• Baby Briana: Chapter 18

    The morning came early for Briana. She woke before her alarm, or Veronica’s visit. The soggy bulk between her legs was familiar, but the pressure in her bladder was a welcome surprise. Feeling refreshed in a way she hadn’t for weeks, Briana climbed out of bed and stretched. Checking the clock revealed that it was still before seven, some of the early risers might be up as well but the house was quiet.

    Getting out of her wet diaper and showering on her own felt great. Putting pullups on when she dressed didn’t dampen her mood either. The thin, soft padding made her feel safe and comfortable, not resentful. With fifteen minutes or more until Veronica was due to arrive, she sat cross-legged on her bed and reviewed her class notes. Finals were coming up soon and Briana hadn’t been thinking ahead to them much.

    “Oh, good morning.” Veronica stopped in the doorway in surprise. She had on her usual black dress, but with more makeup than she normally bothered with. She looked Briana over and said, “I see you’ve gotten yourself all ready. Studying?”

    “Yes.” Briana smiled. “I feel really good today!”

    “That’s great sweetheart.” Veronica hesitated at the door. “Well if you don’t want me to interrupt you…”

    “Please come in.” Briana said. “Can we talk about yesterday?”

    “Of course.” Veronica took a seat on the bed. “What’s on your mind?”

    “I don’t really know what happened yesterday. I was acting like a little kid. Maybe even a baby.” Briana set her notes down. “I couldn’t stop myself.”

    “We noticed, but if you’re worried that we’re upset, we aren’t. This is all part of taking care of you.” Veronica said.

    “No, it’s not that. I uh, didn’t really consider that you might be mad.” Briana ducked her head shyly. “I feel great today, I’m not stressed at all. But yesterday was bad and then I sort of… escaped into being a kid I guess?”

    “I think maybe you needed it.” Veronica said. “It seems to have recharged you.”

    “And you’re really not upset? Even Suzie? I mean, I was a huge brat. I’m sorry for that.” Briana sighed.

    “We really aren’t. Especially after everyone sees you like this today. You aren’t like a kid at all today, you have yourself all put together without help.” Veronica sighed.

    Briana wondered if she was really sensing disappointment from her roommate. “Do you miss it?”

     “Oh sweetie, don’t worry about that. This is about what you need.” Veronica smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

    Briana lay down on the bed, putting her head in Veronica’s lap. “Well, I miss being close with you in the morning.”

    Veronica smiled, a hint of blush rising to her cheeks. She stroked Briana’s hair gently. “You are darling. Thank you.”

    “It’s true, I was missing it.” Briana closed her eyes. “I feel good today, I have the energy to get up, and get ready, and start thinking about finals. But I still need your help I think.”

    “How so?” Veronica asked.

    “It’s hard for me to think about other things, I’ve been trying not to. Jobs, and fixing my problem, and maybe needing a new graduate advisor.” Briana snuggled up against Veronica. “I… I really want you to be in charge, please.”

    “I can do that, of course.” Veronica said happily. “You’ve already got a great start on the day, I’m very proud of you.”

    “I’m a good girl?” Briana asked.

    “A very good girl.” Veronica stroked Briana’s cheek. “It’s Sunday, so we have the usual chores and homework to do. I’ll get you sent to Jane for the chores, you can come do the homework in my office.”

    “Yes Veronica.” Briana smiled softly.

    “We also have a visitor today. Your friend Gary is coming over.”

    “Huh? Why?” Briana looked up at Veronica.

    “He wants to talk to me and understand what’s going on a little better. He’d also like to talk to you and make completely sure that you’re okay with everything.” Veronica said.

    “Oh, okay.” Briana closed her eyes again. “Just let me know when he’s ready to talk to me.”

    “You don’t want to be present for the conversation that he and I have?”

    “No, I you can do it.”

    “Very well. Go downstairs and help Jane.” Veronica sat Briana up and kissed her head.

    “Yes… Veronica.” Briana hesitated in the door before heading downstairs. “I can’t just call her Mom, she’s not really my mom.”

     Briana presented herself to Jane, who gave Briana and amused look. “Ready to work?”

    “Yes Jane.”

    Jane hooked a finger in the waistband of Briana’s shorts and pulled them open, peeking down. “And you have protection on, good girl.”

    Briana beamed. “Thank you.”

    “You look a lot better than yesterday.” Jane said. “I have a small list for you today, do you think you can do them without me hovering over you?”

    “Yes, I can!” Briana nodded vigorously.

    “I’m impressed.” Jane said, patting Briana on the head. “Let’s get started.”

    The morning stayed as upbeat as it had started. Even getting diaper checked by every one of her roommates couldn’t bring Briana down. She was dry, her roommates were happy with her, and everything was going well. A lot of little things could have bothered her, but Briana wasn’t letting the stressful thoughts in. Usually, that was easier said than done, but today her mind stayed on task.

    After chores, Jane sent Briana to her room. There wasn’t much to do besides homework, but that was on hold until Veronica called her to the office. With a relieved sigh Briana curled up on her bed with a soft blanket.  Sunday naps had been her favorite before everything got bad, she was happily dozing in minutes.

    Briana was delighted to wake up dry from her nap. She pulled down her shorts and poked at the firetrucks on her crotch. It was hard to believe she was so excited about something so simple. She shook her head and banished the thought from her mind. No stressful thoughts today.

    “I could go see what people are doing.” She thought. “But Jane did tell me to go to my room, maybe I should stay here until someone comes to get me.”

     Opening a window to let in a light summer breeze, Briana fetched a book and curled up to read. She hadn’t read Alanna: The First Adventure since she was in middle school, but she’d kept the books with her with every move. Sinking into Alanna’s magical world, Briana was in bliss.

    A knock at the door startled her out of the fantasy world. She looked at the door in confusion, none of her roommates knocked anymore. “Um, who is it?”

    “It’s Gary.” His deep voice rumbled through the door. “Can I come in?”

    Briana dove for her discarded shorts and pulled them back on in a minor panic. Stumbling off the bed, she finished buttoning the shorts and pulled the door open. She wished Veronica had warned her, the shorts were plain white, fine for summer, but her shirt was an old “Tangled” t-shirt from a high school trip to Disneyland.

    “Hi Gary, yeah, you can come in.” She smiled and stepped out of the doorway. He looked really good in a pale blue button up, short-sleeve shirt. His butt looked even better in fitted jeans shorts.

    “Hey Briana.” Gary grinned, going in for a hug. He held her close for a moment, then pulled back to look into her eyes and stroke her cheek. “How are you doing?”

    “Really good!” Briana nuzzled Gary’s hand. “Today has been really great.”

    “Just today?” Gary asked in concern.

    “Well, you know I’m having uh… a problem.” Briana looked down. “Some days are better than others.”

    “Yeah, Veronica and I had a long talk about it. Are you okay to chat a little about it?” Gary took a seat on the desk chair. “I don’t want to pry, but I feel like I have to make sure you’re okay.”

    Briana nodded, hopping up on the bed. She took a deep breath. “Yeah, I don’t exactly love to talk abut it, but I understand why you’re worried.”

    “What Veronica laid out for me was pretty extreme. Everyone in the house is treating you like a kid. Grounding you, ordering you around, even spanking you. Are you really letting them do it? You don’t feel pressured?”

    “I really am.” Briana blushed. “I think I need it. I really don’t mind what they’re doing.”

    “That’s the part I don’t really get.” Gary said, “Veronica said you liked it, but I can’t figure out why.”

    “I don’t totally understand it either. It’s more than help being organized and stuff. It’s more than just help with my uh… problem.” Briana thought back to yesterday, blushing profusely. “Yesterday was a bad day. I um, I had a lot of my problem and I got treated like a really little kid. But today I feel really good, and capable.”

    “You think you feel good today because of what happened yesterday?” Gary asked curiously.

    “Maybe? Yeah? I… it’s hard to think about, it stresses me out.” Briana looked down. “I’m not trying to be vague.”

    “So when Veronica says she’s acting as your mom…”

    “She said that?!” Briana looked up excitedly. “She thinks of herself like my mom?”

    “I think she kinda does.” Gary said, confused. “You’re happy about that?”

    “Yeah!” Briana beamed. “I had my head in her lap when she was taking care of me this morning, and it felt really good.”

    “So you really want to be treated like a kid?” Gary furrowed his brow when Briana answered with a nod. He thought for a moment, then asked, “And Casey treats you like a kid, but you’re dating her, right?”

    Briana licked her lips. “Uh, yeah. I kind of like that. It’s not like um, a gross incest thing, or underage or whatever. It’s really different than normal dating, I know.”

    “Do you want me to treat you like a kid?” Gary asked. “And I guess I should ask separately, do you still want to date?”

    Briana looked down, blushing furiously. She tried to answer a couple of times, but nothing came out. Her thoughts spun in circles. “He’s going to think I’m so weird if I tell him both answers are yes! But I shouldn’t lie to him either. Maybe I should just tell him we can’t date. But, I don’t want to do that either.”

    “Briana?” Gary had gotten up and knelt in front of her. “Are you worried that I’m going to judge you or make fun of you?”

    “No.” Briana squeaked. “Yes. I don’t know!”

    “I know this is hard, but you have to tell me what you want.” Gary gently rubbed Briana’s leg.

    “I… I…” Briana could feel stress building. Nothing wet between her legs, but she knew it would follow. “I have to say it. Just say it, and whatever happens, Veronica will fix it.”

    “Yes.” Briana said with a heavy sigh. “I want to be treated like a kid, at least a little. And… I want, I want you.”

    Gary nodded. “I thought so, but I needed to hear you say it.” He stood, pulling Briana to her feet. She had a moment to look up at him in worry before their lips met. She closed her eyes and melted against him, feeling the stress vanish. Gary held her close after the kiss, stroking Briana’s hair while she rested her head on his chest. A slight draft on her rear was followed by the waistband of her shorts rebounding onto her skin.

    “Did… did you just diaper check me?” Briana asked.

    “I did.” Gary chuckled. “Looks like you’re still protected and dry, that’s good.”

    “Gaaaaaary.” Briana hid her face in his chest.

    “Do you want to go out to lunch?” Gary asked, tilting Briana’s chin up.

    “Yeah but uh, I have to ask permission.” Briana shuffled her feet.

    “I already got permission from Veronica.” Gary said. “She had some conditions, and so did I. My conditions were this conversation, mostly.”

    “Oh, what were the conditions?” Briana squirmed.

    “Nothing for you to worry about, I’ll take care of it.” Gary said. “Now, let’s get you dressed for the date.”


    “We’re not going somewhere super fancy but you should still have something better than a t-shirt.” Gary said. “And I think we’ll switch your shorts out for a skirt in case I need to change you.”

    “Gary!” Briana pouted. “I can pick my own clothes.”

    “Not according to Veronica you can’t.” Gary chuckled. “Now do you want to go out to lunch or not?”

    Briana blushed and squirmed. Finally she nodded. “Yes please.”

    “Arms up!” Gary said. Briana giggled and complied. He pulled her t-shirt up and off, kneeled down to unbutton her shorts. As Gary looked through her closet, Briana stood shyly in her pullup and bra. A cream colored blouse and a dark red pleated skirt were Gary’s picks. He even insisted on putting on her socks, and tying her shoes.

    “Where are we going?” Briana asked, kicking her feet idly.

    “Chicchetti’s.” Gary said, handing Briana her purse.

    “Oh, down by the water!” Briana smiled. “Thanks Gary.”

    “You’re welcome. Do you need to go to the bathroom before we go?”


    “You sure?”

    “Yes I’m sure!” Briana stamped her foot.

    “Okay, let’s go then.” Gary took Briana’s hand.