• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 19

    Thanksgiving was finally here! Briana was so excited, that Veronica accused her of having already gotten into the cookies. Mom didn’t understand. It was Thanksgiving. That meant amazing food, and a big party, and friends! Friends everywhere, all over the house.

    When Jane told her how many people were going to be at dinner Briana had almost burst on the spot.

    “Seventeen.” Briana informed Alanna, her stuffed lioness. “That’s how many people are going to be here.”

    Alanna understood how amazing that was, of course. She had some other stuff to say though, like how it was going to be extra hard for Briana to keep up her potty training when she was so excited. Briana pouted at her lion. Alanna was right, but that didn’t mean she had to bring the mood down.

    “It’s okay.” Briana assured Alanna, “I can do this. I’m a big girl now. See?”

    Briana pulled up the cute skirt Mom had put her in and showed Alanna her pullups. (Yes they were dry!) Tucking Alanna under her arm, Briana checked herself out in the mirror. She was wearing a pale purple skirt, pleated and falling just over her calves. Her blouse was a very grownup black with a red heart on the chest.

    Mom had helped her paint her nails purple, and even let her put some chapstick on. The most grown up thing of all though was the silver chain with a garnet pendant around her neck. Even Briana’s fiery hair was done up. It had gotten long since Veronica had taken over as her mom. Suzie had styled it up for her in curls that were carefully held in place by barrettes with violets on them.

    “We got this, Alanna.” Briana said. “For the honor of Cloudland!”

    Now transformed into her knight persona, Briana flounced downstairs. Everything was so cool and special for the holiday. All the furniture was out of the big living room, replaced by a huge table. That table was decked out with pretty plates, crystal glasses, and Jane’s best silverware. Orange, red, and brown flower arrangements contrasted perfectly with the cream colored tablecloth.

    Briana inspected the place settings carefully. She’d been entrusted with most of the table setting. Everything was still in place. A few of the name cards had fallen over, but those were quickly set upright. Arranging the seating had been agonizing. Everybody should get to sit with their friends of course, but Briana had so many of them at this dinner. Who was she supposed to sit with? Gary, Tamira, Melody, Mom, Dad, Casey?

    Eventually she decided on sitting next to Tamira, because she didn’t know a lot of the people who would be here. On her other side she placed Melody’s girlfriend, after a LOT of debating. She really wanted to sit next to Melody, but she also wanted to get to know Rosa. Melody would still be close enough, she thought.

    Gary had to sit on the other side of Tamira, so he could be close too. After that the pieces mostly fell into place. The final hurdle was that Veronica insisted on sitting at the head of the table, and Jane at the other end. It still worked out, even if Suzie’s friends got split up a little.

    Alanna was not as interested in the seating arrangements as Briana had hoped she’d be. The lioness-knight reminded Briana that she had a duty. Tamira might have some information on how to help Melody.

    “I know, Alanna.” Briana said, exasperated. “I didn’t forget.”

    Alanna had some more stuff to say about the last time Briana forgot things and besmirched her honor. Briana stuffed the lioness’s head into her side to quiet her and went to find her mom.

    “Can I do anything else to help?” Briana asked as she crossed into the kitchen.

    Veronica looked over from her conversation with Jane, and smiled at Briana. Lots of people’s kitchen would be in total chaos an hour before Thanksgiving dinner. Not Veronica’s and Jane’s! Everything was either done or finishing up in the oven. A few things were staying warm on the stove but most of the food was already in bowls and on plates, standing ready on the regular dining table.

    “You look so darling!” Veronica said, leaning down to smooth Briana’s shirt. Mom didn’t have to lean down to fix her clothes, but Briana loved it when she did. It made the little-feelings all happy inside her. For a while she hadn’t liked being the shortest one in the house, (shortest by far!) but now she loved it.

    “Am I really pretty?” Briana did a twirl so her skirt would flare out.

    “Prettiest little girl ever.” Jane said with a smile.

    Briana beamed. Alanna’s nose pressing into her side reminded her to be a big girl. “Can I help?”

    “You’re such a good girl for asking.” Veronica said. “Table looks good, food is mostly ready. You could pour water into the glasses if you want and if you’re super careful.”

    “I can do it!” Briana declared. “I won’t spill a drop.”

    “That’ll be easier if Alanna supervises from in here.” Jane said, holding out her hand.

    Briana pouted, but she was a knight right now and couldn’t refuse Dad’s request, not when it made so much grownup-sense. With Alanna safely deposited in Jane’s arms, Briana carried the heavy water pitcher back to the living room.

    As she was pouring water (without a spill!), the door opened. Melody and Rosa stepped through, bundled up and stamping snow off their boots.

    “Melody!” Briana exclaimed. She remembered to set the water pitcher down carefully and raced over to the new arrivals.

    “Hey kiddo.” Melody said, with a fond smile.

    Melody was wearing diapers all the time now, and Briana was so happy. She really hoped they would get a chance to play together as Littles before the break was over. The only reason she figured they might not was that Melody was spending a lot of time with Rosa. That was okay, because Briana was super happy for that too.

    “I’m Briana.” She announced to Rosa, curtseying like the proper Knight she was.

    “Hi, I’m Rosa.” Rosa said. She wore a light coat even in the snow just like Casey did. Melody and Rosa were both dressed fancy, Melody in an almost-suit and Rosa wearing a really pretty dress that showed off her shoulders.

    Rosa seemed pleased to be greeted, but maybe a little flustered too. That was okay, lots of people were nervous around knights. Briana would just have to make double-sure that Rosa had a good time.

    “I’m so glad you came! Melody really likes you, they talk about you all the time. So it’s great you could come to our dinner.”

    “Oookay that is a thing you just said.” Melody said, blushing. They scooted Briana back toward the table. “We interrupted you in the middle of pouring water, right?”

    “Right!” Briana hurried back to her task, tongue protruding slightly from her lips as she concentrated on pouring the water. She heard Rosa laugh behind her, which was a great sign for her having a good time.

    The next one to arrive was Gary, just as Briana finished filling glasses. He was hardly in the door before Briana collided with him, squeezing him tightly.


    “Hey Bri.” Gary laughed and scooped Briana up, kissing her tenderly on the lips. “Sorry I’m late.”

    “You’re late? It’s like, forty minutes until people are supposed to get here.”

    “Look at you keeping track of time.” Gary smiled. “I’m your official-unofficial babysitter tonight. I was supposed to be here about a half hour ago to help you before the party.”

    “I didn’t need help, I’m a big girl!” Briana said, holding her arms up in victory.

    “I can see that. You look very pretty tonight.”

    Briana grinned, kissing Gary again. She wiggled until he set her down. “Suzie did my hair, and Mom did my nails, but I put the outfit together.”

    “You did a great job. Is there anything you’re working on right now?”

    “I just finished filling water glasses.”

    “Good girl.” Gary took a quick look around the living room. It was clear for the moment. He flipped Briana’s skirt up and peeked in front of her pullup. “Very good girl.”

    Briana beamed and nodded. “I’m doing really good right now.”

    “You’re also pretty excited. I think this is a good time to get you on the potty, just in case, okay?”

    Briana nodded, taking Gary’s hand and letting herself be lead to the bathroom. Anything for him, especially if he was giving her such nice compliments. Gary helped her get her skirt up and her pullups down, and set her on the potty. She didn’t think she had to go, but even with all her work that wasn’t something she could always be sure about.

    While they waited, Briana looked up at Gary, unselfconscious about her situation. “Gary, you’re sitting next to Tamira and Casey.”

    “Did you do the seating chart?”

    “Yeah!” Briana grinned. “I’m sorry I couldn’t sit you next to me but I needed to sit next to Tamira on that side.”

    Gary laughed easily. He reached out to ruffle Briana’s hair out of habit, but pulled back just in time to avoid messing up her fancy do.

    “That’s okay, I’m sure we’ll spend plenty of time together tonight.”

    “Can you stay over?” Briana asked hopefully.

    “I don’t think so sweetie. This party is a big event for everybody here. I don’t think they want to host overnight guests on top of that.”

    “Can I go home with you then?”

    “Have you been missing me?”

    “Lots!” Briana nodded. There was finally a tinkle in the potty under her, which was a relief for worries about staying dry at dinner. “I used to see you every day.”

    “I’m not sure if you can come over but I can ask, okay?”

    Briana nodded. Even though she was sure she was done, she waited until Gary got her up and wiped her clean. He fixed her pullup with lots of flirty touches that made her really hope she could have a sleepover. A sexy sleepover. Briana giggled to herself.

    When Gary whisked Briana off to her room, she began to suspect that Mom may have asked him to keep her out of the way. Ordinarily that would be an uncool-mom move, but right now it was resulting in awesome Gary time. Mom got a pass. (this time)

    Sitting in her crib with the side down, Brian got to hear all about what was going on at school. Gary had it kind of tough, his advisor was dumping a ton of work on him.

    “I know what could help.” Briana said, trying and failing to conceal a grin.

    “Oh? What’s that?”

    “You could take me to your place for the weekend!” Briana said, bouncing. “I know it’d be some work taking care of me, but you’d be on break, so you wouldn’t have school stuff or work stuff.”

    “We could play pretend, and color, and eat all kinds of junk food.” Briana said, then shifted her tone lower. “And I’d make sure you’d forget all about school for a while.”

    Gary blushed. Gary! Blushed! Briana’s eyes sparkled to see him shifting with sudden nervous energy.

    “Wow. Um, yeah, that could be pretty fantastic. We’ve never done anything long-term like that.”

    “You always take care of me so good Gary.” Briana hopped out of her crib and pressed herself gently against him. “I could take care of you a little too.”

    “Huh.” Gary grabbed his belt and adjusted his pants. “Yeah, let me talk to Veronica. I think this is something we have to work out.”

    Briana held out her arms. Gary obliged by picking her up. As soon as she was in his arms, she kissed him sweet and slow. That kiss went on for a while, until they both had nice pink cheeks.

    “You are amazing.” Gary said with a dreamy look on his face. “My Briana.”

    “Yours.” Briana agreed, clinging close.

    “All mine?” Gary asked curiously.

    “All yours. Casey has a steady girlfriend.” Briana wasn’t sad at all, and she made sure her tone let Gary know.

    “So for right now we are exclusive.” Gary said, satisfied.

    That didn’t satisfy Briana though. She sat up a bit in Gary’s arms to meet his eyes. “Gary, I don’t know what my heart does. I’m not saying forever. But I feel stuff about you that I don’t feel for anybody else.”

    “Yeah?” Gary searched Briana’s eyes curiously.

    “Yeah. I love Mom, and Dad, and – Melody, but it’s family love.” Briana kissed Gary again. “I love you different. Special.”

    “I love you too.” Gary had to blink a few times to clear the shine from his eyes before he pulled Briana in for a long kiss.

    Did it get more perfect than kissing Gary in a pretty dress, on a party day, with his hands on her butt? (It did not) Briana relaxed into the kiss and snuggled close to Gary for a long while after.

    Finally, Gary cleared his throat and put Briana down gently. “Sounds like most people have arrived, we should head downstairs.”

    “You’ve gotten so strong.” Briana said appreciatively, smoothing her skirt and taking Gary’s hand. “You held me that whole time!”

    “What do you think I’ve been working out for?” Gary chuckled.

    Pink cheeked and feeling loved, Briana let Gary lead her out of her room and down the stairs. The soft rumble Gary had heard from her room was fun and boisterous up close. Everybody was standing around laughing and talking, with drinks and hors d’oeuvres in their hands.

    Gary said something about going to get them drinks and food, which Briana acknowledged with a nod. She was off like a shot, excited to make sure that everyone was here.

    Suzie and her friends were in a corner of the living room by the door, chatting away about theatre stuff. Maybe it was a good thing the table split them up a little. Briana stopped long enough to say hello and get a hug from Suzie before moving on.

    Casey and her new girlfriend were like palate swaps of each other. Not really, of course, but from a distance you could see it. Almost the same haircut, nearly the same build, same big laugh. Casey was dark haired with light skin and liked to wear blues. Maryam had super bleached platinum hair with darker skin and liked to wear browns. They were the only ones dressed for the gym.

    The two of them paused their discussion on who had the most soccer goals (apparently it mattered what league the goal was in) to say hi to Briana. She left the himbo giants behind in search of more friends.

    Briana had said hi to everyone and was beginning to worry that Tamira wasn’t going to show when she saw her friend exiting the bathroom. With a huge grin, she skipped over to Tamira and held out her skirt.

    “Hi Tamira! I’m glad you’re here! Do you like my outfit?”

    “Hey cutie.” Tamira said, giving Briana a proper look over. “You look great. And you sound really excited.”

    “Of course!” Briana said. “It’s a huge party with food and all my friends. And there’s PIE!”

    Tamira laughed and hugged Briana. “Glad to hear it. Hey, I’ve never been to your house before. Mind giving me the tour?”

    “Course!” Briana took Tamira’s hand and flounced off. The kitchen was busy, with dinner about to start, so they went through that one fast. Briana stopped in the drawing room, showing off the TV, extra comfy couches, and her changing table.

    “Wow, you’ve just got it out here in the open all the time?” Tamira asked.

    “Yeah. Ooh, except, I’m working on potty training!” Briana said, pulling her skirt up. “See? Big girl undies.”

    Tamira blinked, seemed a little off-balance, but she recovered fast. “Yeah, they are. They look dry too, good job.”

    Briana beamed at the praise. “I still get diapers at night. Oh and uh, if I need to go to the potty can I ask you?”

    Tamira raised her brows, “Ask me what?”

    “Sometimes I need help.” Briana said bashfully.

    Tamira chuckled and stroked Briana’s cheek. “This is a little crazy sometimes, but it’s fun. You’re feeling okay with everything?”

    “Of course!” Briana said, leaning into the caress.

    “I really should get you and my boyfriend together again.”

    “How come he’s not here?”

    “I told you sweetie. He flew back to see his family in Atlanta.”

    “Oh right.” Briana pouted, though it was brief. “Okay, I can’t show you everyone’s room but I can show you mine upstairs!”

    “Lead on.” Tamira said with a smile.

    Sadly, the room tour was fated not to happen. They emerged into the living room to see Veronica getting everyone up to the table. A bemused Gary wrangled Briana over to her place setting which already had her glass of sparkling cider and the cut fruit he’d picked up for her hors d’oeuvres.

    Dinner began with a toast to friends, which Briana happily toasted with her bubbly. Then plates and bowls started passing, a dizzying dance of stoneware that left Briana wondering when they would actually eat.

    Tamira and Rosa were both awesome, helping Briana get her plate loaded up, though Tamira ignored Briana when she said she didn’t want salad. It was okay, she was a babysitter after all. Rosa helped her sneak extra cranberry sauce and candied yams so she picked up a ton of cool points on that one.

    Finally, it was time to dig in! Briana wanted to join the conversation, especially with Rosa, but she needed to at least have a taste of everything first. Once she’d had a bit of each dish on her plate (and three of the yams), she turned to Rosa.

    “Hey Rosa, how did you and Melody meet?”

    “We have a class together.” Rosa said. “It took a while of me hitting on them to notice, but they finally did.”

    “Babe!” Melody protested.

    Briana grinned. “Cute! Have you been on lotsa dates?”

    Rosa furrowed her brow a little. Briana realized she was slipping too much into little talk. She wished she had Alanna to remind her to be big.

    “Uh, a few. It’s been busy at school. We see each other a lot though. Are you at the college?”

    “Yeah, Microbiology.” Briana said, oblivious to the bit of cranberry sauce on her nose. “But I’m taking a break.”

    “Let me get that, sweetie.” Tamira said, reaching over to wipe Bri’s nose. “Tamira.” She said in response to Rosa’s look.

    “Rosa. Are you and Briana…”

    “No, I’m just a friend, and I watch out for her.”

    “Gary is my boyfriend.” Briana said brightly, pointing him out.

    Gary chuckled and waved. “Hi.”

    “You’re friends with everybody here, huh?” Rosa asked.

    “Mmm, not everybody. I don’t know Suzie’s friends very well, and Casey’s girlfriend is pretty new.” Briana squeezed Rosa’s arm. “And I don’t know you super well yet. That’s why I wanted us to sit together.”

    “Huh? Why me?”

    “Melody is my… is a… um, Melody is my good friend.” Briana managed, then added hastily, “Not dating!”

    “Hah, okay.” Rosa seemed uncomfortable.

    “They’re important to me. A lot.” Briana said, trying to be as big as she could to salvage the situation. “You seem important to them, so I want to be your friend.”

    “Shit, you are adorable.” Rosa was smiling now, crisis averted! Melody looked like they wanted to crawl under the table, but Melody was always getting blushy about stuff.

    “Thanks! You’re in the same program as Melody?”

    “Yeah, but our classes really only converge in one area.” Rosa said. “Otherwise I would have snatched them up a long time ago.”

    “Are you two going to embarrass me the whole dinner?” Melody said, though they didn’t look too upset about it.

    “I hope so!” Briana and Rosa said in unison. They looked at each other and burst out laughing. Melody’s bashful protests only made them laugh harder.

    “I like you.” Briana said, looking earnestly up at Rosa.

    “Thanks.” Rosa smiled gently. “I like you too. You’re really sweet. More genuine than most people I meet.”

    That compliment warmed Briana all the way down to her toes. While she was distracted by warm fuzzies, Melody got their girlfriend’s attention back.

    With a happy sigh, Briana put serious attention to the matter of dinner. As the happy conversations rumbled around her, Briana cleaned her plate. (Except for the salad of course)

    “You need to eat your salad, Bri.” Tamira said, bumping her elbow against Briana.

    “No I don’t.” Briana pouted. “You’re not my babysitter.”

    “Oh yeah?” Tamira asked. “Who is?”

    “Gary.” Briana said, reaching for more yams.

    “Gary, does Briana need to eat her salad?” Tamira asked.

    A big Gary hand caught Briana’s wrist and pulled it away from the yams. “Yes she does.” He said.

    Shocked, Briana felt her jaw drop. Gary was supposed to be the fun babysitter. “But, but Gaaary.” She batted her lashes at him.

    “If you want to spend a whole weekend with me, I’m going to have to be a little more strict.” Gary said.

    “Oooh, are you two doing that?” Tamira asked.

    She put a fork in Briana’s hand and maneuvered it into the salad. Briana resolved to be careful about asking Tamira to babysit. She was turning out to be way strict.

    “I hope so. With Veronica’s blessing.” Gary said. “How are things going for you and Arthur?”

    “Really well.” Tamira smiled slyly. “Like, amazingly well. Mostly thanks to Briana here.”

    “Yeah?” Gary asked curiosly.

    “She kind of kicked things into high gear for us.” Tamira said. Catching Briana’s curious look, Tamira added. “That day when you came over and played with Arthur.”

    “Oh yeah! She was super nice. I was really sad, and she helped me.” Briana nodded to Gary.

    “Hey, thank you for that. I knew Briana had an episode on campus but I didn’t hear the details.”

    “It was my pleasure. She’s darling, and a good friend.” Tamira said.

    “Briana.” Veronica called from the head of the table. “Can you start clearing plates?”

    “Yes Mom!” Briana hopped off her chair.

    “I’ll give you a hand.” Tamira said, rising with her own plate in hand.

    A few other people got up to help too, including Rosa and Melody, but Tamira was helping Briana specifically. It was a good thing too, Briana almost forgot to take the silverware out from between the plates she was stacking. With Tamira’s help it was a way more manageable load.

    After a couple of trips back and forth from the kitchen, Tamira pulled Briana aside. “Bri, I have some information on that thing you wanted to know.”

    “Really!” Briana threw herself into Tamira’s arms. “Thank you!”

    “Don’t thank me yet, there isn’t a ton of information. Nothing that proves Beatrix has done anything illegal or that breaks school rules.”

    “Can you show me what you have?”

    Tamira nodded, taking out her phone and swiping through some screenshots. There was a picture of Beatrix (boo!), some information about her, and a picture of her house from Google Maps that showed the address.

    Before she’d been little, Briana had been at the top of the Microbio program. One of the things that had kept her there was her ability to instantly memorize a chemical sequence or a configuration of molecules. Her vision focused in on the address and clicked the sequence into her memory.

    Tamira kept swiping, revealing some chat logs, tweets, and other online stuff. “All of this stuff is her behaving badly, but it’s just her being a huge bitch to people. Not something that gets anyone kicked out of school.”

    Briana drew herself up to her full five feet. She had her information, it was time for her to redeem herself as a knight.

    “That’s okay Tamira. Thank you for looking up that stuff for me.”

    “No problem hon. I’ll let you know if I find anything bigger, but I wanted you to know I was working on it.”

    “You’re a good friend.” Briana hugged Tamira again. “You can babysit me any time, even if you are a strict babysitter.”

    Tamira laughed heartily. “Thanks for the endorsement. Speaking of strict, you better get back in the kitchen and finish helping.”

    Briana nodded and scooted like it was Dad herself that had told her to go.

    Luckily the dishes didn’t need to be washed, just stacked for now. The table had converted from dinner to desert. There was pie everywhere! Briana managed to score three kinds of pie and a huge pile of whipped cream before she was sent back to her seat. With only a quick look at the cookies, Briana devoured her pie.

    Only a couple of bites in Gary put a napkin around her neck. It saved her shirt from the berry pie, but not her skirt. With all three pieces of pie down Briana was as full as she could remember being. She wanted more pie, and cookies, and those little candies down on the end of the table, but her tummy was not wiling to cooperate.

    Instead she sat back and watched her friends. Everyone was having such a good time. There were grown-up drinks in almost everyone’s hands, everyone was laughing or smiling. Briana caught sight of Rosa, who mimed something around her face.

    Briana touched her face and came back with a hand slick with pie. She giggled and shrugged at Rosa.

    “You’re a bit of a mess honey.” Veronica said, scrubbing Briana’s face with a wet washcloth.

    Mom was there! Briana grinned up at her. It had been a long busy day without much Mom time. Even better, Gary was standing next to her.

    “Veronica approved our weekend.” Gary said with a smile.

    “Oh my gosh really?!” Briana hopped in her seat.

    “Yes, really.” Veronica crouched down, discreetly checking Briana’s pullup. To her surprise and Briana’s both, it was dry.

    “You’ve been such a good, big girl tonight honey. I’m really proud of you.” Veronica said.

    Briana’s grin was so big she thought her face might split. “Thanks mom. Oh and for the weekend!”

    “Do you need to use the potty now?”

    “Actually um, I’m full and kinda sleepy.” Briana said. “I was going to ask Gary, but since I get a whole weekend with him, can Tamira put me to bed?”

    “You want to go to bed?” Veronica said, surprise or suspicion in her voice.

    “At least a nap?” Briana yawned (and she didn’t have to fake it).

    “Oh, you want to be up later when we play cards?” Veronica asked.

    “Please mommy?” Briana asked. “I’ve been good.”

    “That should be fine. But we have to ask Tamira. If she is busy, Gary or I will take care of you, okay?”

    “I’ll ask her.” Gary said, heading off.

    Veronica nodded. She was about to say something else when Jane called from the kitchen.

    “Ronnie, can you get another bottle of cognac from the basement?”

    “I’m on it hon.” She patted Briana’s shoulder and swept away to the stairs.

    Briana found Rosa in the crowd and tugged on her hand.

    “Huh? Oh, hi Briana.” Rosa said.

    “Tamira is going to put me to bed, but I wanted to say thanks for coming again.” Briana said.

    “Put you to…” Rosa shook her head. “Right, cool. Uh, goodnight? And you’re welcome.”

    “Goodnight!” Briana said brightly, giving Rosa a quick hug. Melody was making weird faces, but if they weren’t going to say anything about it, they could talk to Briana about it later.

    “Bedtime for Briana?” Tamira asked, taking Briana’s hand.

    “Yes please. And I can show you my room!”

    Tamira was impressed by the room, Briana could tell. Heck, she was looking around with her mouth open like a fish.

    “This – is your normal room?” Tamira asked. “You sleep here every night?”

    “Yup!” Briana nodded emphatically. “Mom has it all fixed up for me.”

    “Wow, this is intense. Goals I guess.” Tamira smiled.

    “Do you know what stuff you hafta do to get me ready for bed?” Briana asked. Alanna was in her crib giving her an impatient look.

    I know, I’m trying to get to bed! Briana thought at the lioness.

    “I’m not sure, Gary didn’t know exactly what Veronica does.”

    “I hafta brush my teeth.” Briana said, feeling herself slip more and more little. “And jammies. And a diaper. Probably a big one tonight.”

    “Is that so?”

    “I drank a whole bottle of cider.” Briana said with a giggle.

    “Fair enough, come on, let’s get you set.”

    Tamira made Briana brush her own teeth, which Briana only let slide because she was on a deadline. There was a long wait on the potty too, though it turned out Briana did have to go so she couldn’t protest that one too much.

    At least Tamira knew to strip Briana’s clothes off, and put her naked on the changing table. Her diapering skills were top notch, she must have really been practicing with Arthur. It was hard not to ask questions about how that was going, or about setting up a play date, but Briana persevered.

    Once she was wrapped in warm pajamas and warmer blankets, Briana smiled sweetly at Tamira. “Thank you. You’re a good babysitter.”

    “How are you this cute?” Tamira asked with a grin. “You need a bedtime story or anything?”

    “That’s okay.” Briana said sleepily. “Maybe next time. You should go back to the party.”

    “What a considerate baby.” Tamira said. “I’ll see you if you wake up from your nap. Otherwise, I’ll text you to set up something with Arthur, okay?”

    “Yay!” Briana said, yawning again and closing her eyes.

    “Night hon.” Tamira chuckled one last time and turned off the lights on her way out.

    Briana waited until a count of sixty, listening carefully for anyone else coming up the stairs. The only sounds were the party, still going strong. Gary and Mom were both distracted, good.

    Quiet as a mouse, Briana climbed over the top of her crib and shimmied down to the floor. She shucked her pajamas and pulled on thick tights with her heaviest skirt over. Pants would have been nice but they weren’t going to fit over her thickest diaper. A diaper that she was probably going to need before her quest was over.

    Briana wiggled into a shirt and sweater. All her coats were downstairs, so she put a hoodie on over the sweater instead. Alanna fit snugly in the hoodie pocket. Her snow boots had made it upstairs and they were perfect for this. Finally a thick belt went loose over her skirt, and Briana thrust her plastic Sword of Protection into it.

    “This is it, Alanna.” Briana whispered. “We’re going to save Melody.”

    The idea of running into Beatrix was scary, but not as scary as losing her honor, or letting Melody stay sad forever. Briana drew herself up, feeling the comforting weight of the sword at her hip. She drew the plastic blade and held it aloft.

    “For the Honor of Cloudland!” It should have been shouted, but Briana had to settle for a whisper. Good enough for now.

    With sword tucked back in her belt, Briana opened her window. The roof slanted away from it, covered in crunchy snow. Pretending she wasn’t scared (knights are brave!) Briana climbed out the window and closed it behind her. One scooch at a time, she slid on her butt down to the gutter.

    The cold metal of the gutter made Briana wish she’d brought gloves. It bit into her hands and bent alarmingly as she swung herself over. Luckily, icicles had been falling off the gutter all day with no more of a soft cracking sound than Briana made as she dropped. The snow below caught her and drove her breath out at the same time.

    The sounds of happy friends drifted over Briana. Muffled by the windows and snow, they still called to her. She was a little scared now, even pretending to be brave. If she went back inside now she’d be in trouble, but just a little. Out in the snow was a lot more trouble and other scary things too.

    Beatrix. Briana shuddered and pulled herself up out of the snow. She couldn’t leave her sibling to face that monster alone. The monster she had brought into the house. Checking her sword and her lioness, Briana squared her shoulders.

    Beatrix had to answer for her behavior, and stop hurting Melody. The quest couldn’t end in failure. Briana wouldn’t let it.

    “Let’s go, Alanna.” Briana said, trudging into the snowy night with determined steps.