• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 18

    “How would you say that things are going with the treatment?” Veronica asked Melody.

    “Everything seems to be going good.” Melody said with a shrug.

    “Are you sure?” Veronica eyed Melody critically.

    “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be? All my class and work stuff is getting done.”

    “As I recall, your meltdown that resulted in problems with school and work was just the trigger that got you to ask for help. It’s not the core issue.”

    “Everything’s fine.” Melody sighed. They hated lying to Veronica, but they’d hate having diaper pictures plastered across the internet even more. Those would NEVER go away.

    Veronica sighed as well. She focused an unrelenting gaze on Melody. “To be clear then, you’re not engaging in any self-destructive behaviors, you’re using the pullups you’ve been told to wear, exactly as you’ve been told to wear them, and there’s nothing about your relationship with Beatrix that I need to know about?”

    “I don’t have a relationship with Beatrix.” Melody said, which was true enough. Whatever messed up thing the two of them had, it wasn’t something Melody wanted to call a relationship.

    Veronica’s mouth set in a disappointed line, crooking down at the corners. She wasn’t buying it. Melody fidgeted in their chair. Pressure to come clean to Veronica was building up inside of them. They clamped down on that feeling.

    Melody’s eyes darted around the room as they fought to stay quiet. If they could just ride out this moment, they could get out of this uncomfortable moment with Veronica. If they could endure just a couple more weeks of Beatrix, she’d feel like she got her revenge, get bored, and drop it.

    If Melody could just hold out a little longer, with all of it, then everything would be fine. They could ‘graduate’ from Veronica’s program, put Beatrix behind them, and have a normal relationship with Rosa. Everything was fine. Everything was going to be fine. Soon.

    “Melody.” Veronica said tiredly. “This is disappointing. I think it is obvious that you’re not being honest with me. Therapeutic treatment can’t work if you’re not engaged and honest.”

    “I’m not!” Melody protested. “Everything is fine. Five by five. Yeah.”

    “You’re much stronger willed than Briana.” Veronica shook her head. “At least in regards to hiding things. I’m not left with a lot of options here.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I’m going to give you a choice. Tell me the truth, exit the program, or accept a spanking. I really hope you’ll choose the first one.”

    “I AM telling the truth.” Melody protested, guiltily.

    “Melody, the last time I checked your pullup you had obvious diaper rash all the way up your rear. How did that happen?”

    “Uh, I don’t know, I get all sweaty I guess…” Melody looked away.

    “Little one.” Veronica said, all patience gone from her voice, “Come over here and lie face down on my lap.”

    Melody flinched. A spanking? Really? They could just stop this whole ridiculous thing right now. But if they did there wouldn’t be any more excuse for wearing the diapers that Beatrix insisted they wear.

    Plus, Veronica’s help was a big factor in stuff not falling apart. A lot of days Melody came home feeling drained and ugly after a session with Beatrix. Veronica’s pushing and reminders were keeping her from dropping important assignments and jobs.

    Hesitantly, Melody stood and walked over to Veronica. Before they could get up the nerve to do it themself, Veronica pulled them down over her lap. They felt their pants and pullup yanked down, exposing their red, rashy rear.

    “Melody.” Veronica exclaimed. “This diaper rash is even worse than I expected.”

    That was because Beatrix never bothered to use any of the lotion or powder, Melody thought. Plus they had to sit in their wet diapers for hours in class. The one time they’d complained about the rash, Bea had laughed and told them they deserved it.

    None of that was something Melody could tell Veronica, so they just lay quietly over her lap, eyes closed.

    “Nothing to say?” Veronica shook her head. “Then I think it really is time to move the program up to the next phase. You are going to be taken care of, if you like it or not.”

    “What does that – ow!” Melody cried out as the first slap hit her rear.

    “Spanking first, then the rest of the changes.” Veronica said firmly. She brought her hand down again and again. Quick slaps that stung and painted Melody’s whole rear the color of their rash.

    Gritting their teeth and breathing through their nose got Melody through the first half-dozen spanks. After that the real pain started. Veronica wasn’t hitting any harder, but the guilt was. They were getting free rent for playing along with Veronica’s program. She was really trying to help Melody too.

    Melody whimpered, yelping a little in time to the smacks. It was humiliating in addition to the guilt. A reminder that they couldn’t handle their life. Proof that they could even mess up getting help.

    Twenty spanks in, tears were dripping down Melody’s nose. At thirty, a genuine sob popped out involuntarily.

    Veronica relented, gently stroking Melody’s rear. “I’m sorry to have had to do this. I wish you would just talk to me so that we could resolve thing that way.”

    Getting nothing in response but sniffles, Veronica patted Melody’s back. “Stand up, and leave your pants and pullup around your knees. Stand in the corner while I prepare the next bit.”

    Melody shuffled into the corner. Staring at the faux-Victorian wallpaper and feeling the sting on their rear, they had never felt like such a little kid. Not even when they’d been a little kid. Melody’s mom hadn’t spanked, and they’d certainly never been in a corner with a pullup around their knees.

    Was there an opposite of the Success Kid meme? There would be now if someone took a picture, Melody thought. That thought brought Beatrix’s pictures back to mind, making Melody clutch their gut in distress.

    Rustling sounds and Veronica walking on the hardwood floor in her witchy boots were Melody’s only clue to what was going on. When Veronica finally turned them around, Melody winced. A changing blanked was spread on the floor. There were bottles of baby products next to it, as well as a diaper and what looked like a booster pad.

    “What?” Melody asked.

    “To begin with, you’re clearly wearing diapers during the day.” Veronica said. “Don’t argue with me, your rash extends up past the waistline of a pullup. If you’re going to wear those, they’re going to become part of the program.”

    Melody squirmed. It was embarrassing, but in a way it would solve some of their problems with Beatrix’s demands as well.

    “You’ll be wearing them full time until I say otherwise or we have an honest breakthrough.” Veronica crouched down and pulled down Melody’s pullup and pants. “I’ll be changing you into a fresh diaper each morning and in the evening. If you’re wet during the day I’ll change you then as well. You’re not to do it yourself.”

    That might conflict with Beatrix’s little game. Melody’s heart raced anxiously. Maybe there was a way to fit both together. If they complained about something embarrassing Beatrix always wanted to do it more. It was one of the few ways that Melody had any control over the game, but it meant they had to make it more extreme.

    “I’ll also be applying medication for your rash.” Veronica continued. “If I’m not able to clear it up, we’ll get Erin involved, which will mean she’ll be seeing you naked from the waist down.”

    Melody blushed, still silent. They would have to figure out a way to comply with Veronica. No way she wanted another person in on the program.

    “That’s all for now, for this next phase. Do you understand?”

    “Um, yeah.”

    “You don’t sound enthusiastic. How about you open up to me instead?” Veronica searched Melody’s face, shrugging when they turned away.

    “Alright. Lie down on the changing blanket.”

    Blushing, Melody lay down. They turned their head away from Veronica.

    “I want you to understand that if this doesn’t resolve the problems I’m seeing, it’s not the end of the possibly restrictions by any means.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “We haven’t even gotten into your changes in emotional affect. Not to mention the fact that while it’s true that you’re keeping up on your responsibilities, you’re also relying on me much more than you were just two weeks ago.”

    Melody bit their lip and closed their eyes. There was nothing to say that wouldn’t be another lie, and they were sick of lying.

    “If you continue this way or deteriorate, we’ll move to more childish clothing and more monitoring. You’re honestly not far away from sharing a babysitter with Briana.”

    “What!?” Melody’s eyes snapped wide, they looked at Veronica in shock.

    “I’m not saying you need it quite to the extent that she does.” Veronica said, lifting one of Melody’s leg and applying a thick rash cream. “But you’d need some monitoring and it’d be silly to have two separate babysitters.”

    Melody went scarlet and turned away again. They hadn’t expected Veronica to go that far. There had to be a way out. Just a few more weeks, and Beatrix would be bored for sure. Then everything would be normal.

    Veronica had nothing left to say as she powdered Melody and taped them into a thick diaper, complete with booster. Melody flexed their legs experimentally against the bulk and sighed. No more cute pants, maybe no more period-pants even. At least they still had some overalls from Jane’s wardrobe update.

    “Melody.” Veronica said, scooting up by Melody’s shoulders and stroking their hair. “I am really worried about you. You made great progress but you’re backsliding fast. You started this program in a scary place.”

    “I’m sorry.” Melody said softly. “I just can’t – “ They stopped themselves before any scary admissions could escape.

    “I’m sorry too. For what’s happening to you, and that you can’t properly accept help.” Veronica leaned down and kissed Melody on the forehead. “I care about you a great deal. Please let me help you before it’s too late. Just – think about it.”

    Melody bit their lip and nodded slightly. It seemed to calm Veronica down a little.

    “Go get yourself dressed and get to class.” Veronica said. “I’m going to check in on you and your diaper at some point today.”

    “Th-thanks.” Melody scooted out of the room, racing down the stairs as fast as they could. It didn’t look like anyone had seen their mad, crinkly dash to their bedroom. With a sigh of relief, they threw on some overalls and grabbed their bag.

    Today was going to be packed. Classes were piling on extra work due to the week being cut short. Melody was supposed to meet Beatrix and Rosa at school, and now Veronica too. Thanksgiving was going to be a welcome break, even if they had to spend it in a huge diaper.

    Melody licked their lips and shivered at the little tingle between their legs. Maybe the diaper was even going to make Thanksgiving more fun. What would it be like to be babysat?

    They let themself consider that only for a moment before banishing the thought in embarrassed horror. Of course they didn’t want to be babysat. That was dumb, and so, so embarrassing. Anyway, there wasn’t any more time for stupid out-of-the-shower shower-thoughts. Melody raced out the door to their car.


    As predicted, the day was a stressful mess. Melody was trying to concentrate on a test review when their bladder made itself known. Impatiently, they released, letting it flow into the bulk between their legs. It wasn’t until the next review topic came up that Melody blushed, realizing that Beatrix hadn’t demanded that they wet themselves today.

    Oh well. Melody sighed. It wasn’t as if they had time to find a bathroom between classes anyway. The booster pad had wicked away the moisture impressively, Melody couldn’t even tell that they’d wet. It was convenient. Way too convenient. It made Melody want to wear a big diaper every day. Which would be hot.

    No, not hot. Embarrassing, they reminded themself. Super embarrassing and would eventually get them caught by their girlfriend. Not an option.

    Beatrix had to be having just as busy a week, but she still found time to harass Melody between classes. With a heavy heart, Melody presented themself in the small lab room Bea had ordered them to meet in. Beatrix was already there, wearing her one of her usual over-the-top outfits.

    A red skirt cut up the side nearly to Bea’s hip rode low on said hips. Her midriff was deliciously bare as her top was a white halter, apparently without a bra. A puffy jacket in black sat on one of the lab tables as Bea’s only concession to the frigid fall weather.

    “Dolly!” Beatrix said, with an odd, unfamiliar tone in her voice. “Lock the door behind you.”

    Melody braced themself for whatever madness Beatrix had cooked up today. Something about her eyes was even more manic than usual.

    “First up, let’s check to see if you’re following orders.” Beatrix stalked over and popped the snaps on Melody’s overalls, letting them fall open to their waist. She peeked down and smiled.

    “Good! You remembered that you always have to wear one of those.” Beatrix smirked. “Did you use it?”

    Melody blushed. They couldn’t fool Beatrix with a lie any more than they could Veronica, and unlike V, getting caught in a lie by Bea would make her even more vicious than usual. “Yeah. Um, just a little.”

    “Haha, seriously?” Beatrix smiled broadly in an expression that would have been delight on anyone else. Her eyes were too wide, even dilated. The smile didn’t fit the rest of her face.

    “You didn’t have to, but you did anyway? Was that for me? Did you do it because you know you’re my little diaper dolly?”

    “Uh – yes.” Melody whispered. There was one kind of lie that Beatrix wouldn’t catch, and that was when it was exactly what she wanted to hear.

    “You’re so fucking obedient.” Beatrix said, grinning more genuinely now. She pushed Melody hard, up against the wall. “I’ve never had such a submissive toy.”

    Melody swallowed nervously and stayed quiet. They’d learned the hard way that it was best to just let Beatrix rant whenever she was spun up like this.

    “You’ve got this whole butch thing going on.” Beatrix ran her hands over Melody’s hair.

    The touch was tender, which was terrifying. Whatever Bea had planned, it was going to be some 4chan /b hell with all this buildup.

    “Butch on girls is fucking stupid.” Beatrix said, running her hands over Melody’s face and shoulders. Her eyes followed her touches, apparently fascinated. “Somehow you are making it work. Makes sense, you got fashion so fucked it came out the other end and turned good.”

    Was – was that a compliment? A backhanded, Beatrix compliment sure, but it sounded like a real compliment. Butterflies whirled in Melody’s stomach. What was going on?

    “You even smell good today.” Beatrix leaned in, nuzzling Melody’s neck while Melody stood in rigid terror. “Maybe I shouldn’t make you piss yourself all the time. You’re showering now huh?”

    Melody swallowed another lump in their throat. Her heart was picking up pace, and her nipples were up at attention. Thankfully they were trapped behind a thick sports bra and couldn’t betray her reaction to Beatrix.

    “Sports bra is working with the look, even if you do have nice tits.” Beatrix ran her hands over Melody’s chest, squeezing casually. “Maybe I should get you a chest binder, huh? I’m seeing some dress-up possibilities.”

    What the hell was going on? Melody shifted nervously, their diaper crinkling. It was too quiet to give them away in class or the halls, but it was plenty audible in this intimate scene. The reminder that they were padded combined with Beatrix’s affectionate touches drove heat between Melody’s legs.

    That heat was nothing compared to Melody’s reaction when Beatrix’s lips pressed against theirs out of the blue. The kiss wasn’t tender, but it wasn’t brutal like previous ones had been either. It was passionate, even hungry. Melody had been kissed like that before, most recently by Rosa. Beatrix was more than into this, she was hot for Melody.

    That realization lit a fire in Melody’s brain. Melody feel kiss, neuron activation. The fire burned away all rational thought, using their ladyboner and embarrassment for fuel. A delicious soup of happy brain chemicals was left in its wake.

    Through the fog of lust, Melody realized that they had their hands on Beatrix’s chest. More than that, her halter had been swept aside, putting Melody in direct contact with those perfect breasts. Melody braced for an explosion of anger or at least sarcastic annoyance from Beatrix, but it never came. Bea moaned into the kiss like a teenager on her first makeout.

    The next twinge was guilt. What would Rosa think if she saw Melody with Beatrix halfway down their throat? The feeling was too good though, Melody couldn’t stop. Though they couldn’t push their girlfriend out of their mind entirely, the guilt remained as a mere bit of heartburn.

    They were trapped after all, right? They had to do anything Beatrix said, or wanted. If that thing happened to be galaxy brain level makeouts well, it was a hell of a lot better than being humiliated in a puddle of piss on a lecture hall table.

    Beatrix broke the kiss, flushed and glorious. She was objectively, seriously beautiful. In the throes of passion her Hepburn-esque features were elevated to a work of art. Melody half expected things to take a nasty turn, but it still didn’t come. Bea kissed them again, more slowly this time, savoring Melody’s lips and tongue.

    One of Bea’s hands was wandering over Melody’s side and back, the other was down the back of their diaper, grabbing their butt. Trembling with daring, Melody tweaked one of Beatrix’s nipples and slid her other hand into the waistband of her skirt. Bea’s only response was to moan in Melody’s ear, and press the entire length of her body against Melody.

    “Good idea.” Beatrix said breathlessly, flexing her rear against Melody’s hand. “But I have a better one.”

    Bea took Melody’s wrist and pulled it around her front, sliding it under the slit in her skirt. Without preamble, she pressed Melody’s hand against the damp fabric of her panties.

    “Hold me up.” Bea said, resting her arms on Melody’s shoulders. “Touch me.”

    Melody trembled. This was a literal dream come true. Minus the diaper. They settled their forearm on Beatrix’s lower back and found her folds with her other hand. She was slick and hot under Melody’s fingers. It took only a brief touch at Bea’s entrance before their finger was wet enough to glide across Bea’s clit.

    Beatrix panted, biting her lip and trembling in Melody’s grasp. Whenever she couldn’t bite back the moans she’d kiss Melody again, moaning through the tangle of their tongues. They were breathing each other’s air. Their hearts thundered against each other, chests separated only by Melody’s bra.

    It was surprisingly quick. Melody cried out when Beatrix bit her lip. Bea was shaking all over, whimpering out little choaked moans. She let her legs give out, and Melody had no choice but to sink to the floor. They lay together in a curled up pile, Bea’s face tucked into the curve of Melody’s neck. Her breath was hot as she panted.

    “Oh fuuuuuck.” Beatrix smiled and stretched, pulling Melody’s hand out of her panties.

    She put Melody’s wet finger to their lips, and they complied instantly, sucking it clean.

    “Wow, who knew huh?” Beatrix sat smiling, flushed and radiant. It lasted for all of a minute before she hopped up and dusted off her skirt. “I needed that! I was stressed as shit.”

    Melody got hesitantly to her feet. Okay, so Bea had needed some stress relief. The embarrassing part of the game was going to start now.

    “Anyway, I have to get to class.” Beatrix shrugged on her coat and her designer satchel. “I’ll see you tomorrow dolly. It’ll have to be in the afternoon though. I’ll text you what time, and where.”

    “Okay.” Melody’s voice was hushed, lusty. They were way past trying to conceal their arousal. There was no point after what had happened.

    To Melody’s shock, Beatrix leaned in for another kiss. This was even tender. “You’re really worked up. It’s cute. If you’re still a good dolly, I’ll take care of you next time. You know, after me.” Beatrix winked. “We’ll have more time tomorrow.”

    Melody watched Beatrix go in total confusion. There was no punishment. No humiliation. No blackmail, not even many orders given. They were left with the taste of Bea on their lips and a body that tingled from head to toe.


    There was no making sense of it. The only thing to do was to enjoy the feeling. Not the memory though. The memory was spicy, too-tinged with girlfriend betrayal. A long code review session in Melody’s next class pushed that problem away, left them feeling merely happily amped. Didn’t they deserve one happy afternoon, anyway?

    It’s a question that they should have asked Veronica. Walking into Veronica’s beautiful, corner office, Melody had a lot of questions. What the hell reason did a graduate student have to get an office like this one? It wasn’t big, but it had been remodeled recently, and it had windows. Big ones!

    There were more relevant questions too, like what they were supposed to do with Beatrix now that the game had turned upside down. Now that she was acting like a second girlfriend. Well, female friend with benefits anyway.

    Melody decided not to be Comrade Questions. They stood awkwardly on Veronica’s fancy carpet and got a hug instead.

    “Melody, you look a little better this afternoon.” Veronica smiled, flicking her fingers through Melody’s hair to fix the windblown bits.

    “I guess so.” Melody managed a small smile. Only they were suppressing a big one instead of forcing a little one this time.

    “Good. I’m hoping that means that the changes are already helping.” She guided Melody over to her desk It was teak, or mahogany or something. Expensive dark wood for sure.

    “If I check your diaper, will I find that you used it?”

    The question was so blunt, Melody had to blush. “Uh, a little.”

    “Really?” Veronica did that little eyebrow twitch that meant she was filing away an observation. “Well, we’re not working on potty training you, so you’re not in trouble for that. It does mean you’re getting a change.”

    Melody squirmed. They didn’t need potty training, it was just a busy day. Nevertheless, they let Veronica strip them out of the overalls and put them on a changing blanket on the floor.

    “If you need to go more, you might as well do it now. I want to keep you as dry as possible during the day until that rash is gone.”

    Melody squirmed, shifting her legs further apart. The diaper crinkled quietly as they filled it. A lot of it was still being absorbed by the booster, but there was enough flow that some of it hit the diaper proper. Even with a full wetting, Melody didn’t feel much liquid on her skin. The setup Veronica had put them in could hold a lot, easily a whole day’s worth it seemed.

    It wasn’t sexy. It never was with Veronica. It still felt good though, to know that she was padded and wet. Comforting or soothing, or some other good -ing.

    I have really turned my brain into a mass of spaghetti-code, Melody thought. This should be way weirder than it is. Wetting myself on my roommate’s office floor should not pass an assert().

    “That’s a good Little One.” Veronica said. “How is your day going?”

    “Busy.” Melody said, staring at the ceiling while Veronica tore the tapes off their diaper. It still felt weird to look at Veronica while she was changing them, at least.

    “I bet.” Veronica wiped Melody clean, really scrubbing with the wipes to get rid of all the wet and rash ointment before applying a fresh layer of the medicine.

    “What else do you have for today?”

    “Um, one more class and then I’m meeting Rosa.” Melody said.

    “Very good.” Veronica slid a fresh diaper under Melody and dusted them generously with powder. “I want you to come home right away after that, unless you have some lab work that has to be done on campus.”

    “Uh, I don’t.” Melody said. “I’ll come back after.”

    Veronica chuckled, pulling Melody’s diaper closed with caring touches.

    “You know that you need my help, right Little One?” Veronica asked, sitting back on her heels. “You’ll let me spank you and put you in this big diaper because you don’t want to step away from the program, but you won’t let me in so we can do the real work.”

    “I won’t judge you for whatever is going on. I will only help you, and care about you.”

    Melody sat up and looked sorrowfully at Veronica. Guilt was coming back, reinforced by more of that very-valid Rosa guilt. “I uh, I want to but I just can’t.”

    “Melody.” Veronica said, in a loving tone that took Melody’s breath away. “I’ll give you time if that’s what you need. I won’t let you fall, do you understand?”

    “Yu-yeah.” Melody turned away from the too-intense emotion, only to have Veronica caress their cheek and pull them back into eye contact.

    “I need you to understand how earnestly I mean that.” Veronica’s gaze bore into Melody, filled with total sincerity. “I. Will. Not. Let. You. Fall.”

    “Oh.” Melody’s eyes were suddenly full of tears, mercifully blurring out the look that had shot straight to their heart. They fell forward into Veronica’s arms. There were no sobs or even sniffles. Melody gently trembled, clinging to Veronica and being held in return. Tears poured continuously down their face, collecting in the crushed velvet shoulder of Veronica’s shawl.

    “Little one.” Veronica said softly. “You are not alright.”

    “I know but…”

    “Shhh.” Veronica patted Melody’s back. “I can see that it’s hard. You don’t have to tell me now. Can you promise to tell me later?”

    “Yes. I c-can do that.” Melody said softly and was rewarded by a warm squeeze.

    “That’s my good Melody.” Veronica sat them back up and carefully wiped Melody’s face with a handkerchief. “Are you going to be okay for your last class?”

    Melody nodded. It was true too. Their heart felt a little lighter. Things didn’t feel quite as doom-y as they had been.

    “Do you want to stay here for a bit?”

    “No uh, I got to move. My last class is across campus.”

    “Sorry for making you go so far out of your way.” Veronica said. “But I thought you’d appreciate the discretion that a private space affords.”

    “Yeah um, thanks.” Melody hopped up and scurried out of the room. They hesitated just for a moment at the door for a quick parting smile.


    Last class of the day had Rosa in it. Rosa who was not wearing model gear and didn’t have one of the five most beautiful bodies on campus. Instead she was rough, still crazy hot, and actually cared. Stealing glances at their girlfriend during the review session, Melody drew comfort from the distinct lack of manic intensity. The smiles they got back were genuine, not plastered on like Patrick Bateman.

    When class ended they walked together, arm in arm, because Rosa wasn’t ashamed to be seen with Melody. She should be, Melody thought, trying to keep the guilt off her face while they cuddled and talked on a bench in the Quad.

    Sooner than they wanted, Melody made her excuses and headed home. It was because Veronica had told them to come right home, of course. Melody wasn’t avoiding her girlfriend. Doing that on top of cheat – having complicated makeouts with another girl would be really shitty. So it wasn’t happening.

    As soon as they could get out of the mandatory portion of her evening (chores, dinner, and diaper check), Melody retreated to their room. The plan was to do some quick overachiever homework and lose themself in a video game. Something single-player and full-screen that could be an escape for a few hours. Starting a new Elden Ring character would be the perfect thing.

    Harri the Naturist Hand-axer was never to be born, however. Melody logged on to their computer to a pile of messages that were for once, not from Beatrix. Cute little quips from Rosa filled their DMs, every fourth one or so asking Melody to respond when they got a chance.

    >>Ocarina – Hey Rosa, everything okay?

    >>JStar – Hi hon!

    >>JStar – Really glad you’re online. Nothing’s bad. Just wanted to chat.

    >>Ocarina – Sorry things were short this afternoon. This week is crazy.

    >>JStar – I get it, me too. I’m glad we could still meet.

    >>Ocarina – Yeah. I miss you.

    >>JStar – Aww! Really?

    >>Ocarina – Yeah.

    >>JStar – I was worried you were getting tired of me.

    >>Ocarina – No! I like you. A lot. Really a lot.

    >>JStar – I like you too. I worry sometimes though.

    Oh boy. Here it goes. Melody thought. They hesitated for a bit before responding.

    >>Ocarina – What about?

    >>JStar – Sometimes you feel far away from me.

    >>JStar – Or you get really flinchy when we’re making out.

    >>JStar – If I’m doing something wrong, you’d tell me, right?

    >>Ocarina – I would. You’re perfect. Sorry I’m being weird.

    >>JStar – You don’t have to apologize. Just talk to me.

    >>Ocarina – About what?

    >>JStar – Like, the makeouts are great. Really great.

    >>JStar – But you always get flinchy when I try to go below the waist.

    >>JStar – Is that a boundary? Is there something else going on?

    >>JStar – I don’t want to hurt you.

    >>Ocarina – It’s complicated. I guess it’s a boundary for now. Not forever though.

    >>JStar – Is it because you’re wearing diapers?

    Melody stared at the screen. They reached for the power button on their computer twice, and the close button on the Discord window once. They didn’t close anything down, not from any determination but just from general confusion. Melody felt like a wild animal trapped between the desire to eat and something scary near the food, dancing back and forth senselessly.

    >>JStar – You there? I’m sorry if that wasn’t okay.

    >>JStar – Melody?

    >>Ocarina – I’m here.

    >>JStar – Are you mad? I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be mean. I want to understand.

    >>Ocarina – Are you talking about that day with Beatrix?

    >>JStar – Hon, it’s not just that day, right?

    >>JStar – They’re not exactly subtle, and we get really close when we’re kissing.

    Melody caught themself making a sort of keening, whining noise. Panic set their heart racing and their vision swimming.

    >>JStar – Melody?

    >>JStar – I’m not upset, or freaked.

    >>JStar – I like you. A lot. I just think we should acknowledge it? Is that okay?

    Melody’s hands trembled on the keyboard. It took ages of backspacing typos to finally get a clean message out.

    >>Ocarina – I know it’s weird. I’m sorry.

    >>JStar – You don’t have to be sorry. You don’t even have to explain.

    >>JStar – Unless you want to.

    >>Ocarina – It’s a whole thing. I don’t know how to explain.

    >>JStar – Is it medical?

    >>Ocarina – Not really. I can stop, maybe.

    >>Ocarina – If you want to take a break until after we get back from Thanksgiving.

    >>Ocarina – I could stop by then.

    >>Ocarina – I think.

    >>JStar – Melody, it doesn’t bother me.

    >>JStar – Please don’t break up with me. Or shut me out over break.

    >>JStar – Please?

    Melody sighed. There may come a day when the Melodys of The West do not give in to a pretty girl saying please, they thought. But today was is not that day.

    >>Ocarina – I didn’t mean for you to find out.

    >>JStar – Did you have one on during our first date?

    >>Ocarina – yes

    >>JStar – I didn’t notice. It must be something important then.

    >>JStar – Even if it’s not medical or whatever. You don’t have to stop.

    >>JStar – I don’t understand, but I’m not mad. I like you. This doesn’t change that.

    >>Ocarina – Why?

    >>JStar – I don’t know. It just doesn’t. I like you.

    >>Ocarina – So it’s not anything that would keep you from renting a U-Haul?

    >>JStar – Did you just ask me to move in with you?

    >>Ocarina – I was making a joke. : /

    >>JStar – U-Haul is still good to go.

    >>Ocarina – Why are you so nice to me?

    >>JStar – You’re hot, dummy.

    >>Ocarina – Simp 😛

    >>JStar – For you? Always.

    Melody stared at the screen in wonder. Warm fuzzies filled their chest. Whatever they’d done, it was not enough to deserve this girlfriend. Especially with the Beatrix bullshit. Double-especially because of that.

    >>Ocarina – Now what?

    >>JStar – We can talk about it more here, or in person? If that’s okay.

    >>Ocarina – I guess so.

    >>JStar – Is that really okay, or is that a soft-no?

    >>Ocarina – It’s really okay. I’m embarrassed.

    >>JStar – You don’t have to be embarrassed.

    Melody hesitated. Were they really going to respond to that with – aw hell, looks like they were.

    >>Ocarina – Sometimes I like to be embarrassed. It’s a turn-on.

    >>JStar – oh

    Melody squirmed in their seat, rubbing their rear into their diaper. Their heart pounded anew.

    >>JStar – Okay, now some stuff makes more sense.

    >>JStar – That turn-on is not a problem, FYI

    >>Ocarina – Do you like it?

    >>JStar – I don’t like being embarrassed.

    >>JStar – But I like it sometimes if my girlfriend is.

    >>JStar – When I’m topping.

    Oh god. Melody’s face flamed. They were nearly as hot between their legs as they had been making out with Beatrix.

    >>Ocarina – oh fuck

    >>JStar – That sounded good?

    >>Ocarina – Um yes

    >>JStar – Hot.

    >>JStar – Can I see them?

    >>Ocarina – Right now?

    >>JStar – No, cutie. In-person.

    >>Ocarina – That’s embarrassing.

    >>JStar – So we should be at my place, got it.

    >>Ocarina – bitch

    >>JStar – You love it.

    >>Ocarina – Maybe. To both.

    >>JStar – I’m excited.

    >>Ocarina – Me too. I guess.

    >>JStar – Melody? Thank you.

    >>Ocarina – For?

    >>JStar – Sharing something personal. Being honest with me.

    Big oof. Melody felt the knife twist. Not that it was Rosa’s fault, she didn’t know about Melody’s drama. That being the whole problem.

    >>Ocarina – YW

    >>Ocarina – I have to go. Homework. See you tomorrow?

    >>JStar – Looking forward to it. <3

    >>Ocarina – <3

    Melody sat back from the computer and took a deep breath. Tomorrow just got way more complicated. Beatrix, Rosa, and Veronica meetings, on top of last day of classes before the break. Oh, and a ton of Thanksgiving prep because of course this house went all out for Thanksgiving.

    Melody’s eyes snapped wide as she remembered the thing she was supposed to have asked Rosa.

    >>Ocarina – Hey real quick, want to come to Thanksgiving at my place?

    >>Ocarina – It’s a whole big thing here. All the food.

    >>JStar – YES

    >>JStar – Um, I mean yes.

    >>Ocarina – Haha, awesome. I’ll tell my roommates.

    >>JStar – See you tomorrow, joyfriend.

    >>Ocarina – Tomorrow, girlfriend. 😛