• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 11

    “No, absolutely not!” Melody stared at Beatrix in shock.

    “I told you, you messed up when you blew me off.” Beatrix was looking especially cute in short shorts and a tank top that showed off flashes of bra, but even that wasn’t going to be enough to get her what she wanted today.

    “The selfies I’ve sent are bad enough. There’s no way I’m doing a whole photoshoot!” Melody shook her head emphatically. Internet was forever, and for all she knew the stuff she’d sent was on there already. At least she’d been able to hide her face, no way was she giving Beatrix control of the camera.

    “You sure you want to do this?” Beatrix frowned. “Remember our deal?”

    “If you’re going to tell everyone, then you might as well do it now before you have photo proof!”

    Beatrix sighed and rolled her eyes. “Damnit Mel, I didn’t expect you to break so easily. Do you really think I’m going to revenge-porn you?”

    “You’ve been crazy about this whole thing!”

    “Yeah, because that’s what you wanted.” Beatrix chuckled. “Hell, diapers are probably the perfect thing for this little game of ours, since it’s got you as wet as a faucet.”

    “Bee Ess!” Melody tried to ignore the heat in her cheeks. “You’ve had fun being mean to me.”

    “Yeah, that’s the part of the game that I wanted.” Beatrix shrugged. “You really want to end this, and go back to being just friends, but with a bunch of extra awkward?”

    “But that’s not, it isn’t…” Melody’s head was spinning. Was Bea really topping her awkwardly? Her train of thought derailed hard when Bea stepped in close and grabbed Melody’s face.

    “Oh hey, you brushed your teeth this time, good dolly.” Beatrix landed a hard kiss on Melody, making a possessive fist in Melody’s hair.

    Without thinking, Melody reached out for Bea and put her hands on the other girl’s butt. Beatrix didn’t push away. Drowning in the ecstasy of making out with Beatrix, Melody’s inner thoughts were reduced to the sound a microwave makes.

    The kiss ended, but Beatrix wasn’t done. Melody gasped as Bea’s hand went down her sweatpants, firmly cupping the wet patch in her panties.

    “See? You’re soaked. Now, you’re going to get dressed in the stuff I have for you, get down on the floor, and let me take pictures. You’re going to be embarrassed, and wet as hell. Especially because I’m going to take something off every ten pictures.”

    “I uh.. Bea uh…” Melody tried to remember why this was such a bad idea. She couldn’t let this happen, right? All she was able to come up with was, “Haha, Beatrix go brrr.”

    When Beatrix started stripping her, the last of Melody’s resistance was gone. She was down on Bea’s living room carpet and spread in no time at all. A bright blue diaper went on with no powder or lotion, something that Melody almost protested before she realized how crazy that would be. The cream-colored sundress that Bea pulled over her head really did deserve protest but the more clothes the better for this activity.

    The first few pictures were of Melody on the floor, face flushed, with a stiff smile on her face. It wasn’t quite hide the pain Harold, but Bea wasn’t happy. Unfortunately, Beatrix’s instruction to “Look cute” was light on specifics.

    “Fine, we’ll try some where your face doesn’t show. Get on your hands and knees, dolly.”

    Melody rolled over gratefully, only to freeze when Beatrix flipped the sundress’ skirt up over her waist.

    “Bet you dreamed about this pose with me before, huh dolly?” Beatrix slipped a hand along Melody’s inner thigh on her way to standing up. It got the moan she wanted, if Bea’ amused chuckle was anything to go by.

    A few more pictures snapped, and Melody was back on her back, with the skirt still flipped up. The growing nervous pit in her stomach wasn’t helped by Beatrice slipping off her tank top, but it was a hell of a distraction.

    “There you go dolly! If we can’t get you smiling, that soft horny look you’ve got going on will work.”

    Beatrix pushed a pacifier into Melody’s mouth, nodded in satisfaction, and took a few more shots. “How’re you feeling, dolly? Embarassed?”

    Melody nodded, whimpering softly behind the pacifier. That whimper became a gasp when Beatrix straddled Melody’s hips. “It’s hot, isn’t it?” Before Melody could answer, Beatrix leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I’m pretty hot right now too.”

    With another soft moan, Melody nuzzled Beatrix’s neck, daring to kiss along it. Her lips tingled, more at that she’d been allowed the kiss than the contact itself.

    “That’s right, good dolly. You don’t worry about what exactly we’re doing. You just think about being a good dolly, and how much you want my body.” Beatrix sat up and slipped her bra off, drawing it slowly away from her chest. Melody sat mesmerized until Bea pulled her hands up from her sides to place them on her bare breasts.

    Feeling heaven under her hands, Melody gently caressed Bea with eyes wide, the pacifier falling out of her mouth. Beatrix sighed happily, arching her back. Then she was gone, standing up suddenly enough to make Melody cry out softly.

    “Maybe more later, for now, let’s get that dress off. Don’t show your tits yet, give me some sideboob.”

    With shaking hands, Melody complied, getting up on her knees and turning her face away from the camera as well. Some shots of her bare back followed, and then she was cross-legged on the carpet with her hands covering her chest.

    Her heart was pounding for two reasons as Beatrix’s shorts came down and her hands were ordered away from her breasts. The last few shots were torture, but nothing compared to watching Beatrix put the camera down and slide a hand into her panties. Desire and embarrassment built in Melody as she watched Bea play with herself. The sounds she made, the way she shook at the end, it was all too much. Something had to give. Melody had her hands down her pants… no, her diaper. The threat of the camera couldn’t stop her. It didn’t matter what Beatrix might think.

    Pleasure exploded in Melody’s mind. Not once, twice, or even three times. Five explosions left Melody panting on the carpet, coming to the slow realization that she still had her hand in a sopping wet diaper. Wetting and masturbating was becoming a pretty normal thing, obviously too normal. Maybe she could summon the strength to get up before Beatrix noticed…

    That was as much a fantasy as actually having Bea for a girlfriend. Melody caught Beatrix’s eyes and blushed. The camera flashed again, a heart stopping strobe. “No, not that picture!”

    “Can’t believe you used it. You really like this stuff.” Bea slid her panties off with a languid, satisfied energy that pushed the sight from amazing to sexiest thing Melody had ever seen. So hot, right? Somehow Melody barely felt it.

    “Dirty dolly. Clean me up,” Beatrix said, offering fingers only ,which Melody sucked on obediently. The taste made her shiver. So many things she wanted to do with Beatrix were happening, but it was so wrong. All the sounds in the room felt muted.

    “You seem pretty out of it, I’m going to send you home in that diaper just for fun. Go ahead and put your clothes on and head out, Dolly.”

    With shaking hands, Melody pulled on her sweatpants and sweatshirt. Beatrix was already out of the room, didn’t even watch her go. She slunk off to her car and squished into the driver’s seat. She didn’t want music. The sounds of traffic were very quiet on the way back. Her cheeks were still hot, and wet too. No matter how many times she wiped them, her eyes wouldn’t stop leaking.

    Melody staggered into the house and nearly bumped into Jane. It took a moment to process that Jane was staring at her, along with Veronica. After a while she realized they’d said something.


    “Are you alright Melody?” Veronica asked. “I got a call from one of your professors, Dr. Phan? He’s really worried about you, he hasn’t seen you in over a week.”

    “Uh, yeah, that’s probably right.” Melody said softly. More hollow feelings inside. Her backpack felt heavy so she dropped it.

    “This might not be the time but we need to talk to you about your room at some point.” Jane said. “It’s… there’s a smell. We’re getting worried about bugs.” Another lump sank in Melody’s stomach.

    “Melody, is there something the matter? It looks like you’ve been crying. I’m not trying to pry but you seem really disassociated right now. Are you okay? Can we help?”

    “Is fine.” Melody mumbled. The lights in the room were going funny, colors and dark spots swirling around.

    “Melody!” Jane yelled. Or anyway her mouth was open big, but the sound was soft. She was tilting sideways too. Everything was going side…

    It was dark. Melody’s mouth was dry to the point of being sticky. Her chest felt tight. She was lying down on something soft, wrapped in a blanket. Her bed, but it didn’t smell like her bed. It smelled clean. The whole room smelled cleaner than it had been for a while.

    She sat up, feeling the diaper squish under her. It wasn’t soggy anymore, merely squishy. She had to go again too. Something had happened when she’d come home…

    “Melody, are you feeling alright?” Veronica asked gently.

    “Uh, oh, hey, I didn’t see you.” Melody tapped the lamp next to her bed, blinking at the soft orange light. Late afternoon then, if the smart-lamp had already switched away from blue-light. Veronica was sitting in the computer chair, gothy as ever.

    “Oh good, you’re awake this time,” Veronica said. “You got up a bit ago but collapsed again.”

    “I did?” Melody frowned. “What happened?”

    “Well when you came home you passed out. I hope you don’t mind that we cleaned up your room a little. We had to get the dishes out at least, and I didn’t want to put you back into a bed with dirty sheets.”

    “Um, no it’s cool, thanks.”

    “Melody, you don’t have to tell me what’s going on, but as your roommate and friend, I’m worried. You are not alright.”

    Melody’s heart sank, and kept sinking. She felt dizzy again, and let herself fall back on the pillow. “Yeah, maybe not.”

    “Can I help?”

    “I don’t think so. I uh, just have to figure some stuff out.”

    “I wouldn’t be this pushy if you hadn’t just fallen over in the living room, but it doesn’t seem like you are able to figure it out on your own. There’s no shame in asking for help.”

    “Well uh, this isn’t something I’d be able to go to a counselor for. I just um, yeah, no.”

    “Is that because of the diaper you’re wearing?”

    It should have been embarrassing, but Melody was too damn tired for blushing. “You noticed I guess.”

    “I did. It would have been hard not to when Jane and I carried you in here. I’m sorry you had to wake up in a wet diaper, but I didn’t know if you would be okay with me changing you.”

    “Thanks for uh, not.” Melody sat up again, rubbing her eyes.

    “I thought so. Melody, please ask for help from someone. It doesn’t have to be a counselor, or me. Before you get hurt physically, and hurt worse emotionally, please ask someone.”

    “What could you even do?”

    “Lots of things,” Veronica said. “But first I would just listen.”

    Melody sat there for a bit, staring at the floor. Like Kermit in the rainy window meme. The thought didn’t make her laugh, but it opened some space in the tightness in her chest at least.

    “I’m over my head I guess. Uh, there’s a relationship thing, and it’s sort of fucking up all my classes and work and everything. I don’t really know how to stop it.”

    “Sounds awful.” Veronica scooted closer and gently stroked Melody’s shoulder.

    “Yeah uh, well sometimes I like it, that’s the problem.”

    “I thought so, that’s what makes that kind of thing so awful.”

    “I tried to stop going to her, I really did. It’s not like she really has anything on me.”

    “Who doesn’t?”


    “Tell me about her.”

    “She’s hot,” Melody blurted out, blushing. “Uh, she’s such a bitch. She started doing this dom-thing and I uh, can’t resist it.”

    “Have you talked to her about how this is causing problems for you?”

    “She doesn’t care, she thinks its funny. I know I’m not super touchy feely, but Bea is kinda a um, zero empathy person.”

    “That’s really scary,” Veronica said. “Someone like that can cause a lot of havoc, maybe even on purpose.”

    “Yeah, but all I have to do is stop and uh, I can’t. I’ve never blown off class like this before. I even blew off a freelance job, I think I lost that client. I don’t know what to do.”

    “Well, the campus has addiction counseling services.”

    “No.” Melody shook her head. “I’m not uh, going into a group and telling people that a smoking hot bitch turned me into a diaper sub.”

    “I can see how that would be embarrassing,” Veronica said. “I’m not licensed but I have a therapy that could help.”

    “Yeah?” Melody asked, looking up hopefully.

    “It’s a little intense, but it’s quite private to people outside this house. It’d be a treatment similar to what helped Briana.”

    “Woah, wait, what?” Melody pulled back onto the bed, acutely aware of her diaper again. “I don’t want to be a baby.”

    “I’m not suggesting that.” Veronica said. “The program is based on giving up control to others and being supported so that you can rebuild your life. Diapers are an excellent way to do that because of how basic the control you’re giving up is. It doesn’t have to come with an age-play element. Briana stumbled into that bit on her own. The treatment might be even more effective without it.”

    “You are for real suggesting that I let you put me in diapers?” Melody scoffed.

    “Would it be better than I did it than Beatrix did?”

    Melody winced. “That was low.”

    “That was honest.”

    “I don’t know, what proof do you have that this works? Briana is your first person you’ve tried it on right? She’s still got problems.”

    “Briana came back from the brink of a total breakdown. It’s not surprising that she’s not at one hundred percent, but she’s doing pretty well. I’m proud of her, and the work that I did with her.”

    “It’s still hard to believe.”

    “I agree that it’s still a mostly untested therapy. How about if I compensate you for participating? That way even if it doesn’t help you, you still get something out of it.”

    “Compensate me?”

    “Six months rent. I’ll suspend your rent payments for six months, you try the therapy for at least three.”

    Melody blinked. That would instantly solve the money worries from any clients that were pissed. If only the whole idea wasn’t like, 4chan furry weird. She still had to go too, and would probably have used the diaper by now since it was already dirty. Except that would be proving Veronica’s point, or something?

    “I don’t know.”

    “Would you like more information about how it would work?” Veronica asked. She smiled a little when Melody nodded.

    “You would wear diapers when directed to, and not when you were told not to. I think you have some tangled up associates with those too, so the therapy could also help you get some understanding in that area. You’d be subject to my monitoring in terms of getting your work done, and your free time. If I told you not to go see Beatrix, you would have to obey.”

    “What happens if I break a rule?”

    “You get punished with a loss of privileges or a spanking, same as Briana does.”

    “And if I decide this whole thing is bonkers and want out?” “Spankings, really?”

    “Then you’re out. This only works with your consent. As an incentive to stay in, I’d only offer the full six months off rent if you finish your three months. Otherwise I’d reduce the rent suspension to three months.”

    Melody chewed on her lip. “I don’t know why I’m even considering this.”

    “Because you don’t want to use traditional counseling services.”

    Melody sighed indecisively.

    “How about a quick test run?” Veronica asked.

    “Like what?”

    “You need to be changed and cleaned up. You can do it, but I have plenty of practice in that area. Let me take charge of you for long enough to get you changed, cleaned up, and fed. After that, you’ll be in much better shape to make a decision.”

    “I don’t want to start the same kind of thing with you,” Melody said softly. Bea was bad enough, having that complication at home… no.

    “It will be non-sexual, I promise,” Veronica said. “But it will be caring. So probably the opposite of what you’ve had so far.”

    Melody winced. The tightness in her chest crept in a little. “O-okay.”

    “Thank you for trusting me,” Veronica said. “Now, hop up, I’m going to take you to the bathroom.”

    Melody took Veronica’s offered hand in amusement and followed along. To her surprise Veronica lead her to the changing table instead of the toilet.

    “I can just…”

    “Not your choice right now, up on the table, be a good girl.”

    Melody frowned, but the energy to resist didn’t appear. With Veronica’s help she climbed up on the table and lay down.

    “Now, do you need to potty again?” Veronica asked. “If so, go ahead.”

    “I uh, sure.” Melody said. It was hard to believe that it was happening until she felt the liquid hit her crotch. What happened to it being so difficult to go in a diaper? Veronica pressed down on her bladder and Melody grunted as the last of it came out, soaking the poor diaper until she felt a trickle escaping along her legs.

    That somehow pushed it over the line into embarrassment again, Melody clapped her hands over her face. “I’m sorry, look just let me clean up and…”

    “Hush, I’ve changed hundreds of diapers, this is not a bother.” Veronica’s clinical tone, combined with the crisp way she took off Melody’s sweats and tore open the diaper tapes pushed a bit of the embarrassment away. It certainly wasn’t sexy, even when Veronica got all up in her bits to clean them.

    It was relaxing, for a surprise. The wipes were cold, but applied with a firm, gentle touch. Veronica sat Melody up and stripped her down the rest of the way, popping her into a nice warm tub. She couldn’t remember the last time someone washed her hair, or her body for that matter. Veronica reaching around her with the washcloth was almost a hug. Melody found tears pouring down her cheeks again.

    With the same gentle care, Veronica wiped the tears away and hugged Melody, heedless of her wet and soapy state. A couple of big sobs against Veronica got the worst of the sad out. The tightness was starting to give way to a warm inner glow, boosted when Veronica toweled her off and put her back on the changing table.

    It didn’t even occur to Melody to wonder why she was getting another diaper, she relaxed into the gentle application of lotion and powder, and the snug feeling of the padding. She’d been wearing them enough the past week or so that it didn’t feel all that strange.

    There was a bit of a nervous moment when Veronica left her in the bathroom for a few minutes, but she was back in no time to dress Melody in her softest pajamas. Jane had a hot plate of nachos ready, which Melody devoured in record time even for her!

    With a full stomach and feeling warm all over in more ways that pajamas could account for, Melody flopped back on her bed. A dreamy smile floated on her lips. Noticing it made the smile vanish, but it was more than she’d had for a while.

    “Thank you,” Melody said.

    “I’m so glad, you look happier,” Veronica said.

    “Yeah, this helped.”

    “You don’t need to make the final decision now. It also won’t be all getting fed and taken care of. There’s work for you to do too, and I’ll be strict about it.”

    “Yeah, I know. But um, you were right about me needing help. Maybe this could fix some stuff.”

    “It was my pleasure, even if you don’t want to do the treatment. I like taking care of people.”

    “I can tell.” Melody said.  

    “I’ll get your answer tomorrow,” Veronica said. “Do you have anything urgent that has to be done tonight?”

    “No, I screwed up badly enough that I can’t fix anything tonight,” Melody said. Her heart felt squeezed again, but she was comfortable enough to push it aside for a bit. “I’ll have to talk to people tomorrow, figure out what I can do to move forward and how much of a hit my grades and projects took.”

    “While you’re doing that, I’ll see if I can get you some leniency for a mental health concern. You get cut slack for that, same as if you had a bad illness.”

    “Thanks.” Melody sighed and closed her eyes. “I’m tired, but not really sleepy. I guess I could find something to work on.”

    “Not right now I think,” Veronica said. “You still need to recover a bit. Why don’t you play Animal Crossing with Briana?”

    “Sounds fun.” Melody chuckled. “Uh, I didn’t agree to be your other kid did I?”

    “Certainly not. I’m still going to double check if you even want to do the therapy tomorrow.”

    “Okay, I’ll go find Briana then.”

    “Have fun Melody.”

    “Thanks again.” Melody stood up, and hovered awkwardly until Veronica gave her a hug. Melody made it a quick one, in case Veronica hadn’t been into it. With a weird kind of nervous happiness, Melody climbed the stairs to Briana’s room.