• Getting Little: Chapter 5

    Sarita cried three times at work on Thursday. She got a talking to from Britt for poor attitude, but managed to escape a writeup. When the store closed at nine, Sarita fled. Her phone’s battery was dead, which was just as well. She didn’t feel like dealing with disappointed texts from Astra about not being able to get together.

    Without the ability to talk to Nohemi, Astra, or Pauline, Sarita fell back to her pre-Green-Fairy routine. The Plush Pony was on the way home, if ‘on the way’ meant three blocks out of the way. For Sarita, it restored some balance. As soon as she stepped through the door and smelled the Pony’s distinctive scent, she knew she’d been missing it.

    It was quiet for a Thursday, with no one at the pool table and only half the tables taken. Sarita was only two steps in when Ineis flagged her down.

    “¡Guapa! I’m so glad to see you. I thought getting squashed drove you off for good.” Ineis grabbed Sarita for a bone-crushing hug.

    “Oof! I’m glad to see you too, Ineis. Sorry I haven’t been around. It’s been a crazy week. I made some new friends, been hanging with them.”

    “Friends or ‘friends’?” Ineis smirked while she made air-quotes.

    “Uh, one of them is the second kind. Maybe more than one.” Sarita blushed.

    “Woah, look at you, getting back on the pony.” Ineis ruffled Sarita’s hair. “I feel terrible that I had to ditch you that night. I couldn’t let those idiots run out though. You drink free tonight, okay?”

    “You don’t have to do that – but thanks.” Sarita smiled.

    “I’m not going to let you get wasted, fair warning. But order as fancy and expensive as you want.”

    “Can I start with a Mai Tai?”

    “You bet you can. Grab your seat and you can tell me about your new friends while I mix it.”

    Sarita happily rested her elbows on the bar and gave Ineis a redacted version of her recent adventures. There was no mention of teddy bear doors or pullups. The munch was converted to a regular coffee shop gathering, with the ABDL store becoming a generic clothing shop.

    Even with the sanitized version, Ineis scolded her for going straight to Astra’s apartment. Sarita took it in good humor, considering that the scolding came with a free chardonnay slushie. She didn’t get to choose her third drink. Ineis poured her a glass of Riesling, put a raspberry in it and told her to sip it slowly.

    “You don’t get another drink for a while and I want to see you drink this water too, got it?”

    “Yes mom.” Sarita grinned and stuck her tongue out at Ineis.

    There was already a happy glow in her belly. She was in no hurry to get sloshed and cut off. With that in mind, she worked on the water first. Sarita was back in her post as birdwatcher, but this time the birds were watching back. To Sarita’s surprise, she got a few waves and even a hello from the other regulars.

    It’s weird to be noticed here again. Maybe meeting some new people finally shook Felisa off my shoes.

    Ignoring the little voice that informed her that Ineis had been badgering her to make new friends for a year, Sarita polished off her water and handed her wine to Ineis for safekeeping. A trip to the restroom had become mandatory.

    One of the best revelations of the night was that the Taco Truck Fire graffiti in the bathroom stalls didn’t bother Sarita anymore. Not only did she not have to turn her head away from the drawings, she found herself laughing at the terrible stick-figure caricatures of her ex.

    Felisa, Felisa, Felisa. I don’t care anymore! Bye Felisa!

    Reclaiming her drink at the bar, Sarita chatted the bartender up about Ineis’ mom. Marta, Ineis’ mother, was always in the middle of some kind of medical crisis, but she always seemed to come out of them fine. This time it was a group of moles that Marta was certain were cancerous and would require skin grafts across her entire shoulder.

    They were so absorbed in the discussion that neither one of them noticed the new arrival until she was almost on top of them.

    “Hi Little Girl.”

     “Astra!? What are you doing – how did you know I was…”

    Sarita’s disjointed questions were silenced by Astra’s lips. She closed her eyes and relaxed into the kiss, or tried to. Astra set the tone right away, deepening the kiss and taking firm hold of Sarita’s waist. The kiss ended with spots dancing in Sarita’s vision and heat in her cheeks.

    “I take it you’re the new girlfriend. I’m Ineis.” The bartender was hovering on the other side of the bar like a nervous mother bird.

    “Astra. Yep, that’s me. Good to meet you.” Astra put an arm possessively around Sarita’s waist.

    “I’ll give you girls space. Let me know if you need anything.” Ineis retreated to take care of another patron.

    “Thanks Ineis.” Sarita looked up at Astra. “I’m sorry I didn’t get in touch. I thought it’d be too late after I finished work and my phone battery died.”

    “It’s okay, I’m glad I found you. You don’t mind that I tracked you down here, do you?”

    “Not after that kiss.” Sarita giggled.

    “Feeling silly? How many drinks have you had so far?”

    “Two – and a half.” Sarita said, double-checking her glass of wine.

    “Three is going to be your limit tonight.”

    “Says who? You’re not my mom.”

    “Maybe not, but you’re my girl. My Little Girl.”

    Not your only little girl, if Pauline was being truthful. Sarita squirmed on the barstool.

    “Don’t even start arguing. You’re already due for a couple of spankings.”

    Sarita felt heat blossom on her cheeks – and between her legs. “Okay, fine. I was probably going to stop after that one anyway. Plus Ineis wasn’t going to let me get drunk.”

    “I’ll have to thank her for watching out for you. Did you have a rough day? Three drinks is a lot for, what, an hour after your work closed?”

    “It was horrible. Ineis helped a lot though. She comped me the drinks because I got trampled last week.”

    “Can I take over your night?” Astra lightly cupped Sarita’s jaw.

    “What does that mean?”

    “I want to take you back to my place and make everything the rest of the way better.”

    Sarita bit her lip. “Like – overnight?”

    “If you want, I’d love that. Even if we don’t sleep together yet.”

    “Why would I stay over if we didn’t – you know?”

    Astra laughed, leaning in for a quick kiss. Tenderly, she tucked Sarita’s hair behind her ears. “Oh my god, you’re so cute. What I really want to do is take care of you. Make sure you’ve had something to eat, get rid of all your stress, and if you stay over, tuck you into bed.”

    “That’s not all you want to do to me.”

    “Are you talking about making love, or spanking you? Because the first one I’m open to passing on. You’re not getting out of the spankings though. You earned those yourself by being naughty.”

    The pounding in Sarita’s heart was making it hard to think and the buzz from her drinks wasn’t helping either. She had three days off, if Britt didn’t do another sudden schedule change. Tomorrow was a sure day off, at least.

    “Okay, you can take over.”

    “Take over your night – or take over everything?” Astra had an excited, playful look on her face.

    An equally playful and reckless feeling made Sarita grin. She grabbed her wine glass and downed the rest of it in a big gulp.


    “You’re lucky you pounded that wine before you put yourself in my hands.” Astra smirked. “Do you need to say goodnight to your friend?”

    “I probably should, or she’ll worry.”

    “Go ahead then, Little Girl, and meet me by the door right after.” Astra gave Sarita’s rear a firm pat before walking to the door.

    Sarita hopped up and scurried to the drink mixing station. “Ineis, I’m headed out. Thank you so much for the drinks and the big hug tonight!”

    “Are you okay? I know you’re a little buzzed, and Astra looks pushy.”

    “I like that she’s pushy.” Sarita giggled. “She’s careful with me.”

    “In that case, have a good time. Try not to jump straight into her bed.”

    “We’re not even going to – I mean, I don’t think we’re – shut up, I’ll tell you about it later.” Sarita giggled again, turning away from the bar before Ineis could pester her any more.

    Outside the bar, Astra took hold of Sarita’s hips and gently pinned her to the wall. The blonde woman’s eyes dropped to Sarita’s chest. Nervously, Sarita peeked downward. Her bra had done nothing to hide her body’s reaction to being pinned.

    “I want to set a couple of ground rules, since this is the first time you’ve been my Little Girl for real. I know you’re turned on, but pay attention, please.”

    “Okay.” Sarita swallowed around a lump in her throat.

    “I’m your caregiver. I expect you to obey me. If you don’t, I’ll punish you. Punishments will be a mix of fun and not fun.”

    “Is – that it?”

    “You can call a break any time you want. We can set a safeword if you really want, but I think it’s fine if you just ask for a break if you need one, especially our first time.”

    “That works. I don’t think we need a safeword if it’s okay for me to say stop.”

    “In return for all this, I’m going to nurture you. I’ll see to your mental, emotional, physical, and – other needs. As long as you’re obeying me, or accepting punishments when you don’t, I’ll take care of you.”

    “That sounds really nice.” Sarita was surprised at how much emotion came through in her voice and how much she wanted what Astra was describing.

    “Good girl. Now, is there anything you need to take care of before we go to my place? Your cat?”

    “I should check in on Nero.” Sarita nodded.

    “We’ll do that first. How close is your apartment?”

    “A couple of blocks.”

    Astra took Sarita’s hand, lacing their fingers together. “Take me there, Little Girl.”

    Sarita’s thoughts were abuzz. The walk home felt unreal, immersed as she was in a happy, tipsy, horny cloud. She didn’t think to consider the state of her apartment until they were already inside.

    “Nero? You scaredy kitty, it’s okay to come out.” Sarita tried rattling Nero’s food dish, but he was committed to hiding from the new person. She looked up at Astra, blushing when she spotted the critical expression on the other woman’s face.

    “Sweetheart, your apartment could be cute – but it’s quite a mess.”

    “I’m sorry! I haven’t had people over in ages. I’ve been so busy with work and stuff that…”

    “Shh.” Astra pressed a finger to Sarita’s lips. “I’ll help you. It looks like my Little Girl needs some chore reminders, is all.”

    “Uh…” Sarita blinked as the implications of that statement sunk in. “We’re not doing that tonight though, are we? You’re saying – you’d be in charge more than tonight?”

    “That’s right honey. I told you, until you ask for a break or stop accepting punishments. Wouldn’t you like to live in a nice clean place? Just at first blush it looks like it’s a pain to find the clothes you want.”

    “Sure I would but…”

    “Then trust your caregiver. Astra’s here to take care of you, Little Girl.”

    Any further protest on Sarita’s part was forestalled by another kiss. This time, Astra pinned Sarita to the fridge, cupping Sarita’s breast through her shirt. She moaned, pressing her chest into the touch.

    I can stop her any time I want. I’ll just ask for a break tomorrow morning. It’s not like she can force me to do chores when she’s not here.

    “Now, get together whatever you need for your cat. Pack a toothbrush and a pair of pajamas. You’ll also need a skirt and blouse for tomorrow.”


    Astra gave Sarita a light swat on her butt. There was no sting, other than to Sarita’s pride. “When I give you a direct command like that, I want you to say, ‘Yes Astra’. Once we establish a caregiver title for me, you can use that instead if you want.”

    “Um – yes Astra. What do you mean by a caregiver title?”

    “Whatever we decide our Little Girl and Caregiver relationship is. Sometimes the word is Mommy, or Nanny, or Auntie. There’s lots of possibilities. No more stalling, go do what I told you to do.”

    “Yes Astra.”

    Sarita scurried to fill Nero’s food and water. It was a lot, what Astra was putting on her. The sexiness of it was undeniable, however. Her panties were so wet that she wished she was wearing a pullup.

    I’ll probably be wearing one as soon as we get to Astra’s place. Sarita thought, with an excited shiver.

    Astra was doing dishes when Sarita presented herself with her overnight bag packed. After a few seconds of waiting, Sarita squirmed impatiently. Still, Astra didn’t look at her.

    “I’m sorry the sink is dirty, I can get those later. I’m ready with my stuff.”

    “I know you can clean them, but you didn’t. Being your caregiver isn’t just about making you do things, it’s doing things for you too. You can wait right there, Little Girl, I’ll be done loading your dishwasher in a minute.”

    Watching her date clean her frankly gross dishes was a humiliation Sarita hadn’t expected to encounter. She found herself clasping her hands behind her back or in front of her as she waited for Astra to be done. The discomfort cranked up higher once the dishwasher was running, as Astra opened Sarita’s bag to inspect the items. It was a huge relief for Sarita to get approval on her overnight packing.

    “There’s one more thing I’d normally check.” Astra rested her hand on Sarita’s thigh. “If I checked your panties, what would I find?”

    Sarita trembled. She couldn’t make herself raise her voice above a whisper. “They’re wet but – it’s not an accident.”

    “Is my Little Girl that turned on? Do you still want me to be in charge of you, all night?” Astra squeezed Sarita’s thigh gently.

    “Yes please, Astra.” Sarita moaned.

    “Our car should be here any minute, according to the app.” Astra smiled and patted Sarita’s cheek. “We don’t want to do kinky things in front of the driver. I want you to be a good, quiet little girl on the ride, understand?”

    “Yes Astra.” Or you could just take me right here in the kitchen. Spank me, whatever. I don’t know if you need the diapers, but I don’t need any more buildup, thanks.

    The car ride didn’t do a lot to cool Sarita off. The enforced quiet, while Astra chatted with the driver, kept her submissive state in the forefront of her mind. It was too warm in the car, indeed, the whole night was too warm. The temperature only went up when Astra took Sarita’s hand and lead her upstairs.

    There was no respite from Astra’s direct control in the pristine apartment either. The first thing the other woman did was take Sarita’s overnight bag away and hang it by the door. Astra took Sarita’s hands and looked intently into her eyes.

    “Do you need me to take you to the potty, Little Girl? You won’t have another chance to go for a half hour or more.”

    “Wh-what do you mean, take me to the – potty?”

    “Little girls need help using the potty. If I take you right now, I’ll sit you on it and watch you use it to make sure you don’t make a mess.”

    Sarita’s face flamed until her ears roared. The only answer she could make was a quick shake of her head.

    “Then we need to take care of your naughty behavior.” Astra walked Sarita to the couch.

    It was a nice piece of furniture, even looked like something that Astra had bought new. Sarita had plenty of opportunity to admire the upholstery when Astra bent her over the couch arm. Trembling, Sarita gripped the cushion. Her rear was already tingling in anticipation.

    She felt Astra pull her leggings down. Her panties came down too. Things were definitely a bit backward. Neither one of them had been topless yet. Despite her trepidation, Sarita had no intention of putting the brakes on anything. The faster she could get to release, the better!

    “Your panties ARE soaked.” Astra said softly, stroking Sarita’s rear. “Is this how you were after you wet yourself in the shower? When you took care of yourself without permission?”

    “Yes Astra.” Sarita gasped.

    “Do you need to be touched now, Little Girl?”

    “Yes, please.” As embarrassed as she was, Sarita didn’t feel any additional shame from begging. Shameless, begging whimpers tumbled from her lips. “Please, please…”

    “Not yet. Punishment first. You had an accident in your clothes, that’s naughty.”

    “You told me to.” Sarita protested, not willing to let that one go. “That’s not fair.”

    “Little Girls don’t get to decide what’s fair. It will be a small one for that, however.”

    A pair of slaps set Sarita’s cheeks tingling. She gasped and quivered, unconsciously raising her rear for more. It’d been sexy when Felisa had spanked her, but the strokes had always been clumsy and half-hearted. Astra’s smacks were crisp and precise. With all the buildup she’d had so far, it felt to Sarita like she might be able to climax just from the spanking.

    “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Astra stroked Sarita’s rear firmly, making the smacked skin tingle. “Thank me for correcting you.”

    Thank her? It would have been a hard command to swallow earlier in the night. As hot as Sarita’s motor was running, she was willing to do almost anything Astra told her to do.

    “Thank you, Astra.”

    “Good girl!” Astra’s fingers brushed close to the burning heat between Sarita’s legs. She was so desperate to be touched that the mere proximity made her twitch all the way down her back.

    “Now, touching yourself without asking me first, that’s actually naughty. It means a bigger spanking. I think you can handle a harder one too, what do you think, Little Girl?”

    “Yes Astra! Yes, I can.”

    Astra chuckled. Her fingertips ghosted across Sarita’s lower back. “You’re such a beautiful Little Girl, do you know that Sarita? You’re so pretty and sexy.”

    Sarita panted wantonly into the couch. “Please, Astra, I need you.”

    “I know you do. You’re my sexy, pretty, darling Little Girl. With my help, you’re going to be a good girl too. Do you want me to make you a good girl?”

    “Oh Jesus, oh Maria, yes, please, please Astra.”

    “Please what?”

    “Please make me a good girl.”

    “As you wish.”

    Astra’s hand came down, harder than Felisa had ever spanked. Easily as hard as Mom had spanked. The sound echoed off the apartment’s hardwood floor. Sarita gasped and tensed, yelping with every strike. She lost count instantly, knowing only that her rear was on fire. It was a fire to match the one between her legs. Sarita was close, so desperately close….

    A disappointed whine escaped from Sarita’s teeth when the spanking ended. She wiggled her rear, hoping to entice Astra’s hand to come down again.

    Just one more, surely. Just one or two more…

    “Is there something you need, Little Girl?”

    “Please. Please, Astra. Please touch me. Please! I’m so close!”

    “Only good girls get that. Are you a good girl?”

    “Yes! Yes I’m a good girl, please.”

    “Are you MY good girl? Will you be a good Little Girl for me, be obedient for me?” Astra’s palm scraped across Sarita’s raw skin. The contact sent a spasm down Sarita’s back.

    “Yes, Astra, anything you want.”

    “I want you to be my good Little Girl all the time – but I’ll settle for tonight and tomorrow. Can you do that? Will you promise me?”

    “I promise!”

    “What do you promise?”

    “I promise to be your Little Girl!”

    “How long?”

    “All night, tomorrow too! Please, please Astra, I’m begging, I’ll do anything just….”

    A pair of fingers touched Sarita in the center of the heat between her legs. Her mouth opened, but her breath was stopped, there was no sound. The first great tremble in her belly forced out a gasp. When Astra dug her fingers into Sarita’s stinging rear, the submissive girl’s screamed echoed off the walls.

    The full feeling of fingers inside her drove screams out of Sarita until her throat was rattled sore. The couch and apartment ceased to exist. Time wasn’t a thing. There was only the burn in her rear and the glorious feeling of being touched.

    Dimly, Sarita felt Astra taking her clothes the rest of the way off her legs. She was maneuvered onto some kind of towel, straddling Astra’s legs on the couch. There was just enough attention available for Sarita to be grateful she hadn’t been set on her aching rear.

    Astra gave Sarita the most gentle, tender kiss she’d ever felt. Enfolded in the other woman’s arms, Sarita rested her head on Astra’s shoulder and panted.

    “That’s my good girl. That’s my pretty Baby Girl. You’re such a good Little Girl. I’m so proud of you, Sarita.”

    The words were like a hug around Sarita’s heart, to match Astra’s arms around her body. It took a while filled with hugs, praise, and soft kisses before Sarita felt like she was thinking again. As she rose above a state of pure physical and emotional reaction, Sarita found herself cuddled intimately into Astra. After what they’d shared, it felt perfect to be so close and connected.

    “Wow. That was so intense. I’ve never – not that much.”

    “Are you coming back to me?” Astra smiled and stroked Sarita’s cheek. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. It looked like you were having a beautiful, delicious time.”

    “What about you? I haven’t – done anything for you.”

    “First off, you still need aftercare.” Astra’s eyes were sparkling. “Second, I got what I needed out of that, trust me.”

    “Are you sure? You don’t want to – come?”

    “Not tonight. I’m pretty busy anyway. Somebody promised to be my Little Girl for a day. I need to be taking care of her.”

    I did promise that, didn’t I? I was going to stop this in the morning.

    It felt so good to be in Astra’s arms, it was hard to imagine giving up that feeling. Not only did it feel selfish to go back on her promise, Sarita found herself craving more intimacy from Astra. Being a Little Girl didn’t seem nearly as scary after being so tenderly comforted.

    “What do I do?”

    “Nothing, unless I ask or tell you to do something. You let me care for you.”

    “Okay.” Sarita giggled. This is sounding better all the time.

    Astra shifted the towel, laying Sarita on her back on the couch. The towel crinkled. Belatedly, Sarita blushed at the fact that she was laying on a changing blanket.

    “I’m going to put you in a diaper.”

    “But you said a pullup before.”

    “That was before our session. I had to mop the floor up a bit after my Little Girl.”

    “I’m sorry.” Sarita grabbed a throw pillow to hide her face.

    “No need to be sorry.” Astra lightly tickled Sarita’s sides. “I’ve cleaned up all kinds of puddles that Little Girls make. You lie here while I get my supplies.”

    It was at once embarrassing and comforting to have Astra lift Sarita’s legs and gently apply lotion to her stinging rear. The pendulum swung hard to the embarrassing side when Astra put a diaper under her and applied baby powder. For Sarita, the scent brought back memories of lots of babysitting, with cute, helpless infants in her arms.

    She was just as helpless in Astra’s confidant hands, spread open and powdered. The diaper wrapped around her waist to seal her fate. It seemed impossible to Sarita that she’d feel more submissive than she had when Astra had bent her over the couch. The feeling now was the same in intensity, but the quality of it was completely different.

    Before, Sarita had been Astra’s sexy date. Bent over and being spanked, but desirable and on display. Now she was wrapped in a diaper, totally at Astra’s mercy. Astra hadn’t even wanted Sarita to reciprocate the sex.

    I believe her when she said she didn’t need it, she didn’t look hard up. It’s weird though, I feel like I can’t do anything for her.

    “How’s that, nice and comfortable?” Astra patted Sarita’s diaper briskly.

    “Yes, th-thank you Astra.” It was comfortable. The soothing lotion and cool powder, combined with the soft padding, felt great on Sarita’s raw butt.

    “Good! Now, did you eat dinner tonight, or did you go straight to the bar?”

    “I uh – had an apple on my break at work.”

    “An apple isn’t dinner. What do you want to eat? I saw a lot of frozen food in your freezer. Would you like an oven pizza?”

    Sarita’s stomach growled. She giggled and covered her face.

    Astra laughed. “I think that’s a yes. Come with me, Little Girl. Let’s make you some dinner.”

    Following Astra to the kitchen, Sarita was confused when Astra put pressure on her shoulders.

    “You can sit down right here, Little Girl. I’ll take care of the food.”

    “Oh, okay.” Gingerly, Sarita got down on the ground. Even through the diaper, the kitchen floor was uncomfortable on her rear. Sitting on the padded garment kept it fresh in her mind too.

    “Here’s a treat for you while you wait for the pizza.” Astra put an apple juice box in Sarita’s hands and patted her head.

    “Um, thanks.”

    Sarita punched in the straw and sipped on the juice. She didn’t feel like Astra’s date at all anymore. Weird as that was, it was balanced by the feeling of being cared for. While Astra was droning on about chore schedules and helping Sarita clean up her apartment, Sarita sipped her juice and concentrated more on processing what she was feeling.

    It’s not as weird or bad as I expected. That was some of the best sex I’ve ever had. Now she’s making me food. It was really sweet cuddles afterwards too. I wish I could see what SHE likes about this. I feel like a bad girlfriend, with Astra doing everything.

    Before either Astra’s schedule or Sarita’s thoughts could come to a conclusion, Sarita was rudely interrupted by an urgent need. She’d arrived at the apartment feeling as if she could go to the bathroom if there was an opportunity. Now, her body was telling her that she needed to make that opportunity happen.

    “Um, Astra?” Sarita asked, trying to pick the best point to interrupt Astra.

    “Yes Little Girl?”

    “Um, I guess if you want to uh – take me to the potty, like you said when we got here, I need to go.”

    “Oh no sweetie, that was before I had you in a diaper. You can just use that now, unless it’s number two.”


    “That’s what your diapers are for, Little Girl.” Astra patted Sarita on the head. “Go ahead, you’ve got your potty right on your waist, no need to interrupt our dinner.”

    “No I, I don’t think I can do that. It was really hard to make it happen in the shower. I’m not even in the bathroom. I can’t just go.”

    “You don’t have permission to use the potty right now, and I’m not going to put you on it, so you’ll have to use your diaper sooner or later.”

    Sarita blinked at Astra in disbelief. A huge part of her wanted to get up and walk to the bathroom. She’d shifted up to rise already without realizing it.

    “Don’t get grumpy with me. Be a good Little Girl, like you promised, okay Sarita?” Astra gently pushed Sarita back on her rear. “I don’t want to have to punish you again so soon after the last one.”

    “Astra, please. This is too much, isn’t it?”

    “Sweetie, you know that Little Girls use their diapers. You’ve already wet once when I told you to. Do you need help getting started?”

    “No, I don’t want to do it. Please t-take me to the – potty.” Sarita blinked away tears, if they were from frustration or anger it was hard to tell.

    “Aw, darling, you’re okay. Come here, let me make it better.”

    Astra took Sarita’s hands and pulled her to her feet. Right away she cornered Sarita against the counter and fridge, wrapping her in a gentle hug.

    “What’s the matter? Are you worried that I’m going to think you’re gross? I won’t, I promise.”

    “I just don’t want to do it!” Sarita whimpered.

    “You said you’d be a good girl for me, and I know you want to be a good girl. Everything’s going to be okay. Stop worrying about being in charge and relax.”

    The hug was soothing, in a way. The gentle kiss Astra gave Sarita helped too. The angry panic was receding, but there was no playfulness to replace it. After her experience in the shower, the idea of wetting didn’t appeal at all.

    Astra nuzzled Sarita’s ear and whispered. “Sometimes being a good girl means doing something you don’t want to do. Be my good girl, Sarita. Relax and use that cute diaper of yours.”

    “I can’t.” Sarita squirmed in distress. It was true too. A momentary effort to relax had unclenched nothing.

    “I’ll help you. Squat down for me. Come on. That’s my good Little Girl.”

    Astra took Sarita’s hands and guided her into a squat. Pressure and urgency became pain and desperation. She struggled to rise, to close her legs, but Astra had Sarita off balance and her legs between the girl’s knees.

    “Oh no!” Sarita wailed.

    “Oh yes, good girl!”

    When the dam broke, all resistance vanished. Pee flooded her diaper, soaking the crotch and quickly following the padding back to Sarita’s rear. Tears flowed just as freely. There were no sobs, but she could feel her lip quivering until her teeth chattered.

    Astra gathered Sarita up, squeezing her tightly. “You’re an amazing, beautiful Little Girl. I’m so proud of you. What a good, sexy Little Girl you are.”

    Trembling, Sarita pressed against Astra. The words felt hollow in her ears, as much as she wanted to hear them, she couldn’t believe.

    “I’m not sexy. I just wet – wet myself.” Sarita took a deep, shuddering breath.

    “You’re very sexy. Especially right now.”

    Astra nibbled at Sarita’s lip, teasing her mouth open. Their lips locked in steamy passion. There was a hand on Sarita’s hip and breast, but most of all there was a very eager woman pressing against her.

    It was hard to reignite her flame, there was no chance of the kind of heat she’d felt during her spanking. Despite that, warmth coiled in Sarita’s belly, doubly so when she caressed Astra’s breasts through her blouse. Triply so when Astra moaned.

    Finally, Sarita felt desirable. Her heart picked up its pace and cleared the last of the tight upset from her chest. It was a long, hot make-out session that didn’t end until the oven timer dinged.

    “Mmm, drat. I can’t let your dinner burn.” Astra pulled back reluctantly.

    The diaper wasn’t exactly wet any more, it was more damp or soggy. There was an unpleasant squish of liquid when Sarita sat down to eat, but it re-absorbed well enough. As hungry as she was, Sarita didn’t have any dinner conversation. She wolfed down her portion of the pizza, following it with a tall glass of water at Astra’s direction.

    “You were a hungry girl! I’m glad I went for something quick, though I’m a little worried that you’re not eating right. Would you let me come over and cook for you sometimes?”

    “You’d do that?” Sarita was dumbfounded and certain her face wasn’t hiding it.

    “For my Little Girl? Of course. It’s going to take you a while to accept what taking care of you actually means, isn’t it?”

    “That’d be really nice, but you don’t have to do it.”

    “I know I don’t. I want to.”

    “Speaking of taking care of me – um – can we do something about…”

    “Are you asking for a diaper change, Little Girl? I need you to use your words. Can you say, ‘I need a diaper change, please’, if that’s what you need?”

    Sarita blushed furiously, hanging her head. “I n-need a – diaper change – please.”

    “Good girl!” Astra grinned and gave Sarita a quick, vigorous kiss. “You’re not ready for a change yet, though. Those diapers can hold a few wettings. I’ll put you in a nice dry one at bedtime.”

    “You’re not going to – change me?!”

    “Not unless you have a poopy accident.” Astra patted Sarita’s cheek and cleared the dishes.

    Whatever retort Sarita would have made was wiped from her mind by that last pronouncement. Luckily, she didn’t feel a need for that bodily function at all.

    “Now, I know it’s pretty late, way past your bedtime, but tonight is a special night. What would my Little Girl like to do before bed? Do you want to watch something? Play a game? Something else?”

    I want out of this diaper. Sarita sighed. She wasn’t sure what kinds of games were on offer, but if they were kiddie games, she didn’t have the patience for them. Being dominated was hot, but there were a lot of rough edges to the night so far.

    “I’m not sure what stuff you have to watch.”

    “I have just about any streaming service. If we really can’t find something, renting a movie is an option too.”

    “All of them? We could watch the show with the elves and the earrings?”

    “That new fantasy series? Great pick! I haven’t seen it yet and it looks fun.”

    In short order Sarita had her head in Astra’s lap and was getting her hair petted. She also had a sippy cup filled with water. At first, Sarita had refused the cup entirely, but Astra had insisted. It did make drinking easier while she was on her side.

    Astra’s soothing caresses would have put Sarita to sleep if the show wasn’t so interesting. After the first episode, Astra wanted to declare bedtime. Sarita argued that renting a movie had been an option, and that meant there had to be at least one more hour until bedtime, enough for a second episode.

    Engaging with the game got Astra to relent on bedtime. Polishing off her water got Sarita more praise and a scalp massage. By the middle of episode two, she was sleepy and relaxed enough that she almost had a real accident. As soon as Sarita was aware of her need, her body clamped down, thankfully!

    It’s all fun and games until I’m wetting myself like I used to in elementary school.

    Elven politics, already convoluted, became impossible to follow as Sarita crossed her legs and fought the urge to wet.

    “Are you getting restless sweetie? We can pause it here – oh, I see. Potty time again?”

    “No, please.” Sarita whimpered. “I can go after you take this one off.”

    “And get your nighttime diaper wet? I don’t think you’ll like that at all. Go ahead, Little Girl. You’ve done it once, it won’t be so bad the second time.”

    “Do I have to?” Sarita whined.

    “You do. But maybe that makes it easier for you. It did in the kitchen, didn’t it? If it’s something I’m making you do?”

    Sarita would have considered that, had she been allowed. Instead, Astra pulled the diapered girl into her lap and nuzzled her cheek. Just as she was relaxing into the cuddles, Sarita felt a hand press down on her bladder. Caught off guard, she soaked the padding again.

    It wasn’t as bad as the last time. She’d been feeling soggy already, so the fresh wetness mostly added the sensation of warmth. Once again, Astra praised and petted Sarita, holding her close.

    I’m never going to believe I’m a good girl for wetting my pants. Not after the disaster that fourth grade was.

    Though the praise wasn’t any more believable, the intimacy kept Sarita from feeling disgusting. The best she could say was that it wasn’t traumatic. That, and it made Astra really happy. Sarita supposed she could put up with a little weirdness for a hot girlfriend that was an actual adult. Especially one that could deliver mind-blowing orgasms.