• Baby Briana: Chapter 14

    The trip back to the car was uncomfortable, and not only because Casey didn’t let Briana change her pullup. In the car, Casey sent a text letting Veronica know they were coming back.

    “Casey, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to run to somebody else…”

    Casey chuckled as she pulled out of the parking lot. “Hon, we are not exclusive as far as I’m concerned. I’m not upset that you thought the same thing I did.”

    “Really?” Briana asked timidly.

    “Really. I have a date day after tomorrow with a girl from my volleyball team. I was going to tell you tonight.”

    “Oh.” Briana nodded.

    “Still really worried about you though. It’s not like you to run off to make out loop in the middle of the day. Or to ignore your phone when you know we’re trying to stay in touch with you.”

    “I’m sorry I… I keep saying that.” Briana sighed. “I don’t know why I did it.”

    “Well, there’s going to be more consequences.” Casey said. “I’m taking you straight to Veronica when we get home.”

    Casey hadn’t been exaggerating. Briana’s heart sank when she saw her roommates gathered in the living room. She had to sit on the coffee table in front of Veronica while the rest of them sat around her.

    “Briana, you gave us a scare.” Veronica said.

    “I didn’t mean to!” Briana protested. “I was on campus the whole time.”

    “But we didn’t know that, or who you were with.” Veronica said.

    “Why does someone have to be with me all the time anyway?” Briana asked.

    “Briana, we’re not worried for nothing.” Veronica leaned forward. “You’re having mood swings, physical changes, changes to your relationships and routines. You’re a candidate for depression, anxiety disorders, maybe even PTSD.”

    “You… think I would hurt myself?” Briana furrowed her brow.

    “I think it’s possible.” Veronica said. “Do you think what you did today was normal?”

    Briana thought back to the wild surge of passion she’d had with Gary. “I was ready to have sex with him right there, in the middle of the afternoon.” She looked up at Veronica. “No, uh, it was pretty out of control.”

    Veronica nodded. “This time it’s… something with a guy on campus. Luckily one you know well, who seems to be pretty decent. Next time it’s a stranger? Or running across a busy street because you think you can make it? Or trying a new substance, to see if it’ll fix what’s hurting you?”

    Briana shook her head. “No I…  I…” She thought back to the wild feeling. The world spinning around her. “Maybe pot would fix this. Maybe something else would…” She recoiled from the thought. “I’m scared.” She said, deflated.

    “We are too. There’s going to be consequences, and they are mostly going to be around reinforcing the control that we have over you.” Veronica tilted Briana’s chin up. “Is that something you agree that you need?”

    “Yes Veronica.” She shivered. The fear was retreating.

    “The first thing you are going to do is turn on location sharing on your phone, and share the location with all of us.” Veronica said. “Right now.”

    Briana nodded, pulling out her phone to comply.

    “You still have to let us know where you are going, and what you’re doing. Unless she’s busy, you report to Casey whenever you’re leaving.”

    “Yes Veronica.”

    “Further, you will let the nearest roommate know if you wet yourself during the day, it doesn’t have to be me.” Veronica eyed Briana, who winced but nodded. “Any roommate can check your pullups, any time they want. Finally, you’re going to get a spanking in front of the entire group. Bend over the table.”

    Briana whimpered, and looked around. Her roommates all had serious looks on their faces. She gulped, and bent over the table, gripping it with her hands.

    Veronica stood and flipped Briana’s skirt up. She pulled the sodden pullups down and off. “Don’t let go of the table, or the spanking doubles. You’ll get a whole other spanking, every time you let go.”

    Briana grit her teeth and grabbed the table more tightly. Veronica’s hand came down on her rear with a hard smack. Not to Jane’s level, but harder than before. Briana cried out. Again, again, and again, six hard strikes in total. Briana’s face flamed every time she caught a glimpse of her roommates watching.

    “Casey?” Veronica said, stepping aside.

    “What?” Briana craned her neck back, catching a glimpse of Casey stepping into position.

    “Don’t let go of the table Briana.” Veronica said sharply. “Or I’ll start over and everyone else will go double.”

    Briana let out a long whine, gripping the table until her knuckles were white. Casey’s hand came down, large enough to smack across both cheeks. Briana yelped. Five more came in quick succession, Briana’s hips were bucking, her cheeks turning bright red.

    “Suzie next.” Veronica said. The six Briana got from her pixie roommate were not at all light! Every one felt like Suzie was putting her back into it, with her fingers splayed open for less air resistance. Briana sobbed, tears dripping onto the coffee table.

    “Erin.” Veronica said. Briana braced herself. Mercifully, the half dozen from Erin weren’t as hard as any that had come before. Her ass was so tender that she still yelped, but it felt like a reprieve.

    “Jane.” Veronica said. Briana immediately started crying again, hugging the table and squirming her hips.

    “Hold still.” Jane said sternly. When Briana wouldn’t, couldn’t obey, she kneeled down and grabbed Briana’s knees. Pulling them up sharply and over her lap, Jane pinned Briana against the table and herself.

    The first strike made Briana howl in pain. Only the threat of starting all over kept her hands on the table. Her rear, pulled taut by Jane, felt like it’d been branded. The next strike was as bad, Briana was shouting and crying at the same time. She cried herself hoarse through the final four slaps, collapsing on the table and whimpering when it was done.

    “We’ll get you straightened out.” Erin rolled Briana over and applied lotion to her bruised butt. The cool feeling helped in some places, revived the tingling in others. Briana squirmed, more-so when Erin rubbed lotion across Briana’s sex.

    “I told you I would be as stern as needed.” Jane said. She kneeled by Briana and gently lifted her legs, sliding a diaper under her rear. Briana swallowed and nodded, tears leaking from her eyes.

    “Sorry to have to do that.” Suzie said. “But I’d do it again to save you.” She kissed Briana on the cheek, gently wiped away her tears. The soft smell of talcum powder floated up as Suzie sprinkled a generous dusting over Briana’s crotch.

    “We’re going to take care of you, but you need to trust us and let us do it.” Casey pulled the diaper up snuggly, taping it off. She stroked Briana’s legs gently.

    “You’ve been very good through your punishment.” Veronica said. “I’m going to put you to bed now. You need to rest.”

    Casey lifted Briana effortlessly, following Veronica up the stairs. Veronica pulled back the covers and stripped Briana’s blouse and bra as she sat on the bed. With Briana tucked under the covers, Veronica sat on the edge of the bed, stroking Briana’s hair. Briana sniffled, but snuggled up to Veronica’s hip.

    “I got some concerned texts from Gary.” Veronica said. “I think I was able to explain things to him, but he wants to talk to me in person, and you too.”

    “I like him.” Briana mumbled into Veronica’s skirt. “I didn’t mean to scare everybody.”

    “I know. You scared yourself too.” Veronica said. “I don’t mind him seeing you, he can even take you out on a date after I get a chance to talk to him. Assuming that you still want to go, and that we all talk about some rules.”

    “Yes please.” Briana said softly.

    “Okay, we’ll get that set up for you.” Veronica stood up, turned off the bedside light.

    “It’s only like, five.” Briana said around a yawn. “Do I have to stay in bed?”

    “You are emotionally and physically exhausted.” Veronica chuckled, kneeling by the bed. “You’re going to be out like a light. If you wake up, you can come get me, or text me, okay?”

    Briana yawned, nodded, closing her eyes. “Okay.”