• Getting Little: Chapter 13

    Within the warm embrace of a bubble bath, Sarita had no concerns or anxieties. The same could not be said for Nero. He hated it when Sarita took a bath. When his meows at Sarita went un-answered, he tracked Astra down and berated her. Unfortunately for the little black tyrant, Astra was willing to talk back, but not bend to his demands. Returning to the bathroom, Nero made a big show of getting up on the counter. Sarita took note of her kitty’s rule-breaking, but continued to luxuriate in the tub. Disgusted, Nero glared at Sarita and lashed his tail.

    Astra entered the bathroom to give Sarita’s hair a final rinse and pull her out of the tub. Satisfied that he had sat, meowed, and conquered, Nero went to the window to watch his morning birds. For her part, Sarita was fascinated at how helpless Astra was allowing her to be. The constant attention felt like something that might be annoying with time, but for the moment it was a silly delight.

    Sitting on the side of the tub, Sarita had her teeth brushed by Astra. No sooner had Astra rinsed Sarita’s mouth out with a cup of water than she put a fresh pacifier in the girl’s mouth. The pacifier was really comforting, not so much for the physical soothing, but because it meant Sarita wouldn’t have to talk. The depth to which she’d been plunged into Astra’s ageplay game was a little intimidating. Sarita had no idea what her lines were supposed to be.

    Baby talk is right out. Sarita thought, though the thought was almost silly considering that she was crawling to her bedroom. Astra had done a lot of cleaning while Sarita was in the tub. Her bed was made, and it looked like the sheets had been changed too. Hopping onto the bed and changing blanket, Sarita admitted that she could get used to having someone clean for her.

    Being diapered was rapidly losing its embarrassment factor. Not that she was going to rush to tell Ineis or her dad about her diapers, but there was no anxiety in Astra taping her into another padded garment. Instead, it gave her a small rush of excitement. As the excitement faded, the smell and feel of a diaper evoked the care she’d gotten from Astra.

    Sarita let herself sink into that feeling. Her new level of Little mindset made it easy to submit to Astra’s wardrobe choices without question. Sarita’s Angel dressed her in a sports bra and sundress before sending Sarita crawling to the living room.

    Crawling in a sundress necessitated leaving her diaper exposed, but the only person around to see was Astra, and she’d put Sarita in the thing. Sarita was pleased to see that Nero had decided he liked diapered time. The sounds of Astra bustling around in the kitchen, while a warm kitty cuddled on her lap, lulled Sarita into a doze.

    “Breakfast time!” Astra pulled a chair up to the couch and balanced a plate on her hand. Sarita’s curious gaze caught pre-cut waffles and bacon. She spit out her pacifier to accept a forkful of both. There didn’t seem to be a way to keep the syrup from being messy, or maybe Astra wasn’t trying to keep Sarita clean. It was fun either way, Sarita giggled each time Astra cleaned her face with a damp washcloth. Food was followed by a baby bottle with water in it. By the time she’d drained the bottle, Sarita was stuffed.

    “You’re such a good baby girl, eating your whole breakfast.” Astra stroked Sarita’s hair. “If I put you down for a nap, do you think you’ll sleep?”

    “I think so.” The apartment felt a lot warmer than usual. Combined with a big breakfast, Sarita was certainly drowsy. Even if she couldn’t sleep, she felt like she could space out indefinitely.

    Being tucked into nice clean sheets was heavenly. Astra produced a soft pink teddy bear and snuggled her into Sarita’s arms. “I got you a new friend. You cuddle her and enjoy your nap. I’m so proud of you for being such a good Little Girl this morning.”

    Sarita blushed and clutched the bear. It was strange to be praised for doing nothing, but it felt good anyway. It wasn’t clear if Astra expected a response or not, but she didn’t seem bothered when Sarita stayed silent. Astra eliminated talking as a possibility anyway by putting the pacifier back in Sarita’s mouth. This time it had a ribbon on the handle, which Astra clipped to Sarita’s dress.

    “If you need to potty any time during your nap, just go. Your diaper will take care of it, and I’ll check you in a bit.” Astra patted Sarita’s diaper through the covers. Sarita nodded, and was rewarded with a kiss on the cheek. Moments later she was alone in her bedroom, with the door and blinds closed.

    Sarita must have slept, though she didn’t remember falling asleep. She woke to Astra checking her diaper. When she found it dry, Astra put her hand over Sarita’s bladder again. The insistent pressure was too much of a bother to resist. To her delight, Sarita was rewarded for wetting by a flurry of gentle kisses.

    Crawling back to the main room revealed an impressive transformation. The apartment was the cleanest it had been since Sarita had moved in. It wasn’t up to the pristine sterility of Astra’s apartment, but Sarita’s jaw dropped nevertheless.

    “You were cleaning the whole time?”

    “You’re welcome, Princess. I told you I’d take care of everything. I can’t baby you like this every day – yet, but I’m happy to take all the worries that I can .”

    “Th-thank you,” Sarita stammered belatedly.

    “Of course. Hop up on my lap for another bottle and then you can play.”

    It was weird to be drinking another bottle of water so soon. Sarita wasn’t so out of it that she didn’t see what Astra was doing with all the liquid, which only served to push her further out of her Little mindset. Reluctantly, she climbed into Astra’s lap and set to draining another bottle of water.

    With a freshly full tummy, Sarita sat on her damp padding and looked over the toys Astra had given her. The brightly colored xylophone, plastic blocks, and teething ring might have been appealing in the morning when the baby mindset had been strong. At the moment, Sarita felt ridiculous, like she was playing a part for Astra’s amusement.

    Half-heartedly banging on the xylophone made Astra smile, which made some nice warmth in Sarita’s heart. She couldn’t bring herself to even touch the teething ring, but found some joy in stacking the blocks. Their slightly rounded shapes made it a bit of a challenge to arrange them in a single column, especially on the couch.

    Astra silenced an alarm on her phone and reached over to pat Sarita’s padded crotch. “Do you need to potty?”

    “Um – yeah.” Sarita had just barely realized it herself. With Astra looking at her expectantly, Sarita blushed and relaxed. The look of excitement on Astra’s face as she held Sarita’s slowly-filling diaper was equal parts humiliating and sexy.

    “Good girl!” Astra gave Sarita’s wet padding a squeeze, which squeezed a moan out of the diapered girl.

    “You set an alarm for when I’d need to go?”

    “I didn’t know exactly, but most people need to go within a half hour of drinking a bunch of liquid. I’m proud of you for wetting right away. This is great for your diaper training.”

    My. What. Sarita’s face prickled with heat until she was sure she looked sunburnt. “Diaper training?”

    “I want you to feel natural about using your diapers, so that you don’t have to think about it when you’re padded,” Astra gushed, her face lit up with excitement. “If we’re really lucky, you could even learn to wet when you’re sleeping.”

    She wants me to wet in my sleep?! Isn’t that just a bedwetter? If that starts, what happens if I’m not wearing a diaper at night? “Um, is that what we’re doing today?”

    “We don’t have to make it the focus. It’ll be more of a background thing. How’s that diaper feel? Do you need a change?” Astra squished the padding again, making Sarita squirm.

    “I’m pretty wet – it’d be nice to get a change.” Sarita bit her lip, her thoughts racing as she tried to figure a way out of diaper training. The last thing she wanted to do was upset Astra, especially after everything her Angel had done for her in the last day.

    “I thought so. You don’t seem quite like the happy baby I had this morning. Don’t worry Princess, I’ve got another surprise to help you appreciate your wet diapers.”

    Before Sarita could ask about the surprise, Astra’s lips met hers. The tender kiss lead to a steamier one, which lead to Sarita making out with her Angel on Astra’s lap. Her sundress and bra came off, leading to delightful touches across Sarita’s back and chest. The soggy padding was a bit of a bother, but Sarita did her best to ignore it.

    Her hands sought Astra’s blouse buttons. One by one the pearly discs yielded to Sarita’s hands, revealing the enticing expanse of Astra’s cleavage. Sarita didn’t have the angle to reach for Astra’s bra clasp, settling for pulling down her bra cups instead.

    “Mmm, what are you doing there, Princess?” Astra caught Sarita’s hands, tucking them behind the Little Girl’s back.

    “I know you like it when I – suck on your nipples. I have some cream for my coffee that you could use if you want to pretend again.” Nervously, Sarita struggled against the hold on her wrists. Even with the making out they’d just done, it was hard to feel sexy in a wet diaper.

    “Princess.” Astra blinked away tears. “You’re perfect, do you know that? You’re a perfect Little Girl. That’s a wonderful suggestion, and it’s going to be even better with your surprise.”

    Sarita felt anything but perfect as she waited for Astra to come back with the cream, but if her Angel thought so, that was a nice bit of safety. The tiny voice inside her that always predicted doom for her relationships was quieted by the word perfect.

    It took a moment to get settled on the couch properly. Astra wanted Sarita on her lap and her breasts, but the angles simply didn’t work. Angel settled for laying Sarita across her lap, cradling her head in one hand. The other hand was holding a device that caught Sarita’s imagination instantly.

    A real vibrating wand had been on Sarita’s wish list since she’d heard about them, but had always seemed too expensive compared to a budget vibrator. She didn’t have to wonder long about what the wand would feel like through a diaper. As soon as Astra pressed the head of the wand to Sarita’s crotch, waves of sensation crashed relentlessly through the diapered girl’s body.

    The only thought Sarita could muster was that she was glad the wand was on it’s low setting. Pulsing vibration was assaulting her crotch from every angle, thrumming through the wet padding over her rear and up to her waist as well. Her jaw went slack and the world blurred as everything but Sarita’s sense of touch shut down.

    As an afterthought, she tried to reach for Astra’s breast with her mouth, but there was too much vibration. The wand felt like it was shaking Sarita’s insides until her brain rattled. She gasped and moaned, helpless before the intensity of the pleasure in her sex.

    When the first climax came, it was hardly noticeable against the sheer ecstasy thundering through Sarita’s nerves. It took three or four in a row to really get the diapered girl’s attention. Mewling and pawing at Astra, Sarita thrashed as the waves of pleasure became waves of orgasms.

    After an eternity of sensation, Sarita begged Astra to stop the wand. Mercifully, her Angel did, gently massaging Sarita’s crotch with her hand instead. Astra put Sarita’s trembling lips to her nipple and the Little Girl sucked absently, still shuddering and moaning as aftershocks wracked her.

    As Sarita came back to herself, she could hear Astra moaning. Her Angel’s voice was lusty and guttural. A glance upward showed Astra’s face flushed and sweaty. Sarita redoubled her efforts, eagerly sucking cream off Astra’s breasts until she heard her Angel scream.

    They cuddled on the couch together, panting happily. Sarita let herself melt against her Angel, the weirdness of diaper training momentarily forgotten. There was only her Angel and the safety she brought.

    Later, they made their way quietly to the bedroom for a diaper change. Astra had another bottle for Sarita. Still unsure of how to say no, Sarita drank it all. The best way out of a disagreement seemed to be to use her pacifier as much as possible. Astra seemed happy to accept that Sarita was feeling non-verbal.

    Not talking was as much of a refuge from having to engage too much with Astra’s game as it had been in the morning. Sarita cuddled with Astra as they watched a movie, dutifully wetting each time Astra’s alarm went off. There was something worrisome and heavy hanging from Sarita’s heart.

    The more she surrendered to Astra, the fuzzier Sarita was able to feel mentally. She pushed hard for that fuzzy feeling, retreating from the uncertainty she could feel building up. With enough effort, Sarita was able to get the rest of the evening to speed by in a blur. The last thing she remembered was Astra tucking her in and apologizing for not being able to spend the night again.


    Work the next day was strange. Britt didn’t say two words to Sarita, not even when she knocked over an entire table of sweaters. Anne came to the rescue, helping Sarita re-fold each of the garments while Britt retreated to her office. Out from under the watchful eye of their horrible manager, Sarita and Anne had their first good work conversation in ages.

    After work, Sarita felt mentally flat. It was a big improvement over all the times she’d left crying, or involuntarily running from the store. She had enough energy to text back a few short responses to her friends and head home for a quiet evening with Nero.

    Pauline still hadn’t responded to any of Sarita’s texts. The worry that generated was enough to penetrate the grey veil of Sarita’s mood. She did her best to compose an apology text, editing it ten times before she finally sent it.

    Ten minutes later, a text came in. Sarita jumped eagerly for her phone, but it wasn’t from Pauline.

    Astra: Hi Princess. There’s a private event at the Green Fairy next week. I can’t wait to show you off to everyone! Don’t worry about your work, it starts after the store is closed. I’ll pick you up at 10 on Wednesday.

    Sarita stared at the message, with its coda of lipstick and heart emojis. Before she’d really thought about it, she texted back a heart. There was no immediate response from Astra. Leaving things ambiguous seemed to be the safest thing. She didn’t have the energy to ask about the event, Astra would be sure to launch into a big sales pitch at any questions.

    At least she wants me around, and wants me to meet her friends. I hope her other girlfriends aren’t there though. That would be really awkward, especially if she broke up with them like Mimi said.

    With a shrug, Sarita booted up Astra’s streaming services she’d left logged in on the television. Somebody loved her, and that’s all that was important. Everything would work out eventually if they loved each other enough.