• Getting Little: Chapter 8

    The diner coffee was badly burnt. That, of course, was how you knew you were in a real diner. The other tell was the mingled smell of grease and over-polished wood that permeated the place. It was weird to be in Rosco’s when the sun was up. One didn’t go to The R to get good food. Rosco’s was for people who were drunk enough to make bad food decisions.

    Another advantage of Rosco’s, for the closing-time crowd, was that the waitresses were notoriously inattentive. For the wasted, this meant they wouldn’t be hassled if they acted out a bit. With the lack of other diners during the day, the disappearing waitstaff made a great place to have a private conversation.

    What had sealed Rosco’s as the spot to meet was the same thing that brought in after-hours crowds in the first place. It was dirt cheap. Though spending less time at The Pony was helpful for Sarita’s budget, she’d had to pay rent that week. Astra could easily pick up the tab, but Sarita was determined to pay.

    Sarita refilled her coffee while keeping an eye on the door. Every table got a pot of coffee and it’s own warmer, freeing the waitresses up from having to roam the floor with a pot in hand. Sarita sipped, winced, and poured five sugar packets into her cup.

    Astra walked in the front door and looked around in confusion. Silly Astra. She was expecting a hostess at the front, like she was in some kind of fancy restaurant. Vigorous waving on Sarita’s part failed to catch Astra’s eye. Ms. Mommy was too intent on trying to track down a staff member.

    “Astra! Over here!”

    Astra turned to Sarita and waved back. She looked around once more for a hostess, shrugged, and made her way to the table.

    I bet all the staff are hiding out behind the restaurant. They don’t expect a lot of tips from me.

    “I’ve never been in here before. Is it open?” Astra took a seat, looking three flavors of confused and worried all at once.

    “Yup. See? I have coffee.” Sarita indicated the pot. “It’d be a good idea to wipe the inside of your cup before you pour yourself some. Occasionally you get a dusty one.”

    “This is where you wanted to eat? Do they have something really delicious on the menu or something?”

    “Hah, no. Normally, nobody comes here if they aren’t drunk. But since the staff leaves you alone, I thought it’d be a good place to have a private conversation.”

    “Oh.” Astra bit her lip, cast her eyes downward. “Are you breaking up with me? Please tell me up front if that’s what you’re doing.”

    “No! Why did you think that? We had some good text conversations.”

    “I thought we did too, but you wanted to meet at a neutral location, and you want to be able to talk privately…”

    “Oh, shit! Astra, I’m sorry, really sorry. I don’t want to break up with you.”

    Sarita smiled encouragingly at Astra. Her smile didn’t change her date’s expression much. “I did want to talk about – kink stuff. Not in your apartment because it um – kind of intimidates me. And not in mine because I’m embarrassed.”

    “You don’t have to be embarrassed about your apartment. I want to help you with that! I’m sad that my apartment intimidates you. I was hoping you’d feel at home there. It’s cozy, isn’t it?”

    Your apartment is way too spotless to feel cozy, sorry girl!

    “Anyway, we’re here. Can we talk?”

    “Shouldn’t we order something first?”

    “I don’t think we can, until the staff get back from their smoke break.”

    Astra shook her head and laughed. “Okay, let’s talk. Do you want to start?”

    “Yes please. There’s something I’ve asked about a couple of times and didn’t get an answer. I know we were having a – an intense conversation, so I’m not upset we didn’t talk about it then.”

    Sarita drew herself up, not that it put her at Astra’s height. “I want to know about the other girls. It’s okay if we’re not exclusive, but I want to know.”

    Astra sighed. “I wish I’d been there to say something, when whoever it was, was gossiping. I have some play partners that I see at the Green Fairy. That’s all they are. We have fun scenes together. I don’t take them out for dates or go over to their apartments.”

    Argh! How many is “some”?

    “Do they come over to your apartment?”

    “Sometimes. I have a VIP membership to the Fairy, so I can get in on member’s nights, but the timing doesn’t always work out. I’ve invited Jenevieve over a couple of times.”

    Sarita looked down at her coffee. “Were those Jenevieve’s pajamas?”

    “Sweetie, no. They were brand new. Pajamas are easy to buy in one size fits many. I have a couple of pairs around for – for exactly what we used them for. An impromptu scene.”

    “Okay, that makes me feel better.” Sarita lifted her head and smiled. “Sorry if I was grilling you.”

    “It’s alright. I want you to be comfortable with me – with us. You’re so adorable I – Sarita, I care about you a lot. I want this to work out so much.”

    Sarita nodded. “I want it to work out too. There’s more to talk about though.”

    “I’m here. I want to fix things. I’m so sorry that I made things so uncomfortable that you felt like you had to leave right away.”

    Naturally, their waitress picked that moment to finally approach the table. She swapped out the nearly full pot of coffee for a fresh one and cast a bored expression at the couple.

    “What do ya’ll want to eat?”

    “Cheeseburger with fries.” Sarita said.

    “I’ll take…” Astra looked helplessly at the menu under the table’s plastic cover. “The club sandwich.”

    “Fries, hashbrowns, onion rings, or salad?”

    “I’ll take the salad, thank you.”

    The waitress grunted and clopped away in her heels. Sarita giggled at Astra’s dazed expression.

    “Rosco’s is an experience the first time. I’ve never gotten food poisoning here, promise.”

    “It terrifies me that you think that’s a selling point.” Astra shook her head.

    Sarita shrugged. She’d laid out The R’s selling points when Astra first sat down. It wasn’t going to change anything to complain about the place.

    “Anyway, back to what you said. Thank you for apologizing. I’m sorry I was so grumpy.”

    Sarita tucked her feet under the booth seat until they were bent against the floor and seat. “I thought about that morning and the night before a lot. I think I was okay with everything we did. What bothered me is that you kept adding more and more, without talking to me.”

    “I’m sorry. Sarita, I really am. What can I do to fix it?”

    “Stick to what we decide at the beginning, please. Or ask if something you want to add is okay, especially if it’s something I haven’t done before.”

    “I was trying to ease you into things. I didn’t want to scare you off.”

    Sarita had to take a sip of her horrible, burnt coffee to keep a straight face. “That was you taking it slow?”

    “Well – okay, maybe not. I was taking it slow relative to how fast we started. I got so excited when you jumped right into a pullup on our first date. I wanted to keep that excitement going.”

    Sarita giggled. “I can understand that I guess. I did too, just um, for different things.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I mean – you’re super hot and I wanted everything to go well so that we could have more fun.” Sarita ducked her head so she wouldn’t have to watch Astra’s reaction.

    “You’re super hot yourself, cutie.”

    Managing a small smile, Sarita met Astra’s eyes.

    “But I didn’t feel that way. I felt like – like I was just cute. Like you would have had fun with anybody, not just me.”

    “No, that’s not true! I felt like I was already doing so much, introducing so many things on our second date that more sex would have been too much.”

    “It wouldn’t have been too much.” Sarita mumbled, blushing.

    Astra giggled. “I’ll keep that in mind. My baby girl needs to hear me moan to be happy? I can work with that.”

    Sarita squirmed. “I like doing stuff with you. After going to the munch and talking to people – I’d be willing to do a lot if I knew about it ahead of time.”

    “It is going to kill me to wait for this sandwich to get here.”

    Astra reached out quickly for Sarita’s hand. “I mean – if you want to do something with me today. I shouldn’t assume. I’m not assuming you will.”

    “I’d like that. Maybe we could talk about it – here. Then when we’re done with lunch we’d already know what we’re going to do.”

    Astra blushed. “You are trying to torture me.”

    “I want to hear what you want to do. Think of it as a warmup,” Sarita said, with a smirk.

    “I’m going to warm up for sure.”

    Astra pulled her hair back, twisting it around her hand before letting it fall. “I don’t want to scare you or fluster you to the point that the conversation shuts down. You’ve been communicating up front, which is great, but you get shy when we touch on specifics.”

    “How about this? You say anything you really want to do with me today. I promise not to freak out.”

    Sarita dumped the container of sugar packets on the table, separating them into the white sugars and pink sweeteners. “If I’m okay with it, I’ll pass you a white one. If I’m not, I’ll pass a pink one.”

    “That’s pretty clever. If I get a lot of pink on my side, I can back off.” Astra reached over to pat Sarita’s cheek. “You’re a smart girl.”

    Sarita blushed and pushed a white packet over to Astra. Giggling, Astra put it on her saucer.

    “I like this game already. Okay – I want to diaper you.” Astra smiled and accepted a white packet from Sarita.

    “I want you to use the diaper for number one.” Another white packet slid across the table.

    “Really?” Astra picked the packet up. “I thought that’s what upset you.”

    “I had time to think, and it doesn’t seem so bad. Plus, this time I’m getting to choose it.”

    “Fair enough. I want to put you in a baby-onsie, if I have one in your size. Otherwise, pajamas again.” Astra eagerly grabbed the white packet that came across the table.

    “I want you to play with baby toys, like plastic rings and blocks.”

    Sarita pushed a pink packet across the table. Astra bit her lip in disappointment, but nodded.

    “Okay, no problem. I want you to – to suck on my nipples like you did last time.”

    A white packet shot across the table. After a few moments, a second white packet followed it. Astra covered her mouth to muffle her laugh.

    “We’re both a fan of that, I see. Here comes another easy one, maybe. I want to spank you if you act out – which means I want you to act out.”

    Sarita shot three white packets at Astra. “We’re going to run out of white packets if you keep up like this.”

    “Maybe that’s a sign to stop adding things.” Astra’s hesitant tone was at odds with her quick suggestion, like she regretted saying it.

    “I think that’s a good way to put a limit on this game,” Sarita said, firmly.

    “Then shouldn’t you reverse when you’re sending multiple packets? It should cost more packets for something you’re on the fence about, because that exhausts the supply more quickly. If you’re enthusiastic about something, it should only cost one.”

    “This is getting complicated for a silly sugar packet communication game.”

    “I like systems and frameworks.” Astra shrugged. “Next one, I want our play to last a good amount of time. Ideally I’d get to put you to bed again.”

    Sarita sent two white packets.

    “Does that mean yes but with reservations? Are we doing the packet-economy now?”

    Sarita threw her head back and laughed. “Yes, nerd. I’m using your packet-economy.”

    “Excellent.” Astra gave a pleased wiggle.

    There she goes, being all hot AND cute.

    “How about eating baby food?”

    Sarita made a big show of pushing over three pink packets.

    “Multiple pink packets means what? You’re almost okay with it, or very against?”

    “Since you said a lot of pink is a sign that I’m uncomfortable, multiple pink should be a bigger no.”

    “Got it. It’s not as bad as you think it is – but I won’t push! Um, how about a protein shake in a bottle?”

    Sarita sent a white packet over. She hesitated, blushing. A second white packet joined the first.

    “Hmm, very interesting. What if I ask you to crawl everywhere?”

    A pink packet slid over to Astra.

    “Just one pink? Noted. Can I take you out on my balcony in your diaper, if it’s covered up by clothes?”

    Sarita considered, her hand hovering over the pink packets. Her hand moved to the white packets, grabbing the last four and pushing them all over at once.

    “You’re out of white packets.”

    “Hmm. This is really neat actually. Thank you for thinking of this.”

    “I have an addition,” Sarita said. “You have five pink packets. You have to send them back to me for stuff I want to do.”

    Astra giggled. “You are such a creative little girl, I love this! Do you ask for things or do I suggest?”

    “Um, I ask. You do the pink packets the way I did white ones. More than one if it’s something you’re not excited about.”

    “Sounds good, cutie. Go ahead. What does my baby girl want?”

    “I want you to – touch me after you spank me, like last time.”

    “I can do that.” Astra grinned and sent a pink packet to Sarita.

    “I also want to um…” Sarita took a deep breath and lowered her voice to a whisper. “Go down on you.”

    Astra slid two pink packets over.

    “Two, really?”

    “I don’t usually do that when I have a girl all babied up, but it does sound fun. I’m not trying to discourage you, it’s just how I feel about it. I’m sorry.”

    “No, don’t be sorry, this is good! I want us to be honest. I’m sorry I questioned your packets.”

    Here I go doing the same stuff I’m upset with her for doing.

    “It’s not a problem, sweetie. What’s next?”

    “If I’m staying overnight, I need a break when I wake up.”

    Astra nodded, pushing the last two pink packets over.

    “It doesn’t have to be a long break. Sorry, send as many packets as you want – though that’s all of them.”

    “I’m realizing we don’t have a way for me to say no on the things you’re asking, I guess I wouldn’t send the packet. I’m fine with you taking a break, darling. I was really looking forward to babying a sleepy girl, but I don’t mind working up to it.”

    “Do you feel good about what we negotiated? Is everything okay?”

    “I do. I’m going to use this again with you. Maybe with Legos or poker chips or something. Are you happy with the activities we outlined?”

    Sarita considered, trying to remember everything they’d negotiated. Her own wants were fresh in her mind, Astra’s took a bit of thought. She wants me in a diaper, and using it. I’d be wearing a onesie and she’s going to take me out on her balcony. I have to be bratty and get spanked – that one’s easy. Was there something else? I don’t remember, but that means it didn’t bother me.

    “Yes, thanks for doing this with me.”

    Astra looked back at the kitchen. “Our food still isn’t here? What happens if we walk out?”

    “The staff eats it, I guess? I’m hungry though.”

    “Okay, we can wait. Tell me something about you while we do.”

    Sarita was hesitant at first, she never knew how to answer a question that broad. Astra was good at teasing out more information from short answers. In short order she had Sarita talking about growing up in Ardenthill, her parents’ divorce, and her mom passing away unexpectedly less than a year later.

    “Oh sweetie! I’m so sorry to hear that. Did you live with your dad then?”

    “No, he’d already moved to California for a job. I was eighteen, so I took the inheritance and got a smaller apartment.”

    “Did he help you out at all?”

    “Yeah, Dad’s okay, just far away. He’s not really good at staying in touch, but he’s always happy when I call him. Actually I’m not very good at staying in touch either.”

    Out of nowhere, the waitress appeared at their table. They’d been waiting so long that they were lost in their own little world, feeling like the had the restaurant to themselves. Sarita crossed herself, giving thanks that they hadn’t been talking about diapers when the food showed up. After setting their plates down with a heavy clunking sound, the waitress silently put the bill on their table and walked away.

    “This looks like supermarket lunchmeat.” Astra said good-naturedly, as she investigated her sandwich. “I’m out of packets, but can I cook for you tonight?”

    “I’d love that.” Sarita said, tucking into her hamburger. It was as mediocre as she remembered. The taste was a memory of every night after the Pony closed when Ineis, Felisa, and whoever wasn’t sober enough to drive rumbled down to Rosco’s in an unruly gay pack.

    Nostalgia was only a good spice for the first couple of bites. Poor Astra didn’t have any good memories seasoning her sandwich. They ate quickly and quietly. Astra decided against eating her salad. Sarita thought that wise.

    When her food was done, Sarita snatched up the bill and carried it to the register. As luck would have it, the waitress was nearby and got them out the door in good time.

    When Sarita got into the car, Astra reminded her to buckle up. It felt like a bit of a warmup for their evening, and the concern felt nice. Even better for Sarita was the praise she got for having planned ahead and having Nero taken care of.

    As soon as they entered Astra’s pristine apartment, Sarita found herself swept against the wall in Astra’s arms. The kiss that followed left Sarita pink-cheeked and her heart pounding.

    “Most of your pink packets were about wanting to make sure that I make you feel sexy.” Astra shifted her hands to Sarita’s rear. “I want you to know that you’re very sexy. You’re beautiful, your body is beautiful, and I want you.”

    “Oh uh – you’re d-doing a good job of letting me know that.” Sarita clutched Astra’s blouse, pulling it out of her skirt’s waistband.

    “I want to transform you into my Little Girl now. When I do, you’ll still be sexy. I know I said I don’t normally have Littles go down on me, but I’m really looking forward to putting this Little Girl’s face between my legs.”

    “Yes please.” Sarita gasped. “I want you so much.”

    Astra kissed Sarita again, exploring the Little Girl’s mouth with her tongue with needy urgency. When their lips parted, Sarita discovered Astra’s hands on her rear, with her leggings down to expose her butt.

    “We didn’t discuss caregiver titles. I ran out of packets. Would you want to call me mommy or does that feel bad because of…”

    I never called my mom Mommy, but she’s a great excuse to stop this extra thing before it starts.

    “That’s right, I can’t call you that.”

    “I don’t like the impersonal titles like Auntie or using my last name.” Astra said, frustrated. “We could use nanny, but I don’t know if I like that either.”

    Is she still asking? She even said she ran out of packets.

    “How about ma’am?”

    “Hmm, I guess so.” Astra took a moment to look into Sarita’s eyes. “Is it okay? It’s just that – it feels weird having you say my name all the time.”

    I could just talk normally – but I guess I understand. Titles are part of kink that has scenes like this. I didn’t mind calling Felisa Mistress – I don’t know why I’m hung up on nanny.

    “How about – Angel?”

     Astra’s jaw dropped. “You want me to be your angel?”

    Sarita bit her lip. Maybe that was over the top – but maybe not. I like the way she takes care of me, as long as she’s listening. I like how she plays and I love how she touches me. She was a big part of saving me from the worst night ever, her and Nohemi both.

    “Yes,” Sarita said with conviction. “I want you to be my Angel.”

    Astra grabbed Sarita for a crushing hug. Sarita hugged back, confused. When her cheek brushed Astra’s and she felt the other woman’s tears, Sarita grabbed Astra just as tightly. Crying without sobs, Astra held Sarita in emotional desperation. They were both trembling a when the hug relaxed.

    “That was so sweet, baby girl. Thank you.” Astra wiped her tears with the back of her hand, heedless of her makeup.

    “I meant it.” Sarita said, truthfully.

    “I can tell. It means a lot that you said that. I lo – I’m so glad I met you.”

    Was she about to bust out the L word? Do I love her? Does she really love me, or was it just a sweet moment?

    Thoughts spinning, Sarita went in for another kiss. Her eagerness nearly had her climbing Astra. If she’d been smaller or Astra more prepared, she’d have tried to get into Astra’s arms in earnest. With an easy smile and an effervescence in her heart, Sarita laid her head on Astra’s shoulder.

    “I’m ready to be your Little Girl.”

    “If you keep being this sweet, you’ll never get that spanking.”

    Sarita giggled. “I can be a brat too.”

    “I don’t doubt that for a second.” Astra took a moment to wipe her eyes again. “Before we start, do you need to use the bathroom?”

    She remembered! Okay, I can forgive her for adding the title thing, especially because that ended up really sweet. She didn’t have to offer the bathroom, but she did.

    Maybe I do love her. My Angel would be easy to love, if we can stay on the same page.

    “No bathroom right now.” Sarita shook her head. “My Angel said I have to use my diapers.”

    Sarita had the great pleasure of watching Astra’s expression convert from a sweet smile to naked thirst. “You’re not wearing a diaper right now. Let’s get you in one right away before you have an accident.”

    “I don’t have accidents,” Sarita said, slipping into a bratty tone. “Never ever, ever. Not in the shower or anywhere else.”

    “Baby girl, that was a lie.” Astra smiled broadly. “You may think a spanking is the only punishment you can get, but it’s not. If you fib again I’ll wash your mouth out – er, I mean you won’t get any dessert.”

    She’s trying so hard! I’m going to be a great Little Girl for her.

    Sarita put on her best worried pout. “I’m sorry, Angel. I won’t lie again.”

    “I know you can be a good girl. You just need a little correction.” Astra patted Sarita’s cheek. “No more stalling. It’s diaper time.”

    “Do I get to pick my diaper?” Sarita followed Astra, lead by the hand to the bedroom.

    “Of course. You should feel pretty in your diapers, baby girl.” Astra opened her closet, revealing stacks upon stacks of diapers. She chose three, one with a cartoon kangaroo on it, one with pink flowers, and the third with alphabet blocks.

    Which one does she want me to pick? Which one do I want to wear?

    Sarita considered the diapers for a moment, the decision feeling strangely weighty. The flowers were the least childish pattern for sure. The blocks screamed baby, but Sarita wondered if a baby would actually like blocks in print.

    “I like the cute kangaroo.” Sarita said.

    “Good choice, precious girl.”

    Astra took her time undressing Sarita, stripping everything, even her socks. Tenderly, she laid Sarita on a changing blanket. Surprisingly, Astra didn’t go straight for the diaper. Sarita giggled as Astra tickled her, doubly squirming when Astra blew a raspberry on her belly.

    Though the tickles had subsided, Sarita had the giggles for a bit after. The silly feeling gave way to a squirmy one when she realized that Astra was kneeling on the bed, with her head between Sarita’s open legs.

    “Oh, I know that look! My baby girl is turned on.” Astra stroked Sarita’s inner thighs. “I could lean down and give my Little Girl a really fun time before I put her in her diaper.”

    “Yes please,” Sarita whispered lustily.

    “Hmm, no, only a very good girl would get that, and you’ve already been a little naughty.”

    An indignant whine was the only response Sarita could make.

    “There aren’t just punishments, baby girl. Little Girls that are extra good get some very nice rewards too.”

    “But, I’m supposed to be bratty…”

    “I’m sure you can figure it out somehow. You’re a very smart Little Girl.” Astra grinned, spreading out the kangaroo diaper. “Bum up.”

    Sarita lifted her rear. The crinkly padding wasn’t as intimidating as it had been. Being playful helped. More importantly, knowing she’d chosen to wear a diaper made the experience a fun one.

    She could feel herself getting silly and giggly as Astra powdered her and taped up the diaper. The feeling was like staying up late, or eating too much sugar. When Astra put her in a floral pattern onesie, Sarita was feeling downright goofy.

    It was really touching how Astra – Angel, how Angel made a point of showing Sarita the onesie’s store tags before she cut them off. She really wants me to feel special.

    When Astra offered Sarita a pacifier, she was happy to open her mouth to accept it. In fact, Sarita was beginning to regret pink-packeting the baby toys. Snuggling with Astra on the bed,

    Sarita obediently wet herself when her Angel asked her to. It seemed like wetting herself should be old-hat by now, but Sarita found herself getting embarrassed all the same. Part of it was the wetting itself, Sarita found she wasn’t ready to be blasé about peeing her pants. Another big factor was Astra putting her hand on Sarita’s padded crotch to feel it grow warm and squishy.

    While Sarita was a squirmy mess from having wet while Astra scrutinized her, Astra buttoned the snaps of her onesie. In a soft, almost singsong tone, Angel was telling Sarita all about the dinner she was going to make

    Sarita was too distracted and floaty-feeling to pay much attention. Lasagna would be part of the dinner for sure. The other dishes were a mystery, besides that there seemed to be a lot of them.

    If this is how it goes when people play like this, I can see why my new friends love it so much. Maybe I won’t even need a break in the morning!