• Baby Briana: Chapter 13

    Footsteps crunched in the underbrush. Twigs snapped; leaves rustled. The sounds stopped in front of Briana. It was obviously Gary, but she couldn’t bring herself to look. More rustling, he’d sat near her. She was still frozen. Outside the underbrush faint voices floated on the wind. Where Briana was, time was stopped.

    Eventually the spell-like feeling broke. Even the most intense tension couldn’t last forever. Her body ached from her muscles straining against themselves. The shame had moved to a heavy lump in her chest that pressed down on her stomach.

    Still Gary said nothing. He simply sat. She could hear him softly breathing. Finally curiosity and boredom conquered embarrassment. Briana peeked up from her hands to see Gary sitting a few feet away with a calm look on his face. Her purse was sitting next to him.

    “Hey there.” Gary said in a quiet, gentle voice. “Welcome back.”

    “I…” Briana froze again.

    Gary reached out and gently stroked her leg. “Hey, you seem pretty upset, and embarrassed. Which, yeah, I get it. I’m not going to be shitty to you about this.”

    Briana took a deep breath that came out more as a gasp. “I’m sorry, I ruined everything, you must be so grossed out…”

    “Woah!” Gary waved his hands in front of Briana’s face. “Slow down. I’m not grossed out, or angry, and nothing is ruined.”

    “You can’t seriously tell me that…”

    “Briana.” Gary grabbed her hands. “Chill. Take a breath. Do you want to know what I think? It’s going to be better than what you’re making up in your head right now.”

    Briana stared at Gary for a few moments, panting, she nodded.

    “Good. Okay, so, it looks like you have a medical issue of some kind. A pretty rough one to have. Probably haven’t had it for this long if you’re this embarrassed.” Gary smiled gently. “You were apparently so into me that you totally forgot about it, which is a huge compliment by the way. Then you panicked when I found out. Is that about right?”

    “I guess…” Briana shuddered. “I mean, it’s not what it looks like.”

    “It looks like you have an issue with incontinence.” Gary said. “You put on some protection that looked cute to match your cute outfit.”

    “I…” Briana frowned. “Why is he so calm about this!?”

    “I’m not freaked out. Medical stuff happens.” Gary shrugged. “I get why you were so upset. I want you to know that I’m not upset. I’m not grossed out. I still think you’re damn hot.”

    “What? How?”

    “Are you kidding? Do you think seeing one thing made me forget finally having my hands all over your sexy body? What it felt like to hear you moan like that for me?”

    Briana blushed and looked down. “I… really liked it.”

    “Yeah! Me too. Mood’s a little changed right now, but I would absolutely be up for round two at some point.”

    Briana looked at Gary curiously. The world began to spin again, she felt her control slip. She crawled over to him, whispered. “I’ll do anything you want.”

    “Oh, wow.” Gary took a deep breath, put his hands on Briana’s shoulders. “Okay, that was hot. You still seem pretty freaked out though. I saw you have a uh, spare in your purse. Do you want to switch it out for the one you have on? Also, your phone was blowing up. It was vibrating the whole time I was walking over here.”

    “Oh shit.” Briana dug in her purse and pulled out her phone. Texts from Casey. From Veronica, Suzie, Jane, and Erin. More from Casey and Veronica. Missed calls. “I uh, have to answer at least a couple of these.”

    “No problem. I’ll be here…” Gary shifted, adjusting his jeans.

    Briana squeezed Gary’s leg apologetically and unlocked her phone. Most of the texts were the same thing over and over again, variations on ‘Are you okay?’, ‘Where are you?’, and ‘Briana, answer me!’. She winced at the last type, coming from both Jane and Veronica.

    With a sigh, she composed a mass text. It said simply, [I’m okay. Messaging Casey and Veronica now.] The next text was to those two. (I’m sorry I didn’t let you know. I’m still on campus. I was studying and met a friend. We’re in the arboretum.)

    Veronica’s reply was fast, to the whole-group message. [I’m sending Casey to pick you up right now.]

    Casey’s reply was right behind it, to the three-way chat, (Where in the arboretum?)

    Briana swallowed nervously and replied. (By the lake. The short trail.)

    Casey responded, (Make out loop?)

    Briana bit her lip, texting back. (Sorry! I can explain!)

    Casey – (I’m not upset. I’ll be there soon.)

    Briana looked up at Gary nervously. “So uh, one of my roommates is on the way.”

    “They’re worried about you?”

    “Yeah, it’s uh, complicated.” With a sigh she shrugged her bra back into place, buttoned up her blouse.

    Gary chuckled. “Aww. Not saying you shouldn’t button up. Uh… yeah, wow. Still really into you.”

    “I’m so sorry about all this.”

    “Hey, it really is okay. I can handle a little disappointment.”

    The sound of pounding feet on the trail made them both look toward the lake. Gary hopped to his feet, helped Briana up. She waved when Casey came into view on the trail. “Hey Casey, I’m over here.”

    Casey hurried over, looking the two of them over in concern. “Briana, are you alright?”

    “Yeah, I’m fine. You uh, got here really fast.”

    “I was already on campus, looking for you.”

    “Hey,” Gary said. “I’m Gary.”

    “Casey.” She nodded to Gary, then turned back to Briana. “Can I talk to you privately for a minute?”

    “I’ll be right back.” Briana said to Gary. She followed Casey back to the lake access.

    “Briana, what is going on?” Casey looked down at Briana’ blouse, which was haphazardly buttoned.

    “I uh, look, I’m really sorry. I messed up, I know. Gary and I were hanging out, and then we were making out, and he uh, saw under my skirt and I freaked out.”

    “He doesn’t seem very freaked.”

    “No, he was super nice about it.”

    “I’m not mad at you. Really.” Casey said. “I’m worried about you. We’re all worried about you. Do you know this guy?”

    “Yeah, I’ve known him for a long time. Erin knows him. We never really dated before but today…” She shrugged.

    “And now he’s looking at me like I’m crazy, because I ran over here to interrupt you two like a jealous girlfriend.”

    “I’m really sorry!” Briana said.

    “I’m not jealous.” Casey said. “But you are in trouble.”

    Briana looked down at her feet. “I know. I realized I was going to get a spanking when I saw all those texts.”

    “You might still from one of the others.” Casey said. “I have a way worse punishment for you.”

    “Huh?” Briana looked up, worried.

    “You’re going to call Gary over here, and explain the whole thing to him.”

    “What!?” Briana said, loudly enough for her voice to carry to Gary.

    “You heard me. He’s looking at me like I’m a crazy stalker. You ‘re going to explain this to him, the whole thing, your issue, your underpants, and the program you’re doing with Veronica.”

    “I can’t!” Briana whined.

    “You have to. Right now this is making me look really bad, and that’s not fair. You knew you had people keeping track of you, and you still wandered off without saying anything. Of course we were worried.”

    “Please, no, I’ll do anything else.” Briana squirmed.

    “No you won’t. You’ll do what I told you to do, right now.” Casey waved to Gary. “Hey Gary, thanks for giving us some space. Briana is going to explain what’s going on.”

    Briana’s stomach flopped. She felt what was left in her bladder give as Gary walked over. She tried to meet his eyes, but couldn’t. She tried to speak, but it took Casey tapping her on the shoulder to get Briana going.

    “I uh, well I have a problem. You saw. And I have to wear… that stuff.” Briana wrung her hands. “It’s kind of serious and came on really suddenly. I guess I’m uh… stressed out. Like, dangerous level stressed.” She looked up at Gary hesitantly. He looked concerned and was waiting for her to finish.

    “So uh, my roommates are helping me out by taking some of my responsibilities and keeping track of me. I sorta… didn’t check in when I was supposed to. So, they were worried.”

    “I think I get it.” Gary said. “Casey, do you mind if I ask the same favor? Can you give Briana and I some space?”

    Casey nodded. “No problem.” She jogged off around the bend of the trail.

    “Briana, are you really okay? With what your roommates are doing?” Gary caressed her cheek.

    “Yeah.” Briana sighed deeply. “It actually, it’s something I like. It’s really weird, I know, but I like it. It’s helping me.”

    “You’re sure about that?” Gary pressed. “No one is forcing you?”

    “Only when I ask them to.” Briana blushed.

    “I see.” Gary coughed. “You and Casey, are you a couple?”

    “No but we uh, do stuff?” Briana sighed. “I’m sorry I’m so weird.”

    “I’m not!” Gary said. “I like weird. You’ve always been a little weird. More weird is fine.”

    “Gary, that’s really sweet but I’m standing in a wet pullup. My roommates boss me around, and I let them because it makes me feel… good.”

    “Doesn’t bother me.” Gary said. “Look, if you don’t want to see me again, that’s fine. I like you a lot, and this isn’t more than I can deal with.”

    “You can’t really…”

    “I’m sorry, did you assume my weirdness level?” Gary interjected. “Please believe what I’m saying.”

    Briana blinked. “You’re really not grossed out?”

    “Do you want me to be? No, Briana, I’m not. The whole thing is weird, and kind of interesting.”

    Briana nodded.

    “So, if I want to date you again, do I text you or one of your roommates?” Gary chuckled.

    Briana blushed. “Uh, actually you probably should text one of them.”

    “Wow, okay.” Gary nodded. “Which one? Other than Casey.”

    “Veronica.” Briana unlocked her phone, texted Gary the number. “She uh, is kinda managing my relationship with Casey. So I guess it makes sense for her to manage ours too? Are you going to hate this?”

    “I don’t think so, but if it becomes a problem, I’ll tell you, okay?” Gary cupped Briana’s cheek.

    “Thank you,” Briana said softly.

    Gary pulled her close for a kiss. Briana closed her eyes, letting her body relax against him. She stiffened again when his hand grabbed her rear, squishing the soggy pullup against her butt.

    “Hey, what are you doing?” She squirmed in his arms but he held her close.

    “This is going to be part of us doing stuff.” Gary said. “I was trying it out. Turns out it doesn’t bother me.”

    Briana squirmed again, feeling heat building between her legs. “You are so weird!”

    “Yeah, that’s why I like you.” Gary brought their lips together again, squeezed Briana’s pullup until it dribbled a bit down her thighs. She half-whimpered, half-moaned into the kiss. Her arms still pushed away, but her crotch was rubbing his leg.

    “You are a crazy sexy, crazy confused little thing.” Gary said as he released Briana.

    “You’ll text Veronica?” Briana asked, panting.

    “You better believe it.” Gary grinned.