• AB Sitter: Fabiola

    “I get everything you’re saying, Mr. Nguyen.” Monserrat said. “But I can’t really take your word for it one hundred percent, because Fabiola isn’t here.”

    “Just call me Nick.” He said. “You’re never going to hit that pronunciation anyway.”

    “Sorry.” Monserrat winced. “I thought I was pretty close.”

    “You are about as close as white people – “ It was Nick’s turn to wince at Monserrat’s raised eyebrow. “Sorry, as non-Vietnamese can get. Anyway! The whole point is that it’s part of the fantasy that you don’t talk with her about it beforehand.”

    “Uh huh. But if she doesn’t actually agree, what you’re asking me to do is criminal.” Monserrat said. “Big downer, I know, but I’ve gotta inject some practicality into the discussion.”

    “It’s not really that bad.”

    “Really? You’re asking me to enter her home, treat her like a child, strip her clothing off, and physically overpower her if necessary.” Monserrat said.

    “Keep it down.” Nick gestured downward with his palm. “Let’s not let the whole coffee shop in on this.”

    “You picked the spot.” Monserrat said, though she dropped her volume considerably. “We have to be able to talk about the specifics of this.”

    “I agree. I swear I’m not trying to get anyone in trouble or give anyone a bad time.” Nick sighed and took a long drink from his frothy caramel monstrosity. “Look, I specified a couple of safewords in the job description, right? They are posted on the wall, right in the foyer. You can ask her if she knows what they mean when you arrive.”

    “That’s – a little oblique.” Monserrat said.

    “It’s not easy setting up a CNC-adjacent scene.” Nick said. “Look, full-disclosure, she doesn’t actually know what you’ll be there for, or even that you’re coming.”


    “Shhh!” Nick glanced nervously at the coffee drinkers that had glanced their way. “That doesn’t mean that she doesn’t expect stuff like this to happen. It’s not the first time that I’ve brought someone in without her express knowledge. She has explicitly agreed to extra people and scenes like this in general.”

    “I don’t know if I feel okay with that.” Monserrat said, which was softening her real feelings by a lot. She was two more statements like that from being out the door and refunding the deposit on the job.

    “You said in your profile and in the DM you sent me that your goal is to give the client exactly what they want.” Nick said. “Fabi and I are both your clients, and it’ll ruin things for her if you have a big consent discussion up front.”

    “That’s unfortunate but it doesn’t mean that discussion isn’t needed.”

    Nick stared Monserrat down. He might as well have stared down a mountain lion. Stare downs from slick dudes with business haircuts had never been a thing in her book. Monserrat held Nick’s gaze calmly, drumming her fingers on the table.

    “Okay, fine, I didn’t want to do this because it involves having to trust you more than I’d like, but getting what I want is worth it.” He pulled out his phone and tapped the screen a few times.

    “Do what?” Monserrat asked. Nick said nothing, just put his phone down and waited.

    Just as Monserrat was ready to verbally tear a strip off of Nick, her phone beeped with a notification from EscortQuest. Narrowing her eyes at Nick, she picked up her phone and checked the notification.

    “Wait, what’s going on?” She looked up at Nick in confusion.

    “I paid out the job and marked it as completed. I also tipped you 100%, doubling your payday. You’ve got a five star rating for the job too. The app doesn’t let me take that stuff back after twenty four hours, and your date with Fabi isn’t until after then.”

    “Why?” Monserrat frowned.

    “Because now you can go in there the way I’ve asked you to, and if anything seems off, you can walk.” Nick said. “You still get paid and you keep your high rating. The only thing you’d lose is me recommending you to other clients.”

    “You are trying to bribe my principles out from under me.” Monserrat said, her tone full of irritation at the fact that it was working.

    “I am trying to make sure that a cute little girl gets to make believe exactly the way she likes to.” Nick said with a smarmy grin. “She’s probably going to be a total brat, by the way.”

    Monserrat rolled her eyes. The payout number was still sitting there on her app, taunting her. Nick had just paid her rent. Twice.

    “Let’s say I was willing to do this…” Monserrat said, trying to ignore Nick’s triumphant expression. “It’s for almost twenty four hours? Afternoon, overnight, morning, and then early afternoon again?”

    “And maybe slightly longer.” Nick threw up his hands at another glare from Monserrat. “Hey, I don’t control planes. If my flight gets delayed I’ll be late. I’ll come home as soon as I can, and if I’m delayed by more than an hour or two, I’ll contact you so you can end the scene.”

    Monserrat sighed, and said quietly. “Okay, and you’re positive she is okay with me diapering her, treating her like a toddler, spanking her, and generally controlling her entire life?”

    “I do all that stuff myself.” Nick said. “Spank her until she cries if she’s bad. Otherwise it’s not a real punishment.”

    “She has her safeword, and I WILL verify that sign with her.” Monserrat said. “What’s the point of me having one?”

    “You use yours if she’s going too over the top. An adult acting like a full-on toddler can kind of spiral out of control, or make you do stuff that’s too extreme. So if you safeword, she’ll know to dial it back.”

    “But let me guess, that ruins the game for her too.”

    “I wouldn’t say it ruins it.” Nick shrugged. “But yeah, it’d be perfect if you didn’t have to do that. Obviously it’s hard to do a note-perfect scene with someone you just met. But hey, Amira said you knocked hers out of the park first time.”

    Now he’s flattering me. Monserrat stopped herself from rolling her eyes, for fear they’d roll completely around.

    “Alright… deal.”

    “I knew you’d come around.” Nick said with a huge grin.

    “Do you always get what you want?”

    “Yeah, why not?” Nick chuckled. “Anyway thanks. See you in two days. I’ll be heading out the door when you arrive, so don’t be late.”

    “You got it.” Monserrat said with a sigh.

    She sank back into the booth as Nick waved and left the coffee shop. Her conscience pinged at her. Another notification popped up on her phone, this time from her bank. Nick’s payment had been transferred to her account.

    “Why’d I try to be an ethical whore?” Monserrat asked the air with a chuckle.


    At 3:25 on the dot, Monserrat pulled up to the address Nick had given her. It was an even nicer place than Amira’s had been. They were all going to be nice places, she realized. High end fetish jobs paid well.

    Her boots crunched on the immaculate white path up to a huge oak door with inset stained glass. For this job she’d gone with her ‘butch librarian’ outfit. The pants from her pantsuit were topped by a sleeveless black blouse with sheer gray chevron cutouts. Low-heeled, dressy doc martins on her feet complimented the leather overcoat.

    On her big frame, the outfit was impressive. Once the coat came off, her muscular shoulders would make it downright intimidating. More casual clothes were stashed in a leather satchel she carried primly in her left hand. These adult babysitting jobs promised to get more messy the longer they went.

    With one more look at the manicured, shrub-fenced lawn that she was sure Nick didn’t maintain himself, Monserrat rapped her knuckles on the door. There was a doorbell and a door knocker, but Monserrat ignored them. If she wasn’t going to get to dent Nick’s smarmy face, she could at least rough up his pretty door.

    “Come in!” The door opened to reveal Nick and a short girl standing in a very nice tile-floored foyer.

    Nick was dressed in a suit, with a briefcase and carry-on bag next to him. The girl was in a pair of fuzzy My Little Pony pajamas with a diaper peeking out the top. She had a baby-doll t-shirt on top with a puppies and kitty theme. No bra, Monserrat noted.

    Seeing the diaper made her feel a little better about the whole thing. Even more-so the framed plaque on the wall that said, “Tectonic” and “Oceanic”. A little grandiose, but they matched the safewords that Nick had given her.

    “Who the hell is this?!” Demanded the girl, Fabiola, Monserrat assumed.

    “She’s your babysitter.” Nick said, picking up his bags. “I’ve given her all the info she needs to take care of you while I’m gone.”

    “Hi Fabio – “ Monserrat began.

    “NO!” Fabiola screamed. “This is bullshit! I was going to get a break from this while you were gone.”

    “I don’t know why you’d think that hon.” Nick said, totally calm in the face of Fabiola’s tantrum. “You know you need help with all kinds of big-girl stuff.”

    “I am not a baby!”

    “Of course you aren’t, you’re my adorable little girl, and that’s why I got Monserrat here to watch you while I’m not able to.”

    Monserrat stepped in and took Fabiola’s hand. As soon as she had the girl’s attention, she smiled. “Hi, Fabiola, right?”

    “Yeah…” Fabiola frowned. Before she could start screaming again, Monserrat physically turned the girl to face the plaque.

    “Do you know what those words mean?”

    “Duh, obviously.” Fabiola grumped.

    “I think we’re all set here Nick.” Monserrat said pleasantly. “Have a great trip.”

    “I knew I could count on you.” Nick said with a grin. “See you sometime tomorrow Fabi.”

    “Wait, I am not doing this!” Fabiola yelled. Nick was already out the door.

    Fabiola moved for the door and Monserrat casually blocked her with an arm across her waist.

    “Say goodbye to your daddy.” Monserrat said.

    “He’s not my daddy he’s my fiancé and if he doesn’t get back in here he won’t be that anymore!” Fabiola raged.

    “This is no way for a little girl to behave.” Monserrat said in a severe tone, closing the door. “You’re going to be sorry later that you didn’t say goodbye to him.”

    “I don’t know what Nick told you but – uh – “ Fabiola trailed off her rant as Monserrat took her coat off and hung it and her bag on the coat rack.

    Seizing her advantage, Monserrat grabbed Fabiola’s upper arms and leaned down to the smaller girl’s face level.

    “Fabi, your daddy put me in charge of you for the rest of today and tomorrow until he comes home. Now you can be a good girl, and we’ll have a really fun time together. Or you can be a bad girl, and it won’t be so fun. You can choose that part, but not if I’m in charge or not.”

    “You – you can’t make me.” Fabiola said, her lip quivering.

    “Sure I can!” Monserrat said brightly, like she would to a kindergartener. “I might have to spank you a couple of times but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

    Fabiola whimpered, drawing in on herself. Monserrat wondered if she really should have a more explicit discussion with the girl, until she saw Fabiola’s nipples poking prominently through her shirt.

    This is what she wants. Monserrat reminded herself. Don’t ruin it for the client. I could really use another payday like the one I just got, and I don’t have any regulars yet.

    Fabiola had gone from quiet and scared to blushing furiously. Either way, with the clothes and the diaper she was feeling a lot like a little kid to Monserrat. Even the tantrums helped the illusion. She’d been hesitant to treat Amira like a kid, but that girl had loved it.

    “Okay!” Monserrat said in her best elementary school teacher voice. “Ready to have fun Fabi?”

    “Please don’t make me.” Fabiola squirmed, hanging her head.

    “Please don’t make you have fun?” Monserrat chuckled. “Okay! I guess I’ll watch the movies and eat the ice cream, and you can do some chores or something.”

    Despite her bad mood, Fabiola perked up a little at the mention of ice cream. Monserrat stood up and patted Fabiola on the head.

    “Yeah, ice cream sounds fun, huh? Daddy says you don’t get it until after dinner, but we won’t tell him, okay?”

    A tiny smile cracked at the corner of Fabiola’s mouth. “I guess.”

    “Then it’s decided! We just need to check if you’re poopy or not.” Monserrat unceremoniously spun Fabi about, and pulled open the back of her pjs and diaper. There was no evidence of a mess, though a scent that was either a lot of sweat or a bit of pee did waft up.

    “Hey!” Fabiola squealed. “I don’t do… that.”

    “Oh sweetie, I know you want to be a big girl.” Monserrat took Fabiola’s forearm and lead her toward what she figured would be the kitchen. “Don’t worry, I don’t mind changing cute little girls like you.”

    “No, really, I don’t! I don’t do number two in my diapers!” Fabiola stumbled along with Monserrat, her voice a little panicked.

    “Shh sweetie, it’s okay. I know accidents happen.”

    Pleased that she found the kitchen, and by extension the dining room, Monserrat took stock of what she had to work with. There was an adult high-chair in the kitchen, tucked into a corner. Opening the fridge revealed pretty normal contents, except for a row of jars of baby food on the top shelf. The freezer had ice cream, as well as various chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, and other kiddie treats.

    “Looks like we’re all stocked up!” Monserrat said enthusiastically. “Now, if you can be a good girl for me we’ll make all kinds of nummy stuff for dinner. If you’re going to be fussy about every thing I say, then I’m sure the baby food is plenty nutritious.”

    Fabiola looked at Monserrat in horror.

    “Hmm, what do we have here? Strained carrots, split peas, oooh, pureed broccoli.”

    Fabiola whimpered and deflated a little. “Okay Monserrat. I’ll be good.”

    “That’s great news!” Monserrat beamed. “You can call me Monchi if you want.”

    Fabiola giggled, a little hysterically perhaps, but Monserrat took it as a good sign that the little girl was on the verge of breaking into little-space. “Okay Monchi.”

    “Good girl! What a good girl!” Monserrat grabbed Fabiola and tickled her sides.

    Caught off guard, Fabiola dissolved into helpless shrieks. Monserrat kept up the assault until the girl was writhing on the floor. She relented, giggling along with Fabiola’s final pants and squeaks.

    Figuring there was no better time to test her ability to keep up with the fantasy, Monserrat scooped Fabiola up and lifted the little girl onto her hip. It was an effort, but not as much as she’d feared. Fabi was a waif-y little thing.

    Fabiola clung to Monserrat’s neck, a confused, disoriented look in her eyes. That look only intensified when Monserrat bounced Fabiola lightly on her hip, squishing the girl’s diaper against her hipbone. There was definitely some bulk there, either some extra padding, or the girl had had an accident.

    “What’s your favorite ice-cream, Fabi?” Monserrat asked.

    “Uh, strawberry.” Fabiola said, squirming in apparent discomfort.

    Wet for sure, Monserrat thought. She grabbed the strawberry and chocolate ice cream out of the freezer and carried Fabiola over to the high chair.

    “No, that’s for babies!” Fabiola protested.

    “It looks like it’s for you, so what does that make you, little miss potty-pants?” Monserrat asked.

    Fabiola blushed profusely, halting her protests long enough for Monserrat to plant her in the chair.

    “It’s not my fault.” Fabiola whimpered. “It’s because – “

    “I know sweetie,” Monserrat secured the waist strap for the chair around Fabiola’s waist, locking it in the back where the girl wouldn’t be able to reach. “It was an accident, that’s okay.”

    Fabiola whimpered and pouted as the chair’s tray came down and was locked into place. “I have a booster seat.” She managed to say, though she was obviously embarrassed by the admission.

    “Oooh, I see.” Monserrat grinned. “Well, if you can be a super big girl for me this afternoon, we’ll use your booster for dinner, okay?”

    Fabi could only shamefacedly nod and kick her feet idly while she waited for Monserrat to prepare the icecream. When the bowl was placed on her tray with no spoon, in contrast to Monserrat’s bowl of chocolate, Fabiola opened her mouth to make another big protest.

    “Ah ah!” Monserrat admonished Fabiola. “You were going to be a good girl for me, remember?”

    With a sigh, Fabiola gabbed her ice-cream and tried to eat it as delicately as she could. For the first few bites she managed to confine the mess to her hands. As the ice-cream melted, her efforts became more and more futile. Monserrat watched in amusement as Fabiola raced against the clock. All the little girl succeeded in doing was getting sticky strawberry all over her lips, nose, and the front of her shirt.

    I am really enjoying myself, Monserrat realized. There was something about the mix of taking care of these girls with pushing them around that really appealed. It was more fun than she’d ever expected. It was like BDSM, but instead of embarrassing the sub with all kinds of degrading talk, she was telling the girls how cute and little they were.

    Monserrat approached Fabiola with a warm glow. “Goodness you’re a mess! Let’s get you cleaned up and changed.”

    “Wait uh, only uh, daddy does that second part.” Fabiola said. “I can do it real quick and then we can go back to playing.”

    “Don’t worry sweetie, I’m here to take care of you.” Monserrat freed Fabiola from the high chair and picked her up again. It was getting easier as she got used to where the girl’s center of gravity sat. “I’ll be changing all your diapers tonight and tomorrow. If we have a good time together, your daddy said I might get to watch you for a whole week when he’s on a longer trip.”

    Fabiola’s eyes got as wide as dinner plates at that last statement. It wasn’t exactly true, but it might become so. After all, Monserrat reasoned, business trips could easily last that long, and she fully intended to get a good evaluation from Nick.

    Down the hall from the dining room, second door on the right was a changing room, right where Nick had described it. Fabiola squirmed and hid her face in Monserrat’s shoulder when they entered.

    “Aww, no need to be embarrassed sweetie.” Monserrat lay Fabiola down on the changing table. “I’ve got everything here to take care of you, even if you turn out to be a poopy pants.”

    Fabiola hid her face behind her hands when Monserrat pulled her pajama pants off and tore open the tapes on her diaper. A few light tickles on Fabiola’s belly got her to peek out from behind her hands enough for Monserrat to press a pacifier against the girl’s lips. The reaction was more surprise than acceptance, but either way Monserrat got the rubber nipple in Fabiola’s mouth.

    She handed the girl a stuffed elephant that was tucked into a corner of the changing station and Fabiola’s blushing face promptly disappeared again behind the stuffie. Monserrat pulled the diaper back to reveal a large yellow stain. She’d have to get some water into this little girl.

    “Do you still need to go?” Monserrat asked, rubbing Fabiola’s tummy.

    “Mph mooh.” Fabiola grunted from behind the pacifier. It sounded like a no.

    “Are you sure? Now’s the time, before we get you into a nice fresh diaper.” Monserrat chuckled, putting on an even more babyish tone. “Of course, if you can’t tell when you need to go, that’s okay too.”

    “I can too!” Fabiola declared, spitting the pacifier out.

    “Then are you sure you’re all done? Big girls can tell when they have to go, and they can sit in a booster seat. Babies can’t tell, and they sit in a high-chair.”

    Fabiola stared at Monserrat for a moment before taking refuge behind the stuffie again. A wiff of ammonia reached Monserrat’s nose, and she looked down to see fluid trickling out of the girl, down her butt, and into the diaper. The experience should have been gross, but Fabiola’s helplessness and cute embarrassment gave Monserrat another glow in her chest.

    “Monchi is here sweetie.” Monserrat said, working the pacifier under the elephant and back into Fabiola’s mouth. “I’ll take good care of you.”

    The only response was some rather aggressive sucking on the pacifier. With a giggle, Monserrat checked that Fabi was done and carefully wiped her down, just as she’d done for any number of babies she’d taken care of.

    Fabiola was surprisingly passive as the dirty diaper was taken away and a fresh one slid under her hips. There was a lot of squirming as Monserrat applied the lotion, especially when her hands rubbed it into the girl’s crotch. Fabiola was wet for reasons that had nothing to do with the potty, which elicited another grin from Monserrat. Getting the girl powdered up was fun, as was tenderly pulling the diaper tight and fixing the tapes in place.

    “I need your stuffie for a moment hon.” Monserrat said. “We need to get you a new shirt.”

    It took some negotiation, and eventually switching the elephant from one hand to another as Monserrat worked the shirt off, but she finally had Fabiola in just her diaper. It was tempting to leave her that way, after cleaning her up of course. On the other hand, there were some pretty cute looking things on a shelf that Monserrat assumed were onesies.

    The process of wiping Fabiola’s hands and face down seemed to really slide the girl into a little mindset. There were no protests at all when Monserrat presented Fabiola with a white onesie with pink flowers on it. It was a bit of a struggle still to get it on the girl, as she’d gone non-verbal and wasn’t doing anything to help Monserrat put the onesie on.

    “You look kind of tired, cutie.” Monserrat said, stroking Fabiola’s shoulder-length dark hair. “Do you want to go down for a nap?”

    That suggestion didn’t meet disagreement exactly, but Fabiola did grab Monserrat’s belt and blouse as tightly as she could.

    “Okay, okay. Well how about you and your friend and I go to the living room and watch some TV?”

    Fabiola nodded vigorously at that. Monserrat picked the girl up again, this time holding Fabiola to her chest. She was rewarded with Fabiola snuggling into her, laying her head on Monserrat’s shoulder and draping an arm around the other shoulder. Her other arm hung limp but for her hand firmly holding the elephant by its trunk.

    This is way too cute, Monserrat thought, as she easily carried the girl down the hall. It took some doing to find the living room, and by the time she did, Fabiola was looking very sleepy indeed. Though she turned the TV on, Monserrat didn’t select a streaming service. Instead she sat on the couch and bounced Fabiola gently in her lap, humming a lullaby in Spanish.

    One line into the lullaby, and Fabi’s eyelids were fluttering. Three verses and the girl was out like a light. Monserrat considered putting the girl down on the couch and getting her a blanket. It’d be nice to have a break from the constant scene. Somehow, she couldn’t bear to let go of the warm, adorable girl in her arms.

    With a shrug, Monserrat sat back and turned one of her own shows on. She kept the volume way down and the subtitles on. It was an episode she’d already seen, which was good. Having Fabi softly snore in her arms and drool on the shoulder of her blouse took up a lot more attention than she’d expected.

    From time to time she’d feel Fabiola get restless. Monserrat just shifted the girl to her other shoulder and hummed more of the lullaby. Eventually Fabiola relaxed completely, going bonelessly-limp in Monserrat’s arms. Monchi cradled Fabi gently, smiling down at the girl’s peaceful face.

    The show was long over. Monserrat let herself enjoy the quiet of the house. She could hear Fabiola’s soft breathing and the rustling of the trees in a nearby park. It was the most she’d ever been paid to just relax, that was for sure. A soft crinkling noise drew Monserrat’s attention. At first she thought Fabiola was getting restless again, but the girl was still flopped out in deep dreamless sleep. To Monserrat’s surprise, Fabi’s diaper was crinkling as it tried to expand against her onesie.

    She’s a bedwetter? Monserrat wondered to herself. Was that what got her started on this kink, or was it the other way around?

    Monserrat found herself slipping into a light doze. She wasn’t tried enough to go to sleep, but Fabiola’s relaxation was contagious. It was a perfect time for a little meditative shut down. So thoroughly did Monserrat empty her mind, that when Fabiola jerked awake it scared them both.

    “Uh, uhhhhh!” Fabiola cried incoherently. She was clearly still half-asleep and thrashing around at the unfamiliar situation in which she was waking.

    “Shhh, it’s okay.” Monserrat pulled Fabiola close. She gave the girl room to wiggle but not thrash. After a minute or so of being firmly held, Fabiola calmed down, nuzzling her face into the crook of Monserrat’s neck.

    “Welcome back sweetie.” Monserrat said softly. “That was quite the nap you took.”

    Fabiola mumbled some nonsense in reply, snuggling closer to Monserrat. Little by little her breathing picked up to normal levels and she yawned, sitting up to look at her babysitter.

    Whatever Monserrat expected from the sleepy cutie on her lap, it wasn’t a yelp of terror and Fabiola leaping off her lap so quickly that she tripped over the coffee table and sprawled out on the carpet.

    “Fabi, are you okay?!”

    “Fine, I’m fine.” Embarrassment and confusion warred on Fabiola’s face. She stared at the onesie she was wearing and flinched. “I just need a break. We gotta take a break.”

    “What we need to do is get some food in you. We’re almost past dinner time.” Monserrat stood up, brushing the dried drool off her shoulder.

    “Not hungry.” Fabiola said, immediately betrayed by a growl in her stomach.

    “Be a good girl and come to the kitchen with me.” Monserrat said, holding a hand out to Fabiola.

    “I can do it myself!” Fabiola scrambled to her feet, taking several steps away from Monserrat.

    “Sweetie, are you fussy because you’re wet? It wasn’t too big of an accident. We’ll get you changed after dinner okay?”

    “I’m not – “ Fabiola looked down and patted her diaper. Her eyes bugged out in horror. “No, that’s never happened before!”

    “Mmm hmmm.” Monserrat advanced on Fabiola and took her hand. “Come on hon, we’ll get you some yummy chicken nuggets.”

    “I’m not hon, or sweetie!” Fabiola raged, pulling unsuccessfully at Monserrat’s grip. “Call me Fabiola. I need a break from this game, NOW.”

    “Is that all you have to say about it?” Monserrat asked, looking meaningfully at the foyer and then back to Fabiola.

    Fabiola frowned and yanked hard, ripping her hand out of Monserrat’s grip. “I SAID LET GO!”

    Monserrat sighed. “Fabi, I was really hoping we could just have a nice time together. Your daddy warned me that you might be a bad baby, I’m sorry to see he was right about that.”

    “Well too bad!” Fabiola glared hatefully at Monserrat.

    Until that moment, Monserrat hadn’t had any reason to use her full strength on Fabiola. The size and leverage advantage, plus Fabi’s general passivity had made things pretty easy. If she was going to assert her authority the way Nick had outlined in the job, she was going to make it absolute, Monserrat decided. Any illusions of being able to physically resist would be gone, and Fabiola could either safeword or go back to being a sweet little girl.

    From Fabiola’s point of view, it must have been very confusing. One moment she was raging defiantly against her boyfriend-appointed babysitter, and the next she was hoisted by her crotch on Monserrat’s forearm. Volleyball wasn’t the only sport Monserrat played, it had been a while since women’s wrestling, but she remembered the moves just fine.

    Fabiola’s thrashing only got her arms tangled behind her back in Monserrat’s unyielding grip. The little girl had enough time to wail in distress before they were back on the couch with Fabi bent over Monserrat’s lap.

    It was effortless for Monserrat to pin Fabi’s arms behind her back with one hand. With the other she popped the snaps on the girl’s onesie and yanked her diaper down to expose her bare, damp butt.

    “Last chance to say something specific before you get your punishment.” Monserrat said, raising her hand.

    “STOP!” Fabiola screamed. “You can’t do this!”

    SMACK! Monserrat’s hand came down hard. Fabiola screamed. Before she was done yelling Monserrat was spanking her again, and again. Though she’d thought she was going to hate having to spank Fabi, Monserrat found a certain amount of satisfaction in knocking the brat out of her charge via the bottom.

    Fabiola went through some fascinating phases as the spanking continued. Her initial scream gave way to breathless shock. When she found her breath again she went back to protesting interspersed with yelps as each smack made its sting known. Protests were abandoned in favor of begging Monserrat to stop.

    A quick look at Fabiola’s rear showed it was warmed up to a nice pink color. Remembering Nick’s advice on spankings, Monserrat increased the tempo, painting Fabiola’s butt in a progressively deeper blush.

    It took only ten more spanks to push Fabiola into tears. She blubbered apologies, no longer fighting Monserrat’s grip on her arms. Determined to really drive the point home, Monserrat delivered six more of the hardest slaps yet, leaving her own palm stinging a bit.

    When Monserrat pulled Fabiola’s diaper back up, the girl was a snotty, blubbering mess. Gently stroking Fabi’s hair, Monserrat rolled the girl over and cradled Fabi in her arms.

    “There there little one.” Monserrat said. “I’m sorry I had to do that, but you were being a very bad baby. Are you going to listen to your babysitter now?”

    The answering nod from Fabiola was very quick. Nick had been right about spankings snapping her out of brat mode. She stroked Fabiola’s hair gently. As the girl’s hiccupping sobs were calming down, Monserrat grabbed some tissue from the coffee table and brought it to Fabiola’s nose.

    “Blow.” She commanded. Fabiola obeyed with a mighty honk. A few more tissues got Fabiola’s snotty face wiped clean.

    “Ready for dinner?” Monserrat asked gently.

    “Are you gonna make me eat baby food?” Fabiola whimpered miserably.

    “Hmm, I don’t think so. You certainly haven’t earned using your booster seat, but I think we can have chicken nuggets and fries. Does that sound good?”

    Fabiola sniffled and nodded.

    “There’s my good girl.” Monserrat stroked Fabiola’s face. “You were such a good snuggler with me earlier.”

    That brought out another blush, Fabi turned her face away.

    “Aww, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m here to take care of you, just like your daddy.”

    “You’re meaner than daddy.” Fabiola said petulantly.

    “Fabi, are you already getting fussy?” Monserrat asked, bapping the girl on the nose. “You mean I’m more strict than daddy.”

    “I guess so.” Fabiola hid her face again, this time against Monserrat’s blouse.

    “Let’s get your onsie off and get you in your high-chair.” Monserrat said, pulling the garment up Fabiola’s torso.

    “What? Why?” Fabiola whimpered but didn’t offer any resistance, even lifting her arms.

    “Because you’re a messy eater and I don’t want to try to get barbeque sauce and ketchup out of this cute onesie.”

    Obviously embarrassed and conflicted, Fabiola squirmed in Monserrat’s grip. By this time Monserrat was well used to carrying a squirmy girl and got Fabi into her high chair without any trouble. As an experiment, she left the waist-strap off and the tray up. Fabiola didn’t seem to even consider escape, she just shifted a bit in her chair to take the pressure off her sore rear.

    Though the onesie certainly helped make Fabiola look young, even topless she made a very little sight. Monserrat never thought she’d be having the time of her life making dinner for a girl sitting in a high-chair in nothing but a loose diaper, but here she was.

    Dinner was a burger, beer, and fries for Monserrat, nuggets, an extra big glass of water, and fries for Fabiola. Despite nuggets being far more of a finger food than ice-cream, Fabi managed to get a fair amount of sauce on her chin and bare chest. When they were done, Monserrat left Fabi behind the locked-down high-chair tray and cleaned up the dishes.

    Just as the dishwasher was loaded, Monserrat heard a distressed squeak from Fabiola. The girl was struggling with her high-chair’s tray and having little success. The bolt-lock was in an awkward spot for anyone sitting in the chair, especially if they had short arms.

    “Monchi!” Fabiola cried out in a near panic. “I need to go!”

    “Just a second sweetie, I’m just finishing here.”

    “No, I really need to – “ Fabiola gasped as her stomach made a mighty rumble. In the time it took Monserrat to walk over to her from the dishwasher, there was a rumble of a different kind coming from Fabiola.

    Shocked with her mouth hanging open, Fabiola stared ahead as toots and grumbles heralded her pants filling at a record pace. When it was finally over, Fabi stared at Monserrat, lip trembling.

    “Whew! You’re a poopy girl!” Monserrat said cheerfully. “That’s okay, Monchi will get you all cleaned up.”

    “No this is – this isn’t – I can’t have – I’ve never – no, no!” Fabiola trailed off into a wail, tears pouring down her face for the second time in an hour.

    “Oh sweetie.” Monserrat’s heart went out to the little girl. She clearly had some issues, or was just having a bad night. Whatever the case, she was determined to make everything better.

    The first order of business was to get Fabiola onto her changing table, with a pacifier in her mouth and her elephant for company. Monserrat left briefly to get a bath started, coming back to Fabi still whimpering softly.

    Steeling herself, Monserrat opened the girl’s diaper. It was not really the same as a toddler, there was a level of biohazard that toddlers could only aspire to going on in Fabi’s diaper. Having her mess exposed started another crying fit for Fabi.

    With soothing words and gentle touches, not to mention a large quantity of wipes, Monserrat got the girl cleaned up. She managed to separate Fabiola from her elephant with a little difficulty and picked the girl up, depositing her in the warm bath.

    “Let’s get some bubbles going, huh?” There wasn’t any bubble bath, a huge oversight on Nick’s part, but some strawberry scented shampoo and a bit of dish soap did a good enough job. Bubbles managed to stop the tears, but not Fabi’s haunted expression.

    The introduction of a rubber duckie along with a thorough scrubbing got Fabiola smiling again. By the time Monserrat was rinsing the girl’s hair with a bowl of warm water Fabi was downright giggly. It was a good, if slightly slippery baby that was wrapped in her prettiest unicorn diaper.

    “What do you want to wear for watching TV?” Monserrat asked, popping the pacifier out of Fabiola’s mouth. “Pajamas? Do you have a cute outfit you like?”

    “You’re not going to put me in another onsie?” Fabiola asked.

    “You can wear whatever you want little one.” Monserrat said. “Even just your diaper if you like.”

    “Nooo.” Fabiola blushed and giggled. “I have some pajamas.”

    To Monserrat’s delight and surprise, Fabi didn’t go for pj pants and a t-shirt like she’d had on when Monchi had arrived. Instead it was an adorable one-piece pajama with feet and a hood. The whole of the suit was covered in whisps of rainbow ‘fur’ and the hood sported cat ears. Monserrat’s heart melted for probably the tenth time. Doubly so when Fabiola held her arms out to be picked up.

    Ensconced on the couch with a chips for Monserrat and a bottle for Fabiola, the babysitter marveled at the range she’d seen out of Fabiola. One thing was for sure, she seemed happiest as a baby. The pajamas were out-of-control adorable. Monserrat had felt the need for a change herself, and was nearly matching her charge for comfiness in a soft cotton t-shirt and a pair of terrycloth shorts.

    “How’s your tummy doing?” Monserrat asked, stroking Fabiola’s belly through the pajamas.

    “Uh, okay I guess.”

    “I’m sorry sweetie.” Monserrat smiled. “In that case, let’s not worry about getting you to the potty for anything.”

    “What?” Fabiola dropped her bottle in consternation. “But then uh…”

    “But then it won’t be an accident, it’ll just be something that your babysitter helps you with. You can go back to normal with daddy when you’re feeling better tomorrow.”

    The little girl’s only response was to bury her flushed face against Monserrat, pressed right into her babysitter’s breast.

    With a smirk, Monserrat retrieved the bottle and turned Fabiola’s face enough to get the nipple to her lips. Out of nervous reflex, Fabi went back to sucking on the bottle. After a few minutes Monserrat watched the a realization dawn in Fabiola’s eyes. She was pressed against Monchi’s breast sucking on a nipple. The conflicted expression between comfort and embarrassment was delicious.

    They settled into a comfortable rhythm of watching short cartoons and snuggling. With nine-o-clock rolling around, Monserrat unzipped Fabiola’s pjs and squished the girl’s diaper. As expected, she was wet. Soaked in fact.

    “It’s about bedtime Fabi.” Monserrat said.

    “I’m not sleepy!” Fabi protested. It seemed true too. Fabi’s eyes were alert. She wasn’t actually a toddler, and had already had a big nap earlier that day.

    “Your daddy was very firm about your bedtime.” Monserrat said. “But I think I can help you get sleepy.”


    Fabi’s eyes went wide when Monserrat reached down by the end-table for the little surprise she’d grabbed from Fabiola’s room earlier. The little girl licked her lips as Monserrat pressed the head of the vibrating wand against her padded crotch.

    “Oh, I see you’ve done this before, with daddy?”

    Fabiola squirmed and nodded. “But, is it okay to uh – with you?”

    “It’s been a stressful day having someone new take care of you, hasn’t it?” Monserrat said. “Just relax and let me take care of you, okay Fabi?”

    No sooner had Fabi nodded then Monserrat fired up the wand on low. The vibrations through the soaked diaper had the girl moaning immediately. Working the wand in slow circles over Fabiola’s crotch, Monserrat worked the girl up until she was panting and covered in a light sheen of sweat.

    Monserrat’s hand slipped into Fabiola’s pjs and found her breasts. Her fingers wandered over Fabi’s soft skin, lightly tweaking her nipples as Monserrat came across them. With the wand flipped to high, Monserrat abandoned teasing circles and pressed it firmly into Fabiola’s ever-wetter crotch. If the girl was wetting again, squirting, or just that turned on didn’t matter, she was obviously having the time of her life.

    The babysitter kept up the vibration and caresses until Fabiola’s gasps and moans had become little yelps and her breathing was ragged in her throat. A long quiet cuddle got Fabiola calmed down. She was back to a limp noodle, albeit a much sweatier one than last time.

    “We have so much fun when you’re a good girl.” Monserrat said, caressing Fabiola’s cheek. “Let’s get you into a nice thick nighttime diaper and to bed, okay?”

    “Where are you going to sleep?” Fabiola asked hesitantly.

    “Your daddy got the guest room ready for me.” Monserrat said. “Why?”

    “Maybe you could sleep with me.” Fabi said bashfully. “Uh, like a sleepover?”

    Monserrat laughed. “I’m not going to sleep right now. Will you be able to go to sleep if I have a light on so I can read?”

    Fabiola nodded vigorously. “Yes. I can do it, please!?”

    “Okay, okay.”

    Tickled pink, Monserrat got Fabiola changed and wiped down. The little girl even let herself be lead to bed in nothing but her diaper and a pair of plastic pants. They got situated under the covers, Fabiola’s head on Monserrat’s lap, pacifier in her mouth and elephant firmly clutched in her arms.

    Though Monserrat worried that the light would keep Fabiola up, the girl was snoring in minutes. After a few hours of enjoyable reading, Monserrat doused the light and cuddled up to the little diaper-clad furnace next to her. The soft sigh Fabiola gave at being embraced as the little spoon relaxed Monserrat right to sleep.

    When morning came, Monserrat was excited to see if she could keep Fabiola in her happy little baby state for as long as possible. That the girl woke up wet helped. Monserrat had Fabiola on the changing table well before the girl had managed to finish waking up. Being diapered as she got her bearings went a long way to enforcing the right attitude.

    Breakfast was pancakes, scratch-made by Monserrat, of course. Fabiola dug in with gusto, managing to get syrup in places that her babysitter would never have expected.

    How exactly does someone get syrup in their armpit, Monchi wondered, as she cleaned Fabi up and got her into the day’s outfit of shortalls and a long sleeved nightshirt. Monserrat needed a change of clothes herself after that. With her authority firmly established, she went with the comfort of some jeans and a racerback sports top.

    The rest of the day flew by, Fabi was even up to play little games like hide and seek, dolls, and putting together building blocks. Everything was smooth as silk until after lunch when Fabiola dropped the stuffies she was playing with and stared at Monserrat in consternation.

    “Uh oh.” Fabiola’s lip quivered. “I hafta…”

    Without missing a beat, Monserrat gathered Fabi up to her chest and stroked the girl’s hair. “It’s okay, go ahead. Monchi’s here.”

    “But I…” Fabiola whimpered and shivered in Monserrat’s arms.

    “You’re SUCH a good girl.” Monserrat said, rubbing firm circles on Fabiola’s back. “And you’re being a good girl right now. Go ahead and go, that’s my good little baby.”

    Twin tears popped out of Fabiola’s eyes and trailed down her cheeks. Monserrat deftly wiped them away and kissed the girl on the forehead. Fabiola grunted, gasped, and buried her face in Monserrat’s chest as she made another mess.

    Monserrat cooed praise to Fabi until she was done and all the while she carried the girl to the changing table. Rather than changing her right away, she tickled Fabiola and blew raspberries on her belly until she’d managed to get a few giggles out of the girl even in a dirty diaper.

    No sooner had the tapes come off Fabi’s diaper than they heard the front door open. “I’m home!” Nick called.

    Fabi looked ready to panic, but Monserrat was quick to put a pacifier in the girl’s mouth and tickle her tummy again.

    “We’re in the changing room!” Monserrat called cheerfully.

    “How did things – “ Nick stopped dead in the doorway of the changing room when the smell hit him. Not that it was as bad as a moment ago, with the diaper already in the pail.

    “Come on in Nick.” Monserrat said, briskly wiping Fabiola down as if everything were perfectly normal.

    “Wow, this is a transformation.” Nick said, stepping up to look down at his squirmy girlfriend who was frantically sucking her pacifier.

    “She’s been such a good girl!” Monserrat said gleefully. “A little bit poopy right now but you’re just about cleaned up, aren’t you Fabi?”

    Fabiola just blushed and hid behind her elephant.

    Since Monserrat was having too much fun to not show off, she put a cute onesie over Fabiola’s fresh diaper and left her clothes at that. Nick looked quite impressed when Monserrat lifted Fabi onto her hip with apparent ease.

    “She’s all ready for her daddy, aren’t you Fabi?”

    This time Fabi retreated into Monserrat’s chest. Nick and Monserrat both laughed, though Nick’s sounded a touch nervous.

    “I need to talk to your daddy for a bit.” Monserrat said. “If I put you in the living room with your stuffies, will you be a good girl?”

    Agreement came in the form of a nod, still firmly pressed into Monserrat’s bosom.

    “She looks absolutely incredible.” Nick said, as Monserrat was gathering up her things in the kitchen.

    “I pride myself on doing a good job, and you paid well.” Monserrat said.

    “Yeah, no complaints there.” Nick peeked into the living room. “I’ve NEVER gotten her that uh – “

    “Little?” Monserrat suggested. “She’s having a blast right now. You can let her have a break or just keep it rolling until tomorrow if you want.”

    “Yeah, I think I will, thanks again.” Nick grinned.

    “Don’t forget to like and subscribe, and smaaash that notification bell.” Monserrat said with a wink.

    “Haha, no worries. I’ll recommend you to some people I know.” Nick took another look at Fabiola in wonder. “Would you be willing to come back some time?”

    “I’d love to.” Monserrat said. “She’s a good baby.”


    “So you are fucking them.” Clarissa asserted with her usual tact. She really should be nicer, considering the very expensive coffee in her hand, courtesy of Monserrat.

    “Not exactly. Kinda. Look, it’s part of the service.” Monserrat shrugged. “Honestly, it’s fun, and since I’m in charge I don’t do anything I don’t want to do.”

    “I guess the money doesn’t hurt your feelings either.” Clarissa said with a smirk.

    “Girl, I paid for your coffee but off that last job I could pay your rent.”

    “Dang, why don’t you?”

    “Hah, you wish.” Monserrat grinned. “Honestly though, this last girl was so cute. Like, little kid cute.”

    “Oh no, is somebody’s bio-clock going off?”

    “Very funny.” Monserrat chuckled. “Anyway, it’s hard to describe. It’s like getting a chance to be Disney for someone. I made a whole day magical for a super cute girl, and maybe made her sex life with her boyfriend better too.”

    “Is that what Disney does?” Clarissa teased. “Honestly it sounds cool. Maybe I’ll get in on it.”

    “If you do, there’s hella research you should do.” Monserrat said. “I did a ton after the first girl, probably would have wiffed it with the second one if I hadn’t.”

    “So you’re making this your specialty?”

    “Yeah, I think so.” Monserrat shrugged. “I put some key phrases in my bio, my last client pretty much said he’d be a regular, and I already have a job lined up.”

    “You’re a busy lady! What kind of people are they anyway? The ones that sign up for this.”

    “Hah, you’ll never believe it, but the next client is in one of our classes.”

    “Whaaaat?” Clarissa leaned forward eagerly. “Spill that tea, who is it?”

    “Uh uh, client confidentiality.” Monserrat smirked in the face of Clarissa’s pout. It had nothing on a practiced little’s pout. “If you start up yourself I can recommend you to the client, but that’s the only way you’re finding out.”

    “Dang, there’s some random diaper girl in the engineering department?” Clarissa shook her head.

    “I’m beginning to think it’s a lot more common than I ever would have guessed.”