• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 03

    Melody had a few days reprieve before she saw Briana again. After the second day she started wondering if Veronica had grounded the girl from talking to her. The quiet was nice but she didn’t want Briana in trouble, and she found herself missing the girl’s chaotic energy. Overall, there were way too many feels.

    On the third day Melody started keeping her room door open. On reflection moving in and keeping her door closed for days was probably making her seem like an antisocial emo. The worst part being that was that emos were over.

    Regardless, an open door had Briana peeking into Melody’s room within a couple of hours. Good thing too, because if Melody had to answer one more stack overflow question she was going to freak out.

    “Hey Bri!” Melody said, spinning her chair to face the door. “What’s up?”

    Briana looked a little different, meaning that she was actually dressed like an adult. Melody watched the girl walk uncertainly into her room in jeans and a t-shirt, gripping her right forearm behind her back.

    “Hey Melody,” Briana said.  “You got your room all set up?”

    “Yeah, no,” Melody said, chuckling. “I did a little more and then pushed the rest of the boxes into my closet.”

    “Oh, do you need help?” Briana asked eagerly.

    “Maybe this weekend?” Melody said. “I’m trying to concentrate on work and school right now.”

    “I never asked what your program is.” Briana said, still standing in a uncomfortable looking way.

    “PHD. Computer Algorithms centered on sound processing. Trying not to narrow it down any further until they make me,” Melody said. “Are you okay?”

    “What?” Briana asked. “Oh um, I’m just not sure if uh.” She paused for a moment then added, “Kinda having a mental conflict.”

    “You want to do your little kid thing?” Melody asked. “Go ahead if you want, but don’t pee on the carpet.”

    “That’s mean!” Briana said, her voice already shifting. “I don’t pee on the carpet.”

    “You had an accident last time you were in here,” Melody said, “Maybe I should put down one of those puppy-pads.”

    “Nuh uh!” Briana said, smiling and squirming at the same time.

    “Don’t you want to be my puppy?” Melody said, grinning at how fun Briana was to tease. “I could teach you tricks, and take you on walks, and feed you treats. You even have a little cage already.”

    “That’s a crib!” Briana protested. She blew a raspberry at Melody and they both burst out in giggles.

    “Actually I was wondering, you go to school dressed like an adult and all that, but if you sleep in a crib every night does that mean you’re little every night?” Melody asked.

    “Um, Mom was going to put my big girl bed back in my room but it’s the smallest one and there isn’t room for it,” Briana said. “Plus I usually wet at night so I always have to go to bed with protection.”

    “Aww, cute,” Melody said.

    “You think it’s cute?” Briana said, an odd look of surprise on her face.

    “Why not? You curling up in a crib is an adorable image,” Melody said. “You look cute in a diaper too.” “Wait no, why did I tell her that last part?” Melody wondered nervously. “My stupid mouth is on a Do: While loop.”

    That train of thought was interrupted by Briana throwing herself into a hug with Melody. She hugged back awkwardly at first, then held Briana more tightly as it sank in that the girl was hanging on for what seemed like dear life.

    “Hey there, are you okay?” Melody asked, patting Briana gently on the back.

    “You’ve been so nice to me,” Briana said. She sighed and buried her face in Melody’s shoulder. The angle she was leaning over seemed uncomfortable, Melody tried to shift Briana closer, and ended up with the girl in her lap again.

    “Aw, uh, well I like you, I’m glad that um, you feel like I’m being nice,” Melody said. “People don’t uh, always understand me I guess.” “Damnit I’m babbling again.”

    Briana sat up a little and looked Melody in the eye with a frighteningly intense expression. “We’re going to be good friends.”

    “Oh um, yeah, cool,” Melody said, unable to stop her embarrassed smile. “Did I get friendzoned?” Melody wondered, immediately rejecting the idea. “No, bad Melody. Stop trying to date your roommate. You’ll end up as the ‘This is Fine’ dog.”

     “Can you show me those websites?” Briana asked out of nowhere.

    “Uh, which ones?” Melody asked, feeling a blush creep up her neck.

    “The baby ones,” Briana said.

    “Oh. Yeah, totes can,” Melody said. “But uh, maybe better close the door because some of them are a little uh, porn-y.”

    “Okay!” Briana said, up to the door in a flash and then back to Melody’s lap before Melody had a chance to figure out an alternate seating arrangement.

    “So uh, here’s one that–“ Melody managed to bite down on the phrase ‘that I like’ before it escaped her mouth, “seems pretty good and uh, has pretty pictures.” As the site pulled up Briana either didn’t notice or didn’t mention that Melody was auto-logged in for it. That was one small favor, Melody doubted she was a good enough liar to claim she had bought a membership to show Briana.

    “Oh wow,” Briana leaned forward, staring at the screen in rapt attention. “all the girls are really pretty, and they have such cool clothes!”

    “Yeah, if you want you can click…” Melody trailed off as Briana took the mouse and enthusiastically browsed the site. Melody had picked a site with pretty tame images up front, but it wasn’t long before Briana found the sexy stuff with vibrators, plugs, and bondage.

    “Oh, I used to use one of those!” Briana said, pointing to a sparkly princess plug being inserted into a baby that was enjoying things. Closing the door had made the room a little warm, Melody thought. It was definitely heating up a bit.

    “How come they’re tying her?” Briana asked, popping the picture up to full size, “She looks upset.”

    “That’s uh, called forced diapering I think,” Melody said. “She’s been a bad girl and so they’re putting her in diapers.”

    “Uh oh!” Briana said with a giggle. “I usually just get spanked, but I get diapered because I need it. I guess maybe it felt like a punishment at first. Oh, those two girls are having fun!”

    Melody squirmed, acutely aware of Briana’s soft rear on her lap. She’d expected Melody to be interested in the diapers and the baby toys, not to go straight to the porn. Luring Briana into her room so easily had been a socially awesome penguin moment, but had taken a hard left turn into awkward penguin.

    “I didn’t realize that sometimes both people playing would have diapers,” Briana said, turning to look at Melody. “Do you want to play like that sometime?”

    “Me?!” Melody squeaked. “Um, Briana, I don’t wear diapers.”

    “I know you don’t need to, silly,” Briana said. “But you could if you wanted. I have a whole bunch and they’re really comfy.”

    “I don’t know–“

    “Please Melody? Pretty please?” Briana asked.  She trained her most devastating set of puppy dog eyes yet on Melody. “You can dress me up in one of your costumes again!”

    “Did she figure out how hot she was in that fuku?” Melody wondered in a minor panic. Whatever the answer to that, she was crumbling fast in front of those eyes. “Maybe a pullup,” Melody said, hardly believing she was agreeing to it.

    “Really?! Yes, thank you Melody, thank you!” Briana said. She hopped off Melody’s lap and did a silly little happy dance Once again there was no stopping the train of excitement that was Briana dragging Melody up to her room.

    “I have trains, and bears, and Elsa, and ponies and stars!” Briana said, grabbing a pullup from the top of each neat stack in her changing table to show to Melody. “Which one do you want?”

    Melody stared at the pullups. Was she going to put one on? Why was she excited? This was stupid, putting on a pullup because she wanted to see Briana in some hot cosplay.

    “I have a Raven costume.” Melody thought. The thought wiped away her hesitation and before she knew it, she had the star pullup in her hand.

    “Good choice!” Briana said, putting the others away. Melody waited for her to turn around, close her eyes, something, but Briana watched her in excited anticipation.

    “Um, a little privacy please?” Melody asked.

    “Whaaaat?” Briana asked. “No way, you never give me privacy.”

    “That’s because I changed your wet diaper.” Melody said, not sure why she was arguing about this. She could go to the bathroom, she supposed, but then she’d have to walk there with a pullup in her hand.

    “I want to see you put it on!” Briana declared.

    Melody sighed. She slid her jeans down and lay them on the bed. Turning back to see Briana staring at her plan gray panties brought a big blush to her face.

    “Those are boring, we should go shopping for prettier panties for you,” Briana said.

    “Uh, I don’t usually show them to people so it doesn’t matter,” Melody said.

    “Nuh uh, it feels great to have cool panties on, see?” Briana dropped her own jeans, revealing white panties with little red hearts on them.

    “Those are cute, but you should get in a pullup too,” Melody said. While Briana had her back turned to pick a pair, Melody dropped her panties and donned the pullups as quickly as she could. It wasn’t that much different than wearing a pad, but Melody hadn’t used one of those since sixth grade. Diaper or pad, either way it was going to make her feel like a kid.

    Upon seeing Melody in the pullup, Briana gave a little squeal of delight and danced around her, naked from the waist down. She even patted Melody’s butt, which made for a sensation so weird that Melody’s brain went full Equations Lady.

    “I’ve never seen anyone else in those before,” Briana said. “It’s so cool to have somebody else to play like this!”

    “You should put yours on too,” Melody said, pulling up her jeans. There was enough bulk in the pullup that she couldn’t forget it was there.

    “And then we play dress-up?” Briana asked, finally donning a pair of the bear pullups.

    “Yeah,” Melody said. “I have to find something else to trade than diapers for putting her in cute cosplay,” she thought.

    Back down in her bedroom, with pullups on and her panties stuffed in a jeans pocket, Melody helped Briana into the Raven costume. In gray leggings, a black sleeved leotard, and the cape she looked incredible. The wig was too ratty from being in the box to be worth putting on, but the little red gem had enough stick left to stay on Briana’s forehead. Even the pullup was hidden, adding a bit of curve to Briana’s rear.

    “Am I pretty?” Briana asked, doing a twirl that set her cape flowing around her.

    “Yeah, you look great,” Melody said, feeling giddy at Briana’s answering grin.

    “Briana,” Jane called from the kitchen. “I still see a pile of dishes here. Come finish your chores.”

    “Daddy I’m playing with Melody!” Briana shouted back.

    “You can play with her after,” Jane called out. “Get in here and finish right now.”

    “Okaaaaay.” Briana sighed and shrugged at Melody. “I’ll be back okay? And then, can we play some more?”

    “Sure, what do you want to do?” Melody asked.

    “I hafta do chores and then probably homework,” Briana said with a pout. “But maybe, if it’s okay, you could put me to bed tonight? Read me a story and stuff?”

    “Sounds boring.” Melody thought. She was remembering why she didn’t babysit much. On the other hand, it was still pretty much impossible to say no to Briana, especially when she was in sexy Raven cosplay.

    “Yeah okay,” Melody said. She chuckled and ruffled Briana’s hair. “You better go do the dishes or you’re going to get grounded again.”

    “Okay, thank you! See you tonight!” Briana scampered off, cape trailing behind her.

    The prospect of returning to assignments seemed ridiculous to Melody, and doing some of her freelance work only slightly less so. In fact she wasn’t going to get anything done until her ladyboner was gone. At least there was an easy and fun way to deal with that!

    With her door firmly locked, Melody plopped down at her computer and cleared the screensaver. Diaper girls covered the screen, with a pair of them making out front and center. Normally Melody had to be pretty deep into pornhub to jill off to that kind of stuff, but after playing with Briana for the last hour…

    “Damn it, I think this DID awaken something in me,” Melody thought.

    She unbuttoned her jeans and slipped a hand down to her sex, smirking at the feel of the pullup on the back of her hand. It was going to make cleanup a lot easier at least. Rubbing her hood in slow circles, Melody browsed through the site.

    “What is it that makes this sexy?” Melody wondered. Normally she’d look at the girls in pullups and diapers and get a naughty imagined thrill of them being embarrassed. But now she was picturing herself with Briana. She delved deeper into the site, into the pictures of diaper changes, wet diapers, and videos of girls wetting. The wetter they were, the wetter she got.

    With a massive moan into the crook of her elbow, Melody leaned back in her chair, panting. That was the third one at least. It had been a while since she’d come three times without a wand or at least a bullet vibrator. Panting and sweating, Melody tried to relax until she realized that she needed to pee. She groaned. Getting to the bathroom was going to require some cleanup unless she wanted to advertise what she’d been doing to her roommates.

    Suddenly, a wild solution appeared! She could use the pullup for its intended purpose.

    Obviously, that was a stupid, silly idea. Melody wasn’t about to wet herself like some kind of… her train of thought derailed as the next video clip played, cutting right to a mortified girl wetting her pants.

    “Briana would be so hot wetting like that. Look at this girl, she’s getting off on it. I wonder if Briana gets off on it.” Melody thought. “I wonder… if I can get off on it.”

    Melody resisted a bit longer, biting her lip and plunging a pair of fingers slowly in and out of herself. Later she’d realize the decision had already been made, she was stalling. The first couple of dribbles that flowed over her fingers made her pussy catch fire. Melody had to ball up her shirt and shove it into her mouth to cover the shrieking moans that she couldn’t hold back. Hot and wet sprayed across her fingers and into her pullup, bulking it up immediately.

    It all felt so dirty, so wrong, and so good. She almost choked on the wad of shirt in her mouth when wave after wave of orgasms hit her. When she came back to herself she had a dry mouth full of shirt that she had nearly bitten a hole in. Taking in big, panting breaths through her nose she looked down at her jeans, twin lines of wet starting to ring her thighs. The embarrassment of that and her sticky, sopping hand surged desire through her again. Too tired to start up again, Melody sat and processed the strange, filthy feelings.

    Faster than she expected, Melody found her wet pullup uncomfortable. It took stripping completely and rubbing down with a towel from the morning’s shower before Melody felt like she could step out of her room. Even then, she cracked a window while she put on a new outfit, same as the old outfit.

    “That was fucked up.” Melody thought. “Why was that so stupid hot?”

    Desperate to bury the evidence, Melody wrapped the pullup tightly in a plastic bag. Her jeans she shoved to the bottom of her laundry hamper. By the time she came back to her room freshly showered she had finally put the experience out of her mind.

    Later that evening Briana was still in her costume. Melody herded the girl into her room and helped her get the costume off. The pullup, or a wonder, was dry. Surprising herself with how daring she was being, Melody patted Briana’s crotch, and was even more surprised at Briana’s near-lack of reaction.

    “Good girl, staying dry,” Melody said. “Do you have to go now?”

    “I’m not sure,” Briana said. The tone was playful, way too playful.

    “Go to the bathroom and try,” Melody said, pointing to the upstairs bathroom.

    “Can you come with me?” Briana asked, snuggling up to Melody in her pullup. “I need help with the potty and brushing my teeth and stuff.”

    “Okay, okay, put on a nightgown or something,” Melody said.

    “How come?” Briana asked, apparently into her game enough to be totally unconscious of her slim waist, her smooth freckled skin, her bangin’ perky tits–

    “Bad Melody, no biscuit!” She said to herself.

    “Because I told you too,” Melody said, swatting Briana on the rear.

    That had the instant and interesting effect of turning the girl completely docile. She put a nightgown on and came over quietly to take Melody’s hand.

    In the bathroom, Melody turned away after putting Briana on the toilet, but hearing the girl go stirred up some feelings from her spank session in the afternoon. It was weirdly, confusingly intimate to brush out Briana’s hair, and even brush her teeth for her, since Briana claimed she couldn’t do it at all.

    Feeling a bit mischievous, Melody made Briana drink two big glasses of water. Briana did it without much complaining, leaving Melody with back of the mind fantasies about how wet the girl was going to be that night.

    Back in the room she got to play with a naked Briana on her changing table, stroking the girl’s body gently before sliding a diaper under her butt. With a lot more care this time, Melody wiped Briana down and powdered her. It took a couple of shakey-handed tries but she got the tapes on nice and snug as well.

    Briana in a onesie was a thing that Melody didn’t know she needed, but she did. Briana in a onesie, in her crib, snuggled up to her stuffed animal was beyond adorable.

    “Also, still hot somehow,” Melody thought. FBI OPEN UP rang through her head.

    With a story read, a pacifier in her mouth, and the covers tucked up to her chin, Briana drifted off instantly. It would be nice to fall asleep that fast, to be that safe. Melody shook her head and turned off the light, walked out of the room.

    “How did it go?” Veronica asked, leaning against the upstairs rail.

    “Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Jesus Christ on Toast!” Melody said, jumping what felt like a foot in the air. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

    “I’m sorry,” Veronica said, though her amused smile didn’t look all that sorry.

    “It was uh, stupid sweet,” Melody said, rubbing the back of her neck. “She’s a good kid. Really cute.”

    “Wonderful,” Veronica said, stepping in for a hug. “Welcome to the family.”

    “Hey, what?” Melody squirmed out of the hug like a fussy cat. “Hey, I’m uh, you know, she wants to play and she’s having a good time and whatever.”

    “I think you’re having a good time too,” Veronica said.

    “Yeah maybe, way to call me out on it,” Melody said, though she couldn’t help but smile.

    “I think it’s great for Briana to have a big sister relationship in her life,” Veronica said.

    “Yeah that doesn’t make me your kid though,” Melody retorted.

    “I didn’t say it did,” Veronica said. “I’m not taking applications for another daughter right now.”

    “Now I’ve got to figure out where the nearest burn center is,” Melody thought.

    “Anyway, I’m going to go finish my freelance work,” Melody said. “Um, thanks for checking in and all.”

    “I want to make sure that both of you are okay with this,” Veronica said. “Goodnight Melody.”

    “Goodnight Veronica,” Melody headed downstairs, wondering why she felt like she had been sent to bed.