• Baby Briana: Chapter 08

    Briana returned to Veronica’s office with her phone in hand. She cocked her head curiously when Veronica held her hand out for it.

    “You’re grounded from your phone today, remember?” Veronica said. “Your computer too.”

    “Oh yeah.” Briana reluctantly handed over the phone. “How am I supposed to do those readings if I can’t get on my computer?”

    “I’m glad you remember those. I printed them out for you. You’ll do them here, in my office.”

    Briana made a face.

    “Yes Veronica.” Veronica prompted.

    “Yes Veronica.” Briana rolled her eyes.

    “If you need a spanking, keep going in that direction, young lady.” Veronica said.

    “Okay, MOM.” Briana smirked.

    “Aww, that’s really sweet.” Veronica’s words and tone distracted Briana enough that she couldn’t dodge the swat Veronica laid on her rear.

    “Ow!” Briana hopped.

    “Do I have your attention now?” Veronica asked? Briana nodded.

    “Good girl. Okay, chores first, then up here to do homework. Jane is going to bring you up here herself, so there’s no chance for you to skip out.” Veronica folded her arms. “Don’t pout at me. You weren’t reliable yesterday. When you’re done with your homework you can play. Do you want to spend time with Casey? Or would you rather not deal with that today?”

    “Casey sounds fun but uh, you said you were going to talk to her?” Briana’s stomach had butterflies.

    “I will. What would YOU like to do with her? It’s okay if it’s hanging out, nothing physical.”

    “Physical is okay.” Briana blushed lightly. “No um, sex? Maybe nothing under the clothes below the waist?”

    Veronica chuckled. “You two are going to be very worked up after that. I’ll talk to Casey, and see if she agrees.  I’ll let you know when you’re back for your homework, okay?”

    Briana nodded. “Um, Veronica?”

    “Yes hon?”

    “Is this all… really okay? I’m not weird, or going crazy, or bad? You’re not humoring me, because I can’t get straightened out by a doctor?”

    “You are a good girl.” Veronica gave Briana a gentle hug. “This is very unusual, but if it’s what you need, that’s okay. I think about the happy Briana who moved in here, and the wounded girl who cried when she thought she was being kicked out. After cleaning you up this morning, dressing you, and taking charge of your day, I see way more of the first Briana.”

    “Okay.” Briana smiled shyly. “I worry.”

    “I know you do. We’re working on that.” Veronica patted Briana’s cheek. “Now get your butt down to Jane. She’s got a bunch of stuff for you to work on today.”

    “Bleh.” Briana sighed, blowing her bangs out of her face. Without further complaint, she headed downstairs.

    Veronica had not been kidding about the list of chores. Jane had her mop the kitchen, then handed her off to Suzie to dust the furniture. Suzie sent Briana to Casey, who put her to work pulling weeds in the flower beds. From Casey she went to Erin, who had her rotate and fold the laundry.

    “She has me doing everyone’s Sunday chores.” Briana realized. “Well, helping them with their chores.” It wasn’t all bad, she got a chance to catch up with everyone at least. Chores carried her to lunch, and after washing the dishes Briana was marched to her room by Jane.

    “Okay, last thing for today.” Jane said, looking around. “Let’s get this room totally clean. Everything put away, bed made, surfaces wiped down.”

    Briana sighed. It looked to her like Jane was going to stand and watch. She started with the bed, wincing when the plastic sheet crinkled.

    “How are you doing Bri?” Jane asked. “Are you okay?”

    “Yeah, kinda. I mean, I wish this wasn’t all happening.” Briana said.

    “Veronica said you’re enjoying her program.” Jane said curiously. “Does it help you?”

    “I think it does.’ Briana sat down on her bed. “It makes me happier at least. It hasn’t helped with the uh… problem yet.”

    “Do you want to talk about it?” Jane sat beside Briana.

    “Uh, about waking up wet?” Briana blushed.

    “No, I mean, anything you want to talk about.” Jane leaned gently against Briana’s shoulder. “Veronica says we’re taking kind of a parental role for you. Is that how it feels?”

    “Sort of?” Briana pulled her feet up and picked at her toes. “It does take a lot of stress off to have someone else in charge.”

    “Veronica said you gave us permission to spank you. Is that true? And I mean, true for me?”

    “Well uh…” Briana blushed and stared at her toes. “Uh… yeah?”

    “You don’t sound very sure.”

    “It’s a weird thing to talk about with my roommate.” Briana said. “But I did give permission. It includes you.”

    “Well you’ve been really obedient so far, maybe I won’t have to.” Jane chuckled.

    “Are you okay with it?” Briana asked.

    “Yes.” Jane grinned. “Maybe it is weird but if it helps you then it’s okay. Sounds kind of fun too.”

    “I bet it does.” Briana stuck out her tongue.

    “There’s something about you that makes this feel okay.” Jane shrugged. “Maybe how well you’re taking to it.”

    “You think so?” Briana asked.

    “You do seem happier.” Veronica nodded. “If what you need to be happy and productive is a spanking now and then, I don’t see the harm and I’m happy to help.”

    “Oh my god you’re so German right now.” Briana giggled. “Anything to make work more efficient!”

    “Speaking of work, you can clean and talk.” Jane motioned. “I know you still have homework to do.”

    “Aww come on, it’s clean enough. I’m not a slob.”

    Jane cocked her head to the side. “This is something Veronica told me to expect. Bratty-ness, she said.”

    “Yeah?” Briana asked challengingly. Veronica’s discipline wasn’t too bad, and getting dominated by Casey had been a lot of fun. “Veronica said this is like playing. Let’s see how Jane plays.”

    “Huh, you actually do want me to spank you.” Jane reached over and took hold of Briana’s wrists.

    “Hey!” Briana squirmed, though not in earnest.

    “She said you need this to believe that we are in charge.” Jane pulled with surprising power, dragging Briana over her lap. “Or does it spoil it for you when I talk about it?”

    Briana tried to get up, only to be pushed down with a heavy push on the middle of her back. “Oof! I don’t really understand it. I don’t know if Veronica is right.”

    “But you’re not stopping me or withdrawing your permission.” Jane grabbed the clothes at Briana’s waist, pulling down skirt, leggings, panties and all.

    “Woah, hey!” Briana froze.

    “If I’m going to spank you I’m going to do a proper job.” Jane said, raising an arm.

    “Wait!” Briana yelped as Jane’s hand came down. The sudden pain in her rear took her breath away. An equally hard slap followed on her other cheek. Briana gripped the comforter. Four more slaps rained down, spreading a hot blush across Briana’s cheeks. Tears leaked out of her eyes, she was shocked at the sheer intensity of it. She’d been spanked for bondage play before, but this wasn’t playful. There had been no lead up, no easing into it.

    Briana trembled and awaited more strikes, feeling very punished. She panted as her hot tears dripped onto the comforter.

    “Do we know who is in charge now?” Jane asked sternly.

    “Yes Jane.” Briana whispered.

    “Louder.” Jane said. “Who is in charge?”

    “You are, Jane.” Briana said, tensing her rear again.

    “That’s right.” Jane stroked Briana’s rear. It soothed and stung at the same time. Briana whimpered.

    “If you try to get out of your chores again, you’ll get another one.” Jane said. “When you get sent to me for chores, you need to come right away and tell me that you’re ready.”

    “O-okay.” Briana nodded.

    “If you forget, I’ll spank you in front of everyone, wherever we are.” Jane slid Briana across her lap, helping her roommate stand.

    “I understand.” Briana hung her head. She stood there, covering her crotch with her clothes around her knees. After a while she peeked up to see Jane looking at her curiously.

    “You are still okay with this?” Jane asked.

    “Yes Jane.” Briana nodded submissively.

    “It helps you?”

    Briana hesitated. She nodded.

    “I will be as strict as you need me to be, Briana.” Jane stood up and hugged her roommate. “Now, pull up your clothes and get this room done.”

    “Yes Jane!” Briana set about dusting and putting things away, moving quickly despite the sting in her rear. She kept catching Jane watching her in surprise, and had to admit she was a little surprised herself.

    “I had better be careful being bratty with anyone else in the house.” Briana thought. “Some of them are taking this really seriously.”

    Jane delivered Briana to Veronica and gave a report on Briana’s work. Veronica’s only comment on the spanking was a thanks for ‘taking care of that’. Briana was handed a stack of printed readings and pointed to the blanket on the floor.

    “Can I sit on the couch in the next room?” Briana asked. “My butt still hurts.”

    “Are you saying you need some padding there?” Veronica asked.

    Briana shut her mouth and laid down on her stomach, opening the first packet.