• A Family For Briana: Chapter 11

    It wasn’t Beatrix’s fault. Sure, they hadn’t had the talk during dinner, but that was because they were both so hungry. After dinner they’d had more amazing sex; you couldn’t expect a talk during that. Then they were exhausted. It was okay to not talk when Melody literally fell asleep in Beatrix’s arms.

    Mornings were always hard for everybody. It made sense that they wouldn’t talk then. Melody of all people didn’t want to have a relationship discussion before their coffee.

    The only problem was, they had coffee now. So did Beatrix. Melody was sitting on the floor at Beatrix’s feet, which was hot and cute. It was quiet though. Ten AM was coming. Melody didn’t know if they were going home at ten anymore, not after that call with Veronica. Just in case they did go home, they’d look pretty dumb if there had STILL been no relationship discussion.

    “Bea.” Melody began.

    “Shh, puppies don’t talk.” Beatrix said.

    Melody squirmed. Okay, hot. But hurtful too. They tried again. “We need to pause. To talk some stuff out.”

    “Do you need me to fuck you again?” Beatrix asked, slipping a foot into Melody’s lap and rubbing their thigh. “Is that what this is about?”

    “No!” Melody protested. “We haven’t talked about anything. You said we’d talk at dinner, but we didn’t.”

    “I changed my mind. You already know what to do. I sat you down at my feet and you just did it. You’re perfect, Melly. No need to ruin it with a bunch of stupid words.”

    “That’s not – this kind of stuff has to be negotiated. If we’re going to have a D/S relationship, we need boundaries. Safewords. All that stuff.”

    Beatrix put her coffee down on the side table. She reached down and plucked Melody’s mug out of their hand.

    “What are you…?”

    Beatrix slid out of her chair onto Melody, pressing them to the carpet. Melody gasped and moaned as Beatrix kiss-bit them. Their half-hearted struggles earned them a pair of pinned wrists. Beatrix secured Melody’s legs with hers and took a mouthful of breast through Melody’s shirt. Melody moaned again, arching their back.

    Things were getting hazy again when Beatrix pressed flat against them, her manic gaze boring into Melody’s eyes.

    “We don’t need that stupid shit.” Beatrix said with absolute conviction. “You worship me. I own you. You’d die for me.”

    Melody whimpered. “Bea, that’s not sexy. You’re scaring me.”

    “Don’t ruin it.” Beatrix said urgently. “Come on, you’re so perfect. Don’t ruin it Melly. Just be my toy. I’ll take good care of you, I promise. Surrender to me. Totally. It’s what you want.”

    “I want to be yours.” Melody said, trembling. “But we have to be able to talk. If you can’t talk about our relationship right now, okay. How about talking about you being gay? Are you still feeling bad about it?”

    “Oh my god.” Beatrix rolled her eyes so hard she rolled her whole body off Melody. “When did you get so fucking chatty? I don’t need to talk about my sexuality or my gender or any of that stuff.”

    “You were hurting, yesterday, on the phone.” Melody rolled over and nuzzled Beatrix. “That doesn’t go away in a day.”

    “I’m FINE.” Beatrix said. She poked Melody in the side. Hard. “Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.”

    “Ow!” Melody frowned. “But that’s – what was all that about needing my support? Was that bullshit?”

    “That was motivation.” Beatrix said. “It got you over here. Now you’re here, and we’re both happy. Or we will be if you don’t ruin it.”

    “You – lied to me – about needing my help? About needing support coming out?” Melody felt sick. “After – after everything that happened freshman year?”

    “Here come the fucking water works.” Beatrix sighed. “Yes Melly. I lied to you. But guess what? I’m being honest about that. After last night, I realized I can be myself around you. I don’t have to bullshit you around anymore like I do everyone else. I can just tell you how it is. You’ll accept it.”

    “So – this is supposed to be a good thing, because you’re honest NOW?”

    “Yeah!” Beatrix sat up, throwing her hands skyward. “I trust you, bitch! You can handle me at my worst, so you get me at my best. We both get everything we ever wanted. Do you know why all my other relationships failed? Because it’s fucking EXHAUSTING to lie to some dumb dick all the time.”

    “So this is – how it would be?”

    “Now you’re getting it!” Beatrix said, grinning wildly. “You want to belong to me. To be totally dominated. I want to do that. I’ll do that for you! Make me your world, Melly, and I’ll be your Heaven.”

    “No, that’s – that’s a game. That’s a fun, sexy game, but it’s just a game.” Melody sat up, scooting away from Beatrix. “You don’t really think about me like that. I’m not your slave. You – you love me.”

    “What does one of those have to do with the other?” Beatrix asked. “I love you AND you’re my slave. Come on Melly, let me blow that little dyke mind of yours again and you’ll forget all about this. Oh! Or is this a brat thing? Do you need a spanking?”

    “I’m not a dyke!” Melody shouted. Their heart was pounding. Not for sexy feelings. Anger was boiling inside them. The burning feeling flared at Beatrix. At Veronica for being right. At themself. So much at themself that it felt like heartburn.

    “Uh huh, say that while I’m sitting on your face again, it’ll be more convincing.” Beatrix smirked, crawling over to Melody. “I think you do need a spanking. Probably a collar too. I’ll fuck you senseless and leave you chained to the bed until afternoon…”

    “STOP!” Melody pushed, hard. Beatrix went over without resistance, caught totally off-guard.

    “Bitch, you fucked up.” Beatrix stood up, glaring ferociously.

    Melody hopped to their feet. “Beatrix, stop this right now. This isn’t how it can be.”

    “NO!” Beatrix screamed to rattle the walls. “Don’t fucking do this to me, Melly. You were perfect. Don’t break it. Don’t destroy what we have. It’s not too late. You can still save this.”

    If it feels wrong, LISTEN to that feeling. Promise me. Veronica’s words echoed in Melody’s mind.

    They stared at Beatrix, uncomprehending. How could the pure bliss of last night become this insanity so fast? It was too much. It just hurt. Being with Rosa had been awkward sometimes, frustrating on occasion. But it had never hurt. Not like what was happening now.

    They remembered Rosa saying she had to take a step back. That she couldn’t be in the situation. At the time it had been incomprehensible, but it made sense now. There was nothing Beatrix could say to make lying about needing Melody’s support okay. Maybe ever, but certainly not now.

    “I have to get space.” Melody said. They staggered unsteadily over to their phone and grabbed it. “I was supposed to go home this morning anyway. We can talk… online. Later.”

    “Goddamn you!” Beatrix shouted. She dove for Melody’s phone and struggled for it. Melody barely managed to keep hold of it, stumbling away and against a wall.

    Beatrix was panting. Her face had that same manic intensity from their afterglow last night. It wasn’t attractive anymore. It was terrifying. “Don’t you go anywhere! We are going to fix this. I’m going to fix you. You’ll be happy if you’re mine. YOU’LL. BE. HAPPY. WHEN. YOU’RE. MINE.”

    It was David all over again. The monster that Beatrix had saved them from, had just spoken in her voice. Melody needed out. They needed to flee. They ran for the door and scooped up their keys. Looking back at the living room, Beatrix had snatched up their bag. Their shoes were – somewhere.

    In just a t-shirt and shorts, Melody raced out the door. Beatrix didn’t even yell for them to come back. She screamed alright, but it was an animal howl of rage. Trembling all over, Melody jumped in their car and locked all the doors. They’d never started it up so fast, spinning tires for a moment before they were on the move.

    They just drove. No plan, no thoughts. They’d been driving an hour before they realized they’d forgotten to buckle up. Melody pulled into a parking lot and tried to think. There was no going back for their stuff. Beatrix might literally kill them. They shuddered at the thought.

    Going home felt bad too. They’d have to go back eventually but – they couldn’t face mom. Veronica. Jane. Briana. They really couldn’t face their sister. She’d probably cried a ton over them already. All because Melody was too stupid and thirsty to be smart.

    Melody sobbed. They cried, pressing their forehead into the steering wheel, until they felt empty and cold. Emotionally numb and shivering, Melody turned the car heater up as high as it would go. They watched the snow melt on their windshield listlessly. Eventually, hunger won out.

    For the first time ever, it was a good thing that women’s clothing didn’t have pockets. Melody laughed a little hysterically to themself. Tiny pockets had ensured they had their ID and debit card in their phone case. They pried the debit card out and went through a drive through.

    Fed and warm, Melody was feeling a hint of stability return. They drove through the empty, snow-lined streets while they tried to figure out what to say to their roommates. Their family. Mom. Dad. Sister. How were they supposed to face them after causing so much trouble?

    Out of nowhere, their phone alarm went off. Melody nearly collided with a parked car. After swerving to a stop, they picked up their phone. The alarm was from their calendar, entitled: Jaguar Star’s Star Performance!

    “Rosa.” Melody said the name like a prayer.

    She had a derby game today. Last one of the season. Melody had been planning to go, of course. Not that they could go now.

    Then again, why not? Melody stared at the phone. Rosa would be there. They could talk to her now. She hadn’t said never to talk to her again. Just not to until Melody was done with Beatrix. Well, they were done with her for certain now.

    Rosa. Melody sighed, a shaky smile across their lips. They could apologize to her. See her. Even if she didn’t want to be together, it was one tiny thing that Melody could make right.


    The skate arena was freezing. The only shoes Melody had been able to find in their trunk were some flip-flops leftover from summer. They sat, huddled on the bench, wrapped in a blanket from their car’s emergency kit. It was all worth it. They were watching Rosa kick some serious derby ass for her team, the Wrecking Belles.

    She was kicking too much ass, actually. Aggression sent Jaguar Star to the penalty box five times. It was almost enough to foul her out of the game entirely.

    See, Rosa? Melody thought. I know the derby rules!

    Not that it was likely to matter. Melody reminded themself that they were here to apologize and let Rosa know that things were done with Beatrix. That was it. No guilting, no begging, no making things weird. Rosa deserved better than that.

    When the crowd roared for the Wrecking Belle victory, Melody cheered along with them. It was the sportiest they’d ever felt. They were happy for Rosa, but Rosa didn’t look happy for herself. She was like a dark cloud in the midst of her excited, grinning teammates.

    As the crowd got moving, Melody fought their way through. After a whole day without a bathroom, they were desperate to pee. The line for the bathroom was brutal. Melody looked around frantically. Rosa was already leaving!

    “ROSA!” Melody screamed, stumbling across the arena floor in her flip-flops. “HOLD UP!”

    Rosa turned, frowning as she scanned the crowd. Her eyes landed on Melody – and narrowed. That hurt. Melody couldn’t let that stop them. They skidded to a shop in front of Rosa.

    “Hold the fuck up.” They panted.

    “Melody.” Rosa said with a sigh. “I don’t know what’s going on but…”

    “Hold me.” Melody said, “I’m the fuckup.”

    Horribly, Rosa didn’t laugh. They stared at each other as the stomach-twisting tension grew. Finally, Rosa shook her head and barked a laugh.

    “Goddamn it Melody.” Rosa sighed and smiled sadly.

    “I was wrong, about everything.” Melody said in a rush. “I screwed up. I’m really sorry. I’ll never see Beatrix again. You were right. I know this doesn’t fix everything. But, I had to apologize. I’m sorry.”

    “You’re shivering.” Rosa said. “What are you wearing? What is that crappy blanket?”

    “I had to run out of her house. I was there today and it was bad. I had to get away.” Melody said.

    “And you didn’t go home and get warm clothes?” Rosa said. “You came here and watched my whole game in a t-shirt and thin shorts?”

    “Yeah?” Melody said nervously.

    “You dumb baby.” Rosa said. She pulled Melody into her arms. Her big, strong, sweaty arms. Melody sighed in relief. A moment later they had to tense again. They still had to pee!

    “I needed to see you.” Melody said softly. “I know this isn’t fair. I wasn’t going to say this – but I need my mommy.”

    “Little One.” Rosa said, through a sob.

    “I love you.” Melody said, pressing themself against Rosa.

    “I love you too. Even if you’re a total gay disaster. Little One, I missed you so much.”

    Rosa squeezed Melody until they felt like they might break. They nuzzled in closer, whimpering. A little dampness in their shorts made them pull back nervously. It wasn’t really an accident. It’d only happened because Rosa was squeezing so hard.

    “I watched your game.” Melody said. “I didn’t miss it. You won!”

    Rosa laughed. “Jesus Maria y Jose. You are ridiculous. Thank you.”

    Melody shifted their legs close together. The pressure was actively painful now. They couldn’t bear to step away from Rosa. If they did, it felt like she might vanish.

    “Can we go somewhere? Or do you have a team thing?”

    “I had a team thing. Now I have a Little One.” Rosa said. “They weren’t expecting my grumpy butt to be there anyway.”

    “I’m sorry, it’s my fault.” Melody bit their lip. Another trickle escaped before they could clamp down again.

    “Hey, what have we talked about?” Rosa asked. “My emotions are not your responsibility. That’s not something you have to apologize for.”

    “Okay. Thanks, mommy.” Melody squirmed.

    “Are you okay?” Rosa blinked. “Do you need to pee?”

    “Yeah, um…” Melody blushed.

    Rosa pulled the blanket gently open. Melody’s blush redoubled at the reveal of their wet spot.

    “You’re having an accident. Hon, let’s get you to the bathroom.” Rosa took Melody’s hand and stepped in the direction of the locker room.

    It was too much. The thin thread of Melody’s control had been entirely reliant on their legs smashing together. The first step opened the floodgates. Melody came to a stop as hot pee flowed down their legs. With no panties even, the thin shorts were barely a barrier to anything. In mere moments, Melody was in a puddle.

    “Oh Little One, oh no. How come you weren’t wearing protection?”

    “I’m sorry.” Melody whimpered.

    “Hey Jaguar!” A pear-shaped girl with muscley shoulders skated over. “Is this your girlfriend? You two coming to the party?”

    “My joyfriend, Blockingjay.” Rosa corrected her. “I don’t think we can. They just had a bit of an accident.”

    “A what?” Blockingjay looked down and took a hopping step back.

    “It’s been a really rough day, hasn’t it Melody?” Rosa said, wrapping her arms around Melody.

    The embarrassment burned like frost. Melody hid in Rosa’s shoulder.

    “Okay – um yeah, sounds like a bad one. I guess I’ll let you go, but you can’t hide them from us forever, Jaguar!”

    “Next time. We gotta go, obviously. See you later, Bee-Jay.”

    “Damnit Jaguar, don’t call me that!”

    “You picked the name, you should have considered nicknames!” Rosa said, laughing.

    Melody shuffled along with Rosa, pulling the blanket as closely around themself as they could. In the cold of the arena, their legs and crotch were already chilly. Outside, the frozen air was like an ice-blast to Melody’s lower half. Uncontrollable shivers sent their teeth chattering.

    “Where’s your car?” Rosa asked, scanning the parking lot.

    “D-d-did you d-drive?” Melody asked. “I w-wanna go w-with you.”

    “Okay, we can come get your car later. Come on, I’m over here.”

    Rosa put an arm around Melody and hustled them around the side of the arena. Freezing, embarrassed, and still badly shaken up, Melody paid no attention to where they were going. The most they could focus on was putting one foot in front of the other. When they came up against Rosa’s car, they stood there uncomprehending, until Rosa helped them into the front seat.

    The car had been moving for a while before the heater warmed Melody up enough for them to be able to think a little. Rosa didn’t seem to be headed directly to her place. When she turned the car into a grocery store parking lot, Melody reached for the emergency blanket. They found it folded up under their rear. To protect the seat, obviously. Melody hung their head and hoped that Rosa would be quick with whatever she needed.

    “Okay, I don’t have spare pants or anything, but I do have a sweater in the back seat. Put this on for me, baby.”

    Gratefully, Melody squirmed into the sweater. It smelled like Rosa, like Mommy. The sweater was a big, comforting hug.

    “I don’t have any other shoes for you either, but we’ll be fast, okay?”

    “Huh?” Melody looked at Rosa nervously. “What do you mean?”

    “You had an accident, little one. I don’t have any diapers left at my place. We need to pick some up here, and I’m not leaving my baby in the car.”

    “But… my shorts.” Melody whimpered.

    “Yes, they’re wet.”

    “People will see!” Melody whined. “They’ll think I have accidents!”

    “Honey, I know you’ve had a traumatic day, but you also spent who knows how long driving around and at my game without taking care of the bathroom.” Rosa said, stroking Melody’s cheek. “You DID have an accident. I’m going to take care of you, but you need to face the consequences.”

    “P-please, Rosa…”

    “That’s why you came to me, right?” Rosa said, kindly, but with steel under the tone. “To face consequences?”

    Melody swallowed hard. They nodded reluctantly.

    “We will be fast and if someone is nasty, they’ll have to deal with me.” Rosa said. “But you’re coming with me right now, understand?”

    Melody scrunched down inside their borrowed sweater. “Yes Mommy.”

    “Good Niñe.” Rosa said.

    Melody shuffled behind Rosa as much as they could on the way into the store. Their hopes that it might be empty were futile. Holiday shoppers were swarming the place. At least at the entrance, there were so many people that nobody paid the two of them any mind. As they made it further in, Melody began to notice some looks. They tried pulling the sweater down, but it didn’t help.

    There weren’t a lot of people in the incontinence products aisle. An older woman and a middle aged woman were the only other ones. Both looked at Melody and both dropped their gazes before looking away.

    “Okay hon, we don’t have the cute ones here, but which ones would you like?” Rosa asked, pulling out a package of dull gray adult pullups and another of white medical diapers.

    “Just pick and let’s go.” Melody whispered.

    “No, you pick.” Rosa said. She hefted the gray pullups. “These are for adults that are incontinent, but can manage it themselves.”

    “These are for people who need someone else to help them.” Rosa said, hefting the medical diapers.

    Both the other shoppers were staring. Melody was sure they would have been staring too, overhearing this kind of conversation. With a trembling hand, they pointed at the medical diapers. “Those, please.”

    “I thought so, Niñe.” Rosa said, putting the package in Melody’s arms. “I still have the rest of the supplies, but we need to get dinner, since my original plan was to go to dinner with the Belles.”

    The only saving grace of carrying the package of diapers was that Melody could hold them over their wet crotch. With the sweater pulled as far down as possible in the back, the only embarrassing thing was the diapers themselves.

    Rosa selected some frozen chicken nuggets and tater tots, then mercifully lead them to the checkout. Melody had never been so happy that self-checkout existed. As they drove to Rosa’s apartment, Melody decided to venture a question.

    “Um, what about your roommates?”

    “I don’t know if they’re home or not.” Rosa said. “At least one is out of town, but the other two might be there. You can go straight to my room, but they might notice if they’re in the living room.”

    “O-okay.” Melody said. At least the package of diapers had fit in a bag. If Rosa’s roommates saw, they might think it was just a really bad night, like what Rosa had told her teammate. Hopefully, Blocking-Jay had believed Rosa.

    As luck would have it, there were two roomies in the living room when Melody and Rosa arrived. One of them was cooking something, the other didn’t look up from her video game. Melody let out a huge sigh of relief when the bedroom door closed behind them. They wanted to flop on the bed, but fresh wet in their shorts made them hesitate.

    Melody huddled in a corner of the room, concentrating only on not having any more accidents. They didn’t know why their control was so blown out, especially since it hadn’t been an issue with Bea. Thinking the name brought Beatrix’s last blood-curdling scream to mind. Melody shivered and tried to focus on their bladder exclusively.

    “Okay hon.” Rosa said, closing the door behind her. “Our dinner is in the oven, it’s about thirty minutes until we eat. Let’s get you taken care of.”

    She’d kept everything. Rosa laid the Target changing blanket on the bed, along with lotion and baby powder. There was a pair of pajamas too, with fluffy blue clouds on them. Melody lay down on the changing blanket and felt hot tears pour down the sides of their face.

    “It’s okay Niñe.” Rosa said. “I’ve got you.”

    Rosa stripped Melody naked and rubbed their arms and legs down with a towel. Warmth and comfort returned with some little tingles in their hands and feet. Wetness hit their thighs, making Melody yelp. Rosa was on it, pressing the towel in on the blanket and Melody’s crotch.

    “I’m sorry.” Melody whimpered. “I don’t know why this is happening so much.”

    “I think it’s because you feel safe here.” Rosa said, sliding onto the bed next to Melody.

    She cradled Melody’s head on her bosom, stroking their hair as the two of them waited the accident out. The now-sopping towel went in a plastic bag. Rosa tenderly wiped Melody down from crotch to rear, and all the way down their legs with the wet wipes.

    With a diaper under their hips and powder sprinkling on them, Melody started crying again. They didn’t know why, but they couldn’t stop. Being taped up by Rosa helped, even if it wasn’t a poofy, childish diaper. The pajamas helped a lot more.

    With Melody changed and dressed, Rosa just held them. Melody knew that they should talk about things, but the respite felt so good they couldn’t bear to speak. It was simply soft and comforting until the food was done.

    Rosa insisted on feeding Melody their dinner, and they didn’t mind a bit. It was almost like those blissful days when they’d first started doing ABDL scenes in the apartment. The only thorn was the nagging guilt that they shouldn’t be enjoying being babied so much. Not when nothing had been resolved yet. Tears came again, only to be gently wiped away by Rosa without comment.

    Finally, when dinner was put away, Rosa sat Melody on the bed and took a seat across from them, cross legged.

    “Feel better, Melody?” Rosa asked softly.

    “So much better. I – I feel bad. You didn’t have to do all this…”

    “Shhh, it’s okay.” Rosa said. “I wanted to get you out of crisis mode and I knew this would help.”

    “Thank you.” Melody said. “I’m sorry Rosa, I’m really sorry.”

    “This is the part where we talk about things.” Rosa said, leaning forward to hold Melody’s hands. “It – hurt. It hurt a lot to break up with you like that. I had to though. I kept hoping you’d call me, and tell me you were done with Beatrix. I was really worried about you.”

    “I’m sorry.” Melody whimpered. “You were right. You were totally right. It was horrible with Beatrix. I don’t know why I didn’t see it. I couldn’t… I couldn’t stop her. It’s not just the pictures she has. We have a lot of history.”

    “Tell me.” Rosa said softly. “Please. I want to understand.”

    Haltingly, Melody spilled their guts. They started with freshman undergraduate, falling in love with Beatrix, coming out gay, and the nightmare with David. Everything they thought that Rosa should know, they told, from following Beatrix to ABDU, to meeting Briana, to getting mixed up with diapers.

    “So then, after we broke up…” Melody flinched to say it. “She told me she needed me. She said she was freaking out over coming out gay. I felt like I had to help her. She saved me when I was freaking out over that. She saved me from David. But when I went… she just wanted to play her weird games. She wasn’t even upset she – she lied to me about it. Just to get me to do what she wanted.”

    “I really hate that woman.” Rosa said. “Melody, I’m so sorry. That is awful. Um, can I ask something else, even if it’s not uh – totally fair?”

    “Hi, I’m Melody, AMA.” They said, trying a weak smile.

    Rosa laughed, then sighed. “Did – you sleep with her?”

    “I did.” Melody said, hanging their head. “If that’s a deal-breaker…”

    “It’s not. It – hurts. But I’m still willing to try with you.” Rosa squeezed Melody’s hands.

    “Why?” Melody asked. “I want it – but I know I hurt you.”

    “I don’t think you will again.” Rosa said. “Beatrix was a special case. I’m glad you explained your history with her. Mel I – I want to take care of you so badly. It’s a little scary sometimes. I want you to be my baby but – is that what you want?”

    “Yes please, Mommy – Rosa.” Melody said. “I mean, not every second, not – like Briana. But I want it more than we were doing it before.”

    Rosa nodded slowly. “You have a thing going on with Veronica too, right?”

    “I do.” Melody looked down at their lap. “I’m calling her mom. I’m calling Jane dad, too.”

    “So how would that – work?” Rosa asked.

    “It’s more of a family thing with them.” Melody said. “With you it’s – really sexy.”

    “So you’d still be my joyfriend and my Little One?”

    “If you want.”

    Rosa blinked, then wiped tears away with her forearm. “I do. Come here.”

    For the second time in two days, Melody found themself holding someone in desperation. This time it wasn’t passion, it was comfort and love. They both cried, several times during the interminable hug.

    They shifted to lying on the bed, just holding each other. No words, no make outs, just comfort.

    “Are we okay? Really?” Melody whispered.

    “Yes Niñe, we are.” Rosa said, gently kissing Melody’s lips.

    Melody relaxed bonelessly against Rosa. Their diaper felt wet and they didn’t care. It was a hefty enough diaper that they didn’t need to change anyway. With the stress of not knowing what Rosa was going to say finally gone, Melody’s brain caught at a thread that had been bothering them.

    “What’s niñe?” Melody asked. “My Spanish isn’t very good, but isn’t niño boy and niña is girl?”

    “Spanish doesn’t have a gender neutral and EVERYTHING is gendered.” Rosa said. “But some people have been talking about adding a gender neutral. So we’d use an e at the end for gender neutral, instead of an o or an a.”

    “Oh.” Melody wiggled closer to Rosa. “That’s really cool. Did you look that up for me?”

    “Yeah.” Rosa kissed Melody gently. “I love you.”

    “I love you too.” Melody said. “Are we – mommy and niñe right now?”

    “We can be.” Rosa said.

    “How um – how are we going to work out when we do it?”

    “I think that discussion is too much for right now.” Rosa said. “We’re both tired. You can be my baby tonight and we’ll wait on the other big heavy conversation for tomorrow.”

    “Okay, good.” Melody nodded. “But we will talk about it, right?”

    “I promise.” Rosa said. “Real promise, not Beatrix promise.”

    Melody nodded. “Then – mommy?”

    “Yes Niñe?”

    “I need to go. Um, number two.”

    “My roommates are still out there.” Rosa said. “It’s not like when we had the apartment to ourselves.”

    Melody whimpered. “Can you – tell them to get out of the living room?”

    “No, Little One. That wouldn’t be very nice.”

    “But I have to go!”

    “So either I take you to the bathroom and they will probably notice something.” Rosa said. “Or you go here and I change your mess.”

    “You – you don’t have to do that.” Melody said. “You don’t even want to – do you?”

    “I’m willing to try it at least once.” Rosa said. “I really love you. There’s a lot I’d do for you. Changing a messy diaper is actually kind of low on the list.”

    “I’ve never done that.” Melody whimpered. “I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I want that – ever.”

    “If you’re going to be my baby a lot of the time, we’ll probably have to tell my roommates about it at some point.” Rosa said. “I can take you to the bathroom now.”

    “Okay.” Melody whispered. “Please take me to the bathroom, Mommy.”

    Rosa took Melody’s hand. They stepped out into the living room. Dinner was long done, Rosa’s roommates were sitting on the couch and chatting. They looked up expectantly, already a little confused to see Melody in pajamas, being lead by the hand.

    “Hi Maria, Juana.” Rosa said. “This is Melody.”

    “Hey Melody!’ “Nice to meet you!” said Maria and Juana.

    “This has been a crazy emotional night.” Rosa said. “If it’s okay, we’re going to hold off on hanging out with you for tonight. Also, you might notice some weird stuff, Melody and I do some unusual things. I’d like to skip questions and fill you in on anything you need to know later.”

    Maria and Juana looked at each other in surprise at that speech. They shrugged. Juana nodded. Maria said, “You two do you. Nice to meet you for sure.”

    Melody smiled meekly and waved. “Thanks for understanding.”

    With that, Rosa whisked them off to the bathroom. From the back of a drawer, Rosa produced a pacifier. Melody opened their mouth for it obediently. They sucked on the pacifier, feeling content as Rosa stripped off their pajama pants.

    “Looks like you’re already wet.” Rosa said, squishing Melody’s crotch. “Even if we don’t play all the time, you might have to go back to wearing these full time.”

    Melody blushed and squirmed. Diaper off, they sat on the toilet. It took a while, but they managed to overcome their embarrassment and do their business. Still in full mommy-mode, Rosa flushed for them and wiped them clean. Melody had their teeth brushed and face washed before being taken back to the bedroom in their pajamas for a fresh diaper.

    “How’s my Niñe doing?” Rosa asked, when Melody was all padded up.

    “Good, thank you Mommy.”

    “You tired? Turned on? Something else?”

    “Oh – we can do stuff if you want.” Melody said hurriedly. “I’m tired but I’m sure I can…”

    “Little one, shh.” Rosa said. “I just wanted to know. Is it bedtime for my niñe?”

    “I think so.” Melody said with a yawn.

    “I’ll get you tucked in and sing you a lullaby.” Rosa said with a smile.

    Melody smiled radiantly up at Rosa. For a shining moment everything, even having to deal with Veronica, was forgotten. There was just Mommy and comfort and love.