• Baby Briana: Chapter 24

    Soft scraping noises pulled Briana the rest of the way into consciousness. The room was dim, but not dark. She was covered in a blanket and wearing a completely soaked diaper. Feeling Alanna’s whiskers at her cheek made her smile. There was pressure in her rear, she knew she should be doing something about that. Nothing really came to mind, so she relaxed. More warm and wet flowed into her diaper, a bit more solidly this time. She felt sticky, messy, not the same now-comforting feeling of wetting. She frowned, this was something she felt bad about. It wasn’t something she wanted to remember.

    As soon as the smell hit her she began to cry. Whatever memory she was avoiding was still sharp even without bringing it up. A little sniffle and sob at first, then a full on wail. “Moooooooom!”

    “I’m here hon.” Veronica put down the broom she’d been using on the floor and put an arm through the crib bars to stroke Briana’s head. “You’re okay.”

    “Mommy, I feel gross.” Briana pouted, sniffled.

    “I can smell that.” Veronica said. “You’re a bit of a poopy baby, aren’t you?”

    Briana blushed, whimpered, tears leaking from her eyes. She remembered Lisa making fun of her, the horrible feeling of having her classmates recoil from her stink.

    “It’s alright my love.” Veronica dropped the bars on the long side of the crib and the section at Briana’s feet. “There’s nothing wrong that mom can’t fix. I’ll get you all cleaned up.”

    “You don’t think I’m a freak?” Briana whimpered.

    “Not at all. I think you’re my precious Briana.” Veronica leaned over to kiss Briana’s forehead. “You had a little accident and it’s not a problem.”

    The tapes came off, and the smell redoubled. Briana screwed up her face and whimpered again. She felt her legs and rear lifted, a wet towel mopped across her. The towel and diaper went into separate bins and as soon as their lids closed, the smell began to improve. Briana relaxed as the changing returned to something she was familiar with. She even giggled a little when Veronica popped the vibrator out of her sex. Gentle and thorough wiping caressed every bit of skin that had been under the diaper until Briana was clean and lemony.

    “Did you have fun with Casey?” Veronica asked.

    “Yeah!” Briana grinned. “Can we do it again?”

    Veronica chuckled, lifting Briana’s legs one at a time to coat her in diaper cream. “Not right away. You can stay up for a few more hours but then it’s back to bed. I need to get you up early tomorrow.”

    “What for?” Briana made Alanna dance across the bars of the crib.

    “We’re going to start your potty-training tomorrow.” Veronica said, sliding a diaper under Briana’s butt.

    “Oh.” Briana paused, turned Alanna to look her in the eyes. “Does that mean I’m bad?”

    “No sweetie, you’re not bad.” Talcum powder’s soft smell drove away the last of the smelliness in the room. “You’re a good baby. Mom is going to teach you how to use the potty like a big girl. Everyone’s going to help.”

    “Okay.” Briana nodded, unconcerned.

    Erin and Jane came in, Jane making a beeline to give Veronica a hug. Briana remembered there had been something else embarrassing. A time when Erin and Jane had been changing her. She didn’t feel embarrassed now though. That thought faded away as well. She wiggled to test the fit of the diaper after the tapes were secured. Veronica… mom, had done an excellent job as always.

    “Can you hold still for a moment for Erin?” Veronica said.

    “Yes mommy.”

    Erin stepped over to Briana and briefly shined a light in each of her eyes. She checked Briana’s pulse and took her temperature through a thermometer in her ear. “Did you know that you needed to poop, Briana?”

    “Yeah, I could feel it, so I did it.” Briana said. “Was that okay?”

    “Yes, that’s fine.” Erin said, patting Briana’s cheek. “Can you follow the light on the end of my pen?” She moved the pen side to side, watching Briana’s eyes.

    “I need you to play with Alanna for a bit.” Jane said, sliding a fresh pacifier into Briana’s mouth. The crib sides came up and locked into place. Briana was only too happy to roll over and send Alanna on adventures over the rumpled blanket hills.

    “Well almost-doctor, what do you think?” Veronica asked.

    “I don’t think there’s any neurological deterioration.” Erin said. “Her voluntary and involuntary reaction times are normal. Pulse is good, temp is good. She looks perfectly healthy.”

    “So, it’s all psychological?” Jane asked.

    “It must be.” Veronica said. “The arc she’s taken suggests that she’ll come out of this eventually, but if she’ll be fully adult after I’m not sure.”

    “Is that something you’re okay taking on?” Erin asked.

    “I own the house.” Veronica said. “Financially it’s not an issue. Time and emotion wise…” Veronica looked over at Jane.

    “If we have enough help, we’ll be fine.” Jane replied, kissing Veronica on the cheek. “I’m in.”

    Veronica sighed happily. “Then I don’t have any worries. Honestly, I think she will get back to a better version of herself, eventually.”

    “What do you mean by that?” Erin asked.

    “I don’t want to share yet.” Veronica said slyly.

    “In case your theory is wrong?” Jane smirked.

    “In case I want to publish and not list either of you as authors.” Veronica retorted. They all chuckled.

    “Do you think we still need to watch her every second?” Erin asked.

    “She’s not full of rage and grief anymore, so I don’t think so.” Veronica said. “The baby monitor should be enough in a lot of cases.”

    “Then let’s go downstairs and drink to new couples.” Erin said with a grin.

    Jane and Veronica looked at each other and blushed. The blush became a pair of smiles, and the smiles a tender kiss. “We’ll take you up on that.” Veronica said.

    Briana didn’t mind them leaving. Without them all chattering it was a lot easier to keep track of Alanna’s adventure.

    The day dawned with Briana wet. She was messy too, as soon as she realized she had to go. Veronica was right there to help again, though Briana only fussed, instead of crying at the mess. Once her messy rear was cleaned, Briana got a bath before a new diaper. She splashed happily in the tub while Veronica shampooed her hair.

    “We’re going to start your potty training today hon.” Veronica said. “You won’t have to do much today except what we tell you to, but eventually we’re going to ask you to try to figure out when you need to go potty or poop.”

    “I can tell the second one.” Briana said. “But I can’t really tell the first one.”

    “That’s okay, we’re asking you to try.” Veronica said. “Start by paying attention to when you wet, okay?”

    “Okay mom!” Briana smiled.

    Out of the tub and back on the changing table, Briana was enjoying the generous amount of lotion Veronica was wiping on her. She felt pressure in her rear, and craned her head up curiously. “What’s that?”

    “The plug that Gary got for you.” Veronica said. “It’s going to be part of your training. Be a good girl and relax your butt.”

    Briana lay back and relaxed, squirming a bit as Veronica worked the plug in. She sighed happily at the feeling of a dry diaper wrapping around her crotch. Having it on felt safe, and comfortable.

    Breakfast was formula and oatmeal. The morning went by quickly with Briana being passed from roommate to roommate, either playing with them or on her own. It was the most relaxed she’d ever felt, there was no need to worry about anything, not even clothes. She started the day in full body pajamas, but as the day heated up she shed those for a onesie. By afternoon she was napping in a sunbeam, naked except for her diaper.

    Every couple of hours, whoever was watching Briana would take her to the bathroom, remove her plug and diaper and sit her on the toilet. Nothing happened the first few times, but Briana found it fun anyway. It was great getting a lot of extra changes and attention.

    After lunch in the bathroom with Veronica, Briana remembered to hold against the pressure she could feel when the plug came out. She let go when Veronica put her on the toilet, beaming when Veronica smiled at her.

    “Good girl!” Veronica gushed. “Very good girl. You had some potty in there too. I’m really proud of you!”

    Briana had a lollypop to suck on while Veronica wiped her down and put her in a fresh diaper. The sugar tasted great, but even more she loved the extra cuddles and hugs she got from Veronica.

    Through the evening Briana did her best to try and pay attention to her wetting. Naps were a lost cause, she always woke up wet from those, but while awake she could manage to at least notice it. By the time she was ready for bed she had some potty left in her every time someone put her on the toilet. Every time she managed that she got a reward, including a very sexy change from Casey.

    Two more days of potty training and Briana was sometimes even dry when she was taken to the bathroom! Everyone was super proud of her, Briana felt like she was glowing. The news that the butt plug wasn’t going to be used the next day wasn’t a cause for concern. She was excited to show everyone what a big girl she was!

    Briana’s belly rumbled at breakfast. The formula was good, and with the oatmeal it was really filling. It didn’t hold a candle to Veronica’s bacon though. “Mom, can I have some bacon?” She asked, reaching for it at the same time.

    “Not right now sweetie.” Veronica smoothly moved her plate out of Briana’s reach. “You can have some melon though, and I’ll make you a deal. If you keep your diaper dry or wet, no mess, all the way until lunch, I’ll make you a BLT.”

    “Okay, I can do it!” Briana grinned, taking a slice of melon from Veronica’s fork and eating it with her hands.

    Briana set out to playtime resolutely. She lined up her stuffed animals, Alanna the lion, Edgar the mouse, and Steve the stegosaurus. They all agreed to help her keep from messing. After that there was a tea party to be had on the floor of Jane’s bedroom while Jane did something on her computer for work.

    Edgar had made a terrible faux pas when Briana felt pressure in her rear. A trickle of liquid flowed into her diaper but the squeezing she was doing for the poo managed to halt the pee as well. For a few moments she sat, concentrating on holding everything in. The need subsided a little, giving Briana the space to look up at Jane.

    “Daddy?” She said, tugging at Jane’s pants. “I hafta go.”

    Jane patted Briana’s cheek, smiling. “Really? You’re a really good girl for noticing!”

    A hurried trip to the bathroom later, Briana was on the toilet with her diaper in Jane’s hands. After working so hard to hold on, it was hard to relax. She fidgeted on the seat, playing with the front flap of her onesie.

    “Relax Briana.” Jane said, setting the diaper on the sink. “Your diaper is barely wet! I’m so proud of you. Relax now and let it all out, that’s the final step.”

    Something felt strange. Shouldn’t it be a bad thing that Jane was standing, watching her on the toilet? She couldn’t see why, Jane had done this before, and changed lots of her diapers. A memory or worry nagged at her, forgotten when her control broke. With a loud gush and splash Briana let go into the toilet.

    “Good girl!” Jane kissed Briana on the head, and pressed a hand over her bladder, making sure that everything was out. “If you keep this up we might be able to use pullups during the day again.”

    Briana jumped up excitedly, only to get reined in by Jane. A wipe down and a fresh diaper delayed Briana’s mad dash out of the bathroom. Once freed, she ran to each of her roommates to tell them how well she did, saving Veronica for last.  All of them had praise for her but telling Veronica was worth a whole hour of cuddles, with Jane joining in as well. Sandwiched between the two of them, Briana had never felt so loved and so safe.