• AB Sitter: Flora’s Ride Along & Skye

    The Ardenthill mall was in a sorry state, Monserrat counted at least half the storefronts closed, as her heels clacked on the vinyl flooring. Being dressed in her babysitter gear in public was a strange feeling, one that the stares of the daytime mall-goers didn’t let her forget. A particular woman’s eyes were as wide as saucers, upon taking in the black power suit Monserrat wore. Her gaze seemed especially drawn to the open front that framed Monserrat’s white bandeau top. Innocent though the woman’s expression was, she stared so overtly that Monserrat felt compelled to stop. Meeting the woman’s gaze, Monserrat posed with her hand on her hip. The woman blushed and ducked her head – even clasped her hands in front of her waist.

    I should order business cards to give out in this kind of situation, Monserrat thought in amusement. She smiled at the woman, hoping she was at least peeking upward to see it, and moved on. It was a strange job that had brought her to the mall, and it would be an awkward job too if Monserrat’s client had given her directions to the wrong restroom. Luckily, awkwardness had rarely deterred Monserrat in the past – potential awkwardness even less so.

    Monserrat knocked on the family bathroom door firmly and called out, “Flora, are you in there? It’s Monserrat.”

    “Oh my god keep your voice down!” Despite the panic that distorted the girl’s voice on the other side of the door, it was clearly Flora. Monserrat relaxed as confidence washed over her. A flustered Little girl is the easiest thing in the world to deal with.

    It took Flora quite a bit of rattling at the lock to get the door open. As the door swung inward, Flora cowered behind it, frantically waving Monserrat inside. “Come in quick before somebody sees you!”

    “Lots of people have seen me – we’re in a mall, sweetie.” Monserrat took the door from Flora, closed it, and deftly threw the lock. “It won’t be the same group of people that see us come out though, so it’ll be fine.”

    “D-Denise said you were coming but that was ages ago and I’ve been in here the whole time and I don’t know what to do!”

    Flora looked an absolute mess. Her dark hair was disheveled to the point that Monserrat couldn’t tell if she still had the layered cut that Monserrat had last seen her in. What little makeup she had on was streaked from crying, but the biggest issue was obviously the large wet spot on her pants. It would have been more actuate to say that Flora’s jeans had a few dry patches on the outer thighs, actually.

    “I have everything here to take care of you, let’s get you up on the changing table and into a nice dry diaper.” Monserrat lowered the changing table and patted it invitingly.

    “No, I don’t want a diaper, not at the mall!” Flora whimpered. “Everyone will know, it’ll be humiliating, you can’t make me! I just need new pants.”

    “Flora, Little one, you had a really big accident.”

    “No I didn’t!” Flora stamped her foot. “I had a tiny accident, and then it was only a little bigger when I got to the bathroom. But then I started crying and I forgot to take my pants off and they got soaked the rest of the way.”

    Monserrat smiled gently at Flora. “Looks like I was wrong. The first thing you need is a hug.”

    “But my pants are wet and – and…”

    “Flora,” Monserrat took her tone from kind to firm. “Come give your babysitter a hug.”

    The Little girl stepped up to Monserrat and held her tightly, resting her head on Monchi’s shoulder. That didn’t stop her from petulantly saying, “You’re not my babysitter.”

    “Is that so?”

    “No. I mean, yes, it is so. Denise can’t just call you up and let you babysit me on no notice like this.”

    “Actually, sweetie, she can.” Monserrat stroked Flora’s back gently. “It costs extra, but if I agree, she absolutely can call me for an emergency rescue of her Baby girl.”

    “I’m not a baby, I’m a big girl.”

    “Not right now. Relax, Flora. If you let me take care of you, I’ll make everything better, okay?”

    “Everyone’s going to laugh at me! It’ll be awful!” Flora sobbed. “I wanted Denise to come. Why didn’t she come? I told her not to send you but she said she couldn’t leave work.”

    “Oh honey. It’s going to be okay, I promise. You can cry if you need to, just hang on to me.” I’m going to have to contact my client. Monserrat could see that merely changing Flora was not going to count as a rescue. She tucked the Little girl against her side and held her close while texting Denise with her free hand. Once the message was sent, Flora’s sobs had subsided.

    Monserrat tried lifting Flora onto the changing table without asking her – Flora didn’t make a peep of protest. I thought so, she wants to be taken care of, she just doesn’t want to admit it. In her diaper bag, Monserrat had a Chinchilla stuffie, who’s microfiber fur rivaled the real animal for softness. She put the stuffie gently on Flora’s belly and wrapped the Little girl’s hands around it. “This is Suki. I’m not sure I can watch her and you at the same time, so can you hold her for a bit?”

    “I g-guess so.” Flora wrapped her arms around Suki, cuddling the soft rodent into the crook of her neck.

    “Thank you Flora.” Monserrat worked Flora’s wet jeans off and rolled them up into a plastic bag. The Little girl’s panties were sopping and reeked of ammonia, making Monserrat wonder if she was cleaning up Flora’s first accident of the day. They quickly followed Flora’s jeans into the bag.

    Wishing she could do something to warm the bathroom up, Monserrat wiped Flora down from her waist all the way to her ankles. By the time she’d finished, the poor girl was shivering. A diaper and a generous dusting of powder was a good start on getting Flora covered, though Monserrat decided to put the Little girl in leggings and baggy jeans against the cold.

    “How come you don’t have a jacket?” Monserrat buttoned Flora’s new jeans up. “Did you leave it somewhere when you had your accident?”

    “I didn’t need a jacket when I left the house.” Flora sniffed. Monserrat raised a brow. It was doubtful that the girl’s clothes had been warm enough at any point during the day. Besides her jeans, Flora had on only a thin cardigan over what looked like a camisole top. A message popped up on Monserrat’s Escort Quest app – Denise had signed off on Monserrat’s suggestion and extended the session, as well as paying the overlap fees.

    “I’m going to take you home, Flora. Neither your Mommy nor I think you’ll be okay out in the cold by yourself.”

    “She’s my girlfriend, not my mommy.”

    Monserrat sat Flora up and scrubbed her cheeks clean of makeup streaks, before declaring her makeup unsalvageable and wiping it all off. “I bet you’d hurt her feelings if she heard you say that.”

    Flora frowned and tightened her grip on the stuffed Chinchilla. After setting the Little girl on her feet, Monserrat gave the bathroom a quick wipe-down and packed up her bag.

    “Will you come to my car with me?”

    “If I say no you’ll just make me do it anyway.” Flora pouted.

    “That’s not true. I’m here to take care of you, not kidnap you or hurt you.”

    Flora frowned and kicked at the bathroom tile. “O-okay, I’ll ride home with you.”

    “Great! Are you excited to see your mommy?”

    “Is Mommy going to be home?” Flora gazed up at Monserrat with wide, shining eyes.

    “By the time we get there, she will be. Take my hand.”

    On the walk to the car, Flora had a firm grip on Monserrat’s hand and a death grip on Suki. She was out of protestations about being a big girl too, allowing Monserrat to buckle her into the back seat without complaint. Monserrat turned up the heater and pulled out of the parking lot, double-checking her next destination in Escort Quest.

    “You’re not going to take the highway?” Flora was slumped against the window, staring listlessly at the side of the road. As they passed Main street, she sat up in alarm. “This isn’t the way back to my house!”

    “We can’t go straight there. I have another Little girl I promised to help today.” Monserrat glanced at the rear-view mirror to catch Flora’s gaze. “You wouldn’t want me to leave her scared and wondering where I am, would you?”

    “No.” Flora pulled Suki to her cheek. “It was awful waiting in that bathroom.”

    “I’m sorry sweetie. I got there as fast as I could.”

    “I know – thank you Monchi.” Flora smiled, though the expression wavered on her face. “I feel a lot better now.”

    “I’m glad to hear it.” Monserrat wound her brand new SUV through the Ardenthill streets until she pulled into the shared driveway for a trio of townhouses. She was barely out of the car and gathering her diaper bag when Flora’s door opened and the Little girl hopped out.

    “Flora, I need you to wait in the car.”

    “I don’t want to be alone.”

    Monserrat patted Flora’s head. “You have Suki there with you, and the doors will be locked.”

    “It’s uh – it’s actually Suki that’s scared and doesn’t want to wait in the car.” Flora looked up at Monserrat with the same teary expression she’d had when she asked if her mommy would be home. Monserrat sighed and pulled Flora into a side-hug while she sent off another text. Happily, the answer came back as a yes, and instantly at that.

    “Skye says you can come in, but you’ll be a guest in her house so I need you and Suki to be well behaved. Understand?”

    “Yes Monchi, we can do it.” Flora followed Monserrat into the townhouse like a little shadow. The interior of the townhouse was tidy but dusty, its stack of dishes by the sink emblematic of a bachelorette who worked long hours. They found Skye in her studio, sitting cross-legged under hot lights in front of her streaming equipment. Skye was down to a t-shirt and diaper as usual, the latter looked to be at-capacity.

    “Hey everybody, I’m going to an ad break, back in ten.” Skye turned to Monserrat and grinned. “Monserrat, you’re right on time!”

    “Aren’t I always? Skye, this is Flora. Flora, this is Skye.”

    “I like your light-up headphones,” Flora said with a wave. “The kitty ears are cute.”

    “Yeah, you want to try them on?” Skye popped her headphones off and held them out to Flora, who took them but looked at Monserrat for approval.

    “Go ahead. You can take Skye’s chair for a bit, she won’t need it while she’s getting changed.” Monserrat scooped Skye out of her chair, chuckling at the girl’s usual “whee!” sound at being picked up.

    “Did you bring lunch?” Skye laid back on the changing table and stretched until her back audibly popped.

    “You mean a bottle? Yes, but you should have more lunch than just that.” Monserrat frowned at the stains on Skye’s shirt and her greasy hair. “Give me your shirt.”

     “We don’t have time for the whole thing today, Monserrat.” Skye sighed, the bags under her eyes looked terrible. “I only put on ten minutes of ads and anyway I have a sponsored stream to do soon.”

    “Did you forget rule number one?” Monserrat pulled Skye’s t-shirt over her head, overcoming the Little girl’s resistance with a few firm tugs.

    “I hired a babysitter, which means you’re in charge.” Skye’s tone was resigned but her facial expression was relieved. Monserrat stripped the girl out of her bra as well, before attending to her soaked diaper.

    “You’re getting a shower too. No argument.”

    “Fine but uh…” Skye rolled over and peered at her streaming setup. Flora was kicking her feet in Skye’s streaming chair, watching the chat scroll by. “Hey Flora, there should be three buttons right in front of you, blue, green, and black. Can you press the blue one for me please?”

    “Like this?” Flora reached for the desk and looked back at Skye. “The green one was sticking in, it popped out when I pressed the blue.”

    “Perfect. The camera is shooting you from your shoulders to waist now. Don’t duck down unless you want my audience to see your face.”

    “I’m on camera?!”

    “Not yet, but when that ad window in the upper right goes away, you will be.” Skye put her arms around Monserrat as the tall babysitter picked her up for a naked trip to the bathroom. “It’ll be fine, just say hi to people and respond to messages by talking. Don’t tell them your last name.”

    “Monchi!” Flora whined.

    “I think you’ll be fine for a few minutes. You can get out of the chair if it’s too scary, but I suggest introducing the chat to Suki. I bet they’ll have lots of questions about her.” Monserrat watched Flora for a moment to make sure the girl wasn’t panicking, and carried Skye to the shower.

    “Monserrat, I appreciate this but seriously, I can’t miss that sponsored stream.” Skye’s languid expression vanished with a shriek as a blast of cold water hit her. Monserrat laughed.

    “Silly girl, you get yourself with the cold water every time.” Monserrat handed Skye her shampoo. “I won’t make you miss your stream, though you might get fed while it’s starting. Give your hair a good scrub or I’ll spank you on stream.”

    “I’m so gonna get banned someday, because of your antics.”

    “Not if you’re a good girl and do as you’re told.” Monserrat shut the shower door and peeked in on Flora. She was bouncing excitedly in Skye’s chair, trying to find the perfect angle to hold Suki for the camera. With a fond smile, Monserrat went to the kitchen and threw some tortillas in a pair of pans.

    “Hi everybody! I’m not Skye, I’m Flora!” Flora sounded excited enough that Monserrat stopped listening to what she said and merely kept an ear out for a change in tone. She covered both tortillas in shredded cheese, topped each with a second tortilla, and had them flipped before she heard Skye get out of the shower.

    “Let me see that hair, Skye.” Monserrat grabbed a towel on her way into the bathroom and rubbed Skye down. The streamer girl showed her clean head off proudly, for which she was rewarded by Monserrat brushing out her dark locks.

    “They want to know what my streamer name is!” Flora called anxiously from the studio.

    “Tell them that whoever donates the most subs gets to pick one for you.” Monserrat called back.

    “I knew there was a reason I liked you.” Skye grinned at Monserrat in the mirror.

    “It’s not because of how much you like being taken care of?” Monserrat carefully brushed the last of the tangles out of Skye’s hair and scooped her into a princess carry.

    “You’re great at that too. What’s Flora’s deal?”

    “That’s up to her to tell you, other than that she’s another client of mine who needed some rescuing today.”

    “Monserrat, you have to be the nicest hooker the world has ever seen.”

    “Call me that again and you’ll get your on-stream spanking.” Monserrat pinched Skye’s rear, not bothering to be gentle about it.

    “Ow, sorry!”

    “Just for that you can wait here for a bit while I check on lunch.” Monserrat took a quick look at chat to make sure they were being nice to Flora and left Skye naked on her changing table, ignoring her squawk of protest.

    The quesadillas were still in fine shape on low heat. Monchi covered both pans and turned the burners off before returning to the studio. “What name did they pick for you, Flora?”

    “Um, TST2012 donated like… a hundred subs. Isn’t that five hundred bucks?” Flora stared incredulously up at Monserrat.

    “I think so.” She scrolled quickly through chat and nodded. “Looks like that person picked ChillyGirl for your name. Did you tell chat that you’re cold?”

    “No, it’s cause of Suki. She’s a chin-Chill-a.” Flora grinned at Monserrat’s laugh. “Is it okay if I turn on the face cam? Everyone wants to see me.”

    “That’s up to you, sweetie, but you need to realize that if you do that, there will be pictures of you on the internet forever. If you’re okay with that, and you think these are nice people that won’t say something bad, you press the green button to switch the camera up.” Monserrat patted Flora on the shoulder and returned to Skye, who was glaring daggers at her.

    “Monserrat, you jerk!” Skye hissed under her breath. “You know I can’t climb off this table naked, my cooch would end up on the diaper-stash cam.”

    “Maybe next time you’ll think before you speak.” Monserrat put a diaper under Skye’s butt and spread lotion across the girl’s crotch. “I hope your sponsor is okay with you streaming in a onesie because I’m putting you in your teddy-bear outfit.”

    “Why do I keep hiring you again?”

    “Flora’s naming challenge pulled down something like two hundred gifted subs.”

    “Ah – right.”

    Once Skye was securely diapered – with a booster pad to get her through her sponsored stream, Monserrat dressed her in a light brown onesie with a plush bear across Skye’s ample chest.

    “Nobody’s going to be able to see my diaper in this thing.”

    “If your sponsor was expecting a diaper, then I’m sure the onesie is fine. You can tell chat your babysitter won’t let you take your onesie off, they’ll love it.”

    “Is that an actual rule for today?”

    “It is.” Monserrat scooped Skye up and carried her to her streaming chair. “Flora, scoot over. There’s enough room for both baby girls if you get friendly.”

    Both girls whinged and wiggled as Monserrat set Skye down. They managed to find a position with Skye half-on Flora’s lap that had them happily tangled together. Flora introduced Skye to Suki, to the streamer girl and chat’s mutual delight. While the girls were getting acquainted, Monserrat sliced the quesadillas into triangles, dressing them up with sour cream, salsa, and chopped green onion. She returned to the studio to find Skye’s sponsored stream starting.

    “The onesie stays snapped down there, JukeDog99, babysitter says so. Okay, sponsored stream in five, four, three…” Skye counted the last two off silently and beamed at the camera. “Hey everybody, I have a guest star today for our stream of NETHERBEAST. Say hello to ChillyGirl.”

    “Netherbeast sounds scary.” Flora peeked around Skye’s shoulder and gasped. “Oh who’s that cutie?”

    “That’s the Netherbeast. I don’t play scary games, this one is super cartoony.”

    “She has toe beans?!” Flora was so starry eyed that she almost refused her plate of quesadillas.

    With a bit of wrangling, Monserrat got both girls eating and returned to the kitchen to wash the dishes. When she was done, she collected the girls’ empty plates and took a minute to watch them play. Flora was every bit as animated and giggly as Skye. Either she’s enjoying the thrill of being on camera, or – damn it, I should have checked if she was hungry after I changed her.

    The chat audience nearly staged a revolution when Monserrat extracted Flora from the chair. Skye’s message feed was nothing but, “ChillyGirl or riot!” and emojis of tables being flipped. The unruly chatters were only pacified when Skye promised to invite Flora over as a guest on another stream. Skye’s audience responded by posting links to streaming setups that Flora could buy to set up her own stream, until Skye had her moderators step in and ban the worst offenders.

    Monserrat briefly exposed an arm and flexed to give the audience their usual “goodbye gun show”, then gathered Flora up and waved farewell to Skye. They were at the door when frantic footsteps cued Monserrat to look back in surprise.

    “What’s this, Skye out of her chair when she’s not being changed?”

    “There’s an ad reel on, I wanted to say bye to Flora.” Skye gave Flora a quick, exuberant squeeze. “Also – this was really fun. You can bring Flora by again sometime, right?”

    “That’s up to Flora and her mommy. I have a Little girl of my own, I could bring her by for a playdate, though I don’t thinks she’d want to be on stream.”

    Skye sighed. “Everybody has a mommy but me.”

    “Maybe if you occasionally left your house, it’d be easier to find someone.”

    “Or maybe there’s an app.” Skye stared intensely into Monserrat’s eyes. “You know, an app where I can request a mommy to come right into my house.”

    “I’m sorry, sweetie.” Monserrat kissed Skye on the forehead. “I’m poly-amorous but I’m mommy-monogamous.”

    “Bleh, fine. I have to get back to streaming but I’ll book you soon.” Skye waved at Flora. “Bye ChillyGirl, you have my contact info. Hit me up if you want to put together a streaming rig – or just talk or whatever.”

    “I’ll tell Mommy to let me come see you soon!” Flora waved vigorously at Skye, double-checked that she had her stuffed chinchilla, and followed Monserrat out the door.


    Monserrat arrived at Denise and Flora’s house just behind Denise’s black Mercedes S-Class. The three story mini-mansion was a far more typical of the sorts of houses Monserrat’s clients lived in than Skye’s townhouse, though Monchi hadn’t seen the inside. Thus far she’d only been contacted by Denise to rescue Flora.

    “You had quite the adventure, didn’t you Buttercup?” Denise looked haggard in her executive suit as she pulled Flora in for a hug. Monserrat was pleased she’d been able to spare Denise from having to bail on work and stress herself out even more.

    “I made a new friend, Mommy! Two new friends! But the main one’s name is Skye, she’s a streamer, and she let me get on camera. Everybody was really nice and they sent Skye a bunch of money – because of me!” Flora bounced on her toes. “Can I be a streamer too, Mommy? I already have a streamer name. I’m ChillyGirl.”

    “You can tell me all the details at dinner and we can certainly discuss you streaming.” Denise patted Flora on the head. “We should let Monserrat get to her dinner. Do you need to give her back her stuffed mouse?”

    “She’s a chinchilla, her name is Suki and – and she said she doesn’t want to go back in Monserrat’s bag. She wants to stay with me, because I’m a good hugger.” Flora squeezed Suki and looked back and forth between Denise and Monserrat nervously.

    “Flora is welcome to keep Suki.” Monserrat said with a smile.

    “Can you add a stuffie to the invoice after I’ve already paid you?” Denise asked.

    “I can, but new friends are always on the house.” Monserrat shook Denise’s hand. “I’ve got a Little girl of my own who’s been curious about meeting other Littles, and some other clients that are asking about playdates too, if you’re interested in booking Flora for a playdate.”

    “Yes please Mommy, can I do a playdate?”

    “What’s this? Where’s my Little girl who complains about having to wear diapers out of the house? I don’t think playdates are something a big girl does.”

    “Mommy!” Flora jumped up and down, slamming her feet into the decorative stone walk with every landing.

    “She’s probably hungry again. I fed her a quesadilla, but that was a couple of hours ago.” Monserrat chuckled.

    “I think you’re right. Thank you again for helping out. I try to keep this one occupied but she’s getting more little all the time. Are you available during the day? I know you’re a student…” Denise corralled Flora into a hug, to which the Little girl responded by burying her face in her mommy’s chest.

    Monserrat shrugged. “I’m an athlete too, and I have a lot of clients, but I’ll see what I can do. I’ve recently gotten some flexibility on when I do my class time, so check my schedule and see.”

    “You’re a busy woman, especially with your own Little girl at home. Good luck.”

    “Thanks Denise. See you next time.”


    Driving home, Monserrat had just begun to work the kinks out of her back with the help of her heated seat, when her phone rang. That’s weird, I didn’t schedule an after-job call with Clarissa this time.

    “Hi, this is Monserrat,” She said, swiping the phone screen without taking her eyes off the road.

    “Navi?” Her girlfriend’s sad voice on the other end of the line had Monserrat tensely gripping the steering wheel.

    “Jenny? What’s wrong?”

    “Navi – I had an accident. At school.”

    “I’m on my way, baby girl.”

    “No, Navi I – I’m home already. Usha picked me up. It’s been a rough day but – I waited until the app said you were off your job.”

    “Jenny-bear, you can always call me, even if I’m on a job.”

    “Usha’s one of my babysitters, and she was on campus. I didn’t want to mess up your work.”

    “I’ll be home soon and I’ll take great care of you all evening. I’m sorry you had a bad day.” I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.

    “Thanks Navi – I just needed to hear your voice. See you soon. Rachel’s making dinner.”

    “I love you Jenny-bear.”

    “I love you too, Navi.”

    A sudden rain squall made Monserrat skid to a stop at the next light, compounding her frustration. What am I working so hard for? My own Little girl has trouble at school, and feels like she can’t call me, because I’m rescuing a client?

    Monserrat drove home as aggressively as she dared, given the freshly wet roads. Embracing a New England style of driving – with liberal use of her car’s horn – got her home quickly, though not as fast as she’d desired.