• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 10

    Briana murmured softly as Gary’s lips released her again. A half hour of making out on his lap had her ready for anything. He’d told her to be ready for a surprise, and at this point she was hoping that surprise was sex on his desk. Or in his chair. Or on the floor, against the wall, wherever!

    “It’s been great having you come over every afternoon,” Gary said.

    “I’ve been a good girl, I should get a reward!” Briana declared.

    “If you’re going to ask for sex, sorry, no,” Gary said, kissing a pout off Briana’s face. “I have office hours in like twenty minutes and I can’t have my office smelling like sex.”

    “Just spray some air freshener,” Briana said.

    “Uh huh. Do you want your reward or not?”

    “Oh, I get one?”

    “Yes, lie down on the desk,” Gary hefted Briana’s butt up on the desk, and she obediently lay down on it.

    The familiar crinkle of a diaper made Briana groan. “Gaaary. I like being changed by you but we do that all the time, it’s not a surprise.”

    “You’re right, the diaper isn’t your surprise,” Gary said. He pushed Briana’s skirt up and slid her panties down. “Now be a good girl and cooperate or you’ll have a surprise and a spanking.”

    Briana giggled and held her feet. As soon as the diaper went under her hips she could tell it was going to be a very sexy change. Gary was spreading lotion across her in slow, sensual strokes, with lots of focus around her rosebud and sex. The plug slipping into her rear wasn’t much of a surprise, even if it was a bit softer than usual. Something else rubbing against her slit until it slid slickly in certainly was though!

    “Ooh, Gary, what’s that?”

    “Wait and see.”

    Whatever it was had a thick bulb-like bit that slipped inside Briana, and a tail like bit that lay alongside her clit. She gave Gary a little trouble powdering and taping her up, but it was hard to sit still with such a full feeling giving her the squirmies. After that she had to wait while Gary did something to her phone. The wait got annoying enough that Briana drummed her feet on the desk until a nose-bap from Gary shut her down.

    Finally, she had her phone back in her purse, her skirt back on properly, and was sitting on Gary’s lap, expertly padded. She stared into his eyes on the edge of a glare, willing the surprise out of him. Gary touched the screen of his own phone, and the thing in Briana’s sex rumbled!

    “Ahh!” She cried out, caught totally off guard. Gary held her close and another rumble hit, then another. The vibrator buzzed to life and hummed merrily inside her, turning her insides to quivering goo. The little tail bit was even humming against her clit until the diaper had developed a genuine wet patch.

    Suddenly, it ended. Briana caught her breath, leaving her head on Gary’s chest for the moment. “What was that?”

    “Remote vibrator,” Gary said. “But that’s not all.”

    The buzzing started again, in Briana’s rear this time! She cried out again with a squeal instead of a moan. It felt good but funny and ticklish at the same time.

    “Hah! That was definitely worth it,” Gary said. “How’s your surprise?”

    “G-gary, that’s so intense,” Briana said. Her cheeks were hot. The heat was desire now but thinking about that happening on campus was bringing the embarrassment fast.

    “Those were both on the highest setting. I have lots of little patterns programmed, most of them are a lot softer,” Gary said.


    “I can’t do what I’d like to do with you today, but I can play with you remotely. You like me putting you in a diaper so you have a little secret on campus, well now you have three secrets.”

    Briana giggled, and nuzzled Gary’s neck. “But what if there are people around?”

    “If I don’t know where you are, I’ll keep it on low,” Gary said. “But you can also turn it off on your phone if you need to.”

    “Can I try the low oh OH–“

    The vibrator quivered to life again, this time a nice, soft buzz that was sending wonderful waves through her sex. She could manage this without moaning, probably. It was a distraction. A devastatlingly sexy distraction.

    “Of course you can make it more intense on your own,” Gary said. “If you wet, the diaper is going to transmit a lot more vibration.”

    Briana swallowed hard, and nodded. “This is… a really fun surprise. Can we go on a date soon?”

    “Tomorrow if you want,” Gary said. “This is a warmup for the date.”

    Briana grinned and leaned up to kiss Gary hard on the mouth. She didn’t let go either, pressing against him for a long, sweaty kiss and grinding her diaper against his crotch. When she finished, he had some nice bright spots on his cheek.

    “Well, I better let you prep for your office hours,” Briana said, hopping off Gary’s lap.

    “You’re leaving right after that?” Gary asked.

    “You’re not the only one that can tease,” Briana said.

    “Heh, I should have put you in Little mode first, you’re pretty sassy like this,” Gary said.

    “I guess you’ll have to do that next time,” Briana said. She flounced to the door and blew Gary a kiss. He caught it, and she sneaked out.

    As good as it felt to get a tease in on Gary, Briana realized she was pretty much at his mercy. Sure, she could turn off the phone, but that would make her a party pooper. Already pretty turned on, in a diaper, and with a vibrator that could start up any time, Briana was feeling jittery.

    Studying clearly wasn’t going to happen. It would be good to have someone to talk to, especially Melody. Nobody had seen Melody for a few days. She’d asked Mom to check on her, but Mom said that she’d gotten a text from Melody and that they had to respect her privacy. With the rest of her roommates in class or at work, there was nobody to see! Nobody except Tamira, she realized!

    Briana’s happy walk across campus was interrupted a few minutes in by the vibrator buzzing away in her diaper. Low setting or not, it sent her stumbling against a tree and leaning there while the soft rumble set her crotch tingling. Pink cheeked and panting, Briana got moving again as the vibrator died down.

    It hit a second time before she reached her destination, short staccato pulses that alternated between her sex and rear. That was confusing, ticklish, and had her sex as slick as a Slip & Slide. “No fair, Gary,” she mumbled.

    By the time she reached Tamira’s dorm she wasn’t sure she wanted her friend to be home. The vibrator buzzed to life again as Briana buzzed the intercom, harder this time, and for a few seconds. Moaning out loud before she could catch herself, Briana wondered if maybe Tamira would give her a corner to uh… lay down in.

    Unlike the vibrator, the intercom buzzer got no response. It was the same the second, and third time Briana pushed it. She felt the vibrator in her rear rumble and whimpered softly, Gary’s instructions about turning off her phone had fled her mind completely. Pulsing in soft waves of low to medium, the sustained sensation quickly overcame the ticklishness and created a whole new kind of pleasure.

    “Gaaaary!” Briana whined aloud to the empty courtyard. He had clearly underestimated the strength on the toys. Either that or he was playing a mean prank, but that didn’t seem like him. She wanted him so badly, wished with all her might that he would appear, throw her down on… anything, and take care of the feelings he’d created.

    As she dimly realized that she might actually come while leaning against the dorm door, Briana looked around desperately for somewhere to hide until the sensations stopped, or uh, resolved themselves.

    Hiding places were scarce next to the dorm, a good thing normally. There weren’t many people around though, a couple of guys walking toward the science buildings, a girl wearing a skimpy outfit and – was that Melody?!

    Briana blinked, biting back a moan though the vibrator had stopped. It was Melody, looking sad. A corset top, half-jacket, and short skirt made her look sexy, but were so out of place on her friend.

    Forgetting at least a little of her predicament in her concern, Briana jogged to catch up. “Melody! Melody!”

    Melody turned, and the look she gave Briana brought tears to Bri’s eyes. She looked haunted, and scared, with huge bags under her eyes. Briana didn’t bother to ask what was wrong, she grabbed Melody in a tight hug.

    Trembling and resisting at first, Melody suddenly hugged back hard. Briana held her friend until her arms started cramping. When they pulled apart, there were tear-trails on Melody’s cheeks.

    “Melody, what’s wrong?” Briana asked.

    “It’s noth – um, well obviously it’s something, uh, it’s complicated and I don’t want to –“

    “You can tell me! You look really sad!” Briana took Melody’s hand and held it tightly.

    “I don’t want to, I’m sorry Briana, I – “ Melody broke off suddenly, sniffing back a sob.

    “Well can I help?” Briana asked gently.

    “I don’t know uh, sorry I um, are you okay? You seem different.”

    “Oh, uh, I guess I’m not uh, ‘little’ right now,” Briana said, chuckling. “I don’t think you’ve ever seen me like this. Weird huh?”

    “Yeah uh, it is kinda, but not like, bad.”

    “Are you going somewhere? You’re not in trouble, are you?”

    “I’m always kind of in trouble lately,” Melody sighed. “You know what? Fuck it. No, I’m not going anywhere. You want a ride back home?”

    “You sure?” Briana asked, frowning. There was something super wrong with Melody, no matter what Mom said.

    “Yeah, come on, my car is over in G lot.”

    They walked quietly together for a few minutes before Briana realized the crinkling sound had gotten loud. She stopped for a second to try and pull her diaper up tighter, and the crinkling continued, a bit more softly. Eyes wide, she looked down at Melody’s skirt to see that it bulged a lot more in the back than it probably should.

    A couple of skipping steps had her caught up to Melody. There wasn’t any good way to say it, so after a deep breath, Briana said, “Melody? Can I ask about your outfit? I’ve never seen you wear stuff like that and uh, do you have protection on?”

    Melody froze. Briana stumbled to a stop and turned to face her friend. It wasn’t the embarrassed or even slightly scared expression she was expecting on Melody’s face, it was sadness again.

    “Uh yeah, uh, I guess you of all people would notice. It’s a whole um, thing.”

    “You don’t have to justify anything to me!” Briana said with a grin, pouring on every bit of positive energy that she could muster. “Me of all people, right?”

    To her delight, Melody cracked a small smile. Briana gave her another hug, which Melody relaxed into right away this time. As they resumed walking, Briana took hold of Melody’s hand. There was no objection.

    It was a quiet walk the rest of the way to the car, but a more comfortable one. Melody seemed a little better. They were off campus and plodding through city traffic when the forgotten vibrator kicked on again, catching Briana totally off guard. It was on low power, but the tail had settled perfectly against her clit and Briana couldn’t help but gasp and arch her back.

    “Woah, you okay?” Melody asked.

    “Uh, yeah,” Briana said, giggling softly. “Sorry, you’re not the only one with something unusual on. I hope this isn’t Tee-Em-Eye but Gary put two vibrators in me today and uh, one of them just went off. They’re remote triggered.”

    Melody was quiet, but when Briana looked over she had hot cheeks and nipples showing prominently through the thin satin of the corset top. Surprised and intrigued, Briana turned forward and slyly asked, “Uh, since you’re not doing whatever thing you were gonna do, wanna hang out when we get home?”

    “Yeah, um, okay. Uh, cool.” Melody said, her voice slightly husky.

    Briana grinned and settled down in her seat to prepare for any more random vibrations. There were two more before they got home. Gary was having a lot of fun with that little button of his!