• Baby Briana: Chapter 12

    The next morning’s session with Veronica was a reminder about wearing pullups and reporting any accidents she’d had. She sat in her heavy, soaked diaper on Veronica’s lap and wondered how things had gotten to where they were. She couldn’t even protest wearing incontinence gear, especially at night.

    There was always the option of taking back the ‘permission’ she’d granted Veronica to force her into pullups during the day. Briana wasn’t sure what that would accomplish though. She would feel more in control, right up to the point where she had another accident in her pants.

    “Honestly, everyone has been doing crazy stuff to help me. Erin totally rescued me yesterday. Suzie cheered me up. Nobody has made me feel bad about it at all.” Briana thought as she had her post-counseling shower.

    Feeling hopeful, she gamely put on a pair of alphabet pullups. Leggings and jeans were a little too risky, especially if she leaked. Briana searched her skirts. Everything seemed either too long for early summer or too short for a pullup. She settled on a blue pleated skirt with a roll of her eyes.

    “Why don’t I put my hair in pigtails while I’m at it?”

    A low-cut blouse in pale green and a cute jacket helped restore some of her confidence. She took extra care with her makeup, eyeing herself in the mirror. “I look hot! Nobody will think I’m in a pullup. Might as well go all the way and complete the look.”

    Briana pulled on a pair of thigh high stockings and grinned. The outfit was sure to turn some heads. Exactly what she needed! She hurried down the stairs to gulp down some breakfast.

    Jane was in the kitchen, sipping a cup of tea. “Good morning Briana. Can you come here for a minute?”

    Briana set her toast cooking and head over. “What’s up?”

    “A quick check.” Jane slid her hand up Briana’s skirt and patted her pullup. “Good.”

    “Hey!” Briana shouted.

    “Veronica asked me to check.” Jane said. “I think it’s a good idea too.”

    “You could ask me.” Briana said.

    “I could, but I didn’t.” Jane shrugged. “That’s quite the outfit you have on. Do you have a date with Casey today?”

    “No.” Briana buttered her toast. “I wanted to look good.”

    Jane raised a brow. “Well let’s not take it any further than what you’ve got on.”

    “Why do you care what I wear?” Briana asked, biting her toast aggressively at Jane.

    “Veronica asked us to watch out for mood and behavior swings.” Jane said. “I’ve seen the club-wear you have. You’re not leaving the house in any of that right now.”

    “Oh my god!” Briana scoffed.

    “Don’t push it, or you’ll get a spanking and a change of outfit.” Jane declared.

    Briana hesitated on the edge of a retort. The memory of being spanked by Jane was still fresh enough to make her butt tingle. She elected to finish her toast instead.

    “Smart girl.” Jane said. “Don’t forget a spare pullup.”

    “Bye Dad!” Briana rolled her eyes as she snagged her lunch and hurried to the door. The spare pullup was in her purse, Veronica had put it there last night.

    There were no labs today. Briana breezed through her lectures, feeling much more relaxed than the day before. She even managed to forget her pullup. After a couple of hours sitting in class, the sensation faded to the background.

    After class, she decided to stay on campus for a while. It was a beautiful day, soft breeze and brilliant sun. The quad was packed but Briana found an outdoor table next to the cafeteria and watched the butterflies flirt with the flowers.

    “If Veronica asks where I was, I’ll tell her I decided to do some of my reading here.” Briana thought. “That way I can get out of some of the optional readings too!”

    “Excuse me, is this seat taken?” A guy stood by the table with a tray in his hands. Briana took in his messy brown hair and bulky build. Gary, from her Virophage class.

    She looked around to see all the other tables packed. With a smile, she shook her head at Gary. “Nope, go ahead.”

    “Thanks!” Gary dumped a heavy bag of books on the ground and set his tray down. “You look great by the way.”

    “Thank you.” Briana grinned.

    “I mean it. You’re super cute today.” Gary winked.

    Briana’s heartbeat picked up. They’d kissed once, at a party about a year ago. He was a nice guy, and smart. They never seemed to connect enough to hook up or date, but Briana had certainly fantasized about it a few times.

    “You’re looking good too.” She swept her gaze over Gary, realized she wasn’t being nice. He’d put on some muscle and gotten trim since she last saw him. “You’ve been working out.”

    “Thanks for noticing!” Gary smiled. “Hey have you eaten? I’m not really a strawberry guy but a fruit cup comes with the burger.” He slid the fruit over to Briana.

    “I’ll take them.” She popped one in her mouth and grinned. “Ripe fruit at the cafeteria? You sure you want to give me this?”

    “Very sure.” Gary took a bite of burger and stretched. “So how come we never dated?”

    “Uh.” Briana blushed. “I don’t know.  You never asked.”

    “I was going to when we were both in DNA reconstruction.” Gary shrugged. “Then I got sick for a week and you were with Scott.”

    “Ugh, that was a disaster.” Briana said.

    “You seeing anyone now?” Gary asked.

    “I don’t think I can tell him that I’m my roommate’s diaper sub.” Briana thought, squirming a bit as she recalled the pullup she was wearing. “No, not really. You asking?”

    “Yes I am.” Gary smiled. “How’s walking through the arboretum sound?”

    “It sounds great!” Briana nodded. “When?”

    “We’re at 50% burger.” Gary said, taking another large bite. “When we get to zero burger I think we’re good to go.”

    “I should tell Casey if I’m going somewhere else. She’s supposed to be in charge of that.” Briana felt a twinge of guilt, doubled since she and Casey hadn’t talked at all about being okay seeing other people. Instead, she found she’d already replied, “That sounds great!”

    Gary gave an enthusiastic whoop and followed it with another big bite of the burger. “I haven’t seen you around campus much, you’re always going straight home after classes. Is the workload getting to you?”

    “I wish.” Briana sighed. “Dr. Schaefer lost her grant, which means I lost my research job. I still have the lab I took on for Vaughn, but he doesn’t have anything left in his budget to hire me.”

    “That sucks.” Gary said. “Maybe next quarter something will open up though.”

    Briana nodded. “I hope so.”

    With the burger vanquished, Gary wasted no time getting them down to the arboretum. The flowering bushes and soft ground combined to a scent that could only be called summer. Gary put his arm around Briana as they set out onto the loop trail. His hand shifted upwards while they walked until it was just under Briana’s breast. Ordinarily she would have said something, but better his hand go up than down at the moment.

    The trees swayed gently overhead. Sunlight fell in fractal patterns across the trail. Occasionally they’d hear a bike or a jogger behind them before being overtaken. Those interlopers quickly vanished around the next bend of the trail, leaving Gary and Briana alone again.

    Gary nudged Briana down a side trail while narrating the adventures of a particularly annoying student in his Environmental Microbiology course. “I swear, he does everything but push his glasses up and say ‘Well ACTUALLY.’ The professor slaps him down every time, it’s amazing to watch.”

    Briana laughed, her heart racing as she walked the trail. They were on track to an infamous make out spot. She’d certainly been there with enough people over the years. Not that it had ever been Gary. She had an impulse to make a snarky joke about where he was leading her and pull away from him. With dreamlike detachment, she watched herself keep walking, even bump hips with him along the way.

    “Why not Gary?” She wondered. “I like him. He’s handsome, he’s funny. Why do I always want to back out before we get together?”

    The trail looped to the right, circling around to a crystal-clear lake. Trees pressed in close, leaving a small space to peek out at the water. A screen of cattails and reeds enhanced the sense of privacy and quiet. Briana’s first thought was again to pull away. Take a few steps back and cross her arms. For the second time she felt like she was a passenger, watching someone else move her body.

    She turned to Gary and slid his hand onto her breast. Her heart fluttered, she licked her lips and parted them. The wild feeling came back; she felt the world spinning around her.

    Gary paused in mid-sentence, meeting Briana’s eyes. He cupped her breast gently and smiled. “Alright.” Gary pulled her close by the small of her back, squeezing her breast. Their lips met; his tongue tantalized hers.

    Briana was lost to the wild feeling. She moaned wantonly into the kiss, squirming against Gary. Her hands clutched at his shirt, finding the taut muscles underneath. There was nothing else in the world except her need for him.

    Gary traced his fingers across Briana’s neckline and down. She gasped, fumbling her blouse buttons open until the blouse hung open. His hands played across her chest and belly. She cupped his crotch, stroking the growing thickness there. Gary knelt, pulling her bra cups until her breasts bounced free. His tongue caught a nipple and Briana’s mind caught fire. She cried out with another moan, tangling her hands in Gary’s hair.

    His hands wandered up her thighs, she gasped and shifted her legs apart. Her sex felt like it was on fire, a fire drowned by the wetness in her crotch. Gary slid her skirt up, and stopped. Briana panted for a few more moments, caressing his shoulders.

    Icy cold terror shot through her when she realized he was looking at her pullup. A pullup she could feel was wet with far more than desire could account for. She hadn’t even noticed the accident. She’d forgotten the pullup entirely. Now Gary was staring at it. Funny Gary, smart Gary, the Gary she wanted to throw her down on the forest floor and plunge inside her.

    Briana ran. Blindly, into the underbrush. Branches whipped her exposed chest. She came up against a tree and stopped, sinking down to the ground, head in her hands. There were no tears. The embarrassment was beyond tears. Shame held every fiber of her being taut. She sat frozen, barely daring to breathe.