• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 04

    On the second week of classes, Briana skipped along the gravel path on campus, trying to keep the rocks she was kicking inside the path. She should probably be getting a start on her homework, but it was hard to think about anything but going home and playing Little with her new friend. Evenings had been so fun lately, even when she was sitting in Little clothes hanging out in Melody’s room.

    Occasionally she’d worry that she was doing it too much, especially since Veronica had already pulled her out of Melody’s room on a couple of evenings to sit her down for homework. On the other hand, with Mom watching out for her, what did she have to worry about? Obviously this was something that was fun and new, and things would be back to normal by midterms.

    In the meantime, oh my gosh! Melody said that she could play on the Switch tonight if she was a good girl, and so she’d been super good all last night! It was no big deal to help Melody clean her room a bit. This afternoon she could surprise Melody by doing her laundry for her, the basket in her room was super full. Melody was always great about telling her what a good girl she was, but tonight would be supercharged!

    “Watch out where you’re kicking those,” said someone right in Briana’s path. She looked up in surprise and ran right into Gary’s arms. He was as muscly and cute as ever, with his brown hair cut back super short now.

    “Gary!” Briana said excitedly, “How’s the new quarter been? I like your new haircut!”

    “Thanks,” Gary said, grinning. He didn’t seem to mind keeping his arms around Briana, and she didn’t mind either. “You’re really fired up today.”

    “I’m really excited about our new roommate,” Briana said.

    “I heard you had someone moving in. Glad to hear she’s working out,” Gary said. He tugged lightly at the back of Briana’s jeans, craning his head over to peek. “You going back to wearing pullups at school?”

    “Not always, I just really wanted to today,” Briana said, with a playful butt wiggle.

    “Hmm, you in the mood to play?” Gary asked. “We’re at school but I have some supplies on me.”

    “I have a study group I hafta go to in like an hour, but until then it’d be fun,” Briana said, slipping into her little voice more than effortlessly, unconsciously.

    Gary chuckled and said, “Yeah, looks like you need it. Come on, little one.” He took Briana’s hand and led her across the school lawn to the looming faux-gothic administration building.

    “Where are we going?” Briana asked.

    “I have an office now!” Gary said proudly. “It’s more of a closet than anything else but it has a door that closes.”

    “Ooh, fancy,” Briana said.

    Gary had not been kidding about the size of the office. Briana had to squeeze past Gary behind the desk so he could close the door. Space was so tight that Gary had been forced to choose between having an unblocked window and having a bookshelf. The bookshelf had won out, though the shelf at window height was clear to let some light in.

    It was a little worrisome from a fire-code standpoint, but that kind of big-girl worry was hard to focus on at the moment. Double so when Gary took Briana’s backpack off her without asking and set it aside.

    “Bend over the desk kiddo.” Gary said, rummaging in his backpack.

    “I don’t wanna,” Briana said, pouting.

    “Come on now, be a good girl,” Gary said.

    “I am a good girl, I don’t need a spanking!” Briana said.

    “I wasn’t going to give you one, but if you don’t hurry up and do what you’re told I don’t have a problem giving you one,” Gary said.

    Pouting her very strongest pout, Briana bent over the desk. Unfortunately Gary was immune. With a resigned sigh, Briana held on to the desk, still not convinced she wasn’t going to get a spanking.

    She felt Gary unbutton her jeans and work them down her legs. He even popped her shoes off and took the jeans off completely. Had he locked the door? Strong, warm hands stroking back up her legs felt good, until they were patting all over her pullup.

    “Nice and dry, good girl!” Gary said.

    Briana blushed and squirmed, it’d been a while since she’d been inspected like this. It only got worse when Gary took her pullup off and spread her cheeks. Squirmy feelings were rapidly becoming butterflies in her stomach.

    “Gary, what are you doing?” she asked quietly.

    “I’m checking to make sure you’re cleaning yourself properly when you’re being a big girl,” Gary said. Apparently he wasn’t completely satisfied because Briana felt him wipe her tight ring with a baby wipe. That sent her into a huge round of blushies and heat between her legs.

    “Hmmm, I think you might need to come by for regular checks,” Gary said. Something cold touched her rear, Briana gasped when she felt Gary work a finger inside her along with a generous glob of lube.

    “Nuh uh, I’m fine being a big girl at school,” Briana protested, trying to keep from moaning.

    “You know you don’t get to decide that kind of stuff, that’s why you have so many people looking out for you,” Gary said. Briana gasped as the smooth metal of a butt plug pressed against her ring and gently slid in. It was a nice small one, but was still a presence she couldn’t easily ignore.

    “When do I hafta come to your office?” Briana asked.

    “You get done with classes around now, right?” Gary asked. “Come by after classes and I’ll make sure you’re doing well.”

    The thought of regular little time at school was thrilling and scary at the same time. Again, she pushed the scary off onto her caretakers. If there was a problem they would let her know. In the meantime it would make school a lot more fun. “Okay Gary, I will,” Briana said.

    After taking a moment to wipe his hands, Gary lifted Briana effortlessly into the crook of his left arm. She grinned and squealed as he rained kisses on her cheeks, lips, and forehead. Briana reveled in the feeling of being hoisted by Gary one-armed. It was something only he and Casey were buff enough to do and it gave the best little feelings ever.

    Gary draped a changing blanket on his desk and set Briana down on it. With a happy sigh, she held on to her feet and relaxed into the change. It’d been way too long since Gary had changed her! She’d missed the tender touches that turned her on as he applied lotion. He always put on the right amount of powder, and taped the diaper up nice and snug. Only Mom could do a better job changing her.

    After the change she sat in Gary’s lap, squirming around to hear her diaper crinkle. “Do we hafta be quiet in here?” Briana asked, big enough to worry about things like that.

    “Not really,” Gary said. “I mean, don’t scream or anything, but the office is right between two store-rooms and we’re in a back corner of the building. If you get too loud I can always put a pacifier in your mouth.”

    Briana grinned and nodded, snuggling up to Gary. He was so strong, and warm, and safe-feeling, she wished she could blow off her stupid study group.

    “Tell me about your new roommate,” Gary said.

    “Her name is Melody, and she’s really cool!” Briana gushed. “She has all kinds of cool toys, and dolls and stuff. Oh, and she has super cool costumes that she lets me wear! We’ve played dress-up like, five times already.”

    “Wow, that’s fun,” Gary said with a grin. “Is she Little like you, or a big girl?”

    “She’s a big girl, but she did wear a pullup once when I asked her to,” Briana said. “Oh, and she knows about all kinds of cool websites for little girls, some of them doing some really sexy stuff.”

    “I bet you liked that,” Gary said, gently tickling Briana until she squirmed in his lap. “Why’d you ask her to wear a pullup?”

    “Because on the websites there were girls in diapers cuddling and stuff and it looked really fun,” Briana said. “She hasn’t worn one again but maybe someday we can just sit and cuddle together.”

    “I like that idea, I’ll even babysit for you two if you need me to,” Gary said.

    “Really?” Briana asked. At Gary’s answering nod, she gave him a big kiss on the lips. That kiss lingered, and turned into a hot and sweaty session of Gary stroking her body and making out. She kinda wished she needed to pee, so that Gary could change her again.

    “I think regular checks are a good idea for sure,” Gary said with a grin. “I can stock the office a little better for playing too, as long as it is something that fits in a drawer or isn’t really obvious. What kind of stuff do you want when you come by?”

    “Snacks?” Briana asked hopefully.

    “You hungry?” Gary asked. Briana nodded. All he was able to round up was a protein bar (yucky), some dried fruit (yummy!) and a soda which was nice to wash down the fruit with. “I’ll get some better snacks in, maybe even some formula. I’ve got a kettle so I can mix it with hot water.”

    Briana giggled and said, “But only Mom gives me that stuff.”

    “Well I don’t my baby girl going hungry, what if you forget lunch?” Gary asked.

    “It’s such a baby thing,” Briana said. What if she couldn’t snap out of being little after having a bottle? The worry slipped away when Gary stroked her cheek and brought his thumb to her mouth. Closing her eyes, Briana sucked on the thumb gently.

    “I like you when you’re a baby. It should be okay if you’re done with classes, and Veronica has you taking morning ones,” Gary said. He clearly wasn’t in a mood to hear a no, and that honestly made Briana feel safer.

    “Oh, I almost forgot, I have a present for you,” Gary said.

    “Ah pweahsaht foah meh?” Briana said around Gary’s thumb. A belly laugh from Gary rocked Briana up and down, she giggled and hung on through the Garyquake.

    “Yes, a present for you,” Gary said, hefting Briana up and setting her down on his desk. “Close your eyes hon.”

    Briana closed her eyes and kicked her legs gently, until she accidentally booted Gary in the side with her toe. That earned her a bap on the foot. She giggled and let her feet hang idle.

    After some sounds of rummaging and the chair shifting around, Briana felt a couple of flat objects placed in her hands. Cruelly, Gary made her wait while he got back in his chair. Thirty intolerable seconds of Briana vibrating passed before Gary finally said, “Okay, open your eyes.”

    Briana opened them and gasped. On top was a huge set of colored pencils with four or more shades for every color. Under that was a coloring book of faeries and flowers that were super detailed. Every page would be easily a couple of hours of coloring fun.

    “Oh my gosh Gary, thank youuuuu!” Briana bounced on the desk, her diaper crinkling like crazy.

    “You’re welcome hon,” Gary said. “I know you get stuck on campus a lot waiting for a ride so this will give you something to do if you come visit me and I’m working.”

    “You really wanna make sure I come over to visit you,” Briana said.

    “Well, I like you a lot,” Gary said.

    “I like you too,” Briana said, carefully setting her present to the side. She slid off the desk into Gary’s lap and kissed him gently, pulling herself to him as close as she could.

    Another long, slow kiss left Briana glowing, and a little damp in the crotch. Instead of heating things up, Gary held her close. It was wonderful quiet cuddle. There definitely had not been enough Gary in her life recently.

    After a while, Gary peeked at his phone and said, “I probably need to let you go to your study group. Do you need help changing back into your pullups?”

    “Aw, you did such a nice job on the diaper,” Briana said. “I’ll just wear that.”

    “You sure?” Gary asked. “It’s going to be a lot bulkier.”

    “If my jeans fit over they should squoosh it down,” Briana said. “Can you help me?”

    “Of course,” Gary said. He set Briana down and helped her into her jeans. Getting them up over the bulk of the diaper was a bit of work, but with some jumps and Gary pulling the managed it. Once they were on, zipped and buttoned, you could hardly tell that there was padding under there.

    Briana wiggled her butt at Gary and asked, “How do I look?”

    “Like an adorable secret baby girl,” Gary said, hugging Briana from behind. “I’ll be setting up my office all day so drop by if you need anything, okay? Otherwise I won’t always be here, but I’m probably going to use it a lot while I have it.”

    “Okay Gary!” Briana said. She got up on tiptoes to give him another kiss and collected her backpack. With a wave and a little bounce, she was out the door.

    On her way out of the admin building, Briana tried to clear her thoughts and get back into big-girl mode. It was tough, extremely tough while wearing a diaper and with her rear plugged. She finally managed it by the time she reached the library. By then she was regretting the diaper. She hadn’t worn one in big girl mode in a long time. For the first time in quite a while it felt naughty and embarrassing to be wearing one.