• Getting Little: Chapter 11

    A knock on the door startled Sarita out of a dazed stupor. She made her way to the door, painfully re-orienting herself. It was some time in the morning, or the sun would be coming in through the windows. She was glad to see it was still morning, because she had work in the afternoon. The last thing she needed was to be late to work.

    On the other side of the door was a smiling Pauline. She was super cute in a sundress and a choker. Panic gripped Sarita’s gut. Did I forget about a date?

    “Hey, everything okay? I’m here for decoration duty!”

    Dimly, Sarita recalled setting up a morning decorating session the evening before. Relief banished the panic she’d been feeling, leaving a general unease in its wake. What else have I forgotten for today?

    “Right! Sorry, I’m just – tired today. Come on in. You look cute!”

    Pauline grinned and twirled across the threshold, flashing an intriguing amount of thigh. Interrupted in the act of closing the door by a kiss, Sarita followed Pauline to the couch before she realized she’d left the door ajar.

    Nero! Another panic hit as Sarita scanned the room for her kitty. Luckily, he’d hid from Pauline, probably as soon as she’d knocked. Breaking away from Pauline, Sarita pushed the door closed with a solid thump.

    “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem jumpy.” Pauline was standing with her hands clasped behind her back, adorable and submissive. The idea of topping Pauline spread the fog in Sarita’s mind to her limbs. She was suddenly desperate for a nap.

    “I’m fine, really. I must have slept bad or something.”

    “We don’t have to decorate the diapers if you’re too tired.”

    “No. I can do it. It’s a rough day is all.”

    “Then let me take care of you a little. I’ll get everything set up.” Pauline wrapped Sarita in a firm hug. Sarita held on more tightly than her fib about being okay could sustain. In an effort to head off any more well-meaning questions, Sarita engaged her mouth without checking to see what was queued up there.

    “Is this where I tease you about acting like my girlfriend before we’re committed?” She felt the other girl stiffen in her arms. There was a bit of hurt in Pauline’s eyes as she bit her lip.

    “I’d be your girlfriend in a second if you asked me.”

    Sarita might as well have been Alice, shrunk to two inches tall. Desperate to fix her tongue’s blunders, she blurted out, “I like you. Pauline – I really like you. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be a bitch.”

    “I like you too.” Pauline smiled ruefully and took a step back, but not before she caressed Sarita’s cheek. “You really are having a rough day. Can I make you coffee or something?”

    Coffee! That was at least one other forgotten thing in Sarita’s chaotic morning. “I’ll make it, I know where all the stuff is. You can get the decorating stuff out – uh, if you want.”

    “Sounds good hon.” Pauline’s smile had finally righted itself.

    Sarita scurried off to the kitchen to hastily scrub the coffee pot and get a brew going. In the meantime, she dry-swallowed a caffeine pill from the back of her spice drawer. Returning to the couch, she found Pauline under surveillance by Nero.

    “Think he’ll come say hi to me this time?” Pauline set a stack of plain diapers next to the paint markers.

    “I know he will.” Sarita picked her kitty up, ignoring his indignant meow, and took a seat next to Pauline. Addressing the cat on her lap, Sarita said, “Nero, listen up. Pauline’s going to be coming around, so you have to be nice to her.”

    “You don’t have to make him do it.”

    “I’m not going to put him in your lap or anything. Put your hand out slowly. Let him sniff your knuckles.”

    Gingerly, Pauline reached out. Sarita gave Nero soothing strokes down his back. He shot her an annoyed glance, but stuck his neck out and sniffed at the approaching hand. After much sniffing, he gave Pauline’s knuckle a single lick and squirmed out of Sarita’s grasp. Instead of retreating to the bedroom, he perched on a windowsill with Pauline between Sarita and himself.

    “Did that go okay?” Pauline watched Nero curiously. For his part, Nero utterly ignored Pauline.

    “He’s being a butt, but it’s big that you’re between me and him. You watch, next time you come over he’ll be shedding all over your lap.”

    “Maybe, but probably only because I’ll be in your lap.” Pauline winked.

    The first whisps of caffeine from the pill, combined with the burbling of the coffee maker, had thinned Sarita’s brain fog. She grinned and put a hand on Pauline’s thigh by the hem of her skirt.

    Eager delight lit Pauline’s face up as she leaned in for a kiss. The decorating project and kitty were both forgotten as their hands began to wander. Sarita had Pauline in her lap and her hands on the other girl’s butt when she realized she was touching nothing but skin.

    A questioning look from Sarita got a blush and a bashful giggle out of Pauline. “I’m not wearing anything – at all – under my dress.”

    “You didn’t come over to decorate, did you?” Decorating had fallen far off the list of things Sarita was interested in doing.

    “I did! I swear. It’s a warm day and – and I wanted to be sexy for you.”

    “Tease,” Sarita said with a smirk. “What if I started bossing you around? Like – ordering you to get me a cup of coffee or – telling you to go to the bedroom?”

    “I’d do either of those things,” Pauline said quietly. “There’s a lot I’d do. I brought diapers in my purse – I’d – I’ll do whatever you say.”

    Something in the other girl’s expression was off. Nervousness or possibly fear lurked in the corners of Pauline’s eyes. Her face reminded Sarita of the hurt Pauline had shown after the dumb comment about being girlfriends.

    Cautiously, Sarita moved her hands out from under Pauline’s skirt and set them on the other girl’s hips. “I don’t think I should do that. It’s too much right now – right?”

    “I guess so.” Relief was evident on Pauline’s face.

    “Maybe it’s too early to be so sexy. I know a way we can fix it, though.”

    “Huh? How?”

    “It’s really distracting knowing you don’t have any underwear on. You should put a diaper on.” Pauline giggled and nodded. Sarita smiled and squeezed the other girl’s waist. “If you have more than one, I’ll put one on too.”

    “I like that. Then we’ll have coffee and do some decorating?”

    “Coffee and cookies.” Sarita nodded. “Though you’re going to need to pee if you drink a bunch of coffee.”

    “Oh no, that’ll be terrible.” Pauline gave Sarita a quick kiss before getting up to retriever her purse. She had exactly two diapers with her. As she took one of them, Sarita wondered what Pauline had been hoping for when she came over.

    She really would have gone to bed with me. I could be sitting on her face right now if I’d gone that route. The image that thought conjured up was uncomfortably hot. Uncomfortable precisely because it was hard to imagine Pauline happy in that situation. Sarita resolved to be careful with her sort-of-girlfriend. Clearly, willing was not the same thing as enthusiastic with Pauline.

    They took turns diapering each other. It was a far more casual experience than being diapered by Astra. There wasn’t any powder or lotion in the house, and Pauline hadn’t brought any. Relaxed and feeling mischievous, Sarita gave Pauline’s padded butt a good crinkle. She had her own rear grabbed and crinkled in return, sending them both into inane giggles.

    Silly camaraderie was exactly what was needed to clear the lingering awkwardness from earlier. Fortified by coffee and molasses cookies, the girls set down to decorate the stack of diapers.

    It was a little embarrassing to be effusively praised by Pauline for almost every diaper Sarita decorated. On the other hand, Sarita had to admit she was in a good creative groove. Under her hands, the paint-pens transformed the boring diapers into stylish kiddie-prints, with very few repeated motifs.

    Not that Pauline’s decorations were terrible, they were just less color-coordinated, and she was rotating through the same three options for most of her designs. Sarita made a point of praising them anyway. Though Pauline shrugged off the praise, it was obvious she was enjoying it.

    Four big stacks of diapers sat on the coffee table, representing more than three quarters of the full hundred they’d been entrusted with. Both girls went for a stretch at the same time, and neither was anxious to pick up the pens again.

    The only anxiousness in the room was the expression on Pauline’s face. The urgent pressure in Sarita’s bladder made her sure she knew what her friend’s distress was about. Sliding Pauline’s skirt up to her hips, Sarita straddled the other girl’s bare legs.

    “Wh-what are you doing?” Pauline’s hesitation extended only to her voice. Her hands were already eagerly on Sarita’s diapered rear.

    “I just needed a spot to sit down so I can pee.” Sarita was delighted to see Pauline’s face go scarlet as her jaw dropped.

    “You’re going to – on me?”

    “Unless you tell me not to.” Sarita shrugged out of her thin sweater, leaving her in only a bra and a diaper.

    Pauline shuddered. “I won’t say no. I want you to.”

    “Then you just have to say the magic words.”

    “What’s the magic word? Is it please? Please! Please, Sarita.”

    “That’s a good word and you’re cute when you beg, but the magic words are a whole sentence.”

    “What is it?” Pauline whined, squirming under and against Sarita.

    “You have to tell me that you’re peeing, truthfully. Then I’ll join you.”

    “How are you so good at this? Sarita, when we’re together it’s so hot – I never thought I’d have a girl – someone like you.”

    “I’m making it up as I go along.” Sarita shrugged bashfully. “I’m still not hearing those magic words though.”

    Pauline closed her eyes in concentration. Her hands slid up to Sarita’s waist with feather-light touches. In the silence of the apartment, Sarita blushed when her ears caught a faint hissing sound.

    “I’m peeing.” Pauline whispered.

    “Me too.” Sarita found it easy to relax. She wondered if she should be worried at how casually she was able to release her flow into a diaper. That worry was kicked to the back of her mind when she caught Pauline’s nipples straining against the thin fabric of her dress.

    Desperately horny kisses transitioned into Sarita grinding on Pauline’s lap. Once again, an unspoken agreement kept them from pushing things all the way. Panting on a plateau of pleasure, both girls nuzzled and peppered the other with little kisses. Slowly, the urgency of Sarita’s desire faded. Its coals were banked and warm, ready to re-ignite at a moment’s notice.

    “You leaked all over me,” Pauline said.

    “Oh shit, I’m sorry.” Sarita’s attempt to rise was stalled by Pauline clutching her.

    “Don’t be sorry. It’s hot. I know it’s weird – but it’s really hot. Thank you.”

    “It’s not that weird.” Sarita kissed Pauline’s forehead. “You’re not weird. I like you.”

    “I – like you too.” Pauline held Sarita close with a heavy sigh. “I mean it, I’ve never gotten to do this stuff with a girl before. Even at the Green Fairy, I mostly played by myself on the side.”

    “I’m glad you like it. I think it’s hot too. As long as we both like what’s happening, I don’t see the problem.”

    “Thank you, Sarita.” Pauline pulled her in for a long kiss. “I guess we should clean up.”

    “I’m going to, yeah.” With her passion fading, Sarita’s crumpled diaper was more of a soggy annoyance than a turn on. “I’m kind of thinking of not letting you clean up though.”

    Pauline gasped. “For how long?”

    “Until you need to go home, at least. If you’re really brave, you can wear that diaper home.”

    “I don’t think I’m that brave.” Pauline’s breathy voice made it clear how hot she thought the idea was, even if it was out of bounds. Maybe especially because it’s out of bounds.

    Sarita got up and ran her hands over Pauline’s thighs. They were damp and a bit sticky, but that was all. “I don’t think you need to clean up. It’s not like I went directly on you or anything.”

    “I’m glad I don’t have to work today.” Pauline giggled. “I’m going to spend the whole afternoon in bed with my vibrator.”

    “Is that what you did last time?” Sarita walked to the bathroom, leaving the door open so she could continue the conversation. Shucking the soaked diaper felt great, as did a wipe down with her still-damp towel from her morning shower.

    “Yeah. I told you, this is crazy hot. You’re so hot.”

    Hopping as she pulled a pair of leggings over her hips, Sarita took a perch on the arm of the couch. “You want to go on another date? Like, out?”

    “Yes. When?”

    “Uh, my schedule is always crazy. I work this afternoon, and tomorrow evening, we can do the day after if Britt doesn’t change things. I have a morning shift that day.”

    “I’ll be as flexible as I can.” Pauline smiled, looking pleased.

    “It can be your place or mine but – I want the date to end with an overnight.” A twinge of guilt made Sarita wince. She stuffed that twinge somewhere out of mind. Astra can’t expect me to be exclusive if she isn’t – though there was that thing Mimi was talking about. There’s no way she broke up with her other people that fast, right?

    “You haven’t seen my place yet, let’s go there. I’m excited!”

    “Me too.” Simultaneously, they looked at the stack of diapers. There was more than a week to go before the job had to be done. It was a relief to both of them to sit and chat instead of pushing on their project. Nero amazed them both by sitting inches away from Pauline on the back of the couch. Of course, as soon as she reached for him, he bounded away to the bedroom.

    When work was looming for Sarita, she nudged Pauline toward cleanup. Blushing and freshly excited, Pauline couldn’t keep her hands off Sarita as they said goodbye. Maybe she’s more than turned on. Her goodbyes are even more sweet than last time.

    A surprisingly heartfelt parting had Sarita hesitating as she closed the door. While she couldn’t say exactly what she was feeling, it was clear she didn’t want to take her eyes off Pauline.

    I really need to make a decision about these girls. The situation is too confusing. Maybe Ineis has some good advice. She wasn’t sure why, but Sarita found herself shying away from the idea of asking Nohemi’s opinion, for once.


    Work was an endless stream of petty, pre-annoyed women. Most of them put the blame on Sarita when the clothing sizes they asked her for were too small. Taking refuge outside the back door on her break, Sarita opened the bank app on her phone to make sure her paycheck had gone through.

    There was a deposit, but it was far too little. The number on the screen was too small by a third. Frantically, Sarita opened the GrrlPower scheduling app and added up her hours. She’d never figured out her tax percentage, so it was hard to calculate the exact amount missing. Even with rough figures, looked like she’d been paid only her minimum wage hours. I don’t think any of my commissions made it on the check!

    “Britt, do you have a minute?” Sarita poked her head tentatively into her manager’s office.

    “If it’s fast. I’m doing the order for next week.” Britt looked up in annoyance from her crowded desk. The day’s saving grace had been Britt being too busy to work the floor and hassle Sarita. It sucked interacting with Britt when Sarita didn’t have to, but without her commissions there some big bills were going unpaid.

    “I was looking at my deposit, and it looks like none of my commissions made it on my check. Do you know when that could get fixed?”

    “I’m sure your check is right.”


    “You’re not supposed to be on your phone at work anyway.”

    “I was on break.”

    “So you left Anna on the floor alone?” Britt scowled. Before Sarita could protest that the store was empty and that Anna had told her to go on break, her manager slapped the desk in anger. The sudden antagonism made Sarita jump.

    “It’s always something with you. You shouldn’t be using your phone even on break. I don’t want to see you with it at work again.”

    “O-okay, I’m sorry, but what about my commissions? Without them I can’t…”

    “Are you STILL arguing with me? There’s nothing wrong with your check. I should write you up for this!”

    A huge sob burst out of Sarita. It was unprofessional to cry in front of her manager, and dangerous besides. Britt hated it when her employees cried. With hiccupping gasps, Sarita tried to get her sobs under control.

    “You’re crying, really?” Britt rolled her eyes. “Son of a biscuit! I can’t have you helping customers when you’re a wreck. The rest of your shift is suspended. Go home.”

    “But – but – but…”

    “Go HOME Sarita, or you’re fired. That’s the end of it.” With a grim expression, Britt turned back to her computer screen.

    Sarita fled the office. She managed to remember her purse and coat under the register, but couldn’t say anything to Anna. The most she could manage was a lame wave and a sob as she hurried out the door.

    Jogging home, Sarita’s sobs stopped only because she was out of breath. Sick to her stomach, she charged up the stairs fast enough to make her lungs and thighs burn. Her door slammed behind her and Sarita set every lock.

    As she was leaning dizzy against the door, Sarita locked eyes with Nero. He was frozen in place, wearing his most guilty expression. A bit of purple plastic in his mouth made Sarita’s heart thud with dread. Her eyes followed a trail of shredded plastic and fluff from her cat to the stack of decorated diapers. They were scattered across the coffee table and floor. More than seventy decorated diapers were shredded. There wasn’t a single one hat had escaped Nero’s claws or teeth.

    “NERO! YOU BAD, TERRIBLE KITTY!” In a blind rage, she snatched one of her black flats off her feet and threw it at the cat. He dodged out of the way and scampered away like lightning. Even though her anger and despair, she was glad she hadn’t hit him.

    On her knees by the couch, Sarita confirmed her earlier fear. Every diaper she and Pauline had decorated was marked up and slashed. None of them would be able to be sold at the Fairy. The Munch Group had trusted her with hundreds of dollars of merchandise, and it was almost all gone.

    With nothing left inside her, Sarita collapsed on the floor. She wasn’t sure how long she lay there, but it was long enough for the thin carpet to overwhelm her misery with discomfort. Too sad to be hungry, Sarita crawled to her bed.

    A nudge at her ear and a questioning meow intruded on Sarita’s gloomy blanket cocoon. Sarita grabbed Nero by the scruff of his neck and pulled him under the covers, cuddling him to her chest. After only a moment of hesitation, he set to kneading her chest and purring.

    “Of course I forgive you, stupid.” Sarita whispered. “You’re just a cat. Just the worst cat ever.”

    With silent tears glistening on her cheeks, Sarita petted Nero with one hand and fished her phone out with the other. Her bank account stared back at her, depressingly low. It’d be two more weeks to another paycheck. By that time, rent would be due again. With rent bigger than a single check, she was looking at all her money for the next six weeks.

    Especially if I don’t get my commissions again on the next one. That thought lead to bad places, where no amount of cutting other bills would let Sarita afford rent and eat. She shied away from the possibility, nuzzling Nero.

    “We’re going to have to cut back again Nero. I’m not sure we can pay the electric bill, so we’re going to have to eat all the taquitos in the freezer. Don’t worry, I’ll buy you another bag of food – but it’s your fault I owe for the diapers, so you can’t complain if it’s the discount kind.”

    Sniffling away a sob, Sarita cancelled her streaming services and dropped her phone plan to the smallest one her carrier had. None of that would help in the short term, but it’d keep the damage from getting worse next month.

    “We’ll be fine, okay Nero? It’s summer, and we have plenty of blankets. We might have to use candles again, so you have to be careful around those. No burning your whiskers this time. Promise me.”

    Nero chirped something that Sarita took as a promise, for what little her kitty’s promises were worth. Even if she didn’t pay the electric bill, she wasn’t going to be able to replace the diapers and still eat. The thought of shamefully facing Oriana and the others was impossible. It was a problem for another day. Another day never.

    Worst of all, she had to go back to work tomorrow. She had a date coming up with Pauline that she couldn’t afford anymore. It was too much. The weight of everything smashed Sarita’s spirit into grey mush.

    Listlessly, she doom-scrolled and petted Nero. The more stupid things she could see or read, the better. Every distraction was another hasty sandbag blocking the encroaching tide of her problems.