• AB Sitter: Selena

    “You should share your location on your phone for these jobs.” Clarissa’s voice was a little crackly over the phone. The gated community Monserrat was driving into apparently had crappy cell coverage.

    “Oh yeah, and why’s that?” Monserrat asked.

    “For safety reasons, obviously.” Clarissa said. “I’m your safety buddy on these jobs.”

    “Uh huh.” Monserrat smirked. “You suggesting this for the first time today has nothing to do with the fact that you really want to know who my current client is, right?”

    “Come ON girl!” Clarissa laughed. “You can’t tell me we have a diaper girl in the Engineering department and expect me to not be curious.”

    “Oh, it’s not just Engineering.” Monchi said. “I hear there’s one in the Microbiology grad program too.”

    “Is this some big connected secret society thing?” Clarissa asked. “Did you just become the John Wick of diaper girls?”

    Monserrat laughed, but Clarissa wasn’t done yet. In a faux British accent she said, “Welcome to the Continental Ms. Navarrete. Will you be checking any diaper girls into the daycare?”

    “The way these jobs are paying I wouldn’t be surprised.” Monserrat chuckled. “Though somebody did contact me about a group rate. I guess they want to split the cost.”

    “For adult babysitting?” Clarissa asked in surprise. “Girls you haven’t had as clients yet?”

    “Yes and yes.” Monserrat said. “Or maybe it’s a pair of couples? I’m not super sure, I haven’t answered yet. I want to encourage more clients but I don’t want to undercharge for groups. Seems like it would be a lot of work.”

    “Well if you ever need a backup singer…”

    “But then who will be my safety buddy?” Monserrat teased. “Also, I thought you were against all my shameless whorin’.”

    “You’re going to keep on me about that huh? Not like you never called me a slut before.”

    “Lyssa, you tore a path through the Newport Storms. That baseball team was never the same again.”

    “Shut up, bitch.” Clarissa laughed good naturedly.

    “You brought it up, not me.” Monserrat pulled into the driveway of a dreadfully generic McMansion. Did it have to be beige? “Anyway, I’m here. Talk to you after.”

    “Be safe and have fun. See if this one can get you off for a change.”

    “Very funny, that’s not what they’re hiring me for. Bye hon.”

    Monserrat closed the call and stepped out of the car. She was excited to see Selena Rai in baby-getup. Her client was one of those right up in the front of the classroom types and had probably never noticed Monserrat in the back. That was to be expected considering the size of the lecture halls.

    To be fair, Monserrat had hardly recognized Selena on the app until she looked a bit more closely. On the app Selena was all done up in Bollywood glamour style which she definitely didn’t do for class. The picture had the same golden cord that the girl used to tie her hair back at school though. Once Monserrat noticed the cord, the face clicked.

    Something she was probably going to have to work out with her clients was how they wanted her to look. Taking a cue from the profile picture Selena had chosen, Monserrat had gone with the most compatible outfit she could manage on short notice. A British nanny look with a matching skirt and blazer in plum. She had on black nylons with an obvious seam up the back and was wearing pumps.

    Stepping out of the car, Monserrat completed the outfit with a pair of cream colored gloves to match her blouse and a black hat. After the Fabiola job she had more than enough funds for a bit of cosplay.

    “Mary Poppins, but a dominatrix.” Monserrat said with a smirk at her reflection in her compact. It was easy to slip into the role as her heels clicked in the stone walkway. She primly rang the doorbell and waited with her hands crossed at the wrists.

    The door was opened by a very disheveled Selena who looked up at Monserrat in her immaculate outfit and gasped. The Indian girl was wearing Victoria’s Secret PINK sweats and a t-shirt that both should have gone into the laundry yesterday. Her hair was a mess and there was a bit of an odor. Selena looked a little ill too. Her brow was furrowed like she had a headache and her skin looked a bit clammy.

    “Ms. Rai, I assume?” Monserrat said, excited that her chosen role was perfect for the situation but keeping her tone formal and almost severe.

    “Uh, who are… oh shit, I totally forgot I hired you.” The girl smacked herself on the forehead, flinching in pain. “I was wicked drunk last night.”

    “Perhaps it was a cry for help.” Monserrat said dryly. “You could certainly use my services from what I’ve observed so far.”

    “I uh.” Selena blinked bloodshot eyes at Monserrat. There was a tiny bit of recognition in her eyes but she didn’t seem to have figured out who exactly was at her door.

    “Yes, you ‘uh’.” Monserrat said, wishing she had some glasses to glare over. “Now, shall I come in and put you back in order?”

    “Uh, sure.” Selena shuffled out of the way as Monserrat strode in boldly. “What exactly did I hire you for again?”

    “I’m your babysitter, Ms. Rai.” Monserrat took off her hat and gloves and hung them on the coat rack at the door. “You may refer to me as Ms. Navarrete.”

    “Oh. Hot.” Selena licked her lips.

    Monserrat looked Selena over deliberately, taking note of the girl’s blush as she was inspected. “You are a wreck. This won’t do at all.”

    “S-sorry. I’m still super hung over and I just woke up like ten minutes ago.”

    “I can see that. Come on, first order of business is to put things back in order, and then we’ll get you cleaned up.”

    “Wait!” Selena hung back by the door. “What uh, what were you hired for like, specifically.”

    “You want to discuss what authority I have?” Monserrat stepped close to Selena, forcing the girl up against the wall with sheer presence.

    “From reviewing the job I was given, I’m here to take charge of you and enforce age-appropriate behavior. Appropriate to the age you’re behaving. While I’m here I’m in charge of your living environment, your clothing choices, your hygiene, feeding you, and discipline.”

    Selena’s eyes were wide and her blush had extended all the way down her neck. “That’s a lot.”

    “It is, but it’s what was requested. Believe me, young lady, I fully intend to personally make sure that you are clean and well behaved while I’m here. Also there was something about you having accidents. If that happens while I’m here, I’m prepared to take care of those as well.”

    Selena was breathing heavily at this point. Monserrat smiled a little and put a finger under the girl’s chin.

    “I am at the correct house, yes? You are Selena Rai? Do you agree that I’ve been hired for all of those things?”

    Selena nodded a little against Monserrat’s finger in response to each question.

    “In that case, if you know what is good for you, you’ll do as I say. Understood, Ms. Rai?”

    With a gulp, Selena nodded again. “Yes Ms. Uh…”

    “Navarrete.” Monserrat tapped Selena lightly on the cheek. “See that you remember it.”

    From the horny, intense gaze in the girl’s eyes, Monserrat was sure she had made quite the impression. She snapped her fingers in front of Selena’s face to bring the girl out of her fantasies and pointed down the hall.

    “Let’s see what state the house is in. Give me a tour Ms. Rai.”

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.”

    Selena shuffled down the hall. Her posture was nervous and her head hanging down. Small wonder, considering that almost every room they went to was a mess. Most simply had a few belongings or clothes thrown carelessly around, but the kitchen, media room, and Selena’s bedroom were trashed.

    The kitchen looked like a bomb had gone off and somehow dirtied every plate and pot in the place. Half-eaten food and spilled drinks dominated the media room. The bedroom was on another level however. There was way more than a single night’s debauchery worth of mess there. There were piles of clothes on the floor, wet towels, and almost nothing in its place. It didn’t stink though, which meant this was a recent development.

    “Surely you don’t live like this all the time.” Monserrat said disapprovingly.

    “No uh, my parents are out of town for a week.”

    “Lucky for them that you hired me.” Monserrat said. “Well, you have a lot of work to do. No time like the present.”

    When Selena just stood there like a lump, Monserrat gave her a resounding smack on the rear. “Start with the clothes. Armful at a time to the laundry.”

    “I have to clean it up all by myself?” Selena whimpered, rubbing her rear.

    “If you’re a good girl I’ll help.” Monserrat said. “I haven’t seen much in the way of you being good yet though.”

    If Selena thought her resentful glare would have any effect on Monserrat she was mistaken. It took four trips to get all the clothes down to the laundry. In light of the girl’s attitude, Monserrat confined her help to loading the washing machine and turning it on.

    Next on the chores list was stripping the sheets from the bed and cleaning up the mess Selena had made of her makeup and nail polish. On her way back from yet another trip to the laundry room, Selena tried to take a detour. Monserrat grabbed the girl’s arm and sharply pulled her back toward the bedroom.

    “We’re not even done with your bedroom yet, don’t go wandering off.”

    “I have to pee.” Selena said petulantly.

    “You have a lot of chores to do.” Monserrat corrected. “I’m sure you can hold it a while longer.”

    Selena’s eyes widened in what was rapidly becoming Monserrat’s favorite expression on the girls she was sitting. A mixture of anger, disbelief, and arousal as they realized that Monserrat was not only serious about being in charge but was going to push their boundaries as well.

    “Was I unclear? Get moving. You still have to pick up your shoes, put your books back on the shelf, and dust.”

    “Dust?” Selena whined. It earned her another smack on the butt, hard enough to force yelp out of her. She scurried to her room.

    “Can I go to the bathroom when my room is done?” Selena asked while she listlessly picked up her shoes.

    “Perhaps if you get it done well, and quickly.” Monserrat stressed. “We don’t have all day for you to sandbag.”

    With a gulp, Selena picked up the pace. It was amazing how fast she could move when she was properly motivated. Shoes were flying onto the shoe rack in the closet. Even so, in the short time it took her to pick them up she was already crossing her legs in discomfort.

    It was a struggle for Selena to pick up her books, every time she had to bend down her control was tested. Monserrat waited until the last book was on the shelf and called Selena over to her.

    “We’re almost ready to dust, but I think I saw some more mess under the bed. Get under there and grab those things please.”

    “Uhhhh!” Selena whined in distress.

    All it took was Monserrat raising her spanking hand for Selena to gingerly step over to her bed and carefully crouch down. The items that came out from under the bed should have earned Selena a spanking all on their own. A couple of soda cans, an ancient looking Tupperware container full of moldy something, and a pair of panties that were stained dark yellow at the crotch.

    “Give me those.” Monserrat stood in the doorway, blocking Selena’s exit from the room.

    Selena complied, standing slightly bent over in front of Monserrat with her hand pressed between her legs.

    “This is disgusting.” Monserrat said. “This food has to be over a month old. And these panties. Don’t you have any control over yourself at all?”

    “I’m sorry.” Selena whimpered, now in a full-on potty dance. “I really have to go, please.”

    “You still have to dust.” Monserrat said. “Really there should be a spanking what was under your bed as well.”

    “Noooo.” Selena flinched, her face turning scarlet. She writhed in place for a few more moments before her accident escaped her hand and blossomed across the crotch of her sweats.

    Monserrat stood in judgmental gaze while Selena wet herself. The dark patch spread fast even though the absorbent sweat pants. It covered Selena’s crotch, butt, and her inner thighs completely. From the panting and pawing at her crotch that she was doing, Selena was clearly turned on.

    Monserrat shook her head and sighed. “I can see you’re not a big girl at all. I’m not sure what your parents were thinking, leaving you home alone. Next time they’re out of town perhaps I should be here full time.”

    “Oh god.” Selena squirmed, obviously turned on at the idea.

    “In the meantime, we need to switch jobs now that you’re the dirtiest thing in the house.” Monserrat said, enjoying Selena’s blush.

    “I believe I saw diapers hidden in your closet. Your parents don’t know that you can’t manage to be a big girl, do they?”

    “Nu-no.” Selena said.

    Monserrat squatted down and unceremoniously pulled down Selena’s sweat pants and panties. Ignoring the girl’s outraged squawk, she grabbed Selena’s hand and pulled her down. Finding Selena obedient enough at the moment, Monserrat arranged the girl into a cross-legged sit and put her arms behind her back.

    “Now, while I get things ready to clean you up, you sit here and think about what you just did.” Monserrat put Selena’s sopping panties on one of her knees and the old stained ones on the other.

    Selena wrinkled her nose and opened her mouth to protest.

    “Hush.” Monserrat said. “You sit right here and be quiet. If you can’t be quiet, one of those pairs of panties is going in your mouth. If you move from this spot, your rear will be a lot darker color than these.” Monserrat held up the darker pink of the wet sweats for emphasis.

    Mouth open in disbelief but eyes wide with arousal, Selena managed to swallow whatever she was going to say. Monserrat patted her approvingly on the head and left to run a bath.

    It was pleasing to see that Selena hadn’t moved from the spot when Monserrat returned, though it might have been fun to make good on that spanking. It was still a good time to march the girl down the hall and dunk her in the bath.

    Ignoring Selena’s protests, Monserrat took off her blazer and set to washing the girl thoroughly. From toes to hair, every inch of Selena got scrubbed. She was fussy when Monserrat cleaned her ears with a washcloth and squirmy when her privates were washed.

    Once the little girl was clean Monserrat insisted on drying her as well, and standing her naked at the sink. The thing that finally made Selena protest was Monserrat putting paste on a toothbrush and ordering the girl to open her mouth.

    “I can brush my own teeth!”

    “I didn’t ask if you could, I told you to open your mouth.” Monserrat said, holding the brush to Selena’s lips.

    “NO!” Selena screamed, the sound echoing off the bathroom’s tiled walls.

    Monserrat dropped the toothbrush on the counter and grabbed Selena’s arm. The girl was trying to pull away but she was off guard and slow. She was totally unprepared for Monserrat’s next move. Yanking Selena off-balance, Monserrat stepped over to the toilet and sat on the closed lid. The downward motion pulled Selena further off balance and threw her downward to land on Monserrat’s lap.

    Well before Selena could register what happened, Monserrat had both of the girl’s arms behind her back. As soon as Monserrat established a firm grip on the girl’s forearms with one hand, she pinched Selena’s butt with the other.

    “Ow! Hey! Let me go!”

    “When I arrived you were acting about thirteen.” Monserrat said. “Your accident lowered that to about six. If this tantrum keeps up I’ll treat you like the two year old you’re behaving as.”

    Selena quivered but stopped fighting Monserrat. “A-are you going to spank me?”

    “That’s right. You’ve more than earned a punishment. If you can take it like a good girl then I think we can stop at six. I’d prefer that, since there’s a lot more games we can play and it’s a pain to puree the vegetables for your dinner.”

    “Puree…” Selena made a very little-sounding yuck sound.

    “Are you going to be a good girl?”

    “What’s the punishment?” Selena asked petulantly. “Is it just a spanking?”

    “Yes, though after your accident I’m going to have to put you in diapers as well.”

    “And then I have to clean more?” Selena pouted.

    “Toddlers don’t usually do too many chores, though I think you could at least pick up your clothes and toys you have scattered around.”

    That brightened Selena’s expression. She even lifted her rear a little. “Okay, I’ll be good.”

    That happy spark vanished fast in the face of the spanking. Monserrat started slow, working her hand evenly across the girl’s cheeks. Even as mild as it was, Selena whined and yelped a lot. As the spanking grew more intense, those yelps became moans. The whining became less about begging Monserrat to stop and more about begging her to touch Selena differently.

    By the time Selena’s butt matched the shade of her sweats she was desperate. Her sex glistened and she was panting.

    “Please, Ms. Navarrete, please, please let me come.”

    Monserrat stroked Selena’s butt gently. “Oh no, not during a punishment. If you’re a good girl later, Selena, that could be a fun reward.”

    “What happened to Ms. Rai?” Selena asked. Severe frustration from the denial was obvious in her tone.

    “Oh no, you’re much too little for me to address you that way. Now, let’s get you in a diaper so that you don’t ruin the furniture with your next accident.”

    This time Selena allowed Monserrat to brush her teeth for her. Pouting for all she was worth, the little girl obediently followed Monserrat back to her bedroom. Since there was no changing blanket, Monserrat put down a towel instead. One of Selena’s secret diapers went under her while Monserrat rubbed lotion over her pink rear.

    “Now, as I understand it you only have potty accidents. So if you need to go number two, just tell me and I’ll take you to the potty.” That had been specified as a hard boundary in the job description, which was fine with Monserrat. It had pushed her own boundaries a bit to deal with Fabiola’s mess.

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.” Selena said.

    “What a good girl you’re being right now.” Monserrat said as she applied the powder. “Perhaps I should have spanked you right when I arrived.”

    “You can spank me whenever you want.” Selena said with a horny squirm.


    “If it’s not a punishment then I can get my reward after, right?”

    Monserrat pulled the diaper closed and set the tapes. She was getting good at it. The diaper was nice and taut across Selena without being too tight.

    “Does that mean I can spank you even if I’m not babysitting you?” Monserrat teased, figuring she should really alert her client to the fact that she was going to run into Monserrat in class.


    “At school.” Monserrat said. “We’re both in Dr. Rencher’s Solid Mechanics.”

    Selena froze momentarily. As her blush started she clapped her hands to her face, belatedly bringing one down to cover her breasts.

    “It’s okay hon. I won’t tell anyone about our session.” Monserrat said. “Also, I’ve already seen – and touched everything.” She lightly tugged on Selena’s arm, without uncovering the girl.

    “I can’t believe I hired a classmate.” Selena said in a strangled voice.

    “You hired Ms. Navarrete, who is a nanny trained in the British style.” Monserrat said. “Ms. Navarrete is going to get you dressed and make you clean up the clothes you threw everywhere while she puts the kitchen in order. Then she’s going to make you some lunch.”

    Selena peeked hesitantly at Monserrat. “You really won’t tell?”

    “Of course not. What kind of a babysitter would I be if I did that?”

    “Would you really spank me um, other times?”

    Monserrate chuckled and gently rubbed Selena’s belly. “I think that might be a problem for our working relationship. I’m poly, but mixing two kinds of relationship is still a bad idea. I was teasing you before.”


    It was quite flattering to hear Selena so disappointed. Monserrat pulled the girl closer and sat her up for a hug.

    “You’re free to hire me to sit you any time your parents are out of town.”

    “You’d do it – a lot?”

    “I’m having fun so far.” Monserrat said. “Seems like you are too.”

    “Yeah.” Selena smiled shyly. “Um, what can I do with you?”

    “Mmm, good question. We didn’t work that out when the job was set up.”

    “I didn’t realize you’d be hot.” Selena said, turning her face to Monserrat with a look of longing. “Can I kiss you?”

    “Let’s set some overall boundaries for behavior.” Monserrat said. “I know, it’s not sexy, but it will prevent problems. Are you asking to turn this scene from a discipline and caregiving scene into a sexual one?”

    “I don’t know.” Selena looked down. “I just really want to kiss you. You’re really good at pushing my buttons by being dominant. I like making a top feel good.”

    Monserrat pulled Selena onto her lap and thought about it seriously. That the girl was sexy was not in doubt, but it was also the least important factor. She had explicitly gotten into EscortQuest because of the promise of not having to sleep with her clients. It was one thing to get someone off in a wet diaper during a scene, but a whole other to have actual sex.

    For one thing, there were her partners to think about. She’d alerted them to what she was planning to do when she signed up for EscortQuest and they’d talked about boundaries. It wouldn’t be the end of the world to do a post-sex renegotiation for them, but it also wasn’t the way that Monserrat liked to do things.

    “I think for today for sure the answer is no.” Monserrat said. “It will probably be no in the future as well, but it’s something we can talk about.”

    “I wish I’d asked you out instead of hiring you.” Selena grumped.

    “If you had, we wouldn’t have been totally focused on your fantasy and we would have had to have a long talk about my lifestyle, the other people in it, and what our expectations for each other were.”

    Selena sighed, bumping her head against Monserrat’s shoulder.

    “I know, it brings things down to talk about it, but it also keeps people safe.” Monserrat said. “Do you want to go back to the scene? Do you have any changes you want to make when we do?”

    “Is it okay if I get off?” Selena asked.

    “That is totally okay.” Monserrat agreed. “I can help you get there too, within my limits.”

    “I really like wetting.” Selena said softly.

    “I noticed. I can keep you hydrated.”

    “I like it when you’re bossy.” Selena said, squirming a little. Her voice was falling into the slightly higher tone she’d used after Monserrat had initially taken charge.

    “I am not bossy.” Monserrat declared. “I am your babysitter and I am in charge.” She was rewarded by seeing Selena’s nipples perk up.

    “I want to wear my swimsuit.” Selena said defiantly.

    “That’s not an appropriate outfit. You’ll wear a nice skirt and blouse or I’ll put you in those footie pajamas I saw in your closet.”

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.” Selena said in faux disappointment.

    It took a while of combing through Selena’s extensive wardrobe to find something suitable. Monserrat was able to find a simple white blouse and blue skirt that were nicely childish. With Selena forbidden to wear makeup and her hair in pigtails the illusion was very good indeed.

    Setting Selena to clean up the odds and ends left Monserrat with a lot more dishes than she’d anticipated doing. It was a good reminder though that as much fun as these gigs had been, they were still work. Things had escalated from Amira to Fabiola. Monserrat was glad she had pulled back from escalating yet again with Selena.

    All in all, getting the house clean and some lunch into Selena was a good reset for the scene. One of Ms. Navarrete’s strict rules include a bottle of water that Selena had to carry with her everywhere and drain hourly. When Selena started up her potty dance again, Monserrat pretended not to notice.

    “Alright, that’s lunch cleaned up, I think we can finally do something fun. What would you like to do, Selena?”

    “Can we play dolls?” Selena asked.

    “Of course sweetie.” Monserrat said with a smile. “How do you like to play? Tea party? House? Adventure? Something else?”

    “Adventure?” Selena asked, intrigued.

    “Well I don’t know about you, but when I was your age, my dollies went on adventures.” Monserrat said as Selena guided her over to a bin of dolls.

    There were barbies, some plastic dinosaurs, and some assorted baby dolls in the bin. It was clearly supposed to be an ‘old toys’ bin, but too well organized for discarded toys.

    “Adventure sounds fun, let’s do adventure!” Selena plopped down on her padded butt, biting her lip and crossing her legs for a moment.

    Monserrat continued to ignore what she figured was a minor accident and pulled the dinosaurs out of the bin. “I think these are a decent size to play with the barbies. Do you think the barbies found a time machine?”

    “Ooh yeah!” Selena eagerly grabbed several barbies. “This one is Kendra, she’s a scientist.”

    “Is everyone impressed with her time machine, or did she send them back in time by accident?”

    “Accident!” Selena said with a giggle. That giggle quickly ended when Selena blushed and grabbed her crotch.

    “Uh oh, did you have an accident too?”

    Unable to respond right away, Selena squirmed and spread her legs.

    “Oh my, you’re still going.” Monserrat scooted closer and pushed Selena’s legs further apart. The diaper was bulking up fast, as expected after Selena had polished off three bottles of water.

    “There’s so much!” Selena whimpered with desire.

    “You are quite the potty-pants.” Monserrat said. “Maybe you should at least be in daycare when your parents aren’t around.”

    The diaper began to sag and fill in the rear as well as the crotch. Monserrat half-guided, half-lifted Selena to her feet and made the girl hold her skirt while they watched the diaper fill up.

    “It’s sagging way down between your legs.” Monserrat said, enjoying the little moans she was getting out of Selena with each of her prodding comments.

    “I’m sorry, it was an accident.” Selena whined.

    “That’s okay hon, you’re only in trouble if you have an accident in your panties. If you have an accident when you’re wearing protection it just means you should be in diapers a lot more.”

    That idea clearly appealed to Selena. She leaned into Monserrat and rubbed gently against her babysitter.

    “Do you have a toy that you like to play with when you’re wet?” Monserrat said, guessing the answer would be yes.

    A very horny Selena lead Monserrat to her bedroom as fast as she could waddle and squish in the saturated diaper. While Monserrat got the wand plugged in, Selena sat on the floor and rubbed at the swollen padding on her crotch.

    “Now, now, none of that.” Monserrat said. She sat spread-legged and pulled Selena between her legs, facing outward. “Give me your hands.”

    Monserrat tied Selena’s arms back with a length of bathrobe-belt and wrapped an arm around the girl’s torso to hold her firmly.

    “Oh god, please Ms. Navarrete. Please let me come.”

    “What kind of girl gets that sort of reward?” Monserrat asked, lightly rubbing the wand against Selena’s crotch without turning it on.

    “Good girls!” Selena cried out desperately.

    “Are you a good girl Selena?” Monserrat pressed in with the wand, still refusing to turn it on.

    “Yes, I’m a good girl!”

    “Really? Are you a good girl for your babysitter? Are you a good girl for me?”

    “Yes! Oh please yes!” Selena arched her back and struggled against Monserrat’s hold. “I’m a good girl for you. Please let me come.”

    “You’re right.” Monserrat said low in Selena’s ear. “You’re my good girl.”

    The vibrating wand snapped on and buzzed into the soaking padding. Instantly Selena was moaning and writhing in Monserrat’s grasp. All it took was Monserrat to pinch one of Selena’s nipples through her blouse for the girl to scream and shudder. Sensing that she had a lot more in her, especially after all the buildup, Monserrat pressed harder with the wand. She stroked and lightly pinched Selena’s chest through the blouse, even nipped at the back of her neck lightly.

    Three more times Selena shuddered and cried out. Hearing Selena’s voice go hoarse on the fourth orgasm, Monserrat turned the wand down, waited a few moments and shut it off entirely. She held the girl tight while they rode out Selena’s aftershocks or additional little orgasms together.

    “Oh my god, that was amazing.” Selena said, sweaty and disheveled. She turned around in Monserrat’s grasp to rub her chest against Monchi’s. “Are you sure you don’t want me to do something for you? I can go down on you, fuck you, whatever you want.”

    Hearing that from a bound, radiant, thoroughly dominated girl was a hell of a temptation. For just a moment Monserrat entertained the idea of pulling her skirt up, her panties aside, and shoving Selena’s face between her legs. More than a moment, really.

    Instead, she got her breathing under control and stroked Selena’s hair. “That – sounds incredible, but we can’t do it today.”

    “Any time you want.” Selena said, resting her head on Monserrat’s chest.

    Monserrat laughed and untied Selena’s arms. She lowered the girl until her head was resting in the babysitter’s lap and went back to stroking her head.

    “Do you want me to clean you up?”

    “Actually no, if that’s okay.” Selena sighed happily, beyond embarrassment in her afterglow. “I like to sit in the wet for a while.”

    “Whatever you want.” Monserrat smiled. “Our time is almost up though.”

    “I know.” Selena sighed and nuzzled Monserrat’s leg. “You’re turned on, I can smell you. Are you sure you don’t want me?”

    “I DO want you, you little minx.” Monserrat said. “I told you it’s not happening today. Stop asking.”

    “Yes Mistress.” Selena said. “Someday though?”

    “Maybe. Very maybe. Don’t push your luck.”

    “Yes Mistress. Sorry.”

    “You’re fine. I know you’re a little dazed right now.”

    Selena relaxed and closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of Monserrat and luxuriating in the happy chemicals.

    “When do your parents get back?”

    “Tonight.” Selena said.

    “I totally saved your butt with the cleaning.” Monserrat chuckled.

    “Yeah, you did.” Selena caressed Monserrat’s leg.

    “You obviously are not responsible enough to be on your own. You’d better hire me next time they’re out of town.”

    “Is that an order?”

    “Yes, it is.”

    “Yes Mistress.” Selena said. “They have a long weekend in a couple of weeks.”

    “Send me the details so I can put it on my calendar.”

    “I will.”

    Reluctantly they disengaged. Monserrat collected her blazer and purse. Selena waited by the door, arms out for a hug. To the little girl’s surprise and delight, Monserrat lifted her up, squishing her diaper against her butt and holding her close.

    “You’re the best babysitter.”

    “I’m trying to be. Tell your friends.”

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.”

    “Good girl. Be good until your parents come home, you hear?” Monserrat smiled at Selena’s answering nod and kissed her on the cheek.

    “See you in class.” Selena said with a giggle.

    “See you in class, little girl.”


    Back in her car, Monserrat took a big swig of her gross, stale coffee to clear the traitorous demands of her body from her mind. It had been hard to walk out of there right down to the end.

    “Right on time girl!” Clarissa said, picking up Monserrat’s call.

    “Yeah, another job aced.”

    “You okay? You sound kinda off.”

    “I caught feelings. Horny feelings.”

    “What’s this? Didn’t you watch Pretty Woman? Don’t kiss them on the mouth.”

    “I said horny feelings, jackass.” Monserrat chuckled.

    “She was that hot huh?”

    “I’d love to see how much control you have listening to a submissive girl beg to eat your pussy.”

    “Fuck.” Clarissa grunted. “Are you sure you can’t tell me who you just saw?”


    “Well maybe you will get to see me in that situation. Do you want me with you on the group job? I signed up for the app.”

    “No shit? You’re really serious about this?”

    “Yeah, I turned in the STD test results and everything.”

    “And they still cleared you?”

    “Oh shit, Monchi has claws! You are choked for that girl.”

    “Shut up. Maybe I am. I’m going straight home and I’m going to pounce Jenna.”

    “Haha, I’d warn her but it’ll be way funnier if I don’t.”

    “Anyway, text me your name on the app and I’ll friend you.”

    “Will do. Hey uh, can we meet to talk for real about the stuff you do?”

    “Feeling nervous?”

    “Yeah, a little.”

    “No worries, I got you.”

    “Thanks girl. Go wear out your girlfriend.”

    “Oh, I will.” Monserrat laughed, closing the call.