• AB Sitter: Slumber Party

    “It should be an easy job, Lyssa. They’re all newbies. I need you because there are five of them, but it shouldn’t be too intense.” Monserrat said. It was the third time she’d had to reassure Lyssa during their pre-job briefing. Her patience was wearing thinner than her long-neglected nail polish.

    “Five is a lot of people.” Lyssa said.  “You know there’s a freaky weird one in the group. Or one that’s going to get all shitty.”

    Lyssa was sitting cross-legged at the foot of Monserrat’s bed. In retrospect, that was another red flag or Lyssa being unready. She had refused to have the ‘briefing’ in the living room for fear that Monserrat’s roommates would overhear.

    “If they try to go past the job’s established boundaries, then we enforce those. Disrespect gets fixed in-scene with a spanking, or by stopping the job altogether if it’s too much.” Monserrat sighed, leaning back on the pile of pillows she’d made against her headboard. “If you can’t do this, say so. Because if you flake out on me in the middle of the job, I will spank your ass, diaper you, and sit you down with the other Little Girls.”

    “Oh shit, is THAT your persona when you’re doing these babysitting jobs?” Lyssa asked.

    Monserrat looked down at Lyssa. Her friend was biting her lip, nipples clearly visible through her tank top. That was new. Well, old, but new lately. Monserrat and Lyssa hadn’t been lovers since high school.

    “What’s got you all turned on about this? It can’t be my dom-voice. You’re a top too.”

    “I’m a switch.” Lyssa said, squirming.

    “Since when?”

    “Since Fiona cornered me at a party and made me eat out of her hands.”

    “Hot.” Monserrat said, then smirked at Lyssa. “I’m imagining myself as Fiona there, not on my knees in front of her.”

    “It was so hot.” Lyssa shivered.

    “I was joking about topping you at this thing. We can talk about that later, if you want.” Monserrat said. “But on this job I seriously need someone to help me keep track of all the clients.”

    “I can do it.” Lyssa said. “I’m not as fearless as you.”

    “Okay, instead of splitting the clients three and two between us, why don’t we split duties?” Monserrat said. “You can focus on food and clothing. I’ll ask you if I need help with crowd control and diaper changes.”

    “Kind of like I’m your assistant?” Lyssa said. “Yeah, that’s how I was hoping the first one would go anyway. I’ll follow your commands, Mon Capitan!”

    “I swear to God Lyssa, if this is some elaborate plot to test out your newfound sub-side with me…”

    “It’s not! I promise. I’m nervous.” Lyssa shrugged. “But yeah, if you want to have that conversation later…”

    “You thirsty bitch.” Monserrat laughed. “Come on. The job is tomorrow and we have to buy a bunch of stuff for the clients.”

    “Are you floating them the cash?” Lyssa asked.

    Clarissa hopped up from the bed and stretched. Though it might be more accurate to say she was posing. Monserrat rolled her eyes. This was exactly why she had hesitated to bring Lyssa in on these gigs.

    “No, they paid me upfront for the materials. I get to keep the overage and I’m splitting it with you, so let’s shop smart, okay?”

    “Gotcha. Send me the list? We can split up and shop faster.” Lyssa said.

    “Here you go.” Monserrat said, fingers flashing across her phone.

    “Huh, nothing too weird on here. Well besides the diapers. Where do we get those on short notice anyway?”

    “There’s a store that caters to that kind of stuff in town. It’s the back room of a medical supplies store.” Monserrat said. “My last client clued me in on it. I’ll hit that one, you get the snacks and the baby powder.”

    “They don’t have baby powder at the place you’re going?”

    “They do but it’s way expensive.” Monserrat said. “It’s not worth buying stuff there that you can get in the grocery store.”

    “Gotcha.” Lyssa stepped in and bumped her head gently against Monserrat’s shoulder. “Thanks for helping me get into this. I’ll be a help.”

    Monserrat looked down at Lyssa. Her friend was still leaning against her, looking up through her extended lashes.

    “Girl stop flirting with me, I mean it.” Monserrat said, going full babysitter tone.

    “Yes Monchi.” Lyssa scooted out of the room.

    This is getting complicated. I better not end up with six babies, instead of five and a helper. Monserrat thought grumpily.


    Monserrat pulled up to the job site with Lyssa next to her in the passenger seat. Thankfully there hadn’t been any sign of Lyssa treating the job like a date. Monchi was still on edge. She had an unbroken streak of perfect job ratings and she didn’t intend to break it.

    “What are the names again?” Lyssa asked.

    “Geneva , Brittany, Isabelle, Xitali, and Angela” Monserrat said. “Geneva is the one that contacted me.”

    “Right. Damn, you’re good at this.”

    “I’m taking it seriously. Please Lyssa, this is important to me.”

    “I can’t even compliment you now? Come on Monchi, give me a chance. I’m sorry about yesterday.”

    “Fine, it’s water under the bridge. Let’s do this.”

    Monserrat put on her ‘friendly but firm’ nanny expression and hopped out of the car. The door was eagerly opened before she and Lyssa had the supplies they’d bought out of the back of Monserrat’s SUV. Monserrat waved as she approached. It looked like their contact, Geneva King, was the one at the door.

    “Hi, Geneva right?” Monserrat asked.

    “Yeah, you’re Monserrat? You have to be! You’re huge!” Geneva said, grinning. A chorus of giggles sounded behind her.

    “That’s me.” Monserrat smiled ruefully. “I guess my reputation includes a physical description now. Do you mind telling me who you heard about me from?”

    “Amira Hubale is a friend of mine.” Geneva said. “All of ours. She convinced us to do this crazy thing with her, but she’s hardcore into it. We wanted to try our first time without her, so it’d all be newbies.”

    Monserrat blessed that girl from her first job. She kept giving out the recommendations. It was funny to hear Amira described as hardcore, though, after what Monserrat had seen from other clients. She was going to have to go gentle with these girls.

    “Alright, well, your babysitters need to come inside. Mind showing us in and introducing us?” Monserrat said.

    “Oh, right! Sorry!”

    Geneva backed up from the door and bumped into a couple of girls behind her. There was another burst of wild giggles. It was funny hearing adult voices giggling as much as kids. Either the girls were nervous, or they were already in the mood.

    “Thanks. I’m Monserrat, as I’m sure you heard. As long as you girls are good you can call me Monchi. Bad girls get a time-out and end up addressing me as Ms. Navarrete.” Monserrat said. “This is Lyssa. She’s my assistant today. I want you to all be good girls for her too.”

    Lyssa grinned. “Hi girls!”

    “I’m Geneva!” Geneva said.

    “I’m Isabelle.” Said the shortest girl of the bunch.

    “I’m Xitali.” Said another of the girls, shyly.

    “I’m Brittany.” Said a girl who was either hoping this was a sex party, or was a less-is-more kind of person about her clothes. Her cami-top might as well have been underwear, and her booty shorts left very little to the imagination. It was a stark contrast from the rest of the girls’ casual dress.

    The last girl was silent. They all looked at her, babysitters and other girls alike, but still she didn’t say anything. Monserrat was about to ask if the girl was deaf or something before Geneva piped up.

    “That’s Angela! She needed a little convincing, but she still wants to play, right?”

    “Hi.” Angela said quietly. Monserrat couldn’t tell if it was extreme nerves or if the girl genuinely didn’t want to be there.

    “If you don’t want to play, that is okay.” Monserrat said. “I want to make sure everyone here is having a good time.”

    “No, it’s fine, I’ll do it.” Angela said softly.

    “We’re all on board, really!” Geneva said. “Plus you’re super good, right Monchi? I’m sure Angela will be more psyched after you work your magic.”

    That was the only problem with her flawless reputation. Every client seemed to raise the bar on what they expected. Monserrat caught Lyssa smirking at her and gave her friend The Look.

    “Alright, first thing to do is to get you girls more appropriately dressed. Especially you, Brittany.” Monserrat said.

    “Huh? Why me?” Brittany asked.

    “You are not dressed appropriately for a little girl.” Monserrat said. “You and Angela are coming with me. Lyssa, you can get the other girls dressed.”

    Lyssa looked a little overwhelmed at having three of them right off the bat. It would be pretty intimidating, Monserrat had to admit, but she’d picked the two that were likely to be the most trouble.

    “Geneva, Isabelle, Xitali, I know you’re going to be good girls for Lyssa. Don’t disappoint me, or you’ll get time-outs instead of cookies.”

    All three of the girls giggled madly and nodded at Monserrat. Brittany was giggling a little at her friends too. She was also sidled up to Monserrat, on the verge of rubbing up against her babysitter like a cat. Angela was still withdrawn.

    Monserrat gave Brittany a little swat on the rear and motioned toward the hallway. “Lead the way to a bedroom for us, Brittany.”

    “Sure thing Monchi!” Brittany said, her eyes lighting up at the word bedroom.

    Shaking her head a little, Monserrat gently took Angela’s hand. She gave the girl a questioning look. Angela barely nodded and fell into step behind Monserrat.

    “Okay girls, we got suuuper cute outfits for you!” Lyssa said behind them. Monserrat had to give her points for hyping the clients up. She was going to do fine. Probably.

    The house was a big rambling mansion like most of the others Monserrat had worked in. She’d hardly noticed the exterior on the way in. The inside was as generic. White fixtures on white furniture on white walls.

    They didn’t have to go far before Brittany found them a guest room. She scurried in and planted herself on the end of the bed, leaning back on her hands, legs parted. Dios Mio. Monserrat thought. Even Lyssa isn’t that obvious. Not even when she’s drunk.

    “Do you want to watch Brittany go first, Angela?” Monserrat asked, guiding the quiet girl over to the other end of the bed to sit.

    “Okay.” Angela said softly.

    “Angela.” Monserrat knelt down, stroking the girl’s shoulder. “We’re not going to do anything you don’t want to do, okay? You can trust me. I’ll take care of you.”

    Angela bit her lip and nodded. A slight flush rose to her cheeks. It was the first sign of any emotion besides reluctance. Monserrat wasn’t sure if it meant that Angela was into it, or if she was embarrassed, but it was nice to get a reaction at least.

    Returning to Brittany, Monserrat found the girl already topless and grinning expectantly. This needed to be nipped in the bud immediately.

    “Brittany, what exactly do you think I’m here for?” Monserrat asked.

    “You’re an escort right? I know we’re doing a whole adult baby thing. That’s cool! I think it’s hot. Amira said she had a super good orgasm with you.” Brittany said, twirling her hair around a finger.

    “I guess she didn’t tell you that she had that orgasm during a diaper change.” Monserrat said. “Or that she got it by being a super good girl. You are about as far from being a good girl as you are from being properly dressed.”

    “Don’t be that way, Monchi.” Brittany said. “I’m good in bed. We can put Angela out in the hall if that’s what you’re worried about. She likes to listen anyway.”

    Angela made a strangled, embarrassed noise that didn’t sound like a refutation. Monserrat considered the girls in front of her. Each client had had to indicate their preference separately on the app. Monserrat had despaired of keeping track of them all until she realized that they’d ticked the same box on most of the items. Making a grid of the exceptions had helped differentiate the girls in her head.

    Brittany was the only one to have marked spanking as not only permissible, but something she wanted. It was hard to tell this early if the girl was trying to brat for a punishment, or if she was spoiled in general, but either way Monserrat could give her something she wanted while keeping the game going.

    Flipping the girl around turned her smug tone to a shocked whoop. Monserrat didn’t give Brittany any time to struggle, pinning her wrists together behind her back and yanking her shorts down to her knees.

    “Hey! I haven’t been that bad a girl – OW!” Brittany’s head jerked up at the first slap on her rear.

    Monserrat kept up the pace, delivering sharp stings on alternating cheeks. A red blush was spreading fast across the girl’s pale skin.

    “Ow! Ow! Stop! Ow! Nobody’s ever spanked me that hard!” Brittany protested.

    Monserrat paused. Brittany’s chest was heaving. She was visibly wet between her legs. Moreover, she wasn’t using the group safeword.

    “You’ve never had me as a babysitter before either.” Monserrat said. She doubled down on the force of her smacks, leaving slowly-fading handprints with every swat.

    Brittany howled and struggled to the point that Monserrat had to sit down and drag the girl over her lap. A few more spanks after being immobilized and Brittany was in tears. Figuring this brat had a lot in common with Fabiola, Monserrat kept spanking until her charge was limp and whimpering.

    “Let’s start over.” Monserrat said. “Are you going to be a good Little Girl, Brittany?”

    “Yes Monchi.” Brittany whimpered.

    “That’s Ms. Navarrete to naughty girls like you.” Monserrat said.

    “Okay, sorry.” Brittany said, with a sniffle.

    “Not good enough. I want to hear, ‘I’m sorry, Ms. Navarrete.” Monserrat said.

    “I’m sorry, Ms. Navarrete!” Brittany said quickly.

    “Much better.” Monserrat stood Brittany up and put her in the corner facing the wall, shorts still around her knees.

    A quick look at Angela showed that the girl had enjoyed the show and was sporting a smug smirk. If she liked watching others get punished, maybe there was a way to get her excited about the wardrobe change.

    “I think Brittany needs to stay in the corner for a bit.” Monserrat said. “Angela, I’m going to change you first. You’re going to be a super good girl, not like Brittany, right?”

    “Yes Monchi, I’ll be a good girl.” Angela said. That had to be deliberate to wind Brittany up. Monserrat liked this devious girl already.

    “But I wanted to see Angie get changed!” Brittany whined.

    “Brittany McFadden! You keep your nose in that corner or you won’t be able to sit down with a diaper on, do you understand me?” Monserrat snapped.

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.” Brittany whimpered.

    Monserrat stroked Angela’s hair gently. “Is it that you’re shy, or is this something you’re having trouble finding the fun in?”

    “I’m nervous – and embarrassed.” Angela said quietly.

    “I told you I’d take good care of you.” Monserrat said. “You want an outfit that covers your diaper well?”

    Angela nodded urgently. Monserrat smiled and stood the girl up, stripping her clothes off with tender care. Though Angela would periodically go into fast, anxious breaths, Monserrat was able to soothe her with gentle caresses on her hair or cheek each time.

    Laying Angela on her back on the bed got a huge blush out of the girl. Maybe she was nervous about being caught enjoying herself by her friends, instead of the activity. Monserrat kept up a soft patter of talk as she diapered the girl, continuing on with putting her in opaque white tights, a long childish dress, and a bow in her hair.

    “You look precious.” Monserrat said, kissing Angela on the forehead. The Little Girl looked up at Monserrat with the slightly nervous, slightly drifty expression that Monchi had come to associate with someone slipping into Little space.

    “Sit here with this friend while I take care of Brittany, okay?” Monserrat said, handing Angela a teddy bear out of the outfits bag. Angela cuddled the bear up to her cheek and closed her eyes.

    “Alright Brittany, your turn.” Monserrat said. With the girl temporarily cowed and already naked, Monchi could be a lot more brusque. In short order, Monserrat got Brittany in a diaper, a onesie, and fuzzy socks. Monserrat thought it prudent to put a pacifier in the girl’s mouth as well.

    Monserrat lead two very obedient girls back to the living room. Lyssa was having a little less success it seemed. Geneva was in a onesie and diaper, sitting excitedly on the couch. Xitali was in the process of being diapered, but seemed very squirmy. Meanwhile, Isabelle was diapered and dressed, but running around the room, giggling.

    Intercepting Isabelle, Monserrat scooped the girl up, threw Belle over her shoulder, and smacked her diapered butt with a resounding POW sound. The Little Girl let you a yipe sound like a purse dog. Everyone stopped what they were doing, turning to stare up at Monserrat.

    “You’re all probably wondering if Isabelle has earned herself a time-out. Especially Belle.” Monserrat said. “That’s up to Lyssa. She was the babysitter in charge here.”

    Here’s your chance, Lyssa. Monserrat thought. You can be the fun babysitter, or assert authority, but either way you can lean on me and let me know if you were overwhelmed or not.

    “I don’t think she needs a time out.” Lyssa said, taking a chance to finish taping up Xitali while the girl was still. “But it’s a good thing for you Belle that Monchi stopped you when she did. You were getting a little wild.”

    “What do you say, Belle?” Monserrat said, patting Isabelle’s butt meaningfully.

    “Uh, sorry Lyssa. Thanks for not putting me in time out.” Belle said, a bit awkwardly given that her upper half was hanging upside down.

    “Good girl!” Monserrat said, setting Isabelle on the ground and patting her head. The girl blushed, but looked genuinely pleased to be praised. “Take note girls. Good girls listen to their babysitters and understand that we are here to help you be good girls.”

    Monserrat plucked the pacifier out of Brittany’s mouth, leaving the girl blinking in surprise. “Isn’t that right, Brittany? You had behavior problems, but you’re going to be a good girl for me now, aren’t you?”

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.” Brittany said contritely. She opened her mouth obediently for the pacifier when Monserrat presented it again too.

    “Oooh.” Geneva and Xitali giggled at Brittany. Geneva asked, “Did she get spanked?”

    “That’s none of your business.” Monserrat said, bapping Geneva on the nose.

    The girl bit her lip and lowered her head. Managing four girls who all wanted to be various flavors of brat was a bit like having a tiger by the tail. It was working so far. A little bribery wouldn’t hurt though.

    “Okay, it’s time for cookies and juice! I want everybody to gather around me, here on the floor. Lyssa will bring the snacks while we have a sharing session.”

    Monserrat took a seat on the floor, pulling Angela down next to her. She was pleased to see the rest of the girls obey, making a little circle on the floor.

    “Geneva!” Monserrat said, figuring she was the most likely to want to go first. “What’s it feel like to be in a diaper?”

    “It feels good.” Geneva said, squirming. When Monserrat motioned for more, she added, “Comfier than I expected. Kind of exciting.”

    “Good girl.” Monserrat said, smiling when Geneva beamed at the praise. “Isabelle, what surprised you the most so far?”

    “I didn’t know that Lyssa was going to put baby powder on us.” Isabelle said, blushing.

    “In case you have an accident.” Monserrat said with a wink. Isabelle hid her face while the other girls giggled.

    “Xitali, why did you pick a romper for your outfit?” Monserrat asked.

    “Um, I never wear them normally, because of my belly.” She said. Xitali seemed to be pretty comfortable around her friends, she wasn’t embarrassed at all to talk about her body. “But I think they’re cute, so it seemed like a good time to wear one.”

    “That’s great. You’re adorable in it.” Monserrat said. Xitali got a hug from the friends on either side of her.

    “Xitali, can you take Brittany’s pacifier out for a second?” Monserrat asked. Xitali complied. The lustful flush on Brittany’s face was enough to convince Monserrat that Brit was having fun despite all the punishments. Because of them, more likely.

    “Brittany, how hard do I spank?” Monserrat asked, to a fresh round of giggles.

    “Really hard!” Brittany whined. “My butt hurts, even with the diaper padding.”

    “You can put it back in, Xitali.” Monserrat said. “See what a good girl Brittany is now? I bet you’ve never seen her so well behaved!”

    The giggles were more nervous this time. Especially from Angela. She was trembling a little, with her turn at sharing coming up. Monserrat put her arm around Angela and tucked the Little Girl into her side.

    “Angela’s a little shy right now and that’s okay. I’ll take her turn and share that I think she makes a super sweet Little Girl. I’m glad she’s here.”

    Lyssa was back right on time with a big chocolate chip cookie and a sippy cup of apple juice for each girl. Monserrat sat back a bit, taking a mini-break as the girls ate their snacks and laughed at their attempts to drink out of the childish cups.

    Monserrat helped Lyssa take the cups and plates back to the kitchen, letting the girls chat a bit and get comfortable. The noise level took a sharp jump up after ten minutes and she judged it time to take the reins again.

    “Okay, snack time is over, let’s play a game.” Monserrat said, hands on her hips. “We’re going to play hide and seek. When you’re found, you have to come back to the living room and drink a glass of water for every girl that’s found after you.”

    “I don’t know this house at all, so you girls have the advantage! If it takes me more than an hour to find the last one of you, we can do whatever that person wants for the next activity!”

    The clients were grinning up at Monchi like little jackals. It felt like a good idea introduce a bit of a cooperative element, and lay down rules.

    “I’m going to count to one hundred. No locked doors, no hiding in, under, or behind appliances. The garage is off limits! You have to help Lyssa hide. If I find her first, then all you Little Girls are going down for a nap!”

    “But we don’t know where you’re going to look first!” Geneva complained.

    “Then you’d better hide her good, and maybe have a sacrificial girl hiding somewhere easy.” Monserrat said. She put her hands over her eyes and began counting. “One – two – three…”

    Shrieks and the sounds of scrambling accompanied the mad dash of the sugared up girls from the living room. She could hear them competing for Lyssa to follow one of them or the other. The voices faded, in favor of the deeper thumps of girls running through the huge house.

    Everything had gone silent around the time Monchi counted eighty. Dutifully, she finished her count and called out as loudly as she could. “READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!” Her voice bounced off the walls with a very satisfying echo.

    As expected, the living room was empty, though Monserrat checked behind the couches anyway in case of an especially cheeky girl. The kitchen didn’t leave many places to hide with the rules in place; Monserrat cleared it easily.

    The bedrooms were obvious choices, though boring ones. The three guest bedrooms on the ground floor were also easily cleared, as was the guest bathroom. Monserrat didn’t know if the shower curtain was normally drawn in that bathroom, but if someone had closed it to delay Monserrat, they deserved a gold star for that.

    Angela was her first find, barely hidden under the grand piano by the stage in the house’s theatre room. Monserrat pulled the girl gently out from under the piano and gave her a pat on the butt.

    “Gotcha! Go to the living room and wait for – honey, what’s the matter?” Monserrat asked, catching sight of the tear-tracks on Angela’s cheeks.

    “Nothing.” Angela said in a tiny voice. “I’ll go wait in the living room.”

    “In a minute.” Monserrat said, taking a seat on the piano bench and scooping Angela into her lap in one motion. “Tell your baby sitter why you were crying.”

    “I saw Brittany kissing Geneva.” Angela said, blubbering a little.

    “Oh dear. Brittany probably kisses a lot of people. Is it the Geneva part that upset you?”

    Angela nodded, sniffling. “I only came to this because she invited me. I thought – it was going to be just her and me.”

    “Sweetie, I’m sorry.” Monserrat said. “Do you want me to help you with Geneva?”

    “I guess so, but what can you do?”

    “Trust your babysitter. I’ll think of something.” Monserrat kissed Angela on the head. “Now scoot to the living room. Don’t forget to drink a glass of water every time another girl shows up.”

    “Okay Monchi.” Angela said, in a very little voice.

    Moving through the rest of the ground floor, Monserrat started relying on her ears. The rooms had gotten huge and seemed to have an endless supply of closets. As she’d suspected, at least some of the girls had chosen places to hide that were becoming uncomfortable as they waited.

    Brittany revealed herself with a groan in a control closet for the in-wall vacuum cleaner, and a swat on the butt for technically hiding around an appliance. Xitali outed herself when she bumped against a drum in the music room. She wanted to know how many had been found before her, and grinned wickedly at the thought of Brittany and Angela having to drink water when she got to the living room.

    Isabelle and Lyssa were both in a big dumbwaiter on the second floor. Monserrat eyed them wryly, hands on her hips. At least it didn’t look like they’d been making out.

    “You’re not supposed to hide together.” Monserrat admonished.

    “She got scared.” Lyssa explained, an oddly gentle expression on her face.

    “Oh?” Monserrat helped Isabelle out of the closet. She was looking pretty dazed, almost on Angela’s level.

    “I don’t know why.” Isabelle said softly. “But when I closed the door and it was dark – it was scary.”

    “Good thing you had a babysitter with you.” Monserrat said, giving Belle a gentle hug. “Go back to the living room with Lyssa. Though because you hid with her, you have to drink an extra glass of water when I find Geneva.”

    Isabelle followed Lyssa, holding the babysitter’s hand. Monserrat checked her watch. She had less than a half hour to check the rest of the cavernous house, and she’d barely started the second floor. It was Geneva’s place, or her family’s anyway. Wherever she was hiding had to be good.

    Monserrat knew she wasn’t going to win by brute force searching. Asking the other girls or Lyssa would be a big rule violation. She pulled out her phone and reviewed the notes and requests that Geneva had sent. There was nothing there that helped. As she considered, Monserrat kept looking, opening closets and rooms as she went.

    Two doors past a maintenance closet, Monserrat got a wicked idea. In a flash she retraced her steps, grabbed a pack of lightbulbs and a trash bag. She hurried to her best guess as to Geneva’s general location. The master suite area on the third floor.

    With ten minutes left on the clock, Monserrat had no time to search the whole suite, let alone everything she’d skipped on the floor below. She did easily spot a beautiful porcelain vase, and took up a position next to it.

    The lightbulbs made a terrific crashing sound through the bag when Monserrat hurled them to the floor and stomped on them.

    “Oh shit!” Monserrat said. “I hope my insurance can cover that vase!”

    “Oh no, which one was it?!” Geneva said, stumbling out of what looked like a library or study.

    “Gotcha.” Monserrat said, stepping out from in front of the vase to reveal it in pristine condition. “You’re the last baby girl.”

    “That’s… no fair!” Geneva said, shocked. “You cheated!”

    “Nope.” Monserrat said. “No rule against what I did.”

    “But… I wanted the special prize for making you go over an hour.” Geneva said with a mighty pout.

    “I might have a special prize for you anyway.” Monserrat said. “You seem into this. Do you want to help me change one of the other girls?”

    Geneva blushed, smiling nervously. “It sounds – really fun but – would it be okay? Is anyone even um – do they need a change?”

    “Angela might soon.” Monserrat said, watching Geneva’s face carefully. “She was the first one I found.”

    “Oh.” Geneva’s eyelids fluttered. “I wouldn’t mind, if Angie is okay with it.”

    Jackpot. Monserrat thought.

    “I’ll need you on hand to be her emotional support.” Monserrat said, gathering up the bag and putting an arm around Geneva. “Come on, let’s get back to the other girls.”

    Monserrat and Geneva walked into a happy group of little girls, each with a water cup ready. They gave a good-natured groan when Monserrat announced that she’d managed to beat the hour timer. Then they all drank. Brittany and Angela were already looking a little uncomfortable, but every girl had nervous giggles.

    Keeping the pressure up, Monserrat organized the girls into a game of Duck Duck Goose. Other than the regular rules of the game, she let them know that they could only ask to use the restroom when they’d been tagged and were temporarily ‘out’.

    Geneva had a huge advantage, having only drunk anything at snack time. It was hilarious to watch the other girls try to chase each other around the circle, while keeping their legs pressed together as much as possible. Brittany was the first to succumb, to Monserrat’s surprise. The girls laughed when Brittany announced her accident, but hugged her and cheered her for being the first one.

    Almost immediately after, Monserrat noticed Angela running full out. The shy girl hadn’t said anything, and Monserrat let her keep her secret for a little longer. The rest of the girls managed to earn a turn in the center of the circle, as well as a bathroom break.

    “Okay, that’s it for Duck Duck Goose. Good job everyone!” Monserrat said. “We’re running out of babysitting time. I’m going to do a diaper check on everyone, including those of you that went to the potty. After I’m sure everybody is taken care of, we’ll get you set up for the rest of your sleepover.”

    Lyssa checked Geneva and Xitali without being asked, moving to setting up the dinner right after. Monserrat almost felt bad for doubting her friend would be a help on the job. Almost. There was still her new sub-flirtiness to deal with.

    “Brittany, I know you’re wet but I’m going to check how much.” Monserrat said. Brittany blushed, squirming against Monserrat as her diaper was squished against her crotch. “Yeah, you need a change for sure. Lyssa, do you want to take care of Brittany?’

    “Gotcha Monchi.” Lyssa said, giving the macaroni in the pot a final stir before leading Lyssa to a spare room.

    “Looks like you’re dry, Isabelle, good girl. Your potty training is going great!” Monserrat grinned at Isabelle’s bashful squirm. The Little Girl’s friends loved it too.

    Angela was staring at Monserrat in fear, squeezing her stuffie tightly. Monserrat wrapped Angie in a gentle hug, tugging up the girl’s skirt and checking the back of her diaper.

    “Looks like you had an accident, Baby Girl.” Monserrat said softly.

    “I couldn’t hold it.” Angela whimpered.

    “That’s okay. Monchi is going to take care of you. So will Geneva, if that’s okay with you.”

    “W-what?” Angela gasped.

    “She wants to try assisting me. Is it okay if she helps me change you?”

    As nervous as the girl was, Monserrat was expecting a no. Despite trembling and blushing, she nodded vigorously. Monserrat wished she’d been in on Geneva and Angela’s conversation about the baby sleepover. Whatever Geneva had meant to communicate, she’d set Angela up with big desires and expectations.

    “Geneva, come with us.” Monserrat said, taking her hand as well as Angela’s. “The rest of you girls get the table set please. No dessert if it’s not done when I get back.”

    The rest of the girls didn’t register what Monserrat was leading Angela and Geneva away for. They’d gotten used to following orders without question, like kids. Especially Isabelle, who still had a floaty look about her.

    In the spare bedroom, poor Angela’s heart was beating so fast that Monserrat could see the pulse in the girl’s neck. She set the nervous girl on the bed and stroked her hair.

    “Everything’s going to be okay, baby girl. I promise.”

    “Geneva, Angela needs to be changed.” Monserrat sat Geneva on the bed next to Angela. “She’s had a big accident. I’m worried that she might need your help at some point in the future.”

    “Would you like to help Angela out if she has another accident some time?” Monserrat asked, gazing directly into Geneva’s eyes.

    “Yes. Yes – I’d like that.” Geneva said in a hushed tone.

    “Angela, do you think that it would be okay if Geneva helped you with your diapers?” Monserrat lifted Angela’s chin to catch the shy girl’s age.

    “Yes.” Angela whispered.

    “It’s a special thing when you help someone like that.” Monserrat said to both girls. “So special that you should talk to each other before you – help someone else out. Do you understand?”

    “Oh! Oh my god!” Geneva said. “Angie, you saw me and Brittany, didn’t you? I wasn’t trying to make out with her, I swear. She was getting even more handsy than usual.”

    “It’s okay if you like her.” Angela said sadly. “We don’t have to be exclusive.”

    “I don’t though.” Geneva said. “I mean, I like hanging out with her, but I don’t want to hook up with her. I think that’s why she’s always after me.”

    “Really?” Angela asked. “Because – at first – I thought tonight was you and me.”

    “It was supposed to be.” Geneva said. “Then Amira told everyone else and – I didn’t know how to say no.”

    “You’re both super sweet girls.” Monserrat said. “I’m proud of both of you. Angie, I want you to lie down on the bed. Geneva, can you lie down next to her? Angie gets nervous during her changes, I need you to snuggle her.”

    Geneva and Angela lay down on the bed, gazing raptly into each other’s eyes. The spell of the baby-sleepover had them out of whatever their usual dynamic was, and kept them in the moment.

    When Angela trembled and teared-up as Monserrat stripped off her tights and diaper, Geneva nuzzled Angie’s nose. They were smiling and whispering to each other as Angie was wiped down. By the time the powder was going on, the girls were gently kissing.

    They were lost in their own little world while Monserrat set the tapes on Angie’s diaper. Monchi gave them a minute as she packed up the diaper supplies, then sat the lovebirds up.

    “Angie, you know Geneva might need help with her diapers too, sometime. Do you think you could help her?”

    “I’d like that.” Angela said, still gazing at Geneva in adoration.

    “I uh, might not make it the whole night without an accident.” Geneva said nervously.

    “Then you tell Angie if you need a change.” Monserrat said. “Angie, you let Geneva know if you need to be changed, understand.”

    Both girls nodded, giggling and clasping hands.

    “Lyssa and my time is almost up.” Monserrat said. “We’ll finish up your mac and cheese and let you enjoy the rest of your sleepover.”

    “Thank you Monserrat.” Geneva said, wide-eyed and teary-eyed. “This was amazing. Maybe if we do something with Amira, if you’re not busy…”

    “Check my schedule on the app.” Monserrat said. “If I’m available, I’d love to babysit for you sweet girls. Even if it’s just the two of you.”

    Amira nodded so hard at that last, Monserrat worried the girl would make herself dizzy.

    “Okay, take your time coming back to the group.” Monserrat said. “I’ll see you girls another time.”

    “Bye Monchi!” The girls said in unison.


    “That was crazy.” Lyssa said as they drove away.

    “It was a pretty mild one, except for the number of girls.” Monserrat said.

    “That was the crazy part.” Lyssa said with a laugh.

    “How was the diaper change?”

    “Actually N-B-D.” Lyssa said. “Brittany wanted to hook up during it though.”

    “Yeah, her motor was running hot the whole session.” Monserrat said. “Did you take her up on it?”

    “No – I see why you don’t.” Lyssa said. “Not that I wasn’t tempted.”

    “She was cute.” Monserrat agreed.

    “I don’t think I’m going to do jobs like this on my own though.” Lyssa said, staring out the passenger window.

    “No?” Monserrat asked, curiously.

    “I’ll do another group job with you, but being a top for a whole session, even if it was a babysitter top was exhausting.”

    “You turning into a sub on me?”


    Lyssa let that revelation sink, falling quiet. Monserrat let her think, driving quietly.

    “I don’t know. I might be excited about discovering that I like subbing too. Maybe I’ll go back to topping more after the shine wears off.”

    “What about the thing where you hit on a friend that’s not part of your dating circle?”

    “I miss being with you.” Lyssa said softly. “It’s okay if it can’t happen.”

    “I have to talk to my polycule first.” Monserrat said. “Some of them will want to talk to you. It’s a whole thing. Might make it less sexy to do all that work.”

    “Maybe.” Lyssa said. “Might be worth it.”

    “Okay, I’ll talk to people.” Monserrat said, squeezing Lyssa’s arm.

    “You’re good with girls like that.” Lyssa said. “That client who told you that you’d be good as a mommy was right.”

    “Don’t you start with that too.” As much as she tried, she couldn’t stop herself from sighing.

    “I’m serious. Jenna seems like she’d be a good fit for it too.”

    “Do not bring it up with her.”

    “I won’t.” Lyssa said, finally turning to face Monserrat. She had her usual, confidant expression back. “Because you will.”

    “Why is that?”

    “Because you’ll be breaking your own relationship rules if you don’t. I heard your voice when I brought it up. You think this stuff is hot and I can see why. You need to talk to Jenna.”

    “You’re gonna be my shoulder-angel now?”

    “Always have been, girl.”

    “I know.” Monserrat smiled and reached over to clasp Lyssa’s hand. “I love you, Clarissa.”

    “Which flavor? Eros, Ludus, or Philia?”

    “Pragma.” Monserrat said. “You’re a forever in my life kind of person.”

    “Fuck, bitch, you’re going to make me cry.”

    “I figured I would, I just thought it would be with a wooden spoon on your ass instead.”

    “That is not fair to say before you’ve talked to your circle!”

    Monserrat snickered. “What’s the matter? Getting wet? Maybe I should have put you in a diaper…”

    “Monchi! I will get you for this. I know where you sleep.”

    The two of them burst out laughing. Chuckles and shoulder-bumps carried them the rest of the way to Lyssa’s house