• A Family For Briana: Chapter 14

    It was so weird to be babysat by Briana. Weird that their ultra-Little sister was really good at babysitting. Melody would have said that Briana was just doing whatever she wanted her babysitters to do, but she’d been too responsible for it to be wish-fulfillment.

    Christmas shopping was fun, but coming home from it was awkward. Rosa wanted to baby them. Veronica wanted to baby them too. They’d just gotten back together with Rosa, but they’d been away from Veronica longer. Both caregivers were trying hard to not clash with each other.

    Melody didn’t want to disappoint either of them. They couldn’t pick. Not that their two caregivers were trying to make them pick. Veronica and Rosa, Mom and Mommy, were being super careful about that too.

    It was Jane – Dad, who broke the tension.

    “Rosa needs to arrange her things in Melody’s room. That’s where she will be staying, yes? Ronnie, you can help her with that and Melody can help you both. While you do that, you can discuss co-parenting.”

    That was that. All three of them were in Melody’s room less than a minute later. Melody resolved to be a little more careful around Dad. They hadn’t thought that Jane could just lay down the law for Rosa and Veronica at the same time.

    Briana tried to come along, but had been intercepted by Dad. Since their sister had been yeeted out of the situation, Melody was going to have to do the big emotional icebreaker all on their own. Thanks Obama.

    “Mom, Mommy…” Melody took a deep breath, building up their courage now that they were the center of attention. “I need a hug.”

    They grabbed both women and pulled gently. A little voice in Melody’s head was assuring them that they were both going to pull away. That it was going to be awful, and lonely.

    That little voice got squashed even more than Melody did. Mom and Mommy were hugging them with real, needy force. They were hugging each other too. Somebody was crying. Oh, that was themself.

    Melody turned out to be a trendsetter. Veronica and Rosa were both crying a bit when the hug came apart.

    “Thank you so much for rescuing Melody.” Veronica said. “Rosa, I think you’re just what they need. I’m so happy the two of you are back together.”

    “Thanks for saving them.” Rosa said softly, wiping her eyes again. “You did what I couldn’t do. I couldn’t fix things. Not with Beatrix in the picture.”

    Then they hugged! Veronica and Rosa hugged without Melody having to be in the middle, or initiate it. It felt so good, so Little, that Melody didn’t like that they were standing up anymore. They plopped down on their butt on the floor, beaming up at their Mom and Mommy.

    “I think our little one is feeling very small.” Veronica said, smiling down at Melody.

    “They did yesterday morning too.” Rosa said. “You know, Melody has something in common with their sister, as far as what calms them down. Though Melody gets riled up again in a different way.”

    “Mama! Don’t tell her about that.” Melody protested, blushing and curling up on the floor.

    “About what, exactly?” Veronica asked.

    Rosa hefted her breasts and grinned. Veronica laughed.

    “I think I’ll leave that for something special between the two of you then.” Veronica said. “Plus, Briana’s a little greedy. I’m not sure what it would be like to try to be feeding both of them.”

    “It’s not a food thing for you anyway, is it Melody?” Rosa asked, poking Melody with her toe.

    “Mama stop!” Melody whined. They were so wet in their diaper. It had nothing to do with having an accident either. Being turned on around Veronica was weird. Rosa was a super big meanie for making it so weird.

    “If you need a distraction, you can start putting my clothes in your closet.” Rosa said. She leaned down to give Melody something between a diaper-pat and a swat.

    Grumbling, but glad to for the change of topic, Melody got up and investigated the duffel bag that Rosa had brought over. It was stuffed with clothes. So many clothes. Nobody would need so many clothes unless they were staying a long time.

    With a happy little grin on their face, Melody started hanging Rosa’s shirts up. They couldn’t say why, but the best way seemed to be to take one shirt at a time to the closet and hang it. Putting a bunch on their arm would be faster, but confusing.

    “Is it alright if I open the discussion on Melody?” Veronica asked, taking a seat on the bed.

    “Go ahead.” Rosa said, sitting at the other end. “I’m not sure where to start.”

    “The first thing I want to ask is about their diapers. Do you have Melody wearing full time? The day before they left the house, Melody wet while they were sleeping.”

    “Oh, they did that with me too. I think full time diapers is the way to go right now. Even when Melody isn’t being little.”

    That was really unfair! Melody paused with one of Rosa’s tank tops in their hands. They’d made it a whole day almost without wearing any diapers at all. There hadn’t been even one accident. That’d been at Beatrix’s house though – maybe not the best place to bring up as an example to Mom and Mama. Grudgingly letting that one go, Melody hung up the tank top and retrieved another shirt.

    “That brings up another good point.” Veronica said. “How often is Melody little or not little?”

    “We’re still working on that. I think for the rest of today and tonight for sure.” Rosa said. “I think they’ll probably need a break some time tomorrow. It’s something I’m keeping an eye on.”

    That was a perfect answer. Melody smiled and happily hung up some pants. They weren’t sure what to do with the leggings. Those wouldn’t hang well in a closet.

    “That sounds wise to me.” Veronica said. “Is there anything else I should know?”

    “Melody has agreed that I’m in charge of keeping them honest, especially with themself. We negotiated general behavioral caregiving, even outside of scenes.” Rosa said. “I’m curious actually if you have anything like that going on with them.”

    “I do.” Veronica said. “Melody, put those leggings down for a minute and come here.”

    Obediently, Melody shuffled over, hands behind their back. Were they in trouble? They felt like they were in trouble.

    “What did I tell you that I was doing for you, Little One?” Veronica asked.

    “You said you wouldn’t let me fall.” Melody said softly.

    Rosa gasped, hand to her mouth. She leaned over to squeeze Veronica’s hand, eyes shining.

    Veronica smiled kindly at Rosa, squeezing back.

    “That’s right, Little One. That means I’m keeping you safe. I also keep track of your work and school tasks. Is that something you want me to keep doing, or would you like Rosa to do it? Alternately, you could take those back and handle them yourself.”

    “I want Rosa to do the school stuff, but you keep the work stuff.” Melody said. The words had left their mouth before they even considered them. Now that they were out there – they couldn’t say why – but they were glad those words had been said.

    “I’d be happy to do that for you, Niñe.” Rosa said.

    “I’ll send you my spreadsheet on Melody’s school responsibilities.” Veronica said, without any regret or worry in her voice.

    Melody relaxed happily. It felt like their Mom and Mommy had equal things to do now. Dad didn’t have anything, but she was in charge of stuff like fixing cuts and being super calm and authoritative. It would work out.

    “You’re doing a good job with my clothes.” Rosa said. “At least until you got to the leggings. Do you need help?”

    “I’m not sure where to put them.” Melody said. “They won’t hang up well.”

    “You can take your panties out of your dresser and put my leggings there.” Rosa said. “You won’t be needing those, at least for as long as I’m here on break.”

    Melody blushed, squirming.

    “You don’t have to wait on me, Little One.” Veronica said. “Your Mommy gave you a task. Go on now.”

    Now they were really blushing. They hadn’t been waiting for permission, had they? They’d just been – hanging out. With their hands behind their back. Listening obediently. It was so hot and so comforting at the same time.

    “Can we talk about Briana a bit?” Rosa asked.

    “Of course, what’s on your mind?”

    “I changed her after the intervention. I was happy to help out and she’s fun. Do you want me to talk to you before I do things for her, or be more proactive?”

    “Oh goodness, I would love it if you were proactive.” Veronica said, with a big smile. “I think you and I have a lot in common. It’d be nice if you talked to me before you punish Briana, at least the first couple of times. If you see caregiving that needs to be done for her, and you want to do it, please do.”

    “Okay, great. She’s kind of sneaky. I thought it would be a good idea to get some ground rule down in that area right away.”

    “That is a perfect assessment of Briana.” Veronica said, laughing.

    Hah! That would keep Briana from getting away with stuff when Rosa was around. Melody closed their former underwear drawer on the last of Rosa’s leggings. The stacks of panties on the dresser would not be neat enough for either of their caregivers, Melody knew. After a moment’s consideration, they put the panties in one of their cosplay boxes.

    “Rosa, I don’t want to come on too strong. I know Briana has already pestered you about this, but I would love for you to move in. I think you’d be a wonderful addition to the house. If that doesn’t work for you, I completely understand.”

    “I’ll think about it.” Rosa said. “I’d be staying in Melody’s room; and a very important person in this conversation hasn’t asked me if I’d like to move in.”

    Melody stopped in the middle of rolling up Rosa’s duffel and whined. It wasn’t fair! Everyone was rushing things. Asking big stuff like that took courage. Courage was a slow-refreshing resource.

    “Mama.” Melody said. “I don’t know. I love you. But it’s hard to think about stuff right now.”

    “Niñe, I know that’s why we haven’t talked about it. You’re okay. You’re a good kid.” Rosa said. “I’ll get back to you on that one, Veronica.”

    “Of course.” Veronica said. “I’m just stacking things in my favor by letting you know my opinion on the matter before you two discuss it.”

    “So that’s where Briana gets her sneakiness.” Rosa said with a smirk.

    “She’s a Rasmussen.” Veronica said proudly.

    “You’re both pretty formidable.” Rosa said. “You remind me of my abuela. She runs her house.”

    “I’d love to meet her sometime, and your parents.” Veronica said. “Jane is bringing her parents over from Germany after the holidays. It’d be great fun if we could get everyone here at the same time.”

    “I guess that depends on how serious my relationship with Melody is.” Rosa said. “Which is another conversation that needs to wait.”

    “Of course.” Veronica nodded.

    “What’re you doing, Niñe?” Rosa asked suddenly.

    Melody looked over, feeling guilty again. “Nothing. I’m all done with the clothes.”

    “Thank you for doing that. Come here and sit between us.” Rosa said, patting the bedcovers.

    Sitting down with a crinkle, Melody squirmed happily when both women moved in to sit against them.

    “They’re such a good Little One, most of the time.” Veronica said. “Better behaved than Briana, if I’m being honest.”

    “My Melody is a very good niñe.” Rosa said. “That was part of the problem. You were trying to be good for the wrong person, weren’t you, hon?”

    “Yes Mama.” Melody said softly.

    “You’re safe now with us.” Veronica said. “No one is going to hurt you while Rosa and I are here.”

    “And Dad.” Melody said. “I um, Jane.”

    “Oh? When did that start?” Veronica asked.

    “The snow day.” Melody kicked their feet. They’d ended up sitting further back on the bed than Mom and Mama, leaving their feet dangling in the air.

    “I think it’s really sweet.” Rosa said. “If we have to put names on it, I think you and Jane are parental with them. I’m still a girlfriend and glad that I am. But a girlfriend that’s also a caregiver.”

    “That’s lovely.” Veronica said. “Whatever ends up being decided in your relationship and living situation, I think you’re a great addition to the family, Rosa.”

    “In the meantime, what do you want to do with this little stinker?” Veronica asked, gently tickling Melody.

    Melody squirmed, giggling. Whatever the two of them came up with, it was going to be a lot of fun.

    “Actually there’s an errand we need to take care of.” Rosa said. “Melody left their car at the skate rink. Would you mind coming with me and driving my car back? I’m not sure that Melody is good to drive right now.”

    The grip that Rosa had around Melody’s waist suggested that she didn’t want to let Melody out of her sight either. Melody was fine with that, even if it wasn’t going to be a fun thing that they did next. Leave it to caregivers to come up with dumb chores stuff when they could be having fun. The car was fine. It was all locked up and stuff – probably.

    “I’d be happy to.” Veronica said, unsnapping Melody’s cargo pants to check their diaper. “Our little Muppet is still dry, so they’re ready to go. I’m good to go now if you want.”

    “Muppet?” Melody protested.

    “I’d like to get it take care of, so it’s not hanging over my head.” Rosa said, buttoning Melody’s pants back up. Neither she nor Veronica made the slightest sign that they noticed Melody questioning their new nickname.

    “I’m not a Muppet.” Melody insisted.

    “Be a good Little One or we’ll put you in Briana’s car-seat.” Veronica said, smiling.

    Melody’s mouth dropped open. Rosa closed it with a finger under their chin. Things were rapidly devolving into some extremely embarrassing territory. The easiest way out was to be a good Little, even if that came with some squirmy feelings of its own.

    Even if they weren’t in a car seat, Melody still had to sit in the back. Their Littleness had them spacing out and staring at the snow while Veronica and Rosa chatted. It made the trip feel a bit as if they’d teleported to the skate rink.

    “There’s Melody’s car.” Rosa said. “I have their keys. It’s probably easiest to just leave them in the seat they’re in. You can drive Melody back to… oh shit.”

    Rosa pulled to a stop, facing Melody’s car. The little two-door Civic had a light dusting of snow on it. Less snow than another nearby car. It was also a lot less white than it used to be. There were letters scrawled in bright red spray paint all over the vehicle. From the back seat, Melody couldn’t make out more than what was written on the facing side.

    In huge block letters, the paint spelled out, “DIAPER SLUT”.

    “Oh that is enough!” Veronica said sharply. “Rosa, do you mind taking care of Melody while I make a call?”

    “On it.” Rosa said. She left the engine and heater running, popping out of the driver’s seat to climb in the back.

    “Hey Niñe, look at me. That’s plenty of staring at the car for now.” Rosa said gently.

    Melody blinked, realized they’d been staring hard enough to dry out their eyes. They tried to reach for Rosa, but the seatbelt blocked them. Luckily, Rosa was on it. She had the belt off and pulled Melody into her arms right away.

    “She’s never going to stop.” Melody whimpered. “She doesn’t stop. She’s so scary.”

    “I’ve got you. We’re going to MAKE her stop.” Rosa said. “Mostly Veronica will. Mom is on it, okay? She’s already calling someone.”

    “Mommy I’m scared.” Melody said. Crawling into Mommy’s lap didn’t exactly work in the car, but Melody gave it their dammedest squirm.

    “You need a nipple?” Rosa said softly. It sounded like she was teasing. She had better have been teasing! They were in public. That wouldn’t be okay – even if it sounded really good.

    “Mommy not here.” Melody said, squirming.

    “Here’s the next best thing.” Rosa unzipped her jacket, exposing quite a bit of cleavage in her tank top. She pulled Melody’s head onto her chest, cheek to skin.

    A couple more squirms to get into a more comfortable position for leaning over, and Melody was able to relax.

    “Jason, hello.” Veronica said. “Yes, it’s Veronica. Oh goodness, how did you hear? Yes, she came out of the surgery just fine, thank you so much for asking. She’ll be in town soon, actually.”

    “See? She’s on it.” Rosa said softly. “What kind of evening do you want to have? Hanging out with everybody as a Little? Sleepover with your sister?”

    “I want my Mama.” Melody said. “No sleepover. But dinner and stuff with everybody would be fun.”

    “I need a pair of officers, or a detective if you can spare anyone.” Veronica said. “A family member’s car was vandalized.”

    “I think we can do that. You want me to make a special dinner for you and your sister? Just for the kids?” Rosa asked, stroking Melody’s cheek.

    “Can we have tendies?” Melody asked.

    “I’m sure I know who it was and I’m worried that the perpetrator may be violent. She isn’t here at the moment, but I’d feel much safer if you could – thank you Jason.”

    “I said a special dinner, not microwave food.” Rosa admonished.

    “But I like tendies.” Melody said, frustrated.

    “We’ll wait for them at the Skate Arena. We’re the only ones here with our lights on. Merry Christmas to you too. Thank you again.”

    Veronica hung up the phone with a sigh.

    “You’re going to like gorditas too.” Rosa said. “Trust your Mama.”

    “Okay Mama.” Melody closed their eyes and tucked themself a little closer to Rosa.

    “We have two officers and a detective on the way.” Veronica said.

    “That’s amazing, thank you.” Rosa said. “If I’d called – they would have told me to call back some other time.”

    “I wish that weren’t true, but I’m afraid you’re right. That’s a battle for another day. Right now, our family is going to get what it needs.”

    “I took over your dinner, by the way. At last for the kids. I can make something for everyone if you don’t already have plans.”

    “It’s Jane and my turn to cook. We would welcome a night off. What can I do to help?”

    “I might need some ingredients. Do you have masa?”

    “We’ll make a trip to the store.” Veronica said. “To pick that up and any other kitchen staples you need for while you’re here.”

    “That’d be really great. I was a little freaked out when I didn’t see tortillas in the house.”

    Veronica chuckled. “Our pantry is very European.”

    “I didn’t see any saffron in their either.” Rosa said. “You can just say White.”

    Veronica and Rosa laughed together. Melody sighed, relaxing totally. Mom and Mommy did have it under control. They didn’t have to worry. Well, they had one worry, but it was another thing that Mom and Mommy could fix. There was fresh wetness in their diaper.

    “I had a accident.” Melody said softly, snuggling up to Rosa. “I need a change please.”

    “You want a change in the car?” Veronica asked. “It’s a little public, sweetie.”

    “I don’t wanna be wet when the police are here and we’re outside and stuff.” Melody said.

    “I can put a blanket over them. Or – I could if I hadn’t left the house without the diaper bag.”

    “I have mine.” Veronica said, here you go.

    “I’m a bad mom.” Rosa said, ruefully accepting the diaper bag.

    “You are not. You’re just not as practiced as I am. I’ve had Briana in diapers for a lot longer than you’ve had Melody in them.”

    “Fair enough. Okay, scoot down, potty pants.” Rosa said. “I don’t know how much time we have before the cops get here.”

    It was awkward trying to find a position that would work. Melody ended up with their head and upper body under a blanket, but their butt exposed with their feet in the air. Rosa worked quickly, getting them changed and dressed again. Lying under the blanket had built up a lot of giggles in Melody. They all came out when Rosa pulled them close and relentlessly tickled them.

    It was a good thing Mama had done that, because nothing was funny when the police were there. They kept talking about Beatrix and all the horrible things she’d painted on the car. It was their job; but it kept the scariness in the forefront of Melody’s mind. The wind was cold, but not as cold as Melody’s insides when they read words like, WHORE, TRAITOR, and especially DEAD BITCH painted on their car.

    When it was done, Mom drove them back in Rosa’s car. Rosa drove the scary painted car. She was so brave, so good. Melody wondered what Christmas present could possibly be good enough for such a great girlfriend and mommy. Still no ideas, so far.

    At home people were upset. Upset at Beatrix, not Melody, but it was still a bad feeling. Dad’s face turned dark with anger when she saw the car. They were angry for Melody, because they cared. It didn’t comfort Melody though. There was so much anger and scary stuff going on. That was classic Beatrix. She was the queen of drama and chaos.

    “Little One.” Veronica said, taking Melody aside and stroking their cheek. “I have a job for you.”

    “O-okay, I’ll try.” Melody looked up at their mom nervously. The last thing they wanted to do was to disappoint her again. They didn’t feel like they anything left for doing stuff, though.

    “Your sister is really worn out from being Big a couple of days in a row. She’s very little right now and could use her big sibling. Would you mind spending some time with her and watching out for her a little? If there’s anything you can’t handle, call for me, or Jane, or Rosa.”

    “Oh, I can do that.” Melody nodded vigorously. They’d actually been wanting to ask if they could retreat into playing with Briana. This way they’d be helping too! Briana had just taken care of them today, it’d be good to return the favor.

    “You’re such a good kid.” Veronica said. “Do you know that? You’re a very good Little One. I love you.”

    Melody’s lower lip trembled. They stepped in for a Briana-style crash-hug, holding Veronica tightly. “I love you too, Mom.”

    Veronica planted a kiss Melody’s forehead. “Go on upstairs. You can take Briana anywhere in the house, but you need to talk to one of your caregivers if you two want to play in the snow, okay?”

    “Okay Mom.” Proudly, Melody hurried upstairs. There was nothing they could do about painted cars, or horrible threats, or the monster behind those things. They could take care of their sister, though. It was high time to start being a better big sibling.

    Mom hadn’t been kidding about Briana feeling little. She was in her playpen, wearing just a diaper, with a pacifier in her mouth. She had been wearing a onesie, but that was discarded in a corner of the playpen.

    “Hey Bri.” Melody said, leaning over the playpen. “How’s my little sis?”

    “Meh-low-dee!” Briana sang happily. “Can we play?”

    “That’s what I’m here for.” Melody said, grinning. “I’m not sure what games a naked baby can play though.”

    “I’m not naked!” Briana protested. “I have a diaper on.”

    “A diaper isn’t clothes.” Melody said. “I’m wearing a diaper, and clothes too.”

    “I don’t wanna wear clothes!” Briana fussed.

    “Oh, okay.” Melody shrugged in mock sadness. “I was going to play a game with you downstairs in the drawing room, but Mom won’t let us go down there if you’re not dressed.”

    “What game?” Briana asked, coming up on her knees to stare expectantly at Melody.

    “Eh, nothing big. Just some Cloudland.” Melody said. “I think I can figure it out on my own.”

    “You’re going to play Cloudland without me!” Briana’s jaw dropped in shock.

    “I need a bigger room than your bedroom.” Melody said. “Totoro-san found some weird magic trees and it looks like it’s going to be a whole thing.”

    “I wanna plaaaay!” Briana whined.

    “Then let’s get you back in your onesie.” Melody said. “Come on, the stuffies are waiting!”

    With Briana cooperating, Melody got her into her onesie in record time. It took a bit longer for Briana to collect her sword and all the stuffies she thought they’d need. They hustled past the serious discussion in the living room and ensconced themselves in the drawing room.

    As it turned out, it was a good thing that Briana had assembled so much of the Roundtable. The mystery of the weird magic trees turned into an adventure fraught with danger in the form of evil tree squirrels.

    Briana dropped the thread of the story several times, distracted by the bowl of Christmas candy, the snow outside, or simply spacing out. Each time she returned to their play with a big disruptive jump on the pile of stuffies.

    Melody didn’t mind. It wasn’t super serious stuff, just a fun way to keep their sister occupied. They did their best to keep Briana out of the candy, knowing Mom didn’t like her too hyper, and otherwise enjoyed their sister time.

    “Dude, you’ve had enough candies.” Melody said, snagging Briana around the waist before she could raid the bowl of chocolate coins.

    “But we have to get medals! We won the day!”

    “They should be pretend metals this time.”

    “That’s no fun!”

    “But its because – these medals aren’t made of gold. The tree people made them out of special purple wood.”

    “Oh!” Briana nodded. “Okay, we can’t use the coins for those.”

    “Good job keeping Briana from ruining her dinner.” Rosa said.

    “Mama!” Melody grinned happily.

    They weren’t so distracted that they let go of Briana. The little goblin was trying to get at the chocolate coins again. Melody pulled their sister into a squirmy hug.

    “Mom told me to play with her. I’m the big sibling.”

    “You’re a good niñe.” Rosa said. “Your caregivers are proud of you.”

    Melody blushed and squirmed. Sensing emotional weakness, Briana abandoned her attempts on the candy bowl and knocked Melody over with a big snuggly hug.

    “It’s time to wrap up your game though. I have dinner for you.”

    With Rosa’s help, Melody untangled themself from Briana and got them both sitting up with plates on their lap. There were some kind of little corn ball things, cut in half on their plates. The filling looked and smelled delicious.

    “Thanks Mama!” Melody said.

    Briana was notably silent.

    “Something the matter, Briana?” Rosa asked.

    “I don’t like these.” Briana said, pouting.

    “You don’t like gorditas?” Rosa asked skeptically. “It’s the best parts of a taco, inside the corn tortilla.

    Briana wrinkled her nose and poked at one of the gorditas. Melody already had two gordita halves in their belly. Rosa’s description was perfect. They had carnitas, melted cheese, and just enough spicy inside.

    With a smirk, they swiped a gordita from Briana’s plate and took a big bite. “Mm, Mama, that’s so good.”

    “Don’t talk with your mouth full, Niñe.”

    “Hey!” Briana stared at Melody in outrage.

    “I’ll take Briana’s gorditas.” Melody said. “They’re way too tasty for babies.”

    “They’re mine!” Briana protested, scooting away with her plate.

    “I thought you didn’t like them.” Melody said.

    “I never had them before…” Briana admitted, squirming.

    “Mama, you’re a really good cook.” Melody said, reaching for Briana’s plate again.

    “Stop!” Briana snatched away the gordita that Melody had been reaching for. She stuffed the whole thing in her mouth.

    Rosa and Melody giggled as Briana struggled with her mighty mouthful. When she finally got it down, she took a big drink of water.

    “How was it?” Rosa asked.

    “Yummy!” Briana giggled “Sorry I said I didn’t like them,”

    “You get a pass this time.” Rosa said, patting Briana’s head. “I’m going to be a mommy in this house, though. Your mom and I talked about me disciplining you. You know that wasn’t a good girl thing to do.”

    Briana hung her head. Melody felt bad immediately. Poor kid! Rosa was unmoved though. Her stern expression even survived Briana looking up with puppy dog eyes.

    “I need a response, Briana.” Rosa said.

    “I don’t know what to call you.” Briana said. “But I’m sorry, really. I’ll be good.”

    “It’s a whole unusual family situation, but why don’t you call me Tia, or Tia Rosa?” Rosa said. “Tia means aunt in Spanish.

    “Okay Tia Rosa.” Briana said, smiling.

    It was time for Melody to reclaim their mommy. Rosa had a lot less success resisting Melody’s puppy dog eyes and was soon on the floor, Melody in her lap, while Melody finished their dinner.

    “Do we get dessert?” Briana asked. Melody was glad her sister remembered to ask the important questions.

    “Not tonight. It’s been a long day for everyone. Bedtime will be a little early tonight.”

    “But I want to play more with Melody!”

    “If you’re a good girl and get ready for bed quickly, I’ll read you both a story, okay?”

    “Really Mama?” Melody asked.

    “Of course, Niñe. You and I will have a quiet evening after that in our room, okay?”

    “Thank you, mama.” Melody sighed happily and patted their full tummy.

    Rosa got Briana ready for bed while Melody cleared the dishes and helped wash up in the kitchen. They joined their sister in her room, sitting by the crib while Rosa read to them from a little kids’ book. It was kind of a baby book for Melody, but it was cute to hear Briana chiming in on the ends of the rhymes. Listening to Rosa read was soothing too, no matter the words.

    Afterward, when Briana was tucked in and already snoring, Rosa lead Melody downstairs by the hand. She stripped them in the bathroom and put them on the potty. They got a bath and their teeth brushed and everything. Melody blissfully let Rosa do it all, sinking deeper into their Little self.

    In the bedroom, Rosa took off Melody’s robe and laid them naked on the little changing blanket she’d bought on their first Little day. She put Totoro in Melody’s hands and a pacifier in their mouth. A diaper went under Melody’s hips, but there wasn’t any lotion or powder at first.

    Rosa took her time with slow, loving caresses all over Melody’s body. The more Rosa touched her, the less Melody felt the chill of the room. Their nipples crinkled up as a slow flush spread across their body. The lotion entered the picture, concentrated around Melody’s crotch. They gasped and quivered as Rosa gradually brought them to a gentle state of bliss.

    It was the most peaceful climax Melody had ever had. They lay like a wet noodle while Rosa wiped their crotch and powdered them. The padding went on thick and tight, holding Melody in an embrace just as vital as Rosa’s arms wrapped around them.

    Gratefully, Melody sucked on the nipple Rosa offered them. The happy tingles across their skin settled in their heart as a warm fuzzy feeling as they heard their girlfriend and mommy’s breath quicken. With one arm around Melody and the other between her legs, Rosa’s soft voice was whispering beautiful moans in Melody’s ear. She shuddered and sighed, pulling Melody’s mouth off her breast to rest their head on her bare bosom instead. Melody was out like a light.

    The next morning, Melody woke to a dry diaper. That was a surprise, leaving them with oddly mixed emotions. It was nice to not be a bedwetter for sure. Waking up wet had lead to some wonderful baby time though.

    “Rosa?” Melody asked, softly enough that they hoped Rosa wouldn’t wake if she was still asleep.

    “Yes love?” Rosa asked, yawning.

    “I want to wake up like this always.” Melody said, nuzzling into the crook of Rosa’s neck.

    “Are you asking me to move in? Or are you just happy and sleepy.”

    “Please move in.” Melody said. “I’ll call U-Haul today. I mean it.”

    “You sure?” Rosa asked, lifting Melody’s chin so she could meet their eyes.

    “Yes. I love you.” Melody said, going in for a kiss.

    Rosa and Melody sank into each other like they were becoming one person. It felt like correcting a wrong, putting something back together that the universe had broken.

    They shuddered with the intensity of it as the kiss ended. Feeling Rosa’s fingers at the waistband of their diaper did push Melody out of their blissful place a little, though.

    “You’re dry.” Rosa said, surprised. “Feeling big?”

    “Yeah. Yesterday was amazing, but you were right. I need a break.”

    “Whatever you need, my love.”

    “You’re still in charge of the stuff I gave you.” Melody said quickly. “School stuff and – behavior.”

    “Such a good Melody.” Rosa said, kissing them gently again. “I’m here. I’ll take care of you.”

    “I know.” Melody said. “Thank you. I trust you.”

    Rosa shivered, just like she had when Melody called her Mommy the first time. They kissed again, softly exploring each other’s shoulders and backs with light fingers. Reluctantly, Melody pulled away.

    “I have to go to the bathroom.”

    “I know you need a break.” Rosa said. “But it’s a little tempting to hold you down and make you use that diaper, so I can change you after.”

    “Maybe tomorrow?” Melody asked bashfully.

    “You don’t mind me pushing you around a little? It doesn’t remind you of – her?”

    Melody shook their head. “I really like that stuff. Beatrix did it wrong. It was bad and it hurt. When you do it, I know you love me. It feels blushy and sexy.”

    “I’ll keep that in mind. I wasn’t kidding when I said I liked topping embarrassed subs.”

    “I have to get to the bathroom.” Melody said, squirming. “If you keep talking like that I won’t be able to leave – and I’ll have an accident.”

    “No accidents today.” Rosa said, patting Melody’s diaper. “Up you go, Melody.”

    “Okay.” Melody grabbed their robe and walked to the bathroom in a happy daze.

    Morning cleanup was super fast. Everything with Rosa felt too new and private. They needed her to themself as much as possible. The two of them took their breakfast in Melody’s room, sitting under a blanket on the bed.

    “Was everything yesterday okay?” Rosa asked. “You were really little, longer than I’ve seen you do it before.”

    “It’s kind of crazy to remember it all.” Melody said. They hadn’t thought through the half of it yet. A few choice moments bubbled to the fore of Melody’s mind and made them cringe.

    “Did I really let you change me in the back of your car?”

    “You INSISTED on it.” Rosa said, chuckling.

    “I acted Little in front of all the roommates too, all day.” Melody said, squirming. “They must think I’m a dumb baby.”

    “Your roommates love Briana. You were cute and Little, but still not as extreme as she is. I’m sure it’s fine. It may change things a bit, but is that so bad?”

    “I don’t know.” Melody said, staring at their coffee.

    “You’re going to have a live-in mommy.” Rosa said. “It’s not like you were going to be able to be subtle.”

    “I wish we could just live like that right now. We still have to deal with Beatrix and you have a lease and everything.”

    “Veronica’s not planning to raise the rent when I move in. The price for the room will be the same, so I can keep paying on my place until the lease ends.”

    Rosa sighed, nuzzled Melody’s cheek. “Veronica is working on Beatrix. She needs you to come with her today to meet some people and talk about what Beatrix has done. Two different sets of people, at least. I’ll be with you the whole time.”

    “I don’t want to talk about it.” Melody whimpered. “If I have to say the details – it makes it real again.”

    “I know, love.” Rosa said. “It’s going to be hard, but you have to do it. We need to be done with her. Forever.”

    “You’ll be there?”

    “Every single minute, holding your hand.”

    “I’m so scared.” Melody whispered.

    “I’ve got you. Veronica’s got you. Jane has got you. Even your pain-in-the-butt baby sister has got you.”


    “Because we love you. Because you’re worth loving.”

    Tears dripped into Melody’s mug. Rosa took it away and held Melody in her lap.  Though Melody didn’t feel little, they had no control over the tears or their emotions. They sobbed like the world was ending, clinging to Rosa. Soft sobs became loud ones, which in turn lead to a full-on ugly cry. Rosa was crying too, rocking them back and forth. They didn’t know how long they cried for, but it felt like ages. Melody was wrung out and dried out by the end of it.

    Rosa took care of them after, with a wet washcloth for their face and a glass of water. Melody took it gratefully. They climbed into Rosa’s lap, straddling her, and kissed her with every ounce of love and passion they could muster. It must have worked, Rosa’s cheeks were very pink when Melody pulled away to take off their shirt.

    “What are you doing?” Rosa asked.

    “Taking care of you.” Melody said. “I know you like taking care of me, but I also know it’s work. I’m going to make love to you and do everything for you.”

    “You don’t have to…” Rosa said, until Melody interrupted her with another kiss. Her eyes were a little unfocused afterwards. “Wow. Okay.”

    Everything they’d done before had been wrapped up in baby play or Beatrix drama. The baby stuff was fun, really fun, but Melody hadn’t had a chance to show Rosa the benefits of having a subby lover.

    With an adoring heart, Melody worshipped Rosa’s body with kisses and touches. The buildup was beautiful and slow, setting the stage for heart-pounding intensity as they built Rosa to a climax. Several climaxes, taking Rosa a little further up each time, until she was a sweaty mess on the bed. Rosa was begging incoherently, and Melody doubted if even she knew if she was asking for Melody to stop or keep going.

    They coaxed Rosa into screaming into the pillow one more time and snuggled up to her, holding her tightly. She actually fell into a bit of a nap in Melody’s arms. Her soft breaths sounded perfectly content.

    “That was incredible. How…” Rosa shook her head, much later, when she’d come back to herself.

    “It’s easy when I love you so much.” Melody said.

    “Wow.” Rosa laughed. “How soon can we get that U-Haul rented?”

    “Today if you want.”

    “I do, but we have to take care of Veronica’s thing first.”

    “I know.” Melody sighed.

    “You’re not alone. We’re doing it together.”

    “Is it okay if I want to be Little afterwards?” Melody asked. “Or is that running away from stuff?”

    “I think it’s a great idea.” Rosa said. “Doesn’t have to be for the full evening if you just want a nice break from what you had to relieve. We’ll play it by ear, okay?”

    “Thank you.”

    “Thank you, love.”

    Still reluctant, but feeling Rosa’s support around them like a suit of armor, Melody got up and got ready to relieve her experience with Beatrix. They hoped it would be the last time. Every time they explained it, it felt worse. More of their blinders and justifications fell away with every telling, every shocked look from the people listening. That little voice that had protected them, that insisted that what Bea had done wasn’t so bad, was very quiet these days.

    Melody was stuck facing the reality that it really HAD been that bad. It was a terrifying thought. Being Little in the afternoon couldn’t come fast enough.