• Baby Briana: Chapter 19

    Going on a date with Gary was definitely exciting. Telling him she wanted to be treated like a kid had been exciting and scary. Veronica handing Gary a diaper bag that was now in the back seat of his Prius was embarrassing. All of those feelings left Briana squirmy and hyperactive, bouncing in the seat as Gary drove.

    “I guess I picked a good restaurant if you’re that excited.” Gary chuckled.

     “Everything kind of feels new again.” Briana said. “There’s a lot to figure out.”

    “Yeah, I feel that too.” Gary smiled, reached over to squeeze Briana’s arm. “You look great, by the way.”

    “You dressed me!” Briana laughed.

    “That was fun. I’m liking this more than I expected.” Gary said.

    “Really?” Briana asked. “Me too. It was crazy when Veronica proposed it but I’m glad she did.”

    “Us dating?” Gary asked.

    “No, I mean, everything. The pullups and the kid treatment and stuff.”

    “It’s brave of you to try something like this.” Gary said.

    “You think so?” Briana clasped her hands.

    “Yeah, I do.” Gary smirked. “I’m glad you’re brave, because I’ve got some plans for lunch.”

    “Like what?” Briana frowned.

    “You heard Veronica when we left, I’m in charge.” Gary said. “I’ll be checking in with her so that she knows you’re okay… and so that she knows you’re behaving.”

    Briana blushed. “Oh. Okay.”

    “Good girl.” Gary grinned, pulling the car into the restaurant’s parking lot.

    The walk to their table was awkward for Briana, she barely paid attention to the restaurant; her attention was consumed by the diaper bag in Gary’s hand. No one seemed to react, but she was sure someone was judging them. Once at their table with the bag stowed under it, she could relax again. The window next to their table looked out on the marina, showcasing well kept boats in the summer sun.

    After a few minutes of watching the water she realized Gary was absorbed in the menu. She looked for hers, and reached over to Gary’s side of the table to grab it.

    “Hey!” She said, as Gary slid the menu away from her.

    “I’m ordering for you.” Gary said, folding his menu up and putting them both on the windowsill.

    “But, I wanted to pick.” Briana pouted. “And I can’t believe you brought that stupid bag.”

    “Veronica warned me you might be bratty but I didn’t expect it to start this fast.” Gary smirked.

    “I’m not bratty!” Briana protested. “I’m frustrated.”

    “Or you’re testing to see if I’ll really treat you like a kid, even if you protest.”

    Briana squirmed in her seat. “No fair dissecting my motivations.”

    Gary laughed. “Fine, I won’t spoil it for you.”

    Briana had to hold her retort with the waiter approaching their table. Gary ordered a salmon Alfredo for himself, and then macaroni and cheese for Briana.

    “I’m sorry sir, that was yesterday’s special, we don’t have the truffle macaroni today.” The waiter said.

    “No, the plain one, from the kid’s menu.” Gary pointed it out for the waiter.

    “Oh of course.” The waiter nodded and took their menus. “Anything to drink?”

    “I’ll have your Pole Brewery apricot beer.” Gary said. “She’ll have an apple juice.”

    The waiter hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. “I’ll bring the drinks right out for you sir.” He poured their glasses of water from the pitcher on the table, and left for the kitchen.

    Briana felt her cheeks warm and her nipples harden. She squirmed in her seat, mock-glaring at Gary. “Are you going to embarrass me the whole time we’re out?”

    “Only if being a kid embarrasses you.” Gary said. “Be a good girl, and I’ll get you ice cream after.”

    “Really?” Briana asked, hiding her face when Gary laughed at her eagerness. “Well what if I’m not a good girl?”

    “Veronica put a change of clothes in the bag for me.” Gary shrugged. “We could always go from here to the park… with you in a onesie.”

    “You wouldn’t!” Briana stared at Gary in shock.

    “Try me.” He smirked.

    Briana blushed scarlet, and even more-so when the waiter brought her apple juice. She sipped the juice slowly, savoring the sweetness.

    “Don’t forget to drink water as well.” Gary said.

    Briana nodded, absently reaching for her glass and taking a big gulp. She froze, and glared at Gary. “Are you trying to…”

    “Am I trying to what?” Gary asked disingenuously.

    “Make me wet.” Briana whispered.

    “It’s some water and juice.” Gary chuckled. “You should be fine. If not, we can get you changed, they have a family restroom here.”

    Briana shuddered, through she could feel heat building between her legs. “Why is this so hot?” She wondered. She imagined looking at Gary between her legs, a diaper in her hands, and even felt a bit of dampness in her pullups.

    “So uh, how are classes going?” She said, taking another big drink of the ice water.

    “Really good. I should be able to knock my finals out.” Gary said. “How about you? Feeling confidant, or have you been a little derailed?”

    “I feel pretty good. Veronica has been keeping me on track.” Briana said. Mercifully, her body was cooling down.

    “That’s great. Let me know if I can help as a fellow microbio mad scientist.” He grinned, and Brianna giggled.

    The food arrived. Briana’s little bowl of mac and cheese looked so plain next to Gary’s plate of Alfredo, drenched in salmon and cream sauce. It smelled good though and Briana dug in right away. The simple, homey taste of the mac and cheese hit the spot. It was rich, enough so that she kept having to drink between bites. Gary was a good eater as always, and well on the way to polishing off his huge plate by the time Briana was coming to the end of hers. She looked wistfully over at his dish, the smoked salmon crumbled into the sauce looked perfect.

    “Do you want a bite?” Gary asked.

    “Yes please!” Briana smiled shyly.

    Gary wrapped a generous amount of pasta and sauce on his fork, and held it across the table. Briana reached for it, but he pulled away from her hand and back to her mouth. Obediently, she opened her mouth and took the pasta, licking her lips to get the extra sauce that had ended up on her mouth.

    “Mmm, that’s good! Messy!” She laughed.

    “You’re a fine one to talk.” Gary chuckled. “How much mac and cheese did you get on your blouse?”

    “I didn’t get any…” Briana looked down and bit her lip in embarrassment. She’d dribbled at least a half dozen noodles on her blouse, along with quite a spattering of sauce. Her lip quavered. “Gary… I didn’t mean to.”

    “Don’t worry, we’re almost done here, and I’ll get you cleaned up.” Gary squeezed Briana’s hand.

    She was quiet for the rest of lunch, concentrating on finishing her apple juice. Once that was gone, she worked on her glass of water to keep from having to talk. By the time Gary had paid the bill, she was feeling definite pressure in her bladder.

    “Gary.” She whispered as they stood up from the table. “I have to go.”

    “Number one or two?” He asked casually.

    “What… what does that matter?” She asked. “It’s just… pee but I have to go.”

    “I’ve got everything to change you.” Gary said. “Go ahead.”

    “I… no!” Briana pouted. Gary took her hand and led her toward the door, she followed along reluctantly. As soon as they exited the restaurant, she tried again. “Please, just let me go to the bathroom!”

    “You could have gone.” Gary said, “But you didn’t, you asked permission. And the answer to that is no. You can use your pullup.”

    “I don’t want to!” Briana whimpered, as Gary lead her by the hand to the car.

    “Then hold it like a big girl until the date is over.” Gary half-helped, half-pushed Briana into the car, buckled her in, and closed the door.

    “Gary!” Briana said. “Why are you doing this?”

    “I’ve actually been looking forward to changing you since Veronica and I talked about it.” Gary said, maneuvering the car out into the street. “Go potty Briana. Be a good girl and I’ll buy you some ice cream.”

    Briana blushed scarlet and pressed her hands against her crotch. “I can’t just… I don’t usually go in my pants on purpose! It just happens.”

    The car rumbled over a crumbling speed bump. Briana looked up to see that Gary had pulled into the old mall parking lot. Closed down for over a year, the mall had gone through a couple of revitalization projects that never took hold. Now the parking lot had only idle construction equipment and broken pavement.

    “Why are we here?” She asked.

    “It’s a good place to change you.” Gary said, hopping out of the car.

    “But I’m not wet!” Briana protested when he opened her door.

    “You will be soon.” Gary said, unbuckling Briana and pulling her out of the seat. “We have to change your blouse too.”

    “No! D-don’t make me wear the onesie!” Briana said in a panic. She could feel the first squirts of liquid into her pullups, but managed to clamp down on it.

    “I won’t if you’re a good girl.” Gary said. “I have two changes of clothes for you.” He pushed her up against the side of the car and put his hand flat over her bladder. Even the first soft push made the pressure unbearable.

    “No, please!” Briana whimpered, tears springing to her eyes. She trembled, and when Gary pushed again she lost all control. Warm and wet flooded her pullups, it bulked right up under her skirt. She sniffled, but felt relieved in more ways than one. She put her arms around Gary’s neck and rested her head on his chest.

    “Good girl!” Gary stroked Briana’s head. His other hand searched under her skit and cupped her pullup. “You really had to go.”

    Briana nodded. “Yeah. I need a change please.”

    “Of course. Good girl.” Gary kissed Briana gently on the lips, deepening the kiss, exploring her with his tongue. She moaned through the kiss, pressing her wet crotch against his leg.

    She was panting when he laid her in the back seat on the changing blanket. Gary bunched her skirt up and had her hold it for him. Her shoes and socks came off first, then the wet pullup. Gary wiped her abdomen and crotch down gently with wipes.

    “That was a lot, Briana. Do you think you’ll be okay changing into a pullup? Or do you need a diaper? I have both.”

    “Wha-what clothes am I going to wear?” Briana asked.

    “You’ll keep the skirt, I have a new blouse for you.” Gary said.

    “Then um… a diaper. Please.” Briana blushed and turned her face away.

    “No problem.” Gary lifted Briana’s legs and wiped her rear, getting right to her rear star without any fear. When the lotion came, she got a cursory wipe over her rear and thighs, and a slow massage of lotion over her sex.

    “Oh, oh!” Briana arched her back. “Oh Gary…”

    “You looked really worried when I asked you which number you needed to go.” Gary said, sliding a finger between Briana’s folds to rub her clit. “I have a toy to help reduce your worry in that area.”

    Something smooth and metallic slid into Briana’s sex. She gasped, rolling her hips to get the most out of Gary’s fingers on her clit. She wondered what kind of toy Gary was talking about, but had no concentration for that. Embarrassment, desire, and the feeling of being taken care of had her floating in a sea of endorphins. Gary withdrew whatever it was from her sex, and increased the pace on her clit. Every time his fingers slid up and down the length of it, she shuddered and moaned out loud.

    “Hmm, you are getting a little noisy, even for this parking lot.” Gary fumbled in the bag, producing a pacifier which he popped in Briana’s mouth. She felt a surge of desire, moaning nearly as loudly through the pacifier as she had without it.

    There was pressure on her anus, wet, goopy lotion worked all over it, around it, into it. More pressure, whatever had been inside her sex was sliding smoothly into her ass. Briana gasped, legs straining against the car. She cried out, the pacifier fell from her lips. Her head fell back and she panted, quivering on the changing blanket.

    “Mmm, that looked delicious.” Gary said huskily. “Let’s get your change finished.”

    Briana lay placidly as Gary popped the pacifier back in her mouth, falling into a dreamy haze as she was powdered and diapered. Even when her blouse came off, she sat quietly in the car, unconcerned about sitting in her bra in public.

    Gary fished a white crop-top out of the bag and looked Briana over. He smiled and stroked her cheek. “You went away a little there. I bet you’d let me put you in the onesie right now.”

    “Ifh yoo aant.” Briana giggled, smiling behind the pacifier. Gary laughed.

    “Well I told you I wouldn’t. Arms up!” He wrestled the crop top down on Briana, adjusting it to make sure it covered her bra. The supplies went back in the bag and Briana into the front seat. They were a good mile from the parking lot by the time Briana came out of her fog.

    “Uh, Gary?” She asked. “What did you put in me?” She squirmed, trying to figure out what was making her rear feel full.

    “A butt plug.” Gary said, “It’ll come in useful with you wearing protection all the time.”

    “Was that Veronica’s idea?” Briana asked, squirming some more.

    “Mine actually.” Gary chuckled, “But she thought it was a good one.”

    “Thanks for um… the change.” Briana giggled. “It was really hot. Can I help you out?”

    “I wish, but it’s against Veronica’s rules for today, and I agree with her.” Gary said. “Besides, I did enjoy it.”

    “I’m glad.” Briana beamed. “I like being taken care of by you.”

    “Good! I’ve been asked if I can babysit you sometimes, and I said I would.”

    Briana blushed. “I’d like that. But uh, I didn’t expect today to go like this. I was a lot more uh, grown up this morning.”

    “I guess you got a lot of babying yesterday.” Gary said. “And you felt better today, right?” Briana nodded and Gary continued. “Well I think Veronica plans a lot of babying for you tonight, to make sure you’re feeling good for classes tomorrow.”

    “Oh.” Briana thought about that for a bit, then smiled. “Can I get ice cream now? I was a good girl!”

    “You sure were.” Gary laughed. “We’re headed there now.”