• Getting Little: Chapter 4

    The munch was at a cute coffee shop. Sarita looked around nervously, on the doorstep. There were lots of comfy chairs and couches, plushies, and a couple of cats. There were only a few people inside. That was a bad sign, the munch should have been in session for ten minutes.

    Did I get the place wrong? Did they tell me the wrong place to ditch me?

    A text message from Oriana stalled Sarita’s panic before it got out of hand. They were in a private room. It made sense and relieved Sarita’s anxiety at the same time. With a nice affordable drip coffee in hand, Sarita knocked on the door.

    “Girl, you made it!” Oriana opened the door and ushered Sarita in.

    Oriana looked really happy to see her, though they’d only met yesterday. Sarita smiled bashfully and let herself be lead to an empty seat. The private room was decorated with beautiful, patterned sheets draped across the ceiling and walls, giving it the feeling of a luxury tent. There was a round table in the middle of the room and a circle of loveseats and armchairs around it.

    Sarita found herself between Oriana and a stranger. There was no sign of Nohemi or Astra. She wasn’t sure if she wanted Astra to be there or not, but she sorely missed Nohemi.

    “Everybody, this is Sarita. It’s her first time here, so be nice and don’t chase her off!” Oriana said.

    “Hi everybody.” Sarita said.

    “Let’s go around the room, sound off your name,” Nieves said. A redheaded girl groaned. “Even if we meet every week, it’s technically a munch, you don’t get to complain about introductions and icebreakers. Now you have to go first.”

    The redhead laughed. “I’m Pauline.”

    “Inka.” “Nieves.” “Oriana.”

    The whole circle looked at Sarita, catching her while she was sipping her coffee.

    “Oh, I already said, but Sarita.”

    “Enya.” Said the girl next to Sarita.

    “Paul.” “Tanner.” Two guys were sharing a loveseat, probably a couple, since Paul was leaning against Tanner.

    “This is the main crew more or less. There are more people that come sometimes.” Oriana said.

    “Welcome to our group.” Pauline said. “I’m glad you weren’t scared of Oriana and decided to come.”

    “Rude!” Oriana said.

    Everyone laughed. Sarita smiled and settled into her chair. They all seemed nice, nobody was scowling or throwing weird looks. Nobody was wearing any obvious baby stuff. There wasn’t even anyone wearing something more subtle, like the mom-chic Astra liked to wear.

    “I’ll do the group intro if nobody else wants to.” Nieves said. Several of the others nodded.

    Nieves took a deep breath. “We’re an ABDL group that’s associated with the scene at the Green Fairy, but you don’t have to go to the club to hang out with us. We do these munches every week to hang out. Anybody that isn’t a jerk is welcome. No diapers, no baby gear, no baby clothes at a Munch. Stuffies are okay, but don’t act like a baby here. The munches are for socializing and introducing new members.”

    Oriana picked up as Nieves ran out of steam. “We do other events to, at the Green Fairy or other places. We can do a lot of ABDL stuff at those. If it’s not at the Fairy, whoever’s running the event will let people know what the boundaries are.”

    “We’re not a super hardcore group.” Enya said. “I don’t think anyone in the group is lifestyle. We don’t have a group name.”

    Sarita chuckled along with the group. “Thanks, it sounds really cool. I ony found out about all this last week. I’m curious but I don’t know anything yet.” She said.

    “We have a group chat where you can post questions if you’re embarrassed to ask in person.” Oriana said. “I’ll send you a link.”

    “Okay, okay, enough admin stuff. Let’s do something fun before Sarita thinks all we do is sit around and talk about logistics.” Tanner said.

    “Icebreaker game?” Enya asked. ‘You want to start, Tanner?”

    “Sure, we’ll do Never Have I Ever. Not as a drinking game. The person asking gets to pick one person that answered yes. That person has to explain a time they did the thing.”

    “Is that okay with you, Sarita?” Enya asked.

    “Yeah, sounds fun.”

    “I’ll start with a super easy one for me, since I’m a daddy.” Tanner said. “Never have I ever worn a diaper or pullup.”

    Nearly every other hand went up. Blushing like crazy, Sarita put her hand up as well.

    “Really? Sarita? I’m not picking you, yet. I’m surprised.” Tanner said.

    “Yeah, I have. Once.” Sarita said, curling up in her chair.

    “She went on a date with Astra.” Oriana said.

    “Woah, she moves really fast now!” Pauline exclaimed.

    “Okay Sarita, I AM picking you to explain. It’s your first time here though, so you can veto and pick anyone else that raised their hand.”

    “No, it’s okay. Um, like Oriana said. I went on a date with Astra. She explained stuff to me and… I got curious. I asked her to give me a pullup to wear.”

    “Woah, you go girl!” Pauline said, grinning. “I wasn’t so brave when I first heard about it.”

    Sarita giggled and took a big sip of her coffee.

    “It’s your turn to say something you’ve never done, Sarita.” Tanner said.

    “Uh – I don’t really know what all stuff there is.” Sarita said. “So – never have I ever been in the teddy bear room in the Green Fairy.”

    “Aw you got us all with that one.” Nieves said with a laugh.

    Sarita grinned at all the raised hands. After a quick eeny-meeny-miney-moe, she pointed at Pauline.

    “Okay, well I’m more of a DL than a AB.” Pauline said. “So never have I ever drunk from a baby bottle.”

    Nieves’s hand went up again. So did Enya’s, Inka’s, and Paul’s.

    “I don’t know how you joined the Fairy, Paul. Fess up. Specifically, about the teddy bear room.” Pauline said.

    “My super gross ex-boyfriend got me really drunk and dared me to go in there. Tanner was there and he saw how wasted I was. He took care of me and was a perfect gentleman and daddy. Not that we did any ABDL stuff that night.” Paul said, snuggling closer to Tanner. “He rescued me, and I dumped the beast the next day. Daddy and I have been together ever since.”

    A general aww went around the circle. Nieves got a laugh for pretending to gag at the cute boys.

    “Just for that Nieves, here’s one I know you have to say yes to.” Paul said. “Never have I ever wet in my clothes on purpose. Diapers only for me.”

    Sarita winced. She watched Nieves put her hand up. Oriana did too. So did Pauline and Inka. Gingerly, Sarita added her hand to the others.

    “Sarita again?” Pauline giggled. “You’re doing a great job with the innocent girl look, but you’re a little firecracker.”

    “It’s not an act, I really am embarrassed.” Sarita said.

    “I’m sure I know who your story involves. I’ll be nice and pick someone else.” Paul sad. “Oh look, Nieves has her hand up!”

    “Meanie.” Nieves stuck her tongue out at Paul. “Last time I did that… I faked an accident when we were out drinking because I wanted Oriana to take care of me.”

    “I knew it! I knew you were faking!” Oriana said in amused outrage.

    “Oh, that’s a spicy one, good pick Paul.” Enya said.

    Having exhausted her only two ABDL activities, Sarita got to watch and listen for the rest of the game. It seemed like the rest of them had heard most of the stories before, but it was still a lot of fun. Between the caffeine and the mound of sugar Sarita had put in her drip coffee to make it drinkable, she was feeling happy and hyper.

    “Since we’re not allowed to wear here, I need a bathroom break.” Paul said. “Do you need one too, Tanner?”

    The question got raised eyebrows. Sarita couldn’t see why. It wasn’t normal for guys to go to the bathroom together, but they were gay and kinky, so she didn’t see the problem. Anyway, the reactions were quickly lost as most of the group decided they need to go as well. Sarita managed to get first shot at the girl’s bathroom, putting her back at the private room ahead of the pack.

    Pauline was the only one that hadn’t gone. As soon as Sarita took her seat, Pauline plopped down next to her.

    “Hi.” Sarita said. “Um, that was Oriana’s seat.”

    “She won’t mind, we can handle a little reshuffle.” Pauline said. “Is it okay if I sit by you?”

    “Yeah, go ahead.”

    “Cool. We were all planning to go to a store that sells ABDL stuff after the munch. You don’t have to come along if you don’t want to, but you’re welcome. I wanted to give you a heads up, so it isn’t weird when our time’s up in the private room.”

    “Thanks for telling me. I guess I might go. What kind of stuff is there?”

    “Tons of diapers, mostly. But they sell a lot of baby stuff. Pacifiers, baby clothes in adult sizes, and sexy stuff. They sell regular baby toys too, but those aren’t worth it to buy there. I get those a regular store or a thrift store.”

    “It sounds interesting.” Sarita said, squirming. “Okay, I’m in.”

    Oriana walked in and smirked at Pauline. “Duck, duck, baby in my seat.”

    “Get another seat. This one is comfy.” Pauline said.

    “Jolines, you’re a pain.” Oriana took Pauline’s seat, claiming the only other unclaimed loveseat.

    A rumble of voices filled the small room as people reshuffled their seats. Pauline leaned into Sarita and asked in a soft voice, “So, is it ABDL you’re interested in, or Astra?”

    “Um – it was Astra at first.” Sarita said, playing with her hair to try to burn off the awkward energy. “But I guess I’m kind of generally curious now.”

    “Next question before the room quiets down again.” Pauline said with a mischievous grin. “Is it okay if I flirt with you?”

    “I uh – what? I’m not sure – wait, are you already?”

    Pauline giggled. “A little bit, but I’ll back off if it’s not okay.”

    I go a year without dating and suddenly I’m like catnip. Do these girls really think I’m cute, or am I the fresh meat?

    “I haven’t really talked with Astra about us being exclusive or not.”

    Pauline looked really surprised. There was more than surprise there too. Something like annoyance, or concern.

    “Okay, no problem. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”

    “Wait, what was that look? Is it weird Astra and I haven’t talked about being exclusive?”

    “A little bit? Especially if she already went as far as putting you in a pullup.” Pauline said. “She’s dating at least two Little Girls that I know of, besides you.”

    “Oh.” Sarita sighed.

    Of course, it wasn’t only me. It was stupid to think she was my girlfriend.

    “Augh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to throw cold water on your new thing.”

    “No, it’s fine. You know what? You’re pretty. I like your red hair.”

    Pauline giggled. She was about to respond when the room quieted down. Instead, she gave Sarita a lusty wink.

    “We played Never Have I Ever, and musical chairs, is anybody up for one more game?” Enya asked.

    “We have a little bit of business we should get out of the way.” Oriana said.

    “Oriana’s right.” Tanner said over the groans that followed Oriana’s statement.

    “I’ll be quick. We still need somebody to help with the diaper decorating for the next Green Fairy night. Nieves and I are already doing the snacks for the table. I know decorating a hundred diapers is work, but it’s fun too, and it pays for us to rent this room.”

    “I could do it if you did it sometime other than the evening. Tuesdays are my only free evening.” Paul said.

    “It could be any time if someone wants to take the whole project over, but if it’s not in the evening, Nieves and I won’t be able to help.”

    “What kind of decoration is it?” Sarita asked.

    “We have a bunch of glitter pens and gel pens.” Nieves said. “You’d make cute drawings. They don’t have to look good, if they look like a kid drew them it’s better. We don’t want them to all look the same.”

    “I’m not much of an artist if there isn’t a computer involved, so it might look like kid art.” Sarita shrugged shyly. “I can do it. It’s a hundred, by uh, three weeks from now? My schedule is all over the place though.”

    “We’ll give them to you and lend you the art supplies if you think you can get them done.” Oriana said. “Let us know if you realize you might not finish.”

    “I can help too.” Pauline said. “If that’s cool with you, Sarita.”

    “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind the company.” Sarita smiled. “I don’t have any money to put in for the rental, but I can help this way.”

    “It’s your first time, you don’t have to be worrying about finances.” Tanner said.

    “It’s super sweet of you to offer though.” Inka said. “Thank you.”

    “You’re saving our butts.” Oriana said. “Otherwise, Nieves and I would be working pretty much the whole time between events.”

    “I’m glad to help.” Sarita said.

    It felt good to get a bunch of thanks from the group, even if she hadn’t earned them yet. The talk fell to gossip about other ABDL people in town, but without names or context, Sarita was lost. Thanks to Pauline’s tip, when the trip to the diaper store was announced, Sarita was able to join in without hesitation.

    One more point in my reputation of being adventurous and confidant. I sure hope it lasts.

    Pauline asked to trade numbers to coordinate on the diaper decoration as they set out from the coffee shop. It put the two of them at the back of the group, walking together.

    Pretty smooth Pauline, I see what you’re doing.

    While Pauline finished inputting the new contact, Sarita took a moment to look over the other girl. Pauline was a little taller, with shoulder length, natural red hair. She didn’t have the super put together look that Astra did, which made her much less intimidating.

    Sarita had been joking about flirting when she called Pauline pretty in the coffee shop, but she really was pretty. Pauline seemed fun and relaxed too, which would be a nice change of pace.

    Not going straight to being exclusive is normal, tonta. Sarita reminded herself. I was taking Astra way too seriously. It’s the same thing I did with Felisa. I should just… date for fun. Pauline seems fun.

    Sarita waited until Pauline looked up from her phone and tucked her hair behind her ear as obviously as she could.

    “I guess we should pick a place to do the decoration. It’d be cool if we could hang out more than for the project, though.”

    “That’d be great.” Pauline said, grinning. “What kind of stuff do you like to do?”

    “Uh, I’m super boring.” And poor. “I don’t go out much. I’m a regular at the Padded Pony, and that’s was all until I got into all this.”

    “The Pony? I haven’t been there in forever. There was crazy drama over a taco truck and I stopped going before I really met anybody.”

    Sarita facepalmed. “Yeah, that was my ex.”

    “You dated the taco-truck-fire girl?!” Pauline’s mouth dropped in shock.

    “Yep. I’m the taco-truck-fire girlfriend.”

    Of course, she knows about it. Thanks Felisa.

    “No way, you’re way too adventurous and kinky for that to be your label.”

    “H-how do you know if I’m kinky?”

    “Well, you’re way more open to it than I was, when I discovered the teddy bear room.” Pauline said. “I think it’s cool, really. I was a wallflower for so long they almost kicked me out for making people uncomfortable by not participating.”

     “It seemed like a time for a change. I didn’t want to be the taco-truck-fire girlfriend anymore.”

    “You nailed it.” Pauline said. Her knuckles brushed Sarita’s. There was a sparky feeling that made Sarita glance up nervously. Pauline’s eyes were emerald. They held gazes long enough for Sarita to trip on a crack in the sidewalk.

    Pauline caught Sarita by the arm. They exchanged another shy glance. The rest of the way to the store they walked quietly, holding hands.

    The front of the store was innocuous enough, selling medical supplies, including incontinence products. It had a sterile grey-and-blue medical aesthetic that was ick.

    You had to ask to be let into the back room, Sarita learned. The back room was like night and day to the front. Everything was in enticing primary colors, with lots of childlike touches such as foam bumpers on the corners of shelves.

    It took until their group had been let into the back for the rest to notice Sarita and Pauline holding hands. A teasing chorus of, “Oooh!” from the rest of the group had the new couple giggling. They retreated from the teasing down a side isle of the store.

    The side trip took them to diaper central. There were diapers from a dozen brands, some simply a solid pastel color, while others had a busy print design. A package of bold purple diapers caught Sarita’s eye, she stopped to admire the color.

    “Your butt would look cute in one of those.” Pauline said.

    Sarita giggled nervously, ducking her head. “I don’t know. They look way more intense than the pullup I wore.”

    “I don’t think how intense they are affects if your butt would be cute or not.” Pauline said, poking Sarita’s side. “Only how nervous you’d be wearing them.”

    “Not if I’m so nervous that I never get it on.” Sarita said, squirming away from the poke.

    “While we’re back here, we should pick out a package to decorate.” Pauline said. “Tanner buys them, then we sell them at markup at the Fairy.”

    “Oh, hmm, well Oriana said a hundred, right? That looks like two packages. We could pick two different kinds.”

    “You pick. I’m excited to see which ones you like.”

    “Because you want to picture me in them?”

    “That’s right, I’m diapering you with my eyes.” Pauline said, smirking.

    Sarita found herself flushing from more than embarrassment. She wasn’t sure if it was because she’d have to get at least half naked for Pauline to do that to her, or if it really was the diapers. Now that she was in a store aisle full of them, they had a certain attraction. The feel was something taboo and comforting at the same time.

    For the first package, Sarita picked out the plainest ones she could find, which turned out to be white diapers with pastel pink wings.

    “Boring.” Pauline said as she was handed the package.

    “They’re for decorating.” Sarita said defiantly.

    Despite what she’d said, Sarita went looking for something more challenging for her second package. A pride-pony set looked like they had enough white space to add decoration if she was clever about it. Sarita set that package on top of the plain ones with a smug nod.

    “I’m carrying both packages?” Pauline protested.

    “That’s right, you’re my pack mule now.”

    “I’m getting you for that later.”

    “Oh no, I’m so scared.”

    “You’re a brat too? No fair.”

    “Why, do you like bratty girls?” Sarita posed with a hip out, biting her lip.

    “I thought I was supposed to be flirting with you.” Pauline said. She had a pretty blush covering her cheeks.

    “Looks like it’s mutual.” Sarita flipped her hair back. “Anyway, we should find the others.”

    “Oh, you’re trouble.”

    The rest of the group were browsing more interesting toys. The aisle was labeled ‘Restraints and Punishment’, which turned out to be a blend of baby and BDSM stuff. Pacifier gags were the first thing to catch Sarita’s eye. There was all kinds of stuff, from paddles to straightjackets to chastity devices.

    Tanner was making a big show of looking at the chastity cages, while a humiliated Paul squirmed next to him.

    “See anything you like?” Pauline asked.

    It was Sarita’s turn to squirm. She glanced at the pacifier gags again before she could stop herself.

    “Oh, these?” Pauline asked, setting down the diapers to grab a hot-pink pacifier gag. “Neat, this one has an inflatable bulb.”

    “There’s lots of stuff in here.” Sarita said evasively.

    “These are nice for apartment living though, right? In case you’ve got a baby that cries a lot or makes other noises.”

    Oriana and Nieves turning to them to join in on Pauline’s laugh pushed Sarita into acute embarrassment. She covered her flushed face, stepping back until her shoulders bumped into the paddles.

    “Too much? I’m sorry.” Pauline said.

    “No, it’s okay.” Sarita peeked out from behind her hands. “I got overwhelmed.”

    “If you really are interested in it, we can’t try them out or anything, but do you want to hold it and see how the strap feels?”

    Gingerly, Sarita took the pacifier gag. The leather strap was soft like suede on the inside. The pacifier looked like it’d be comfortable, at least until the bulb was inflated. She imagined putting it on and swallowed nervously.

    It was obviously a baby thing and a sex thing at the same time. If she had it on, she wouldn’t be able to talk, but it’d also mark her as being into ABDL kink. The strap was the kind that could be buckled or could be buckled and locked. The thought of not being able to take it off put all kinds of interesting feelings in Sarita’s head and hips.

    “You seem pretty interested in it…” Pauline said.

    “Yeah, it’s hot.” Sarita whispered.

    “I’ve never used one of those either.” Pauline said in a low tone.

    “No?” Sarita looked at Pauline. “Would you?”

    Pauline gave a nervous squirm. “For the right person.”

    Sarita giggled. “Maybe we’ll be right for it – someday.”

    “Maybe.” Pauline grinned.

    “Are those the diapers you want to decorate?” Tanner asked, scaring both girls into a little jump.

    “Uh, yeah. Sarita picked them out.” Pauline said.

    “I’ll take them to the counter, thanks for choosing them.” Tanner said.

    “You’re welcome.” Sarita said.

    Paul was super blushy and quiet behind his boyfriend. Oriana and the others had moved down the aisle to look at the plastic pants. Considering the section they were in, the pants surely had a way to lock. Sarita decided she couldn’t handle the blush that would come with confirming that fact.

    Hesitantly, Sarita took Pauline’s hand. Butterflies bubbled in her stomach when Pauline gave her hand a squeeze. She took the lead to the next aisle over, hoping for less embarrassing products.

    The next aisle was less sex-oriented, but it was hard to say if it was less embarrassing. The shelves on both sides were fully stocked with adult-sized baby clothes, with more than a third of the space dedicated to onesies.

    “This stuff I don’t do as much.” Pauline said. “I like the diapers more than the age-related stuff.”

    “Not even for the right person?” Sarita teased. “This onesie matches your hair.”

    “No, it doesn’t, it’s red. I’d look washed out.” Pauline said.

    “Not this shade, look.” Sarita took a onesie off the stack and stepped over to a mirror, holding it up.

    Though she rolled her eyes, Pauline stepped dutifully behind the onesie. Her eyes widened when she checked herself in the mirror.

    “That actually goes really well. How’d you do that?”

    “I’m good with color balance and stuff.” Sarita said.

    “Are you an artist?”

    “I wish. I’d like to get into graphic design, but I don’t work in that either. I have a retail job at a clothing store.”

    “I bet you give people great fashion advice at least.” Pauline said.

    “What do you do?” Sarita asked, desperate to get off the topic of her crappy job.

    “I’m an assistant bookkeeper. Lots of boring numbers, all day.”

    “Better than customers.”

    “Yeah, I remember, from when I worked in a coffee shop.”

    “You lovebirds can stick around if you want, but we’re heading out.” Oriana said, poking her head into the aisle.

    “Oh uh, yeah, I have to work early tomorrow. I should go.” Sarita hastily folded the onesie and put it back on the rack.

    “Can I walk you home? I’ll help carry the diapers.”

    “Oh, I forgot the diapers. Uh, do they cover them with something or…”

    “They have plain bags.” Pauline said, laughing.

    Outside the store, Sarita tried not to feel self conscious about the bag in her hand. The diapers weren’t visible unless someone looked directly into the bag. Still, it felt weird to be carrying them. After getting a promise from Oriana to bring her the pens for decorating, Sarita and Pauline said their goodbyes.

    By mutual, silent agreement, they walked with their bags on the side opposite the other person. They lasted a block before they were holding hands again. Sarita didn’t look back, but she imagined Oriana and the others were getting plenty of gossip out of that.

    No importa. They don’t seem like they’re mean about it. Sarita thought.

    At her apartment steps, Sarita took the other bag of diapers and hesitated awkwardly. Pauline was as awkward, shifting her weight from foot to foot.

    “This wasn’t really a date – I don’t know if I should kiss you.” Pauline said.

    “I think people can kiss – even if they haven’t finished a date.” Sarita said, blushing.

    That was so lame!

    Corny and lame as the line was, it worked. Pauline leaned in for a sweet kiss that set Sarita’s heart fluttering.

    “Text me when you get the pens for decorating those.” Pauline said. “Or you know – whenever you want.”

    “Okay. Um, you too. Text me whenever.”

    “Sounds good.” Pauline beamed. “Goodnight.”

    “Night.” Sarita watched Pauline go, swaying with giddy energy.

    Upstairs, she endured a lecture from Nero about how rude it had been for her to leave him alone all evening.

    “You’re going to have to get used to it, Nero. I’m going to have friends, and date again.”

    Nero was not impressed. He stuck his nose in the shopping bags and batted at the crinkly plastic inside.

    “Those are none of your business, Nero!” Sarita said. Rattling his food dish evaporated his interest in the diapers, though it did generate a fresh round of meows.

    With a fed kitty on her lap and a plate of taquitos, Sarita settled in to watch shows. Since one screen obviously wasn’t enough, she pulled out her phone. There was a text from Nohemi, asking how things had gone with Oriana and Nieves.

    Smiling, Sarita let the show fade into the background as she described her evening to Nohemi. Certain details had to be omitted, of course, but she didn’t want to deprive her new friend of the chance to tease her about kissing a second girl in a week.

    Nohemi didn’t disappoint. With the show now utterly forgotten, Sarita giggled as she traded barbs with Nohemi.