t be little with Tamira,” Briana reminded herself. “She doesn’t play that game with me.”

    The soiled diaper was replaced with a fresh one, probably the biggest one anyone had tried to put on Briana. She’d never met Tamira’s boyfriend but they must be for him. A soft sprinkle of powder and the ticklish sensation of having it patted down on her made Briana giggle.

    “Sorry this is so big, you could probably wear actual pampers, as tiny as you are,” Tamira said.

    “Yeah, I think we used a box of those once,” Briana said.

    “I’ll grab one and have it on hand in case you need help,” Tamira said in a pleased tone.

    “I should say no,” Briana thought. “But then she’ll ask why, and I shouldn’t tell her about Gary, I don’t know if he wants anyone to know he plays like this.”

    Tamira seemed fine taking silence for a yes, and anyway she was busy taping Briana up. It wasn’t exactly a snug fit, but it was pretty good considering how big the diaper was. She sat up cross legged and poked at her diaper.

    “How did I do?” Tamira asked.

    “Good,” Briana said sincerely. “Um, it’s good to use a little lotion before the powder, just in case of rashes. The diaper is too big, but even so you did a good job taping it.”

    “That was fun, I’ll take care of you any time you need it,” Tamira said, giving Briana another hug. Briana clung back, holding on to the last shreds of her big girl mode with some difficulty. As the hug separated she had to fight to keep her thumb out of her mouth.

    “I probably should go home, but uh, Tamira, thank you,” Briana said.

    “I told you, any time. I need the practice, I don’t want ta screw up after I convince my boyfriend,” Tamira said.

    “I’ll think about it, okay?” Briana said, grinning and working her way into her jeans. The bad fit on the diaper actually made it easier to squeeze in, but made for an instant worry about leaks.

    “I don’t actually need to use a diaper during the day,” Briana reminded herself. “I can be a big girl and stay dry!”

    Even so, going straight home seemed like a good idea. She even remembered to text Mom to let her know that she was taking the bus home. Mom was proud of her for that, which put a nice happy glow on the trip.

    Back at the house Briana was the first one back, which was super weird. The two-story living room was always a little echoy, but this time there were no other noises to cover it up.

    “Boo!” Briana cried out, giggling when the echo came back.

    Melody’s door was partway open, so Briana headed straight in and grabbed the laundry basket. It was a bit of a struggle to get it downstairs, the thing was overflowing with more than a week of laundry. Briana sorted the laundry into piles, pausing when a familiar scent hit her nose.

    A pair of jeans and a couple of pairs of leggings had clearly been soaked with pee. Briana stared at them curiously, surprised that Melody would be having accidents. It didn’t seem to be a very common thing, only three accidents in what looked like two weeks. Still, it was worth showing Melody that it was okay to wear protection if she needed it!

    Excited to be able to help her friend, Briana put those clothes in the laundry first. She added the special soap that Veronica had bought to deal with Briana’s accidents to make sure the smell would be gone. With the clothes washing, Briana headed upstairs to watch some TV.