• A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 7

    The ride to Black Rock City began with magic. First, there was the glorious desert sunset over the mountains. The sunset faded to a brief dark interlude, only to be replaced with a riot of colored lights as they approached their destination. Keeley had heard people talk about Burning Man as a temporary city in the desert, but the sheer scope of it hadn’t sunk in until she saw light scattered across miles of playa. Most exciting of all was that more lights went up every second. The event already dwarfed Keeley’s experience and expectations, and it was only getting started.

    When they hit the line, the magic died. Their journey slowed to a crawl as they waited for the vehicles in front of them to be processed. Keeley squirmed out of Trish’s grasp to peer ahead – though she stopped at the baby gate like a good girl. From the bus’s elevated position she could see that there were at least a half-dozen cars being attended by Burning Man staff at a time. If they were just taking tickets, it made no sense that the line was moving so slowly. The bottom fell out of her stomach when she caught a glimpse of a gate-crew volunteer climbing into the back of a pickup truck.

    “She’s going through their stuff – they have to inspect the cars?” Cold sweat broke out across Keeley’s neck and shoulders. “They aren’t coming inside here, are they?”

    “They have to check that we’re not smuggling extra people in, and that we don’t have any banned stuff. It’ll be quick, don’t worry hon.” Dominika’s tone was far too casual for the terrifying gravity of the situation.

    “But – but – but – they’ll see the changing table, and my crib – and me!”

    “Sweetie, it’s going to be okay. The whole plan was that you were going to be a baby at the festival, right?” Vidette looked back from the driver’s seat with a sympathetic smile.

    “But I was going to wear stuff to cover my diapers!” Keeley’s hands flapped anxiously at her sides. “I didn’t think people would see that I get changed, and the crib – nanas, I can’t do this!”

    “Keels, sweetie, don’t panic.” Trish wrapped her arms around Keeley from behind. The gesture was comforting, but came at just the right time to overwhelm Keeley. She burst into tears, nervously wetting herself at the same time.

    Keeley twisted around in Trish’s arms, sobbing into her girlfriend’s shoulder. “Trish, help. Please don’t let them see. I don’t want anybody to see.”

    “There are going to be other ABDL girls there, Keels.” Trish pulled Keeley into a nice, tight hug, nuzzling the top of her head. “There have been in past years too. The staff here see all kinds of weird stuff. They won’t even bat an eye at you.”

    “You d-d-d-don’t know that.” Keeley whimpered. “You’ve never been here before.”

    “I did a lot of research when your nannies told me they wanted to bring you here.” Trish tilted Keeley’s chin up and kissed her tear-streaked cheeks. “It was important to me that it was a safe place for you to be a baby girl, and I really think it is.”

    “R-really? You promise?” Keeley sniffled, gazing fearfully at Trish. Her girlfriend’s reassuring nod didn’t banish Keeley’s anxiety, though it did tie her trepidation to Trish. “Th-then if they laugh at me, it’s your fault. You promised it will be okay!”

    “I can accept that. It’s my fault if they’re mean to you. I’ll be by your side the whole time too. If anyone tries to be mean, I’ll shut them down right away.” Trish pressed her forehead against Keeley’s – the Little girl shuddered and pressed back.

    Trish promised. They have to be nice to me now, because Trish promised. It took a pacifier in her mouth, and a spot on Trish’s lap to restore a sense of peace for Keeley. Though she was sure she looked happy enough – with her head tucked into the curve of Trish’s neck – her excitement at finally arriving at Burning Man was gone. It’d been replaced by vague dread and a desire to get through the line so that her private spaces would become private again.

    Hours passed while Keeley refused to play games or relinquish her spot on Trish’s lap. The sound of the bus door opening roused her from her funk, she raised her head to peer nervously at the front of the bus. Vidette got their tickets out of an envelope on the dash, while Dominika scurried down the steps. In a flash, Keeley whipped the pacifier out of her mouth and stuffed it in her pocket.

    “I’ll open the cargo compartments for you.” Dominika said, to someone’s thanks.

    A black clad woman climbed up the stairs, scanning each of the tickets. “Hey, I’m Daystar, I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I can. Just four?”

     Vidette smiled at Daystar, “Four of us. I’ll give you the tour.”

    With the baby gate tucked back behind the driver’s seat, the first baby thing the gate volunteer encountered was a doozy. Keeley’s entire body tensed as Daystar stared at the playpen.

    “You have a baby with you?” Daystar asked.

    “That’s Keeley’s.” Vidette said, casually as anything. “It’s a game.”

    “Okay.” Daystar was more than unphased, she was uninterested. Keeley watched in shock as the gate volunteer expressed more interest in the tickets than she had the adult sized playpen. Daystar swiped through a screen on her scanner. “So you’re Vidette? Right. Dominika met us outside, this here is Trish and Keeley?”

    “I’m Trish.” With a smile and a squeeze around Keeley’s waist, Trish introduced them both. “This is my girlfriend Keeley.”

    “Great, welcome to The Burning Man.” Daystar flashed Keeley and Trish a genuine enough smile, though the corners of it had been worn off by how busy she looked. “Vidette, I see you’ve got a kitchen and all, you have enough water in the tank?”

    “Plenty, and room to store all the waste water. We filled up just outside Reno.” Vidette lead Daystar into the back of the bus, letting her peek into the bathroom and do a search of the bedroom. Other than pushing the clothes around in their closet, and a question about how they intended to dispose of diapers, Daystar was in too much of a hurry to make small talk. She spent her time quizzing Vidette on a bunch of rules about driving and dumping water before heading back to the front of the bus.

    “We good? Great, thanks Mike.” Daystar called down the entry stairs as Dominika squeezed past her. “This is everybody’s first time at The Man, right? When you go through the gate, take the right hand lane and stop where you see the pink and white lights. The Greeters there will give you a proper welcome and pop your cherries.”

    “Thanks Daystar!” Vidette was practically vibrating in her seat. Dominika looked excited too, but not nearly on Vidette’s level. The bus rumbled forward as soon as the door closed, leaving the sea of vehicles waiting for inspection behind.

    “How’re you doing, Keels?” Trish nuzzled Keeley’s neck.

    “We still have to see the Greeters.” Keeley did her best to grump, but Trish had fulfilled her promise with the inspection, so she nuzzled her girlfriend and kissed her cheek. There were still butterflies in Keeley’s belly when she followed her nannies and Trish down the Bus’s stairs. She exited onto a wild scene lit by fluorescent lights with people in a riot of strange costumes. Every minute or so a bell would ring, there was a big iron bell next to the bus. Without warning, a woman was up in Keeley’s face. She was wearing a gold bikini that was edged with silver tassels, and her face was painted with a horizontal scarlet stripe across her eyes from hairline to hairline.

    “Welcome to Burning Man! Can I give you a hug?” The woman was enthusiasm personified – she radiated warmth and hospitality. Keeley nodded nervously and was immediately pulled into an exuberant hug. “You’re a virgin right? First time at Burning Man?”

    “Y-yeah.” Keeley smiled hesitantly. Her nannies and Trish were both occupied with their own greeters. Before she could ask them for help or reassurance, the greeter was talking again.

    “You’ve got to anoint yourself with the playa dust, and ring the bell. You can just put some on your forehead, but the best way is to roll around on the ground.”

    Keeley giggled at the naughtiness of the idea. “But I’ll get my clothes all dirty. My nannies will be upset.”

    “Your nannies?”

    “Oh uh…” Keeley stared at the greeter hesitantly. She didn’t even know the woman’s name, like she had with Daystar. Despite that, she felt instantly comfortable with the woman in the wild bikini. “I’m a baby – I mean, it’s a game. Dominika and Vidette are my nannies – Trish is my girlfriend but she’s also my babysitter.”

    “That’s a hell of an alternative lifestyle.” From anyone else the words would have been a sarcastic or even venomous condemnation. The greeter had an appreciative grin on her face as she said it. “Fuck yeah, demolish the state!”

    “What?” Keeley giggled.

    “Never mind, just roll in the dirt! Get that Playa all over you!”

    Trish was already making a dust-angel on the ground. Vidette and Dominika were rubbing dust on their foreheads like dorks. With a wild laugh, Keeley dropped to the ground and rolled, thrashing until she was surrounded by fine gray dust and coughing like crazy. The greeter laughed and hauled Keeley to her feet, slapping the worst of the dust off her shortalls.

    “That’s the spirit, now grab this stick and hit that bell!”

    Keeley gave the iron bell a mighty strike, to a general cheer of the greeters and attendees around her. Trish was next, with Dominika and Vidette ringing the bell together to round out the group. After some more hugs and encouragement from the gaggle of greeters around their particular bell, Keeley scampered up the bus stairs.

    “Keels, you are filthy.” Trish laughed.

    “That was so fun!” Keeley spun around, giggling madly when Trish caught her to stop the spray of fine dust into the playpen and lounge.

    “Remember, you’re on Keeley duty for the rest of today and tomorrow.” Dominika said with a smirk.

    “Feeling better, baby girl?” Vidette asked as she put the bus in gear.

    “Yeah – you were right. I’m sorry I cried and made a big fuss.”

    “That’s fine, you’re our baby girl, remember?” Trish gave Keeley a swat on the butt, coughing when a cloud of dust ballooned out. “Let’s get your clothes changed and you wiped down a little, though.”

    “I don’t wanna! I want to see the festival!”

    “Don’t make me put you in time out, then you’ll really miss things.” Trish’s tone was surprisingly stern. With a squeak, Keeley hurried to the back of the bus. On her changing table, she had the dust combed out of her hair and was patted down with a damp towel. The promised clothing change was upgraded to include a diaper change when Trish discovered Keeley was wet.

    Lying on her changing table with her legs in the air, Keeley threw a glance to the front of the bus. Her nannies were engrossed in driving and trying to find a spot to set up camp. Quietly, Keeley said, “Trish – I know you don’t want to spank as a punishment for real stuff. But um, if I was just pretending to be bad, you could spank me a little.”

    Trish blinked at Keeley, her hand frozen in the act of applying lotion to Keeley’s rear. “It’s a turn-on for you? Doesn’t that make it weird when your nannies spank you?”

    “They know how to spank so that it’s not sexy – mostly.” Keeley blushed. “I like being a good girl for you, but…. Rolling in the dust felt really naughty – and that made it a lot of fun.”

    “Between all the water you drank and this conversation, I think you might be flirting with me.” Trish grinned, hoisting Keeley’s legs up nearly to her chest. She sprinkled powder over Keeley’s rear and patted it down into the lotion – with firm strokes of her hand. “I might have to practice a little to figure out what kind of spanking is sexy.”

    Keeley quivered, grabbing the rails of her changing table. “Harder than that – though that was sexy too.”

    Trish brought her hand down on Keeley’s taut rear with a couple of real slaps. Between the powder and the festival noise outside, the sound didn’t carry far. The impact, on the other hand, traveled beautifully up to Keeley’s brain, then back down to her kitty, where it had her damp in seconds. To her great disappointment, Trish followed those slaps up by taping Keeley into her diaper.

    “That’s it?” she whined.

    “We’re going to need to set up as soon as your nannies find a campsite.” Trish smiled – it seemed like an attempt at a cocky smile but it was spoiled by the blush on her nose and cheeks. “Besides, you said I could have you whenever I want. Maybe I’ll – take advantage of that when I put you to bed.”

    She’s so sweet and sexy at the same time. Keeley nodded and arched her back, grinning at the way she drew Trish’s eyes to her dust-streaked breasts. “I’ll keep my promise the same as you did. Any time you want, I’m yours.”

    Trish’s lips met Keeley’s. She had a hand in the Little girl’s hair and another on her breast. Keeley groaned happily into the kiss, finding Trish’s chest through her shirt, and her belly under it. She was a very warm Little girl by the time Trish reluctantly got her dressed in a pink sundress. When her nannies finally found a campsite, Keeley watched them work with Trish to set up an angled tarp from the top of the bus to some stakes in the ground. For her part, Keeley concentrated on turning the rest of her water bottle into a wet diaper.

    Once the tarp was set, Dominika and Vidette extended the bedroom, but they didn’t return to the bus. Keeley watched Vidette give Trish the keys to the bus, Dominika slung a pack over her shoulder, and the two nannies vanished into the darkness on their way to the festival center. Some smaller vehicles had parked nearby already, but the people from those cars were busy setting up tents and having fun among themselves.

    With the bus door closed and locked behind Trish, Keeley was truly alone with her girlfriend for the first time since she’d been babysat at the beach house. She beamed at Trish and turned her empty water bottle upside down.

    “Good girl staying hydrated.” Trish sauntered down the bus’s aisle with a twinkle in her eye.

    “My diaper is really wet.” Keeley giggled. “For more than one reason.”

    “It’s way, way past your bedtime – but I have things I want to do with you.” Trish pulled Keeley close, her desire giving her a bit of a rough edge. Lust blossomed between Keeley’s ears and legs. She slipped her sundress straps off her shoulders, letting the dress hang precariously from her bust.

    “I’m a good girl. I’ll do everything my babysitter says.”

    “You’re not always a good girl.” Trish’s trembling hand stroked the top of Keeley’s breast, sending her dress fluttering down to catch on her diapered hips.

    “I don’t know any better.” Keeley pulled Trish’s shirt up, pressing her bare chest to Trish’s body. “I might need a little spanking to teach me what’s bad.”

    “Keeley.” The raw need in Trish’s voice ignited a fire between Keeley’s legs that no amount of wet in her diaper could quench. Their lips met hungrily while they snatched Trish’s clothes off her whenever they came up for air.

    Keeley felt Trish slip a round bit of plastic into her diaper. Moments later, her guess as to what it was, was confirmed when the bullet vibrator buzzled to life. Moaning incoherently, she plastered sloppy kisses across Trish’s breasts until her babysitter pinned her to her changing table and worked her tongue across Keeley’s nipples. A new kind of orgasm bloomed in Keeley’s brain, softer and warmer than her usual blinding bursts of pleasure. What it lacked in intensity, it made up in the beautiful tingles that spread all across her body – and the easy way it chained into several more of the same.

    Without the debilitating, wrung-out sensation of a rough climax, Keeley had the presence of mind to sink to her knees in front of Trish and attend her girlfriend with her tongue. Sundress in a puddle around her waist, her crotch in a puddle in her diaper – Keeley pushed Trish against the changing table and shoved her head between her babysitter’s legs. The fists Trish made in Keeley’s hair told her what she needed to know about what Trish wanted. Keeley put her tongue to work, licking hard and fast along the length of Trish’s slit.

    Trish’s moans were already ringing off the bus’s walls when Keeley put a pair of fingers in her girlfriend and changed the tone from enthusiastic ecstasy to raw rapture. After her hips bucked against the changing table for the fourth time, Trish was begging Keeley to stop. She didn’t relent until Trish pulled her head away by her hair.

    For her impertinence, Keeley was bent over the window seat in the bedroom, with stinging slaps across her wet rear. Trish’s fingers filled Keeley from behind while the tingle of her spanking was still dancing on her cheeks. It took only a glorious moment of Trish thrusting into Keeley roughly, for a truly brain-melting climax to shoot up her spine from her sex.

    Keeley drifted dreamily through cuddles on the bedroom floor. She was half asleep when Trish put a hefty nighttime diaper on her and tucked her into her crib. Stealing a last kiss from her babysitter, Keeley was out before her crib bars had been raised.