• Getting Little: Chapter 12

    It took every bit of Sarita’s will to cancel the date with Pauline instead of ghosting her. That painful text was the last one she sent. A pile of notifications sat un-reviewed on her phone, increasing Sarita’s anxiety every time she looked at the number. Eventually, the anxiety had her abandoning her phone altogether.

    Ditching her phone certainly made it easier to deal with Britt’s new draconian phone rule. Sarita floated through work in a sad haze, which of course got her another talking to from her manager. Sarita was too overwhelmed to react in the slightest to Britt’s usual threats of writeups and firing. Surprisingly, Britt didn’t write Sarita up or even hassle her after her lecture failed.

    Being left alone suited Sarita fine. It was good practice for how the rest of everything was going to go. She had no money left to go to The Pony, and she couldn’t face her ABDL friends. It’d been just her and Nero before, and she could survive that way again.

    Pawning some of her jewelry and skipping the electric bill let Sarita scrape together just enough money to buy two new packs of diapers. She hid them in the top of a closet that Nero was too clumsy to reach, and promptly forgot about them. The paint-pens sat collecting dust without the diapers to remind Sarita to decorate.

    Nights ended early and dark anyway, since Sarita was doing everything she could do to conserve power. She’d managed to stay under the dollar threshold for having her power turned off once before, and was really hoping she could get away with it again. Not being able to use a fridge would be it’s own kind of expense.

    At the end of her work week, Sarita was sitting in the dark under a blanket with Nero snuggled against her. They were watching the streetlights and cars drive by. It’s just like TV, once you get used to it. Lights and noises to distract me until I fall asleep.

    An odd thudding sound passed without comment. The noise came again. Sarita realized someone was knocking on her door. Forgetting what time it was, she found herself picturing someone from the power company knocking. With a tight feeling in her gut, she curled up around Nero.

    “Sarita! Are you in there? It’s Mimi.” The knock sounded again. “If you’re in there, please say something. I’m worried about you.”

    It took one more knock for Sarita to stick her head out of the blanket and yell, “Coming!” She shuffled to the door and opened it, blinking at the bright lights of the hallway. Nohemi was framed by the light, her face in shadow. All Sarita could see is that her friend seemed to be frowning.

    “Oh shit, I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” Nohemi stepped in hesitantly. Sarita let her, closing the door so Nero wouldn’t get out. Not that she needed worry about that, since Nero was already sucking up to Nohemi by winding his body around her ankles.

    “No, I was just hanging out.”

    “In the dark?”

    “I’m not um – using the lights right now.”

    “Sarita, what’s going on? You’re not answering your phone. I went to The Pony and Ineis said she hadn’t seen you in a while. I tried your work, and the girl there – Anna I think – said you’d been really down lately.”

    “I had some bad luck.” Sarita could feel her lip quivering. She had a lot of regrets, but the chief one at the moment was letting Nohemi in. Talking to her friend was only going to end one way, with Sarita bawling her eyes out.

    “Do you want to talk about it? Can I help? Do you need a hug?”

    That’s it. Mimi got me. Sarita threw herself at Nohemi, sobbing brokenheartedly. Once she started, there was no way to stop. Nohemi held her tightly, eventually guiding her to the couch through Sarita’s shrieking sobs.

    When she’d regained a semblance of control, Sarita found herself gripping Nohemi’s vest. She’s been wearing a lot of butch stuff lately. The vest looked great, though Sarita missed the dress she’d met her friend in. The absurdly off-topic nature of that thought exhausted Sarita. She sighed and tucked herself under Nohemi’s chin.

    “I’ve got you.” Nohemi stroked Sarita’s back gently. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

    “It’s just that – that there was a problem with my paycheck, and then Nero, he – he…” Whimpering, Sarita buried her face against Nohemi. At a halting, muffled pace, she spilled all her problems on her friend. The loss of her commissions, Nero destroying the diapers, being out of money, unpaid bills, all of it. After a week of not talking to anyone, Sarita found she couldn’t stop.

    “I am SO sorry.” Nohemi hugged Sarita tightly when her babble wound down. “I’ve got to say, the thing with Nero is bad luck, but what happened with your paycheck is straight-up theft.”

    “I probably forgot to mark the commissions as mine or something.”

    “If that happened there’d be a big pile of sales without anyone showing on them. Your boss could, and should fix that. She’s stealing from you, mija.”

    “You really think so?”

    “Managers and owners steal from their workers all the time. It’s a huge problem. You know you can file a wage claim with the department of labor, right?”

    “If I do that she’ll fire me.”

    “If she fires you for that you can get unemployment and the DoL will sue her for you.”

    “If she fires me I’ll be homeless.”

    Nohemi sighed and patted Sarita’s back. “I get it. I’ve been there. I want to help. I can’t afford to pay your electric bill or anything…”

    “I wasn’t going to ask!”

    “I know hon, I know. I’m just saying, I wish I could. But I can invite you over for dinner a couple of nights a week. Or come here and cook. We could even make Nero a little dinner.”

    “You’re going to steal my kitty. He likes you already.”

    The laugh they shared at that shook the pain out of Sarita. A lot of it was waiting at the bottom of her stomach, ready to fill her up again, but her heart was free of ice for the moment. She looked up, belatedly realizing how close her face was to Nohemi’s.

    They stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment. Sarita parted her lips and tilted her head reflexively. Nohemi turned her head awkwardly. Stupid! Nohemi isn’t that kind of friend! Plus I look like a total wreck. God, I’m so pathetic.

    Pulling back quickly, Sarita wiped her face vigorously with her sleeve. When she’d finished scraping tears and a layer of skin off her face, the uncomfortable moment had passed. An attempt at a smile on Sarita’s part was rewarded with a big smile back from Nohemi.

    “Thanks. I’d like having dinner with you. But you have to let me help cook as much as possible. Since I won’t be buying the food.”

    “Deal! I always wanted my own sous chef.” Nohemi patted Sarita on the head. “I wish I could help with the diapers too, but I just had to pay my six month car insurance.”

    “Oh, I got new ones. They aren’t quite as nice as the ones Tanner bought, but if I work hard decorating them, maybe it’ll be okay.”

    “I don’t know if you had to do that, but it’s really sweet of you. Can I see what you’ve done so far? The first batch you did were already really cool.”

    “I – uh – I haven’t done any yet. I put them in the closet to keep them away from Nero and I keep forgetting. I suck.”

    “You do not!” Nohemi pulled Sarita into a fierce hug. “You’re a really good person.”

    “No I’m not. I’ve been ghosting everyone, I keep screwing up…”

    “You’re doing your best. I see that. Everybody struggles sometimes, and that’s you right now. Don’t beat up on yourself. Get help from your friends when you need it.”

    “Thanks Mimi. I – don’t deserve…” Sarita found herself halted by Nohemi’s fingers on her lips. She rolled her eyes, smiled ruefully, and started again. “Thank you. I’m really glad you came over.”

    “Me too. I have to go to work soon, but I could make you something right now if you still have ingredients that need to be used up.”

    “No uh, I ate the last of the taquitos today. Just in case. It’s ten business days past me not paying the electric so – yeah.”

    “Tomorrow night then? I’ll swing by with groceries. You won’t have to do anything but chop veggies.”

    “Yes please.”

    Nohemi stroked Sarita’s face gently. The moment was surprisingly soft; it felt like just before their rejected kiss. Whatever expression Nohemi was wearing was too complicated to be readable. Sarita stared soulfully into her friend’s eyes, hoping Mimi would say something about how she was feeling.

    Instead, Nohemi sighed and leaned back. “You should probably text your girlfriend too.”

    “Pauline? She was upset in the last few texts I saw.” Sarita cringed.

    “You should text both of them. Everybody who’s messaged you. Just let them know you were having a rough time and you’re okay. You don’t have to do a big apology or explain everything.”

    “You’re right. Hey, Mimi?”

    “What hon?”

    “How come you’re so nice to me?”

    “I like you a lot, dummy.” Nohemi ruffled Sarita’s hair, doubling down when Sarita tried to duck out from under the hand. She shrieked and giggled as Nohemi gave her an actual noogie.

    “I haven’t had somebody do that to me since middle-school.”

    “Yeah? Did you ever punch a girl in the arm because you liked her?”

    Sarita snort-laughed. “Oh my god yes. I got sent to detention and everything. She was so annoying, I couldn’t stop thinking about her.”

    “What was her name?”

    “Carmen – I think? Look at me, I’m an old lady who’s forgotten her first love.”

    “Uh huh. That’s how I think of you for sure. Old.”

    “If you think you can be a jerk to me just because you’re my best friend – you’re right.”

    Nohemi’s breath caught in her throat. “I’m your best friend?”

    “Uh, yeah.” Sarita shrugged self-deprecatingly. “Bestie, whatever. I know it’s lame.”

    “It’s not lame. It means a lot.” Nohemi scooted close and gave Sarita a crushing hug. If she didn’t know better, Sarita would have said the hug felt needy. As they parted, Nohemi checked her phone. “Jolines. I’m going to be late. Are you okay?”

    “Yeah, I’m better than okay now. Thanks again, Mimi.”

    “Any time.” Nohemi hesitated for a moment before scampering for the door. She gave Sarita and Nero both a quick wave on her way out the door.

    “She’s amazing. I’m lucky to have her,” Sarita said to Nero. He meowed his agreement.

    Messaging everyone was a daunting task, but Nohemi was right that it needed to be done. Eventually Sarita decided on a group-text to Oriana, Nieves and Ineis. Pauline and Astra got individual texts, it would have been weird to message them together. On a whim, she messaged her dad too.

    The group text got a few quick responses, with her friends saying they were glad she was okay. It felt better than long heartfelt messages would have. Sarita wasn’t feeling up to more big emotional moments.

    Neither Pauline nor Astra replied right away. Dad did, which was a pleasant surprise. He was big mad about Mexican futebol, which was wonderfully nostalgic. With a warm smile, Sarita talked her dad off the ledge from abandoning Club Pachuca for their recent bad results. It was a nice surprise to find out that he’d started following a women’s team too.

    Sarita and her dad didn’t get far discussing the Guadalajara women’s team before he dropped a shocking revelation on her. Dad was going on a date! She cheered him on and teased him in equal measure. It was great to see his texts turn flustered when Sarita asked him if she’d be able to meet his girlfriend at Navidad.

    It was close to bedtime when Sarita finally got a response from one of her girlfriends. She stepped out of the shower to a barrage of texts from Astra, concerned and happy to hear from Sarita in equal measure. Astra had been at some work event, apparently, and kept apologizing for not responding to Sarita right away.

    More to calm her girlfriend down than anything else, Sarita found herself explaining a little of what had happened. She hadn’t gotten further than skipping the power bill when Astra declared she was coming over.

    No amount of explaining that Sarita was okay could blunt Astra’s determination. With a shrug, Sarita turned her attention to her apartment. It was cleaner than usual. Not having TV made it a lot easier to notice messes. After checking her energy levels, Sarita decided to clean up the aftermath of the taquitos and wipe the counter down.

    Astra nearly tackled Sarita when she arrived, barreling through the doorway and giving Sarita a big hug. As soon as she was in Astra’s arms, Sarita felt silly for telling her girlfriend not to come over. It was every bit as good a hug as Nohemi had given. There was the added advantage of Astra’s hug being followed-up with a kiss.

    “Baby girl, I’ve been so worried about you! What’s this about you not being able to pay the power bill?”

    “I got shorted at work. I – guess it’s wage theft or something? There isn’t much I can do about it though.”

    “Well there’s a lot I can do about it. If you pull up your electric account on your phone, I’ll pay it right now.”

    “I can’t ask you to do that!”

    “You’re not asking me. I’m offering.”

    “It’s too much. It’s like two hundred bucks.”

    Astra smiled proudly. “I just got a big sales bonus. The work thing I was at was actually an awards dinner. Please hon, let me share my good fortune with you. I want to take care of you.”

    “I don’t know – it feels weird.”

    “There’s nothing weird about it. Would it help if I told you how much the bonus was?”

    “I guess?”

    “Four thousand dollars.”

    Sarita’s jaw hit the floor, bounced off the carpet, slid under the door, and bounced all the way down the building stairs. Or at least, she was gaping big enough that it might as well have. Her girlfriend’s bonus was a quarter of what Sarita made all year. Astra seemed suddenly taller, like the balance between her and Sarita was out of whack. That balance shifted further when Astra reached out to maternally close Sarita’s mouth.

    “It’s a lot of money, I know. The biggest bonus I’ve gotten by a long shot, though I hope I’ll break that record again. I’m really excited, and I want to do something nice for you. Will you let me, please?”

    It is stupid to get my power turned off and lose my fridge and oven if I have someone offering to pay the bill. She can obviously afford it – why am I working so hard to say no?

    “Okay but – Astra, really, you don’t have to do this. I appreciate it, but I’m not trying to turn you into my sugar mama.”

    “I don’t want to be your sugar mama.” Astra trailed her fingers through Sarita’s hair. “I want to be your Angel. Angels save people, don’t they? I want to save you.”

    I don’t need saving – I mean, I guess I kind of do but just with this one thing. It’s so sweet though. She’s so sweet. I don’t know why I feel nervous! Gratitude made Sarita tear up. She leaned into Astra and nodded. “Thank you, Angel.”

    A trio of tears dripped onto Astra’s blouse as she swaddled Sarita in her arms. Before long, they were on the couch, with Sarita in Astra’s lap. She found herself handing her phone to Astra as soon as she pulled up the electric account.

    “I’ve got you, Little Girl. You don’t have to worry about anything.” Astra pulled a credit card out of her slim black purse, which called Sarita’s attention to the other bag her girlfriend had arrived with. It was an airplane carry-on in purple, with a stylish suede panel on the front.

    “Are you staying over?”

    “That’s right. I brought everything I need to take care of my Little Girl. Do you work tomorrow?”


    “Then I have you all day. You won’t have a single worry for the next twenty four hours, at least.”

    “Uh – I’m supposed to have dinner with Nohemi tomorrow.”

    “Oh, can’t you reschedule? I’d really love to have a whole day with you from start to finish. I’ve got tomorrow off too.” Astra punched her credit card number into the account and hit send. Sarita swallowed nervously as the transaction processed – and cleared. Astra had paid the entire balance, not just the overdue portion.

    I can’t really say no after she just dumped three hundred bucks into my bills. “Okay, I guess I can change the date. What did you have planned?” Sarita took her phone back and shot off a quick apologetic text to Nohemi, with a request to move their dinner out a couple of days.

    Astra put her purse aside. With a radiant smile, she rested a hand on the back of Sarita’s neck. “Taking care of you. That’s the plan. Doing every single thing that my Little Girl will let me do for her.”

    Sarita licked her lips. “Diapers?”

    “That’s right, baby girl. I’d like to put you in one right now.”

    A tingle stirred at the back of Sarita’s neck. It was answered by excited energy, low in her belly. “I guess that’s okay. Is it just the stuff we did before?”

    “I loved all the things we did last time. How about you?”

    “I – yeah, it was fun.” Sarita bit her lip.

    “You know me, I always want to take things to the next level. I want to be sure that you’re comfortable, though.”

    “I don’t want to poop.” Sarita burst out, blushing when she realized how crude she’d sounded.

    Astra laughed. “That’s fine with me. Messy diapers are not my favorite, for sure.”

    “Oh. Then um – what else?”

    “There were some things you pink-packeted that I wonder if you’d be up for now.”

    “Like the baby toys?”

    “Are those okay now?”

    “I don’t hate the idea.” Sarita squirmed.

    “You’re so cute! I want to eat you up!” Astra softly chewed on Sarita’s neck, making her curl up and giggle.

    “You can eat me any time you want.”

    “Oh yeah?” Astra cupped Sarita’s breast, making her gasp. “What else can I do any time I want?”

    “Probably lots of stuff.”

    “Can I make you crawl? I want to see your cute little butt wiggling all over the apartment.”

    The idea was super humiliating. But if my Angel thinks my butt would be cute bent over like that, maybe it’s worth a shot. “Okay, yes.”

     “I want to be in charge of you totally, just like a mommy. Will you let me? I’ll take all your worries away if you let me, Princess.”

    That sounds a lot like play-creep. Coming from Astra, I’m sure there’s a ton of stuff in that offer that we haven’t done before. Sarita searched Astra’s eyes. There wasn’t any malice there, not that there ever had been. All Sarita could see in Astra’s eyes was a genuine desire to take care of her.

    The prospect of resistance felt exhausting. A vacation from worries sounded lovely. Between those emotional poles, Sarita’s hesitation crumbled. “Angel, please take care of me. However you want. Make me your baby girl.”

    Eyes shining with joy, Astra pulled Sarita in for a long kiss. She didn’t wait for the kiss to end before working on Sarita’s clothes. Even if her hesitations hadn’t been banished, Sarita wouldn’t have resisted being stripped by her gorgeous girlfriend. She wiggled out of her clothes as cooperatively as she could, and was bare in no time.

    “I’m not going to set a bunch of rules.” Astra patted Sarita’s thigh. “I expect you to obey me. If you don’t, I’ll punish you. I know that spankings aren’t really a punishment for you, so we’ll save those for when you’re play-bratting. That means I’ll find other ways to correct your behavior.”

    “Like what?” Sarita shifted excitedly on Astra’s lap. The impact-play part of spanking was a lot of what she liked, but punishments in general had the potential to be hot.

    “Time outs are a good one, with you tied up if necessary. Having your mouth soaped is really unpleasant, so I won’t use that unless you’re very naughty. The other big one is that bad girls don’t get orgasms.”

    Sarita whimpered. “I’ll be good.”

    “I know you will sweetie, mostly. I’ll let you know when I want you to be a brat so you can get your big spanking. That won’t count against you being a good girl.”

    Giggling, Sarita leaned in to kiss Astra’s neck. “I start out as a good girl, right?”

    “Hmm, not quite. You’re in a bit of trouble for shutting me out and not answering your messages.”

    “What?” Is that really supposed to be part of the play?

    “You needed help, and you didn’t ask for it. I’m going to give you some incentive to ask next time. I can’t take care of you if you don’t let me, Princess.” Astra tipped Sarita over, pulling the naked girl over her lap.

    She’s going to spank me? But I thought that wasn’t a punishment. Whatever was going on, Sarita was happy to encourage Astra by wiggling her butt.

    “You’ve got a really sexy bubble-butt, Princess.” Astra stroked Sarita’s rear, squeezing gently. “I bet everyone you’ve dated has wanted to spank you.”

    “It’s a good thing I like it so much.” Sarita gripped the couch cushion. She was already so wet, all she needed was Astra to heat her rear up and touch her a bit. It was a great start to their evening, more than good enough to cover up the weirdness of being punished for real world stuff.

    The spanking started slow, building delicious anticipation. Sarita hoped the slow pace meant that Astra was warming her up for a really big spanking. Licking her lips in anticipation, she moaned with each gentle slap.

    The strokes came faster, but no harder, until all of Sarita’s butt was enveloped in a warm glow. She had her legs open and was sure she was dripping onto Astra’s skirt. Any moment now, surely, the heavy hits would begin.

    It was already the best spanking she’d gotten. A pulse thudding between Sarita’s legs hinted at a chance to climax from the spanking alone. That sounded insane, by which Sarita meant insanely hot.

    Astra kept up her light strokes, peppering the under-curve of Sarita’s butt and the tops of her thighs. Sensation kept building, but more was needed. Sarita was lifting her hips toward every smack, wishing for a paddle or even a cane, instead of Astra’s soft hand.

    “I’m a bad girl!” Sarita cried, desperately. “I need a hard spanking, Angel, please.”

    “No, not today.” Astra cupped Sarita’s crotch, soaking her hand instantly. Sarita whimpered uncomprehendingly, grinding her sex against Astra’s hand. All she managed was to ramp up her frustration.

    “I told you that you were being punished. You’re being sent to bed horny tonight.”

    Sarita rolled over and looked at Astra in shock. It was the worst punishment she’d heard from Astra so far, especially since they’d be sleeping in the same bed. Astra looked back with a smug smile.

    “Please, no. Angel I want a different punishment. You can soap my mouth, whatever. I have some really gross, cheap hand soap!”

    “No.” Astra bapped Sarita on the nose. “You upset me and made me worry, plus I’m sure a lot of other people in your life too. The fact that you’re protesting this much means it’s an excellent punishment.”

    The reality of Astra’s admonishment sank into Sarita’s stomach like lead. It didn’t feel fair. The game was supposed to hide her real life problems, not use them as punishment fodder. I screwed up. I’m in trouble. I’m a bad girl.

    Guilt and shame hit Sarita’s already fragile emotional state like a wrecking ball. She shot into a Little mindset, hard. Unable to face ageplay blending with the real world, Sarita could only focus on the unfairness of what her Angel was doing to her.

    That unfairness swelled past frustration into anger. Sarita burst into tears, kicking her legs and thrashing in her first tantrum in over a decade. “It’s not fair! You’re mean! You’re really mean!”

    “Uh oh. Somebody’s feeling super Little. Don’t worry Princess, your Angel will take care of you. This little punishment will be over before you know it. We’ll start tomorrow fresh and have lots of fun together.”

    “We could have fun tonight too!” Saria sniffled. “Please, I’ll be a good girl. Please, please Angel, please.”

    “It is way past your bedtime. It was past your bedtime when I got here. The only thing you’re going to get right now is a diaper and ready for bed. Let go and let me be in charge for a while Princess.”

    Defeated and exhausted, Sarita flopped limp in surrender. She was pliable and obedient when Astra slid the changing blanket and a diaper under her. As Astra applied the lotion and powder, she even began to doze a little. Between her sudden fatigue and Little mindset, Sarita’s Angel had to help her to the bathroom.

    Letting Astra brush Sarita’s teeth for her was the final capitulation. Sarita’s brain switched off. The only thing she dimly registered, was crawling into bed with her naked girlfriend. Astra’s lush, gorgeous nakedness reignited the nagging desire in Sarita’s warm butt and sex.

    It took nearly an hour of frustrated squirming for Sarita to fall asleep. In the end, her Angel had to wrap her arms and legs around Sarita, burying the Little girl’s face in breasts. Drunk on boobie-smell and an emotional crash, Sarita spun down to unconsciousness.


    In the morning, Sarita awoke sprawled across her naked girlfriend. Astra was playing with her hair. After a couple of morning yawns from the diapered girl, Astra filled Sarita’s mouth with a pacifier. A budding spark of adult thought in Sarita’s brain was smothered before it could properly wake her up.

    She didn’t need adult thoughts anyway. Feeling was better than thinking. That was especially true when Astra rolled Sarita on her back and stroked her breasts. Angel’s hands played expertly across Sarita’s body until she was squirming desperately, straining her body up to meet Astra’s hands.

    The heel of Astra’s hand came down over Sarita’s bladder, gentle but insistent. Sarita submitted with only a brief hesitation. Her reward for wetting was a beautiful smile from her Angel, followed by her mouth on Sarita’s breasts.

    Sarita moaned and pawed at her Angel. The nipple of her pacifier was replaced with Astra’s nipple, to both girls’ delight. Astra slipped her hand into Sarita’s sopping diaper and touched the Little girl’s slit, as delicately as a whisper.

    They spent a long time in bed together, increasingly flushed and sweaty. Astra’s skillful fingers sent an electric spiral through Sarita, radiating out from between her legs. The Little girl’s body arched in bliss, followed closely by a guttural moan from Astra.

    Their cuddles afterwards were the most uncomplicated happiness Sarita had felt with Astra. Waking up in ageplay submission to her Angel had put Sarita in a dreamy state. All she cared about was being happy and belonging to her Angel. Nothing else mattered, or even made it to her conscious mind.

    “When we’re like this in bed together, I want you to wet as soon as you wake up.” Astra said softly, stroking Sarita’s cheek. “I know you’re not a bedwetter, but I love the idea of you needing me right when you wake up. Can you do that for me?”

    “Yes Angel.” Sarita nodded vacuously.

    “My beautiful, perfect Princess.” Astra kissed Sarita gently. “We have a whole day together. You don’t worry about anything. Your Angel will take care of it all, including Nero. You just be as Little a baby girl as you want to be.”

    “Okay!” Sarita lay back and luxuriated in the freedom Astra promised.