• Getting Little: Chapter 19

    “I should go.” Nohemi was walking away before Sarita had processed her words.

    “Hemi, wait!” Pauline rushed to the table. By the time she’d set down the ice cream bowls and turned around, Nohemi was out of anything but shouting distance.

    “Are you really not going to give me a hug, Princess?” Astra held her arms out to Sarita. Pauline gave Sarita a pained look before casting a glance at Nohemi, who was almost lost in the crowd.

    I’ll tell Mommy to go after Mimi, and then Angel can get her hug, and maybe – go somewhere else, then Mommy and Mimi can come back and hang out and everything will be okay.

    Sarita turned to Pauline. “Mommy, you should…”

    “You’re calling her mommy?!”

    The floor dropped out from under Sarita, leaving her wobbling in her soggy diaper. She turned fearfully toward Astra, to see a gutted look on her Angel’s face.

    “I thought you said – you said you couldn’t use that word. So it was just – me? I wasn’t good enough?”

    “No that’s not what happened I – I…”

    Astra burst into tears and ran, pushing her way through Littles and Caregivers alike, heedless of the exclamations of outrage she left in her wake.

    “That’s not what I meant…” Sarita turned back to Pauline, and looked behind her to see Nohemi gone. She was one on one with the person she’d come to the Fairy with – but the vibe was shattered.

    “Fuck.” Pauline rubbed her temples. “There’s always so much drama in this community.”

    “Astra and Nohemi are fine together until there’s something they both want.” Tanner sighed. “Then you can’t put them in a room together without someone getting their ear bitten.”

    “Weird analogy, Tanner. Is Astra or Nohemi supposed to be Mike Tyson?” Oriana asked.

    “What? Neither. It’s a Godfather reference.” Tanner looked down his nose at Oriana, hamming it up.

    “I’m so sorry!” Sarita wailed. The tears that’d built up when she’d been caught in the triangle burst forth in their full Little splendor. With her emotions uncapped by her headspace, Sarita was sure that everything was going to be awful forever, and it would be her fault the whole time.

    “Don’t be sorry, soggy-pants.” Pauline grabbed Sarita by the waist and sat, pulling the Little girl into her lap. “Stop worrying about stuff between bigs. Your job is to eat ice cream and fill up that diaper so I can change you.”

    “You’re not su-su-su-supposted to tease me ab-ab-ab-about that.” Sarita hiccupped loudly.

    “I’m not supposed to tease you about what? The big wet diaper you have on? Hey Nieves, did you know your friend is a bigtime potty pants?” Pauline bounced Sarita on her legs, though it took both legs for her to manage it.

    “Oh gosh, you’re a baby.” Nieves snickered.

    “I am not! You’re the baby!” Sarita frowned at Nieves, sniffling her tears away.

    “Nuh uh, I don’t have pee in m pants!” Nieves giggled.

    “Yeah but you DID.” Paul said smugly.

    “I don’t think you want to throw stones from your glass house, young man.” Tanner said.

    Paul and Nieves were both blushing. Sarita was trying to remember why she was angry, or crying, but being bounced by Pauline was too distracting. Finally, she giggled and managed a small smile.

    “That’s a happier baby.” Tanner smiled at Sarita. “Better eat your ice cream before it melts.”

    “I can’t believe you got her ice cream.” Oriana complained with an exaggerated eye-roll. “Now all the Littles are going to want some, and they’ve already been promised cookies.”

    “Oh yeah, cookies!” Was what Sarita intended to say. Through the mouthful of ice cream she’d shoveled into her mouth, it came out as a series of grunts and a spray of white.

    “Sarita! That was very naughty.” Pauline pried the spoon out of Sarita’s hands. “You just lost your spoon privileges. If you can sit quietly, like a good girl, I’ll feed you the rest of the ice cream.”

    “Ooooooh, like she’s a baby!” Paul and Nieves sing-songed in unison.

    Sarita stuck her tongue out at her Little friends, only to have it pushed back in by a spoon full of ice cream. She blushed down to her neck when Pauline not only tipped the spoon’s contents into her mouth, but nudged Sarita’s mouth closed with a knuckle.

    Being fed on Pauline’s lap was intensely embarrassing, but at least no one outside their group was paying attention. Nieves’ and Paul’s teasing lost considerable sting when Sarita realized that neither of them had any ice cream. This fact eventually dawned on the other Littles as well, spurring them to drop their teasing and beg for ice cream instead.

    After a lot of hemming and hawing from Tanner and Oriana, it was decided that the Littles had been barely good enough to get a treat. The Littles made a mad dash for the ice cream station, suddenly panicked that it was going to close. Their caregivers followed amusedly behind, leaving Pauline and Sarita relatively alone.

    Sarita was back in good spirits, with a tummy full of sugar and a sticky face. She cuddled close to Pauline while her mommy wiped her chin and sighed. An itchy feeling in her diaper forced Sarita to fidget on Pauline’s lap until she found a position without so much damp squish to it.

    “Feeling better, baby girl?” Pauline traced her fingers along the curve of Sarita’s ear, and down her jawline.

    “Yes, thank you. How about you, Mommy? Are you okay? That thing with Astra and Mimi was – a lot.”

    “It was, but I’m okay, thank you for asking. How are you doing with the event? I know I promised you cookies, but we’re two hours away from the end, and they don’t hand out the cookie bags until then.”

    “Two hours?” Sarita considered. “Um, things are okay right now except – I need a change.”

    “You need what?”

    “A change.”

    “What kind of change?” Pauline smirked. “I have some quarters.”

    “Mommy what are you – a diaper change!”

    Pauline giggled. “Shout it louder for the people in the back.”

    Sarita felt her face and the back of her neck burn and buried her face in Pauline’s shoulders. “You’re so mean to me!”

    “I’m trying to be helpful. Why do you need your diaper changed, anyway?”

    “You know why!”

    “Not until you say it, I don’t.”

    “Because I peed in it.” Warm prickles were spreading out across Sarita’s skin the more Pauline teased her.

    “Well, it’s not leaking yet. I’m sure you can pee in it a few more times.” Pauline squished Sarita’s diaper against her crotch, freshly wetting the already warm skin there. “I like the idea of you walking around more and more wet, until your diaper is so full it falls off.”

    “What are you even doing?” Sarita squeaked. “Where did all this weird dirty talk come from?”

    “Oh, so it is dirty talk for you.” Pauline kissed Sarita’s neck. “You’re blushing so pretty. You like being in a soiled diaper? Being teased about it? How far are you going to go with this, Sarita? Am I going to have a messy girl on my hands?”

    “Mommy – stop – too much.” Sarita squirmed against Pauline and bit her mommy’s shoulder.

    “Okay, I’ll stop. That was fun though. Your reactions got your mommy all wet too. In a sexy way.”

    “If we went home instead of staying to the end – what would we do?”

    “Hmm, first thing would be to give you a spanking.”

    “What? Why?”

    “Because of your sexy, spankable butt.” Pauline tilted Sarita’s head up for a kiss. “And you probably did something naughty, but I don’t micromanage your behavior. It’s safer to have maintenance spankings.”

    Another Pauline spanking, purely for fun? Yes please! “Then – kisses?”

    “More than kisses. Kisses and touches – until we’re tired enough to sleep.”

    “I want to go home, mommy.” Sarita bumped her forehead against Pauline. “But I don’t want to be outside in a wet diaper.”

    “The changing area should be mostly empty, with everybody at the ice cream.” Pauline patted Sarita’s butt, and the Little girl took the hint, hopping off her mommy’s lap. With Sarita’s hand in hers, Pauline headed for the changing area.

    Whether Pauline had engineered a moment to give Sarita maximum privacy for being changed or not, Sarita appreciated it. Before the drama with Astra and Mimi, staying to the end of the night would have been her choice. I STILL haven’t gotten to dance with my date at one of these things!

    As emotionally wobbly as Sarita was feeling, and with the promise of sex at whichever apartment they picked, leaving the club was a relief. A double-relief, since it’d been a surprise for Pauline to even suggest it.

    There was only one occupied tent in the changing area, and no one hanging around to see Pauline and Sarita enter one of them. As before, the interior was cozy with a dim light illuminating a changing blanket, a few pillows, and a well stocked shelf of diaper supplies. Tenderly, Pauline tore the tapes on Sarita’s diaper and peeled it off her.

    “You really went. Is this all okay with you? Being in a soaked diaper you can’t hide, not being changed right away, being Little around a lot of people, and all that?”

    Sarita considered. As far as she could tell, she was feeling fine. It was nice to have her bits airing out, and it’d be even nicer if Mommy would wipe them so they’d stop itching. With so many other diapered Littles around, her diapered state hadn’t been a source of worry.

    “It’s fine? Yeah, it’s fine. My butt itches though, Mommy.” Sarita wiggled her rear for emphasis.

    Pauline giggled. “That’s crazy. You really like this stuff. You weren’t just doing it for Astra, or because you thought I wanted you to.”

    Sarita sighed. The wipes, please! “I do. I don’t know why, but it’s sexy and fun.”

    Finally, Pauline wiped Sarita’s butt. The Little girl shivered at the tingly-clean feeing. Pauline’s strokes with the wipes became slow and soft while she cleaned Sarita’s crotch. “I don’t know why I like it either. You’re amazing for being so brave and adventurous.”

    “It doesn’t feel that way, but thank you, love.” Sarita sighed and rubbed her temples. “Is it okay if I’m not as Little anymore?”

    “Of course. I’m impressed you kept it up so long. That time we played in the playpens was the Littlest I’ve ever been.”

    “Do you want to be Little more?”

    “I don’t know.” Pauline put a fresh diaper under Sarita’s butt and gently applied lotion to her girlfriend’s skin. “Maybe it’s hard for me to do because it isn’t for me.”

    “Maybe. It’s fun though, having another Little around.”

    “So you’re saying I should arrange a play-date with Nieves?”

    Sarita giggled and hid her face behind a pillow. “Is that kind of stuff okay with you? Would you want to be my mommy – more than when we’re at an event?”

    “I – don’t know that answer either.” Pauline’s fingers, freshly covered in lotion, lingered over Sarita’s sex as they described slow circles. “I had a lot of fun tonight. Especially feeding you the ice cream and teasing you about your wet diaper.”

    “Okay as long as – as you – oh god, Pauline, what are you doing?”

    “Edging you before I take you home, duh.” Pauline grinned wickedly.

    “You don’t have to edge me you could uh – go all the way.”

    “Here in the club? You’re loud, sweetie.”

    Sarita blushed and squirmed. “You’re horrible. Terrible – oh god – girlfriend.”

    “I’m not hearing anything like Stop, or Don’t, or No.” Pauline put an extra squirt of lotion on her fingers and worked them across Sarita’s sex until it was as slick outside as in.

    “Pauline…” Sarita arched her back, whimpering when Pauline pulled her fingers away. “Why? Oh god, don’t stop.”

    “You’re loud, remember? Also, edging.”

    “I’m going to bite you.”

    “No, you’re going to be a good girl, because the more you behave, the faster you come when we get home.”

    “Where did subby Pauline go? I liked her. She did whatever I said.”

    “She’s still here. I uh – wanted to thank you for being okay with going home early. I don’t think I can keep up being in charge for much longer.”

    “You should have said something.” Sarita sat up, feeling the last of her Little headspace fade away. Becoming big made it somewhat awkward to be sitting on a diaper, especially since she was going to be wearing it openly to the clothing check area. Oh well, it’s not like everyone hasn’t seen my diapers already.

    “I did – kind of.”

    “You should have said a non-kind-of thing.” Sarita squatted forward and leaned in for a kiss. Wobbling off-balance, she let herself tip all the way back on her back. “I know what it’s like to get overwhelmed at a party.”

    “Yeah? Thanks.” Pauline sprinkled a cursory pinch of powder onto Sarita and taped her diaper up. “I think you’re totally un-Littled at this point. Want to get out of here?”

    “Yes.” Sarita got to her knees, then sat back as a thought struck her. “You wet too, didn’t you? Don’t you want to change?”

    “Uh – n-not really.” Pauline’s blush was evident even in the dim tent light.

    “Oh, I see.” Sarita grinned. “I keep forgetting how much you like that. Huh, you got all hot when I wet my diaper on top of you once. Maybe I should pee in your diaper sometime.”

    “What the fuck? Where did that come from?” Pauline squirmed, pressing her thighs together around her boosted diaper.

    “Did that get you hot?”

    “N-no.” Pauline tried to scoot out of the tent, only to have her ankle caught by Sarita.

    “Oh look! I found Subby Pauline.”

    “Is this – fun for you? Switching? Because – wow – it’s fun – me. I mean, fun for me.”

    “Now who’s edging who?” Sarita crawled atop Pauline to kiss her, and crawled right out of the tent in the next moment. “Come on, let’s go home.”

    “I don’t get to complain about you teasing me right now, do I?” Pauline crawled out of the tent with a rueful expression on her face.

    “You don’t get to complain about that for the rest of the night.” Sarita offered Pauline her hand. Fingers twined together, the girls ambled toward the club entrance.

    By mutual agreement, they avoided their friends on the way out. Sarita had no energy for having someone try to convince her to stay, and Pauline seemed the same. Sticking to the walls of the rooms they passed through got them to the clothing check without seeing anyone in the Munch group.

    Buses were scarce, so late at night. With Sarita’s apartment slightly closer, and with a Nero to check up on, they made the couple mile walk to Sarita’s place. For a wonder, Nero was in a great mood when they arrived, and didn’t chew them out at all.

    It’d been a long evening, and a long walk. A couple of miles in a diaper had cooled both girls down, especially Pauline. She was regretting walking so far in a wet diaper for certain. That they were greeted by a snuggly kitty, instead of an angsty one, tipped the scales away from sex to cuddles.

    Sarita, Pauline, and Nero fell asleep in a pile on the couch, while Netflix’s “Are You Still Watching?” message flickered across their faces. The morning passed in a bit of unfortunate panic. Pauline had forgotten to set an alarm early enough to get her home in time for work. Some of Sarita’s diaper-tip money got Pauline an taxi – she was out the door in a flurry of kisses.

    Idly, Sarita checked her work’s app for her next scheduled day. In true Britt fashion, Sarita’s schedule was empty. Her manager couldn’t be bothered to put the schedule up even a day in advance. The worst part was that tomorrow was Thursday which was the day her schedule was the most variable. Thursdays were always a random choice of opening, afternoon, or evening shifts.

    Sarita puttered around her apartment until two in the afternoon, when the impending worry of not knowing when she was working finally outweighed her distaste for calling her boss. With a handful of candy for bravery, or motivation, Sarita dialed her boss.

    “Hello! It’s a great day at GrrlPower, where we empower women to define their sartorial selves!”

    “Hi Britt, it’s Sarita.”

    “Oh. Hello.”

    “Um, I saw the schedule wasn’t up for next week and I just wanted to know uh – what shift do I work tomorrow?”

    “The schedule is up.”

    “What do you mean? I don’t see any shifts for the whole week.”

    “Right. That’s your schedule for next week.”

    A wave of nausea made Sarita reach for her kitchen counter to stabilize herself. “What? I have all next week off?”

    “That’s correct. You’re free to keep checking the schedule to see if you have any shifts for next week, but this week’s schedule is set.”

    “You’re – firing me?”

    “No, I’m not firing you. I just don’t have any shifts for you right now.”

    “What am I supposed to do?”

    “Keep checking the schedule, like I said.”

    “But I don’t have a job! I need this job.”

    “I’m sorry Sarita, we simply don’t have any shifts for you right now. Goodbye.”

    Sarita fell to her knees, staring at her phone. She hadn’t counted the diaper tip money yet, but if it was enough to get her through her next rent payment, that’d be a miracle. I could go to Astra – but I just made her mad. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck! What am I supposed to do?! I’m going to be homeless!

    Nero nuzzled Sarita’s foot and was promptly yanked into Sarita’s arms. He was either in dire need of snuggles, or had sensed the gravity of the situation, because he purred instead of protesting.

    “N-nero, you might have to be somebody else’s kitty. It’s not good for – for a kitty to be homeless.”

    Sarita’s insides were too frozen for tears to make it to her eyes. She knelt in shock, petting Nero reflexively, her mouth tasting of chalk. Astra would take me back if I agree to do everything she wants. She’d have to. She wants it so bad.

    A scream rattled inside Sarita, stuck in the same freeze that had imprisoned her tears. Going over to Astra one hundred percent would mean the end of her current life. A breakup with Pauline was the first thing that’d have to happen. She’d lose her apartment, the first home she’d ever had on her own.

    On top of that – she was sure Astra had endless humiliations for a full-time baby. Humiliations that would be hot in the right context, but if she had to choose between them and living on the street…

    More than anything, Sarita wished she could throw up. Her limbo state of too sad to cry, too dazed to be nauseous, was horrible. If there was any other way to get out of the trouble she was in, she’d take it, but every suggestion fell apart as soon as she examined it.

    “I could crash with Pauline,” Sarita said to Nero. “But, we’re dating and that’s so much pressure on her. She’d be dumb to say yes – and if she did, what if I can’t find a job right away?”

    “Maybe Nohemi would let me sleep on her couch – but that’s almost as bad as Pauline. She has even less reason to say yes than Pauline does, especially after all the drama I caused her.”

    Nero rumbled and made biscuits on Sarita’s lap. She was petting the air more often than the cat, in her distraction. Who else? Oriana and Nieves? No. Paul and Tanner? No. Ineis? Maybe – and I could work in the Pony or something. If they’re even hiring. And she hasn’t seen me much lately.

    Sarita thumbed her phone open and opened up her Dad’s contact. She had more than enough money for a flight to Mexico. Dad would take her in, no questions asked. There wasn’t money to ship her stuff though.

    What do they let you take on a plane these days? Two little bags and a suitcase? How much can I get in those?

    Sarita looked around her apartment, imagining everything that couldn’t fit in airline baggage dimensions disappearing. When she looked down at Nero, her tears finally flowed. There wasn’t money for a second seat for Nero. Cats died all the time in the cargo section. Going to Dad meant saying goodbye to her kitty.

    “Nero, I need you to listen to me.” To Sarita’s eye, nothing about Nero’s behavior changed, but she plowed ahead anyway. “If Astra takes us in, you have to be nice to her, okay? You don’t have to sit on her lap or anything, but you can’t run away all the time, and you can’t make angry meows at her.”

    Nero flicked an ear at Sarita. She nodded at him and continued. “Her place is crazy clean so you – well both of us have to be less messy, okay? It’s going to be hard – but – but we can do it, right?”

    With trembling fingers, Sarita exited her Dad’s contact and opened Astra’s. She had a limited window of time to make the call. Her burst of motivation from making a decision was already fading. Two taps on the screen started a call.

    “Sarita? Princess – this is not the best time…” Astra sounded upset, annoyed, and exactly in the terrible emotional place Sarita had expected to find her. Cringing, Sarita swallowed her pride.

    “Angel, I’m sorry about last night. I only went with Pauline because you didn’t say anything about going when I mentioned it to you.”

    “Oh! Oh my god, is that really why you went with her?” The rise of hope in Astra’s voice made Sarita flinch.

    Closing her eyes, Sarita put on her best liar’s voice. “Yeah, I wanted to go with you, I was sad so I went with Pauline. But I – love you. I want to be your Princess. If you still want me to be – and live with you.”

    “I knew you’d come to me eventually.” Astra’s tone was thick with emotion, Sarita could pick out relief, happiness, and pride for starters. “Oh Princess, this is a dream come true! You don’t know how long I looked for you, how long I looked for the perfect baby girl.”

    “That’s me.” Sarita winced. “Do you think we could get me moved before the month is out? So uh – I don’t waste another month of rent here?”

    “Of course! The sooner the better. I’m going to take such good care of you, Princess, you have no idea. You haven’t seen the half of what I’m going to do for you yet. It’ll be perfect. I promise. You’ll never have to worry or be sad again.”

    “That sounds amazing. Thank you, Angel. Um, if you’re at work or something I can let you go, I just wanted to be sure we talked.”

    “That’s probably a good idea, I’m supposed to be taking a call from a big client sometime this hour. I’ll call you as soon as I’m off work, the first instant, okay?”


    “I love you, Princess.”

    “Love you, Angel.”

    I’m safe. Sarita threw her phone at the couch. It’ll be fine. I like Astra. I’m sure I can love her someday. There was so much good that had happened with Astra, so much generosity, it was weird to be feeling so trapped with her.

    As Astra’s Princess, there’d be more scenes at the Green Fairy – but they could talk about those ahead of time, probably. Even if the scenes stayed extreme, at least she’d be famous. Littles like Nieves and Paul would be impressed by her, which was cool.

    There’d be a bunch of rules and punishments and stuff, living with Astra, but what had Sarita managed on her own? Without rules, she’d managed two years of living on her own and ended up homeless. It’s a good thing that I won’t run my life. I can’t keep a girlfriend, or a job, or an apartment. I can barely keep a cat.

    Squaring her shoulders, Sarita forced herself to focus on the positives. Astra’s fingers had provided the most mind-blowing orgasms of her life. She wouldn’t have to sell all her stuff. She’d miss the apartment, but get to stay in Ardenthill. She’d still be able to see her friends, even if it’d be awkward for a while.

    Best of all, I keep Nero. I hope you appreciate it, furball.