• Baby Briana: Chapter 23

    It wasn’t clear when story time had become naptime, but Briana didn’t care. All that mattered was that she woke up still in Veronica’s arms. She murmured happily through her pacifier, sitting up to straddle Veronica’s lap. It was really warm in her pink head-to-to pajamas, she could feel little spots of sweat all over. The bulk between her legs made her wonder if she was wet, but squirming her crotch against Veronica’s leg left her feeling dry. She vaguely remembered getting a larger diaper and a booster pad or two.

    “Hello darling.” Veronica said with a soft smile. “Look at those bright pink cheeks. I think we need to air you out a little.” She pulled back cat-ear hood of Briana’s pajamas, and unsnapped part of the front. That left Briana’s chest a little exposed but all she cared about at the moment was the cool air coming in.

    “Mmm mmph.” She mumbled through her pacifier. Veronica pulled it gently out of her mouth. “I’m hungry.”

    “Let’s get you fed then.” Veronica nodded. “A snack for now okay? We’ll have dinner later.”

    Briana followed Veronica to the kitchen. The house looked a little different, some of the living room furniture had been moved. Along the side of the stairs was a good sized wooden table with a padded top. Diapers and other supplies were stashed on the table’s built-in shelves. She awkwardly waddled past it, grateful for the non-slip surface on her pajama’s feet.

    The kitchen had a new addition as well. A square platform on the floor with metal-pipes rising from the corners. The pipes were padded, and white plastic webbing that looked fairly heavy-duty was strung between them at about rib-height on Briana. The platform had a thick blanket on it that was tucked into platform’s edges. There were a few stuffed animals inside the pen, including a pillow-sized squishmallow.

    Instead of leading her to a chair, Veronica led Briana to the pen. There was a metal rail running from the platform to the top of the mesh which Veronica unlatched and pulled to the side, making an opening in the mesh. After a little prodding, Briana ducked under the plastic-coated cable that held up the mesh and into the pen. The blanket under her slid a little and Briana decided not to risk standing, especially with the splayed-leg stance the diaper was forcing on her.

    Veronica was heating up some water in a kettle, Briana investigated the stuffed animals. There was a mouse, a stegosaurus, and the dog-faced squishmallow. “What’s for snack?” Briana asked, picking up the mouse and nuzzling it.

    “I have a nice warm drink for you.” Veronica said, pouring a packet of powder into a plastic bag. Hot water went in after, and the bag was fitted into a clear bottle. “Don’t worry, it’s filling, kind of like a shake.”

    “I want chips.” Briana said.

    “Have you forgotten how much trouble you’re in?” Veronica asked sternly. She checked the temperature on the bottle and added a couple of chips of ice.

    “Okaaaaaay.” Briana sighed. “Where’s Alanna? Can I have Alanna?”

    “Your lion is up in your bedroom.” Veronica said. Another temperature check and Veronica screwed a top with a rubber nipple onto the bottle. “We can see her later, you have some new friends there.”

    Briana accepted the bottle from Veronica and stared at it for a moment. There was something about it, about the pajamas, and the pen, and everything that she felt should bother her. Veronica was watching her expectantly. Giving up on the odd feeling, Briana tilted the bottle up and sucked on the nipple. It was sweet and milky. A bit of a strange taste. She pulled the nipple from her mouth, getting a few drops on her chin.

    “Go on sweetie, drink up.” Veronica said, patting Briana gently on the head.

    The second time the taste was a little better. The more she drank the more she got used to the taste, and the sweetness was nice. With genuine enthusiasm now, Briana leaned against the plastic mesh and kept working on her bottle.

    Jane walked into the kitchen, stopping when she saw Briana. “Wow.”

    “Are you alright with this?” Veronica asked. “It’s one thing to talk about it, another to see it.”

    “I think I am.” Jane said, smiling wryly. “I think I get what you like about it.”

    “There’s something special about having her like this.” Veronica said. “Though I don’t think it will last.”

    “You still think this will come out on the other side?” Jane asked.

    “That’s what Erin and my models predict.” Veronica said. “Though we’ve had to revise them a few times. It looks like there will be some permanent changes even when she’s cured.”

    Jane pulled a chair up to the pen and leaned over to fix Briana’s pajamas, closing up the lowermost open snap. “Looks like you’re hanging out of your front a little there. Is that a good snack?”

    Briana nodded, unwilling to let go of the nipple to talk. Jane chuckled and draped an arm over the top of the pen, running her fingers through Briana’s hair.

    “You’re a good baby, Briana.” Jane said softly. “Veronica and I are going to take care of you.”

    Briana grinned, gurgling a little with the formula in her mouth. It splashed out across her lips and cheeks. She ignored the mess, focusing on the nipple again. Jane gently pried the bottle out of her mouth and wiped her face with a cloth. While Briana got back to drinking, Jane opened the mesh and the bottom snaps on Briana’s pajamas. Unconcerned and obedient, Briana spread her legs so that Jane could slip a finger under the leg-band of her diaper.

    “She’s got her snack and she’s still clean.” Jane said. “I’ll watch her for a while. You get some rest.”

    “Oh I’m fine.” Veronica said.

    “Yeah but you don’t know how tonight will go with her in your room.” Jane walked over and put her arm around Veronica “Take a load off, you don’t have to be super-mom.”

    “Alright, thank you.” Veronica leaned over, her lips sweetly meeting Jane’s. They kissed slowly, drawing it out until Veronica reluctantly pulled away. “Thanks for supporting me through this. Not everyone would take this on.”

    “I’m not everyone, and neither are you.” Jane kissed Veronica once more, squeezing her waist.

    Briana stood up in the pen, leaning on the corner pipe. She watched Veronica go and stared at Jane with wide eyes. “You were kissing mom!”

    “That’s right.” Jane said, stepping over to take the empty bottle from Briana. “How does that make you feel?”

    “Does that make you dad?” Briana asked.

    “Maybe. Do you want to call me dad?” Jane asked.

    “Okay Dad!” Briana giggled. “How come you and mom have two rooms?”

    “This is pretty new for us still.” Jane said. “Like being a baby is new for you. What do you want to do now?”

    “Can I play with my new stuffed animals?” Briana asked.

    “Yes.” Jane smiled, helping Briana down onto her butt. “I’ll be here if you need anything.”

    “Okay!” Briana rolled over on her stomach and picked up the dinosaur and mouse. After a moment’s thought, the two animals made their way up the slippery slopes of Mount Dog.

    When dinner came, Briana found herself in a highchair at the corner of the table. She had Veronica to one side and Jane to the other. The evening sun had made the kitchen too hot for pajamas, especially fuzzy cat pajamas, so she sat in the chair naked except for her diaper. The diaper was a bit more soggy and clammy than it had been, but nothing that registered as uncomfortable.

    Her roommates were all talking about the end of finals and other stuff that didn’t seem very important. Briana focused mostly on the fact that Veronica and Jane had nice looking salads with bacon and boiled egg on them, and she had some green mush in a bowl.

    “Mom, can I have some salad?” She asked, for the third time.

    “Honey, you need to be quiet and eat your dinner, I don’t want to have to tell you again.” Veronica said. “We made that special for you.”

    “But…” Briana whimpered.

    “Briana.” Jane said sternly. “Listen to your mother.” She loaded up a spoon with the green stuff and lifted it to Briana’s lips.

    Grumpily, Briana barely opened her mouth. The spoon went in, leaving about half its contents on her upper lip. The taste was pretty good, sweet and a little earthy. She opened her mouth to say so only to get another spoonful in her mouth. Before she was done swallowing there was another full spoon waiting at her lips.

    “Da-“ Was all the further she got, another spoon into her mouth and on her face. Briana gave up and let Jane feed her, opening her mouth more or less as the spoonfulls came in. A good three quarters of the bowl ended up inside Briana, with the rest smeared across her mouth or spattered across her breasts.

    The mush had been filling, but there was nothing else coming after Veronica had wiped Briana down. She sat in the chair, bored and uninterested in the conversation. Briana started kicking her legs, then drumming her hands on the wooden table of the high chair.

    “Honey, please stop that.” Veronica put her hands on Briana’s. “Casey, would you mind putting her down for a nap?”

    “Are you sure?” Casey asked. “Isn’t it kind of late for a nap?”

    “We want her to sleep as much as possible right now.” Erin said. “That’s going to keep things moving for her mind.”

    Casey nodded and released Briana from the high chair, cradling Briana in her arms. “See you all in a bit,” Casey said.

    “I don’t want to nap.” Briana sighed at Casey.

    “Don’t worry.” Casey smiled. “We’re going to play first.”

    “Oh, what are we going to play?” Briana asked.

    “We’re going to play, make the baby feel really, really good.” Casey kissed Briana at the bottom of the stairs, climbing up them with a hand firmly holding Briana’s butt.

    “Oooh!” Briana’s eyes sparkled, she massaged Casey’s breast gently through her blouse.

    To Briana’s surprise they ended up in Veronica’s room, not her own. The once-spacious bedroom looked smaller now with the addition of an adult sized crib along one wall. Made of sturdy wood painted black, the bed portion stood at what would be hip height on Veronica. Tall rails projected up three more feet, and looked like they could be slid down along the legs of the crib. Diaper supplies were stashed underneath, allowing it to double as a changing table.

    “Crib?” She asked, looking up at Casey curiously.

    “That’s right kiddo.” Casey grinned. “That thing was fun to help build, sorry if it kept us from having some time together, but I think it’ll be worth it.” She dropped the rails on the room side of the crib and set Briana down on the soft bedding.

    Alanna the stuffed lion was here, contrary to what Veronica had said. Unless this was her room now? She snatched the stuffie close to her and looked up at Casey. “You said we were going to play?”

    “Doubting me already?” Casey chuckled. “Sit back for a bit, I have to get you ready, okay?”

    Briana shrugged and lay back, reacquainting herself with Alanna. When the tapes tore open on her diaper she relaxed, preparing herself for another change. Instead of wipes, she got a slick hand caressing her sex. Briana moaned in surprise, arching her back. It wasn’t like Casey to go straight there, but the surprise and touch had her tingling. She gasped at the second surprise of something pressing gently into her sex.

    “What?” Briana moaned.

    “A little toy to give you some fun feelings.” Casey said, tucking the exposed antenna of the vibrator against Briana’s clit. Casey wrapped the diaper tightly around Briana, re-seating the tapes. She leaned down to kiss the diapered girl, slowly exploring Briana’s mouth with her tongue and Briana’s breasts with her hand.

    Briana put Alanna aside, taking a moment to face her toward the wall. Desire washed over her, she stroked every bit of exposed skin on Casey that she could reach, tugging at Casey’s blouse. Breaking the kiss, Casey fumbled open the buttons and brought her breasts to Briana’s face. Her own moans filled the bedroom as Briana kissed and licked her way across them.

    The vibrator trembled and sent a shock through Briana. It wobbled again, and again, then settled in to a pulsing rhythm. Briana writhed in the crib, moaning and sighing, letting out a long satisfied groan as her bladder gave way and she gushed into the diaper. The humming in the wet diaper was magical, it made the whole garment vibrate around her sex. Casey was holding Briana down, roughly stroking her breasts and belly.

    Briana surrendered to Casey, to her diapers, to the world. She let herself feel the pleasure with pure uncomplicated thought. There were fireworks in her brain. Once, twice, five times. Her skin was hot and sweaty. Her throat was hoarse from yelling. She shuddered and lay limp in the crib as the vibrator came to a stop.

    “Oh my, that is a happy looking baby.” Casey said, her voice husky. She wiped Briana down with a soft towel. “Feeling ready for a nap now?”

    Briana nodded slowly. “Yes Casey. Thank youuuuuu.”

    Casey tucked Alanna into Briana’s arms, and put a blanket over her. She lifted the rails on the crib, locking them into place. Briana’s eyes were already closed, she wasn’t quite asleep, but her breathing was slow. Casey set a baby monitor next to the crib and turned it on.

    “Hey Ronnie, can you hear me?” Casey asked quietly.

    “Yes Casey, can you hear me as well?”

    Briana stirred slightly. “Mommy?”

    “It’s working fine, she recognized your voice, it’s really cute. But don’t send back, she’s drifting off.” Casey said quietly. “Have a good nap, Bri.”

    Briana nodded sleepily, cuddling up to her lion.