• A Family For Briana: Chapter 10

    Watching Melody go back to that monster broke Briana’s heart. Especially because Mom had let her go. Her pain made her too Little to let her understand why Veronica had done it. There was a part of her that knew she shouldn’t take feelings out on her mom. Listening to that part of her meant going even more Little. Little enough that she was perfectly happy for Veronica to put her in her playpen, in the living room, for the rest of the evening.

    It was time to assemble the forces of Cloudland. There was an invasion of monsters that were all called Beatrix. Briana, Alanna, and the rest of the knights killed a lot of those monsters. They all turned into gross stuff as they died, like poop and snot. The main Beatrix was a big nasty barf monster. Briana felt a better after that horrible thing was banished from the clouds.

    Feeling better wasn’t the same thing as feeling good. Sleep that night wasn’t restful, there were too many dreams. Most of them were just on the edge of being nightmares. Even when morning came, the uneasy feelings stayed. Mom was worried all through their morning routine. Briana found herself comforting Veronica, as much as the other way around.

    They were both waiting for ten AM to come. Briana sat on the floor at Veronica’s feet where they could watch the door. Ten came and went. Mom was on her phone, frantic. Briana didn’t have the heart to ask for details, but it didn’t look like anything good was happening.

    Finally, Veronica tossed her phone into her purse and stood up. “Briana, are you alright taking a trip in the car dressed like you are now, or do you need a change of clothes?”

    Briana looked down at her onesie and tights. Her diaper was pretty obvious, especially since it was a little wet. That didn’t really bother her, but she didn’t want to be around a bunch of people dressed that way. In case some of them were jerks. On the other hand, Mom looked like she was in a big hurry.

    “If I don’t have to get out of the car it’s fine.” Briana said. “Where are we going, mommy?”

    “To get your sibling.” Veronica said. “Put your shoes on. I’m going to get your father.”

    Nervous but hopeful, Briana waddled over to the door and got her shoes on. Mom and Dad joined her, in the middle of a discussion.

    “We both know that she is going to be extremely nasty.” Jane said. “But more than that, I’m sure she will blow you off and tell you to leave. What will you do then?”

    “Argue with her.” Veronica said. “This situation has escalated in part because Beatrix doesn’t have enough people pushing back against her unacceptable behavior.”

    “A shouting match on her doorstep is your plan? You expect to get results from that?” Jane shook her head. “Love, this isn’t like you.”

    “It wasn’t like me until I became a mother.” Veronica said. “I don’t care how small the chance is, I’m taking it. I’m going to do everything I possibly can to help Melody, even if it makes me look stupid or foolish.”

    Jane took Veronica in her arms. They held each other tightly. Briana joined in on the hug, wrapping her arms around both of them as best she could.

    “I love you and I understand. Let’s tilt at this windmill.” Jane said.

    “Thank you. Can you get our daughter into the car?” Veronica asked.

    “You’re driving? While you’re this upset?”

    “I need something to do that isn’t stewing in my emotions.” Veronica said.

    Jane nodded. “Alright. Come on Bri.” She took Briana’s hand and got her well buckled up.

    Mom’s worry was palpable on the drive over. It lay over everyone in the car like a lead blanket. Briana began to wish she had transformed big before they’d come, just to be able to better handle the emotions. There hadn’t been time, though. Little Briana understood enough to know that Big Briana was not going to be okay sitting in the car in a onesie and a wet diaper.

    When they arrived at the house, Briana shivered. The sight of it briefly brought back the numbing cold she’d felt on her ill-advised adventure. It was a horrible place. A horrible place her sibling was stuck in.

    “Do you want me to come with you?” Dad asked.

    “Only if you feel you need to be there.” Mom said. “This is going to escalate enough without starting it out two against one.”

    “I will wait in the car. I love you.” Jane said.

    “I love you mama!” Briana said, projecting every bit of love she could manage toward Veronica.

    “I love you both. I’ll be back in a moment, hopefully with Melody in tow.” Veronica checked her war-paint, lightly adjusting one of her eyeliner wings with a black lacquered fingernail, and stepped out of the car.

    Briana stared out the window. It was like watching a scary scene in a movie. The raven-clad heroine going to retrieve her child from the den of monsters. Briana clutched Alanna and prayed. She didn’t have any gods to pray to, so she prayed to the powers of Cloudland. Protect my mommy, she begged them, save my sibling.

    It took a while for the door to open after Veronica knocked. Even from the car, Briana could see that Beatrix looked like hell. She wasn’t the put-together, controlling beauty she’d been when Briana had invited her over. She was wearing a camisole top and some shorts. Her hair was wild.

    Then the shouting started. Try as she might, Briana couldn’t make out the words. She was afraid to roll her window down, afraid to attract Beatrix’s attention. Mom was so brave, but Beatrix was making that angry face again. The one that turned her from a model-beautiful women into mask-faced monster. Whatever venomous words she was spewing, Alanna thought Briana was better off not hearing them.

    Alanna was probably right, as usual.

    The shouting was going on for a really long time. Finally, Mom threw her hands up in the air, yelling loud enough to match Beatrix’s volume. All that got her was the door slammed in her face. It hit the frame so hard it could have been a firecracker going off.

    Shaking, Veronica made her way back to the car. She paused outside the door for a few moments to take some deep breaths, then climbed back into the driver’s seat.

    “Are you alright?” Jane asked.

    “That woman is a monster.” Veronica said. “I have never been so angry in my entire life.”

    “Please be careful my love. I am worried about Melody too, but don’t let Beatrix get too much power over you as well.”

    “Ja, man muss seinen Feinden erziehen, aber nicht eher, als bis sie gehängt worden.“ Veronica said, in what sounded to Briana like excellent German. The accent matched Dad’s really well, at least.

    “Passen Sie auf, dass Sie Dantes und nicht Monte Cristo bleiben.” Jane replied. “Do you want me to drive home?”

    “I need the distraction again.” Veronica said.

    Briana realized she was biting her lip so much that she’d nearly made herself bleed. She wished she could say something, anything to make the situation better. She wished she could ask about what happened, but it had obviously been horrible. There had to be something she could do.

    Finally, she fell back on her old standby, leaning forward and putting her head on Veronica’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry. I love you, Mommy.”

    Veronica sighed, shuddering. She cupped Briana’s head gently, kissed her hair. Dad leaned in as well, pulling them all into a firm hug. They held that for a while. It helped, a bit.

    Then, what could they do? Briana got buckled up again and they left that accursed place. Mom’s hurt might have been blunted, but her anger wasn’t. Briana was pretty sure she saw Veronica use The Force or witchcraft on several traffic lights, changing them to green by the sheer power of her glare.

    Back at home, the house was empty and quiet. No roommates, no sibling. Briana stuck close to her parents (her real parents!), not wanting either of them out of touching range. The feeling seemed to be mutual. They got Briana changed into a new diaper together, had a quiet lunch together, and sat in Mom and Dad’s sitting room together.

    Dad was pretending to read. Mom was looking out the window. Briana was cuddling Alanna at their feet. It was so quiet that Briana could hear the snow falling gently on the roof.

    The sound of Veronica’s phone shattered the quiet. They all jumped! Dad dropped her book. Veronica’s mad scramble to grab her phone knocked her favorite lamp onto the floor, shattering it. Dad and Briana stared at Veronica, hoping against hope.

    “It’s not Melody.” Veronica said. “It’s my mother. Sorry for scaring everyone.”

    Dad murmured that it was okay. Briana leaned her head against Mom’s leg. So it was Mom’s Mom on the phone. Michelle. Grandma. (Maybe) After taking another big breath, Veronica answered the phone.

    “Hello Mom, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Veronica asked, keeping her tone light.

    “News? What kind of – oh, alright, please tell me.”

    “They found what?” Veronica’s voice cracked.

    Briana looked up at her mom in terror. It looked like the whole rest of Mom was going to crack. She had tears in her eyes already, her hand was white-knuckled on the phone.

    “Of course, I’m coming now. The next plane, whenever that is.” Veronica said. “Oh goddess, are you alright? Where’s my sister?”

    “Geneva? Of course. Mom, I wish I’d known that was now, I’m sorry for letting it slip. I should have been up there, or brought you here.”

    “That’s nice of you to say, but I’ll feel better when I see you. Can I call someone for you? Do you need anything now?”

    “That was nice of her. I’ll make sure to thank her when I get…” Veronica looked over at Dad, who was making a ‘us together’ gesture. “when possibly the two of us get there. Yes, Jane. I think so too, it’s just – never mind, I will make it work. I love you, Mom. I’ll be there as fast as I can.”

    Veronica hung up the phone. A sob burst out of her, all her big mommy control was gone. Briana clung to Veronica’s leg. Dad was out of her chair, hugging Veronica tightly.

    “Do you want to talk about it?” Jane asked.

    “I think you probably heard enough for now. I just – I don’t know what to do. I have to go help her. I want you to be there, but we can’t leave Briana.”

    Briana felt like a bug. They couldn’t bring her along, of course. She was too weird to show off to Michelle when she was little. Being big wouldn’t last long enough. At least she had her Mom and Dad. That would be enough. She was clutching Alanna tightly enough that the lioness’ stitches were straining, but she couldn’t make herself stop.

    “Can’t Gary…” Jane asked.

    “No, he’s out of town. Everyone is out of town.” Veronica said.

    “So we hire a sitter.” Jane said.

    “We – what?” Veronica looked at Jane in shock. “We hire some callow high schooler to come take care of our daughter?”

    “There’s a service. I’m surprised you haven’t heard about it, though I guess it’s not normally for adult babies.” Jane said. “It’s an app where you can hire someone for – whatever. One of the people on that app specializes in adult babysitting.”

    “That is insane.” Veronica said. “You want to hire an adult escort to take care of Briana?”

    “You are going to be taking your mother to the hospital.” Jane said. “Who’s going to take care of her dogs? Who’s going to take care of you? What happens when you need food? You’d rather leave her and go to the cafeteria than have me get it for you?”

    “But, there has to be a way…”

    “I’ll do it, mommy.” Briana said. “I’ll be good, and brave. I’m s-sorry I can’t come and see – Michelle. But I’ll be super good for the sitter, it’ll be okay. I promise. I swear on my honor as a knight.”

    “Oh darling.” Veronica sobbed again.

    She pulled Briana into her lap, squeezing her until Briana thought her ribs would crack. It was just about a tight enough hug for the situation.

    “I’m not ashamed of you.” Veronica said. “I need you to know that.”

    “I believe you.” Briana said. “I understand about Michelle. It’s okay.”

    “It’s NOT okay.” Veronica said. “But this isn’t the time to surprise her with something that will take a lot of thinking. Mom is – there’s something very scary wrong with her. Stress, confusion, worry, all of those things are big no-nos for her right now.”

    “But she’s going to be okay?” Briana asked, in a tiny voice.

    “She will. She’s going to get excellent medical care, and it’s a fixable thing.” Veronica said. “When she recovers, I will explain to her about you. After all, she can’t have Christmas by herself.”

    “She’s coming here?” Briana asked, clutching nervously at Veronica’s dress.

    “She is. When she does, you’ll be calling her Grandma, understand?” Veronica sniffled, recovering some of her composure. “It’s a little impertinent for a little girl to call her Grandmother by her first name.”

    “Are you sure?”

    “As sure as I’ve been of anything.” Veronica said. “You’re going to meet your grandmother as soon as you can.”

    “Both of your grandmothers.” Jane said. “And your grandfather, though my parents won’t be able to make it from Germany this Christmas, on such short notice.”

    “Mommy, Daddy.” Briana said, sniffling back tears. “I’m sorry for making this about me. You’re both really worried and…”

    “And we are your parents, so part of our job at this time is to take care of you, my baby bee.” Jane said.

    There was yet another group hug. It was too bad that a day with so many big hugs had to be so rough. It had to end quickly too, because Mom and Dad were both in their busy mode.

    “Will you set up an interview with that person?” Veronica asked. “I am NOT trusting Briana to them without an interview. If they can’t make it today, then they don’t get the job.”

    “I’ll let her know. She’s a ABDU student. Named Monserrat.” Jane said.

    “Thank you love. I’m going to buy the tickets. Does that app have identity information like a driver’s license or something, to validate the person you’re hiring?”

    “I believe so, but you only have access once you book the job and put down a non-refundable deposit.”

    “Please do that, and send the information to Simon’s email. I’ll call him after, so he can get a rush background check done.”

    “I think I’m going to do something too.” Briana said. Both her parents looked at her curiously. “I’m going to switch to big, and get registered for classes.”

    “It’s working well enough for you that you feel confident about that?” Veronica asked.

    “Yes Mama.” Briana smiled. “I was planning to do it sometime this week anyway. If I do it now, you can concentrate on what you’re doing, without having to take care of me.”

    “Honey, we don’t mind…”

    “I know, but this is a way I can help Grandma.” Briana said. It still felt weird to call Michelle that. Like she didn’t have the right yet. Not that she didn’t believe what Mom had said, but she didn’t know what Michelle’s reaction would be. Plus, Briana might be little, but she wasn’t dumb. Michelle was in some kind of scary medical situation. There might be bad news instead of a grandma for Christmas. Really, really bad news.

    “You are a darling. In that case I can do the interview in my office on campus. That’ll be easier for everyone probably. I’ll drive you over to campus, okay?”

    “Thanks Mommy.” Briana said. She gave Mom and Dad both a big hug, and left them to their planning.

    In her room, Briana set Alanna carefully in the crib and stepped away. It was time to be big. Not as a cute thing to flirt with Gary, not to be walked through a court date with her parents. On her own, for a few hours at least.

    “Shazam!” Briana said. It was ridiculous, but it was a nice way to cap off being little for a bit. In her mind’s eye she imagined putting on her big self like armor. One by one she counted off her Big-Self abilities. Microbiology knowledge! Determination! Courage!

    Most of all, she had a mom and dad, even when she was big now. It was on paper, big people paper, recorded in government buildings. Despite everything that had happened that day, Briana had to smile. It was still so new and wonderful.

    Now that her mental armor was set, nestling her little-self safely in her heart, she needed outer armor. Briana opened her drawers. Her dusty panties were tempting, but too risky for a first try. The diaper had to go, though. Briana stripped down, starting off her outfit with a pair of pullups.

    With a rush of excitement, Briana realized she could wear pants! Long underwear went on first, but after that, a pair of jeans felt great. She put on a cute blouse and responsibly covered it with an equally cute sweater. Gloves, hat, scarf, coat, and sensible shoes were all going to be needed. Big Briana could do it, without making Mom and Dad do it for her.

    Unlike her panties, Briana’s desk was dusty in more than a metaphorical sense. Good thing Mom hadn’t seen that! With the dust whisked away, Briana gathered up her purse and ID card, her banking info that Veronica had given her, and all her financial aid stuff. Most of the aid was probably void at this point, but whatever money she could save her family was a good thing.

    With glee, Briana did her makeup in cute pinks and reds, with just a hint of gold. It was unfortunate that she didn’t have time to do her nails. That was okay, it left something extra for next time.

    She was ready at the door with all her stuff before her parents were. It was a new, exciting kind of joy to see them so proud of her. Yes, Big Briana would need to be around to stay. Little Briana could see the advantages.

    The rest of her big-time was not nearly as satisfying. There was a lot of waiting and filling out of forms. Partway through, Mom texted her to let her know that the babysitter checked out. Briana sighed in relief. That was one less thing for her parents to worry about.

    She met Monserrat outside the admin building and was immediately struck by how big the woman was. Monchi was Casey-sized! The comparison was especially apt when Briana found out that Monserrat and Casey had been sexy-friends at some point.

    Being babysat by a stranger was strange at first, but Briana was honestly too distracted worry about that. Even after she was little, all her worries were reserved for Melody and Michelle. It was a tribute to how nice Monserrat was that Briana had a good time at all. The chocolate-dipped churros helped a little too.

     The highlight of the evening was a video call to Mom. Briana was desperate to hear that at least one of her people was okay.

    “Hi Mama!” Briana said, waving frantically at the tablet, from Monserrat’s lap.

    “Hello Baby Bee.” Veronica said, with a tired smile.

    “Where’s Daddy?”

    “Taking care of the dogs.” Veronica said. “She wishes she could call you, but the house internet is down. It looks like Mom needs a little more help than she was letting on.”

    “But you and the doctors fixed everything, right?” Briana asked.

    “The surgery was successful.” Veronica said. “She isn’t completely out of the woods yet, but it is very good news.”

    “Mama, I’m so glad! I was super big worried about you all day! Grand- uh, Michelle too!”

    “You can call her Grandma if you want, sweetie. Thank you. It helps a lot, knowing that you’re safe and supporting me. Have you heard anything from Melody?”

    “No, nothing.” Briana sighed. “I was hoping they’d be here when we got back.”

    “Me too. Don’t give up hope. I’m not giving up on them.”

    “I know you won’t. I’ll let you know if I find out anything.”

    “That’s my good girl.” Veronica said. Briana beamed, bouncing on Monserrat’s lap to make sure that her babysitter saw her get the compliment.

    “I miss you Mommy. We’re having fun here. We made cookies!”

    “I miss you too and I’m glad to hear you’re having fun.” Veronica said with a soft laugh. It was the first laugh she’d had since Melody hadn’t come home. Briana’s heart soared to hear it.

    “I have to go to bed soon, but I love you Mommy! Please tell Daddy that I love her.”

    “I will. She’s coming by the hospital in a couple of hours. I’m spending the night here tonight. If everything goes well, we’ll be home tomorrow by late morning.”

    “Grandma will be all better by then?”

    “No, she has to stay in the hospital for a few days. We’ll come get her when she’s out. The doctors say it should be before Christmas.”

    “I hope so. I’ll wish extra hard for her. If you get to talk to her about me, tell her I’m thinking about her. You don’t have to though, if I don’t come up. Just if I do, okay?”

    “I will, baby bee. I’m looking forward to introducing you.”

    A nurse-type person was suddenly hovering behind Veronica. She looked back and nodded to them. When she turned back to the camera, she didn’t seem upset. Briana breathed another sigh of relief.

    “I have to go, little one. Be good for your babysitter. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

    “I will! Love you mama!”

    “Love you, Briana.”

    Briana leaned against Monserrat with a happy sigh. Grandma Michelle being okay made three people in Briana’s life that were doing a lot better. Melody was still a big worry, but things were big-better now.

    “I’m glad your Mom and Grandma are doing well.” Monserrat said. “Feel better?”

    “Yes, thanks for helping me call Mom.” Briana said.

    “It’s just about your bedtime. It feels like you need a change too.” Monserrat said.

    “Will you read me a story?” Briana asked. Maybe a story would keep her from worrying about Melody right as she fell asleep.

    “Sure, sounds fun.” Monserrat said with a grin.

    Briana looked up at her babysitter. It wasn’t really fair how little she’d paid attention to her before. It was a day for things not being fair, unfortunately. She was younger than Briana in big-people years. An undergraduate student for sure.

    Monchi seemed to be having fun babysitting Briana. At the very least, she wasn’t freaked out by Briana’s little-self, or changing diapers or any of it.

    Right at the beginning, Briana had considered telling Monserrat that she needed to use the bathroom for everything. That had been a mean thought, and she regretted it now. It’d serve her right if Krampus showed up just for thinking that. The world needed more people like Monchi, and less like Beatrix.

    Briana was on her very best behavior as Monchi got her ready for bed. Now that she was paying attention, she was impressed with how good Monserrat’s diaper-changes were. She had to make sure to give Mom a good report, so that Monchi could get more jobs. Some little out there would love having a mommy like Monchi!


    Briana could see Melody from across the airport. She ran as fast as she could, pushing her way against people who kept stepping into her path. Every third one would smash her with a heavy suitcase, sending Briana flying. Mom was nowhere to be found, her flight wasn’t in yet. This was the only chance to stop Melody from going away forever.

    No matter how fast she ran, Briana couldn’t seem to get closer. There were too many people, too many suitcases. Beatrix was next to Melody, putting her gross hand on their arm. Melody turned their pleading eyes away from Briana and stepped through airport security.

    Finally to the station herself, Briana threw herself at the security forces. They held her back, pinning her limbs so that she couldn’t move at all. Beatrix’s mocking laugh sounded from all the agents surrounding her. Far ahead, Beatrix pushed Melody onto a plane.

    The plane blasted it’s engines like rockets and shot into the sky. Words in red flashed over the gate. Departing: Gone Forever.

    “MELODY!!!” Briana screamed.

    She woke in her crib, her throat sore from being rattled by her scream. Alanna was there. So many stuffies were there, but no Melody. The house was quiet, dark, and cold. There wasn’t even a shred of big armor left. Briana sobbed, broken hearted, for her sibling that was lost.

    “Hey, Briana, what’s wrong hon?” Monserrat asked. Briana hadn’t even heard her come in the room.

    “I hada bad dream.” Briana sniffled. “Beatrix kidnapped Melody and took them away and I was never going to see them again.”

    “I’m sorry, baby girl. It’s okay, it was just a bad dream.”

    “But what if it wasn’t?” Briana said, sniffling. “What if I never see my sibling again?”

    “Oh sweetheart, I’m sure that won’t happen.” Monserrat said. “Your mom wouldn’t let it.”

    “I want my mommy.” Briana said, whimpering. “Please call mommy.”

    “Hon, it is – four am.” Monserrat said, checking the baby monitor and wincing. “It’s just a bad dream. It’s going to be okay. Let’s let your mom sleep.”

    No matter how much she begged, Briana couldn’t get Monserrat to call Mom. The most she could do was insist that Monchi not leave her. To her relief, Monserrat carried Briana downstairs and got a snack going. She even gave Briana a nighttime change. It was so gentle and caring, especially from a stranger. The fear-icicles in Briana’s tummy were slowly melting.

    “You’d be a good momma.” Briana said, nuzzling Monserrat’s hand.

    “You uh – think so?” Monserrat asked.

    “Yeah. I already have a momma. But I bet some other little girl would like having you for a mom.” Briana emphasized the point. It was important for Monserrat to know that she was a good caregiver. People needed to be told when they were good, or they would turn out like Melody, too scared to believe in themselves, easy prey for someone like Beatrix.

    “Heh, I think I’m a little young for that.” Monserrat said. “I’m younger than you, in regular years.”

    “Someday.” Briana nodded decisively. She wondered if there was a way to meet more littles in town. There had to be somebody out there that needed Monserrat. Somebody that Monserrat would find out she needed, too.

    “Maybe.” Monserrat said, picking Briana up.

    They went back to the kitchen, where Monchi had some of Mom’s milk warmed up. Best of all, they went up to Mom’s room and cuddled in bed together. Briana felt sleep rushing back in as she sucked on the bottle. A warm, comforting person next to her, the smell of Mom’s bed, the taste of her milk, it was exactly what she needed. There were no more bad dreams.

    The morning was all anticipation. Nothing really mattered except that Mom was going to be home soon. As soon as the door opened, Briana was on the move! She threw herself into Mom’s arms with a big squeal, hugging her tightly. Mom hugged back just as hard. Dad got a hug too, but she was standing right there, so Briana couldn’t really throw herself at Jane. That was okay. Dad understood.

    To Briana’s delight, Veronica was even happier with Monserrat than Briana had hoped. She even talked about doing some school stuff to help Monchi out. Briana was sure that would work out well, Mom was super important at school for some reason. When Monserrat left, wishing them a Merry Christmas, Briana waved for all she was worth.

    “How’s Grandma?” Briana asked, the moment the door closed.

    “She’s going to be okay.” Relief radiated out of Veronica. “She has to stay in the hospital for a few days, maybe a week, but she’ll be out by Christmas for sure.”

    “That’s a long time.” Briana said, wide eyed. “Is it okay if – if I ask…”

    “Let’s sit down and talk about what happened.” Veronica said. “If you’re feeling okay for this discussion.”

    “Do I have to be big?”

    “Not unless you feel you need to be.” Veronica said, leading Briana to the couch and sitting next to her. Dad took a seat at the other end of the couch. Briana pressed her feet against Jane so she could be connected to Dad too.

    “Tell Little me, please.” Briana said.

    “Grandma was very sick.” Veronica said. “She still is, but she’s getting better fast. She had some problems with her heart and her lungs. Her heart and lungs were making problems for her brain too. It was very scary.”

    Briana shivered. She hadn’t even seen a picture of Michelle, but she could imagine how scary it would be to have such big health problems. It hadn’t even been a year since she’d had potty problems; and she’d melted down about that.

    “But the doctors fixed it?” Briana asked. She needed to be sure. Grandma needed to be okay.

    “That’s right. They fixed Grandma’s heart, got the bad stuff out of her lungs, and now there’s no danger to her brain. She’s going to be okay, just a little physically weak for a while.”

    “It is good that you specified physically.” Jane said. “This is your mother’s mother, Briana. She had the whole hospital jumping to her commands.”

    Briana giggled. Double-giggled when she caught Mom looking proud at that.

    “Rasmussen women are not to be trifled with.” Veronica said. “That includes you, baby bee. Grandma is excited to meet you.”

    “Really?” Briana hid her face in mom’s comforting, pillowy chest. “Even though – everything?”

    “Yes. I told her all about you. She has a lot of questions, more than I could answer with the time I had and the energy that she had.” Veronica stroked Briana’s back. “But those don’t matter. Do you want to hear what she said after I told her that I adopted you?”

    “Yes please.” Briana whispered.

    “She said,” Veronica shifted her voice, imitating a regal-sounding woman that Briana had never met. “If that’s done, then nothing else matters. She’s family. We love her.”

    Briana was crying. That was okay. She was a baby. Babies cried. This time there was a super good reason.

    “That’s not all she said.” Jane said, chuckling. “She also told you that you were in trouble, for keeping from her someone so important to you.”

    “You didn’t have to repeat that part.” Veronica said, bashfully.

    Briana lifted her head and wiped her tears. “You got in trouble?”

    “If you think I’m strict – well you’ll meet her.” Veronica said.

    “Is she scary?” Briana asked.

    “You have nothing to worry about.” Jane said. “I asked Michelle to be kind to you. She told me that if you’re a bad girl, then it’s your mother’s fault. She said she wouldn’t bother disciplining you, she’d discipline her own daughter instead.”

    “Look at how much you’re sharing today.” Veronica said wryly to Jane. “Where’s the lovely, taciturn German woman I started dating?”

    Briana giggled. “It’s okay Mommy, I can show you how to earn Santa Points if you need them.”

    “Briana Rasmussen,” Veronica said, “Don’t you dare make a game of getting me in trouble with my mother. You will not like what happens if you do that, do you understand me?”

    “Eep!” Briana squirmed. “Yes Mommy. I’ll be good.”

    “I’m glad to hear it. Santa still has time to leave things out of the sack.”

    “Krampus will be sniffing around too.”

    Briana whimpered. “I’m trying to be a good girl, really!”

    Veronica smiled, kissing Briana on the forehead. “You are my best baby girl. I love you so much. My only real worry for Christmas is that you will be a spoiled little girl after all the presents Santa is going to bring.”

    “I’m sure I won’t get spoiled, tell him to bring all of them!” Briana said, giggling again.

    “I don’t know, you look a little spoiled around the edges.” Jane said, taking hold of Briana’s feet.

    “Nuh uh!” Briana protested.

    Before she could figure out what Dad was doing, Mom had one of her arms and was tickling her side! She squirmed and shrieked, but she couldn’t kick! Even worse, Dad was strong enough to hold her legs with one hand, freeing up a hand to tickle Briana behind her knees.

    Screaming, laughing, and shrieking, Briana felt her diaper grow warm. When her parents finally relented, she lay between them, pouting.

    “You made me pee myself.” Briana accused.

    “You noticed, even when you were little?” Veronica asked. “Good girl!”

    “I’m proud of you.” Jane said.

    “I’ve been trying to notice, since we talked about maybe potty-training.” Briana said.

    “And I still haven’t helped you as much as I should have.” Veronica said. “I’m sorry hon.”

    “It’s okay, I’m worried about Melody too. You didn’t hear from them?” Briana asked.

    “No.” Veronica said.

    “Nein.” Jane said.

    “Me either.” Briana sighed. “I checked my phone right before you got home, and I have the ringer on super loud.”

    “I wish there was more we could do.” Jane said.

    “There is.” Veronica said grimly.

    They both looked at her curiously, Jane with a lot more alarm than Briana.

    “I’m giving this one more day, two at the absolute most. After that, I’m going to hire a private investigator. To find out if Melody is still at that house, and to help us deal with Beatrix as well.”

    “They weren’t at the house when you went there yesterday?” Jane asked.

    “I don’t know.” Veronica said. “They didn’t come to the door or say anything, if they were. Beatrix wouldn’t tell me anything.”

    “But where would they be if they weren’t with Beatrix, or us?” Briana asked plaintively.

    “I don’t know. I hope they know they could come home, but we had a bad phone conversation the last time we talked. I’m worried that they may feel like running.”

    “They aren’t responding to my texts, at least.” Jane said sadly.

    “So what do we do?” Briana asked.

    “You be a good girl and be ready to give your sibling all the love they need when we get them back here.” Veronica said. “I’ve already put some things in motion. As soon as Melody is back, I’m ending this. Our family has been held hostage by Beatrix long enough.”

    “Momma?” Briana asked.

    “Yes sweetie?”

    “How come you can say stuff like that?” Briana asked. “I don’t mean that it’s bad, but most people can’t just – make stuff happen.”

    “I suppose we should have a longer conversation about the Rasmussens in this town.” Veronica said. “Are you up for that as well?”

    “Yes!” Briana said. “I’ve been realizing I don’t know all kinda stuff. Like if we’re religious, or why you’re an important lady, or the history of our family. Gary helped me pick Tess for my middle name. He said that she was the first Rasmussen in town; that she did something important. I didn’t want him to tell me what. I wanted to hear it from you.”

    “That’s why you picked Tess?” Veronica smiled. “Oh that is going to make Grandma so happy, that you wanted to honor our Magna-Grandma.”

    “Magna-Grandma?” Briana asked. Oh gosh, was Tess a superhero?

    “That’s what we call her, because there are a few too many ‘greats’ to say them all.” Veronica said. “I suppose I better start at the beginning. Jane, do you think you could grab a plate of Christmas cookies?”

    “I’ll make some tea too.” Jane said.

    “I want hot cocoa!” Briana said. “There’s some really good melted chocolate that Monchi made in the kitchen.”

    Jane laughed. “You’re lucky you’re so adorable.”

    As Dad headed to the kitchen to prepare things, Mom sat Briana up on the couch.

    “I want to start this discussion by telling you that we don’t flaunt our wealth or influence, at least not without a very good reason. Melody is a good reason for me to flex the influence our family has in town. I don’t want you lording your status over other people, especially at the University.”

    “I won’t.” Briana said, sincerely. “I don’t even know how I’d do that. I never had that stuff growing up.”

    “It is surprisingly easy to do once you start.” Veronica said. “I’m sure that Grandma is going to give me a talking to when she finds out everything I’ve done trying to help Melody. Even if it’s for a good reason, you have to be careful. We won’t be bullies. Understand? Our family uses our resources to help people, we do not tear people down.”

    Briana smiled. “We’re Knights!”

    Veronica laughed. “Well I know that Tess fought in at least one duel, so she would probably like that.”

    “She did!?” Briana’s stared, goggle-eyed, at her mom.

    “She did.” Veronica said, wryly. “With pistols. The so-called gentleman who went up against her didn’t survive.”

    “She KILLED someone?” Briana’s mouth fell open.

    “Well it wasn’t her first choice, but I’ve been told that Magna-Grandma felt she didn’t have another option. Duels were more accepted then, even if they were going out of fashion.” Veronica said. “That’s the second rule and it’s more important than the first one. We do not let our family come to harm. If they do anyway, we use all our power to fix it.”

    “Mama! You’re starting in the middle of everything!” Briana said. She didn’t know if even hot cocoa was going to be enough to handle more shocking tidbits about her ‘Magna-Grandma’.

    “I’m sorry!” Veronica laughed. “There’s a lot of history about Magna-Grandma. A fair amount of it is scandalous or heroic.”

    “Please start at the beginning, Mama.” Briana scolded.

    “Very well.” Veronica said. “Magna-Grandma came to America from Norway in 1794, when she was only eighteen. Her parents could see that the young country was going to be influential and wanted her to establish the family there.”

    “Do we have family in Norway!?” Briana asked.

    “Not anymore. I’ll get to that. Shush.” Veronica said.

    “Sorry Mommy.” Briana squirmed into a comfortable position on her squishy diaper, staring up at Mom in rapt attention as Tess’ tale unfolded.