• A Family For Briana: Chapter 13

    Briana had been watching the clock for over forty minutes. It was now precisely 7am, which is the time that Mom had said they could start getting ready to get the tree. Therefore, it was time for Melody to get up.

    She snuck past Mom while Veronica was getting some coffee (not that mom had said not to wake Melody!), and into Melody’s room. Her sibling was all cuddled up to their girlfriend. They were both so cute, Rosa protectively holding Melody, and Mel in a super soft looking blue onesie.

    Briana pounced! Melody groaned and flailed. Rosa gave a little shout. You had to expect a little chaos after a Tigger-pounce though.

    “Melody, wake up!” Briana said, her excitement bubbling out of her. “It’s time to get ready to get the tree!”

    “Dude, ow.” Melody whined. “I thought Mom told you not to jump on me anymore.”

    “Tiggers don’t jump, they bounce!” Briana giggled. “Though this was more of a pounce – ack!”

    Rosa had grabbed Briana’s pajamas, where the hood was sewn into the neck. Surprisingly powerful for someone not Casey or Gary-sized, she yanked Briana off them by the scruff of her neck! Who was Rosa anyway, to treat a Knight of Cloudland and a Rasmussen like an unruly kitten?

    “Hey, let go!” Briana tried to struggle, only to be very effectively pinned. Having her arms held above her head and Rosa’s leg pinning her own threw Rosa’s naked state into high relief. Maaaaybe she should have given them slightly more privacy. (Santa points -1)

    “What the hell Briana?” Rosa said.

    She didn’t sound amused at all. Briana began to worry that she’d really upset Rosa. (Santa points -1)

    “It’s a thing she does.” Melody said, yawning and snuggling up to Rosa. “Let her go. She’ll be good now.”

    “Will she?” Rosa asked, skeptically.

    “Yeah, or I’m telling Mom that she jumped on me again.”

    Briana squeaked in concern. Now that Melody mentioned it again, maybe there was something Mom had said about not leaping on people in bed. Rosa seemed to take the squeak as confirmation, because she released Briana and rolled over to hold Melody again. That was very selfish of Rosa. Didn’t she know she was warm? Briana burrowed into the covers and cuddled up against Rosa.

    “So this is what living here would be like, huh?” Rosa asked.

    “Oh my gosh, are you going to move in! That would be perfect, plus Gary and Casey are going to help you move your stuff today, so you could just move everything! Gary has a truck!” Briana felt herself vibrating with excitement. The family was getting even bigger!

    “I was asking Melody.” Rosa said, though she laughed. “No, kiddo. I’m not moving in. Melody hasn’t asked me to, even if I wanted to.”

    “Only because I didn’t want to seem clingy.” Melody said, their voice muffled a bit by Rosa’s chest.

    “Please Rosa?” Briana gave Rosa her snuggliest, most welcoming nuzzle. “Melody needs their mommy here, and I really like you, and there’d be even more family, and you’d have so much fun with us!”

    “Slow down Briana.” Rosa said with a yawn. “I’m going to need coffee for this. Can you give us some space? I need to change my baby and get them ready for the day.”

    “Okay, yeah! But hurry please! Gary will be here soon, and Melody and I need to get our tree!”

    Briana crawled over Rosa and Melody. She’d tried to minimize how much knee and elbow was involved in that process, but she got a few grumpy protests anyway. They’d be fine after breakfast. With a grin and a wave, she scurried to the door – and almost collided with Veronica.

    “I was wondering why I had such a noisy little girl this morning and why I was hearing that noise from Melody’s room.” Veronica said. “Did you jump on Melody and Rosa?”

    “Uh – no Mom. It was a Tigger-bounce.” Briana smiled as cutely as she could.

    “Briana, I like you, but I have a bruise on my butt.” Rosa said from the bed. (still grumpy?!)

    “Good news baby bee.” Veronica said. “You’re about to have something in common with Rosa.”

    “Wait, Mommy no! I was just getting them ready for getting the tree! You said we could start getting ready now!”

    “You’re very selective in what you hear me say.” Veronica said. “Hopefully a spanking will re-focus those ears to take in everything, not just the things you like.”

    Briana whined, but Mom had a grip on her upper arm. It was over. Her butt was toast.

    “I’m sorry you got woken up that way, you two.” Veronica said. “I’m certain it won’t happen again.”

    “Oh man Bri. You’re going to get your butt wailed on.” Melody said. They sounded sympathetic at least.

    “Thanks Veronica. It’s all part of the experience. We’re fine.” Rosa yawned. “We’ll be up in a few.”

    “Take your time.” Veronica said. “Breakfast will be ready when you are.”

    Briana was dragged to the living room. Not that she was resisting, but Mom was walking fast and her legs were way longer. She was afraid that Melody was right, this was going to be a big one.

    “This is an ongoing problem with you, Briana.” Veronica said, pulling Briana over to the living room couch. “When you get excited about something, you stop thinking about other people. It’s fine to be excited, but not to give people bruises or intrude on their private space.”

    “I’m sorry Mom.” Briana whimpered. She gazed up at Mom as contritely as she could. There was obviously no way out of a spanking, but she had to save the trip to get the tree at all costs. “Are you going to spank me right here?”

    “Yes.” Veronica said. “But first you’re going to go up to my room and get my hairbrush. The lacquered wood one.”

    Real fear trickled into Briana’s belly. “No, mommy please, not the hairbrush.” Pulling out all the stops, she got down on her knees to beg. “Please momma, I’ll be such a good girl. I’ll be the best girl ever, all day, I promise.”

    “I’m still waiting for my hairbrush.” Veronica said, her mouth set in a hard line.

    It was worse than she thought! Mom was actually upset with her. (Santa points -2) As fast as she could force herself to go, Briana stumped up the stairs. The hairbrush was in it’s usual spot on Mom’s dresser. She picked it up, making eye-contact with Dad.

    “Do you need your hair brushed – oh, I see from your expression that’s not to be used on your hair today.” Jane said.

    “Daddy.” Briana whimpered. “Mom is gonna give me a super big spanking.”

    “Hmm, she doesn’t usually do that without a reason. Does she have a reason?”

    “I sort of jumped on Rosa and Melody this morning.” Briana said. “But I was just really excited to go get our tree!”

    “Then you better go get your spanking. You know better than to do that.” Dad said. “But when we get the tree, I’ll get you some chocolate.”

    Briana smiled and gave Dad a quick hug. “Thanks Daddy!”

    “Don’t forget your chore.” Jane said. “I still need Melody’s ring size. We don’t have a lot of time left.”

    “Oh! Okay Daddy, I’ll get it today, promise!” Briana saluted and scampered out of the room.

    “You’re pretty eager to get your spanking.” Veronica said with a raised brow when Briana came rushing down the stairs.

    “I know I made a mistake.” Briana said, handing Veronica the hairbrush. “I’ll try to be a better girl when I’m excited. I’m really sorry, and I love you, I want to be a good girl, I promise. I’m trying really hard Mommy, and I told Daddy what I did wrong too.”

    Anticipatory fear of the spanking, plus remembering scary stuff from the last few days helped Briana squeeze out a couple of tears. She looked up at Veronica with her best contrite expression.

    “A virtuoso performance.” Veronica said, dashing Briana’s hopes. “You are very good at that, but it doesn’t work on me anymore. Bend over my knee right now, young lady.”

    “I’m sorry Mommy, I really am!” Briana whimpered as she laid herself over Veronica’s lap.

    “You’re often sorry about these things.” Veronica said, pulling open the butt flap on Briana’s pajamas and yanking her diaper down. “I don’t notice much behavior change until you get a spanking, though.”

    That was really unfair! Using her past behavior against her? Who even remembered stuff from a while ago? Briana braced herself as best she could.

    The sting from the hairbrush was breathtaking. Loss of control was instant, Briana screamed. She was crying on the second stroke, snotty on the third. Her butt was on fire, but every stroke still came through in all it’s bright agony. Ten whole smacks from the hairbrush reduced Briana to a blubbering mess that could only apologize over and over.

    Mommy was stroking her hair. Bit by bit, Briana managed to calm down. Her butt still stung enough that she couldn’t help but twitch her cheeks every minute or two. A creak followed by a gust of cold air heralded the front door opening.

    “Wow, that’s a view.” Gary said.

    Briana blushed and squirmed. Her red butt and whole business was pointed right at the door. Unfortunately, Mom’s response to her squirms was just to hold her down.

    “Good morning Gary.” Veronica said. “Just doing a little course correction on the baby.”

    “I’m not a baby.” Briana whined. “I’m potty-training. I have a big sibling.”

    “If you can’t remember things your mother said from just a few days ago, then you’re a very little baby.” Veronica said. “What do you think, Gary?”

    Gary had crouched down and was petting her head. Briana nuzzled her snotty nose against him desperately.

    “She seems pretty little. Maybe she needs an extra thick diaper and a day in her crib.” Gary said.


    “Gary!” Briana whined. “You’re not helping! I hafta go get a tree today!”

    “I’m sure you will, but I don’t think you’re going to do it as a big girl.” Gary said.

    “I tend to agree. Will you be alright going out as a Little Girl today, Briana?” Veronica asked.

    “If I’m not dressed too little it’ll be okay.” Briana said, with a couple of final sniffles for extra sympathy.

    “Do you want to get her dressed?” Veronica asked Gary. “She has a snowsuit she can wear over anything you put her in. Rosa won’t be ready for a half hour or so, she’s getting Melody ready.”

    “Yeah, I was hoping I’d get a chance.” Gary said.

    Mere seconds separated Briana being released by Mom and her being whirled into the air by Gary.

    “It’s really okay if I’m Little on the tree shopping trip?” Briana asked.

    “It’s a big Christmas thing. You should get to enjoy it Little-style.” Gary said.

    “I’m looking forward to it.” Veronica said.

    Up in her room, Briana insisted on lots of lotion on her stinging bum, as well as medicinal kisses. Gary put her in one of his favorite outfits, a rabbit-print onesie and fuzzy tights. With the snowsuit on, nobody would know she was a stealth baby!

    “I can’t wait to give you your Christmas present.” Briana said, giggling as Gary put her shoes on. “You might hafta open it in private though.”

    “Oh?” Gary asked, looking up curiously and hornily.

    Briana’s giggles redoubled. “You’ll see.”

    “Well you better not be wearing makeup when you open mine, because it’s going to make you cry.” Gary said with a  smirk.

    “Gary! Unfair. Penalty flag on the field.”

    “Flag on the play, baby girl.”

    “But they throw the flag on the ground.”

    “How are you less sporty than your programmer sibling?”

    “How are you even sporty! You’re a nerd!”

    “A nerd with guns.” Gary said, flexing.

    “That is a stupid reply.” Briana said, stroking Gary’s magnificent biceps. “I’m only allowing it because of how sexy you are.”

    “Don’t start.” Gary said, scooping Briana up. “I have to help Rosa and you have to go tree shopping.”

    “You can just bring all her stuff over if you want.” Briana said. “You brought your truck right? She can totally move in if she wants.”

    “I think maybe I’ll let Rosa make that decision.” Gary laughed and headed downstairs, carrying Briana against his chest with her head on his shoulder.

    “Melody and Rosa are dumb about this stuff, we have to help them.”

    “Uh huh. Didn’t your help just get you a big spanking?”

    “Yes and now I’m a very good girl who should get treats for how good she is.”

    “I don’t think it works that way.” Gary gave Briana a gentle squeeze and a long soft kiss before setting her on the couch.

    “I’ll miss you.” Briana said. “I wish you could come tree shopping. You will be here on Christmas, right?”

    “I promise, love.” Gary said. He turned to Rosa, who was similarly fussing over Melody. “You ready to go?”

    “Yeah, thanks for doing this.” Rosa said, taking a deep breath. “Listen, if Beatrix is there, you don’t have to do anything big. Just kind of – block. I’ll call the cops if I have to.”

    “If Beatrix is there, I hope you’ll tell the cops that I had a really good reason for laying her out.” Gary said grimly.

    “Do not get me started on that vigilante stuff.” Rosa said. “I’m a hair away from it right now.”

    “Yo, we ready?” Casey asked, bounding into the room.

    “Casey, you are like three times as much of a jock as you used to be since you started dating Maryam.” Briana accused.

    “That’s because she converted me to her religion.” Casey said. “I was always about the gym, but now it’s the Iron Church.”

    “Nice gains, for real.” Gary said.

    Casey fist bumped Gary. FIST BUMPED. This nonsense needed to stop immediately. Briana hopped up and started herding her ridiculous boyfriend and roommate out the door.

    “Out! This is a nerd house. We have a theatre kid in here for the goddess’s sake!”

    “Goddess?” Gary asked.

    “Look who else is picking stuff up from someone else.” Casey said. “You’re gonna be a wicca like your mom?”

    “Maybe!” Briana said, belatedly realizing she had no idea what Mom meant when she said that. “Go! Get! Help Rosa!”

    “Looking forward to staying a few days with you, you little loca.” Rosa said, chuckling. “Melody, you play nice with your sister while I’m gone.”

    “I will. Be safe.” Melody said nervously.

    “She’ll be fine. Look at the huge himbos she has with her.” Briana said, rushing to give her sibling a hug. “Melody you need to focus. We have to pick the bestest tree!”

    Melody managed a smile as they waved to Rosa and her bodyguards. “You’re really excited huh?”

    “I haven’t had a Christmas tree in ages!” Briana said.

    “Yeah, me either.” Melody rubbed their short hair. “After I was about six or so, my bio-Mom said no more trees. They were ‘satanic’.”

    “Oh Sib!” Briana squeezed Melody until they yelped. “Now we have to get a TRIPLE awesome tree!”

    “Just don’t get so wound up that no tree could possibly be the right one.” Melody said. “We have to find one that we like.”

    “You’re right.” Briana said, snuggling up to Melody. “That’s why you’re the big sibling.”

    It was the perfect amount of cuteness and it got Briana her own crushing hug from her sibling. She sighed, trembling with happiness.

    Briana bounced around so much on the ride to the tree farm that Jane threatened her with a car seat. She didn’t care. Everything was coming together for a magical day. She collected her scalding-hot cup of apple cider while Jane borrowed a saw and followed her family out into the mud-churned snow between the trees.

    The ones near the tree farm office were terrible, all the good ones had been picked out already. They ranged further ahead, even splitting up a bit to cover more ground. Jane and Melody were on their own, hand in hand. It was a good time for a talk with Mom.

    “Mom. Are you Wiccan?” Briana asked.

    Veronica came to a stop and faced Briana. Her face was very serious.

    “Why are you asking?”

    “I want to be like you. I said that thing you say about the goddess and Casey asked me if I was wiccan like you.”

    Veronica sighed. “Briana, please listen carefully. My beliefs are very personal. Spirituality is very personal to me. I don’t believe that children should take on their parents spirituality unless it’s something they really believe in.”

    “But how do I know if I believe in it if I don’t really know what it is?” Briana asked.

    “I could let you join me at an Esbat.” Veronica said. “You could see if it’s something that interests you. If so, we could move on from there.”

    “Wait, I know that word.” Briana said. “That’s a coven meeting. Mommy, are you a witch?!”

    Veronica chuckled and rubbed her nose. “This conversation is me paying for the religious conversation I had with Michelle.”

    “What do you mean? Doesn’t Grandma have the same religion?”

    “Your grandmother is a Satanist.” Veronica said. Briana’s jaw dropped. “Her beliefs are complicated and I won’t be trying to explain them.”

    “But isn’t that…”

    “Do not say evil.” Veronica said. “If you want to find out what your grandma believes, you need to ask her.”

    “Okay but, can you answer my question? Are you a witch? Mommy, I just want to get to know you. I didn’t get to grow up with you.”

    “Oh baby bee.” Veronica leaned down and gave Briana a gentle hug. “Yes, I consider myself to be a witch. It’s a proud tradition for Rasmussen women. Magna Grandma was a prominent witch.”

    “You didn’t tell me that when you told me her story!” Briana protested.

    “There is so much story about Magna Grandma, it can’t all be told at once.”

    “Are you going to put a spell on Beatrix? Is that how you’re going to get rid of her?”

    The swat on Briana’s rear came out of nowhere. She looked at Veronica, more surprised than shocked. It hadn’t really hurt, though it had made her already reddened butt tingle a bit.

    “That is NOT to joke about. I don’t practice fell magic.” Veronica said. “Not that I need to. Beatrix will get her behavior returned to her threefold, and it’ll destroy her. I’m just going to accelerate the process a little.”

    “Okay, I’m sorry! I don’t know this stuff.” Briana said.

    “I’m very private about it.” Veronica said. “I wish Casey hadn’t said anything, but I guess it’s good she did, if you were talking about the Goddess. There hasn’t been time to tell you everything about me yet, sweetie. I don’t know everything about you yet either.”

    “I just love you so much mama.” Briana said, snuggling close. “I want to be your baby girl totally and in every way.”

    “You are.” Veronica squeezed Briana tightly. “We’ll get there. Now, go find me a good tree. I trust you to pick a perfect one.”

    With a grin, Briana scampered forward. The first three trees she picked out were perfect! Well except for the part where they wouldn’t physically fit in the house. Adjusting her expectations down from massive twenty foot pines, Briana wove through the trees, scouting them carefully on all sides.

    “I found it! I found it Mom!” Briana said, bouncing on the frozen mud.

    When Veronica finally caught up to her, Briana could tell she was impressed. The tree was super round, without any holes in the branches or spots of disease. It was JUST tall enough to reach the ceiling without being too big.

    Veronica inspected the tree carefully, but she couldn’t find a single fault. When she texted Jane to come find them, Briana cheered in victory.

    “This is a good tree, Bumblebri.” Jane said, nodding.

    “I like the one I found.” Melody said, kicking at the mud.

    “It can’t be better than this one.” Briana said.

    “It is a little shorter.” Jane replied.

    “Fine, we’ll get this one.” Melody said. “But only because the little baby wants it.”

    “Nuh uh! I found the best tree!” Briana giggled, throwing a pinecone at Melody.

    Melody rushed her. The two of them wrestled back and forth, giggling, until Jane and Veronica pulled them apart.

    “That’s enough, you two.” Jane said. “I’ll get started cutting. Ronnie, do you want to go back and let them know it’s a twelve foot noble fir?”

    “I get to get out of the carrying?” Veronica smiled and kissed Jane on the cheek. “Happily, my love.”

    “Kinder, I want you on each side of the tree. Hold on to a big branch so it doesn’t fall before we want it to.” Heedless of the frozen, muddy ground, Jane lay down and slid under the tree with the saw.

    It was scary holding onto the big tree, but Briana managed it. She helped carry the top end alongside Melody, even though it was super far back to the car. (Santa points +1) There was a second cup of hot cider waiting for her, giving her a warm tummy to go with her warm diaper on the way home. Dad remembered her chocolate too, stopping at a coffee shop on the way home and getting both kids a cookie.

    Ignoring her soggy butt in favor of decorating, Briana was a frenzy of decoration. She couldn’t reach high to put on the lights, but she was a good helper keeping the string untangled for Jane. There were so many cool ornaments to put on the tree. She and Melody were sweeping up needles while Jane watered the tree when Veronica approached them with a pair of wrapped boxes.

    “Mom, what’s this?” Briana asked, taking the fist-sized (regular person fist, not Briana fist!) box in her hands.

    “Open them.” Veronica said, smiling. Jane came over to watch, putting her arm around Veronica’s waist.

    Carefully (just kidding) – with reckless abandon, Briana shredded the wrapping paper. Inside was a pretty white box with a red snowflake on it. Within the box was a globe ornament. The ornament was soft white and gold, with two inscriptions on it. One side read, ‘Baby’s First Christmas’. The other said, ‘Briana Tess Rasmussen’ with the current year following.

    Tears blurred the ornament out of Briana’s sight. She turned to her sibling, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. Melody was holding an almost identical ornament, in red and gold. They were crying too.

    “Mommy! Daddy!” Briana said, throwing herself against them.

    Melody bumped up on her side. “Mom, Dad.” They whispered huskily.

    “Happy Christmas.” Jane said. “Joyous Yule.” Veronica said.

    “I hafta find the perfect place to put it.” Briana said. She grabbed Melody’s arm. “Can we put ours together? Please?”

    “Yeah, I’d like that.” Melody said, shyly.

    Hand in hand, they approached the tree. There was a spot with a bit of a hole in its ornament coverage. Briana remembered chastising Mom about that. Clever mommy. The two of them put their ornaments on neighboring branches and fell into a tight hug.

    It wasn’t even Christmas yet, but the magic was already here.

    They’d been snuggled tight together on the couch for only a few minutes when Rosa and her himbo escort returned. Gary and Casey were apparently in a contest for who could carry more stuff, leaving Rosa’s hands free.

    “Welcome back.” Veronica said. “We thought you’d get back before we were done. Was everything alright?”

    “Beatrix made a visit to my apartment yesterday. I had to explain some stuff to my roommates. Nobody’s hurt, but they’re not happy about the drama that came down on them. I brought a few extra things. I promised my roommates that I’d stay here until the Beatrix thing is done, if that’s still okay.”

    “It is more than okay, you are welcome here.” Jane said. Veronica nodded.

    “Yay! For the part where you’re staying here!” Briana said, hopping up. “Rosa, I know you just got back, but can I borrow Melody? They need to go Christmas shopping!”

    “What, I don’t get to come with?” Rosa asked.

    “Not if they’re going to get you a present!”

    “Then how is Melody going to get you a present?”

    “Yours is more important.” Briana said. Rosa looked a little surprised at that. Briana was a bit surprised at herself too. Melody and Rosa had just gotten back together. They needed a super good Christmas present.

    “Isn’t somebody going to have to go with you two?” Gary asked.

    “You can come if you want, but I’m going to be big for this.” Briana said. “Tell him Mom, I was a super big girl the day you had to visit Grandma.”

    “It’s true, she managed very well.” Veronica said.

    “Does that mean school is a go?” Gary asked.

    “I registered for classes and everything!” Briana said, grinning.

    “That’s great news!” Gary picked her up and twirled her around. Briana grinned and showered his face with kisses.

    “Okay, I’m going to get big. Rosa, can you get Melody ready?” Briana asked, twirling to a stop when Gary put her down.

    “Isn’t anyone going to ask me?” Melody asked, frowning.

    “Nope!” Briana said. “You’re little right now. I asked your mommy instead.”

    Rosa chuckled and gave Melody a squeeze. “This is worth it just to see you get all flustered, Little One. Go ahead Briana, I’ll get them ready.”

    Upstairs, a quick Shazam!, and Briana was ready to be big. There wouldn’t be any goth-armor today. She was going to be one hundred percent Briana, but as a big girl. A pullup was still a wise decision and she put sparkly white tights over it. Over those went some ripped jeans. A super cute pink long-sleeve blouse peeked out from under a shorter-sleeved cream colored sweater. Makeup and hair done, Big Briana was a go!

    Melody’s car was still somewhere else, so they took the bus. Gary had some stuff of his own to do. Silly boy. It was good in a way, though. Briana was feeling the need for some quality sibling time.

    “This is weird.” Melody said, when Briana took their hand as they exited the bus.

    “Because I’m the big one?” Briana asked.

    “Shh.” Melody said, squirming nervously. They were adorable in their puffy coat and sweat pants, almost as bundled up as they’d been for the sledding day.

    “Nobody is going to pay attention to us, look how busy everyone is.” Briana said. “Come on Sib. You’ve got a ton of shopping to do if you don’t have any presents yet!”

    “What do you mean? I only have to buy a couple.”

    “You need nice presents for Mom, Dad and Rosa. You should get something small for the rest of the roommates. Tamira and Arthur are going to be over for Christmas, so it’d be nice to get them something too. Same with Gary.”

    “And something for you too.” Melody said. “That’s a lot.”

    “Only if we worry about it that way.” Briana said. “Come on, let’s do the little presents first. Maybe it’ll give you ideas for the other ones.”

    As they shopped, Melody relaxed. The knickknack shops had all kinds of ridiculous stuff that Briana and Melody had a great time with. At one of the shops, Briana got Melody to put costume rings on all their fingers, discreetly buying the pinkie ring when her sibling was distracted by some candy. Within two hours they’d knocked out all the casual presents and had a good idea for their parents.

    “You’re sure they’re going to like mugs with my picture on them?” Melody asked nervously.

    “They LOVE sappy stuff. I told you what I was getting them.” Briana said. “Plus it’s not your picture. It’s a carving on a handmade mug based on a picture of you. They drink coffee and tea constantly. They’ll love it.”

    “Okay but – what do you want for Christmas?” Melody asked.

    “I have everything I want.” Briana said, temporarily freed of her present lust by her big state. “I have a family. I have you. A real Christmas.”

    “Okay, but what do you want for a present?” Melody asked stubbornly. They were getting a little fussy. Briana steered them toward a café where they could get a snack.

    “I’ll love anything you get me. I just want to spend time with you.” Briana said.

    “That’s not – oh, wait, never mind. I figured it out.” Melody said.

    “Oh?” Briana asked, while she handed Melody a brownie and a bottle of apple juice.

    “I can’t tell you about your present, dummy.” Melody said. They chomped on the brownie with gusto.

    “Don’t call your babysitter a dummy.” Briana admonished. “I’ll spank you.”

    “I told you.” Melody said, talking through a mouthful of brownie. “You can’t spank me.”

    “Close your mouth when you’re eating or you’ll find out how wrong you are.” Briana said, in a very good imitation of Veronica’s mommy tone. “There’s a family restroom right there.”

    “I wasn’t…” Melody blushed, looked at the family restroom, and doubled down on the blush. They ate their snack quietly after that.

    After taking Melody to confirm that they wanted the mugs, Briana wandered the streets with Melody’s hand firmly clasped in hers.

    “Still no ideas for Rosa?” Briana asked.

    “No.” Melody sighed. “It has to be perfect.”

    “It just has to be from you, with love.” Briana said.

    “I want a perfect one!” Melody fussed.

    “You’re that cranky after a brownie?” Briana asked. “Do you need a change?”

    “No!” Melody said petulantly.

    Rolling her eyes, Briana put her arm around Melody. She guided them out of the flow of traffic, popped open the back of Melody’s waistband, and took a whiff.

    “Hey!’ Melody said in a strangled whisper.

    “You need a change.” Briana said. Patting Melody’s butt revealed that their diaper’s bulk was about to show through their baggy sweats. “You’re soaked. Why didn’t you say anything?”

    “Didn’t wanna.” Melody said. “You can’t change me out here, people will see.”

    “I know a place that will be private. Follow me.”

    Briana tugged Melody along by the arm until they reached the Black Veil. She parked Melody by the door and motioned the owner over.

    “Hi Wendy.” Briana said quietly. “I have a couple of favors to ask.”

    “Anything for you sweetie.” Wendy said. “What is it?”

    “I need you to check what size this ring is.” Briana said, handing Wendy the costume ring. “Also, that’s my sibling, Melody by the door there. They need a change. Can I use your back room?”

    “Of course hon. You know where it is. Is the ring a secret from Melody?”

    “You got it.”

    “I’ll slip you a note with the size on it on your way out.” Wendy said with a grin.

    “Thanks!” Briana grinned.

    It took a bit of effort to get Melody to agree to go into the back, but once they did, they were happy to be in a locked, private bathroom.

    “What’s this place anyway?”

    “This is where Mom gets most of her clothes.” Briana said, laying a changing blanket on the floor. “She’s super good friends with the owner now. I’m getting to be friends with her too.”

    “Did you tell her…”

    “I did.” Briana said. “She’s seen my diapers and Mom basically changed me in here. She won’t say anything and she’s super nice. Her name is Wendy.”

    “I still don’t like it.” Melody huffed, crossing their arms.

    “You’re just fussy because you’re wet.” Briana said, knowing the feeling well. “Get on the blanket.”

    Despite their protests, Melody was pretty docile. They lay down and let Briana strip their lower half. She regretted not having a stuffie for Melody to hold while they were being changed. She had a lot to learn about being a mommy still!

    “There’s still more than a week until Christmas.” Briana said. “Don’t stress. If you don’t find a present today, that’s okay. We got almost all your other shopping done.”

    “Thanks for taking me.” Melody said, squirming under the wet wipes. “You’re a really good sister.”

    “Aww.” Briana grinned, sliding a diaper under Melody and giving their butt a familiar pat. “You’re a great sibling. I’m so happy you moved in.”

    “Me too.” Melody said softly. “I couldn’t have gotten away from Beatrix without you, and Mom, and Mommy. I’d still be – Bea wanted me to not be me anymore. It was so scary.”

    “Oh sweetie.” Briana knelt by her sibling and stroked their hair. “That sounds terrible. You’re a brave kid for getting away from her.”

    “I’m dumb. I should have known what she was like.”

    “You’re my super smart sibling. Lots of people get trapped in relationships that hurt. You knew enough to get out.” Briana said, giving Melody’s shoulder a squeeze.

    Melody hissed in pain. Briana frowned.

    “You’re not cutting yourself again are you?”

    “No, Beatrix bit me.” Melody said. “To uh, mark me.”

    “Let me see.”

    Briana helped Melody gently out of their coat and one side of their top. There was a broken circle on Melody’s shoulder, blue, black, and shading yellow.

    “This is a nasty one!” Briana said. “Didn’t Rosa see this?”

    “She did, but it wasn’t as bad then and I was crying pretty hard.” Melody said.

    “Melody, I love you.” Briana said, holding Melody’s head in her lap. “That monster will never touch you again. Rasmussens protect their family. I won’t allow her to hurt you.”

    “Thank you.” Melody whimpered.

    They curled up around Briana, tears leaking down their nose and cheek. Watching her sibling cry, Briana felt her fear of Beatrix turn to rage. She’d never been a violent person, but in that moment she wanted Magna Grandma’s gun. Something old-timey with a huge bore size that would send Beatrix into another dimension.

    “I think we’re done for today.” Briana said, stroking Melody’s neck. “I’m going to take you home and we can both be little together. Maybe Little Briana has some better ideas for a present for your mommy.”

    “Yes please.” Melody said.

    Briana got her sibling bundled back up and helped them to the shop’s front room. Wendy gave Briana the promised note with Melody’s ring size, and was caught off guard by the fierce hug Briana gave her.

    “Wendy, you know your customers pretty well, right?”

    “I’ve got a great memory for faces, why?”

    “Has a girl named Beatrix ever come in here? Our age, blonde, pretty?”

    “Hmm, I think maybe a year ago.” Wendy said. “I can’t be sure, but the name rings a bell. Kind of a harsh person?”

    “That’s an understatement.” Briana said. “I know this doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but please don’t ever let her shop here again.”

    Wendy frowned, searching Briana’s face. Her gaze flicked over to Melody’s tear-streaked face and her frown deepened.

    “Everything matters. Your mother knows that. What we do comes back, three times three.” Wendy said. “She will never darken my store again.”

    “Thank you Wendy. I owe you.”

    “Then I charge you to come get a dress all on your own sometime.” Wendy said with a smile.

    “Done.” Briana said, grinning. “Come on Melody, we’re going home.”

    They sat cuddled together on the bus. It took an effort to stay big all the way home, which meant a sort of collapse to little when they did. That was okay though. There was a mom, a dad, AND a mommy waiting for them. Melody and Briana got all the care a Little could hope for.