• A Family For Briana: Chapter 15

    Briana sat on the floor and watched Mom put her war paint on. It was the serious stuff this time. Same black eyeliner as always, but the black eyeshadow was dusting with blue on top. Lipstick and nail polish were both dark blue, like an angry sea. Briana had only seen Mom with blue makeup on once before, before she was little, before Mom was Mom.

    Everybody in the house had walked on tiptoes that day!

    Watching carefully, Briana watched Veronica mouth words to herself in the mirror. Was it a prayer, a spell, or a motivational mantra? Mom didn’t say. Frustrated, Briana blew air at a lock of hair that had fallen over her eye.

    Why won’t Mom let me in on that part of her?

    “I’m almost done, baby bee.” Veronica said.

    “I’m not bored. I’m just watching you, Mom.”

    Mom didn’t rise to the bait. She turned her head to the sitting room. “Are you ready, Jane?”

    “Yes my love.” Jane stepped into the bedroom. She was wearing a suit! Dad looked amazing in a suit.

    Why hadn’t she unlocked this power before? Briana wondered. Maybe it was too much awesome. The city would have to issue a warning.

    “Are you sure you want me with you today?” Jane asked, stepping over to pat Briana on the head.

    “If you’re going to be Briana’s father, then you need to start participating in these sorts of meetings. I want them to see and recognize your face.”

    “Very good. Did Gary say if he was available to come watch the rug rat?”

    “I’m not a rug rat!” Briana said indignantly. “I’m a big girl!”

    “You are MY rug rat.” Mom said. “And baby bee, and baby girl, and the cutest girl ever. But you need to be an actual big girl this afternoon. Gary is coming over to discuss the open Microbiology assistant positions.”

    “Not for babysitting?” Briana whimpered.

    “This is part of going back to school. You’re still on less Big time than you will be when school starts.” Jane said.

    “But it’s almost Christmas.”

    “Those positions won’t wait until the next quarter starts. Big Briana knows that.” Jane said, crouching down next to Briana. “I know it’s difficult, but I know that you can do it.”

    Resigned to her fate, Briana sighed and nodded. “Yes Daddy, I can.”

    “That’s my daughter. I’m proud of you.”

    “We both are.”

    “You’re sure there’s no way for me to help Melody?”

    “Not today, baby bee.” Veronica said. “You’re not ready for that yet. Besides, you’re going to be needed to play with Melody when they get back. They’re not going to want to be big anymore.”

    “Oh, can we go sledding again?”

    “In a day or two I hope we can.” Jane said. “Mom and I will be out until the evening. We have a lot of errands we have to run. Rosa will be your caregiver when she gets home.”

    “That’s caregiver, not babysitter.” Veronica said. “Rosa is a mommy in this house, do you understand, Briana?”

    “She already told me about that, Mom!”

    “I’m not surprised she did, but I’m telling you now. Do you have an answer to my question?”

    “Yes Mom, I understand.” Briana huffed at her hair again.

    “I told her she’s welcome to spank you as hard as you need, if you misbehave.” Jane said. “She agreed that she would.”

    “Daddy!” Briana protectively grabbed her padded butt.

    “If you are a good girl, it won’t matter, will it?” Jane asked.

    “I’m always a good girl, Daddy!”

    “Don’t get yourself into lies this close to Christmas.” Veronica said. (Santa Points -1)

    “Okay, okay, I get it! Sorry Mom, sorry Dad.”

    Briana fluttered her eyes contritely at her parents. It worked! She was relieved. Her cuteness hadn’t been nearly as effective lately.

    Arm in arm, Mom and Dad marched down the stairs. Briana followed them, scooting on her butt, holding on to Little time as long as she could. She felt a little guilty. It was a great way to avoid thinking too much about what Melody was about to go through.

    Little Briana could only register Melody having to go give statements about Beatrix, as a scary thing. Upsetting, but devoid of all kinds of extra stuff that Briana knew was lurking around those words.

    Melody looked terrible. They were gripping Rosa’s hand hard enough to hurt her. She wasn’t complaining, just wincing. Melody was all in big clothes, with their own war paint on. Meme shirt, meme jacket, and a Totoro keychain clutched in their fist.

    Rosa was double-brave, she was the only one not wearing war paint. She had on her least-sporty, least muscly stuff. A soft blouse and comfortable pants that screamed mommy. She was so different from Veronica, but Briana had to admit that she seemed like a good mom. Briana re-affirmed her promise to be a good girl.

    When Gary arrived, everybody else left. Briana got a hug and a couple of good kisses from her boyfriend before she had leave being Little behind. She steeled herself for Big time. It seemed like an enormous hassle to change all the way out of her Little clothes, then back in. With Gary’s permission, Briana tried being big in her baby clothes.

    It worked, to a point. Big Briana was pretty uncomfortable in a big diaper, but still trusted Gary enough that she didn’t mind wearing it around him. There was a bit of fuzziness to her focus. It was hard to remember to not use the diaper, too. By the look on Gary’s face, he had a bit of mental whiplash too, when Briana got up on her own to use the bathroom.

    Overall, project hybrid Briana was a success. She didn’t need to retain much information, all the interview dates were in her phone, while the applications were already submitted. A bit more guilt surfaced when she signed the applications Briana Rasmussen.

    Will they accept me for Mom, and not for me? Briana wondered.

    Big Briana could see the wisdom in not overusing her influence. If she abused it, she’d be left wondering if her achievements were her own, forever.

    Gary had to leave before Rosa and Melody got back. That was sad, but in a way it was nice to be able to tell him she loved him as Big Briana. The dreamy look on his face was one to think about. She’d have to save at least a little bit of Big time for her boyfriend. Not just the sexy kind of time, either.

    At loose ends, and scared to go Little when she was alone, Briana occupied herself with some chores. Erin had been almost completely exempted from chores due to her forty hour shifts, but Casey and Suzie both had things that needed doing. Little Briana chose to count those good deeds on her own ledger. (Santa Points +1)

    When Rosa and Melody finally returned, Briana plopped down on her butt in relief. Big Briana vanished in a puff of baby powder. Back to baby, Little Briana assessed her sibling.

    Melody looked sad and tired, but not as bad as Briana had expected. There was a look of determination in their eyes that was really impressive. If Briana knew her sib, she’d guess that they felt like they’d just leveled up.

    “What have you been up to, Briana?” Rosa asked.

    “I had to be big until you got back. Gary left a while ago, so I was doing chores.”

    “Good girl!” Rosa said, with an unfair amount of surprise in her voice.

    It shouldn’t be so surprising that I could be a good girl, should it?

    Briana’s mouth fell open as she realized that she hadn’t done anything at all to win Rosa over as a caregiver. (Santa Points -1). In fact, if she was being TOTALLY honest, and she had to be because of Santa and Krampus, she’d been a bit of a brat. (Santa points -1) Maybe even a huge brat. (Santa points -1)

    All that meant is that Rosa had some more great surprises in store! Briana was going to show her the very best baby ever! She and Melody both needed some fun, that was super clear to see. If Baby Briana was anything, she was fun.

    “Are you ready to be Little? Like we talked about in the car?” Rosa asked Melody.

    “Yes Mama.” Melody smiled gently.

    “Can I come with you?” Briana asked. “It’s okay if you want privacy! And I’m sorry about jumping on you with my Tigger bounce. But if it’s okay – I don’t want to be alone.”

    “Yes sweetie, it’s okay. Thank you for the apology.” Rosa had Melody’s hand in hers and stopped to pat Briana on the head. “Melody and I really needed some time when we first got here, but you two are siblings. I’m sure you’ve been changed in front of each other.”

    “Uh, yeah.” Melody said, blushing.

    “Yep!” Briana confirmed. Rosa was headed to Melody’s bedroom. Was it both of their bedroom now? Regardless, Briana crawled after them. “Can we have a sleepover tonight? I won’t jump on anybody, I promise.”

    “I think we can do that.” Rosa said. “How does that sound to you, Niñe?”

    Melody nodded. “Okay, but in my room.”

    “Our room.” Rosa said, solving that particular question.

    “I wish my crib was big enough for both of us.” Briana said. “It would be so snuggly.”

    “I’m too big for a crib.” Melody said sourly.

    “Don’t be a jerk to your sister, or you’ll get an age-downgrade, Niñe.”

    “Sorry Mama.”

    Briana watched in fascination as Melody was stripped from the waist down only. Rosa put Melody in pullups! Down on the floor, in footie pajamas and a stuffed diaper, Briana was feeling tiny.

    “I’m going to be the only baby?”

    “That’s right.” Melody said smugly.

    “You’re both wearing protection and you’ll both need a change at some point, I’m sure.” Rosa said. “Don’t make me regret our conversation in the car, Melody.”

    “I just want to have fun being the big one.” Melody said contritely.

    Briana watched Rosa dress Melody in overalls and thick fuzzy socks. They got to keep their meme-shirt on! Briana was the little one for sure. But that was okay, she was always the little one. Rosa had taken charge as soon as she came in. It felt safe to be really little around her. The question was, did Rosa want a really little Briana?

    Huffing at her hair, which was apparently her new favorite thing, Briana rested her elbows on her knees, and her chin on her hands. She was all geared up for a really good sulk, when Rosa knelt next to her.

    “Let me see that diaper. Lie down for me Briana.”

    With a pout, Briana lay back. Rosa went confidently for the two fingers under the crotch of Briana’s diaper. It made Briana very squirmy to be so casually checked. Some hidden reservation still had her fighting a full descent into being little.

    “Still dry, good girl!” Rosa said encouragingly. “You crawled when you followed us. Are you feeling really little?”

    “Kinda.” Briana said, fidgeting over to her stomach and kicking her feet.

    “I think Melody wants to play video games. Do you want to play with your big sibling?”

    Briana popped her thumb in her mouth. Animal Crossing had gotten to where it felt like chores. Her brain was worn out from the applications that Gary had helped her with. Learning a new game sounded like bleh.

    “Nuh.” Briana said.

    “I see where you’re at. Can you crawl to the living room with us? Melody, you come with. You can play on the Switch this afternoon.”

    “I wanna play Elden Ring.” Melody said.

    “Not right now. Mommy wants to sit by the tree, and Briana needs some quiet time. You have lots of games you like on the Switch.”

    Briana dutifully followed Rosa to the living room and crawled up on the couch. Melody was booting up some weird game called Monster Hunter. It was probably going to be super scary. Her big sib liked scary games.

    Rosa brought a plate of cookies from the kitchen and a mug of cocoa for Melody. Briana found herself pulled into Rosa’s lap, with a bottle of chocolate milk at her lips. The first sip was a big surprise. It was Mom’s milk, with chocolate added!

    It was so tasty that she grabbed the bottle herself, sucking greedily at it. Rosa grinned and giggled at her, stroking Briana’s tummy. In short order, Briana had a full belly and a wet diaper. Happy relaxed feelings spread out from her tummy all the way down to her tippy toes.

    Briana dozed for a while on Rosa’s lap. From time to time, Melody would ask them to look at what they were doing. There was usually some big monster on the screen and lots of flashing lights. It wasn’t too scary, especially while Rosa was holding her. Between Melody’s demands for attention, Rosa stroked Briana’s hair or gently tickled her. She even sang in Spanish a little. Briana didn’t know the words, but the songs were nice.

    “Hey Bri, you have to see this.” Melody said, tugging on Briana’s onesie.

    “I can see it from here.” Briana yawned.

    “No you’re not really looking!” Melody said urgently. “Come where I’m sitting, I want to show you something.”

    A reluctant squirm poured Briana off Rosa’s lap and onto her belly on the carpet. Melody’s insistence didn’t stop, they tugged Briana’s arm until she was sitting next to her sib on her squishy padding.

    Melody pointed at the screen. Their character was there, in all kinds of weird feathered clothing. It was pretty but Briana didn’t see what was so special about it. At least, she didn’t until the little kitty people in the game started singing and throwing what looked like rice balls around. It was ridiculously cute.

    They made skewers of something called bunny dango. Brightly colored balls decorated with little faces sat on the skewers. As soon as they hit the plate, they were gulped down by Melody’s character! Even the doggy got a meal.

    Briana giggled and clapped her hands. “Oh my gosh, do it again!”

    Melody was happy to oblige. The sequence was basically the same, though with slightly different skewers. There was another restaurant in the game with a different song and dance for the food. Briana giggled and giggled, snuggling up against Melody.

    “You want to play?” Melody asked, offering Briana the controller.

    “No, you play. Is there more cute stuff?”

    “Yeah, let me show you the cats and dogs going off on a mission.”

    Briana leaned her head on Melody’s shoulder and watched the antics on screen. There were lots of fun pets in the game, but the combat seemed scary and stressful. Melody was really good at it though, her character almost never got hit by the monsters.

    The afternoon was turning out really nice. It was a magical Christmas break moment, of which there had been very few growing up. Now she was snuggled up to her big sib, cheering Melody on against whatever wacky monster they came across. She was soggy in the pants too, really soggy. Briana wasn’t sure when that had happened, but potty training was clearly not happening today.

    Melody got chicken nuggets for dinner. Rosa fed Briana some mac and cheese that had noodles shaped like little bunnies. Briana sang the bunny dango song between bites. After dinner, Rosa slid a changing blanket under Briana and popped her diaper open right next to Melody.

    It was nice to get out of the heavy diaper. Rosa had a gentle style and was still feeling playful. Briana got a lot of giggles in from being tickled around her waist or behind her knees. She curled up on the floor next to Melody, ready for a nap while Melody played.

    Rosa returned from cleaning up the used diaper looking at her phone. “Hey kids, we have a bit of a situation. Melody, I need you to find a spot to save and turn your game off, okay?”

    “What’s going on?” Melody asked, frowning.

    “Veronica’s mom just landed at the airport. She didn’t tell Veronica she was coming until the plane was already in the air. Veronica sounds stressed. She wants us to make sure the house is clean, so I need your help.”

    “Okay Mama!” Melody said, turning the game off.

    Briana sat up in shock. Grandma was on her way? Right now? She looked around in a panic. The house was pretty clean. She didn’t even know where to start.

    “Start in the kitchen, Melody.” Rosa said. She crouched down by Briana. “Are you up for being a helper, sweetie?”

    “I didn’t know Grandma was coming today.” Briana said, wringing her hands. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if she will like me.”

    “I’m sure she will love you. Can you go into Melody’s room and straighten the covers?”


    Briana crawled as fast as she could. It took her a while from her knees, but she managed to get the covers nice and even, with no wrinkles. When she’d done that, Rosa had her dust the coffee table and chairs in the living room. All the while, anxiety was building up in Briana until she felt like she was going to lose total control and mess herself.

    The final task, sweeping up pine needles with a little broom and dustpan, was impossible. The needles barely moved on the carpet. When Briana could get them in the dustpan, she’d forget and tip them back out. Her hands were shaking, she could feel a massive cry coming on.

    “Hey sis, need some help?” Melody asked, kneeling next to Briana.

    “I can’t pick them up and Grandma is gonna be mad and so is Mom!” Briana panted, just on the edge of sobs. “I’m supposed to do this one but I can’t. I’m too Little and Grandma isn’t going to like it!”

    “I finished my chores already, I’ll help you okay? You just hold the dustpan.”

    “O-okay.” Briana said, sniffling.

    She gripped the dustpan with both hands, holding it firm against the carpet. Melody had piles of needles into the pan in no time. They even took the pan from Briana when the needles were cleaned up so she wouldn’t worry about spilling.

    Briana sighed and struggled to her feet. She caught Melody when they were dumping the needles in the kitchen trash, and hugged them tightly.

    “I love you.”

    Melody hugged back in surprise. “I love you too, Bri.”

    “You’re so brave and smart and cool. I’m so glad you’re my sib.”

    “Oh, hey sis, you’re pretty cool too.” Melody said, giving Briana a big squeeze. “I’m really glad you’re my sister.”

    “I’m scared about Grandma.”

    “I know. Me too.”

    “You don’t look scared.”

    “That’s because if I look scared, the baby might cry.” Melody said with a wink.

    “The bab – I’m not a baby!”

    “Yes you are. You’re my baby sister.”

    Briana sighed and leaned her head on Melody’s shoulder. She felt safety and love envelop her. Safety and love were interrupted by a pat on her diaper.

    “That’s very sweet but it doesn’t look like taking the garbage out.” Rosa said. “Come on Melody, last chore.”

    “I had to wait for the pine needles.” Melody said. “I’ll get it now Mama.”

    “Briana, can you help me pick out a tea cup for your grandma?”

    Briana nodded vigorously. Tea cups were a big deal, Mom and Dad had a couple each. Briana had her own cup and her own mug for cocoa. Everybody had their own mugs, actually, but the rest of the roommates put coffee in theirs.

    She searched the fancy cups while Rosa made tea, finding a pretty blue one with an intricate pattern on it in the back of the cabinet. It looked old. Briana carried it reverently to the tray Rosa had set up with the rest of the tea.

    “That’s a pretty one. Good job. They’re almost here. Let me see you.”

    Rosa grabbed a washcloth and scrubbed a couple of spots around Briana’s lips, washed Briana’s hands too. Neither of them could remember when her hands had gotten sticky, but they giggled about it. There was enough time left to brush out Briana’s hair and secure the errant locks with some barrettes before the door burst open.

    “Rosa, can you help me with these suitcases?” Veronica said, sounding as stressed as Mom ever sounded.

    Rosa rushed over to help with a suitcase that looked like an old-timey steamer trunk. Briana hid behind the couch from the blast of cold air – and Grandma.

    Veronica dragged a second suitcase in. Just behind her, Jane stepped through the door with an older lady on her arm. Michelle, Grandma, looked like the kind of lady that would play a Duchess or a Queen on television. She was perfectly calm in all the fuss around her, taking careful steps over the threshold and leaning on a cane.

    Grandma was wearing a pretty sky blue dress with white winter trees printed on it. She had a fuzzy looking purple shawl and a blue hat to match her dress. Her hands were gloved in white. Only her cane wasn’t fancy, it looked like it had come straight from the hospital.

    “You’re such a dear, Jane, thank you. I can manage on my own now.”

    Grandma’s voice wasn’t like a super old lady. In fact, it sounded like a even firmer version of Veronica’s busy tone. Briana hadn’t known that was possible.

    “We’ll get you set up on Suzie’s room. She’s agreed to room with Erin through the holidays. Is there anything you need right now, Mom? How’s your cough?”

    “The cough is fine, Veronica, thank you. What I need is to meet my granddaughter.”

    Briana shivered. She felt a hand on her shoulder, looked over to see Melody giving her a smile. Buoyed by a warm squeeze on the shoulder from her sib, Briana stepped out from around the couch.

    “Mom, this is Briana.” Veronica said it with such love that Briana’s heart almost burst. “Briana, this is your grandma.”

    “Do you have a hug for your grandma?” Michelle asked. “I have one for you.”

    Hesitantly, Briana waddled over to Michele. They reached for each other awkwardly. The moment the hug was joined, Briana felt herself crushed against Michelle. It was such a big hug that Grandma got a little unsteady on her feet. Briana hugged back tightly, leaning into Grandma to steady her.

    “You’re a good hugger.” Grandma said, stroking Briana’s cheeks. Grandma had tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face. “What a precious baby girl you are. I’m so glad I finally get to meet you.”

    There was no judgement. No confusion even. Grandma was just – grandma. Briana’s vision was getting as blurry as Grandma’s must have been. She crashed against Grandma, gently, to deliver a trademark Briana hug.

    “I’m so glad you’re here, Grandma. Are you okay? Mom said you were really sick. She was super worried about you.”

    “I’m fine sweetie, it’s lovely of you to ask. I know I worried Veronica, she’s a sweet girl, always has been. I’m sorry I worried you all. I’m much better now.”

    “Briana, why don’t you help Grandma take a seat on the couch?” Veronica asked.

    “Oh no you don’t.” Grandma said, sharply. “Don’t you treat me like an invalid. I have two more family members to meet, and I won’t be meeting them like an old lady in a rocking chair.”

    Briana watched in awe as Veronica’s spine stiffened. It felt like the sharp words had gone right over her head, probably because Grandma had given her an extra squeeze while she was talking.

    “Briana, instead of what your mother asked, why don’t you introduce me to your sibling and Rosa?” Grandma asked.

    Briana looked up briefly at Mom. It felt weird to have Mom’s order reversed. Veronica shrugged with a bemused look on her face. Nodding to Grandma, Briana waddled over to Melody and Rosa, who were holding hands by the fireplace.

    To everyone’s amusement, Briana insisted on pulling them over to Michelle. She didn’t know what was so funny about it. These kinds of things had to be done properly. Briana could see that Grandma approved, at least.

    “Grandma, this is Melody. They’re super smart and brave and I love them very much.”

    “Hello Melody.” Michelle said, stepping in for a hug. Melody hugged back, a bit more hesitantly than Briana had. Grandma had no hesitation, she gave Melody the same big hug she’d given Briana.

    “Hi um…”

    “Grandma dear. We can give me a silly nickname later.”

    “Okay – Grandma.” Melody squirmed and blushed. Briana’s heart was doing rainbow circles in her chest!

    “And this is Rosa. She’s really nice and a super good mommy and she’s moving in with us. Melody added her to the family.”

    “I’ve heard good things about you, Rosa.” Michele said. The hug was a little more sedate between the two of them, but still really warm looking.

    “Thank you, Ms. Rasmussen.”

    “Oh no. You call me Michelle, or Auntie if you want to.”

    “Oh, so you’re adopting Rosa now?” Veronica asked with a snort.

    “I will if I want to. That’s enough sass out of you, Vonnie.”

    “Yes Mom.”

    “Now that that’s settled, I think I will sit down for a bit.”

    Jane moved fast, taking Michelle’s arm and helping her into an armchair. Grandma fussed at her, saying something about not treating her like she was going to break, but Briana had seen Grandma lean hard on Jane.

    “Rosa.” Briana tugged on Rosa’s sleeve. “Can we get the tea?”

    “That’s a great idea. Melody, come help us.”

    Rosa brought the teapot, Melody had the tray of cups. Briana was in charge of the sugar and cream. She was also tasked with bringing people their cups once they were full. Rosa poured the special blue cup first.

    “How do you take your tea, Grandma?”

    “Is that my cup?” Grandma asked in surprise.

    “I picked it out for you, is that okay?”

    “You kept my teacup?” Grandma asked, looking up at Veronica.

    “Of course I did, Mom. You love that cup.”

    “You could have tossed it. The house is yours now.”

    “I never would have, you know that. It’s very cute that Briana found it out for you.”

    “Heck of a grandchild I have.” (Santa Points +5) Grandma said. “Cream and sugar, don’t skimp on either, Briana.”

    With a happy grin and a wiggle, Briana fixed her Grandma’s tea. Once everybody had their drinks, she sat at Grandma’s feet. As soon as she did, Grandma stroked her hair. Briana sighed happily and leaned into Grandma’s leg.

    “Jane and I were able to get everything done. We’re set up to deal with Beatrix tomorrow.” Veronica said.

    Briana bit her lip. She could feel tension spiking in the room. Melody squeezed Rosa’s leg and was pulled in for a one-armed hug.

    “I think we can leave that for tonight.” Grandma said. “Let’s enjoy the evening.”

    “Mother, this is important. I’m sure that Melody wants to know that this will all be over…”

    “Veronica Ashley Rasmussen.” Grandma said. Her voice was soft in volume, but hard in tone. Mom’s mouth closed like it was on springs.

    “That’s quite enough dear. We are having a lovely evening and there’s nothing we can do about that awful woman right now. I’m proud of you, that you’ve taken such good care of your family. But this is family time, not time for business.”

    “Thanks Mom – I’m sorry.” Veronica said.

    “I’m much more interested in if I’ll get a chance to spoil these kids before Christmas.” Grandma said. “How much time can I have with them? There are only a few Christmas events left, and I’d like to take the kids to all of them.”

    “I’m sorry, Jane, we need to go back to the hospital. They sent us the wrong mother. Did you just say you wanted to celebrate Christmas events? Michelle Rasmussen, renowned Satanist, is going to go to the Festival of Trees?”

    “That’s rich coming from my Wiccan daughter.” Grandma said with a laugh. “That’s not a yule tree you have up there. I see several Santa Claus decorations up, and reindeer too. What happened to your lecture about Catholic appropriation of pagan symbols and the historicity of Christ?”

    “It’s for…” Veronica began.

    “the kids.” Grandma finished with Mom.

    Mom and Grandma both laughed. Mom seemed to relax, snuggling up to Jane. Maybe she didn’t have to hold herself up so hard when her Mom was around. Briana loved Grandma just for that.

    “We have many traditions to observe this year.” Jane said. “Michelle, would you be wanting to help the kinder on Christmas Eve? They have to clean the house that night, or Krampus will snatch them.”

    Briana whined. Dad didn’t need to keep reminding her about that. It’s not like she created a mess – not much mess anyway. In a panic she remembered the juice box she’d stuffed under her dresser in her room.

    “Don’t worry sweetie, Grandma will make sure you get everything done so that you’ll be safe.” She patted Briana on the head.

    Happily Briana relaxed into her Grandma again. The conversation flowed between Mom, Rosa, Grandma, and Dad, planning out all kinds of cool stuff for Briana and Melody. The added layer of family wrapped Briana like a security blanket. She would have dozed off right there if pressure in her rear didn’t make her fidget.

    Grandma stroked Briana’s back and deftly squished her diaper. Briana blinked back to full wakefulness when she heard Grandma sniff her.

    “This one is going to need a change soon.” Grandma said.

    “Oh, we take Briana to the potty for that, almost all the time.” Veronica said.

    “Then it’s overdue to be Grandma’s turn.” Grandma said, standing up and holding out a hand to Briana.

    “I uh…” Briana looked at Mom and Dad in confusion. Uncertainty about being helped with the potty by Grandma was only a little of her worry. She’d felt how unsteady Michelle was.

    “Are you sure you’ve sat enough for that, Michelle?” Jane asked.

    “Are you sassing me, young lady?”

    “Not at all. It’s my job to worry about my family.” Jane said calmly.

    Grandma chuckled. “I appreciate the concern, but I feel steady and I’m ready to take this young lady to the restroom. Unless she keeps gaping on the floor like a fish, instead of taking my hand. In that case I’ll have to give her a swat first.”

    “Eep!” Briana hastily took Grandma’s hand.

    The pressure in her rear and the size of her diaper made Briana a little wobbly on her feet. Grandma had some wobble too, despite what she’d told Dad. Between the two of them they worked it out.

    Diaper down, sitting on the potty, Briana watched Grandma while she waited for her body to do its thing. Michelle was smiling warmly at her, leaning on the bathroom counter. Briana felt dizzy. The woman in front of her had gone from a worrying unknown, to an essential part of the family, in the space of an hour.

    “I love you, Grandma.” Briana said, as sincerely and seriously as she could.

    “Oh sweetie, thank you. I love you too.” Unbothered by Briana’s current state, Grandma stepped over to give her a warm hug.

    “You have to listen to Dad.” Briana said. “I’m gonna need a grandma for a long time, okay?”

    Grandma dabbed her eyes. “Briana – I’ll be careful, thank you. Will you help me sometimes? It’s hard to be strong and then rely on other people.”

    “I know that!” Briana said with a giggle.

    “I suppose you do.” Grandma laughed, kissed Briana on top of her head. “You done there, hon?”

    Briana nodded. Grandma got her cleaned up and her diaper back on. She also leaned more on Briana on the way back to her chair.

    “I’ve been informed,” Grandma said as she sat carefully down, “that I have to take better care of myself. That I need to listen to my daughter and her girlfriend. Apparently, I have to stick around for a while, at this one’s request.”

    “Laid low by your own granddaughter?” Veronica asked with a happy smile.

    “There’s no shame in it.” Grandma said with a shrug.

    “Melody can help too Grandma.” Briana said. “Melody, do you want to come here with Grandma and me? Please?”

    Shyly, Melody got up and approached. Grandma squeezed their hands and patted them on the back. After a moment’s hesitation, Melody took a seat at Grandma’s feet, across from Briana.

    “You’re looking pretty good there, Michelle.” Jane said.

    “I’m a fortunate woman.” Grandma said, patting both the kids gently. “About time too. I was beginning to think Veronica would never adopt.”

    “You wanted her to adopt?” Melody asked in confusion.

    “She didn’t tell you? Veronica is adopted. So am I. So was my mother. It’s a tradition Magna-Grandma started and it’s been good for the American Rasmussens.”

    “There hasn’t been time to tell them everything about the family.” Veronica said.

    “You’d think that one would have come up when you were signing adoption papers.”

    “Mom doesn’t tell me ANYTHING.” Briana complained.

    “Your mother is a very private woman. Has been since she was a little girl. You ask your grandma anything you need to know. Especially if it’s an embarrassing story about your mother.”


    Rosa laughed. “This feels a lot like home. I don’t mean the house. I mean the family in my house back home.”

    “It sneaks up on you.” Jane said. “Welcome to the family, Rosa.”

    Rosa beamed. Melody was smiling too. Briana was vibrating. Well, vibrating between yawns. Not that she was sleepy! She dumped a bunch of sugar in her cold tea and lifted the cup.

    “Briana, don’t you dare. It’s past your bedtime.” Veronica said.

    “But I want to stay up with Grandma. I’m supposed to have a sleepover with Melody.” Briana said, looking up at Grandma pleadingly.

    “Grandma’s not going to be up all that longer either. If you want me to read you a story, bedtime should be now. You can have your sleepover tomorrow.” Grandma said.

    Pouting, Briana hesitated. Mom’s eyes narrowed and she knew she was defeated. She put the cup down and climbed to her feet.

    “My room is upstairs and sometimes it’s hard to walk with a big diaper on. Can you help me go upstairs, Grandma?”

    Veronica and Jane beamed at Briana. (Santa Points +1) Grandma chuckled ruefully and nodded. Briana made a big show of having Grandma hold her around the waist as they climbed the stairs.

    “Your mom has you well set up. This is a beautiful room.” Grandma said, as she ‘helped’ Briana to her crib. Michelle sat down heavily in the chair next to the crib as soon as Briana was in bed.

    “Grandma, I don’t know what Mom said about me, but if you have questions and stuff…”

    “Shh.” Grandma plucked the pacifier off the crib and pressed it to Briana’s lips. “Not tonight.”

    “Someday soon, I’m going to take you on a day outing. You and I will have a long conversation about how you are, and how our family is. It’ll be at our own pace, with plenty of time. Right now it’s time for stories and for babies to sleep.”

    With a nod and a happy sigh, Briana took the pacifier in her mouth. Grandma picked a book at random and started reading. She was really good at doing the different character voices. Briana snuggled deep into her blankets, excited to get the Grandma version of every one of her books.