• Getting Little: Chapter 17

    The diaper decorating project loomed over Sarita, casting a darker shadow of guilt every day. In the end, she got it finished the way she always did, with panicked effort at the last minute. A light work week helped Sarita survive her late night decorating sessions. Dropping hours from her usual mid-thirties to mid-twenties was worrisome, coming as it did on the heels of lost commissions. Too stressed out about her love life and the diaper project to add another worry, Sarita told herself that fluctuating hours came with a retail job. It was true anyway, even if the timing was rotten.

    As with every English paper she’d written, Sarita did her best work under pressure. Her pen transformed the cheap diapers into silly masterpieces. Every diaper had a unique, simply drawn creature on it, in a variety of cute poses. Sarita also drew a small cast of more detailed critters that appeared on multiple diapers with the more simply drawn friends.

    The detailed critters often had a joke or meme in a speech bubble, though toward the end of a decorating session she often defaulted to “uwu” or “OwO”. Beyond the characters, Sarita did her best to highlight the existing decoration on the diapers with colored swooshes that complimented the existing colors.

    Naturally, her last decorating session was the night before the Munch Group event, as well as the longest, at thirty diapers decorated. Sarita was as proud as her hand was sore when she looked over her pile of decorated diapers. Having learned her lesson, she stashed the diapers behind a Nero-proof closet door.

    Since she had the next two days off work, Sarita had plenty of time to plan her outfit. When she’d gotten an invite to the event, Sarita had imagined wearing something on the conservative side of her club gear. After Astra had shown her diapered butt and naked privates off to the community, conservatism seemed silly.

    What kind of diaper girl do I want to be at the party? Sarita was surprised to discover that she wanted to be Little, even if her Angel wasn’t attending. I don’t actually know if Astra will be there, but it would be weird for her to go and not invite me, right? I’d have heard something from her by now, for sure.

    Sarita’s phone was full of notifications, as usual. Texts from Oriana and Nieves, confirming that she’d be at the event, were easily dispatched by replying with an emoji. A lovey text from Astra was likewise answered, though her Angel rated three emojis instead of one. Her thumb hovered over Pauline’s text conversation and froze as Sarita read Nohemi’s name below Pauline’s. I haven’t talked to her since the night we fought.

    Feeling motivated after finishing her project, Sarita opened Nohemi’s conversation and composed a text. “I’m sorry I was mean to you. I don’t know why I said that stuff. I hope you’re doing good. If you’re going to the Green Fairy tonight, I’ll be there.”

    Without waiting for a response, Sarita thumbed back to Pauline’s conversation and invited her girlfriend out shopping. Astra’s generosity over the electric bill had left Sarita with enough for a cautious purchase or two. To Sarita’s delight, Pauline was available and excited to meet at Ardenthill Medical Supply – otherwise known in Sarita’s head as The Diaper Store.

    Once past the boring, “normal” medical supplies and into the back room, Sarita was full of the same giggly energy she’d felt the first time she’d shopped there with Pauline. “Want to pick out some diapers for me?”

    “You’re going to wear to the event?” Pauline squeezed Sarita’s hand in approval and pulled her into the diaper aisle. “What’s my budget?”

    “Stick to the small packs, four or six max.” Sarita bumped her hip against Pauline. “We could split the pack if you want, and match at the event.”

    “You’re not going with Astra?”

    “I don’t think she’s going to this one. I haven’t heard anything about it from her.”

    “I’d like that.” Pauline smiled shyly and tucked her hair behind her ears. “Do I have to wear mine – so they show?”

    “How will people know we match if you don’t?”

    “You’re really going to show off a diaper?”

    “Like it matters after what I did with Astra. A dozen people saw my – everything.”

    “Wow. I didn’t realize you two did a scene like that. How’d you psych yourself up for it?”

    I didn’t. It just happened. Sarita shrugged in response. “You don’t have to show your diapers if you don’t want to. It’s enough if I know we match.”

    “You want me to match with you though.”

    It shouldn’t be about what I want. She can say no to me if she wants. Annoyingly, Sarita’s brain compared her advice to all the times she’d let Astra push her boundaries. Shut up, brain.

    “I want you to have fun.” Suddenly overcome with care for Pauline, Sarita pulled her girlfriend close and kissed her. “You dress the way you want. If you’re enjoying yourself, I’ll be happy.”

    “I don’t think I can wear just a diaper on my bottom half – but I could wear some see-through tights over it.” Pauline snuggled happily in Sarita’s embrace. “Are you going to be Little at the event?”

    “I want to try to be.”

    “For me it’s hard to be Little with people around – unless it’s you. Can I take care of you tonight, instead of being Little with you?”

    “Are you going to change me if I use my diapers?” Sarita nuzzled Pauline’s cheek.

    “You bet I will, but somewhere private.”

    Sarita sighed in relief and nodded. “I like that. So you’ll be what, my diaper-lover mommy? Walking around in a wet diaper because it turns you on? Sogatha, the Moist Mommy?”

    “You’re lucky I’m not your mommy regularly, with as much of a brat as you’re being right now.”

    “We could try it – if you want. Here, or after we’re done shopping.”

    “I don’t think they care if people are Little here. I’ve seen lots of obvious Littles shopping with their caregivers.” Pauline took a step back to look Sarita in the eye. “Are you okay with doing that here?”

    “I think so, it’s like practice for tonight, right?” Sarita squirmed. “I don’t really know how to start, though.”

    “What kind of Mommy do you want?”

    Like Astra – but doesn’t push me when I’m scared. Somebody who helps me but lets me contribute. A mommy that makes me feel special to her. So, not like Astra. That’s not fair – she does the last one really good.

    “Um – I don’t really know.” Explaining her preferences to Pauline in the context of what Astra did and didn’t do was an idea so terrible that even Sarita rejected it.

    “Can I guess?” Pauline brushed her fingers over Sarita’s cheek, letting her hand trail down to cup the back of Sarita’s neck. Shivering at the controlling gesture, Sarita nodded.

    “You got into this kink with dating, so I think you want a sexy mommy who can’t keep her hands off you.” Pauline was speaking quietly but confidently. She was also right on track to start. “Seems like you’d be a rambunctious Little, which means you need a Mommy that lets you have your fun but pulls you in when it gets to be a lot. How am I doing so far?”

    “Good. S-super good.” Sarita licked her lips.

    “I know you get sad when you’re lonely. You need a Mommy who keeps you close and lets you know that you’re loved.” Pauline caught Sarita’s hand with her free hand and laced their fingers together. “If I had to give it a name, I’d say something like – Adventure Mommy. Someone to show you new things and make sure they turn out good.”

    “That sounds really good.” Sarita felt her cheeks warm, especially when Pauline straightened her spine and firmed up her grip on Sarita’s neck and hand.

    “Sarita, I’ve been in this community a lot longer than you have. Don’t you think you should listen to me at the event tonight, so you don’t get in trouble?”

    “What kind of trouble?”

    “You were a little manic at the last event. I think you were nervous, maybe even scared. Do you need someone to keep you from getting into scary situations?”

    Dios Mio, yes. “Yes please.”

    Pauline drew Sarita forward, but instead of a hug, she brought Sarita’s head down to rest on her chest. “I’ll take care of you at the event tonight, if you want me to.”

    The magical, floaty feeling Sarita had come to associate with Littlespace teased at the edges of Sarita’s mind. She put her trust in Pauline, letting more of that feeling in. It was nowhere near as intense as the total surrender she’d felt with her Angel, but it felt good all the same.

      “Now, let’s talk about your outfit. You’ve turned into quite the potty-pants, so I might just have your diaper showing. That way I won’t have to check you all the time.”

    “You’re a potty pants too!” Sarita giggled.

    “Yes but I can change my own diapers. You need someone to change you, don’t you?”

    It’s no fun if I have to do it myself. Sarita nodded.

    “You probably have cute shoes at home, and we’ve already found you some diapers.” Pauline picked a four pack of rose-print diapers off the shelf. “Let’s see what they have for tops.”

    “Um, m-Mommy?” Sarita tried the word out on her tongue. It felt like an odd thing to call Pauline, but not impossible, especially not with the way she was acting. “I was only going to buy a pacifier or something small.”

    “Mommy’s buying the top, sweetie.” Pauline grinned and pulled Sarita along to the clothing aisle, skipping as she went. “Look, they have crop-tops.”

    Sarita examined the top Pauline had pulled off the rack. It was cut the same as a standard crop top, perfect for clubbing. Decoration-wise, it was pink and ruffled on the sleeves. A lace-trimmed heart panel on the chest read “Babygirl” in pink thread. “You think I’d be pretty in that?”

    “I do, but if we get it a size too small…” Pauline put the crop top back and fished out the next size down. “You could wear it without a bra.”

    Sarita squirmed, imagining herself in that crop top, a diaper, and not much else. Yeah, that’s hot. “What are you going to wear?”

    “Not baby clothes, besides the diaper I’ll have on to match my Little.” Pauline’s eyes twinkled. “You haven’t seen me in a corset or a miniskirt yet, have you?”

    Sarita thought back to her dates with Pauline, and realized she was right on both counts. Immediately, she felt cheated. Pauline in a corset and miniskirt, with a diaper under that skirt was something she badly needed in her life.

    “Can you wear both?”

    “Yes, thirsty girl, I can.” Pauline grinned and hugged Sarita. “How’re you feeling? You seem a bit more Little to me already.”

    Having Pauline so casually check in with her feelings gave Sarita a warm glow in her chest. She did it like it was normal – which I think it should be. Sarita felt like emotional space between Pauline and herself had been Frankensteined out of a half-dozen styles. Neither of them had known if they wanted a torrid sex room with tarps on the floor, a pile of beanbags for friends to lounge on, or a proper house to play Ms. And Ms. in. Taken together, those styles came together in a confusing clash.

    There was a new room joined to the clashy space, one with a sturdy-yet-easily-opened door that lead to a nursery. The nursery didn’t have much furniture – it was still small and new. It had a changing table, a spanking bench, and little else. What was important was that it was it’s own space, something Sarita could visit with Pauline where they’d both know who they were.

    In that nursery space, Sarita felt herself slip into a true Little mindset. It wasn’t the deepest she’d gone Little, not by a long shot. There was enough of a shift for Sarita to feel simultaneously safe in Pauline’s presence and anxious to please her for a reward. Ever-present worries about money and other adult nonsense faded away. That reprieve lightened Sarita’s heart enough that she smiled unconsciously.

    “I feel good Mommy. Happy.” The M word came easily to Sarita’s lips. She was fitting the word carefully around Pauline, like a sweater that had been dried too hot but would fit again once the knit had loosened. “Are we almost done shopping? I want to try my new shirt on.”

    “We can check out now.” Pauline beamed, taking in Sarita’s transformation. “You can only wear the shirt for a bit before tonight though. You’ll be sad if you get a stain on it.”

    “That sucks.” Sarita stuck her tongue out.

    “Keep up that negative talk and you’ll get a spanking when we get to my place.”

    “Sucks, sucks, sucks!” Sarita called out, giggling as her voice echoed in the aisle.

    “You’ve done it now.” Pauline winked at Sarita.

    The girls were very giggly as they each bought their item. Sarita might have worried about being too much for the clerk, but instead she took her cue from Pauline. Matching her behavior to – Mommy – seemed to work out well for everyone.


    Sarita and Pauline made a quick trip to Sarita’s apartment to pick up the decorated diapers and Sarita’s shoes. Nero was at his most friendly with Pauline, not only rubbing against her, but licking her hand when she pet him as well. Trusting in Nero’s good omen for the night, Sarita laid her head on Pauline’s shoulder as they bussed across town.

    Of the three apartments Sarita had seen since she’d joined the ABDL scene, Pauline’s was the most like her own. About the same size as Sarita’s, the apartment was in a newer building and boasted more plants. There was no cat though, for which Sarita good-naturedly chastised Pauline. Nothing was dirty, not even dishes in the sink, but there were clothes and books scattered about.

    Looking around Pauline’s apartment was so much like seeing Felisa’s place for the first time that Sarita felt herself slipping out of her Little mindset. Pauline as Mommy lacked some punch without the organized-big-sister vibe of Nohemi’s place or the ultra-clean-Mommy presence of Astra’s.

    That Pauline insisted on putting Sarita in a diaper before she could try her new top on helped her stay Little. When the diaper in question turned out to be one of Pauline’s plain ones, instead of the special diapers they’d bought for the event, Sarita found herself back in her mental nursery. The implication that Pauline expected to need to change Sarita before evening was at once hot and comforting.

    By the time evening arrived, Sarita was so Little she was a bit apprehensive about going out. She’d used her utilitarian diaper and had been made to wait for a change. Pauline had kept a gentle but firm presence up the whole time, including her rule about not letting Sarita hang out in her new crop top.

    Sitting on the floor in a wet diaper and a nightshirt of Pauline’s, Sarita watched her girlfriend transform into Mommy in earnest. The corset she chose was a very standard black velvet affair. Simple lines and an every-day feel on the corset laid a foundation for Pauline’s hot-but-mommy look.

    Pauline put one of the rose-print diapers on herself, with a booster pad she said was for, “Letting me concentrate on my Little girl without worrying about changing.” The striped miniskirt she put over that diaper didn’t quite match the corset, which gave the impression of someone who hadn’t been to the club in a while, but who used to go.

    A messy pile of curls atop Pauline’s head and an out of date makeup job completed the look. Sarita felt much smaller than Pauline, more than sitting on the floor could account for. Having most of Pauline’s responses to Sarita come with a head-pat was contributing to club-Mommy’s air of authority too.

    “Can I get ready now?” It was the fourth time Sarita had asked, and she was nervous to ask again. The last time she’d asked, Pauline had put a finger to her lips and shushed her.

    “No, but it’s time for me to get you ready.” Pauline crouched down to Sarita’s level. “Let’s start by changing that wet diaper. Lie back sweetie.”

    Sarita blushed and curled up. For the first time, she was embarrassed to be wet around Pauline. On previous dates, they’d both wet, usually Pauline first, and at Sarita’s command. Now she was feeling scruffy and infantile, especially compared to Pauline’s confidence and sharp dress.

    When Pauline put Sarita firmly on her back and tore her diaper open, the blushy feeling was enough to make Sarita cover her face with her borrowed nightshirt. Hiding in her thin cotton refuge, Sarita spread her legs at Pauline’s command. The soothing, crisp feeling of baby wipes settled Sarita’s nerves and allowed her to accept submission to her Mommy.

    Therefore, Sarita was only too happy to help when Pauline gathered up her ankles and lifted the Little girl’s legs. She was lifting her butt so Pauline could properly wipe when the first smack came down on her rear.

    “Ow! Mommy!”

    “I told you you’d get a spanking if you used a negative word, and you tripled down on that word.” Pauline slapped Sarita’s butt again. Warm excitement budded between Sarita’s legs.

    “But I was only playing around.” Despite her arousal, Sarita didn’t want Mommy to be upset with her – even if it meant missing out on the rest of the spanking.

    “Oh, so am I.” Pauline slapped Sarita’s butt with sharp, deft strokes. Sarita’s butt-cheeks were warming fast, but not as quickly as the now-damp spot on her crotch. The spanking was playful and surprisingly skilled. Sarita had never had occasion to imagine how Pauline spanked, but she knew she would in the future. At night. Alone. Under the covers.

    “I like spanking.” Pauline rubbed Sarita’s rear, sending hot prickles across the Little girl’s skin. “A good one makes for a nice long game. I can’t wait to have you over my knee, spanking and rubbing until you have a beautiful tomato color all over your butt.”

    “Oh.” Sarita groaned, bucking her hips upward. “We can do that instead of going to the thing.”

    “No we can’t.” Pauline laughed brightly. “Maybe after. If not, another day for sure.”

    Instead of soothing lotion, Pauline put a thin layer of sore muscle balm on Sarita’s rear. That it was a relatively mild product kept it from being painful, but it lit up her butt nonetheless. Sarita had a warm tingle on her rear that wasn’t going to let her forget her spanking for a while.

    Wrapped in a pretty diaper and wearing her snug babygirl top, Sarita was ready to go. To the club, to Pauline’s bed, it didn’t matter as long as something happened. She was so fidgety that Pauline only applied some pale pink lipstick and sparkly blush to Sarita before giving up on makeup. The final annoyance before they were out the door was the plain white skirt and cardigan that Pauline insisted Sarita put on over her diaper and crop top.

    Sarita was grateful for the cover-up on their way to the Green Fairy, of course. She had a new annoyance, that Mommy wouldn’t let Sarita sit in her lap on the bus. Mommy’s decision made sense in the back of Sarita’s mind, but she was free-floating in a place where she could ask for anything she wanted and let Mommy sort out if her request was okay.

    Without anything fun to do – Like snuggle or make out with Mommy – Sarita was bored and horny. Her butt tingled with the promise of sexy spankings that made her want to flirt with Mommy.

    She was having trouble calling Pauline by her name instead of Mommy, and had consequently been forbidden from talking for the rest of the trip. Deep enough in Little space that disobeying Mommy before a fun event was unthinkable, Sarita fished her phone out of Mommy’s purse.

    As she swiped notifications away, Sarita caught sight of a short series of texts from Nohemi. Mimi was going to be at the Fairy, and more importantly, Sarita was forgiven. Excitedly, Sarita turned to Mommy to tell her the good news – only to have a finger pressed to her lip. Giving a frustrated snort, Sarita rapid-fired exited texts off to Mimi, Oriana, Nieves, and Astra.

    The last name on that list made Sarita oddly uneasy, though she couldn’t put her finger on why. Angel’s not going to be there, so it shouldn’t matter if she knows I’ll be there. She wouldn’t be jealous – right?

    A text back from Nieves broke Sarita’s train of thought. Oriana’s Little was even more hyper than Sarita, by the flood of exclamation points that followed her messages. I’ve never been Little with Nieves before! Maybe our Mommies will let us play together. I wish the stupid bus would hurry up!