• Getting Little: Chapter 7

    Sarita didn’t retrieve her phone from under the couch until Nohemi was gone. As she’d suspected, the notification had been from Astra. For a pleasant surprise, there were only two texts from Astra. Neither text was pushy.

    Reasonable communication was exactly what Sarita needed to see. Instead of feeling emotionally fraught, reconnecting with Astra was a relief. Text messages couldn’t fix everything they’d broken that morning. That was okay. After an hour on texts, Sarita felt good about meeting Astra to work out the rest. She was looking forward to it, in fact.

    There was still the issue of Astra’s other partners, and how involved she as with them. Astra hadn’t mentioned other girls, or littles for that matter. Sarita didn’t want to get into a topic that spicy over texts. Hopefully Astra had the same reason for avoiding the topic.

    As much as things were improved with Astra, Sarita felt like keeping her options open was smart. With a rare confirmation from her boss that she had the next two days off, Sarita had another evening to fill. A quick text to Pauline secured a date at the Pony.

    “I warned you Nero, I’m going to have a social life now.”

    Nero didn’t respond. He was full on pets from Nohemi’s visit and was busy watching birds outside the living room window. Sarita ruffled her kitty’s fur anyway, chuckling at his indignant squawk.

    “Sorry for bugging you during your telenovelas, Nero.”

    Without a kitty or friends to distract her, Sarita was forced to confront the state of her apartment. Laundry was the most critical chore by far. Sarita stuffed as many clothes as would fit into an army surplus duffel, and dragged the heavy bag to the laundromat.

    Though she’d managed to remember her jar of quarters at the last minute, Sarita forgot her phone in the process. Her brain retreated from the excruciating ordeal of sitting around for hours without a screen to stimulate her. Hours flew by whenever Sarita zoned out. If she paid attention, they crawled.

    By the time she made it home, she was too fuzzy-brained to open the duffel, let alone fold her clothes. Dinner consisted of the last third of a bag of potato chips that were in a still-edible state of stale. She was off to bed early, with Nero curled against the small of her back.


    Sarita’s day off had an ambitious start. Grandiose plans like getting all the laundry folded were derailed by a combination of tv-binging and doom-scrolling. If she hadn’t set herself an alarm to get ready for her date with Pauline, she might have missed that too. As it was, the alarm caught her off-guard. Sarita had expected to already be showered by the time the reminder beeped at her. Like almost everything else, a shower hadn’t happened.

    What should have been leisurely date prep became a mad scramble to get clean, made up, and dressed. Fashion went out the window in favor of picking the least-wrinkled clothes in the duffel. Given her choices, Sarita decided she might as well go in uniform.

    Black jeans, a black tee, and her red flannel shirt were a lot more plain than Sarita would have liked. At least they’re a good fit for The Pony, Sarita thought, checking herself out in the mirror.

    Sarita was vindicated when she got to the Pony, Pauline hadn’t gone for fancy dress either. Both girls burst out laughing as they met outside the bar. Pauline was in uniform as well, though her flannel was blue.

    “As soon as we go inside everyone is going to think we planned this,” Sarita said, still giggling.

    “Let them. It makes us cute.” Pauline took Sarita’s arm and headed inside.

    As she predicted, as soon as the regulars caught sight of Sarita, there was a chorus of chuckles and a few exclamations of, “Girl, really?” They bellied up to the bar. Sarita stuck her tongue out at Ineis pre-emptively. The bartender had sass written all over her face.

    “Girls, you’re a day late. Terrible stereotype night was last night!” Ineis said.

    “Oh, the cleverness of you.” Sarita said dryly.

    “Kitty has claws! Do I get an introduction to the lovely lady on your arm?”

    “This is Pauline,” Sarita said. “Pauline, this is Ineis, but you can call her Pain-in-the-Butt.”

    “Pleased to mee you, Mrs. Butt.” Pauline said.

    “Please call me Pain. Mrs. Butt is my mother. What can I get you girls?”

    “Beer,” Sarita said, adjusting her budget down, since she wasn’t sure if Pauline expected Sarita to pay for drinks.

    “Um…” Pauline studied the dingy chalkboard behind Ineis. “The house white wine I guess? Plus a glass of water and the location of the bathroom.”

    “One beer, one white, and a pitcher of water coming up. Toilets are through the door over there.”

    Sarita took a sip of her beer as soon as Ineis poured it. “Are you going to give me crap about bringing two girls here in three nights?”

    “You didn’t bring the first one, she showed on her own. I like the new girl, she doesn’t have the same pushy energy.”

    “Yeah, tell me about it.”

    “Something happen?”

    “Nothing scary or bad. Just – drama.” Sarita shrugged. “We’re working it out.”

    “Yeah, I can see.” Ineis motioned toward the bathroom.

    “I don’t have to date one person at a time. Astra isn’t exclusive either.”

    “No need to get defensive, I think it’s healthy. Might be healthier to forget about Astra.”

    “You don’t know her, that’s not fair.”

    “Tienes razón. I’ll stop meddling.”

    “No, you won’t.” Sarita laughed.

    “You’re right. Ever since you had your twenty first here, you’re stuck with me watching out for you.”

    “I really appreciate it, Ineis. I know I tease, but you’ve been so kind to me. Thank you.”

    “You bet, kiddo. I’ll give you and your new girl space. Let me know if either of you needs anything.”

    “Gossiping about me?” Pauline asked, taking the seat next to Sarita.

    “Yup. Ineis knows all your secrets now.”

    “That didn’t take long. I need to get more interesting secrets.” Pauline bumped shoulders with Sarita and took a sip of her drink.

    Sarita smiled and caught Pauline’s hand. Their eyes met as their fingers intertwined. It wasn’t clear who leaned in first. They met halfway for a kiss that went from sweet to spicy when Pauline bit Sarita’s lip.

    “Are you having fun showing me off to your bar friends?”

    “Yes. Are you having fun being shown off?”

    Pauline smiled, tossing her short, caramel-colored hair like a shampoo model. “It’s pretty great. A nice change of pace from being in the scene all the time too. Thanks for inviting me.”

    “I have to warn you, I’m kind of boring. This is the only thing I do besides work and watch TV. I don’t have a follow-up activity planned or anything.”

    “I do. Oriana got me the pens for our little project. They’re sitting in my car. We could work on decorating tonight, or I could at least drop them off.”

    “What a good excuse to get into my apartment!” Sarita giggled.

    “I know right?! Three hundred IQ lesbian over here.”

    “You’re really modest too.”

    Pauline laughed and took a big gulp of her wine. “You got me. I’m nervous, actually.”


    “I want tonight to go well.” Pauline’s cheeks were far more pink than the wine could account for.

    “I’m not used to being somebody who makes people nervous.” Sarita could feel her cheeks heating up as well.

    “I know I’m screwing up by mentioning another girl but – people don’t have a lot of luck competing with Astra.”

    Sarita wrinkled her nose. “You’re not being a pushy bitch, so you’re doing great so far.”

    “Oh shit, did something happen? Is she setting records for breakup speed now too?”

    “No, we’re still a thing it’s just that… Actually, I don’t want to talk about her! I want to talk about the hot girl who’s here with me.”

    “I’m hot, huh?”

    Sarita made a show of looking over Pauline’s curves. Her waist and hips were especially nice on the eyes. Meeting Pauline’s eyes again, Sarita was delighted to see the other woman excited and nervous.

    “You are.”

    “Does that mean I get to go home with you? Or am I being pushy?”

    “I don’t know if the question is pushy or thirsty but – yes, you can come up. I’m not promising overnight or anything.”

    “Mostly I want to kiss you somewhere no one is watching us.” Pauline’s voice fell to a quiet, husky tone.

    “That – is on the menu for sure.” Sarita grinned and took a gulp of her beer.

    “What do we do until then?”

    “The pool table is busy, but we could get in line. I could also destroy you at foosball.”

    “That sounds like a challenge!”

    “More of a promise.” Sarita waved at Ineis. “Foosballs please!”

    “You’re pretty cocky, but it’s not like this is my first time playing. Want to put a wager on it?”

    “As long as it’s not money.” Sarita said bashfully. “Rent is coming due soon.”

    “I hear that.” Pauline joined Sarita by the foosball table, bringing the pitcher of water along. “I want a kiss if I win.”

    “That’s all? I thought you were going to ask for…”

    “Kink stuff?” Pauline shook her head. “Nah, it’s too soon for that. But… I get to decide where on my body you kiss.”

    Sarita giggled, blushing as she nodded. “Deal. If I win I um… want a massage.”

    “Your choice of where I massage you, right?”

    “Just like your kiss, yeah.” Sarita took a gulp of her beer to smooth over the combination of thirst and cringe.

    “Sounds good.” Pauline extended her hand, Sarita shook it firmly.

    “You can go first.” Sarita handed a trio of balls to Pauline.

    “So cocky!” Pauline laughed and served a ball. The ball’s spin carried it to Sarita’s midfielders.

    A crisp snap of the wrist sent the ball between Pauline’s midfielders. An equally deft motion caught the ball under one of Sarita’s forwards. Pauline was still reaching for her defender’s handle when Sarita drove the ball into the goal with a resounding smack.

    Pauline stared at her goal for a moment. “That was luck, right?”

    “Sure it was. It’s your serve again.”

    “I can’t believe a cutie like you is sharking me.”

    “This is not sharking. I told you up front that I’m good.”

    In short order, the score was five goals for Sarita to none for Pauline. In fact, Pauline had only touched the ball twice. The first time was on her own serve, the second was a lucky block on a shot. Sarita sank that ball with a clean shot on the rebound.

    Laughing good-naturedly, Pauline suggested a handicap. Restricting Sarita to one hand allowed Pauline to score a few times. Even then, she couldn’t overcome Sarita’s lead. Finally, Pauline threw up her hands and surrendered.

    “You are devastating at foosball. It’s kind of hot.”

    “You’re a foosball groupie?” Sarita laughed.

    “I am now. Congratulations on winning your massage.”

    “Hmm, should I have you massage my wrists? They’re pretty sore from walking all over you in that game.”

    “Anywhere you want, babe.” Pauline fitted herself against Sarita and kissed her neck.

    Sarita’s breath caught in her throat. “I don’t want you to think I’m easy.”

    “I promise I won’t.” Pauline squeezed Sarita’s waist. “No matter what you let me do to you.”

    Sarita licked her lips and glanced at their drinks. Their glasses had been empty since the tenth goal or so.

    “Do you want another drink?”

    “I’d rather go to your place. I want to pay my debt off as soon as I can.”

    Sarita nuzzled Pauline’s cheek and planted a peck on her cheek. “Let’s go then.”

    “You should drink a glass of water first. I’ll get the tab.”

    “I can pay for my beer. Or – your drink too. I invited you out.”

    “Consider this a foosball victory perk.” Pauline gathered the foosballs and went to the bar before Sarita could protest any more.

    She probably does make more money than me. I guess it’s okay if she pays tonight. I can’t let it be every night, though.

    With laundry and dishes done, the apartment looked halfway presentable. Sarita decided not to apologize for the clutter so she wouldn’t call attention to it. It turned out to be a good call. Pauline’s attention was firmly on the breathless kisses she was giving and the greedy way she kept grabbing Sarita’s rear to pull her closer.

    They transitioned to the couch before they’d done anything besides drop their bags. Sarita was pleasantly surprised to find herself on top, taking the lead with an increasingly clingy Pauline. Taking a chance, she pinned Pauline’s wrists to the couch. Sarita’s risk was rewarded with a gasp from Pauline as she arched her back.

    “What are your boundaries?” Sarita kissed along Pauline’s collarbone. “Where do you want me to stop?”

    “I don’t know if I want you to stop anything but – ask again before you take my pants off.”

    “That works for me too.” Sarita smiled and lightly bit Pauline’s neck.

    “Ah!” Pauline squirmed, pushing her hips against the weight of Sarita straddling her. “Are you topping me? Do you want to do that?”

    Sarita heart and crotch thudded in time with each other. “If that’s something you want. It’s been a while since I have, but I like it with the right girl.”

    “What kind of girl is the right girl?”

    “Sassy, sexy hips, a little slutty. Has hair the color of burnt honey.” Sarita winked.

    “You think I’m slutty?” Pauline didn’t seem offended, but she was embarrassed.

    “A little. You hit on me pretty hard right off the bat. Almost begged me to come back to my place, you’re not sure if you want to set boundaries the first time we make out…”

    Pauline whined, struggling against Sarita’s hold on her wrists. Sarita put her weight forward. She could feel the other girl’s strength, it was enough to break the hold even with the way Sarita was leaning into the pin. Instead of fighting her way free, Pauline went limp.

    “Is that okay? You sound like you like it but…”

    “It’s insanely hot. I want to keep holding you like this to see how worked up you get.”

    “You don’t have to do that! We can go back to making out.”

    Sarita grinned wickedly. “I don’t know, I feel like I should extract a promise or secret from you before I give you what you want.”

    Pauline giggled. “Isn’t that basically truth or dare?”

    “It’s the meaner, grown up version of the game. Truth, dare, or frustration.” Sarita ground her hips slowly into Pauline.

    “Oh, that’s so unfair!” Pauline bit her lip and shivered. “Truth I guess.”

    “Scared of what I’d make you do?”

    Pauline blushed until her face was far darker than Sarita’s. She mumbled, “I’d already do almost anything.”

    She’s amazing, Sarita thought, through her horny haze. It feels fantastic to have somebody want me so much.

    “If this wasn’t our first time making out, what’s the thing you’d want the most? What’s the thing that would drive you crazy?”

    “I should have picked dare.” Pauline fought Sarita’s hold again, until Sarita had to press down with her full strength and weight. When Pauline abandoned her struggles she was panting, her eyes half-lidded.

    “Too late to change your mind. Tell me.”

    “It’s – kink stuff. ABDL stuff. I don’t know how comfortable you are with that kind of kink.”

    “I won’t judge you. I don’t think I’ll be grossed out. It might be something that’s off limits tonight anyway. I have to ask before I even take your pants off, remember?”

    “You wouldn’t need to take my pants off, or yours.” Pauline bit her lip in embarrassment. “It’s um… watersports. I’d want you to – let go – on me.”

    Sarita was far too horny to be grossed out. Seeing Pauline worked up by merely talking about wetting was titillating. Playing with Astra had Sarita seeing the sexy side of potty-things. She surprised herself by grinding against Pauline in response.

    As she flexed her hips, Sarita’s body took a moment to remind her that her bladder was still full from the bar. She could let go on Pauline without any prep. For a wild moment she considered it. Sarita was already so wet downstairs, it was hard to tell if she’d let anything trickle out or not. Either way, she clamped down on her bladder quickly.

    I do not want to clean pee out of the couch. Plus, Pauline didn’t ask me to pee on her right now. It’s her fantasy for another time. Her fantasy was WAY hotter than I expected, though.

    Pauline had her eyes closed and her head turned to the side. She was breathing in little gasps, her pulse pounding so hard Sarita could see it fluttering in Pauline’s neck. Delicately, she lowered herself and pressed her teeth to a nipple that was tenting out of Pauline’s clothes.

    “Ah!” Pauline bucked, quivering under Sarita.

    “Did you – come?” Sarita released Pauline’s wrists in surprise.

    “Close,” Pauline whispered. “Please say something about what I said. Was it okay?”

    “It was hot as hell.” Sarita laid herself on Pauline, lips brushing the other girl’s ear as she spoke. “I didn’t expect it to be sexy. I was so turned on, I almost did it right then.”

    “You – ah – almost really…”

    “Almost wet on you.”

    Pauline shuddered and dug her fingers into Sarita’s back. “I changed my mind about the pants. I’ll do anything you want. You can do anything you want to me. Please.”

    Sarita bit Pauline’s ear, sliding her hands roughly under the other girl to grab her rear. They writhed against each other for untracked time, tasting each other’s lips, necks, and collarbones. Sarita found herself kissing Pauline’s bare breasts with no memory of when the other girl’s shirt had come off. She gasped to feel Pauline’s hands on her bare chest at the same time.

    Legs tangled together, they ground against each other until a trembling shocks of pleasure took the edge off their lust. By unspoken agreement, they held each other quietly, not quite satisfied, but freed from the desperate desire that had held them earlier.

    “I’m really glad you switched seats at the munch.” Sarita tugged at her jeans. It did little to fix the sticky dampness on her crotch, but it relieved her denim-wedgie at least.

    “Oh god, me too.” Pauline sighed happily. She craned her neck to give Sarita a tender kiss.

    This is so much better than everything with Astra – well, except for that spanking. Dios mío, I’ve never come that hard.

    Sarita nuzzled Pauline and tried to read the feelings in her own heart. Unfortunately, her heart had nothing in the way of a decision between the Pauline and Astra.

    I should be careful. I feel like I’m letting my pussy make all the decisions right now. Somebody could get hurt.

    Pauline was warm under Sarita’s hands and a little twitchy too. Sarita could sympathize. Her body wanted more too. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anywhere to raise the ante except the bed – and she’d already decided against that for their first night.

    I can’t believe I went that fast with Astra. On the other hand, Astra gave me an idea that will work with Pauline’s kink.

    “Are you still turned on too?” Sarita asked Pauline, brushing her palm under the other girl’s breasts.

    “Yes but…”

    “You don’t want to hop in bed? Me too.” Sarita nodded. “I have an idea for something different we could do, it’d play with your kink a little.”

    “Are you sure you want that? I’m okay if it’s not for you.”

    “I don’t know how much ABDL stuff I want to do. I’m figuring that out. The idea I had sounds hot to me right now.”

    “What is it?”

    “You have to pee, right? I could take you to the bathroom and – watch you go.”

    Pauline swallowed hard. Her voice came out in a tiny whisper. “Okay yeah, that’s hot”

    Sarita grinned and climbed off Pauline. It was hard to relinquish the warm, sexy-soft closeness with the other girl. On the plus side, she got a great look at Pauline’s bare chest. Sarita helped Pauline off the couch and lead her by the hand to the bathroom.

    “Do I take your pants off too or…?” Sarita smiled awkwardly. “I know you wanted to be topped, but I don’t know what I’m doing with this stuff.”

    “It’d be embarrassing, so yes.” Pauline blushed. “There’s a lot we could do playing like this but simple is fine. You’re um – doing great.”

    Sarita giggled nervously and gave Pauline a quick kiss. Crouching, she unbuttoned and unzipped Pauline’s jeans. Peeling them down with Pauline’s panties in tow, Sarita’s imagination gave her a dozen ideas for ways that Astra would tease a girl about having wet panties. She didn’t have the confidence to say any of them. One of her ideas for amplifying Pauline’s sexy humiliation didn’t require any witty comments.

    “Step out of them,” Sarita commanded, once she had Pauline’s clothes around her ankles.

    Obediently, Pauline lifted her feet, letting Sarita pull her clothes aside. She fidgeted in front of the toilet, unsure of where to put her hands. Sarita let Pauline’s discomfort ramp while she checked out her date’s naked body. She was getting hot again simply watching Pauline’s arousal build.

    “Sit,” Sarita commanded. As soon as Pauline obeyed, Sarita pushed the other girl’s knees apart.

    Pauline’s jaw dropped. She trembled, her nipples rock hard and her face flushed. Sarita looked at the other girl’s unfocused eyes and wondered if she had pushed Pauline partially into subspace.

    I’ll do aftercare for her after this either way. It’ll be nice to cuddle and take care of her, if she needs it or not.

    The moment stretched out between them, becoming more socially strained as it continued. Strain of a different kind appeared on Pauline’s face. Her knees quivered, but she left them as Sarita had posed her.

    “Are you waiting for permission?” Sarita asked in sudden surprise.

    “I – guess so.” Pauline wrapped her arms around herself and looked at Sarita through her lashes.

    Oh shit. She is CUTE.

    “Pauline.” Sarita put a hand on the girl’s head and stroked her hair. “Go potty now.”

    She wasn’t sure why she used the childish phrase. Pauline hadn’t shown any Little mannerisms. In the moment, it felt like the right thing to say. It didn’t feel as harsh as saying piss or pee.

    Whatever Pauline thought of Sarita’s word choice, she wasn’t commenting. She trembled on the toilet as she emptied her bladder. Sarita watched in fascination. Pauline was exposed in front of her, Sarita could see everything.

    A sexy twist of energy tingled down Sarita’s spine and into her crotch. It was pretty weird watching a girl pee on the first date, but it turned out to be damn hot too. At first, Sarita assumed it was the domination turning her on. Quickly, she realized she liked everything she was seeing.

    Did I really hate what Astra was making me do, or was it how pushy she was? I think I might really like this stuff. I wish Nohemi and I were good enough friends that I could give her shit for giving me weird fetishes by falling on me.

    “I’m all done,” Pauline said in a tiny voice. She sounded vulnerable, on the edge of being scared or upset. Aftercare sounded like a good idea for sure.

    “Thanks for showing me.” Sarita put her hands on Pauline’s shoulders and gave her a kiss right there on the toilet. “It was really sexy.”

    “It was?”

    “It was. I liked it. I’m going to want to do more with you, another time.”

    “I’d like that.” Pauline beamed. The upset worry had vanished from her tone.

    “Do you want to snuggle on the couch for a bit, maybe do some decorating?” Sarita brushed her hand affectionately through Pauline’s hair.

    “That sounds wonderful.”

    “Before we do – I have to go too. You can watch me, if you want.”

    Pauline giggled. “Yes please!”

    It was Sarita’s turn to blush all over. She dropped her clothes next to Pauline’s and swapped places with her. Letting go under Pauline’s fascinated gaze was sexy, though not as much as it had been to watch the other girl.

    Since neither of them relished putting their damp panties back on, Sarita lent her robe to Pauline and put pajamas on. A very giggly Pauline spent some time trying to convince Sarita to escew the pajama top. A session of playful kisses derailed them for a bit in the bedroom.

    “We’d better not go further.” Sarita said, putting on her top to Pauline’s exaggerated disappointment. “Especially not in the bedroom. Do you want to get the markers out while I make tea?”

    Pauline nodded obediently and went demurely to the living room to set up for decorating the diapers. Sarita watched Pauline while the water heated, trying to parse her own feelings. The little bit of topping Sarita had done was already more intense than any dominance play she’d done before.

    The other times, it was me and a girlfriend being silly. We didn’t take it seriously. Pauline is being submissive for real though. Even after we reset. I didn’t think I’d like it this much.

    As much as it felt good to dominate Pauline, Sarita was caught off guard by how tired she felt. Knowing they’d be snuggling, without any expectation for Sarita to be in charge, was a big relief.

    “Hi kitty!” Pauline said excitedly from the living room as Sarita was pouring the tea. “Are you friendly?”

    “He’s not usually. Though sometimes he gets brave. His name is Nero.”

    “That’s a pretty important name for such a little kitty. Are you a little emperor? Yes you are!”

    Sarita brought in the tea in time to watch Nero cast a bored glance at Pauline and walk away from her offered hand without sniffing it. Shrugging at Pauline’s disappointed expression, Sarita set out the tea.

    “That’s cats for you. He’ll warm up to you if he sees you enough.”

    “I’ll have to come over a lot then.” Pauline waited for Sarita to take a seat and fitted herself against Sarita’s side, leaning back on her.

    “Planning to move in with me already?”

    “I’m not that kind of lesbian.”

    “What kind are you?” Sarita let the diapers sit in lieu of playing with Pauline’s hair.

    “The kind who’s not sure if she has a girlfriend, or an ABDL mommy, or a top… or none of those things yet.”

    “I’m still seeing Astra. I don’t know if it will work out, but I’m not ready to stop with her either.” Sarita kissed Pauline gently on the back of the neck.

    “That’s okay. I know this is our first real date. I’m really not a U-Haul lesbian. What do you think about which one of those things you might be to me – eventually?”

    “I don’t know anything about being an ABDL mommy. Is a mommy what you want?”

    “It’s not something I usually want.” Pauline closed her eyes and sighed happily as Sarita rubbed her temples. “I think I could do it for you though.”

    “Since I don’t know how to do it, and you’re not enthusiastic about it – I think we can forget about mommies for now.”

    “Do you want a steady girlfriend, or do you want to date for a while?”

    “I honestly don’t know.” Sarita sighed. “I’m sorry if that doesn’t feel good to hear.”

    “It’s okay, really. I’m not sure either. Maybe for now, we could be friends with benefits and see what happens?”

    “That’s okay by me.” Sarita was surprised to discover she was being honest. Pauline was fun, with new kinds of fun to explore, but she didn’t feel herself falling for the other girl.

    Maybe love will come later. I don’t know her well yet anyway.

    “Thanks for talking that out with me.”

    “Of course, sweetie. I was curious too.” Sarita kissed the back of Pauline’s head.

    “Sweetie? That sounds like a girlfriend nickname.” Pauline grabbed for Sarita’s knee, sending ticklish sparks up her leg.

    “Ack! Stop that, or I’ll cut your aftercare short.”

    “Is that what you’re…” Pauline twisted around to look at Sarita curiously. “You’re giving me aftercare, even though all we did was a tiny thing?”

    “You looked like you needed it.”

    “If you keep being so nice to me I really will want to be your girlfriend.” Pauline pulled herself partially into Sarita’s lap to give her a slow, tender kiss. Sarita held Pauline gently in her arms, stroking the other girl’s back.

    “And if you keep switching between wanting to be my sub or my girlfriend I’m going to be really confused.”

    “I’m not trying to be confusing. It’s exciting to think about doing sub stuff with you. It’s hard to find a girl who’s okay with my kinks.”

    “I bet. I thought I was the kind of girl who gets dirty, but you’re a lay-down-a-tarp kind of girl, aren’t you?”

    Pauline giggled and rested her head on Sarita’s shoulders. “Kind of, yeah.”

    “That was the most fun I’ve ever had topping.” Sarita said.


    Sarita nodded. “I meant it when I said I want to do more stuff with you.”

    They locked gazes. Sarita explored every strand of hazel and gold in Pauline’s eyes, watching the other girl’s pupils slowly dilate.

    “We should um, get decorating.” Pauline said suddenly.

     Sarita blushed and nodded. It was disappointing to have Pauline out of her lap, so they could set up with pens and a stack of diapers each. At least, they were still hip to hip. While drawing, they stole little kisses and touches.

    From time to time, Nero would poke his head around the couch to see if Pauline was still there. Each time, he washed his paw with a calculated expression of indifference and slunk away. Pauline’s repeated attempts at “pspspspsps” had no effect.

    By the time the second round of tea was cold, both girls had a stack of decorated diapers a dozen deep. It seemed like more than enough work for a date night. Sarita fetched a blanket and lounged on the couch with Pauline laying back on her. They searched Sarita’s streaming services for the very worst garbage they could find, giggling and cringing at the horrible writing, which the actors sullied with dire acting.

    When Pauline had to head out, Sarita stopped her at the door for another round of kisses. These were slow, gentle kisses that ended with the girls holding each other, their foreheads lightly touching.

    “Those were girlfriend kisses.” Pauline said.

    “I like you.” Sarita said. As soon as she spoke, she felt a tiny twinge of guilt. Truthfully, she still didn’t know what she was feeling for the girl in her arms.

    “Can I blow up your phone tomorrow?”

    “I’ll be sad if you don’t.” That’s totally true, at least.

    “Goodnight Sarita.”

    “Goodnight Pauline.” Sarita kissed Pauline one more time and watched her walk down the hall until she went through the stairwell door. Finally closing the door, Sarita was confronted with a judgmental gaze from Nero.

    “You have something to say, Nero?”

    Nero did not. He flicked his tail and wandered off in search of a warm spot. Sarita chuckled and packed the decorated diapers away. Checking her phone, she had messages from Nohemi and Astra. There was one from Oriana too. Happily snuggling under the blanket she’d shared with Pauline, Sarita texted her friends late into the night.