• Getting Little: Chapter 14

    Content Warning: Not Checking For Consent – Careless Domination Play

    The interior of Astra’s car was stifling hot. Sarita wiped a bead of sweat off her eyebrow and looked out the window impatiently, hoping they’d find a parking spot soon. Though some of her overheating was due to the warm summer night, most of the sweat could be laid at the feet of her outfit.

    A bulky diaper was warm at the best of times, especially when covered by a onesie and tights. Over that, Sarita was wearing one of Astra’s overcoats. It was comically oversized on her, but it hid all her baby clothes. Being out in public in baby gear was so nerve-wracking that Sarita didn’t dare open the coat, despite Astra’s windows being tinted.

    I wish I knew more about what’s going to happen tonight, or who’s going to be there. Sarita fidgeted in her seat, stuck in a love-hate relationship with her crinkly diaper. Being diapered in public should have been a safeword-worthy humiliation, but they’d only be in public from the walk to the car to the club entrance. Diapers already felt like a promise of sexy fun, and doing sexy things at a club was exciting and wild.

    After a mediocre day at work, that had become Sarita’s new-normal, Astra had descended on her and taken over. It was great to have some positive human contact after getting the cold shoulder from Britt. Life had taken on a dangerous, out of control feeling of late. Having an Angel to lean on calmed the worst of Sarita’s anxieties.

    I don’t want a sugar-mama, but maybe an ABDL mommy would be okay. My Angel takes really good care of me. All I have to do is rely on her and let her be in charge. Trusting Astra that much had it’s own anxiety attached. Sarita was well past her naive phase of thinking that any kind of love was forever. People either leave or they die, we’re all alone in the end.

    Lost in her angsty thoughts, Sarita had stopped scanning the street for parking spots. Astra had finished parallel parking the car when Sarita snapped out of her reverie. Her Angel patted Sarita gently on the cheek.

    “We’re here, Princess. Are you okay? You’re not nervous about tonight, are you?”

    “N-no, I was just thinking. Well – maybe a little nervous. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

    “Everyone is going to love you. Your outfit is beyond adorable, and sexy too.” Astra wiped Sarita’s forehead. “Let’s get you inside so you can get rid of that coat and cool off.”

    I’d probably be the center of attention no matter what I was wearing since I’m here with Astra. The little bit of breeze outside the car was a nice start on getting cool. Sarita was feeling desperate to take Astra’s coat off, which meant going into the club. Nervously, she took Astra’s hand and followed her girlfriend down the street.

    There was a line on the stairs that dropped below street level to the Green Fairy’s door. It wasn’t a surprise to see mostly couples in the line, nor that one person in each couple would defer to the other. They were on their way into a fetish club, after all. Sarita counted a lot of coats similar to hers, despite the warm night. The silhouettes under those coats were almost universally pear-shaped, even among the men.

    “Ast – Angel, is tonight just for – teddy bear door people?”

    “That’s right Princess. You’ll be able to drop your coat off at the check in the main room.” Astra patted Sarita’s butt, getting a nice crinkle out of the padding there. Thankfully, everyone in line was caught up in their own low-toned conversations and didn’t seem to notice.

    A portion of the weight eased off Sarita’s shoulders. She was glad to not be outing herself as an ageplayer to people in other kinks. The solidarity of everyone else being into the same kink felt good too. For the first time, Sarita’s anxiety about the night was no more than first-time jitters.

    “Thanks for inviting me tonight, Angel.” Sarita snuggled up against Astra’s side. Her girlfriend, mommy, Angel – whatever she was, looked amazing that night. Astra was in a puff-sleeved midi dress with a bodice top. The bodice didn’t so much cover Astra’s prodigious bosom as cradle it. With vibrant roses running down pristine white fabric in columns, she was as much of a hot mommy as Sarita had ever seen. The 1950’s housewife curls in Astra’s hair cemented the look.

    “Are you feeling better about coming out tonight?” Astra put an arm protectively around Sarita. “You were nervous during the car ride.”

    “It was scary at first, but now that I know it’s just ABDL people I feel better. I’m getting excited now.”

    “That’s amazing news, Princess! We’re going to have a great night, you have no idea.”

    Sarita leaned into Astra and pushed the rest of her anxieties away. Her Angel had picked a safe night for Sarita’s first time in the teddy bear area. She could rely on Astra for everything else if she was willing to trust. Daringly, Sarita threw caution to the wind and silenced the rest of her questions. Asking a bunch of questions like how going to the bathroom is going to work will just take down the mood. I’ll let Angel handle that and concentrate on the fun!

    At the door, the bouncer didn’t just greet Astra by name, she made a point of learning Sarita’s. The special treatment had Sarita giggling excitedly. I’ve never been a VIP before. At the coat check, Astra was showered in compliments for her dress. Impatient to match her date, Sarita shucked her coat right away.

    They made quite a pair. Sarita’s onesie was white and patterned with roses much like Astra’s. The tights that her Angel had stretched over Sarita’s bulging butt were rose-red, and her feet were encased in white Velcro shoes. Astra had put her hair in pigtails and clipped a pacifier to her onesie, but the dress-up hadn’t stopped there.

    Sarita’s tan complexion had been lightened with some foundation, the better to show off the pink blush Astra had applied to her cheeks. At home, the blush had seemed a bit much, but seeing all the other ABDL people made Sarita glad she had it on. The crown jewel of her makeup was mascara and eyeshadow with ridiculous gold sparkles.

    As soon as Sarita had the coat off, the crowd shifted its attention to her. Having all eyes on her was intoxicating. Compliments rained down on her on all sides, the crowd was staring with delighted expressions. Someone took her coat to the check for her like Sarita was a celebrity. They handed the coat check ticket to Astra, not Sarita. Along with the childish way people were cooing at Sarita, the automatic assumption that Astra was in charge made Sarita feel Little on an almost physical level.

    With their most ardent admirers trailing along, Sarita and Astra stepped up to the bar. The bar area had been decorated with stuffies, balloons, and drapes of pastel fabric until it looked more like an episode of a children’s show than a fetish club.

    “I’ll have a Cosmopolitan, and my baby girl will have a cold bottle.” Astra passed a card to the bartender, though it looked like a membership card to the Green Fairy instead of a credit card.

    Sarita was excited to get a beer. She’d been in enough of a Little mindset that she hadn’t even been thinking about alcohol. Now that it had come up, it sounded like exactly what she needed to finish relaxing.

    Instead of the familiar brown glass of a beer bottle, Sarita found herself staring at a glass baby bottle, full of what looked like milk. The bartender turned away to make Astra’s drink while Sarita stared at the bottle.

    Astra pressed the cool glass into Sarita’s hands. “Do you need help, Princess, or can you drink your bottle on your own?” Easily a dozen people were looking at Sarita expectantly. Bashfully, she raised the bottle and sucked on the nipple. It was milk, and not even spiked like a white Russian.

    “She’s going to drink from a bottle on her first night here?” one of the admirers asked. Another person crowded in, asking, “She’s not having a cocktail? How long did you say you two have been dating?”

    “Less than a month, and she wasn’t ABDL at all before we met.” Astra smiled smugly, wrapping her arms around Sarita from behind. “She uses her diapers and everything. My Princess is absolutely amazing. A natural baby girl.”

    A torrent of praise came from the onlookers, some for Sarita, but most of it for Astra. No one asked Sarita’s name, instead referring to her as Princess, or Astra’s Princess. Suddenly terrified that someone was going to start baby-talking at her, Sarita kept her lips firmly on her bottle. She hasn’t introduced me to anybody. What was that about my diapers? Is she expecting me to use them – here?

    With her drink in hand, Astra broke away from her admirers and lead Sarita toward the teddy bear door. The reprieve was nice. As soon as they were out of earshot of the others, Sarita took the bottle out of her mouth and tugged on Astra’s skirt.

    “Angel, what you were saying…”

    “I know, Princess! They all love you, just like I said. Wasn’t that fun? I’m so proud of you. So proud of my pretty baby Princess.” Astra leaned down and kissed Sarita passionately. There was so much excitement and joy in the embrace that Sarita rose to her toes to press against her Angel.

    They don’t love me, they love my Angel. She dressed me, she made me use the diapers and ordered a bottle for me, she’s choosing everything. Everyone accepts that I belong to her. It’s like I’m her toy. Sarita’s pulse was hammering so hard she could feel it in her neck. Her crotch was warm, and would have been wet but for the absorbent padding swaddling it.

    Choosing to be Astra’s toy, to be her Princess, was sexy enough for Sarita to be over-warm in her baby outfit again. The soft childish onesie pressing against her chest with no bra in the way sent tingles across her skin. Bulky padding on her butt squished her adult thoughts off to the side. Of course I’ll use my diaper when I need to pee. I’m Astra’s Princess.

    Sarita didn’t know what she’d been expecting to see on the other side of the teddy bear door, but it hadn’t been a hallway. She giggled at herself for expecting the door to open into something like Narnia or Wonderland. Skipping along, hand in hand with her Angel, Sarita listened eagerly to the music coming from the end of the hall.

    The first proper room was a baby disco. Sarita stared slack-jawed in wonder as the lights hitting the disco ball changed from pastels to primary colors, then back again. The floor was covered in a soft mat, except for a strip along the edge for seating and a walkway. There was a DJ in the corner, wearing a teddy-bear fursuit.

    Most of the seating along the wall was in pairs, with a normal chair next to a stuffed-animal chair. There were a few Caregiver and Little pairs sitting, but the dance floor was well populated. Sarita’s eyes were drawn to the other Littles, boys and girls in everything from shortalls, to pajamas, to outright naked except for a diaper or some plastic pants.

    Astra squeezed Sarita’s shoulder and leaned close to her ear. “You want to dance, Princess?”

    “I do! Yes please! Dance with me, Angel?”

    Astra giggled. “I will, I promise, but there’s no shoes allowed on that mat. I want to say hello to people before I take my heels off. Do you want to get started while I make the rounds, or would you like to come with me?”

    Being treated as Astra’s toy by people at the bar had been hot, but only in combination with everything else that was going on. Sarita wasn’t eager for a repeat of that experience. Besides, following her Angel around was competing with dancing. There was no actual contest.

    “I wanna dance!” Sarita grinned, clinging happily to Astra when her Angel came in for a kiss. Her shoes were stored in a shelf-cubby, along with the diaper bag Astra had brought. Sarita’s Angel insisted on her finishing the bottle of milk before she was allowed on the dance floor. She tipped the bottle upside down and chugged it with true party-girl enthusiasm.

    Out on the floor, surrounded by diapered people, Sarita felt blissful Littleness infusing her thoughts. There were very few bigs dancing, which made it easy to pretend that they were all baby-sized. It’d been so long since Sarita had properly been dancing that her heart was full of rainbows. The novelty of her clothes and those of the other Littles captured the feeling of the first time Sarita had been to a club.

    In her memories she was sixteen again, with a stolen ID and saucer-wide eyes at all the glorious clubwear the other ladies wore. Mentally, she hadn’t picked an age. The details seemed unimportant. It was much better to focus on shaking her diaper to the beat and giggling as she played patty-cake with the baby girl dancing across from her.

    A lot of the Littles were barefoot. Sarita saw the wisdom in that after the third time her tights sent her sliding across the mat. She bumped up against a classic blonde with full, pink cheeks and a natural pear shape. The blonde caught Sarita’s hands and went right into some swing steps that were hilariously out of step with the beat-heavy club remix of Rafi’s Baby Beluga.

    Sarita’s attempts at exaggerated swing dance had her on the floor, taking the blonde girl down with her. A crash that would have been painful or bloody in a regular club was a mere bump onto padded butts. Giggling madly, the other girl reached out for a hug, which Sarita happily joined in on. The last time I was this touchy with a total stranger was when I took Molly. Little space is a hell of a drug.

    The blonde girl crawled off the dance floor, motioning for Sarita to follow. Not trusting her slippery feet was a great excuse for Sarita to crawl without feeling self-conscious. They reached the edge of the mat, but the blonde girl kept going. Sarita stopped at the doorway her dance-buddy had crawled through, and looked for her Angel.

    From the floor, it was hard to see the room well, but Sarita was reasonably sure that Astra wasn’t anywhere in the disco room. The only spots she couldn’t see were chair-heavy areas around the wall, and wallflower was the last word she’d use to describe her Angel.

    If she can leave the room, so can I. She’s not my real mom! Sarita giggled and crawled after her new acquaintance. She found herself in a side room with heavy sound shielding that reduced the pounding bass from the dance floor to a dull thud. The floor was padded just as the dance floor was. On one side of the room were blankets set out in a grid like a daycare at nap-time. So early in the evening, there weren’t any takers on naps.

    On the other side of the room were shelves bearing juice boxes and cookies. The blonde girl already had one of each in her lap, and was holding another pair for Sarita to take. With eagerness that surprised herself, Sarita took the treats. Neither she nor her new friend wasted any time getting into the goodies. Blondie was a messy eater, getting cookie bits all over her face. Sarita giggled, eating her own more sedately and washing the bites down with sweet grape juice.

    “We could be sisters, you know.” Blondie tossed her empty juice box aside.

    Sarita stared at the extremely white girl in front of her incredulously. “Uh – that’s super sweet but we don’t really look anything alike.”

    “No, I mean, sometimes Littles pretend to be related. It’s really fun to have a sister or brother to play with.”

    “Oh.” Sarita drained the last of her juice box to give herself time to think about that. It seemed like a bold offer to be the first thing to say to someone. “I guess I can see the appeal…”

    “Great! Want to pretend to be sisters?” Blondie hopped closer to Sarita excitedly.

    “What all does that mean? Is it like a uh – dating thing?” Sarita backed away, finding the wall at her back after only a couple of scoots.

    “It could be, if our caregiver likes to see diaper girls together.” Blondie wasn’t taking the hint, she was right up in Sarita’s personal space. At least she had the good graces to not actually touch Sarita, so far. “Do you like other diaper girls? Would you like to play sexy games with a diaper girl?”

    Sarita’s mind flashed to her diapered grind session with Pauline. That’s a hard yes. Diapers in general had gotten so tangled up with sex in Sarita’s experience that she’d never come down from her earlier arousal. Plus-sized girls were great in Sarita’s book, almost all girl shapes were, really. It’s more about the person, who they are and their personality. Woah, Blondie’s tits look incredible in that onesie. Blondie? I don’t even know her name!

    “You’re hot, but maybe we should jump back to names.” Sarita giggled nervously. “I’m Sarita.”

    “I know who you are.” The blonde girl stared intensely into Sarita’s eyes until she felt like her soul was transfixed. “I’m Jenevieve.”

    Oh shit. “Oh uh – hi? I’ve heard your name too. You and Astra were – were uh…”

    “I was her baby girl.” Jenevieve grabbed Sarita’s hands urgently. “I still could be, if we were sisters. I’ll top for you, or bottom, whatever we want. Or we don’t have to do roles, or even have sex. You can get me in trouble when you do something naughty, I’ll take the blame every time. I don’t mind, really!”

    Oh no. Dios fucking mío. I have to get out of here. There is way too much crazy here. “That’s um – a lot! We just met so maybe we’d start like, a lot slower.” Sarita worked her hands out of Jenevieve’s and scooted to the side.

    “Okay, that’s fine too! How do you want to start? Maybe we could do playdates or something. Is she diaper-training or potty-training you? Whichever one you’re doing, I can do the opposite so that you look good.”

    Sarita managed to slide down the wall enough to get her back to the break-room’s door without Jenevieve seeming to notice. Bracing her hands on the mat, she considered how best to let the other girl down gently.

    “Maybe that would work. It’s something I’d have to talk to Astra about, you know how she likes to be in charge and everything.” Sarita’s attempt at a teasing laugh came out cringy and hysterical. Joder, there’s no way she doesn’t realize I’m trying to get away. Pushing herself to her feet, Sarita backed through the doorway. “I’ll go ask her right now.”

    “Sarita, wait!” Jenevieve wailed, launching herself forward to grab Sarita’s wrist. “Please help me. I’m sorry I came on too strong. I don’t want to lose her. I don’t want to end up like Mimi.”

    The bottom dropped out of Sarita’s stomach. She stared down at Jenevieve with her mouth hanging open. It can’t be the same Mimi. It’s got to be a different woman. I’m sure there’s lots of Latinas in Ardenthill – that are into ABDL – and are named Nohemi. Fuck.

    “What do you mean? What happened to Mimi?”

    “She was Astra’s baby girl, but they had a fight in the club, and now Mimi can’t come to private events anymore.” Jenevieve had tears streaming down her cheeks. “Please, Sarita, please. Don’t tell Astra what I said to you. It’s okay if we don’t do the sister thing. Y-you don’t have to talk to me anymore. Just don’t tell Astra.”

    “I won’t.” Sarita lied, twisting her wrist to free it from Jenevieve’s grasp. “I am going to go, though. I’ll see you around. It was fun dancing. We should dance again – maybe even tonight!”

    Fleeing the distraught girl, Sarita waddle-ran as best she could through the club. Astra was nowhere to be seen in the only other room Sarita was familiar with, the disco. A randomly chosen door took Sarita into a room full of small tents. Without taking in what was going on there, she was through the next door.

    Sarita’s stockinged feet skittered across polished hardwood in what looked like a fancy restaurant. It was small to the point of being cozy, with room for only five tables. The seating at the tables was mixed much like the disco’s had been, alternating dining chairs with adult-sized high-chairs. Again, there was no time to process the room, Sarita picked a door and kept going.

    Tears of relief sprang into Sarita’s eyes when she found her Angel. Astra was holding court in a lounge room with overstuffed red-leather couches along the walls. The middle of the floor held several adult-size playpens, where Littles were playing with toddler toys.

    Astra herself was on the largest of the couches, the center of attention for a half-dozen bigs. Sarita’s dash into the room and wobbling run toward Astra caught everyone’s attention. Like a character in a play, Astra smoothly handed her drink off to one of her friends before standing up just in time to catch Sarita.

    “Princess! What’s going on? You look upset. Were you scared that I wasn’t in the disco? I didn’t think you’d even notice, you were having so much fun dancing.”

    “Angel.” Sarita hugged Astra tightly. “There was a scary person.”

    “Oh no, Princess, it’s okay, your Angel’s here. Do you know their name? Nobody’s supposed to harass people here.”

    “I – I…” Sarita envisioned Jenevieve’s tear streaked face and found she couldn’t get the other girl in trouble. “No, I don’t know who it was. But they said things – about you. About you and – and Mimi.”

    Astra tensed up, then turned to her friends. “I need to sort my princess out. I’ll be right back.” She guided Sarita away to an empty couch. “What did you hear about Nohemi and I?”

    “That you got in a fight – and you banned her from the private events.” Sarita sniffed in pre-emptive sympathy tears for her bestie. Sarita had some fear that Astra might treat her the same way, but most of her hurt was for Mimi’s unfair treatment.

    “Princess.” Astra sighed and sat Sarita on the couch, standing over her. “I don’t know that it’s really your business, even if you are friends with Nohemi. I mean, Nohemi didn’t bring this up with you, right?”

    “She didn’t but it’s not fair! And it IS my business. I’m not just friends with her, I’m your Little too.”

    “You are my Little. You’re my Princess, and I love you. I don’t know what this unnamed person said to you, but yes, Nohemi was my Little once. She and I had a big fight, here in the Green Fairy.”

    Astra winced and crossed her arms at the memory. “I didn’t ask anyone to ban her. She got herself banned from private events all on her own. That fight almost got both of us banned. I managed to talk my way out of it. Nohemi didn’t try fixing things, as far as I know.”

    “But she – that person said, said that they were afraid you were going to ban her too.” Now that the waters around Nohemi’s unfair treatment were muddied, fear was at the forefront of Sarita’s emotions.

    All the sidelong looks people at the Munch had given when Astra’s name came up, the very careful way Nohemi talked about Astra, and Jenevieve’s distress had built a terrible monster out of Astra’s shadow. When things were good with her Angel, they were amazing. Sarita had felt an edge between them often enough to know that things could get bad. For once, I wish someone would just tell me what’s going on.

    “She said that? Who said that?” Astra frowned thunderously. “It was Jenevieve, wasn’t it?”

    “N-no. It definitely wasn’t her.” Sarita bit her lip.

    “Really? Because I didn’t think you knew her. How do you know it wasn’t Jenevieve?”

    “Because – because – it just wasn’t!”

    “Princess, you’re lying to me.” Astra’s voice was thick with disappointment.

    “I’m not I – I…” Sarita quivered in front of Astra until hot tears leaked out of the corner of her eyes. “I’m sorry! It was Jenevieve! But don’t ban her, please, Angel, she’s just sad. She was weird and creepy to me but it’s because she’s sad. I know what it’s like to be sad over a breakup. It’s not her fault.”

    “My goodness, Princess! We have got to work on our communication. I don’t even have the power to ban people, and if I did, I wouldn’t ban Jenevieve for telling you things about my past relationships.”

    Astra took Sarita’s hands and held them gently. “Someone DOES need to talk to Jenevieve about being weird and creepy. That’s not okay here, but I won’t be the person doing that, it’s not my job.”

    “Okay – okay, that’s fine I guess. It was a lot, what she said. She wanted to be my baby sister and have sex and take punishments for me and it sounded like she wanted to move in with me or something.”

    “I can see why you got so upset. I’m sorry you had to hear about Nohemi and I this way, but I don’t make a point of talking to my Littles about other Littles I’ve been with.” Astra squeezed Sarita’s hands. “Are you feeling a little better?”

    Sarita nodded gratefully. “Yes Angel.” There was still plenty to talk about, but that could wait until they left the club, or maybe even texts on another day if that’d be easier than face to face. She was genuinely relaxing until she felt Astra grip her wrists tightly.

    “Then we need to deal with your lying. It’s not okay to lie to me, ever, but especially not about something safety related like someone harassing you.” Astra took a step back, pulling Sarita to her feet.

    “I’m sorry, it was just for a minute. I didn’t know what to do! I didn’t want her to lose a place she likes going, just because she made a mistake.”

    “You say you’re sorry, but I’m going to make sure you’re REALLY sorry.” Astra’s long strides had Sarita stumbling behind her. To her horror, Sarita realized Astra was leading her back to the group of bigs on the couch.

    “I’m almost finished setting my Princess straight, but I thought you’d all enjoy seeing the resolution up close.” Astra took her central seat on the couch. As her friends shuffled away to make space, she pulled Sarita down over her lap.

    A spanking? Here? In front of people? Well if it’s over my diaper it won’t be so bad – I guess. Unsure of what to do, Sarita let Astra pull her tights down. It was a bit worrisome when Astra popped the buttons on Sarita’s crotch to expose the diaper, but she was wearing a fancy cartoon print one and didn’t mind showing it off.

    It was when Astra gripped the waistband of Sarita’s diaper that the world lurched out of balance. Sarita made a choking noise, fumbling for anything that would stop her from being bared in front of strangers. Her tongue tangled around the word no, while searching for a non-existent safeword. We don’t have a safeword yet. I could say yellow – or red – this is a red, but would she respond in time?

    Sarita’s hesitation cost her a clothed rear as Astra yanked the Little girl’s diaper down to her thighs. No! They can see everything! My coño is showing! That thought was Sarita’s last before her train of thought went entirely off its rails. Dreamlike confusion sapped her limbs of energy as Astra pulled her knees closer to hike the Little girl’s butt upward.

    “This is for lying to me, Princess. Especially about your emotional safety!” Astra’s hand came down in steady slaps, to an appreciative gasp from her audience. That gasp stalled the last objection in Sarita’s throat, turning her intended scream of “stop” into a mere whimper.

    As the slaps rained down on Sarita’s rear, she sobbed and screamed. Nothing had ever made her feel so exposed, so degraded. Standing handcuffed in front of the ruins of the Taco Truck Fire with her fly unbuttoned had been better than the spanking she was getting.

    Sarita’s rear was flooded with bright, hot pain, which refused to leave her feelings on anything as uncomplicated as bad. The dripping heat between her legs wanted more of the spanking and was learning to appreciate the gasps or shouts of encouragement from the onlookers.

    Shame, arousal, and pain twisted into a Gordian knot of emotion in Sarita’s chest. She was moaning between her cries of pain; the giggles that followed her moans were equal part humiliating and sexy. Anguish and outrage at how cavalierly Astra had stripped and spanked her in front of strangers merged with the sexy delirium of feeling like her Angel’s toy.

    Sarita never had to find out if Astra would have tried to get her off in front of people she’d never met. She was spared having to decide if she could forgive her Angel for exposing her innermost vulnerability to strangers. Instead, she disgraced herself. The conflicting, overlapping feelings grew so large that she couldn’t contain them anymore.

    A tremendous orgasmic scream bellowed out of Sarita, shocking Astra into stopping the spanking and the onlookers into silence. In the quiet that followed, her panting breath was as loud as a car engine in her ears.

    Then they applauded.

    Tears dripped freshly onto the floor below Sarita’s face to hear people clapping for her climax. It was, in a way, exciting. She’d never done something so wild before. Ineis would call her a legend for coming from a spanking scene in a club. I could even tell her about it and leave the diapers out. I’d be Plush Pony royalty.

    The only thing Sarita knew for sure was that she had no idea how she was feeling, other than that she was feeling too much. It was a heavenly mercy for Angel to pull Sarita’s diaper up over her stinging butt. Sarita clung to her Angel with confused fervor.

    Dimly, she could hear Angel telling her what a good girl she was. Sarita was a perfect Princess, a beautiful baby, and every other kind of alliterated adulation. Angel was showering her with love and cuddles, promising they’d do whatever she wanted for the rest of the night.

    There was nothing Sarita wanted, except that she wanted everything. She wanted to go home, immediately, and also to go back to the dance floor. She wanted to be tucked in for a nap in the break room or maybe in one of the little tents, if that’s what they were for. A hundred pounds of chocolate wouldn’t have been too much in that moment, as long as it came in a combo with a large pizza and a handle of Fireball.

    Communicating any of those scattered thoughts was a laughable proposition. The only thing Sarita could do was cling to her Angel and hope the praise would keep coming. When it seemed like Angel was winding down with the lovey talk, Sarita did the only thing she could manage. She pulled down the left cup of Angel’s bodice and sucked on the nipple she found there.

    Another moment of shock followed, but it was short. Applause broke out again, and with it came more praise from Angel. She sounded genuinely awed at Sarita, and perhaps a bit embarrassed. Considering what she’d been through, Sarita didn’t care if her Angel was feeling bashful or not. Her mind cleared of everything, including the horrible emotional tangle.

    I did it. I’m the perfect baby toy. My Angel loves me. Everyone loves me.

    I guess I’m famous here now too.

    I wish I’d been able to get drunk tonight.