• Baby Briana: Chapter 16

    Being a good girl was easy. Briana’s day went by in a flash. She did chores when she was told, went to classes, sat in the library reading until Casey picked her up. A whole day doing whatever she was told, and lounging in her room on her phone otherwise. At the end of the day she proudly reported her success to Veronica, along with her nice dry pullups.

    Briana’s diaper was wet again the next morning, but she didn’t care, the previous day had felt like a victory. Veronica had woken her and sat by her bed to talk. That was a nice change too, not having to sit in a wet diaper. It always squished unpleasantly where she rested on Veronica’s legs.

    Friday went as well as Thursday had. For the second day she let Veronica know that everything had gone well, along with staying dry! It was the first time Briana had really felt like positive progress was happening. She went to bed happy, and even woke up less wet than usual. Briana was out of bed and hugging Veronica like a happy puppy when she realized she still had something in her bladder.

    She was feeling so normal that she pulled open her underwear drawer on autopilot when she was getting dressed. She stared down at the carefully folded panties, soft hues from white to pink to yellow. “They’re probably dusty by now!”

    Briana picked up her favorite pair of panties, white cotton with red lace roses embroidered across the top. She pulled them on to feel them. They felt good, barely there compared to a pullup. She pulled a pair of jeans on over them. Her heart pounded with excitement. “I’ve stayed dry for a few days now. A week if you don’t count the thing with Gary. That was just part of the freak-out.”

    She pulled on a bra and a button up blouse. Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt more grown up than she had in ages. “Veronica told me to work on this problem and I’m doing it! I’ll just make sure I use the bathroom often. She’ll be so proud when I told her there were no problems!”

    Briana threw herself into her assigned chores, and earned all of Saturday afternoon and evening off. She spent the time texting Gary and Casey; while frequently visiting the restroom. She was a little nervous when she had to pee twice that she hadn’t noticed anything, but told herself that of course she wouldn’t feel anything if she was going so often.

    When evening came, Briana gave herself a big high-five in the mirror. She had her report to make to Veronica. Even more, she was hoping she might wake up dry. She doffed her jeans and panties, grinning from ear to ear. They were still nice and dry!

    Instead of the panties, she slipped on a pullup with jeans on top. “I don’t want to ruin the surprise for Veronica.”

    “I had another great day!” Briana burst through the door to Veronica’s office.

    “Congratulations sweetheart!” Veronica smiled, getting up to give Briana a big hug.

    “I got everything done, and I was dry all day.” Briana beamed proudly.

    “I’m really proud of you.” Veronica sat, pulling Briana into her lap. “Do you want me to diaper you tonight, or do you want to try a pullup tonight? You still have the plastic on your bed I think.”

    “Can I?” Briana’s eyes went wide. “You think it’s okay if I do a pullup?”

    “You would have been fine in a pullup last night, I think it’s worth the try. You’ve made a lot of progress in the last couple of days.”

    “Yay!” Briana bounced on Veronica’s lap.

    “How are you feeling?” Veronica asked, putting her arms around Briana to stabilize her.

    “Really grown up!” Briana said confidently.

    “I see.” Veronica nodded. “Interesting choice of words. Is that why you’re a little more dressed up than usual?”

    “Yep!” Briana nodded. “I wanted to look like a big girl today.”

    “Ah, then you probably don’t want me to put you to bed.”


    Veronica smiled. “I do enjoy it. Will you do it for me?”

    “Okay!” Briana bounced on Veronica’s lap again.

    “Oof, careful there sweetie.” Veronica gently slid Briana off her lap. “Let’s get you put to bed.”

    Briana scampered to her room, pausing to brightly call goodnight to her roommates. Jane and Erin gave her funny looks, but she got an enthusiastic wave from Suzie. Once in the bedroom, she let Veronica take her clothes off with only a little squirming. Down to her pullup, she stood totally unselfconscious while Veronica put her clothes in the hamper.

    “Did you brush your teeth?” Veronica asked, looking Briana over with a calculating gaze.

    “Oops!” Briana walked out of the room without bothering to put on pajamas or cover her chest. She returned, flashing a clean minty smile at Veronica.

    “You sure you’re feeling okay, sweetie?” Veronica caressed Briana’s cheek.

    “Yeah, I feel really good.” Briana stretched. “Actually I’m not really sleepy yet. Can you stay and talk?”

    “Okay, but get in bed first.” Veronica pulled back the covers, dragging them back over Briana when she hopped in.. She sat on the edge of the bed. “Is there something bothering you?”

    “No, I don’t want to go to sleep yet.” Briana said, sitting up bare-chested.

    “Do you want me to read you a story?” Veronica asked curiously.

    Briana’s eyes lit up excitedly, but she quickly shifted to a frown. “That’s not very grown up!”

    “You’re right, but we’ve already talked a couple of times today, I don’t have anything else right now either.” She gently poked Briana’s nose. “Bedtime.”

    “I’m not sleepy yet!” Briana protested.

    “You’ve been so good, don’t blow it now.” Veronica said. She pulled the covers up to Briana’s chin as Briana reluctantly slid back down in bed. She was almost out the door with the lights out when Briana spoke again.

    “Would you really have read me a story?”

    “I would have, do you want one?” Veronica turned, silhouetted by the hallway light.

    “No, that’s okay.” Briana let her head fall on the pillow.

    Briana woke what seemed like moments later to Veronica shaking her awake. She reached down between her legs and cried out in joy. Nothing had leaked! She still had a mostly full bladder! Sure, the pullup was wet, but it was nothing compared to what had been happening recently.

    With her rose-panties rescued from the laundry bin, Briana felt like she was floating through the day. She was sure that her wetting problems would be over soon. That meant dates that wouldn’t be weird with Gary. Maybe some weird dates with Casey, but wearing pullups had been fun with her so that could be okay.

    Homework and chores took a chunk of the day but she barely noticed them. Everything was less important than her excitement for the future. Her work on the Microbio homework was really rushed, but there was no one in the house qualified to check it. Briana simply pretended there was no problem.

    Dinner prep was Briana and Suzie, everyone else had yet to get home. Briana had a nice mindless task chopping onions; her mind wandered to the rest of the week. She had a test coming up, and she hadn’t put in any job applications recently. Maybe she could talk to Dr. Grove about getting on his lab team.

    Her train of thought was interrupted by a weird tightness in her skinny jeans. She looked down to see a huge spreading wet-patch. “Oh no,” she cried, “Oh no no no no no!” It kept coming with no control at all. It was as big an accident as an early morning wet, soaking her jeans and through them, actually dribbling audibly on the floor.

    “Woah, you okay?” Suzie came over, staring at Briana in shock. “What’s going on… are you not wearing pullups?”

    Briana stared at Suzie, shocked and shamefaced. She managed to slightly shake her head.

    “Why not? Briana, it’s all over the kitchen floor!” Suzie took a couple of bare-footed steps back, wrinkling her nose. “I’m standing in it.”

    “S-s-s-s-s-or-or-or-y” Briana whimpered.

    Suzie sighed and rolled her eyes. She grabbed a dish towel and threw it on the floor, then went for the mop. Briana hobbled to the side, too shocked at what had happened to help.

    “You are going back in diapers.” Suzie said as she mopped in short quick strokes. “You’re getting a spanking, and you’re grounded for a while if I have anything to say about it.”

    “No!” Briana wailed. “Everything was going really well! It was almost over!”

    Suzie dumped the mop and dish towel into the mop bucket. “Briana, I’m a little upset with you. You get up to your room right now while I put dinner on hold. You wait there until I come up to change you.”

    “No!” Briana screamed. “No! This isn’t fair! It’s not! I was done!”

    Suzie grabbed a wooden spoon from the jar and grabbed Briana’s arm. Briana struggled, her feet slipping on the slick floor. With surprising skill Suzie twisted Briana’s arm behind her back and up. Briana was bent over the table with a whimper of pain.

    “You are being a very bad baby right now.” Suzie said. The swish of the spoon left Briana no time to retort. She let out a cry of pain as the spoon caught her across her wet jeans. Four more times the spoon came down, each time it was a shock that blossomed out into red hot pain.

    “I’ll be good, I’ll be good.” Briana sobbed, tears dripping on the table. She gratefully shook her arm out as Suzie let her go.

    “Take your pants off.” Suzie said. “You heard me! We’re not even done with your spanking yet.”

    Briana whimpered, cowering when Suzie raised the spoon again. She fumbled her jeans open and down, then her panties. She sobbed again to see her rose panties dripping as she rolled them down her thighs.

    Suzie sat, and dragged Briana over her knee. She stroked the spoon over Briana’s bare butt.

    “N-no please.” Briana blubbered. “Suzie please, not the spoon.”

    “You should have thought about that before you skipped wearing your pullups.” Suzie brought the spoon down, forcing a yelp out of Briana. Nine more times, while Briana sobbed until the snot flowed out of her nose onto the floor. She felt herself wet again, helpless to stop it as pee flowed in spurts down her legs or splattered on Suzie’s pants.

    Suzie walked Briana upstairs and put her in the shower. Briana sat under the hot water, keeping her butt out of the stream. She wished she could fall into that floaty state she’d been in with Veronica’s first spanking, or after her roommates had all spanked her. It wasn’t to be, the feeling of shame and disappointment was too real.

    Pulled out of the shower and gently dried off by Suzie, Briana obediently went to her bedroom. The changing blanket was on her bed, and Briana lay down on it without protest. The lotion was a merciful relief, even if Suzie didn’t give her sex the extra attention that Erin usually did. The talcum powder was soothing, but something about the diaper under it felt funny.

    “What’s that?” Briana asked, staring at the large rectangular pad in the middle of the diaper.

    “Booster pad.” Suzie said, pulling the diaper up and taping it.

    Briana flushed but lay back. She didn’t want to try Suzie’s temper right now. The flower petal blouse Suzie put on her seemed babyish but Briana kept quiet about that as well. It wasn’t until she realized that the ‘blouse’ was being snapped around her crotch that she protested.

    “Suzie, what… you’re putting me in a onesie?”

    “That’s right. It’ll make you a lot easier to change.” Suzie said.

    “I don’t want to wear this!” Briana reached for the snaps only to have Suzie slap her hands away.

    “You’re not in any position to choose.” Suzie said. “Did you forget you’re supposed to be doing what we say?”

    “This is totally unreasonable!” Briana shouted.

    “Good thing Veronica anticipated you having a meltdown.” Suzie said. She picked up something off the bedside table and shoved it in Briana’s mouth.

    Briana froze in embarrassed shock as her mouth closed reflexively over the rubber nipple. The pacifier’s ring tapped lightly against her lower lip. She felt her nipples harden and her crotch warm, at the same time that she was trembling with shame.

    “Now, I’m not strong enough to lift you.” Suzie said. “So you can come with me and sit on a blanket in the kitchen like a good girl. Otherwise I have to tie you up and put a baby-monitor up here.”

    Briana looked at Suzie in disbelief.

    “I told you, Veronica figured something like this would happen. Please come downstairs.” Suzie sighed. “I don’t even know where the batteries are for the baby monitor, and I have to finish dinner.”

    Briana could only whimper behind the pacifier. She didn’t resist when Suzie pulled her wrist and followed her roommate downstairs. A crib blanket on the kitchen floor was the final, humiliating touch. Briana lay down on it to spare her aching rear. All her plans and hopes were washed away with the pee that Suzie was mopping up. She was torn between dreading the return of the rest of her roommates and wanting Veronica to be home.