• Baby Briana: Chapter 21

    Briana knew she was doing well. It was Thursday afternoon and she’d already finished all her course and lab work. Like the rest of the week’s evenings she’d be diapered and taken care of. Being little gave her enough energy every day to be the best graduate student she could be. Finals were coming up next week, but with Gary’s help she figured she had it handled. Even with all her success, she couldn’t shake a few fears. There was the issue of getting another job, Dr. Vaughn hadn’t found anything for her yet, but she was hopeful that he would.

     More important than that was her reliance on her roommates to take care of her in the evenings. She wasn’t sure how long they could keep it up, though everyone seemed to be having fun. Even more surprising, she was really looking forward to being diapered and babied every evening. She wasn’t sure if she was afraid of needing the attention or afraid that her roommates would stop.

    “I wonder if they’re going to keep me in diapers the whole weekend.” The thought thrilled her, triggering a blush that she’d be excited at that. “What’s going on with me? What’s that phase they mentioned before? Veronica isn’t talking to me about plans anymore, even since she… became my mom.”

    Briana sighed and put that thought away, only to be confronted by her biggest worry. Her pullups would not stay dry to save her life. She was taking two spares to school every day, and coming home with the last pair damp. Taking a third spare to school had crossed her mind, but the package of colorful pullups was nearly gone. Someone had removed the ugly gray ones, probably to return them to the store.

    Casey hadn’t been able to take her home and Briana was excited that she’d been given permission to ride the bus. It felt good to sit and watch the familiar route again. “It feels good to be a big girl too.” Briana thought.

    At home she climbed the stairs and went straight to Veronica’s room. “Hi Mom, I’m home!” She said as she entered the suite.

    “Hi Briana!” Veronica smiled and gave Briana a big hug. “How was school?”

    “It was good! I met Gary on campus, we got all the homework out of the way. There’s nothing left except studying for finals!” Briana grinned.

    “Good girl.” Veronica stroked Briana’s cheek. “Now, show me your pullup.”

    Briana blushed and lifted her simple blue skirt. Veronica cupped Briana’s crotch, squishing the wet padding against her skin.

    “This is your third one for the day again?” Veronica asked.

    “Yeah.” Briana sighed. “Sorry mom, I don’t even feel it.”

    “That’s okay, you have nothing to apologize for.” Veronica said, taking a seat on the couch and pulling Briana down next to her. “However, we need to talk a little. I bought you a new package of pullups today, but you’re going through them too fast.”

    Briana nodded. “I know, but I don’t know what else I can do.”

    “We’re going to have to put you in diapers during the day now too.” Veronica said.

    “What? No, mom, please!” Tears leaped to Briana’s eyes. “They’re too big, everyone will notice!”

    “I’m sorry hon, but pullups are obviously not the solution at this point. You have some skirts that should cover them pretty well, and we can get you some more.” Veronica patted Briana’s hand. “You will have to stop wearing pants and shorts, I’m sorry, I know you don’t like wearing skirts every day.”

    “But, but…” Briana whimpered. “School is my grown up time.”

    “It still can be.” Veronica said. “Nobody is talking about sending you to school in baby clothes.”

    “Just a baby diaper.” Briana hung her head.

    “I am sorry hon, but those pullups aren’t cheap. We need to conserve a little, and diapers during the day are part of that.”

    “Part of it?”

    “Yes. We also aren’t going to be changing you every time you wet.” Veronica said. “It’s happening several times a day now. If it’s a little, you won’t need a change. Whoever checks you when you’re wet will change you or not, depending on if you need it.”

    “Depending!?” Briana stared at Veronica in shock. “Mom, no!”

    “Briana, be a good girl.” Veronica said firmly. “We are happy to help you, but you need to help too.”

    Briana sobbed, balling her fists up and slamming them down on her legs. There was a moment of struggle when Veronica pulled her in to a hug and then she held Veronica close, crying with abandon. Veronica let her cry, pulling Briana up on her lap and stroking her back.

    “Shhh, shhh.” Veronica said softly. “It’s going to be okay, my little lion.”

    “E-e-e-everyone is going to know.” Briana cried, clinging to Veronica.

    “You’re going to be okay. I love you.” Veronica said, gently bouncing Briana on her lap.

    “M-m-m-mommy.” Briana buried her head in Veronica’s shoulder, crying until she had nothing left. As she panted in the aftermath she realized she’d wet again, the pullup felt full and squishy, probably leaking on Veronica. It didn’t matter, nothing did at the moment.

    “Lets get you changed up.” Veronica said. “All this worry can wait for tomorrow. Right now you’re my baby girl, you can even sleep with me tonight, okay?”

    Briana nodded, her face tear-streaked and snotty.

    Veronica grabbed a cloth from the nearby changing supplies and gently wiped Briana’s face. The cloth went over Briana’s nose and Veronica said, “Blow.”

    It was a little better already, Briana had to admit. Getting out of the pullup and into a dry diaper was nice. Veronica was determined to baby her, and Briana dove into the sensation completely. The only thing she remembered from that evening was falling asleep cuddled up to Veronica, her head on her roommate’s bare chest.

    The morning was disorienting. Waking up with Veronica was good, but unusual and earlier than she liked to get up. Baby treatment hadn’t refreshed her the way it had the rest of the week. Veronica’s help getting cleaned up in the morning didn’t help either. She stood in her room in front of her mirror, staring at the knee-length black skirt she was wearing.

    “Mom, it looks bad! It’s already as bulky as a used pullup.” Briana pouted as cutely as she could at Veronica.

    “It will be fine. People aren’t going to look at your butt as much as you’re worried they will.” Veronica checked Briana’s bright yellow blouse where it tucked into the skirt. “Your blouse should draw attention away from it anyway.”

    “I look like a bumblebee.” Briana sighed.

    “Young lady, you picked this blouse.” Veronica swatted Briana’s rear. There was no sting through the diaper, only a reminder of how padded she was.

    “As if I could forget. These are way bigger than pullups.”  Briana sighed. “And I have to wear it all day?”

    “Unless you have a really big accident.” Veronica said. “Casey will be on campus with the diaper bag if you need her.”

    “Why can’t I just carry the spare?”

    “Because you didn’t want to.” Veronica sighed and shook her head. “I’m sorry you’re in such a bad mood hon, I know this isn’t fun. But Casey is waiting, you need to go.”

    Briana hung her head and headed to school with Casey, trying not to waddle. The diaper was thick enough that she couldn’t tell if she was wetting in her first class. By her second class she was sure she was, though only because of the padding bulking up.

    The third class was a nightmare. A two hour review on the final, which normally Briana would welcome. It was hard to concentrate on taking notes when she could feel her diaper filling little by little. By the middle of class it sagged between her legs when the professor called a five minute stretch break. Sitting back down on that sopping padding was hard, she wanted to be home, curled up on the couch or in her bed.

    No matter how much Briana shifted in the hard wooden seat, there wasn’t a comfortable position. She wished she could at least be sure that her bladder was empty, but she hadn’t any way of knowing for almost a week. There was a teary-tightness behind her eyes when the review session mercifully ended.

    Trying not to make eye contact with anyone, Briana gathered her stuff and hurried for the door. A few murmurs and even a giggle followed her, paranoia crept cold into her belly. Once in the hall she swung a hand back to check how full her skirt was, and discovered to her horror that her skirt had ridden up. Her diaper was so full it was damp, she must have leaked as well.  Her skirt was stuck halfway up the back of her diaper, showing it off to the world.

    Briana looked back and saw her classmate Lisa smirking at her. The smirk became a full on laugh when Briana yanked her skirt down to cover her diaper. With a pounding heart Briana watched Lisa turn to another student and say something. Briana wasn’t about to wait around to hear what Lisa was going to tell everyone outside the door. She ran down the hall, legs half-open and squishing with every step.

    Out of the building she hid behind some trees, tears running down her cheeks. The diaper was heavy on her hips, not letting her forget it for a second. Sniffling, Briana sank down between the trees. No one would pay much attention to a student sitting off by herself, or so she hoped. Lisa at least hadn’t followed her.

    Briana sat there, miserable and wet, until Casey came to find her. First Casey, then each of her roommates in turn asked her what was wrong. She couldn’t bear to tell them, not even Veronica. Eventually they seemed to accept that she was upset at wearing diapers to school. Everyone assured her that they would take great care of her over the weekend. Briana was glad to hear it, she planned to take full advantage of her little-self to escape her humiliation for a couple of days.

    By Monday she was feeling a little better. Being diapered in big girl clothes was still a blow, but she managed to make it through the day. A long, wet day of tests to be sure, but she was careful not to let her diaper show again. She wouldn’t see Lisa until her last test on Wednesday.

    Wednesday’s test was a brutal one. Briana arrived bright and early, still dry and dressed in a cute green sweater and cream colored skirt. Everybody was nervous, which thankfully kept Lisa from paying attention to Briana. As soon as the test began, Briana dove in to it, precisely calculating molecule interactions. Two and a half hours of math and memorization stretched out in front of her, but she could do it!

    She was so focused on the test that she didn’t notice the creeping wetness. By the time she realized she was wet, the test was nearly over. It wasn’t as bad as it had been on Friday and Briana took that for a victory.

    “I can handle a little sogginess.” She thought ruefully. “And the test is handled too!”

    With her test turned in she felt good enough to gather with a few other classmates in the hall. They traded answers, Briana was glad to hear that hers had been on track.

    “Hey freak show.” Lisa said, from right behind Briana. “How’d the test go?”

    “What?” Briana turned around, blushing. “Don’t call me that!” The rest of the group was staring.

    “What should I call you?” Lisa smirked. “You know, I was wondering why you’ve been smelling like pee for a while but I didn’t expect you to be in diapers!”

    “Hey, cut it out.” Said another student. “If she’s got a medical condition…”

    “It’s not a medical condition!” Lisa laughed. “She’s wearing adult-baby stuff, fetish gear.” Before Briana could stop her, Lisa yanked up on Briana’s skirt. A full, shiny diaper greeted the group, adorned with pastel clouds and rainbows. There was no hiding the fact that it drooped between her legs, and hung heavy off her rear.

    Briana’s face flamed. She felt cold inside like she was going to be sick. Her stomach churned, and to her horror a grumble came from her rear as well. The students backed in shock as a dark blotch spread across Briana’s diaper. The warm, wet mess spread thick and sticky across her rear and sank to her crotch. Her breath was coming so fast she felt like she would hyperventilate.

    “See!” Lisa said, waving a hand in front of her nose. “What a freak show!”

    Some of her classmates looked sympathetic, but their noses were already wrinkling at the smell. Briana ran, slamming up against someone and spinning out into the hall. Every step squished gooey and gross. She dodged the next person, almost slamming into the wall in her haste.

    On pure panic, she left the building and kept running. Running was pushing the mess all over her diaper, but she didn’t care. She had to run. Into the arboretum and off the trail, Briana found a thick cluster of bushes and crashed through them, flopping down on the other side. She couldn’t even cry, she let the world carry her away. Lisa’s mocking tone rang in her ears over and over.