• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 09

    Melody squirmed nervously outside Beatrix’s door. On one hand, Beatrix. On the other hand, Beatrix. Horny memories of being stepped on were interrupted when Beatrix flung the door open and dragged Melody in by the front of her shirt.

    “Dolly, you made it!” Beatrix said, with a chilling smile.


    “Well Baby doesn’t seem right, because I’m sure not going to be your mom,” Beatrix said. “But I do like the idea of having a doll to play with.”

    “You don’t need to–“ Melody grunted around the pacifier that Beatrix had suddenly smushed against her face. Aggressive persistence won over Melody’s resistance, and Melody found herself with the rubber nub on her tongue and Beatrix’s hand over her mouth.

    “Dolly, hush,” Beatrix said. “Now, let’s look you over. Hmmm, boring, boring, boring, and wrong!” Beatrix plucked at Melody’s T-shirt, bra, jeans, and panties in turn.

    “Lucky for you I went out and got some dolly clothes last night! Don’t worry, they’ll still be gloomy. We don’t want people asking too many questions and your secret getting out, do we?”

    Melody could only whimper behind the pacifier. Heart pounding, she let Beatrix yank the backpack out of her hands, and strip her down until she was naked in the middle of Bea’s living room. She desperately hoped that Bea’s roommates were already out for the day.

    Suddenly, Beatrix had her arms around Melody, pressing her whole body against Melody and whispering in her ear. Melody was intensely conscious of Beatrix’s thin, soft blouse, her tiny shorts, the way her bare leg felt, and how her hair smelled.

    “This is the part that you’re here for, right Dolly?” Beatrix asked breathily. “It’s okay, you can hold me.”

    Melody set her trembling hands on the small of Beatrix’s back. Gaining confidence, she stroked the soft skin there and pressed tightly against Bea.

    “You have pretty nice hands, Dolly,” Beatrix said, nuzzling Melody’s neck. “I think I’ll have you give me a foot rub when you come by this evening.”

    As suddenly as Beatrix had initiated it, the hug was over. Despite herself Melody let out a frustrated whine. Beatrix laughed.

    “Mmm, love how much you worship me. I mean, I always knew you had a big old lady boner for this business but I didn’t realize how bad you had it.”

    Beatrix dug around in Melody’s backpack and pulled out a pair of pullups, tossing some side-eye at Melody. “What’s this shit? I told you to get enough for the week, and real diapers.”

    Melody mumbled into the pacifier. She felt bad about taking those from Briana, and she couldn’t walk off with five or six of them. There were a lot more pullups than diapers, it was easier to get those without anyone noticing.

    None of it came out clearly. Beatrix wasn’t putting in the effort to translate paci-garble, she shrugged and brought one pair of pullups to Melody’s feet, tapping her leg. “Step into it, Dolly.”

    Melody obeyed, biting down on the pacifier and blushing as Beatrix dragged the pullup along her legs and yanked it up over her rear.

    “You’re chunkier than the girl who normally wears these huh?” Beatrix asked. “That’s oaky Dolly, I don’t mind if you’re a fattie. Thick thighs save lives, right?”

    Melody flinched. No thigh gap didn’t mean she was fat! Again, Beatrix ignored her reaction. She was grabbing some clothes off the couch which actually looked pretty promising. Skirts were kind of yuck, but it was a black skirt at least. The shirt had skulls on it, looked like some hot-topic type gear.

    Her first red flag went up when Beatrix put the shirt on her without a bra. The second was when Bea had to tug, hard, to get the shirt down over Melody’s shoulders and belly. It was baby doll cut, too tight, but long enough to not completely ride up her belly. It also did a great job of pushing her tits out and giving the whole world a barometer to how cold she was or how hot her motor was running.

    The skirt fit at least, though there was a bit of a muffin top peeking out. It covered the pullup too, but not by a lot. Bending over was not going to work and there would be no manspreading today. When Beatrix added a pair of cat-face pantyhose Melody’s only reaction was SMH.

    Melody whimpered and tried a pleading expression on Beatrix. That only brought back Bea’s scary grin.

    “Oh yeah, look at you all turned on and embarrassed,” Beatrix said, cupping one of Melody’s breasts. Humiliating as it was, Melody moaned loudly from behind her pacifier. After all, Beatrix seemed to enjoy getting to see her reactions, the more extreme the better.

    “Yeah, good start to the day. Okay, here’s the deal, between every class I want you to go to a bathroom and do a diaper selfie for me. After all, we need to keep track in case you piss yourself again.”

    Bea popped the pacifier out of Melody’s mouth with a rough tug. “Your line here is, ‘Yes Beatrix’.”

    “Y-yes Beatrix,” Melody said.

    “Good Dolly!” Bea said, patting Melody’s cheek. “You can have your clothes back when you come here after classes to give me my foot rub. Try to keep your pants dry, okay?”

    Melody blushed. The pullups were already a tiny bit damp from how much Bea had manhandled her. Dolly-handled, whatever.

    “Yeah, you’re a lot of fun. Keep this up, be a good dolly for me, and we’ll see if we can get that spaghetti wet, okay?”

    Melody licked her lips and leaned forward, bringing face close to Beatrix. She got pushed away, softly at least, for her troubles.

    “Nah, not right now. Maybe this afternoon, Dolly. Now get that cute ass to class.”

    Melody picked her backpack up, which Beatrix added the extra pullup to. She felt ridiculous, standing on the steps in her tight little shirt and skirt. It was going to be impossible to forget that she was Beatrix’s ‘dolly’ now. That thought kept her warm between the legs all the way to her car.

    For her first check-in, Melody snapped a quick shot with her skirt up in the bathroom and fled to her Machine Learning Bioinfomatics class. Not that she wanted to be there. The first class of the day had actually been a lab, which gave her the opportunity to hide out in a different computer lab and submit things remotely.

    As she took her usual spot in the back of the class, there were a lot more eyes on her than usual. Especially from guys, yuck. There was one cute girl that did a double take. Cute girls were looking at her, but only when she was all tarted up by Beatrix and wearing a pullup. Mojo Jojo would be proud of Bea.

    As she sat down and the professor took the podium, a notification popped up on her phone.


    • bitch, wtf was that
    • worst selfie ever
    • take another one
    • I’m in class
    • i don’t care
    • upskirt yourself and take one right now
    • dude no
    • wtf, worst dolly
    • u better make it up with next one

    “Melody?” asked Dr. Phan.

    “Huh? Uh, sorry…” Melody said, blushing. Half the class was looking at her.

    “Everything okay? You’re not usually a phone watcher in class.” Dr. Phan said.

    “Uh, yeah, had to take care of uh, some money stuff.” Melody squirmed, freezing when her pullup crinkled.

    “Okay, glad to hear it. I was asking about your AI project. Got any progress to report?”

    “Oh! Yeah uh, sorry. It’s going fine. The basic learning algorithms are up and I’m working on the learning dataset. I’ve already run tests from a limited set of data, and done some preliminary tweaking on my algs.”

    Dr. Phan smiled, “Great! I figured you’d be ahead. Don’t make me institute a phone rule, okay?”

    “Yeah, gotcha,” Melody said, ducking her head. At least the attention finally came off of her. She buried her phone in her bag to be safe.

    By the time class ended, Melody had managed to mostly forget her predicament, though she got a reminder from the odd feeling of her pullup as soon as she stood up. Her plan to go straight to the bathroom to deal with Beatrix was cut short when Ms. Doubletake from earlier put a hand on her arm.

    “Hey Melody, I like your new look,” Rosa said, shrugging her backpack higher on her shoulder. Rosa had the short cropped hair and athleisure look that screamed ‘I am a rugby and roller derby lesbian’.

    “Uh, yeah, well, I dunno if I’ll wear it again, it was um, kinda a spur of the moment thing,” Melody said.

    “Well I think you should, the femme look suits you,” Rosa said.

    Melody swallowed around a lump in her throat. Femme? That was even more yuck than getting checked out by guys. “Oh uh, cool, thanks.”

    “You want to get together and compare project notes sometime?” Rosa asked.

    Melody didn’t. Well, she didn’t if a skirt needed to be involved. On the other hand, Rosa was pretty cool and decently smart. There wasn’t any need to get the U-Haul rented yet. “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind bouncing around some ideas. Maybe like, Thursday evening?”

    “Perfect, can we do it at your place?” Rosa asked.

    “Oh uh, yeah, that would probably work,” Melody said, trying to calculate how she could keep Briana and all her ABDL stuff contained. It should be possible for one evening, right?

    “I’ll hit you up on the class Slack,” Rosa said. “Gotta go if I’m going to make it to racquetball.”

    “Yeah, I’ve got to go too, later,” Melody said with a hesitant wave. There was a pit in her stomach that wouldn’t go away. It doubled when she realized she was way past the end of class and still hadn’t looked at her phone.

    Beatrix had blown up Melody’s phone like she was trying to seize oil. Most of the messages were a demand for a response, but the last one was a bit ominous.

    • Fine, you’re in class. I got something prepared for you when you do your next selfie. Don’t send and go, check in before you send it.

    Punctuation and capitalization from Beatrix meant she was legit pissed. Melody scurried off to the nearest bathroom, glad that she had a good forty minutes left before her next class.

    • Hey I’m here, Dr. Phan was on my case.
    • whatever
    • give selfie, then wait for more instructions

    Melody looked around nervously, but the bathroom was empty. She hiked up her skirt and quickly took a picture of the mirror before dropping the skirt down.

    • There you go.
    • terrible selfie
    • don’t even try again
    • go to a stall, sit down, do upskirt shot
    • fine

    The stall felt a lot safer anyway, Melody was glad to throw the lock on it and sit down. She took a couple of shots of her sheer pantyhose with the kiddie-print pullup underneath. After a moment’s hesitation she rolled the pantyhose down a bit and took a clearer shot of the pullup. Looking at the pictures felt weird. For one thing, they could easily be on Tumblr tagged ABDL.

    It was more than that though. Seeing the crinkled plastic of the pullup between her legs was getting her hot all on its own. Being dominated by Beatrix remotely was honestly not that hot. In person it was great, because Bea was there in all her ridiculous sexy thottness. Over the phone it was more annoying than anything else.

    The pullup though, that was feeling sexy. Which was weird, obviously. Super weird, and dumb, and not something she should worry about too much. With a sigh, Melody sent the pictures and wiped them from her phone memory.

    • finally
    • not bad on last one
    • k, next task
    • u rdy?
    • No
    • good
    • use the pullup
    • ur punishment for ignoring me
    • use it and take video
    • No! Gross!
    • do it dolly
    • ur my diaper dolly
    • This is too far. No.
    • whatever you have a spare
    • I can’t, it’s too weird.
    • I’ll send nudes

    Melody stared at the phone screen. Her breath caught in her throat and she lightly licked her lips. The thought of Beatrix naked was bringing a whole lot of sexy back into the game. She squirmed on the toilet seat. Honestly she was already having to hold it in a bit. Sitting on a toilet was triggering her body to get ready to go.

    • preview

    Beatrix sent through a selfie of her own, expertly posed and shot. Her blouse was unbuttoned and her bra pulled down to almost expose her nipples. Melody felt a quiver in her belly.

    • Okay
    • good dolly!
    • send now

    Melody positioned her phone looking between her legs and got it ready to record. For a long few minutes she hesitated, unsure if she could go through it. The heat between her legs was building despite the increasing pressure there. Finally she felt herself release and hastily hit the record button in time to catch the small, ‘Ah!’ as the first splash of pee hit her pullup.

    Warmth flooded her crotch, erasing the firetruck designs that had covered it. From a minor wet feeling in her crotch she was suddenly wet everywhere. The entire pullup was soaking and wet against her skin. Melody had to bite back a moan of desire. Forcing her fingers to stay out of her pants, she sent the video to Beatrix.

    • Here’s the vid.
    • omg you did it
    • does it get u hot?
    • huh? you turned on right now?
    • yes
    • omg
    • nasty dolly
    • but good dolly, keep obeying and you can get more of this

    Melody watched with trembling anticipation as a picture loaded. Beatrix, naked, turned to be mostly a teasing shot. She could see a good amount of Bea’s left breast, but the rest was covered by the angle of the shot. It was still way more than she’d seen before.

    She had a hand in her pullups and was stroking her sopping sex before she realized it. Even when she did realize, her hand was already dirty.  Melody clapped a hand over her mouth and bit back moans as she gently worked her clit. Panting through her nose, she kept her eyes fixed on Beatrix’s picture. It took only moments before she was shuddering and slumping on the toilet seat.

    In the meantime, Beatrix was still sending texts.

    • well?
    • u like?
    • that’s an old shot
    • u have to come by in ur pullup today
    • rub my feet and look up my skirt
    • dirty dolly
    • say yes
    • say yes Beatrix
    • Yes Beatrix
    • good, say yes mistress
    • Yes Mistress
    • good, say ur a diaper dolly
    • my diaper dolly
    • I’m your diaper dolly

    That last one hurt a little to type, but it was hot too. Now that she’d come, everything was confusing again. Sitting in a school bathroom stall in a soaking pullup, leaking all over the seat. Tears sprang into Melody’s eyes, her chest felt squeezed.

    Beatrix seemed to be done with her for the moment. Melody got up and began the slow, nerve-wracking process of cleaning herself up and disposing of her pullup in public. She managed to get a wad of wet paper towels and flee back to the stall without being seen, but after that it seemed like there was always someone in the bathroom.

    Wiping off her crotch and rear was awkward enough while hearing women chatting by the sinks. Every tiny crinkle of the fresh pullup as she put it on felt like it echoed through the bathroom. The paper ended up in the toilet, even if it wasn’t supposed to. There was no way the pullup would flush though, not without a poop knife or something equally hardcore.

    Melody hunched by the door of her stall, trying to ignore the smell of the pullup in her hand. Already late for her next class, Melody wished her psychic powers would manifest so she could will the other women out of the bathroom. Why did people keep coming in?

    Finally, there was a real break. Nobody in the bathroom for over a minute, no sound of people in the hallway outside. Melody opened the door and made for the trash with her pullup ready to toss.

    For the first time, Melody had the experience of the world going into slow motion before her eyes. The door to the bathroom began to open. She knew she should hide the pullup behind her back, duck back into the stall, hurl the pullup over the walls of one of the stalls, anything but keep walking slowly. Her muscles wouldn’t obey. The door swung completely open with Melody still a few steps from the trash can.

    She had a brief, wild hope that it would be someone she’d never seen before. At least the dumb outfit would keep them from recognizing her on another day. No such luck. It was Jane, her roommate, partner to her landlord, and ‘Dad’ to Briana. They locked eyes for a moment and then Jane’s darted over to the pullup.

    Having Jane see the pullup induced enough panic to break Melody’s frozen state. She flicked the pullup into the garbage can and hurriedly turned on the sink.

    “Hi Melody,” Jane said, stepping into the bathroom proper.

    “Hi Jane.”

    “Was that one of Briana’s pullups?” Jane asked.

    A hot blush crept up Melody’s neck. Anything but the truth would do. “Uh, yeah, um, super heavy flow today, and all I had were some little pads.”

    “No worries, I was curious,” is what Jane said with her mouth. Her face was doing a perfect Maury, ‘I have determined that was a lie’.

    Melody grabbed extra paper towel to dry her hands and tossed the wad over the pullup. “Gotta get to class, see you at the house!” she said, as she fled the bathroom.

    It was way late for class, and Melody wasn’t feeling it. She wasn’t feeling any of it, the only expression she could manage at the moment was a Hide the Pain Harold. Even the prospect of another session with Beatrix soured her stomach.

    Taking refuge in her car, Melody sent a text to Beatrix to say she felt sick and couldn’t come over, muting the conversation immediately against the inevitable flood of angry texts. There was enough energy to get home, strip out of the dolly outfit, and hide under the covers.

    The heavy guilt of the assignments, professor she’d blown off, and freelance work that all needed doing pressed down on her. Melody shoved her face into her pillow and pretended not to care. She did the same when her roommates knocked on her door at dinnertime. After all, she might as well disappoint everyone in her life at once.

    The only thing she hadn’t taken off was the pullup. As the evening wore on and her roommates were still wandering the house like they lived there or something, a certain pressure reminded Melody of the garment. It’d be handy for continuing to avoid the world. She shook her head. Did she want to avoid her roommates enough to pee herself?

    The answer turned out to be complicated. Even when she tried, she couldn’t make herself release. Laying in bed was a far cry from sitting on a toilet. Her body didn’t believe that she wanted to do it any more than Jane had believed her in the bathroom. Of course, she had made it happen one other time without being completely desperate or in a bathroom.

    Figuring she might as well disappoint herself too and go full foul bachelorette frog, Melody reached into her pullup with one hand and turned her phone on with the other. The peeing video was still on there. She watched it again, remembered the slow damp trickle that had become a flood of hot liquid. Her hand worked across her sex while she tabbed over to Pornhub. A search for diaper punishment got her an endless stream of fantasies of being forced into her humiliating predicament.

    The relief when she came was twofold, pressure and anxious sexual energy taken care of together. Taking only the barest effort to clean up, Melody merely wiped her hand off on the dolly top she’d tossed to the floor. There hadn’t been enough to overwhelm the pullup, so she left it on and doomscrolled while she waited for her roommates to finally go to bed.