• A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 5

    Another day on the road had Keeley waking up in her crib, getting her diaper changed, and sent to the lounge with a blanket and her stuffies. The morning passed by with cartoons and naps. Keeley didn’t know why she was so sleepy all the time, but it had been the same at the beach house. Certainly she was feeling a bit antsy after four days without so much as a sip of alcohol or a THC gummy. While her nannies were carrying the stress load that normally made Keeley crave those things, they couldn’t carry the lack of those things as well.

    After lunch, Keeley was given the choice between more car games and another nap – she came down firmly on the side of the nap, despite knowing she’d have to sleep in her crib. None of the new games that Dominika suggested seemed fun, while road bingo and the sign game felt played out. The road trip had started out with a bang, but almost three thousand miles later it was impossible to hide the fact that they simply had to grind out the miles. That her nannies felt it too was obvious, and neither of them objected to Keeley going to bed.

    For picking the baby option, Keeley got a baby bottle and something pureed for dinner. Though the unnamed food-smoothie looked questionable, it tasted amazing. It was so good that Keeley was sure it had been prepared by Louis. I hope my nannies didn’t call it baby food when they asked him to make this.

    A seemingly routine diaper change after dinner took a strange turn with Vidette struggling to get the tapes set on Keeley’s latest diaper. She sat up on her elbows and frowned at her nanny. “Nanny Vi, that one is the wrong size. We have plenty of other ones.”

    “It’s a size smaller than you normally wear but it’s for a reason. Trust your nanny.” Vidette finished securing the diaper and Keeley wiggled her butt. Her new diaper wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was tight.

    She was taken to the dining table in nothing but her little diaper where she had to sit quietly while Vidette painted her makeup on. Without a mirror, she couldn’t tell exactly what Vidette was up to, but it felt like a reasonable facsimile of her regular makeup look. When she finally got something to wear, Vidette had Keeley step into it instead of pulling it over her head. She found herself in a onesie-bodysuit, with no snaps on the crotch. There were cutesy ruffles around the leg holes and on the garment’s shoulder straps. A huge pastel pink bow covered most of her bust, while the main garment was a pattern of bunnies and strawberries on a blue background.

    The new onesie felt like lingerie, a feeling that only intensified when vidette put a blue and pink choker on her. After finally getting to look at herself in the mirror, Keeley was impressed with how well Vi had done her makeup. The baby girl in the mirror was oddly sensual, which was confusing.

    “Nana, how come you have me dressed up all sexy? I thought you and nanny Nika weren’t interested in being more than friends.”

    “We don’t want to be more than friends the way you mean, though I think nanny is a level above friend for sure.” Vidette carefully pulled back Keeley’s hair with a clasp, leaving a pair of locks dangling cutely on either side of her face. “I think you’ll want to look good when we get to the airport though.”

    “What? The airport? Why did we drive all this way just to go to the stupid airport?” Keeley whirled on her nanny as apprehension grew in her belly. “Who’s at the airport? We’re picking someone up?!”

    “Don’t get yourself in a tizzy, baby girl. Yes, we’re picking someone up at the airport. Can you guess who, that we’d get you dressed up like this?” Vidette looked Keeley up and down, apparently pleased with her handiwork.

    “You said Trish couldn’t come!”

    “I said Trish couldn’t do a whole road trip, and she couldn’t. Her boss did give her enough days off for the festival though.” Vidette had an unbearably smug grin on her face. “Her plane lands at…”

    “Seven twenty five pm.”  Dominika said from the driver’s seat. “We’re almost there. Vi, do you mind driving the airport portion? I’m not confidant enough with the mirrors and brakes for that.”

    “Find a spot to pull over and I’ll switch.” Vidette teased the clumps out of Keeley’s hair locks. “Your girlfriend has never seen you dolled up like this. Her jaw is going to hit the floor.”

    Keeley squirmed, she had a full colony of butterflies setting up housekeeping in her belly. “But I’m doing so much baby stuff, is she – I don’t think she’ll think I’m sexy even like this. Does she really want to date a – a – a girl who looks like a baby?”

    “Well let’s see.” Vidette sat Keeley down in the lounge while the bus rumbled along the highway shoulder. “She met you when you were way more babied out than this, and you wet yourself in front of her twice. She still kissed you. Since then you’ve had a bunch of video-dates, where she makes you do what, again?”

    “She – she tells me to wear pullups.” Keeley pressed her hands to her stomach as the bus lurched to a stop. It’s too sudden! I don’t have time to prepare. What if Trish doesn’t like me anymore? What if she only came for the festival and she ignores me the whole time?

    “I think you’re worried because you haven’t seen her in person since the beach house.” Dominika plopped down on the couch as Vidette took the wheel. “It’s going to be okay. That girl is crazy about you.”

    “How would you know?”

    “We’ve both been talking to her, remember? We’re helping set her up at ABDU, and hopefully with a good sorority.” Vidette kicked the bus in gear and sent it expertly roaring out onto the highway.

    “Baby girl, you have nothing to worry about.” Dominika adjusted the angle of Keeley’s big pink bow. “Trish thinks you’re great and you’re wrapped up like an adorable present for her, complete with a bow.”

    “She won’t like me – if she spends a week with me she – she’ll break up with me.”

    “Why’s that?” Dominika’s skeptical look was dumb, like the whole surprise Keeley’s nannies had thrown at her.

    In the throes of anxious desperation, Keeley was out of excuses. To her horror, she blurted out her real fear. “She’s a better person than me!”

    “Well, yeah. That’s why she’s your babysitter and not the other way around.”

    “Dominika!” Keeley’s jaw hung open. “That was the worst thing you’ve ever….”

    “Hush, Keeley. She’s a better person than everyone in this bus, I’m not sparing myself here. We really lucked out bumping into her at the Sea Witch restaurant.” Dominika rubbed the back of her neck in what seemed like a gesture of – chagrin? Embarrassment?

    “Trish had a long talk with us when we told her how we got you into the baby game,” Vidette said, sounding surprisingly subdued.

    “What nanny Vi means is that she chewed us out. She wasn’t wrong either.” Dominika sighed. “You might want to brace yourself because she’s planning to have a serious discussion with you when we pick her up.”

    “I’m sure you’ll be able to get a kiss or two first though.” Vidette chuckled. “She is seriously excited to see you, baby girl.”

    “Is that – is that why you’ve been so much nicer this time around?”

    “Uh yeah – we can’t completely take credit for our change of heart. I mean, we were still planning to convince you to take this trip, before the conversation with Trish.” Dominika shrugged.

    “We didn’t want to trick you a second time, honestly hon,” Vidette said.

    Trick? You mean force. Keeley pouted, but found it a hard expression to maintain. I’m going to see Trish in less than an hour. She cared enough about me to yell at my nannies, even though they’re giving her lots of money and whatever!

    “Is she doing the game too?”

    “She’s your babysitter for the duration of the festival.” Dominika held up a hand at Keeley’s worried frown. “We’re not abandoning you, all three of us will all be taking care of you. Trish gets you almost exclusively tonight and tomorrow, since she missed out on the drive.”

    “You’re going to let her – spank me, and everything?” Keeley shivered at the thought. The thought of Trish hitting her didn’t seem right – unless she was over her girlfriend’s lap willingly, of course. If I keep thinking down that road I’ll have a wet diaper when she gets here.

    “That’s part of what she’s going to talk to you about. Nika and I agreed to stay out of it,” Vidette said.

    “That damn girl is pushy,” Dominika griped.

    “Excuse me, I didn’t hear that nana. She’s what?” Keeley stared incredulously at Dominika, who had the good grace to blush. Her blush redoubled when Vidette loudly guffawed.

    “Shut up, both of you.” Dominika casually raised her middle finger at Vidette. “But – point taken. There’s a reason I like her enough to get her into my sorority.”

    “She’s so great.” Keeley squirmed in her seat for a moment before leaning over to peer out the windshield. The road ahead was as empty as always. There certainly wasn’t anything airport-shaped up ahead. “Nanas, when do we get to the airport?”

    “Nailed it! Nika, you owe me five grand.”

    “Fair enough.” Dominika laughed.

    “What?” Keeley whined. Stop leaving me out of jokes, nannies!

    “Vi bet me five that the first words out of your mouth – after you stopped freaking out – would be some variation of, are we there yet?”

    “I’m that predicable?”

    “When you’re being Little you are. It’s adorable and we love you.” Dominika kissed Keeley on the head, careful to neither smudge her makeup nor muss her hair.

    “Nana, you said that – there are girls like – like – there are girls who wear diapers and act Little in your sorority, right?”

    “Mmm hmm.” Dominika nodded.

    “How does it work – when they date? Like – the thing with Trish started with her babysitting me and turned sexy. But if she wanted me to be Little and to be my girlfriend would – would she always be in charge?”

    Dominika’s eyebrows shot up. “Keeley, baby girl. You have never wanted to be in charge with anyone you’ve dated.”

    “That goes double for the girls you’ve dated. All of them.” Vidette chimed in.

    “I’m in charge with Zach sometimes!”

    “No sweetie. You assert yourself with Zach sometimes. There are times you don’t let him run completely roughshod over you. That’s not the same thing.” Dominika laughed. “If you weren’t the world’s most adorable bottom, you’d see that.”

    “I – I topped a girl once!” Keeley wasn’t sure why it was so important for her nannies to know she wasn’t a complete bottom, but it was rapidly becoming a matter of personal honor.

    “Ruva Karkov, April 14th, the year Nika and I graduated from college.” Vidette said.

    “In the back of her limo, you tied her wrists up with your garter.” Dominika added.

    “But you thought it was kind of scary so you didn’t do it again.” Vidette continued.

    “You lasted twenty minutes on top and made her kiss your belly.” Dominika had a full on smirk on her face.

    “You nannies are the worst!” Keeley drummed her feet on the floor.

    “Honey you’ve told us that story a hundred times.” Dominika drew Keely in for a hug, ignoring the girl’s struggles. When she felt like she’d properly expressed her exasperation – Keeley leaned into her nanny to enjoy the hug.

    “It’s super cute how proud you are of it, but it’s one of those exception proves the rule thing, sweetie,” Vidette said.

    “What are you so worried about, baby girl?” Dominika gave Keeley a firm squeeze and sat her up. “You like your girlfriend to be in charge, Trish will be in charge. You like being taken care of, and you know Trish will take good care of you.”


    “Stop worrying so much and start fantasizing about being in her arms.” Dominika glanced to the front of the bus. “We’re arriving in Reno now.”

    As utterly unfair and mean as Dominika was – she had a point. Keeley was nigh-on vibrating in her seat while she delved through her memories of her video dates with Trish, plus their one and only kiss. It took a thousand years for the bus to make its way through the streets of Reno, and another agonizing age to navigate the loops of the city’s airport.

    When the bus finally came to a stop on the airport concourse, Keeley whirled around and stared out the window. “Is she there?! Can you see her?”

    “It’s seven twelve, baby girl.” Dominika put her phone away and went to the front of the bus. “Trish’s plane is on time but it doesn’t land for thirteen more minutes, and then she has to get out of the gate. I’ll go pick her up, I’ll be back in a half hour, I’m guessing.”

    “HALF AN HOUR?!” Keeley stared at her nannies, devastated. “Nanas what’s WRONG with you? I can’t wait that long!”

    “Keeley.” Vidette turned the driver’s seat around and leaned on the safety bar. “You’re picture perfect for Trish right now. Don’t make me ruin your look with a spanking, and don’t get yourself so spun up that you end up crying. It’s not that long a wait compared to how long it’s been since you’ve seen her.”

    Keeley was glued to the window for the entirety of the half hour. Occasionally she would catch her reflection in the window and flinch, at her overtly baby outfit. On consideration she conceded that from the waist up, her outfit looked like an especially twee dress.

    From the moment Dominika disappeared inside the airport, Keeley pinned all her hopes on each re-opening of the doors. One interminable emotional roller coaster later, Dominika stepped out onto the sidewalk with Trish at her side. Trish looked tired, but amazing in her pristine navy blue jeans and leather jacket. Keeley’s squeal echoed off the bus’s walls.

    When Trish stepped aboard the bus, Keeley was ready, standing in the center of the aisle with her fingers laced in front of her. Trish’s eyes landed on Keeley – and her pupils blew out until the green of her eyes was gone.

    “Keeley – wow.” Trish ran a hand through her dark hair. “I didn’t realize they were going to – wow – you look – wow.”

    The butterflies in Keeley’s belly moved up to her heart and exploded into fireworks. “You really like how I lo…” Keeley gasped as Trish’s arms closed around her. She closed her eyes and fitted her body to her girlfriend, parting her lips just in time for a kiss. Dominika and Vidette’s teasing about her submissiveness ruined Keeley’s attempt to surrender completely to the kiss. Fine, so I’m a bottom. I’ll be the best bottom that ever – obeyed. Or whatever. Stupid nannies.

    With a delighted tremble, Keeley let her thoughts drain away for the second kiss. Trish felt so good under her hands, all taut and war and – just Trish. It took Keeley a moment to realize she wasn’t being kissed anymore – she opened her eyes in a happy daze to see what was next.

    “I missed you.” Trish had a strong enough face that she didn’t always look as young as she was. In her vulnerable state, the decade of difference between her and Keeley was obvious.

    What does she want with an old lady like me anyway? Maybe I only seem young to her because of the baby stuff. “Kiss me again.”

    “Get a room, you two.” Dominika patted Trish good-naturedly on the shoulder and handed her a small piece of luggage. “The rest of your stuff is stowed underneath.”

    “Thanks…” Trish took a deep breath. Her cheeks were as pink as posies. “Keeley and I need to have that talk anyway.”

    My nannies were right, I got my kisses but now we have to have a talk. Is she going to say she doesn’t want me to be a baby? Or that she doesn’t want to date a baby? What if I never get to kiss her again? Tears welled up in Keeley’s eyes but she banished them by sheer force of will. I’m way too pretty to cry, Trish’s reaction proved that.

    Vidette and Dominika were buckled into their respective seats, with Vidette looking for a gap in the airport traffic. Trish shrugged her luggage strap on her shoulder and put an arm around Keeley’s waist. “Why don’t you show me around the bus? I’ve been curious ever since Vidette and Dominika told me about it. We can talk in the back.”

    “Okay Trish! This is the lounge, we hang out here a lot. The TV and booze is here – but my nannies say that the booze is only for big girls. This is uh – my playpen.”

    “I bet you’re adorable when you play in it.” Trish kissed Keeley on the cheek, sending tingles all the way down to her toes. “What’s next?”

    “Um, the kitchen and dining room is this part. Then there’s the bathroom and – and my ch-changing table.”

    Trish backed Keeley up against her changing table, putting her hands on the Little girl’s hips. “I love your outfit, you could probably tell. Are you wearing a pullup now?”

    “I’m in – a diaper.” Keeley blushed. “It’s a little one so I would look really pretty for you.”

    “You’re always pretty, but you took it to incredible today.” Keeley’s lips met Trish’s greedily. Each kiss was proof that she was still Trish’s, a hedge against something awful coming up in their big talk.

    “The bedroom is in here, I have a crib, my nannas have beds that slide out because they’re too wide for the bedroom – oh no, Trish! Where are you going to sleep?”

    “Dominika said there was a – there it is.” Trish unlatched what Keeley had taken for a storage compartment. The door swung down, then slid back into the space. A bunk the size of Keeley’s crib – but without bars or baby accoutrements – was revealed. “Looks like I get top bunk.”

    “They didn’t tell me that was there.” Keeley pouted. Her disappointment was a lot less about her nannies hiding something from her, and more from the fact that Trish wouldn’t be squeezing into her crib with her each night.

    “It would have ruined the surprise I guess.” Trish put her bag up in the bunk and retrieved a notebook from it. Keeley winced internally. This talk has notes?

    A funny expression came over Trish’s face – she sniffed her bunk. “Huh, I didn’t realize a bed could have new car smell. Let’s air that out and sit up in the back window.”

    Keeley felt dumb as a post as she climbed into the back window seat. It was even better than the one she had in her room at home, especially with the engine rumbling underneath. She had missed out on some epic naps by not paying attention to the bedroom. In my defense, I’ve been exhausted most of the time I’ve been in this room.

    “It’s kind of like the spot in your room where you do our video dates. Let me guess, it’s your favorite part of the bus.” Trish grinned, arranging herself cross-legged. It was a dangerously cuddle-unfriendly position.

    Keeley took a seat on her own with a nervous laugh. “Yeah, I spend basically all my time back here, when my nannies aren’t playing with me.” That’s kinda technically true. They’ve been playing with me or putting me down for naps the whole time.

    “Cute. I can’t wait to play with you – except that we do have to talk first.”

    “O-okay. What did you want to talk about?”

    “Keeley.” Trish took a deep breath. Her expression was stomach-churningly serious. “After you told me that your nannies “technically” forced you to wear diapers at the beach house, I had a talk with them. They told me what I think was the truth, and it didn’t sound to me like there was anything technical about it.”

    Keeley squirmed in her seat. Oh no, she’s going to say she can’t play because the game started out bad. Does that mean she wants to just date? Or – do we have to be friends only for the festival? Oh god, does she know about Zach?

    “Is it true they drugged you, held you down, and put you in diapers?” Trish’s frown was stern and would have been terrifying except that it was on Keeley’s behalf.

    “Yes but, we made up after. I agreed to wear diapers that weekend – a couple of times actually.”

    “Keeley, from what you tell me about your life it seems like you let people do whatever they want. Are you really okay with playing their baby game? Did you consent to any of this? Really, honestly consent?”

    “I don’t know about that weekend…” Keeley raised her hand when Trish tried to speak. “But I really did this time. Honestly, I promise.”

    “That’s good but it doesn’t make it right that they…”

    “I threw a glass bottle at Dominika’s face.” Keeley hung her head. “As hard as I could. It was a heavy schnapps bottle and it shattered when it hit the stereo. I – I could have killed her or blinded her or something.”

    “So that’s why the stereo was beat up. Everything else in the beach house was pristine.”

    “I forgave them for what they did, one hundred percent. It’s not like – it’s not like I’m perfect. And I really agreed to be babied on this trip. My nanas convinced me.”

    “That brings me to another thing. Dominika and Vidette told me they’re stepping the baby game up and correcting your behavior in a maternal way. Are you okay with that? Did they tell you about that part yet?”

    “Um, yeah, Vidette gave me a big spanking yesterday.”

    “What was that for?”

    “I – kinda threw a pencil at her and called her a bitch.”

    “Okay I wouldn’t have put up with that either, but…” Trish ran a hand over her face. “Keeley, that kind of stuff makes the baby game – not really a game. Are you okay with having basically your personality corrected? Like you’re really a kid?”

    It’s not such a great personality. You’ll see. “You want to know if I consent, right? I – I…” Keeley sighed and leaned back against the bus wall. “It was hard, when Vidette told me what she was doing. But I’ve already thought – don’t tell them – but I wish that they were my parents.”

    “That’s not the same thing as consenting to…”

    “I know.” Keeley groaned and banged her head against the bus wall. “I wish you weren’t making me say it but – I consent to it. I could probably use some parenting. Even if it’s from my stupid nannies.”

    “I’m sorry this is hard to talk about Keeley. We can stop if you want. I’ve thought about this a lot since I found out what was going on, but we’ve covered most of what I was worried about.”

    “No, please.” Keeley leaned forward and held Trish’s strong, warm hands. “I want you to be able to talk to me about stuff. Do we have to sit apart? Can’t we talk – and snuggle?”

    “We can now. Come here, Keels.”

    Keeley squirmed immediately into Trish’s lap, finding the perfect angle and curl of her back to fit her head under Trish’s chin. “That is the silliest nickname. I love it. What was the other stuff you wanted to talk about?”

    “I wanted to talk about you and me.” If Trish hadn’t been holding Keeley in her arms, the Little girl knew she would have cried. As it was, her tummy flopped and her heart froze.

    “All this stuff Dominika and Vidette – your nannies – are doing for you, do you want that from me? Do you want a babysitter? It feels like they have you covered.” Trish’s heart was beating fast enough for Keeley to feel. Is she actually scared?

    “You made my nannies better. This trip is so different and it’s because of you.” Keeley clutched Trish’s jacket and tried to worm her way even closer. “I need you.”

    “But do you need me as a babysitter, third nanny kind of person?” Trish pressed further when Keeley nodded. “Do you want me to correct your behavior like they’re doing?”

    “You don’t have to if it feels weird – I know I’m older. But if you want to I – I’d like it better from you than from my nanas.”

    “Keeley, I’m not asking because I don’t want to do it. I’m asking because I’m worried about you. You hide a lot of stuff from me,” Trish bapped Keeley on the nose when she tried to protest, “but what you tell me is scary. You have problems with people and drugs. If I’m on the same level as your nannies, I’m going to take that super seriously. I care too much not to.”

    A lump in Keeley’s throat made for a painful swallow in the awkward silence that followed. Trish sounded serious, and her standards were likely to be high. Both nannies had been party girls, there was stuff they were no doubt willing to let slide. If I turn myself over to Trish for this – well it’s just for Burning Man at least.

    “Yes. I want you to correct my behavior and take care of me.”

    “One more thing, and we can finally do what I wanted when I saw you standing in the front of the bus.”

    “What do you want to do?”

    Trish pulled Keeley up and kissed her. With no nannies looking on, her hands boldly found Keeley’s breast and rear. Keeley mewled greedily into the kiss, arching her body into Trish’s hands.

    “Yes please. Let’s do that.” Keeley gaze was laser-focused on the fine lines of her girlfriend’s face.

    “One thing first. I want you to write down what we talked about.”

    Keeley looked at Trish in despair. “The whole thing?!”

    “No, just a few important sentences.” Trish swung Keeley around so she was braced against her girlfriend, still on her lap. The notebook and an attached pen landed in Keeley’s lap, Trish opened it to the first page.

    “The first thing I want you to write is: I agree to be Little with Trish and that Trish is both my babysitter and my girlfriend.”

    “This is so embarrassing!” Keeley put her maximum amount of whine in her voice, and she was a champion whiner.

    “No sex until this is done. You’ve already verbally agreed that I’m your babysitter. I won’t spank, but I will put you in time-out.”

    “Okay, okay.” Keeley carefully wrote what Trish had asked, her face burning. “There, is that it?”

    “No, next sentence: I agree that Trish can choose what I wear, if I’m wearing diapers, pullups, or not, and if I’m allowed to use the bathroom.”

    “Trish!” Keeley squirmed frantically.

    “If you can’t write it, we can’t do it.”

    Everyone is always so mean to me.” Keeley whimpered, but she wrote the line just as Trish had said it.

    “You are a grade-A brat and you’re lucky you’re so cute.” Trish kissed the back of Keeley’s neck, making her gasp. “Last one. Write: Trish is allowed to shape my behavior through child-appropriate discipline.”

    “Writing this stuff down makes it too real.” Keeley whined as she penned the last sentence.

    “That’s the point, Little girl.” Trish took the pen and notebook from Keeley and set it aside. “You get what you wrote down, right? You’re mine, not just my girl but my Little girl. You put yourself, your outfits, even your ability to go to the bathroom completely in my hands.”

    “I’m yours.” Keeley found the rest of Trish’s latest speech to be unnecessary fluff. She turned around and straddled Trish’s legs. “You can do literally anything with me.”

    “Buh.” Trish put trembling hands on Keeley’s waist. “Should we put a sock on the door or something?”

    Keeley giggled. “If my nanas have any sense, they’ll listen or knock before they open the door. And if they don’t…” Keeley shrugged. “I don’t have anything that the three of you haven’t seen.”

    “Hah, fair enough.” Oddly, Trish had lost part of her confidant edge. She pulled Keeley in for a kiss possessively enough, but she was slow to get either of them out of their clothes.

    In ten minutes of making out, all Trish had managed to shed was her leather jacket. Keeley could feel her girlfriend’s hot pulse in her neck when she kissed Trish there, her babysitter moaning in a downright tormented way. So why isn’t she taking charge?

    “Is something wrong? Do you want to move to your bed or lock the door or…?”

    “No I…” Trish groaned and fought her way out of her shirt in frustration. “I wasn’t chastising you when I said you hide things from me. We haven’t been dating long, and there’s a lot that we don’t know about each other.”

    With a shy blush, Trish unclasped the front of her bra and shrugged out of it. “You’re – my third girlfriend.”

    “Ohhhh.” Keeley felt her face light up as her frustrated snarls became happy butterflies again. “You know what’s great about submissive girls? You can tell me to do things – even something super general like “Make me feel good”, and I’ll do it.”

    “But what about you?” Trish’s face was flushed with desire, she reached for Keeley’s body despite her words.

    “I’m sure you won’t leave me out. Trish, I’ve been fantasizing about giving you what you want. Please, tell me what that is.”

    “This is – you are – the hottest thing that has ever happened to me.” Trish wriggled her way out of her jeans and panties with nineteen-year-old vigor that made Keeley laugh inside. “I have this fantasy – you can say no – but I read a story once where a girl worshipped her girlfriend with her tongue.”

    “Oh, baby likes that idea.” Keeley grinned and licked Trish along her collarbone. “I want to lick you all over. But it might take me a while – to get to the center of your tootsie-pop.”

    “Oh. My. God.” Trish groaned and laid back on the window seat, arching her hips up reflexively.

    Not yet, babysitter. Keeley brushed a thigh teasingly between Trish’s legs before working her tongue across her girlfriend’s chest. She moved downward so slowly that by the time she reached her babysitter’s nipples, Trish was clawing at Keeley’s back.

    Trish, you’ve already done so much for me. Thank you for letting me do something for you. Inch by sexy, salty inch, Keeley worked her tongue across Trish’s body until she found something to parch the dryness of her tongue. As Keeley’s tongue pressed against Trish’s soaking slit, her babysitter cried out shamelessly. That was only the first time that evening that the bedroom rang with the sound of Trish’s ecstasy.