• Baby Briana: Chapter 15

    Briana woke, confused in the dark. She felt disoriented and even a little dizzy. Her sore butt made itself known as soon as she sat up. Fumbling her phone off the bedside table revealed that it was past three in the morning. The diaper was bulky between her legs, but not heavy. It didn’t register as something to be disappointed about.

    “What am I supposed to do?” Briana fretted. “It’s too early to get up, and I’m supposed to let people know what I’m doing. I still feel tired, should I change my diaper? I’ve been using way more than they expected, maybe that would be a waste?” She sat fretting for a bit, then threw on a nightshirt. She crept out to the bathroom and poured herself a big glass of water. Thirst taken care of, she at loose ends again. “Maybe Veronica is up, she gets up in the middle of the night sometimes.”

    Briana snuck to Veronica’s room and gently knocked. There was no response. She tried the door and stepped into Veronica’s front room. The office door was closed. Opening it produced a low groan from the hinges but no Veronica. The old wooden floor creaked under Briana as she walked back toward the hall.

    “Someone there?” Veronica’s sleepy voice came from her bedroom.

    “Um, it’s Briana.” She winced. “I didn’t mean to wake you up, sorry.”

    “Are you alright?” Veronica asked. “Come here hon.”

    Briana obediently opened Veronica’s bedroom door. Her roommate was in bed, sitting up on one elbow. Veronica was nude from the waist up, making no effort to cover her pale breasts. “Oh uh, I’m sorry.” Briana blushed. “I’ll uh, go back and…”

    “Briana.” Veronica cut the babbling girl off gently. “What do you need?”

    “Nothing really.” Briana sighed. “I woke up, and I don’t know what to do, and I just came to see if you were up working…”

    “Come here hon.” Veronica scooted over, patting the bed next to her. “You can sleep with me until morning.”

    “Oh, I couldn’t…”

    “Briana. Come to bed.”

    Briana walked shyly over. “I wet a little, I don’t want to mess up your bed.”

    Veronica reached out to pat Briana’s padded crotch. “It’s only a little, you should be fine.”

    Briana crawled into bed, blushing a little when she realized Veronica was completely naked. Veronica chuckled. She rolled Briana over, and pulled her close, spooning Briana from behind. Briana relaxed, the knot in her stomach unwinding. She yawned loudly.

    “Feel better?” Veronica hugged Briana gently.

    “Yes Veronica.” Briana settled herself into the embrace.

    “Goodnight Briana.”


    Briana woke when Veronica climbed out of bed. She lay there, trying to remember why she was in bed with someone. The night slowly came back to her. “I should be embarrassed.”Briana thought. She found she wasn’t. With a shrug she scooted a bit into the warm spot that Veronica had left.

    She must have drifted off again. Veronica shook Briana gently awake, pulling the covers off of her. As Veronica sat her up, Briana realized there was a huge bulk between her legs. She’d managed to soak the diaper thoroughly.

    “Let’s get you cleaned up hon.” Veronica took Briana’s hands, half-helped, half-dragged her out of bed.

    “I’m tired.” Briana groaned. She followed Veronica slowly, wincing at the soaked padding that was forcing her to waddle.

    “Don’t be fussy or I’ll get you a pacifier.” Veronica said, smirking.

    Briana blushed, standing quietly while Veronica drew a bath. She let Veronica strip her down and stepped into the bath when directed. She sat back to enjoy the delightfully hot water, closing her eyes.

    “Do you need me to help you wash?” Veronica asked after a few minutes.

    Briana blushed! “No uh, sorry, I was just uh, waking up.” She grabbed the shampoo and hastily rubbed it into her hair. “No wonder they keep treating me like a baby, I’m just sitting around waiting for them to do everything.”

    When she got out of the tub there were clothes waiting for her. Briana dressed quickly, without sparing much thought for the unicorn pullups she tugged on. They were feeling more like underwear after nightly diapers in any case.

    “Don’t forget to brush your teeth!” Veronica called from her office. “There’s a toothbrush for you on the sink.”

    “I wasn’t going to forget.” Briana squirmed. “I didn’t know she had a toothbrush for me.” She brushed and took her seat on Veronica’s lap, getting her hair ruffled affectionately.

    “It’s nice having you all clean in the morning.” Veronica said, hugging Briana.

    “I said I could clean up first, before I come over.” Briana said.

    “The way things are progressing, I think I’ll start coming to you.” Veronica said.

    “Huh? Why?”

    “Trust me.” Veronica pulled Briana’s head down to rest on her chest.

    “Did she just tell me to shut up?” Briana squirmed a bit to re-seat herself. Veronica’s dress was low-cut today, Briana had her cheek half on Veronica’s dress and half on her breasts. It didn’t feel sexual at all, rather comforting. She decided not to protest.

    “If you wake up again you can always come sleep with me if you need it.” Veronica continued.

    “Um, thanks. I don’t know if I’ll need to.” Briana said.

    “Of course sweetie, so you know it’s okay.” Veronica stroked Briana’s hair. “You have classes and lab today, Casey will drive you to and from school. You’ll have to wait after your last class, Casey doesn’t get done until about an hour after you’re finished.”


    “Casey wanted to talk to me about another date with you, and I have a meeting with Gary about you today too.” Veronica smiled, “You’re a very popular young lady.”

    “Even though they both know I’m wetting my pants. Are they the weird ones, or is it me?” Briana chewed her lips. A thought bubbled up, “Um, Veronica, aren’t we supposed to be doing counseling in the mornings?”

    “Well, I can’t do formal counseling, but I’m always happy to talk with you. Is there something you wanted to talk about?”

    Briana lifted her head, shifting to lean against the arm of Veronica’s chair. “Just… where is this all going? Do you have a plan? Everyone is treating me more and more like a baby. And I’m letting you!” Briana realized her voice was rising, but couldn’t stop herself. “I slept with you last night, you changed me this morning. I let everyone spank me yesterday!” Briana’s eyes brimmed with tears.

    “I do have a plan. I revise it as I learn more about how you’re doing.” Veronica said, meeting Briana’s eyes calmly.

    “Well what’s the plan?!” Briana grumped. “Do you want a baby around for some… weird reason?”

    “You came to me for help.” Veronica reminded gently.

    “Are you even helping?!” Tears sprang to Briana’s eyes. “I don’t want to be a freak! I want to be normal, and finish my masters, and get a job, and get back to my life!”

    Veronica held Briana, watching her calmly. Briana’s chest heaved. She tried meeting Veronica’s gaze but had to look down as the anger left her.

    “Are you finished?” Veronica asked.

    “I’m sorry Veronica.” Briana sighed.

    “This is very hard for you, the occasional outburst isn’t unexpected.” Veronica said. “To answer your question, yes, I have a plan, and I can share some of it with you, but I’m afraid that you’ll get upset again.”

    “I’ll try not to.” Briana said plaintively. “Please tell me?”

    “You need to focus on some pretty basic goals.” Veronica said. “Goals that will be embarrassing to you because they’re so basic. But if you can do them, and be genuinely proud of your progress, I think you’ll be able to do more.”

    “What kind of goals?”

    “Staying dry during the day is the first one.” Veronica said. “Being a good girl, and doing as your roommates tell you is another.”

    “But that’s…”

    “Yes, very basic.” Veronica said. “We will take on the big goals for you, and make sure you can make progress toward your degree. You have to work on the smaller stuff.”

    “I can do more than that!” Briana protested.

    “So you say. But you’re upset about this, and you’re not committing to those smaller goals.” Veronica shook her head. “If you go that way, we’ll need to create even more structure for you. Which we can do, and we’re all happy to do if it’s necessary.”

    “You’re saying I can’t do it?” Briana stared at Veronica incredulously.

    “Well if it’s so easy, then knock it out of the park.” Veronica said. “Be a good girl for a week, keep yourself dry. Don’t worry about anything else.”

    “Fine, I will!” Briana scoffed.

    “Good girl.” Veronica chuckled, patted Briana’s rear. “Now, go get your breakfast. Casey needs to head out soon.”

    Briana hopped up. “Veronica I… I’m not trying to sound ungrateful.”

    “I know sweetie.” She poked Briana in the side, grinning as Briana shrieked. “Now go.”

    Briana scampered down the stairs. “She makes a really good mom.”