• AB Sitter: Amira

    “Tell me again how it isn’t prostitution.” The voice on the phone was more than a little sarcastic. Not that Clarissa had a lot of tones that weren’t sarcastic.

    Monserrat glanced in irritation at her phone, hanging on the dash of her car. With an effort she forced her eyes back on the road. “Because, bitch, I’m not having sex with anyone. It’s companionship.”

    “Monchi, you think they aren’t expecting it?” Clarissa asked. Notifications flashing on the phone caught the corner of Monserrat’s vision. She rolled her eyes. How many times had she told Lyssa she couldn’t look at memes while driving?

    “The client puts up what they’re expecting on the job posting. I don’t pick the ones that are asking for sex.”

    “Yeah, you and all the other women on that app. I’m sure dudes learned early not to check that box.”

    “I’m not even visiting a guy today. The client is a woman.”

    “Uh huh, and I’m sure her boyfriend won’t just ‘happen’ to be there when you show up.”

    “If that happens I’ll cancel the job and leave.” Monserrat said, exasperated. “I’m girl bossing this, you don’t have to worry about me.”

    “I’m pretty sure that worrying about you is in the best friend job description.” Clarissa said. “Just be careful okay?”

    “I am, that’s why we’re talking on the way to the job. You have the address and everything. If I don’t text you in forty five minutes, call the cops.”

    “Yeah, I know the plan. The fact that you’re on a job with that kind of plan is what’s making me worry.”

    “It’ll be fine. It’s a better way to pay for college than stripping.”

    “We should move to Europe so that’s not even a choice we have to make.”

    “Yeah, I’ll get right on that multi-year immigration process. Love you Lyssa. I’m pulling into the driveway now.”

    “Love you Monchi. Don’t be late on that text, be safe.”

    Monserrat swiped the call closed and let her call roll to a gentle stop in the client’s driveway. The house looked normal enough, painted a sort of algae blue. It was a nice neighborhood too. She sighed and checked the escort app on her phone. EscortQuest made a lot of promises about the amount of money you could make, and how you wouldn’t have to do anything you didn’t want to do.

    “Here’s hoping that’s actually true.” Monserrat said to herself. She checked in on the app and knocked on the door.

    There were some odd shuffling sounds before the door was hesitantly opened to reveal a dark skinned woman in a floral top.

    “Hi, are you from EscortQuest?”

    “That’s me.” Monserrat said, smiling her best customer service smile. “I’m Monserrat. Are you Amira?”

    “Yes, I’m Amira. I have my ID here, you need to see it, right?”

    “Yes please.” Monserrat checked Amira’s ID, it seemed legit. She showed her own as well. Neither of them were able to legally drink, but Amira was a couple of years older, and doing pretty well to have a house. Or maybe she was just renting it.

    “Okay uh, come on in.” Amira stepped back, still shy or hesitant. The fact that she wasn’t straight to business was reassuring. After all, Monserrat still didn’t know exactly what to expect from these escort jobs.

    “Thanks.” The house was very clean, with tasteful art up on the walls. It didn’t look like it had been cut into a bunch of tiny rooms for college students. The living room was set up for a kid, with toys and coloring books on a shelf next to the TV.

    “Is this a babysitting job?” Monserrat asked in surprise. “There have got to be cheaper babysitting services.”

    “Uh, it is.” Amira smiled, blushing cutely. “But I can’t use a regular babysitter. I’m uh, I’m the baby you’re sitting.”

    Monserrat blinked and looked Amira over more carefully. She was wearing shortalls that on further examination had been embroidered with teddy bears. The floral top had very short sleeves and was smoothly taut down well past the waist of the shortalls. An adult-sized onesie, but in a kiddie print instead of the usual solid colors.

    “Oh.” Monserrat chuckled. “Not what I was expecting, but not necessarily a problem. I guess we should talk about what you want me to do?”

    Amira nodded. “It’s pretty easy to explain, but let me know if you have any questions about the details. I want you to treat me like I’m a baby. Well, toddler I guess. Watch me, give me stuff to play with, make a lunch for me, all the regular babysitting stuff.”

    “You want to do it like make-believe?” Monserrat asked. “Should I babytalk you? Are you going to babytalk?”

    “Yeah.” Amira said with another blush, and a little squirm. Said squirm was accompanied by a suspicious rustle from Amira’s rather bulky rear.

    “Are you wearing a diaper?” Monserrat asked, amused.

    “Yes but uh, you don’t have to deal with that part if you don’t want to.” Amira said, blushing even more.

    “Of course I do.” Monserrat said, taking Amira’s hand to the other girl’s surprise. “If you’re too little to be potty trained you’re going to need some help, aren’t you?”

    “Yeah, but I don’t really use them…” Amira began.

    “Come on sweetie.” Monserrat interrupted, leading Amira into the living room. She had over a foot on the other girl, and her frame was a lot bigger from the basketball and volleyball workouts. It made it easy for her to slip into the game. From Amira’s expression she was getting into it too, but still had some reservations.

    “You can call me Monchi.” Monserrat said, manhandling Amira down to a sitting position on the carpet. “We’re going to have a lot of fun today, okay?”

    Amira giggled, squirming as embarrassment and delight warred on her face. “Okay Monchi. I wanna watch TV.”

    “Hmm, maybe in a bit.” Monserrat said. “Let’s get to know each other a little bit first and do some coloring. If you’re a good girl we can watch an episode of something after lunch.”

    “But I want to watch Octonauts!” Amira pouted. It would have been cute except for the more adult expression of annoyance in her eyes.

    “Creature Report!” Monserrat said, crouching down by Amira and grabbing her sides. “Creature report! We have encountered a fussy baby. Check Check Check!” She dug her fingers in lightly, tickling Amira under her ribs.

    “Ack, hey!” Amira giggled helplessly. She briefly batted at Monserrat’s hands but fell back as the tickling overwhelmed her.

    “Creature Report, tickling seems to improve the baby’s mood, check check check!” Monserrat grinned, relenting on the tickling. She stroked Amira’s belly gently, while sneaking her other hand up the leg of the shortalls.

    Amira was clearly caught off guard, lying on the floor with a happy grin until Monserrat dug her fingers deftly under the crotch of her diaper. The little girl squeaked and blushed until her face was several shades darker. Amira froze on the carpet, staring at Monserrat with wide eyes.

    “Seems like you’re still dry, good girl!” Monserrat said excitedly. She made it more than a perfunctory check, sweeping her fingers across the bulky padding toward the back. Amira was wearing a real diaper, just sized up a bit for an adult. It otherwise felt exactly like what the actual babies she’d sat had been wearing.

    “If you can behave and stay dry until after lunch we’ll watch Octonauts for sure.” Monserrat withdrew her fingers and hauled the smaller girl into a sitting position.

    Amira didn’t answer right away. Monserrat watched her carefully. She needed a good review from her first client, after all. The other girl was trembling a little, but she didn’t seem upset. Her breath was coming fast, and her eyes were dilated. She kept her eyes on Monserrat but refused to meet her babysitter’s yes.

    She’s turned on by this. Really turned on. Monserrat grinned. This was going to be fun after all. Teasing had always been something she’d enjoyed doing in the bedroom. Now she was going to get paid for it.

    Monserrat stretched and deliberately grabbed her chest, hefting her breasts. “Are you staring at these, baby? They’re big, huh?”

    Amira jerked her eyes up to meet Monserrat’s in the horniest panic the babysitter had ever seen. “Sorry, I can’t feed you the same way your mommy does, but if you need a snack I can get one started. Do you want a snack, Mira? Huh? Snackies?”

    Even through her bra, Amira’s nipples were clearly visible. She nodded.

    “Use your words, sweetie.” Monserrat said, patting Amira’s tightly curled hair. “Do you want a snack?”

    “Y-yes pwease.” Amira said, shuddering.

    “Good girl! Find something to color, I’ll be back in a bit.” Monserrat beamed. She put a coloring book and a small pack of crayons into Amira’s hands before making her way to the kitchen.

    There were a variety of items set out on the counter. A baby bottle was present, but so was a sippy cup. There was a child-safe bowl and an oversized kid’s spork as well. Monserrat wondered if Amira hadn’t been able to decide how young she wanted to pretend to be, or if she had been worried that her escort wouldn’t be willing to take the game to a certain level.

    I bet it’s the second one, Monserrat thought.

    A search of the cupboards and fridge didn’t yield and baby formula. Monserrat resolved to bring some herself if Amira hired her again. She’d certainly be able to afford extras like that with the rates on the app.

    There was milk, at least, which Monserrat put in a saucepan to warm. While she waited, she peeked into the living room to see how her baby was doing. Amira was lying on her stomach, coloring away. Monserrat grinned.

    I should have gone for an even more baby activity, She thought. Maybe after lunch and the show. Her phone dinged, letting her know that it was time to text Clarissa. She shot off a quick, ‘all clear’ message and put her phone away.

    Monserrat tested the bottle full of warm milk on her wrist to make sure it wasn’t too hot. If Amira was going to commit to the role, she certainly was as well.

    “Snack time!” Monserrat said brightly, sitting down next to Amira.

    Amira looked at the bottle. Another big blush crossed her cheeks. Then she shook her head. “I want chips.”

    “That’s not a good snack for a baby!” Monserrat declared dramatically. “Does your other babysitter let you eat those?”

    Amira rolled her eyes. Monserrat could feel the other girl sipping out of the game. “Just get me some chips.” She said, sourly.

    Monserrat brought her hand down to swat Amira’s bottom. The thick diaper made a satisfying POW sound. Amira stared at Monserrat in disbelief.

    “There’s more where that came from, little girl.” Monserrat said firmly. “Now come here so I can give you your bottle.”

    Contritely, Amira crawled over to Monserrat. She seemed a lot more into the game again.

    So she likes it when I take charge, or discipline her, Monserrat thought. I can do that. I’ll have to give her opportunities to misbehave.

    In short order Monserrat was braced against the couch with Amira lying on her lap. She had an arm firmly around the smaller girl, with Amira’s ear pressed against her breast. Monserrat could feel Amira’s heart pounding through the embrace as she lowered the bottle to the girl’s lips.

    It was clearly a new, or at least unusual experience for Amira. She inexpertly sucked on the bottle, spattering milk on her cheeks and swallowing air. Though she quickly tried to squirm out of Monserrat’s hold or turn her face away, Monserrat held firm.

    “Sit still little girl. You’re making yourself such a messy baby.” Monserrat said, relentlessly guiding the bottle’s nipple into Amira’s mouth.

    Though she never stopped squirming, Amira resigned herself enough that she didn’t try to dodge the bottle anymore. She still swallowed air, or spit a bit of milk up onto her cheeks. Every time she did, she’d blush some more. It was adorable.

    As the bottle was finishing, Monserrat caught Amira sneaking a hand down her shortalls, rubbing at the crotch of her diaper. She took the bottle out of Amira’s mouth and grabbed her arm.

    “Bad baby! No playing with your diaper. You’re going to make a really big mess!”

    Amira squirmed, “But I…”

    “No, I don’t want to hear it.” Monserrat said, lightly swatting Amira’s hand. She spit on a washcloth and rubbed the milk off Amira’s lips and cheeks in a businesslike fashion.

    Unable to hide her state any longer, Amira moaned and reached for her crotch again. Monserrat grabbed the girl’s wrists and pulled Amira up to sit straddled on her left thigh.

    “Uh oh, feeling too full? Is that it, baby girl?” Monserrat lightly bounced Amira on her thigh, still holding her wrists pinned.

    Amira gasped and moaned again. “Oh, Monchi, please, just let me… oooh… BRAP.”

    A massive burp sounded out of Amira as the air she’d swallowed was released. Her face froze in an expression of embarrassed horror. Monserrat kept on bouncing Amira on her leg as if nothing had happened.

    “That’s it baby, let it all out. That’s a good girl.”

    Amira struggled weakly at the hold on her wrists, hiding her face in her shoulder. Her moans were getting louder, all pretense of subtlety abandoned. A few smaller burps escaped, prompting an embarrassed wince every time.

    Monserrat bounced the girl until her skin was just starting to shine with sweat and her moans were coming fast and desperate. Abruptly, she stopped and lowered Amira onto her back on the carpet.

    “What? No, no, don’t stop!” Amira whined.

    “We’re all done burping you.” Monserrat said. “But you look a little bit hot. Let’s get baby cooled off.” She firmly set Amira’s arms over her head and unbuckled the girl’s shortalls.

    While Amira writhed in frustration on the floor, Monserrat peeled her shortalls off and popped open the crotch snaps of the girl’s onesie. This time she was even less subtle about the diaper check, hooking her fingers into the rumpled crotch of the Amira’s Rearz diaper. It was more than damp, but not exactly wet.

    Monserrat pulled the onesie up while Amira was distracted and arching her hips up. It was a bit of a tussle to get it over the girl’s shoulders and head, but the principle was the same as with a wiggly toddler.

    Amira panted, looking at Monserrat, now in just her bra and diaper. “What are you going to do?”

    “I’m just making sure you’re comfortable, sweetie.” Monserrat said. “Looks like you got into Mommy’s bras, no wonder you’re all sweaty.”

    Brooking no disagreement from Amira, Monserrat unsnapped the bra and tossed it on the couch. “There you go, babies don’t need to wear those.”

    “Please.” Amira said. “Please…”

    “Please what, sweetie? What do you need?” Monserrat rubbed gentle circles on Amira’s bare belly. She was a beautiful girl, her small breasts heaving and perky. Monserrat was beginning to wonder how strict she wanted to be about the no-sex rule she’d established.

    “Please.” Amira begged. “I need. I… I need to cum. Please.”

    “Oh no!” Monserrat said with a vicious grin. “That would be a SUPER good girl reward. You haven’t exactly been bad, but you have been fussy.”

    “But…” A whine that was almost a cry came out of Amira.

    “Oh dear, are you getting overwhelmed, sweetie?”

    Monserrat gathered Amira up, pleased to discover that she could lift the smaller girl without having to make a huge show of effort. She sat them both on the couch, Amira on her lap facing forward.

    “Let’s watch your show, okay?” Monserrat put an arm around Amira, carefully settling her hand just below Amira’s breasts. She felt the girl stiffen and then snuggle back into her as she turned on the TV.

    “This isn’t how I thought we would play.” Amira said. Interestingly she reached for her diaper but pulled her hands away guiltily, without Monserrat having to admonish her.

    “No? Am I a bad babysitter?” Monserrat asked quietly into Amira’s ear.

    “No, you’re a good babysitter.” Amira said breathlessly.

    “Is baby Amira having a good time?” Monserrat asked, shifting her hand up onto Amira’s breast.

    “Ahh! Yes Monchi.”

    “What a good girl.” Monserrat squeezed Amira’s breast gently before sliding her hand away. “But you still want your super good girl reward, don’t you?”

    “Yes please!” Amira squirmed against Monserrat until the larger girl had to hold her tightly to keep her on the lap.

    “Silly baby, you know that your babysitter isn’t going to take your diaper off until you’ve used it. Your mommy would be very upset if I wasted the diapers she bought.”

    A gasp interrupted Amira’s now-constant whining. “I don’t… really use them though.”

    “Sure you do.” Monserrat said. “I don’t see a practice-potty around here anywhere. You’re telling me you’ve never peed in your diapers?”

    “Ju-just once.” Amira whispered.

    “And how did that feel?” Monserrat asked.

    Amira couldn’t answer that one. She squirmed again until Monserrat had to hold her with both arms.

    “You know what I think?” Monserrat asked. “I think you’re just pretending to be a big girl. Of course you’ve pottied in your diapers more than once. Let’s watch your show. Don’t worry, babysitter Monchi will change you when you need it.”

    As the Octonauts theme song played, Amira calmed down a little. She even started sucking her thumb as the show progressed. Despite her outward calm, Monserrat could feel the girl’s heartbeat and the warm glow on her skin. Baby’s motor was still running pretty hot. The more turned on she was, the more she seemed to want to act like a baby.

    On the other hand, Amira didn’t seem to be able to commit to the role fully. That made sense, Monserrat thought. After all, this was their first scene together. It would be hard to relax.

    Determined to get Amira the best experience she could, Monserrat gently engaged her about the show, asking her questions about the characters and the sea-creature of the week. She lightly stroked Amira’s body while they watched, soothing her without letting her wind down her desire too much. It seemed to work, Amira’s responses to questions became much more babyish.

    As the show was wrapping up with a creature report, Amira suddenly became very squirmy again.

    “What’s the matter sweetie?” Monserrat asked, tightening her grip on the girl.

    “Nu-nothing.” Amira said. “I wanna get up.”

    “Oh?” Monserrat asked with a mischievous grin. “Just wait a bit hon, we’re almost done with the show.” She shifted her grip to firmly hold Amira over her bladder.

    “Ugh, Monchi, don’t!”

    “Don’t what, baby?”

    “I hafta… I hafta…”

    “What hon?” Monserrat pushed down more firmly on Amira’s diaper.

    “No! I gotta, Monchi, pwease!” Amira thrashed, only to be caught tight in Monserrat’s strong grip.

    “You have to tell me what it is or I can’t help you.”

    “POTTY!” Amira cried out.

    It was too late. Monserrat felt the girl sag in her arms. Shifting her hand to Amira’s crotch, she felt warmth in the diaper as it expanded.

    “Oooh, you should have said something before, we could have tried getting to the potty.” Monserrat said, kissing Amira on the temple. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll take care of you.”

    Monserrat lay Amira on the floor. The girl had an unreadable mix of emotions on her face. She wasn’t getting up or trying to do anything with her diaper, and by the looks of it she was still filling it.

    Next to the shelf of toys was a very well stocked chest with changing supplies. Monserrat returned to Amira, her heart melting when she saw tears in the girl’s eyes.

    “Oh oh, I think baby wasn’t being honest with me.” Monserrat said, unrolling the changing blanket. “Look at all this diaper changing stuff your mommy has for you.”

    She scooted Amira onto the changing blanket and dabbed away the tears in her eyes as tenderly as she could. For a few moments she just sat and watched Amira’s face, stroking her hair.

    “Are you alright, Mira?”

    “I pottied.” Amira said, something like fear or sadness in her voice.

    “That’s okay. Babies use their diapers for potty.” Monserrat hesitated for a bit. Deliberately, she leaned down and kissed Amira’s lips.

    “You’re a good girl Amira.” Monserrat whispered, looking into Amira’s eyes from mere inches away.

    “I am?” Amira trembled, flushing with desire again.

    “A very good girl.” Monserrat grinned slyly and cupped Amira’s breast with one hand. “An especially, extra, SUPER good girl.”

    Amira’s eyes went wide. She shivered, nodding eagerly at Monserrat. “Good girl get reward?”

    “That’s right. You’re my very good girl.” Monserrat firmly grabbed the crotch of Amira’s diaper, squishing it. Amira whimpered, closing her eyes.

    “Here you go baby.” Monserrat pressed a set of interlocking plastic rings into Amira’s hands. “Be a good girl while I change you.”

    Amira giggled nervously and put one of the rings in her mouth.

    Monserrat slid her hands slowly down Amira’s body, tearing the tapes open on the girl’s diaper when her hands reached Amira’s waist. With all the meticulous care she’d give an actual baby, she cleaned Amira with a wet wipe.

    Amira was batting at the rings, moaning softly. Monserrat added a generous dollop of lotion to her hands and worked it slowly into Amira’s abdomen. Using the girl’s rising moans as a guide, she spread the lotion across Amira’s rear, her thighs, and finally onto the girl’s crotch.

    Sweaty and disheveled, Amira lay on the floor, surrendering to Monserrat. On a whim, Monserrat picked the girl’s ankles up, holding her legs up while she worked the lotion into the girl’s crotch.

    Amira arched her back, grabbing her breasts and moaning. The little girl’s breath came faster and faster with each deft circling motion of Monserrat’s fingers. The scream that Amira finally let loose was decidedly not babyish, but the thumb that went straight to her mouth was proof that the game had held.

    Monserrat found Amira limp and pliable as she powdered and then diapered the girl back up. She pulled the thick padding snug on Amira and made sure the tapes were set tight and firm.

    “It looks like you might need a nap, sweetie.” Monserrat said, brushing Amira’s sweaty forehead.

    Amira nodded. “Yes pwease.”

    “Okay, let’s get you tucked into bed.” Monserrat checked her phone. The session only had about fifteen minutes left. “By the time you wake up, your mommy should be back.”

    It took a while for that to register on Amira, but when it did she focused a genuinely sad look on Monserrat. For a moment Monserrat considered extending the session, then clamped down on her puppy-dog-eyes induced guilt.

    “Will you come babysit me again?” Amira asked plaintively.

    “Of course sweetie. You’re a good baby. You just need someone to remind you to be good sometimes, don’t you?” Monserrat smiled and patted Amira’s cheek. Her heart filled with warm fuzzy feelings when Amira nuzzled into the pat.

    “Yes Monchi. Thank you” Amira said.

    “Okay little one, let’s get you to bed.”

    Driving away, Monserrat tapped Clarissa’s contact on her phone.

    “Girl! I have been sitting here so damn curious! How did it go?”

    “It was really sweet actually. Like, I was surprised at the scene, but everything was legit. No hidden boyfriends or weird surprises.”

    “For real? No sex either?”

    “Uh, not exactly, no.”

    “Hah! I knew it was going to be a sex thing. Did you seriously…?”

    “No! Look, I’ll meet you for coffee and tell you all about it okay?” Monserrat laughed. “It was unusual all the way down.”

    “You buying?”

    “You better believe it. Payment already cleared to my account.” Monserrat said.

    “Dang, maybe I should get in on this.” Clarissa said.

    “Wait on that until I tell you what went down.” Monserrat said. “See you at the Black Drop?”

    “Be there in twenty!”

    Monserrat swiped the phone call off and smiled as her car rolled down the road. The road was gorgeous with about half the fall leaves on the trees still and the rest scattered across the sidewalks and lawns in a riot of colors.

    A notification popped up on her phone as Monserrat pulled into the coffee shop’s parking. She parked and thumbed it open.

    “I already have another job?” She said to herself in surprise. “Looks like the client is a guy but I’d be working with just his girlfriend? Ugh, it’s just like one of those Lyssa was warning me about.”

    She was about to reject the job when she saw a little star notification on the page. Touching it popped up a message.

    • You came highly recommended by a friend, Amira Hulbale. I’m hoping you’ll be willing to watch my girlfriend for an evening.

    Monserrat blinked at the message and chuckled. “I’m getting a reputation I guess! Hmm, maybe I should add some stuff to my profile. These kinds of jobs are pretty fun.”