• A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 6

    In the quiet of the bus’s dark bedroom, Keeley let her whole world be the sounds of Trish’s heartbeat and breath. There was something amazing about a first time with a lover, no matter how many first times Keeley had had. Sharing their naked bodies had bared their hearts as well. Nothing matched the intimacy breakthrough of first having sex with someone – except for the first time someone changed your diaper.

    Weird! Bad thought! Diapers aren’t like having sex. There’s nothing the same about those two things – is there? If there was, it would explain how attached she’d become to Trish after two interactions. What they’d just shared was different, because they’d both been vulnerable, but Keeley had given herself to Trish the first time she let Trish change her diaper.

    Though Trish was holding Keeley tenderly, and the bedroom was warm enough, there was something missing in the environment. Keeley listed all the sensations around her, beginning with the most important, Trish based ones. In addition to the sounds Keeley could hear, with her ear pressed to Trish’s chest, there was the warmth and softness of her babysitter’s skin. Trish’s smells were wonderful, sweat and sex on top of floral soap – with a comforting body scent as a base.

    Outside the bus there were traffic sounds, though they were soft. The bedroom’s soundproofing seemed quite good. Sounds were what were missing, sound and something else. With a start, Keeley lifted her head. The rushing wind was nowhere to be heard, nor was the engine rumbling and vibrating.

    “What’s the matter, Keels?” Trish put a soothing hand on Keeley’s bare back.

    “We’re stopped. We’ve been stopped for ages. Do you think we’re already at Burning Man?”

    “I doubt it, they’re not supposed to let us in until midnight, and we weren’t at each other that long.”

    Keeley giggled and slid up Trish’s body for a kiss, pressing their bare chests together. The way Trish’s breath caught in her throat was adorable, but her nipples crinkling against Keeley’s skin revved the Little girl’s engine to rival the bus. She slid a hand down Trish’s belly and across her lover’s inner thigh.

    “No.” Trish’s expression was one of extreme reluctance. Nevertheless, she managed to slip out from underneath Keeley. “We should see what’s going on – and give your nannies a chance to use this room if they need to.”

    “They never come back here during the day.” Keeley took advantage of Trish sitting up to lower her head onto the girl’s thighs. “I want you to feel good again.”

    “Not right now.” Trish hopped off the window seat entirely and held her hair back tightly. “No matter how much I want to.”

    “I want you to have me again.” Keeley sprawled out on the window seat. “Please, Trish? I’ll be a good baby girl for you.”

    “You’re all mine tonight and the whole day tomorrow, it’s not like this is our only chance.” Trish blushed as she tentatively added, “I can – have you any time I want.”

    “That’s true. It’s not just something I’m okay with, it’s something I want.” Keeley slid down from the window seat and posed cutely in front of Trish, with her arms behind her back. Breathily, she said, “I want you to have me any time you want. As much as you want.”

    “OH. God.” Trish took a deep breath. Her skin was flushed everywhere, she was obviously a hair’s breadth from throwing Keeley down on something. Only Keeley’s desire to be a good girl stopped her from touching Trish and pushing her over that edge.

    Refuge for Trish came in the form of putting her clothes back on. Keeley didn’t bother to touch hers, she was supposed to let Trish dress her, after all. Plus, it let her push Trish’s buttons a bit more. Seeing so much naked desire on Trish’s face was intoxicating. Much like Zach’s version of that look had been, a long time ago.

    I made the same offer to Zach, once, Keeley remembered. That he could have me any time. Ugh, he was so gross about it, touching me when there were people around, right up my skirt and everything. I had to take it back before it’d even been a week.

    Imagining Trish acting like Zach was an impossibility. Keeley let herself float happily on the feeling of offering herself to her babysitter, her girlfriend – and now her lover. When Trish left the bedroom, Keeley followed her – naked and smirking at Trish’s awkward vibe.

    “Congratulations on the sex.” Vidette called from the lounge. Trish froze by the changing table, her ears turning a shade of mortification red.

    “They’re going to try to be awful to us, but what we have is too beautiful.” Keeley wrapped her arms around Trish, kissing the back of her neck. “Thanks Nana!”

    Trish laughed, pulling Keeley into a tight hug, her belly shaking until she had to release the Little girl to wipe her eyes. “Okay Vidette, you got me. What’s going on?”

    “Oh, you mean why are we stopped?” Vidette put her book down and stretched. “We’re at a truck stop on the way to Black Rock City. They won’t let us in early, so we have a couple of hours to kill. Nika is getting the bus fuel and water topped off, unless she’s done already.”

    “Bet.” Trish looked the changing table over. “I’m going to go explore for a bit. Does Keeley have clothes she can go outside in, or is it all…”

    “Ravish-Me-Baby brand, like she was wearing when you got on the bus?” Vidette grinned.

    “Nana, that’s not a real brand – is it?” Because if it is, I know where I’m shopping when I want to get something that’s for me and Trish.

    “No, cutie. But don’t mention it to Nika or she’ll start a product line.” Vidette nodded to Trish. “That outfit was the sexiest thing we brought for her. She’s got baby clothes, Little clothes, and some of her regular outfits in the closet next to the changing table.”

    “Right. Diaper first. Hop up, baby girl.” Trish patted the changing table top, and Keeley eagerly complied.

    “Are you going to dress me sexy?”

    “Probably not at a truck stop.” Trish chuckled. “I wouldn’t mind doing that later, if it’s something you like.”

    “I like being sexy for you.” Keeley arched her back artfully and bit her lip. Trish’s reaction was everything she could have hoped for, and more. “Are diapers sexy on me?”

    Trish glanced back at Vidette. The other woman was more than twenty feet away with her book back in hand, though Keeley doubted Vidette was reading when she had such juicy drama in front of her. Wisely, Trish lowered her voice as she replied, “Extremely sexy.”

    “That’s good.” Keeley had to hug herself as a wave of happiness washed over her. “Then no matter what I’m wearing, I’ll be sexy for you.”

    “You have no idea.” Trish gave Keeley a quick kiss before rolling up her sleeves and sliding a diaper under her. The awkward cuteness of Trish realizing she should wipe down Keeley’s crotch, even though she wasn’t changing a wet diaper, made Keeley’s heart glow. That Trish might introduce some emotional distance when she was in babysitter mode had been a minor worry, but the loving touches she used with the wipes and lotion quickly dispelled such thoughts.

    To Keeley’s surprise, she was really happy to be back in a snug, properly fitted diaper. She’d briefly considered advocating for a pullup before she realized that she genuinely didn’t want one. Imagining wearing panties provoked even stronger dislike, in comparison to her diaper. Weird again. It must just be that I know Trish likes them so much. Of course I want to be sexy for my new girlfriend.

    Trish surprised Keeley by eschewing the baby clothes and dressing her in a backless romper with striking pale pink roses on a black background. Assessing herself in the closet mirror, Keeley was glad to see that the romper was breezy enough to hide her diaper – though it might be a different story if she was wet.

    “I need you to be a good girl for me and stay close, no wandering off, okay?” Trish adjusted the buckle on Keeley’s sandal and wiggled it. Keeley giggled and wiggled her feet back at Trish.

    “I’m always a good girl.”

    “Nobody in this bus is going to believe that one.” Trish smiled fondly as she poured sunscreen into her hand. “But I know you want to be a good girl for me, don’t you?”

    “Of course! I don’t need sunscreen though, it’s not like we’ll be out for a long – oof!” Keeley wrinkled her nose as Trish spread sunscreen on her cheeks. Neither her words nor her pouts, nor the squirming she did were paid the slightest bit of attention by Trish. Like it or not – and I did not – Keeley’s exposed skin was covered in sunscreen. With a bulky bag over one arm and Keeley at the end of the other, Trish made her way to the front of the bus.

    “You kids have fun. Have her back by nine thirty and don’t do anything in the truck stop that I wouldn’t do,” Vidette said, peering over the cover of her book.

    “What would you do in a truck stop?” Trish asked with a smirk.

    “Nothing, which is why I’m in here reading.”

    “In that case, I’ll pass on the advice, thanks anyway. Come on Keels, I’m sure we’ll find something fun to do.”

    “Bye Nana!”

    Keeley took a moment as she hopped off the last bus stair to squint at the sunset. Though the sun wasn’t far from the horizon, it cast a more harsh glare than she’d expected. She appreciated Trish’s concern, especially since she couldn’t remember the last time her mom had insisted she wear sunscreen, if it had ever happened at all.

    “Hey Dominika.” Trish pulled Keeley along the side of the bus and out of her reverie. “We’re headed into the truck stop, do you want anything?”

    “Pull tabs?” Dominika chuckled. “I’m kidding, I don’t even know what those are, but they’re advertised everywhere. If you want, something cold and sports drink-y would be nice. I bet Vidette would like one too.”

    They left Dominika managing a big hose that ran out of the ground and into a port on the side of the bus. Keeley was grateful she didn’t have to deal with any of that stuff. The bus was near one edge of a gargantuan parking lot, the center of which was populated by an extensive building complex. The signs sticking out of said complex advertised a burger restaurant and a casino, forcing Keeley to re-evaluate her whole idea of what a truck stop was.

    “Can I have a burger and ice cream? Oh, and fries?” Keeley skipped forward and spun around to face Trish with her best pleading expression.

    Trish smirked, then laughed when her stomach growled, “Well I guess I’m getting something so sure, you can. Didn’t your nannies feed you dinner?”

    “Baby food and a bottle.” Keeley pouted. “I’m on a date, I want fries.”

    “You’re on a date huh? I would have thought you were too fancy a girl to take to a truck stop.”

    “I hate being a fancy girl.” Keeley had meant her statement to come out joking, but couldn’t keep a hurt tone out of her voice or tears out of her eyes.

    “Oh, Keels, I’m sorry if I teased a sensitive spot.” Trish put her arms around Keeley and the Little girl sighed happily.

    “It’s okay – I didn’t mean to get all upset. Really though, I don’t want you to think of me as a fancy girl. I’m not like, above you or anything gross, just because my parents have a bunch of money.”

    “Well, I’m carrying a diaper bag for you, so there’s a limit to how fancy I can think you are.”

    “Trish!” Keeley whined. “I’m being serious. I hate all the high society crap. I like stuff that my mom thinks is low class.”

    “You think I’m not being serious? Not even a girl as cute as you looks aristocratic on a changing table.” Trish kissed Keeley gently and took her hand. “You picked the right girlfriend for a low-class date for sure. Let’s see what awesome, tacky stuff this place has.”

    The rest of the way across the parking lot, Keeley was hyper aware of how her diaper crinkled under her romper. Trish’s words trickled down her spine and gave Keeley ants in her pants. Is Trish really more comfortable around me because of the baby game? Should I try to be more of a baby? What’s the perfect amount of being a baby to make sure she likes me but that doesn’t annoy her?

    Loud and smelly was Keeley’s first impression of the truck stop restaurant. Not that the smells were bad, the restaurant was simply saturated with the odor of grilled meat and hot oil. Though, they did walk past a person who should have used the showers Keeley had seen advertised.  An excited thrill ran through Keeley when Trish put an arm around her waist while they looked at the menu. I’m on a date! A totally normal date! The burger options were a bit overwhelming, with lots of customizations. Keeley had only just processed that some of the burgers had avocado or egg on them when Trish addressed the cashier.

    “I’ll have a medium Tex-Mex with sweet potato fries and an Oreo shake. She’ll have a kid’s meal. Do you want the cheeseburger, chicken tenders, or the corn dog?”

    “I uh – the corn dog, I guess.” Keeley’s fidgeting was stalled the first time her diaper crinkled.

    “Do you want a shake?” Trish patted Keeley’s hip.

    “I want a strawberry one. Full size!”

    Trish nodded, turning to smile at the cashier. “I think that’s it for us.”

    As soon as they were seated in their booth, Keeley glared at Trish, whispering, “How come I have to get a kid’s meal?”

    “You already had dinner, Keels. I didn’t veto your shake, did I?”

    “No.” Keeley squirmed in her seat. “If you’re going to treat me like a kid, maybe you should sit next to me instead of across the booth.” In short order, Keeley was tucked against Trish. With ice cream and fries on the way, she had nothing to complain about. Besides her diaper, of course.

    “Trish, why’d you bring a diaper bag? We’re only here for a couple of hours.”

    “Are you going to be fussy the whole time we’re here?”

    “I’m not fussy, it’s just a question?”

    “It’s okay if you’re nervous about being diapered in public. Let me know if it’s too much or if you need to go back to the bus.” Trish tucked Keeley’s hair behind her ear. “To answer your question, they have huge bathrooms here for rent, with showers and everything. I brought the bag in case my Little girl needed a change.”

    Keeley ducked her head and fidgeted. When Trish got up to retrieve their food, those fidgets became outright squirms. Why does using my diaper suddenly sound fun? Do I really like Trish changing me so much that I want extra opportunities? Luckily, uncomfortable questions were easily dismissed with the application of a ketchup-saturated corn dog. The food was greasy, salty, and Keeley’s mom would have gone hungry rather than eat it. Keeley sipped her shake, made bedroom eyes at her girlfriend, and luxuriated in the experience.

    “We should try the casino next.” Keeley grinned. “I can get my wallet from the bus if you want to make a big bet.”

    “Uh, Keels, you have to be twenty one to get in there.”

    “What does that have to do with – oh, right.” Keeley giggled. “I forget sometimes because – you know.”

    “I think of you as younger a lot too.” Trish leaned in for a cookies and cream and strawberry kiss.

    “Trish do you – want to change my diaper?” Keeley bit her lip, searching Trish’s eyes. “Like, were you hoping to?”

    “Kind of, but it’s okay if you don’t want that. I’m also getting myself in the habit of being prepared.”

    “I guess I’m asking – how much do you want me to be Little?” Keeley grabbed Trish’s arm before she could answer. “And don’t say something like, as much as I want.”

    “Heh, you got me. Okay um, this isn’t the best place for this discussion but it’s pretty noisy in here.” Trish put an arm around Keeley and dropped her voice’s volume. “I really liked how playful and energetic you were when I babysat you the first time. That was in private though, I don’t expect you to want to do that here. I also – like it when it feels like you need me to take care of you.”

    She likes it when I’m helpless with basic things? Oh no, is that why this is hot? Keeley was suddenly short of breath as she reframed their date with Trish as a babysitter. She didn’t have any of her own money with her, or even her phone. Being diapered was more of an afterthought compared to Trish being the only one with adult resources.

    An embarrassing thought surfaced for Keeley, one that she’d ordinarily never be able to verbalize. Beautiful, green eyes filled Keeley’s vision, tempting her to share with her girlfriend. The pounding of her heart gave Keeley the courage to whisper, “I liked it when you changed me the first time – because you took care of me. I trusted you because I felt helpless, and you made me feel safe.”

    Watching the blush that spread across Trish’s nose until it reached her ears was fascinating. Timidly, Keeley dropped her gaze and doubled-down. “I like that you ordered for me. The only thing that confused me was that sometimes I felt like a girlfriend sometimes, and other times like a Little girl.”

     Keeley lifted her eyes to meet Trish’s, “If you want me to be Little can you – enforce it? Even if I act out a little?”

    “I think I can do that for you. For us.” Trish bumped her forehead against Keeley’s. “If I’m hearing you right, you’ll get fussy if I stray off being your babysitter too much?”

    “That’s perfect.” Keeley nodded. She yelped softly as Trish slipped a hand inside her romper leg, and a pair of fingers in her diaper.

    “Your diaper is dry, so let’s get exploring.” Trish’s voice was still pitched lower than the general babble of conversation, but much louder than their earlier whispers. She’d cavalierly put her hand on Keeley’s crotch and embarrassed her with dozens of people around. But she also made sure none of those people saw. She gets it.

    As they left the restaurant, Keeley’s diaper loomed large in her mind, but not as the embarrassment it’d been before. The padded garment wrapped her in a layer of safety as Keeley surrendered to the idea that a potty accident was a genuine concern. Between her babysitter and her diaper, Keeley was free to ignore that sort of worry and concentrate on her unusual surroundings.

    Many of the people that flowed through the crowded service center were rough looking and would ordinarily have made Keely nervous. To more naïve eyes, most of them were clearly relaxing and enjoying themselves. The truck stop transformed from a bastion of barbaric culture to a community recreation center in Keeley’s mind. She found herself scurrying ahead of her babysitter, bouncing from one surprising element to another.

    The convenience store carried a broad selection of household items, but also boasted a display case with dozens of high-end Bluetooth headphones. Finding a laundromat made sense when Keeley thought about it, but was still a surprise to discover around the corner from a massive beef jerky display. All the signs were as silly and tacky as Trish had guessed. The casino was called Sierra Sid’s, and the bar was the Atomic Bootlegger Lounge. Best of all, Trish seemed to be having just as much fun as Keeley, lighting up with a smile each time the Little girl pointed out a new thing to see.

    Neither of them were prepared for the wall of guns, however. They rounded a corner between the convenience store and the casino to find a wall display of rifles, pistols, and American flags stretching forty feet or more. It was like walking into a foreign film that had decided to discard subtly when setting a scene in the USA. Most of the weapons were displayed next to a placard, many were from a John Wayne collection – which only made the attraction more surreal.

    “That’s so many guns. Why?” Keeley wrinkled her nose at a pistol that read, “Try And Take It” on the grip.

    “Some of these are cool. This rifle is from the Mounties. Oh, and they have a Wyatt Earp Lawman revolver with the crazy long barrel.”

    Keeley stood stunned, blinking at her babysitter. “Trish – are you into guns?”

    “What? No, I only own one. Revolvers are fun at the shooting range though.”

    “You own a gun?”

    “Yeah, one of my uncles gave me a Bergera thirty-ought-six for my sweet sixteen.” Trish laughed nervously as Keeley’s eyes bugged out. “You’ve never been hunting?”

    “I’ve never even held a gun.” She got a gun for her sweet sixteen? At my sweet sixteen my parents rented a hotel convention center in Manhattan and bought me two cars.

    “I’m really not a gun nut. I keep my rifle locked up at my dad’s place. It’s good to see that it’s all American flags in this display too, no confederate stuff.”

    “Anyway, guns aren’t appropriate for Little girls.” Trish patted Keeley’s butt. “But maybe I’ll take you fishing sometime.”

    Keeley wrinkled her nose. Fishing sounded gross, and dumb. On the other hand, Keeley telling her mom she was going fishing might literally give her mom gray hairs. Ultimately, retreating into her lack of autonomy felt like the best response.

    “I don’t know how to fish but I’d go just to be with you.”

    “You’re darling, and I’m sure you’d learn fast. Anyway, this display doesn’t seem like it’s much fun for you, let’s check out those massage chairs.”

    Hesitantly, Keeley approached the pair of pleather massage chairs. The closer she got, the sketchier they looked. The sturdy black pleather on the chairs had clearly seen a lot of use. That the chairs boasted twelve forms of massage including butt massage was not a selling point in Keeley’s mind. She’d seen the butts that came through the truck stop.

    “Um, Trish, aren’t these going to be – like – sweaty?”

    “That’s what these wipes are for.” Trish yanked a disinfectant wipe out of a plastic dispenser and scrubbed the chairs down. “There, clean and disinfected. Hop on!”

    Wild giggles swept through Keeley as she took a seat. Never mind her mother, who would have a stroke upon seeing her daughter in a truck-stop massage chair – Keeley’s friends would be horrified, starting with her nannies. Trish tapped her card against the chair’s reader and Keeley was engulfed in vibration. She cackled like a fiend as the chair rumbled and undulated around her. By the sounds of Trish’s belly laugh, her babysitter was having just as much fun. As intense as the vibration was, Keeley found it difficult to hold her potty. She also found she didn’t care to make the effort.

    Vibration in a wet diaper was a new sensation that caught Keeley completely off guard. Why haven’t I been doing this the whole time? She had to literally bite her tongue to keep from moaning out loud. Other keeping her arousal quiet, Keeley lost all restraint. She released her bladder without hesitation and lay limply in the chair as if she’d downed a handful of cannabis gummies.

    When the vibration session ended, Trish needed several tries to get Keeley out of her chair. The Little girl barely registered being diaper checked while she dreamily leaned against her babysitter. Nor did she pay attention to their next destination, until Trish swiped her card to unlock a door and she found herself in a large bathroom.

    The bathroom was honestly the biggest surprise in the truck stop. It boasted two mirrors, a large sink, a stocked towel rack, and a shower. Moreover, it was spotlessly clean. There was a bench to sit on, with nearby shelves for changing clothes. Slowly, it dawned on Keeley what they were in the bathroom for – she couldn’t tell if the blush that prickled in her cheeks was embarrassed or horny.

    “I had an accident.” Keeley was delighted to see Trish’s pupils dilate in response.

    “You are soaked. Let’s get you out of that romper and I’ll change you on the bench.”

    The bathroom was pleasantly warm, which Keeley supposed made sense for a place where people would strip down to shower. An uncompromising focus on comfort was the main theme of the bathroom – which Keeley could appreciate. After traveling thousands of miles by road, she could imagine it was awful to be in a truck cab with no playpen, or kitchen, or lounge. Even with those things, Vidette looked wrung out at the end of each day and had headed straight for the shower.

    As the bench was a little narrow, Keeley found the best way to balance was to hold on to her ankles to minimize the effort required to keep herself steady. She hadn’t realized what a baby thing it was to do until she saw Trish blush, but that simply made her awkward posture a bonus. Little shivers ran across her skin as Trish wiped her down and applied lotion.

    “Can I get a cute diaper? Do you have one with animals on it?”

    “I sure do, baby girl.” Trish grinned and slipped a diaper under Keeley’s rear. “Are you having a good time? I feel like we’re back in the groove we had at the beach house after I changed you.”

    Keeley nodded eagerly. “It’s like that for me too. I thought so much about being girlfriends with you that I forgot about how good a babysitter you are.”

    “Does that mean I get to do a fully baby day with you sometime during the Burning Man? Your nannies said they were going to do one during the trip but I didn’t get a chance to hear how that went.”

    “Trish,” Keeley rolled her eyes. “Don’t be dumb. Why would I get to decide that?”

    Trish laughed, patting down the powder on Keeley’s rear and crotch before taping her into her diaper. “My mistake. I should have asked if your baby day was fun. What did you do that day?”

    “I colored a lot. Nanny Vi gave me a sponge bath. My nanas fed me all my meals and I got snuggles all day. I had to go to bed early, though.”

    “Lit. I’m going to do that with you for sure.” Trish stroked Keeley’s belly, grinning as the Little girl arched her back. “You’re amazing.”

    “Why?” Keeley sat up, putting her legs through her romper’s leg-holes as directed.

    “Shh. Take the compliment.” Trish kissed Keeley before snapping her back into her romper. Keeley’s mouth went to being occupied by Trish’s lips, to accepting a pacifier. Spacing out on the bench, Keeley didn’t notice that Trish had used the potty until she heard it flush. Having her pacifier taken away was annoying, Keeley was following Trish out the door before she realized why her babysitter had taken the soother back. I guess truckers wouldn’t understand adult babies – gosh, it’s easy to get lost playing like this.

    Into the beautiful fog that suffused Keeley’s mind came the sound of her nannies laughing. They found Dominika and Vidette by a rack of magazines in the convenience store. Vidette waved them down as they approached. “Hey you two. Did you see that gun wall?”

    “Yeah, they had a lot of interesting historical pieces,” Trish said. “Did we take too long in here? I didn’t forget the drinks you asked for, we were just about to grab them and go back to the bus.”

    “We decided to come in anyway. Where else would we find such fascinating backwoods literature?” Dominika smirked.

    “There’s an entire conference room with a TV at one end and a bunch of chairs. They’re just playing cable, and the place is packed.” Vidette’s giggle had a hint of nervousness about it.

    Both nannies were having fun, Keeley realized. It was the same fun that she and Trish had been having, but her nannies had to pretend that they weren’t having fun. Is it because they want to look cool? To who, each other? We don’t know anybody here. As someone with a boyfriend who’s whole life revolved around looking cool, Keeley was an expert on how useless that attitude was.  My nannies sure are stupid sometimes. I’m surprised they can get their pants on. Caught up in her private world, Keeley giggled before she realized she was laughing out loud.

    “Something funny, baby girl?” Vidette smoothed Keeley’s hair, though between the massage chair and lying on a bench, it was a hopeless endeavor. The conversation had moved on without her, not that Keeley cared at the moment.

    “I had a funny thought.” She yawned. Keeley had been generally unclear on what time it was for the whole trip, but the current hour felt like it was past her bedtime. “When can we go to the festival?”

    “We can probably leave now if we take the drive slowly.” Vidette sighed. “I’m looking forward to not driving for a while.”

    Dominika toasted Vidette a mug that said, “Thank you for your service”, which got a good laugh out of everyone. They each picked a drink from the coolers – Keeley surprised everyone by picking the biggest water bottle in the case – and ambled back to the bus. The nannies strapped into the front seats while Keeley snuggled up to her babysitter on the couch.

    “Did the desert dry you out?” Trish motioned at Keeley’s water bottle.

    “No uh…” Keeley looked up at her nannies. They were chatting away, and Vidette was partially distracted by threading her way around the long haul trucks. “When I wet in the massage chair it felt really good. Like uh, I don’t know if you have a vibrator, but somebody has to have one around here somewhere and I was hoping you could do that for me. When we’re alone.”

    “Oh dang.” Trish grinned and squeezed Keeley tightly. “You better drink up then, that sounds like all kinds of fun.” Serious commitment to sexy vibrating diapers had the entire liter of water inside Keeley by the time the bus reached Black Rock City.