• Baby Briana: Chapter 07

    Sunday morning, Briana woke to a puzzling bulk between her legs. She reached down and felt a thick soggy padding that crinkled at an alarming volume. Pulling back the sheets the memory of the last night came back. A diaper. They’d put her in a diaper. She blushed scarlet recalling Erin laying her down on Veronica’s floor and changing her like a baby. The diaper was the most childish one she’d worn so far. Fire trucks and kittens, though precious few of the shapes were left.

    “How much did I go?” She wondered. The pullups had been enough before, and she usually had to go to the bathroom when she took her morning shower. Today she didn’t feel like she had to go at all. “I lost control completely last night? This is getting scary!”

    She sat in bed and poked at the diaper. She really felt like she should get up and change, but Veronica had told her not to. It made her wonder how far she was willing to let this go. No more being changed like a baby, she decided. She clearly had to wear something at night, a full diaper if she was being honest. But that didn’t mean she needed to be naked on Veronica’s floor. “It might be time to stop going to Veronica’s in a diaper as well. I’ll let them see today’s diaper, but I can clean myself up after this.”

    Her little pep talk made her feel better. She sat for a bit more, then realized she didn’t have to wait for Erin to wake her up. “I really am starting to think like a kid!”

    Briana hopped out of bed and walked confidently to Veronica’s room. At least she tried. There was enough wet padding between her legs to force a slight waddle. Every step sucked out a bit of her confidence, by the time she reached Veronica’s office she peeked in the door rather than assertively opening it.

    “There you are sweetie.” Veronica said, motioning her in. “Let’s see how last night went.”

    “I had my problem again.” Briana said, giving her diaper a quick crinkle through her pajama bottoms. “A lot.”

    “I need to see hon, come over here.” Veronica motioned and Briana reluctantly obeyed, dropping her pajamas. “You wet a lot. Do you have anything left in your bladder?”

    “I don’t think so.” Briana sighed sadly.

    “At least you’re not leaking this morning!” Veronica said brightly, patting her lap. “Take a seat and we’ll get started.”

    Briana hesitated, but the close contact had felt really good. She sat, wincing as the padding squished wet against her skin. “I think I should start cleaning up in the mornings, before I come over.”

    “Oh? How come?” Veronica put her arms around Briana and pulled Briana’s head to her shoulder.

    “This stuff has gotten crazy really fast.” Briana said softly. “It’s too weird.”

    “That discomfort you’re feeling is a good thing.” Veronica said, stroking Briana’s hair. “We want to bring this problem out of your subconscious, and force you to face it consciously, remember? Part of your stress was having to hide this from your roommates.”

    “But it’s getting worse!” Briana said. “You said I could stop coming in my uh… garments if I wanted.”

    “That doesn’t mean that I won’t disagree with you if I think it would be helpful.” Veronica said. “Of course you can if you want. You can stop all of this, any time you tell us to. Some of this has been really helpful for you though, you’ve said that. I realize that some of this is also uncomfortable, but that’s probably the part that is most helpful.”

    “It was really embarrassing to be changed on your floor last night.” Briana whimpered, a couple of tears leaking from her cheeks.

    “You mean that it’s embarrassing to remember it now?” Veronica asked. “At the time you weren’t embarrassed. You looked content.”

    Briana sniffled. “How could it not be embarrassing? I was naked, getting powdered and diapered.”

    “Oh, I see.” Veronica tilted Briana’s head up and used her sleeve to dry her roommate’s tears. “Is the problem that you think you should have been embarrassed, and you’re worried that you weren’t?”

    “I don’t think so.” Briana frowned, confused. “It’s really embarrassing to think about.”

    “Sure, it’s a very intimate experience, and it made you very vulnerable. At the time it’s what you needed, but afterwards, you’re worried that we judged you. That we weren’t in the same emotional place that you were.”

    “I’m not a baby.” Briana whined. “I don’t understand why it should be okay for me to be treated like one.”

    “As long as you consent, and we consent, I don’t see a problem.” Veronica shifted Briana further upon her lap. “You’re sitting in my lap right now, and I know you like this. But you were worried about that too this morning. You’re worried about a lot of this, and it’s natural to be worried, because it’s new, and yes a little extreme.”

    “It’s too scary.” Briana sniffled again, tears running down her cheeks. “Scary? I was going to say weird.”

    “Now we’re getting to the heart of it.” Veronica said. “If you make yourself vulnerable, we could hurt you. If you give up control, you could lose everything you’ve worked for.”

    Veronica’s words cut like a knife. Briana buried her face in her roommate’s neck, trembling. “No, I can’t, I can’t. I worked so hard. I got out. I can’t go back.”

    “Oh sweetheart.” Veronica stroked Briana’s back. “We really do care about you.” She held her roommate gently, stroking her until the tears and trembles stopped.

    “Wh-what now?” Briana took a long, shuddering breath, wiped her eyes.

    “I’m personally a fan of progress myself. I don’t like to stay stagnant. I think we should either keep going with what we’re doing, or back off or try something else.”

    “What else would we try?” Briana sniffled.

    “What we’re doing now is my best idea so far, and I don’t think a watered down version would feel good at this point. If we try something new I think that needs to come from you telling us what you need.”

    Briana clung to Veronica, trying to think. Her thoughts swirled around, confused, chaotic. A lot of what Veronica had suggested had been good, but the spanking, the diaper, it felt like too much.  “How did a simple request to change out of a wet diaper in the morning get so spun up? She’s not telling me I have to do it. Why don’t I tell her no?”

    “I think maybe there’s too much of a power imbalance here.” Veronica said. “The imbalance is part of why this is working, but I think it’s gotten big enough that you’re starting to lose trust.”

    “I trust you.” Briana said. “It’s …”

    “I understand.” Veronica said. “You made yourself very vulnerable, very fast, and I didn’t. So how about I tell you something embarrassing about me?”

    Briana sat up, blinking away tears as she looked at Veronica. “Like what?”

    “I like this too.” Veronica said, smiling gently. “That’s right. I enjoy having you on my lap. I enjoy the closeness we’ve had this past week. I even enjoyed seeing you get changed on my office floor. I like taking care of you.”

    “But that’s, are you…” Briana’s eyes searched Veronica’s face in a near-panic.

    “I’m not hitting on you, if that’s what you’re asking.” Veronica said, nodding when she felt Briana relax. “I enjoy the relationship we’re building. I don’t mind that you got my skirt wet the last few mornings. I like helping you, and I like that my relationship to you is much more maternal now.”

    Briana looked down, lost in thought.  Every once in a while she’d shudder as the last of the sobs left her. Her rear and crotch were swimming in wet. She didn’t know why she wasn’t desperate to get the diaper off. It felt really good to be on Veronica’s lap. “This is the most confusing thing that has ever happened to me. Coming out as bi was easier than this.”

    “Briana?” Veronica stroked her roommate’s hair. “Would you like me to change you?”

    Briana hesitated for a long time. Veronica let her sit there in silence. “I… I don’t need a diaper during the day.”

    “It worries you to wear it when you don’t need it, doesn’t it? We don’t have to put you in a new one, but I can get you cleaned up.”

    Briana sighed, nodded. “Yeah, that would be nice.”

    “Let’s do that then.” Veronica said, brushing Briana’s hair out of her face. “I’ll get you ready for the day.”

    Veronica ran a bath in her private bathroom, and undressed Briana while the tub filled. She put Briana down on the changing blanket, and popped the tapes on the wet diaper. Briana lifted her lips when the diaper was pulled away. She didn’t bother to close her legs.

    “I see you keep yourself shaved.” Veronica said, dumping the diaper. “That’s probably good with what you’re wearing at night.”

    “Veronicaaaa!” Briana put her hands over her crotch.

    “You seem to like it when I treat you like a fussy kid.” Veronica said, ruffling Briana’s hair. “Into the tub with you.”

    Briana didn’t have much modesty left when Veronica was done washing her. It was another layer of trust, she supposed. It also felt good to have her hair shampooed and her body washed. When Veronica left her to soak for a bit, she even blew some bubbles in the water.

    After the bath Veronica insisted on dressing Briana. The outfit seemed designed with a purpose. Cotton panties and leggings, a skirt, a blouse, and a sports bra that felt like a training bra with the rest of the outfit.

    “Now, how do you feel?” Veronica asked.

    “Like a kid.” Briana chuckled.

    “Good.” Veronica smiled. “Does that feel better? You were pretty sad this morning.”

    Briana smiled. “Yeah.”

     “Good girl. Now, go get your phone and come back to my office.  We need to go over what you’re doing today.”

    Briana nodded. “Yes Veronica!”