• Baby Briana: Chapter 20

    Gary lead Briana up the walk to her house. There was a bit of a waddling wobble to her step and her skirt looked very full. Unconcerned with that, Briana hurried ahead of Gary to open the door.

    “Hi Veronica!” She said enthusiastically.

    “Hello Briana, Gary.” Veronica smiled from the living room’s gray armchair.

    “Hi.” Gary said, following Briana in and padding her bulky rear. “Got her back safe and sound. Go see Veronica hon.”

     Briana obediently sat on Veronica’s lap. “I had a good date! We had a good lunch, and ice cream!”

    “I see the ice cream.” Veronica smirked, plucking at the pink blotches on Briana’s crop-top. “On your top and your mouth.”

    “I could have cleaned her up.” Gary said, dropping the diaper bag and sitting on the couch. “But I thought you’d enjoy seeing how much fun she had with the ice cream.”

    “You guessed right.” Veronica said. “I see she went through at least one top and one change?”

    “Oh, yeah he did it was really…” Briana was already blushing at the memory, but her cheeks went bright pink when Veronica interrupted her by popping a pacifier in her mouth.

    “Shh sweetie, I’m talking to Gary right now.” Veronica pulled Briana closer on her lap, laying Briana’s head on her shoulder.

    Briana squirmed, overcome with embarrassment. The clammy feeling in her diaper that she’s been trying to ignore came to the forefront of her attention. Without thinking about what she was doing, she cuddled up to Veronica, holding on to her roommate’s neck and breast.

    “That’s right.” Gary said. “We didn’t end up using the onsie, or the spare pullup. I think she’s a little wet, but she probably doesn’t need to be changed right away.”

    “You’re taking this very well.” Veronica said. “You had a good time too?”

    “Yeah.” Gary smiled and shook his head. “More than I thought I would. I’ll be happy to babysit her any time.”

    “That’s great to hear, we might need you after finals.” Veronica said. “She was a good girl overall?”

    “Yeah she was fine. A couple of bratty moments but nothing to worry about.” Gary said. “She didn’t like it when I made a meta-comment about our little game. She wanted to be immersed in it I think.”

    “I’ve been noticing that too.” Veronica said. Briana squirmed in her arms, and Veronica bounced her gently until Briana snuggled up again. “Did she take you up on the microbiology help?”

    “Kind of?” Gary shrugged. “Looking at her right now I’m not sure how much you’d let her choose anyway. Let me know when she’s got more serious studying or homework and I’ll come tutor.”

    “Sounds great.” Veronica smiled. “Okay Briana, you can hop up now and say goodbye to Gary.”

    Briana hopped off Veronica’s lap and stood between her and Gary as he rose from the couch. She couldn’t say anything with the pacifier in her mouth, so she  waited, looking up at him expectantly.

    Gary smiled and gently took the pacifier. “You’re pretty little right now. I think you’re going to have a fun evening.”

    Briana smiled broadly. “Thanks! And thanks for the ice cream, and the date.”

    “You’re welcome cutie.” Gary pulled Briana close, kissing her gently and squishing her rear. She pressed up tightly against him, feeling heat build in her crotch again. Gary popped the pacifier right back in Briana’s mouth as he pulled away.

    “See you later Veronica. Got to say, this is pretty interesting.” Gary waved and headed for the door.

    “I’m sure you have some other adjectives for it too.” Veronica chuckled, waving. When Gary was gone, she turned to Briana, plucking at the messy crop top. “Let’s get you a change of clothes sweetie.”

    “Do I get to pick my outfit? Gary said you were going to baby me so I can do good tomorrow?” Briana pulled away, dropping her pacifier on the coffee table.

    “I could give you a choice of onesies.” Veronica said. “You’re right, we’re going to give you the full baby treatment tonight. It did you good yesterday, I want you to be ready for school tomorrow.”

     “Onesies are boring, and too babyish.” Briana pouted. “I want to wear something pretty.”

    “I think they’re pretty.” Veronica said, tugging at Briana’s crop top. “Arms up, right now.”

    Briana sighed and raised her arms. She stayed put while Veronica took her bra off, wiggling a bit. “I don’t want a onesie though.”

    “I know sweetheart, but I think you need it, and I think you’ll like it when you get a bit more into it.” Veronica pulled Briana’s skirt down and guided her feet out of it. “You let me strip you down to your diaper in the living room. Your wet diaper.”

    Briana blushed and covered her chest. “But that’s because…”

    “Because I told you to.” Veronica said. “So be a good girl and listen to me.”

    “Like…” Briana asked in a quiet voice. “Like uh, you’re my mom?”

    Veronica beamed. “Yes sweetie. Just that way.”

    “Okay mom.” Briana blushed and looked down, letting her arms drop.

    “Such a good girl.” Veronica kissed Briana on the head. She pulled a white onesie with green trim out of the diaper bag. Briana wrinkled her nose at the frog and lily pad print.

    With the onesie pulled on and snapped firmly over her crotch, Briana was feeling foggy headed again. More than foggy, actually, she was suddenly dizzy. She reached out to Veronica for balance or a hug, she wasn’t sure which, lightly holding Veronica’s left breast again.

    “Sorry to say, there isn’t a snack for you there hon.” Veronica chuckled.

    Briana looked down at her hand in confusion, then blushed, snatching it back. “I didn’t mean…”

    “Shh, it’s alright.” She stroked Briana’s cheek. “I’m going to put you down for a little nap before dinner, but you can nap here in the living room if you want.”

    “But mom, I’m not tired.” Briana sighed.

    “I think you will be. Lie down on the couch.” Veronica crouched down by the couch and pulled a blanket over Briana. “I have a friend for you.”

    “What?” Briana blinked sleepily. The warmth of the blanket and the onesie pulling her diaper against her were pushing her more into her daze.

    “Here you go.” Veronica reached under the couch and retrieved a stuffed lioness that she tucked into Briana’s arms.

    “It’s so soft!” Briana said, stroking the golden fur and admiring the cutely-painted blue eyes.

    “I’m glad you like it. You’ll have to think of a name for it after your nap.” She stroked Briana’s hair. “Sleep now sweetie. I’ll be right here, okay?”

    “Okay mom.” Briana yawned, snuggling up to her new friend. She could feel warmth in her crotch again and vaguely realized she was wetting. It didn’t bother her, instead contributing to the warm, sleepy feeling.

    When Briana woke she could hear her roommates bustling around the house. The pacifier was back in her mouth, she’d been sucking on it as she slept. She smiled behind the pacifier to see that her lion was still cuddled in her arms. It was delightfully warm under the blanket, or at least it was everywhere but her diaper. Her crotch and butt were way beyond clammy, they were wet.

    She stirred on the couch as Jane walked by. The smell of ginger and garlic wafted in from the kitchen. It seemed like a shame to get up and ruin the wonderful warmth she’d built up under the blanket.

    Spitting the pacifier out on the floor, Briana called out. “Moooom! I need a change.”

    “Jane, can you change her?” Veronica called from the kitchen. “I’m in the middle of making dumplings.”

    Jane rounded the couch and looked down at Briana. She had an odd expression on her face. Curious, but something else as well. “Well, look at you. Climb down on the floor and I’ll get you changed.”

    “I asked for mom!” Briana pouted, holding her lion defensively.

    “You mean Veronica?” Jane cocked her head. “Well, she is busy right now, so I’ll be the one taking care of you.”

    “No.” Briana said. “I’ll wait until she’s done.”

    “Briana.” Jane said sternly. “Veronica might be your mother right now but we’re all in charge of you. If you don’t get down on the floor right now, you’ll find out exactly how much discipline I learned from my father.”

    Briana squeaked, reluctantly climbing off the couch with her blanket and lion. Jane wasted no time pulling Briana on top of the blanket and unsnapping the crotch of her onesie.

    “You were really wet.” Jane said, tearing the tapes off Briana’s diaper and pulling it aside. She hefted the soggy thing with raised brows before dumping it in a diaper pail.

    “Well I used it more than once.” Briana said. She squirmed as Jane wiped her down with the cold wipes.

    Jane lifted Briana’s legs to wipe her rear. “I see you have something new here.”

    Briana squirmed as Jane wiggled the plug in her rear. “Gary gave that to me. It’s for um, so I don’t do number two I guess?”

    “Useful.” Jane nodded. “It’s not uncomfortable for you?”

    “I forgot it was there.” Briana giggled.

    “Cute plug!” Suzie said, hopping up on the couch.

    Briana blushed, hoping that everyone wouldn’t crowd around her while she was getting changed. “Thanks, I have a lion too!”

    “What’s her name?” Suzie asked.

    “Uh, Alanna!” Briana nodded.  

    Jane slid a new diaper under Briana’s rear. There was no lotion this time, just a quick sprinkle of powder before Jane taped the diaper in place.

    “Mom gave her to me!” Briana nodded, wiggling her butt against the fresh dry padding. As soon as Jane snapped up her onesie she sat up, legs slightly splayed from the bulk between them.

    “Cool!” Suzie exclaimed.

    “That was very nice of her.” Jane said, patting Briana’s cheek. She wiped the pacifier off and popped it back in Briana’s mouth. “Suzie, can you watch her until dinner? I have to send an email to my advisor before five.”

    “Is she high maintenance today?” Suzie asked, coming over the couch to sit in front of Briana.

    “I think we’re getting to the phase that Veronica was talking about on Friday.” Jane nodded.

    “Mmm?” Briana tugged at Suzie’s leg, getting only an absent minded pat on the head rather than an answer.

    “Okay, I got it. I’m good to go for the evening and I like playtime with her anyway.” Suzie grinned.

    “Thanks.” Jane nodded, and leaned over to hug Briana. “Be good for Suzie, understand?”

    Briana rolled her eyes and nodded.

    “Tell me about your lion! Why’s she named Alanna?” Suzie popped the pacifier out of Briana’s mouth.

    “What phase was Jane talking about?” Briana asked, her brow furrowed.

    “Don’t worry about that hon. Let’s play with your lion.” Suzie grabbed a blown-glass seashell from the coffee table. “Here come the evil space mermaids in their shell-ship!”

    “Alanna’s not in space.” Briana pouted. “What about that phase?” she thought.

    “Why not?” Suzie asked. “Is she a magical lion?”

    “Well maybe she could be in space. She does have magic.” Briana walked Alanna across the coffee table toward the shell.

    By the time dinner was ready Briana had forgotten the phase. She wasn’t paying much attention to what her roommates were talking about at all, Alanna was far more interesting. Getting put to bed by Veronica and having a story read to her was even more blissful than it had been the last night.

    The morning dawned on a Briana who felt great! She was out of bed and put together well before Veronica’s usual visit. She even went to meet Veronica so they could talk about the day. Classes were back to being a breeze, it was good to be back to her usual honors student self.

    In her plastics-bacteria lab, Briana got up the courage to approach the professor while one of her samples were cycling. “Hey Dr. Vaughn, I don’t know if you heard but Dr. Schaefer lost her grant. Do you know if there are any other open lab jobs?”

    “I did hear.” He said, frowning. “I was really sorry for Sara. You too. I don’t know of anything right now, but if something comes up I’ll recommend you. You’ve done good work here.”

    “Thank you!” Briana smiled brightly.

    “Of course. How are you set for finals? I know there’s not always a lot of time to focus on class while you’re doing grad work.”

    “I’m pretty good actually.” Briana said. “It’s my thesis that’s lagging behind.”

    “Well those always do.” Vaughn chuckled. “Don’t worry, you’ll get it.”

    Briana froze in the middle of a nod. There was a warm, wet sensation in her pants. “I didn’t feel anything at all this time!” She tried to clamp down on her bladder but it didn’t seem to make any difference. Luckily she had on some baggy green shorts, she wasn’t brave enough to wear leggings over her pullups.

    “Are you okay?” Vaughn asked.

    “Oh uh, yeah.” Briana said nervously. “I um, have a bit of a medical condition it uh, makes my breath catch sometimes.” The trickle into her pullup had stopped, but not due to any effort on Briana’s part. She could feel the padding bulking up between her legs and shifted uncomfortably.

    “Oh no! Have you been to see someone for it?”

    “Yes actually, but it’s kind of an ongoing process.” Briana shrugged.

    “I understand. I’m diabetic myself.” Dr. Vaughn nodded. “I hope you stay well. Will you be able to finish out today’s lab?”

    “Yes but, I think I’ll run to the bathroom and take my medication.” Briana said. “If you don’t mind?”

    “Oh of course, go ahead.” Vaughn smiled kindly.

    Briana scurried to the bathroom. The pullup gave her enough time to find one of the private ones, at least. Once inside with the door firmly locked she stripped off her shorts and looked down at her pullup. The puppies and kittens that had been there in the morning were gone for good. It wasn’t full to leaking, but it couldn’t take her wetting again.

    With a sigh, Briana shucked the pullup and wrapped it in paper towels before trashing it. Eyeing the spare pullup after giving herself a wipe-down, Briana fidgeted. “What if I wet this one too?”

    “It doesn’t really matter.” She realized, “It’s not like I have a choice. I can’t skip out on lab right after I asked Dr. Vaughn to recommend me to a job.”

    The pullup went on with a now-familiar feeling. Briana checked herself out in the mirror, craning her head over her shoulder to see her rear. “My butt does look pretty good in it. The stars on it are pretty too.”

    With a laugh at the absurdity of it all, she pulled her shorts up and left the bathroom. The rest of the lab went well, in terms of Briana’s results. By the time she finished, however, there was definite sogginess between her legs. Her body wasn’t even waiting for her bladder to fill up anymore. It was scary, Briana could feel a cloud of stress looming over her. Stress had only made wetting worse though, so she tried to force the worry out of her mind. The pullup held until the end of her lab, and that’s all that mattered. When she went home she knew she’d be diapered and babied, with nothing to worry about.

    Briana marveled at how comforting that all sounded. She hurried to Casey’s car, eager to get back to her little self.