• Baby Briana: Chapter 17

    Briana was feeling exceptionally fussy. She wished there was any other word to use for it, but it was the one that fit the best. She spit out her pacifier for the tenth time, watching Suzie to see when she’d notice. “Am I trying to piss her off or do I just want attention?” Briana wondered. “I want Veronica.”

    Suzie looked down at the discarded pacifier and sighed. “You can’t cooperate on one thing?” Instead of shoving it back in Briana’s mouth, she went to the fridge. A few minutes later she had a water bottle filled with orange juice. She pressed the bottle into Briana’s hands and the rubber spigot into Briana’s mouth.

    Briana pouted and considered rolling the bottle across the floor. Her stinging butt made her shy away from the idea. She sipped, and sighed at the sweet taste. It did soothe her a little. She didn’t really want to think about why.

    There was plenty of time to finish the bottle of juice off before the rest of Briana’s roommates came home. As soon as she heard the door open, she was up off the blanket and running. Truthfully, it was more of a fast waddle with the overstuffed diaper she was wearing, but Briana didn’t care.

    “VERONICA!” Briana hurled herself tearfully against the black-clad woman. Veronica folded her arms around Briana. Casey, Erin and Jane looked askance at each other, shrugged, and continued on to the kitchen.

    “What’s the matter?” Veronica asked. She pulled back gently and looked Briana over. “You’ve had a bit of a transformation since this morning.”

    “Suzie hit me with a spoon!” Briana wailed. “She made me wear this.”

    “I’m sorry to hear that sweetie. Was she giving you a spanking?”

    “Yes.” Briana sniffled. Briana looked down as Veronica let the silence drag out. “I had an accident on the kitchen floor.”

    “Oh dear.” Veronica hugged Briana gently. “That must have been really upsetting for you. I know you were really excited about your progress.”

    “Yeah! It’s not fair!” Briana said. “Everything was going really well.”

    “I’m going to go talk to Suzie.” Veronica said, stroking Briana’s hair. “Can you wait here for me?”

    Briana nodded, sitting down on the couch with a loud crinkle. She watched Veronica go then rested her head on her knees. A few minutes later, Veronica came back out, Briana looked up at her expectantly.

    “It seems like you weren’t wearing any protection, so you ended up making a big mess with your accident.” Veronica said, sitting on the couch next to Briana.

    “I didn’t mean to!” Briana pouted. “I was going to surprise you, show you that I was wearing panties for a couple of days without a problem.”

    “I see. I can tell why you’re really upset, but that wasn’t our deal, remember? You were going to wear protection until you’d been dry during the day for a week.”

    “The thing with Gary doesn’t count!” Briana whined. “That was a weird, stressful situation. Other than that, I had been dry for a week.”

    “Weird stressful situation describes the whole issue.” Veronica said. She patted Briana’s cheek gently. “I see why you’re so upset, but I also see a good reason that you got a punishment.”

    “She hit me with a spoon!” Briana said incredulously.

    “Suzie said she wasn’t spanking any harder than Jane has. I’ll take a look.” She pulled Briana’s legs, sliding her down on her back on the couch. Briana squirmed as Veronica undid the snaps on her onesie, and loudly pulled open her diaper tapes. Erin walked over and craned her head to look as Veronica folded the diaper open and lifted Briana’s legs.

    “A little bit of bruising.” Erin said. “No imprints. I think it’s still within what we discussed.”

    “I agree. Thank you Erin.” Veronica said.

    “You discussed how hard to spank me?” Briana whined, reaching down to cover her crotch.

    “Of course, we didn’t want someone going overboard or really hurting you.” Veronica lowered Briana’s legs and pushed her hand out of the way.

    “Wait, I don’t need the diaper.” Briana said. She sat up only to be pushed back down by Erin.

    “You need some kind of protection and you’re already in this one, we might as well use it.” Veronica taped Briana back up and snapped the onesie in place.

    “I don’t want to wear this baby stuff!” Briana kicked her legs, pouted when Veronica grabbed them and held them in her lap.

    “That’s not a choice you have right now.” Veronica said firmly. “Suzie said you misbehaved even after she punished you, but you’re going to be a better girl for me, aren’t you?”

    Briana sighed and looked away. She crossed her arms over her chest but nodded her head.

     “Good girl. I need you to be quiet while we’re finishing dinner.” She fished the pacifier out of her cleavage and popped it in Briana’s mouth.

    Briana glared at Veronica. Nevertheless, she chewed on the pacifier instead of spitting it out.

    “You can sit by me at dinner tonight, and we can spend some time together after as well, okay?”

    Briana nodded, curled up on the couch. There wasn’t much to do, so she spaced out until dinner time. She noticed warmth in her diaper once, and she wondered if she’d wet. If she had, it wasn’t much. That wasn’t something she wanted to dwell on anyway.

    Waddling in to dinner was extremely awkward. She felt like all eyes were on her as she set her thickly padded bottom on the chair. Veronica passed her plate around and her roommates loaded up with chicken, spinach casserole, salad, and fries.

    “You’re looking cute.” Casey said, bumping shoulders with Briana.

    Briana put her pacifier down next to her plate. “I look like a baby.”

    “A cute baby.” Casey chuckled.

    “Briana, do you have something to say to Suzie?” Veronica asked.

    Briana glared at Veronica. Her anger wilted under Veronica’s calm gaze.  She hung her head and said, “I’m sorry.”

    Suzie nodded. “I did lose my temper with you a little bit kiddo, I’m sorry too.”

    “Kiddo?” Briana sighed. She wasn’t sure how to protest that one when her puffy diaper was giving her an inch of height.

    “Thank you for getting everything done so quickly and so well today.” Jane said.

    “She even did extra.” Erin said. “Thanks for washing my scrubs for me.”

    Briana blushed, nodded. “You’re welcome.” She shoveled food into her face to hopefully head off any other conversation.

    The table talk turned to classes, jobs, and politics. Briana’s head hurt trying to process any of that. She concentrated on her meal, and let the soothing voices wash over her without comprehension. One word did penetrate the fog, dessert.

    “Oh, what’s for dessert?!” Briana looked up excitedly.

    “Pie.” Veronica laughed. “As soon as you finish your casserole you can have some.”

    Briana made a face but gulped down the uneaten half of her casserole. Jane got up to serve the pie and enlisted Briana’s help, giving her plated slices and directing them to each roommate in turn. When she finally sat down with her own slice Briana devoured it, finishing well ahead of the rest of her roommates.

    “You’ve got a bit of pie on your face there.” Veronica dunked her napkin in her water glass. “I’ll get you cleaned up.”

    “Wait, as long as she’s got a messy face…” Casey picked up the spray cream and held it up. “Open your mouth Bri.”

    Briana giggled and opened her mouth, tilting her head up. Casey sprayed whipped cream into her mouth, piling it up more and more until it spilled out over her lips and down her chin. Everyone laughed as Briana struggled to swallow as much of the sweet cream as she could. As soon as Briana finished Veronica wiped her face with the napkin, matter-of-factly scrubbing Briana’s face and the front of her onesie.

    “Suzie do you mind putting her down on the blanket by the TV?” Veronica asked.

    “Putting me down?” Briana protested in confusion. “What does that…”

    Veronica popped the pacifier casually back in Briana’s mouth. “Be a good girl for Suzie now.”

    Confused and a little dazed from everything that had happened during the day, Briana allowed Suzie to take her hand and lead her into the living room. She pouted around the pacifier when Suzie gently pushed her down onto the crib blanket but didn’t feel like she could defy Veronica enough to take the pacifier out. Laying on the soft blanket and carpet with a full belly was enough to put her in a light doze.

    Briana came back to consciousness when her roommates gathered to watch TV. She wanted to get up on the couch with them but as soon as she sat up Suzie started stroking her hair. She sat and watched the show, squirming occasionally in a diaper that seemed a clammier than it had been before.

    “That pacifier was a great idea.” Erin said. “She’s been quiet for a while now.”

    “Hey!” Briana spit the pacifier out. “Don’t you think that…”

    “Hush a sec hon.” Suzie said, pushing Briana down on to the blanket. She put a hand between Briana’s legs and curled her fingers under the diaper.

    “Suzie!” Briana whined, but no one was listening.

    “She’s wet.” Suzie said. “Just wet though, and with the booster she’s fine.”

    “Guys, don’t you think this is going too far?” Briana whimpered, her face scarlet.

    “Aww, she’s getting fussy.” Casey said.

    “She’s been fussy all day.” Suzie nodded.

    “I am not fussy!” Briana protested.

    “I’ll take her to bed.” Veronica said, kneeling next to Briana.

    “Veronicaaaaa!” Briana whined. “I don’t want to go to bed. I want to hang out with everyone, I’m not really a baby!”

    “Come on now, be a good girl.” Veronica helped Briana up and patted the bulk between her legs. “You’re wet and cranky.”

    Briana squirmed in embarrassment. She softly replied to her roommates’ goodnights and waddled up the stairs with Veronica following. Every step reminded her of the swollen bulk between her legs. She couldn’t remember when she’d wet. It must have been while she was dozing.

    “Am I totally losing the ability to know when I have to go?” Briana worried to herself while she brushed her teeth at Veronica’s direction. She let Veronica put her in bed and tuck the covers around her. When Veronica headed to the light switch she called out, “Wait, aren’t you um… Veronica, you aren’t going to leave me uh…”

    “What is it sweetie?” Veronica asked. “What do you need?”

    Briana blushed. “Can you change me please?”

    “You don’t technically need it but I suppose I can. You’ve had a rough day after all.” Veronica pulled back the covers and unsnapped Briana’s onesie. The diaper crinkled as it expanded a bit. “Then again, I guess you really do need a change. Do you think you have it all out?”

    “I don’t know.” Briana whimpered. “I’m scared. I don’t know when I need to go a lot of the time now.”

    “Well it’s a good thing I’m here to take care of you.” Veronica said. She pressed her hand gently but firmly down over Briana’s bladder.

    “Augh, why?” Briana blushed. “I’m wetting again.”

    “That’s a good girl!” Veronica said kindly. “Want to make sure you’re dry for as long as possible tonight.”

    She should feel humiliated at being called a good girl, especially for wetting, but Briana felt a sort of warmth at the praise. Veronica gathered the rest of the changing supplies, and popped the tapes on Briana’s diaper. It felt good to have fresh air on her crotch, though the smell wasn’t great. She’d gone a lot this time.

    The smell started to clear as soon as the diaper hit the lidded diaper pail. Veronica wiped carefully around Briana’s abdomen, crotch, rear, and thighs with a warm washcloth. It wasn’t embarrassing anymore to be splayed out in front of Veronica, Briana realized. She closed her eyes and rested a hand on her face to block the overhead light.

    “I don’t think you’re getting any diaper rash, but if it happens don’t worry, Erin will get you taken care of.” Veronica said. Briana sighed contentedly as she felt warm lotion spread across her rear and sex. The lotion application was almost a massage, Briana relaxed so much that she let a finger slip into her mouth. Without thinking, she idly sucked on it.

    Briana felt her hips lifted and smelled the talcum as she was powdered. It was somehow a relief to have the diaper pulled up snugly and the tapes secured. Even having the onesie snapped up felt right. Only because the garment fit correctly that way, Briana told herself. She looked up as Veronica leaned over her, stroked her hair.

    “You need something to occupy your mouth, sweetie?” Veronica asked.

    “Nuh…” Briana blushed and pulled the finger out of her mouth.

    “It’s alright.” Veronica fished the pacifier out of her cleavage again and pressed it into Briana’s mouth.  

    “Now, let’s get you tucked in and I’ll read you a story.” Veronica pulled the covers up to Briana’s chin and fetched a book.

    She’d wanted to protest the pacifier in her mouth, but the prospect of a story was nice enough to put up with it. Sucking on the pacifier,  Briana listened to a story about a little princess who found a dragon egg. Not long after the dragon hatched, Briana was fast asleep.