• Getting Little: Chapter 18

    It was fun for Sarita to be the one the bouncer recognized at the Green Fairy, even if it was by association with Astra. The night had wild energy that propelled Sarita to the coat check and out of her cover-up clothes in record time. Magic was in the air, far more than she’d felt at the Fairy before. It feels like going to a movie as a kid, or like the Fourth of July.

    No sooner had they cleared the entryway, than Sarita and Pauline were pounced by the Munch group. There was no shortage of praise for Sarita’s cute Babygirl shirt, or her daring choice to wear only a diaper on her lower half. Compliments for Pauline came with more exclamations of surprise than Sarita’s did. Though unexpected, Pauline’s Mommy outfit was a hit.

    “Welcome to the caregiver side, Pauline.” Tanner was wearing a full dad-uniform. He’d tucked a polo shirt into jeans, and was wearing white New Balance sneakers. Paul looked desperately embarrassed – he was standing as far from Tanner as his held hand would allow. “It suits you. You picked a handful for your first Little, from what I hear.”

    “I’m not a handful! What did you hear?” Sarita crowded forward, only to be shushed by Pauline’s fingers.

    “Bigs are talking, sweetie. Don’t interrupt again, or you’ll miss out on the cookies.” Pauline put an arm around Sarita and held her tightly like a rambunctious toddler.

    Sarita squirmed, shocked at how dire Pauline’s threat sounded. I can have cookies at home if I want, Sarita thought, but she knew it was meaningless. Pauline was talking about cookies during the event, when other Littles would be eating them. Nervously, Sarita stilled against her Mommy, unwilling to endanger the cookies.

    “I think I can handle her.” Pauline smiled, but followed it up with an awkward laugh. “Do I really look good? I feel weird, like I’m cosplaying a caregiver.”

    “You shut Sarita down perfectly there, it was cute and well done at the same time.” Oriana nodded approvingly. “Who knows? Maybe this will be how you find your place in the community.”

    “I agree with Oriana. Don’t worry, it’ll feel more natural as you do it more.” Tanner pulled Paul closer and patted his bulked-up butt through the Little boy’s shortalls. “Let’s get these kids inside so they can play while we talk.”

    Released by Pauline, Sarita fell in step with the other two Littles. Nieves was in what looked like a Christening dress, with poofy lace hiding what was doubtless a diaper underneath. Paul took one of Sarita’s hands – after a moment Nieves took the other. The excitement building in Sarita was up to holiday levels for sure, maybe even as much as a birthday.

    Only one thing could so much as dent the evening’s fun, and that was the munch group skipping the dance floor. Sarita consoled herself that there weren’t many people dancing yet with the event just starting. In the lounge, Sarita pulled the other Littles close as she returned to the scene of her bare-bottomed humiliation.

    Happily, they veered away from the red leather seating and stopped at a table decorated with white tablecloth, its legs wrapped in gauzy crepe paper. Pauline handed over the bag of decorated diapers to Tanner, who frowned when he saw them.

    “These aren’t the ones I bought. Did you get new ones?” Tanner eyed the diapers critically, sending worrisome rumbles into Sarita’s tummy.

    “There was a cat-related accident and the ones you bought were shredded. Sarita picked up new ones.” Pauline smiled reassuringly at Sarita.

    “You didn’t have to do that. Accidents happen. I’d have replaced them.” Tanner had his wallet in hand, and was holding a hundred dollar bill out to Sarita.

    “Oh I can’t.” Sarita squirmed. She’d forgotten she’d have to confess losing the diapers Tanner had bought. All she wanted was the conversation to end.

    “Sarita, you’re Little right now, aren’t you?”

    “Yes.” Sarita looked at her fuzzy-sock-clad toes. This is like being scolded by a teacher.

    “Then I don’t want any arguments. You’re taking this money. I’ll give it to your Mommy for now, but I don’t want to hear that you didn’t take it from her after the event, understand?”

    “Okay. Sorry. Thanks.” With her gaze focused downward, Sarita was surprised to find herself in Pauline’s arms. Gratefully, she melted into her Mommy. That gratitude was cut short when Pauline diaper-checked Sarita. It was the least subtle check Sarita had gotten, with her diaper’s waistband pulled way out and Pauline loudly announcing that Sarita was dry.

    Nieves and Paul were both diaper-checked on the heels of Sarita’s embarrassment, making them a blushy, squirmy trio. The Bigs put all three of them on the floor by the table and the Littles fell into a pile, giggling awkwardly.

    It was amazing to cut loose and have some uncomplicated fun. Nieves didn’t know how to play patty-cake, which shocked Paul and Sarita both. Safe in their own Little world, Paul and Sarita taught Nieves how to play – or Paul did, at least. Sarita took advantage of the demonstration to deliberately miss Paul’s hands and smush his face. The third time she did it, Paul retaliated with tickles, sending Sarita shrieking behind Nieves.

    Paul chased on his hands and knees, Sarita fled the same way, circling around Nieves. In no time they were sweaty and overcome with helpless laughter. Nieves declared them both to be stupid babies and herself the most grown up of the Littles.

    “Oh yeah? If you’re so grown up, how come you didn’t know how to play Patty Cake?” Sarita snuggled up to Paul and his soft corduroy. Despite Sarita’s fast crawling, it was chilly on the floor in her skimpy outfit.

    “I know more grown up stuff. Listen up, babies. I’ll teach you a nursery song.” Nieves sang a song about a cat making a mess of musical instruments. After going through it twice, she tried guiding the other two through the melody.

    Paul was a terrible singer. Luckily, it didn’t make him sad to not be able to carry the tune. Unluckily, he leaned into his horrible croaking rendition of Nieves’ nursery song. It was made even worse by the song being in Spanish – Paul fumbled the pronunciations on top of being off-key.

    Song time came to an end when someone knelt next to the trio and thrust a diaper into Sarita’s face. With it an inch from her eyes, Sarita didn’t realize it was one of her decorated diapers for a moment.

    “Did you make this?” The Little demanding answers was a dark haired boy with a broad, flat face. He had a pink onesie on, with ruffles around the leg and arm holes. Without waiting for Sarita to answer, he launched into another question. “What’s the name of the Lizard?”

    “Um… Lucky.” Sarita realized she hadn’t named any of her drawings. She hoped the Little boy wasn’t going to ask for a full roster of names.

    “Oh, that’s so good! I’m Junfeng. You’re Sarita, right?”

    “Yeah, hi.” Sarita scooted back to give herself some more personal space and pointed at the other two Littles. “This is Nieves and Paul.”

    “Hi!” Junfeng waved aggressively. “Do you have cool diapers that Sarita made?”

    “I didn’t even get to look at them.” Paul held his hand out. “Can I see that one?”

    Reluctantly, Junfeng handed the diaper over. Paul and Nieves crowded around it, murmuring. Sarita felt heat blossom at the back of her neck. It’s no big deal, it’s just some doodles.

    “Oh my god what’s this cat-bird?” Nieves asked, only to have the diaper snatched out of her hand by Junfeng.

    “It’s mine! There’s only one of those. Every diaper has a special critter that’s only on one of them. Lucky is on lots of the diapers.”

    “Will you draw on my diaper?” Paul was so eager he was already peeling out of his shortalls.

    “Sh-sure. I need a marker or something though.” Sarita rubbed the back of her head.

    “Are you behaving, Jun?” A short, fit woman with an energetic gaze crouched by Junfeng. “Did you get to meet Sarita?”

    Sarita’s blush redoubled as Junfeng excitedly answered yes to both questions – Not that he really was behaving but I guess no bigs saw – and Jun’s Mommy fussed over her. Looking up, she realized there was a bit of a crowd around the table, their voices buzzing excitedly. Pauline and Tanner were working the crowd, hawking the decorated diapers like a new smartphone.

    “I found you a marker.” Nieves crawled back to the group and pressed a sharpie into Sarita’s hand. “You have to do my diaper first!”

    “Then me!” Junfeng insisted.

    “Nuh uh, I asked first!” Paul’s voice was on the edge of a whimper.

    “Everyone behave. You’re going to scare our artist off and then nobody will get decorated diapers.” Jun’s Mommy followed her threat up with a glare that calmed the other Littles down.

    It was surreal to have Nieves bend over and expose her pristine white diaper for Sarita to draw on. Doodling the first thing that came to her head, she was hardly finished when Paul pushed in to get his diaper’s wing decorated. A very impatient Junfeng was next – Sarita sighed in relief when he was done.

    That wasn’t the end of the impromptu art requests, however. To Sarita’s disbelief, there was a line of Littles waiting either with a diaper in hand or with the one they were wearing exposed. Junfeng’s mommy put cash in a plastic bucket and the other Littles and Caregivers followed her lead.

    For the next hour, Sarita had the absurd experience of being presented with a steady stream of diapered butts, while Nieves and Paul encouraged her and gave her inspiration for new critters. After the first half-dozen drawings, Sarita was pretty sure her friends were describing Pokémon. Whatever gets us enough ideas to get through the line. This is crazy!

    As the line cleared out, Sarita looked guiltily at the pile of cash in her bucket. She didn’t want to count it, didn’t feel like she’d really earned it. Feeling more unsure of herself by the moment, Sarita looked around desperately for Mommy. Instead, she found Tanner crouching down by her.

    “That was the most amazing thing I’ve seen at one of these events. You’re a hit, kiddo!”

    “It’s not a big deal, it’s only doodles. I don’t know why everyone was so excited.”

    “They like your art.” Tanner gave Sarita a gentle hug and stroked her hair. “Everyone’s proud of you. You made a ton of money for the Munch.”

    “I have more.” Sarita pushed the bucket toward Tanner. He pushed it right back.

    “That’s yours.” He shook his head at Sarita’s protests. “No arguing. I’m sure you can use it.”

    There was too much inside Sarita. Excitement, pride, and nervousness threatened to overwhelm her happy-go-lucky Little state. She wasn’t sure later if she did it because she was overwhelmed, or because she wanted to stay Little, but Sarita used her bladder as a pressure valve, wetting her diaper in front of Tanner and the other Littles. Her diaper crinkled as it expanded, roses fading rapidly across the crotch.

    “I need Mommy.” Sarita nevertheless clung to Tanner, as he was her nearest source of Bigness and comfort.

    “She’s right here.” Pauline swooped in and took Sarita in her arms.

    “Sarita pottied!” Nieves taunted.

    “Nobody likes a tattle-tale.” Oriana said, swatting Nieves on the flank. “Be nice to Sarita, especially when she’s having a moment.”

    “Besides, you pottied too!” Paul grabbed the sharpie and wrote POTTY on Nieves’ leg. To his dismay, and Sarita’s, Paul’s graffiti sent Nieves into tears.

    “You earned yourself a time-out, mister.” Tanner got Paul on his feet with the Little boy’s ear as a handle. “Oriana, I have some stuff that will clean that right off her leg.”

    “I do too, but thanks. I think all the Littles need a reset.” Oriana helped Nieves up as well, putting her girlfriend’s head on her bosom.

    “Good idea.” Pauline gathered up Sarita and the money-bucket. “Do you want to meet in the dining room in a half hour?”

    “That’s perfect.” Tanner delivered a swat to Paul’s padded butt and marched his Little boy away, his fingers still clamped on Paul’s ear.

    “Works for me. Come on, Little Snow baby.” Oriana and Nieves made their way slowly away, joined at the hip.

    “Are you going to take me to the changing tents?” Sarita took a deep breath, gearing herself up for going somewhere that it’d be obvious that she’d wet herself. Without the thought-obliterating high of being publicly spanked, the semi-public nature of the changing room had her worried.

    “Your diaper can hold more than that.” Pauline patted Sarita’s crotch before leaning close to kiss her. “I pottied too. We still match.”

    “There were so many people. Tanner said he was proud of me. It still doesn’t feel real.”

     “You want to hide like Nero?”

    “Yes Mommy.”

    “I’ve got you, love.”

    Pauline found a blessedly quiet and dim corner of the lounge where Sarita could cuddle up to her mommy while Pauline counted the money in the bucket. Mommy was quite insistent on trying to tell Sarita how much she’d made, until Sarita had to get cross with her. I get it, the money is a good thing. I’ll be excited later. Right now I need to not think.

    After finally taking the hint, Pauline put Sarita’s head in her lap and stroked the Little girl’s hair. Sarita spent the half hour nearly napping in a world where only the dim booth and Mommy’s caressing fingers existed. When Pauline sat her up, Sarita was refreshed and more Little than ever.

    She stuck close to Mommy on her way to the dining room, climbing into a high chair without protest when Pauline suggested it. Nieves and Paul were similarly seated, which removed any chance of Sarita feeling weird. She waved to her friends and they waved back. High chairs and big tables had them seated too far apart to talk much, and there was something more important concentrate on anyway.

    The snack available for Littles was dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets. Sarita gleefully bit the heads off each of her dinos, then the tails, moving on to the legs before devouring their helpless bodies. Mommy was super attentive throughout dinner, which Sarita rewarded with tons of kisses.

    “You two look like you’re having fun.” Sarita looked up to see Nohemi. Her friend was dressed in the tattoo-print dress she’d been wearing the night they’d met. She looks so sexy in that.

    Without any outward hint of jealousy or awkwardness, Pauline hopped up and gave Nohemi a hug. “Hemi! Girl it has been AGES. You missed the frenzy at the diaper sale.”

    Nohemi hugged Pauline, plenty awkward for her part. “I’ve been working all the time. That’s why I’m late tonight, I had to do a few hours even though I was supposed to be off. I heard about the frenzy though. Did Tanner really triple the price on the diapers?”

    “Shamelessly.” Pauline and Tanner said simultaneously.

    Pauline looked back at Tanner and laughed. “It was a great sale. The Munch is set for a while. You should come back. We’re meeting in the afternoons now, and you work at night, right?”

    “Uh, I don’t know…”

    “Astra doesn’t come at all anymore. She hasn’t in months.” Pauline said quietly.

    “I’ll think about it.” Nohemi’s rueful grimace meant no, whatever her words were saying. Sarita wasn’t sure if she wanted to run and hug Mimi or hide behind something – then realized that the high chair wasn’t going to let her do either.

    “I hear that you and Sarita have something to talk about. Do you want to take a minute while I grab desserts?” Pauline said it so casually, like she wasn’t trapping Sarita in a captive audience situation.

    “That’d be good.” Nohemi took Pauline’s seat and smiled tentatively at Sarita. “Hey Sarita.”

    “Mimi…” Sarita sighed. A brain full of Littlespace wasn’t how she’d wanted to talk to Nohemi, but it might make the apology easier. Rather than fight the thought-simplifying fog, Sarita leaned into it, addressing Nohemi as honestly as she could.

    “Mimi, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said – I was being awful. I said it just to hurt you, because I was scared. I’m a bad baby. I’m really sorry though.”

    “You’re not a bad baby or a bad anything else.” Nohemi squeezed Sarita’s arm. “You did hurt my feelings, but you’re a good girl, okay?”

    “But – but – you’re such a good friend to me, and I hurt you on purpose. It’s okay if you don’t want to be friends anymore.”

    “Lucky for both of us, I still want to be – friends.”

    “Thank you Mimi.” Sarita felt her eyes tearing up and ground the heels of her hands into them until her tears and the aching sensations were gone. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. When I thought we weren’t friends anymore, I was so sad. I got mad at myself too, and threw a shoe at Nero.”

    “What did Nero do to deserve that?”

    “Nothing. I apologized to him too. I have a temper. I don’t mean to! Really, I don’t. Sometimes I don’t know what to do and I get so mad and – and – then I don’t have friends anymore.”

    “Sweetie.” Nohemi sighed and wiped her eyes. “Fuck, you’re cute when you’re Little. Hope out of that chair so I can hug you.”

    “I can’t, Mo-Pauline put me in here.”

    “It doesn’t lock, goofus.”

    Sarita frowned and tugged at the tray in front of her. It swung up easily, not being so much as latched down. With her face flaming, she hopped down from the chair and threw herself into Nohemi’s arms.

    “When I first met you, I was so nervous about telling you about the Green Fairy at all. Mentioning ABDL didn’t even cross my mind.” Nohemi held Sarita gently in her arms, stroking the Little girl’s back. “Now here you are in a soggy diaper and the talk of the event.”

    “That’s my Princess.” The short clipped tone wasn’t the most familiar version of the voice Sarita heard from behind her, but she was still sure who it was. Turning past Nohemi’s flinty face, Sarita’s guess was validated to see Astra in a lavender pantsuit with extra padding in her shoulders.

    “Hi Astra, I didn’t expect you here.” Nohemi’s face was back to normal, and her tone would sound fine to most people, but Sarita could hear the discomfort in her friend’s voice.

    “The board meeting wrapped up early this year, thanks to my suggestion of banning drinks until after business was done.” Astra motioned for Sarita to come to her.

    Unable to resist her Angel’s command, Sarita stepped out of her embrace with Nohemi. Halfway between the two women, she was brought up short by Pauline’s return. Mommy had a bowl of ice-cream in each hand and had frozen in place herself.

    Equidistant between her friend, her Angel, and her Mommy, Sarita turned to all three in sequence, feeling panic bubble up in her. Fresh wet hit her diaper, as her stomach rumbled unpleasantly. Crying or throwing a tantrum was tempting, and felt like it might blow up the tension enough that Nohemi and Astra would leave.

    Unfortunately, Sarita wasn’t sure she wanted them to go. What do I want, anyway?