My ABDL Homage to Rocky Horror.

When Charles and Dotty's car breaks down on their way to a remote getaway, they've got a lot of problems. They're going to miss their ferry, but they've also wet their pants from driving so long without a break!

Unbeknownst to them, those problems are the least of what's in store for them. With no cell signal to call for help, they seek out a strange nearby building in the hopes that it'll have Wi-Fi.

What they discover in that building is something they won't forget, for the rest of their lives.
  • Tammy Bambino – Chapter 1

    Dramatis Personae

    • Fanny O’Flogger                    A Mommy
    • Dotty McGee                          A Heroine
    • Charles Chadwick                  A Hero
    • Hoi Polloi                               An Orderly
    • Violet                                      A Nurse
    • Lesbiab                                   A Middle
    • Dr. Vanessa Magnusson       A Rival Mommy
    • Tammy                                   A Test Subject
    • Elsie                                        An Ex-Delivery Girl
    • Betty Beige                             An Expert

    Scene 1 – Introduction / Dotty Potty

    Presenting a science fiction, ABDL story of danger, daring, and wet pants.

    From the desk of Betty Beige, MSCCJ, ABDU Criminal Justice Department, Ardenthill:

    What you read in this report may shock and titillate you. Contained within is the story of a hapless couple, Dotty McGee and Charles Chadwick, as they traveled from their home in Ardenthill to take a vacation in Maine.

    Somewhere along the way, their vacation was derailed in an area with no cellular service or GPS coverage. Though they and other witnesses were able to give detailed descriptions of the area and building where they had their encounter, investigators found no trace of the place they described.

    Due to the strange nature of this incident, it is best to follow the story as it was experienced by our principle witnesses. Without further ado, I invite you to join our Heroine and Hero, already lost on their journey. The road is rough, and their tiny Fiat is unequal to the task…

    Dotty had crossed her legs for the past hour of driving. Now, she’d given up all pretense and was pressing her palm against her crotch to stave off an accident. Worst of all, the road around them was nothing but scrub fields and sparse woods. There hadn’t been a sign of human habitation for miles.

    It was nice of Dr. Magnusson to lend them the use of her cabin, but Charles shouldn’t have listened to her about her “shortcut”. When she’d checked the map on her phone, there had been a perfectly good route up the coast.

    “I don’t understand why we couldn’t have stopped at any of the last three gas stations!” Dotty said in distress.

    “We have a ferry to catch in Rockland,” Charles said. “If we miss it, not only do we miss our first day at the cabin, but we don’t have the luggage we shipped ahead of us.”

    “It doesn’t take long to pee!”

    “It does if we stop at every gas station on the way. Come on, Dotty Potty, we agreed we’d make this trip fast when we woke up late this morning.”

    “I told you not to call me that.” Dotty glared at Charles.

    Surely, he had to go as well. They’d both drunk a full water bottle at least, thanks to the excessive salt in the trail mix her mom had made. His square jawed face showed no ruffle of distress, which only made Dotty’s frustration worse.

    “Whenever time we take a trip you have to stop every five miles to use the restroom. You claim you can’t hold it, but you’ve been doing great today and we’re flying along!”

    “I’m about to pee my pants! Promise me we’ll stop at the next gas station, or you’ll have to clean my seat.”

    Charles rolled his eyes. The car rumbled over a bump, weakening Dotty’s wavering control and loosing a splash of urine into her panties. She managed to hold back the flood, but the pressure had officially become pain.

    Her only consolation was that Charles had winced when the car had lurched. It’d serve him right if he ended up with wet pants because of his insane ban on all stops. The car began shaking in earnest, forcing Dotty to bite her lip to hold back an accident.

    “Oh no, I think we have a flat.” Charles gripped his short, dark hair in distress.

    Dotty hardly had time to be horrified by that information when the car hit what felt like a tremendous pothole. The resulting bounce obliterated Dotty’s fragile control. Hot pee gushed out of her, soaking her shorts and the car seat alike.

    “Damn this road!” Charles said, grimacing.

    “The road?! Damn this whole crazy ‘shortcut’ of yours, and your stupid no stops rule. You made me wet myself!”

    “Most people can hold it for more than a couple of hours, Dotty Potty.” Charles climbed out of the car to inspect the driver’s side front wheel.

    “I don’t know why I put up with you when you’re so mean to me!” Dotty scrambled out of her seat and rounded the car. If Charles thought he could escape being chewed out, he was badly mistaken.

    At first blush, Charles looked like he was crouched down to take a close look at the wheel. There wasn’t a lot of question about what was wrong. The tire wasn’t just flat, it had partially detached from the rim. Gearing up to continue her tirade, Dotty realized Charles had a hand pressing against his crotch.

    “You DO have to go! I knew it!”

    “I’ll just go behind a bush.”

    “Oh no you don’t!” Dotty caught Charles as he was rising, grabbing his hands.

    They struggled playfully, stumbling across the pitted road. Charles missed a step at the edge of the road and fell back on the grass, pulling Dotty with him. In the silence following their impact, Dotty heard a faint splashing noise.

    “Hah! You’re a potty pants too! Now you can’t be mean to me anymore.”

    “I’m never mean.”

    “I can’t wait to hear how you justify that.”

    “It’s because – Dotty, Potty, I love you.”

    “You idiot.” Dotty banged a fist on Charles’ shoulder. “Doesn’t it bother you that I’m always running to the potty?”

    “Of course it doesn’t. We’ve been dating for how long? We’re engaged now too.”

    Charles sighed. “Besides, you got me good this time. I’m sorry I didn’t stop. I didn’t want us to miss our ferry, and now we have.”

    “You don’t think we can make it?”

    “Well clearly we didn’t make it.” Charles pointed ruefully at the sopping crotch of his pants.

    “I meant the ferry, you goober.”

    Charles smirked. “I know. There’s no way we make it. The spare has no chance on this torn up road. We’re in the middle of nowhere. I don’t know how far we’ll have to walk to find a cell signal.”

    “Maybe there’s a farm house or something nearby. If they have Wi-Fi, we can make a call that way.”

    “Even if there is, by the time roadside assistance gets here, the ferry will be gone.” Charles stood up and brushed grass off his butt. He held a hand out for Dotty. She took it and stood.

    They were quite a pair. Dotty in her drenched tan shorts, and her white blouse grass-stained. Charles’ jeans were wet down his legs. As big as the spot was, his red button-up was likely wet where it was tucked in, too.

    “You’re a gross potty pants.” Dotty giggled.

    “You’d be so mad at me if I called you that.” Charles grabbed Dotty, pinning her against the car.

    “Everyone’s always making fun of me for my potty issues. It’s only fair I get this once chance.”

    “I never make fun of you. Your definition of fair is as nutty as you are.”

    Charles came in for a kiss. Dottie closed her eyes, thrilling at the feeling of being pinned against the car. Honestly, her wet shorts were equally thrilling. That was something she’d never told anyone, even Charles.

    That he’d had an accident too gave her a bit of courage to bring up her weird turn-on. She could couch it as a joke, and see what his reaction was. Unfortunately, as soon as the kiss ended, Charles looked over her head in surprise.

    “Dotty, there is a farmhouse! Well, not a farmhouse, it looks a too big for that, and there’s no outbuildings.”

    “It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as they have Wi-Fi.”

    “You’re right about that, let’s go check it out!”

    “But – our pants.”

    “We’ll just tell them that we fell in a puddle trying to fix the tire.”

    “Nobody believes stories like that. It’s obvious it’s a potty accident.”

    “Then we get briefly embarrassed and never see those people again.”

    “I can’t believe you shipped our luggage. I could have a change of pants if my suitcase was in the car.”

    “It was ship the luggage or ship our food, the Fiat can’t hold a week’s worth of both. We wanted our snacks on the trip.”

    He was right, meaning that all Dotty could do was huff at him in irritation. It wasn’t as if she could be expected to be completely reasonable while standing in soaked shorts, with her accident drying sticky on her legs.

    Charles took her hand, trudging down the road to the driveway entrance ahead. Dotty stumped along, wrinkling her nose at the way her shorts chafed. The building Charles had spotted was big, three stories tall and broad besides. It seemed oddly put together, the windows were unevenly placed and the wings of the building bent off at two different angles.

    The driveway was long, easily a half mile or more. It was purely a dirt affair, riddled with potholes. Despite that, there were a dozen expensive cars parked on the lawn out front. The paint on those beauties was pristine, with no sign of dust from the dirt drive.

    Feeling more nervous about the odd house or whatever it was all the time, Dotty hung back as they approached the front door. The antebellum style porch creaked alarmingly under their feet.

    “We don’t even have to go inside. If they have Wi-Fi, we can get the password, make a call, and go back to the car.”

    Dotty nodded. “That might be best. Something about this place is creepy.”

    Confidently, as if he didn’t have a big wet patch on his crotch, Charles knocked on the door. There was no response. After some searching, he found a button and pressed it. There was no bell that Dotty could hear in response. Finally, Charles tried the door knocker. It was heavy brass, and was shaped like a pacifier, for some strange reason.

    Shortly after Charles used the knocker, the door opened. A dour looking man wearing grey scrubs answered it. He had tufts of gray hair growing straight out of his head over his ears, but was otherwise bald. A name tag on his scrubs read, “Hoi Polloi”. Dotty hoped that was a joke.

    Hoi Polloi stared at Charles and Dotty silently. They coughed in the awkward silence. With a shrug, Charles extended his hand.

    “Hi! I’m Charles Chadwick, this is my Fiancé Dotty McGee. We had a bad flat tire over there on the road, and we just need to use your Wi-Fi to make a call.”

    Hoi Polloi blinked slowly. His eyes traveled down to Charles’ and Dotty’s waists. In a scornful tone he said, “You’re wet.”

    Dotty and Charles responded anxiously in unison, beginning with, “Well that’s because…”

    “we fell in a puddle trying to change the tire,” Charles said.

    “it’s a long way from the last gas station and the road was bumpy.” Dotty said.

    They looked at each other, frowning.

    “Be that as it may…” Hoi Polloi said, “I think you’d better both come inside.”

    “Great! We won’t have to stay long.” Charles followed the orderly in, pulling Dotty behind him.

    “You do have Wi-Fi, right?” Dotty asked, giving Charles a glare. He was way too blasé about waltzing into the weird man’s building.

    Scene 2 – Little Space 

    Betty Beige: Supplemental Narration

    It was at this point that Charles and Dotty thought their luck had turned for the better. But as we shall see, Dotty’s reservations were not without merit. Like Cassandra of Greek Myth, she was doomed to have her concerns dismissed.

    The interior of the building was saccharine to the point of disbelief. Nothing was white or natural wood color. Every surface had been painted in soft pastels. What little furniture was in the front hall, a lamp, a chair, and a grandfather clock, were painted in primary colors.

    The sounds of music and laughter drifted down the building’s main hallway. Dotty stuck close to Charles. She couldn’t figure out what the building was for, but whatever it was, it was weird.

    “Are you having a party?” Dotty asked Hoi Polloi.

    “You’ve come on a very fun day. It’s one of Mommy’s big events.”

    Mommy? Dotty couldn’t keep a look of concern off her face. If Hoi Polloi noticed, he didn’t react.

    “We don’t want to interrupt. If you let us on your Wi-Fi really quick, we’ll make a call and be out of here.” Charles said.

    “Yes indeed, you’re very lucky.” Hoi Polloi said, as if he hadn’t heard.

    “Such lucky children!” A woman’s voice came from a stairway to the side of the door. Dotty and Charles looked up to see a woman in scrubs descending with a manic smile on her face. While Hoi Polloi’s scrubs were blue, hers were green. Her swept-up hair was dyed a vibrant purple, clashing with her clothes.

    “You’re a lucky boy, she’s a lucky girl, we’re all lucky today!” The woman’s nametag read, Violet. Every word out of Violet’s mouth amped up the uncanny feeling she was giving off.

    “Um, that’s great but we’re not here for…” Dotty trailed off as Hoi Polloi spun toward her with a bug-eyed stare.

    “It’s amazing, age is fleeting, brattiness, takes it’s toll.” Hoi Polloi chanted, like he was under a spell. “Listen closely…”

    “Not for much longer…” Violet cut in.

    “I’ve got a Big mind.”

    Charles and Dotty looked at each other in horror. Dotty wondered if they’d stumbled into some kind of asylum. Charles took a step toward the door, only to have Violet lunge toward him. He stumbled back, dragging Dotty with him.

    “I REMEMBER! PLAYING IN LITTLESPACE!” Hoi Polloi shouted – but it was oddly in tune. Dotty felt dizzy as she realized he was following the melody of the song ahead. The weirdness was reality-bending.

    “Drinking bottles, calling the child in me!” Hoi Polloi swung around to join Violet. They danced bizarrely together, chasing Charles and Dotty down the hall.

    With nowhere to go, Charles burst through the double doors at the end of the hall. Dotty caught herself at the edge of a short set of stairs, almost yanking Charles with her. She looked up to see what had stopped him, and was confronted by a dozen people in costume.

    The room was surprisingly large, with a dance floor and a stage. Unlike the hall it was bright and inviting, though any colored accents were still in primary colors. The party goers were all dressed in bright, clashy colors. Most of them had weird additions to their costumes like obvious wigs, pacifiers, or baby rattles. Nearly all had a stuffed animal tucked under their arm.

    “We’re in Little-Space Again!” The crowd sang, with Hoi Polloi and Violet joining in as they closed the doors behind Dotty.

    The lyrics of the song described the dance, which the witnesses described as “hypnotic”, a detail which will be important later. It starts with a squat…

    Betty Beige MSCCJ

    “And shake your ha-a-a-a-ands!” The crowd sang gleefully, as they waved their rattles and stuffed animals.

    Violet and Hoi Polloi herded Dotty and Charles down the stairs.

    “Cross your arms on your chest!” The crowd sang.

    Dotty felt an odd compulsion to follow along. Before she could think about that, she had Violet looming creepily at her, sending her staggering away with Charles along for the ride.

    “Fall on your butt! Now do the footie kicks! They’ll drive big-big-big thoughts away!” Hoi Polloi and Violet were singing along, but they were weaving around the prone party goers in their own dance.

    “We’re in Little Space Again! We’re in Little Space Again!”

    The music of the song pounded at Dotty’s head. Violet and Hoi Polloi spinning around her was making her sick to her stomach. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, the music cut out and a strange tone or whistle blared from the room’s speakers.

    Every one of the costumed party goers fell limp where they were. Violet and Hoi Polloi were ignoring Dotty and Charles, smirking at the prone partiers. Dotty backpedaled, glad feel Charles moving with her. The two crazy orderlies were between them and the door they’d come in, but there was another ornate door in the room.

    Dotty backed up as fast as she dared, hoping the orderlies wouldn’t notice. She and Charles stumbled up the few steps to the door and pressed their backs to it. Dotty fumbled for the handle, which mercifully turned.

    As the door opened, Charles had to run his mouth, of course. “You guys ever do the Macarena?”

    To Dotty’s horror, the party goers sat up, staring at them. The orderlies had focused on them as well. Unsure if she was more angry or scared, she hissed at Charles, “Let’s get out of here.”

    “We can’t go anywhere until we make a call.”

    “But this place is crazy! Literally diagnosable.”

    “It’s just a party, they’re being wild is all.”

    “Charles I’m wet, I’m scared, and I want to go!”

    “Dotty, you know you’re safe with me.”

    The sound of metal mechanisms behind her made Dotty spin around. There wasn’t a hallway behind them at all, the door they’d backed through lead to an old-style elevator with a scissor gate.

    That gate was opening to reveal an enormous woman with an equally huge bust. She towered a good foot over Charles, the effect of which was heightened by her broad brimmed sun hat. The hat was cherry red, and her dress was pristine white.

    As she stepped forward she revealed a slit in her skirt that ran all the way up to her waist. Dotty took a good enough look to identify that underwear was not part of the new arrival’s outfit. When she dragged her eyes away from the dark expanse of leg, that stuck defiantly out of the skirt slit, Dotty realized she’d been separated from Charles by the big woman.

    Panic burst in Dotty’s head like fireworks. She let off a terrific scream. It was a scream that had been building since they’d entered the asylum. As her lungs ran out of air, Dotty’s vison went dark. She felt herself crumple to the floor.

  • Tammy Bambino – Chapter 2

    3 – Sweet Trans Mommy / Blank Slate / Baby You A Little

    Dotty came to, with her body arched and her head thrown back until she was looking at the wall behind her, its pacifier pattern upside down. What she took for a railing holding her up was the powerful arm of the huge woman who’d just come down the elevator. Though Dotty managed to regain her feet, the big woman held her waist securely.

    “Are you a robot?” Dotty asked, her thoughts still spinning.

    “Silly Baby, of course not. I’m just a sweet trans mommy, Dr. Fanny O’Flogger, at your service.”

    “Trans? Like the Siberian Orchestra?” Charles asked.

     “Both you poor babies seem to be a bit – rattled.”

    O’Flogger produced a brightly colored rattle from her generous cleavage, shook it, and tossed it to Violet. She swept forward, leaving Dotty no choice but to scurry along. Charles  followed along lamely, shrugging when Dotty looked back with a pleading expression.

    “Again, we just need to get on your Wi-Fi…” Charles trailed off with a small yelp as Hoi Polloi pulled his shirt up.

    “We have to get you out of these wet things, Surely you don’t want to be standing here, basting in your own filth?” O’Flogger swung Dotty up to sit on a table and had her shorts off before she could do more than squeak.

    “Charles!” Dotty whimpered.

    “Uh, let’s just play along for now.” Charles’ pants were down as well, Hoi Polloi and Violet were quite effectively man-handling him.

    Dotty put her hands over her eyes when O’Flogger peeled off her panties. If she couldn’t hide her nakedness from the room, going full ostrich seemed like the next best option. The replacement she got for her wet underwear was soft and padded. The doctor pulled Dotty’s shirt off, despite her resistance, as if she were an uncooperative toddler.

    “This is a diaper!” Dotty protested.

    “It’s a pullup, Baby Girl. Since you’ve both had an accident, I have to take – precautions. You understand. Expensive carpets, insurance requirements, all that.” O’Flogger smiled broadly at Dotty. The doctor’s smile didn’t engender any friendly feeling, it made Dotty feel like a mouse cowering before a cat.

    Herded off the table by Violet, Dotty stood next to Charles, one arm across her chest, the other hovering in front of her pullup. Her fiancé was in the same state of dress, and just as lamely trying to cover up his pullup.

    Fanny reached into her bra for a whistle and blew it. Like magic, all the motionless party-goers climbed to their feet. Dotty shivered at the feeling of being surrounded and scooted up against Charles.

    “Car trouble was it? Poor babies, there won’t be anyone able to come out here for hours, if we get anyone on the weekend at all. Don’t panic! If it takes all day – care is what you’ll get.”

    Before either of them could form an answer to O’Flogger’s strange patter, the doctor swept past them and held her arms out to her guests. They all returned the gesture, reaching up like they were kids asking to be picked up.

    “I have something very special for everyone today, expected and unexpected guests alike. I’d be overcome with joy if you’d join me in the Research Nursery for a demonstration.”

    Wild cheers greeted that statement. Someone pushed Dotty from behind, forcing her to stumble away from Charles. Dr. O’Flogger stepped into the gap, arms on both their shoulders.

    “That means you babies as well. After all, nothing’s ever really a coincidence, is it?” Fanny punctuated her statement with a resounding slap on both Dotty and Charles’ padded rears, sending them scurrying forward.

    With Dr. O’Flogger stalking behind them and her two scrubs-clad minions hemming them in on the sides, Dotty and Charles were herded toward what looked like a blank wall. As they approached, the wall rolled upward, curving in sections like a garage door.

    The new room featured in their nightmare of a day was the apex of all the weird décor in the facility. Enormous bean bags sat in the corners, piled with oversized stuffed animals. The floor was a plush mat of some kind, put together in puzzle-piece shaped tiles.

    A playpen had been blown up to gigantic proportions, the top rail came to Charles’ head or Dotty’s shoulders. It should have looked absurd in the room, but the ceiling was triple-height. Along with a massive armchair, the room’s furniture made everyone but the huge O’Flogger look small. Even at her improbable height, Fanny appeared petite next to the chair.

    At the back of the room was something big, under a sheet of shimmery pink satin. Violet and Hoi Polloi stopped our unfortunate heroine and hero in the middle of the room before joining Dr. O’Flogger at the mysterious covered object.

    Dotty looked around frantically for a way to escape. The windows were absurdly high, but they were really big as well, and they looked like they opened. If Charles could boost her up, she could try opening the window and…

    A woman pushed her way between Dotty and Charles, threading her arms through theirs. “You’re very lucky to see Mommy’s Research Nursery!”

    “And you are?” Charles asked.

    Annoyingly, he wasn’t trying to shake off the woman’s arm. Though Dotty had to admit she wasn’t either. These people had been too unpredictable for resisting them to feel safe.

    “I’m Lesbiab!” The woman said excitedly. She was wearing a sparkly onesie, and her rear looked even bulkier than Dotty’s was.

    Lesbiab? Dotty felt the once-stable ground shift under her yet again. I hit my head when the car hit that bump, that’s what happened. We’re both lying in the car with our heads cracked open, and this is all a crazy concussion dream.

    “Lesbiab, Violet, Hoi Polloi, can you get them something that won’t have them feeling so – vulnerable?” Dr. O’Flogger asked. “It’s not often we get the chance host guests, let alone – pamper them.”

    “We don’t need pampers, we just need your Wi-Fi!” Charles shouted.

    Dotty braced herself for anger from Dr. O’Flogger, or outrage from the guests. There was neither. The doctor merely smirked, and the rest of the crowd ignored the outburst.

    “What an energetic, fussy boy we have. How adorable.” Her eyes dropped to Charles’ pullup.

    Blushing, Charles grabbed the fuzzy pajamas Violet was handing him. Dotty took a set of pajamas from Hoi Polloi. She felt ridiculous pulling up the pants with their bunny tail on the back, or the top with its bunny-ear hood, but it was better than standing around in her underwear. Charles’ pajamas had a little bear-eared hood that was quite cute, Dotty had to admit.

    “Now that we’re all ready, let’s have our demonstration! Many of you have benefited from my Hypnotheraputic Regreformation Treatment, but none of you have grasped the full implications of what I’ve been trying to do. BEHOLD!”

    Assisted by her minions, Dr. O’Flogger pulled back the pink satin to reveal a crib as oversized as the playpen and chair. There was a woman sleeping peacefully in the crib, dwarfed by it to the point that she looked like an oddly-proportioned baby. That illusion was enhanced by the enormous diaper she was wearing, the pacifier in her mouth, and the bonnet covering her perfect blonde curls.

    “Look at her sleeping so soundly, despite all the ruckus! Why, I could vacuum under her crib and she wouldn’t wake up! Well, I wouldn’t be vacuuming, that’d be one of my servants, but you get the idea.” Fanny smirked. Behind her, Violet and Hoi Polli looked less than amused.

    “BUT THAT’S NOT ALL!” O’Flogger shouted. True to her earlier word, the woman in the crib didn’t stir at the sound. “Witness the true extent of my genius as I demonstrate the perfect baby girl, my ultimate test subject, the nonpareil bambino… Tammy!”

    Dr. O’Flogger reached into her cleavage for custom a remote control. How much stuff does she have in there? A projector hummed to life, casting an image of the remote on a square of white wall. The remote had a dial labeled, “Baby – Little – Mid”. There were switches labeled things like, “Sleep, Hungry, Fussy, Thirsty, Cuddly,” and so on, with no apparent organization.

    Flicking the sleep switch to the off position produced a flat note that caused Tammy to stir and yawn. Dr. O’Flogger windmilled her arms at her minions, who proceeded to lower the crib side at a lackadaisical pace. Tammy sat up and was scooped into Fanny’s arms, triumphantly held on the doctor’s hip.

    “With the application of Transonic Hypermelodic Input, our test subject has been reborn! Haven’t you, my precious little girl?”

    “I love you, Mommy!” Tammy smiled sweetly.

    The room erupted in applause. Dotty found herself joining in until Charles nudged her with his elbow. It’s weird that she’s all babied up and – sonic hypnotized – but she just looks so happy. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that happy.

    “Why don’t you go introduce yourself to our guests, pretty girl?” Dr. O’Flogger set Tammy down, on her knees rather than standing.

    Tammy promptly crawled to the first guests and babbled something at them. There was something in the girl’s cheerful, uncomplicated manner that stirred longing in Dotty’s heart. The moment she recognized the feeling, a pit of anxiety opened up in her stomach. It was one thing – and a weird one at that – to be envious of a girl so happy. It’d be quite another to be her.

    “Charles.” Dotty hissed under her breath. “We have to get out of here.”

    “We can’t go anywhere until we make a call.” Charles whispered back. “What are we supposed to do, walk for miles? In diapers?”

    “They’re pullups!” Dotty protested.

    Their conversation stalled with Tammy’s arrival. She looked up at Dotty and Charles, smiling her same happy smile. The pacifier she’d been sucking on in her crib was on a ribbon clipped to her bonnet. It bounced against her bare breasts as she moved. Every crawling movement she made was heralded by her diaper’s surprisingly loud crinkling.

    “Hello! I’m Tammy! I’m Mommy’s good little girl. Can we be friends?”

    Dotty stared at the girl in fascination, “W-was Tammy your name before you met the Doctor?”

    “I’m a blank slate!” Tammy said, giggling and sitting back on her poofy rear. “Do you wanna play? If you wanna play you hafta come down here.”

    Charles looked like he was frozen to the spot. Someone had to make sure the poor girl in front of them was okay. Dotty crouched down and put a hand on Tammy’s shoulder.

    “What do you mean you’re a blank slate? Do you remember anything from before becoming a baby?”

    “Nobody remembers from before they’re a baby, silly!” Tammy grinned. “What do you wanna play?”

    “I want to ask you a few more questions before we play, Tammy. I mean before you were a baby here.”

    “I told you I’m a blank slate. I have Mommy, and that’s perfect for me. If you won’t pick a game, I will. Tag! You’re it.” Tammy pounced on Dotty, knocking her to the floor. Tammy was apparently unclear on the rules of tag. Instead of running off, she lay on Dotty, smiling down at her.

    Dotty shuddered. Suddenly being under a gorgeous girl was playing havoc with her already frazzled brain. Tammy smelled of vanilla and cherries. She was soft, warm, and heavy where her diaper rested on Dotty’s hips. It was suddenly very warm in the room.

    I should push her off me. This is weird and it’s happening in front of my boyfriend. Fiancé I mean. Push her off, just push her off.

    Dotty’s arms did not obey. Apparently emboldened by Dotty’s passivity, Tammy leaned in and nuzzled Dotty’s neck. Little shivers ran along Dotty’s skin. She realized she had her hands on Tammy’s waist, just above the girl’s diaper.

    “I don’t think our guests are ready to play that way with you – yet, my darling.” Dr. O’Flogger scooped Tammy up into her arms.

    Walking back to the center of the room, Dr. O’Flogger flipped a switch on the remote. Dotty got as far as sitting up on her elbows before she was transfixed by the sight of Tammy wetting her diaper. The translucent white of the girl’s diaper turned pale yellow as it sagged around Fanny’s arm.

    “I hope you all realize now what I’m offering. The ultimate escape, the pinnacle of transformation. A chance to be cared for by me, Dr. Fanny O’Flogger, famed across our world and in spheres beyond. Consider it, my eager Little friends. In just seven days, I can Baby you a Little.”

    There was more clapping. Dotty got unsteadily to her feet. As adoring party goers gathered around Dr. O’Flogger to congratulate her, the scrubs-clad minions were advancing on Dotty and Charles.

    “Mommy says it’s time you two were shown your rooms.” Violet said.

    “But we’re not staying…” Dotty whimpered.

    “Come with us.” Hoi Polloi put his hands on Charles and forced him toward a door. Violet had a hold of Dotty and shuffled her off in the opposite direction. Dotty reached pleadingly for Charles, but he was gone.


    Betty Beige: It is on this occasion that we must remind you, dear reader, of the diabolical way that every trace of this weird operation vanished. If there were things for which our Heroine’s captor had not planned, they were surely minor details.


    In a daze, Dotty let Violet push her down a hallway. They reached a door, through which Dotty was unceremoniously shoved. Violet quipped something about a nap that Dotty half-heard. Without waiting for a response, the purple haired nurse left, closing the door firmly behind her.

    Dotty’s room was all lace and puffy fabric. It’s main feature was a canopy bed that was the combination of all little girl dreams about sleeping like a princess. The carpet was so plush that Dotty’s felt like she’d sink to her ankles with every step. There was a soft scent of roses in the air. Everything was soft, all the corners were blunted and padded.

    The bed was covered by a veritable parliament of stuffed animals, soft friends of every description. There were no windows, but somehow that made Dotty feel cozy, rather than trapped. The only annoyance was a soft whine at the edge of her hearing, like a refrigerator or television screen. Behind the bed was a changing table, more than big enough for someone Dotty’s size.

    I’m sure the door is locked. It’d be silly to even test it. I just have to wait here until – until I get a chance to escape. Now’s not the time, they just put me in here, I’m sure they expect me to try to get out right away.

    Tentatively, Dotty climbed on the bed. She had to work her way around the stuffies to get on it at all. Lying down put her in fuzzy trench, with stuffies pressing in on all sides. She hoped Charles was okay. They needed an escape plan. Her thoughts refused to do anything as organized as plan. Instead, she found her mind returning to the moment when Tammy had wet herself.

    Dotty needed to pee again, and thinking about Tammy’s accident was making it worse. There was no other door to lead to a bathroom. She’d already firmly established in her mind that she couldn’t leave the room.

    That’s why Dr. O’Flogger put me in this pullup, that’s why there’s a changing table in here. It makes perfect sense. Her whole thing is making people act like babies. If I don’t use my pullup now – I’ll need to pee later, and it’ll ruin my escape attempt.

    The bits of Dotty’s argument to herself felt like they fit together perfectly. Wetting herself was the best thing she could do to escape. All she had to do was let go – and her pullup was filling up fast. Dotty grabbed a stuffie and hugged it, riding out the embarrassment of wetting her pants twice in one day.

    It’s okay. I had to do it. I had no choice, same as in the car.

    She would never have admitted it to Charles, but the squishy pullup around Dotty’s waist was not an unfamiliar sensation. Pullups had been part of her life at night and even sometimes during the day until she got to high school. Not that I wore them every night. I wasn’t a baby!

    Dating and self-discipline with drinking liquids had eliminated Dotty’s need for pullups. If she had to go to the bathroom a lot, it wasn’t such a big deal. People usually made jokes about women with small bladders and left it at that.

    Sitting now in a warm, wet pullup, Dotty shivered. Did I really miss this feeling? It felt freeing and naughty at the same time. Squishing the sagging padding made her think of how Tammy’s diaper had squished on the doctor’s arm. Tammy, with her flawless body and empty-headed flirtatiousness.

    The door opened on a Dotty who was sitting in a pile of stuffies, rubbing her crotch. She stared at Dr. O’Flogger’s enormous frame, which filled the doorway.

    “What’s this? A baby girl playing with herself?”

    “No I was – I couldn’t get out of the room so I had to wet – it wasn’t my fault and I was just making sure it wouldn’t leak!”

    The door closed behind Fanny. She advanced on Dotty, looming over the much smaller girl. Dr. O’Flogger’s awesome bosom was dangerously close to Dotty’s face. Thud, thud, thud, went Dotty’s heart, a bass accompaniment to her ragged breaths. The smell of flowers and rich spice overwhelmed her nose.

    “Wet too? Oh dear little girl, You need your Mommy to take care of you, don’t you?” Fanny cupped Dotty’s head in her prodigious hand. “Tell Mommy you need someone to take care of you.”

    “No, I don’t. We really just need to get to our car – and make a call – but the call has to be first.”

    “Dotty, Little Girl, tell Mommy you need her to take care of you.”

    Dotty stared into the deep, dark eyes of the doctor – of O’Flogger – of Fanny – of – Mommy. “Mommy, I pottied my pants.”

    “Did you now? Let me see.” Mommy lifted Dotty, smushing the girl’s face into her bosom and set her down on her back. Deftly, Mommy stripped Dotty’s pajama pants off. “Oh my goodness, you really did, Little Girl!”

    Squirmy feelings wracked Dotty. Part of her mind was screaming at her to resist, but that part was far in the back, too far away to be loud. Mommy’s soothing tone was loud in her ears and the squish of her pullup was warm and comforting on her butt. The ever-present whine in the room broke up any thought that went on too long. Throughout all the confusing sensations, Mommy’s tremendous bust loomed over her.

    Yet again, Mommy reached into her cleavage. A bulky black glove was the latest item to be fished out. It fit perfectly on Mommy’s hand, with a big chunk of plastic on the palm. As soon as Mommy cupped Dotty’s crotch, the glove buzzed with powerful vibrations. The waves of sensation shuddered through Dotty’s wet padding and massaged her whole crotch.

    While the glove touched her, Dotty didn’t know anything except that she was writhing in pleasure. A whine of distress escaped her when the glove was withdrawn. Dotty came back to herself on Mommy’s lap, confronted with a breast the size of her head. A twist of Mommy’s torso brought Mommy’s fat nipple to Dotty’s mouth. Dotty Pottie didn’t need any instruction. She wrapped her mouth around that nipple and sucked urgently.

    It should have been a shock to have body-hot milk in her mouth. Dotty accepted it as she’d accepted calling the huge woman Mommy. When the vibrator buzzed her crotch again, Dotty forgot even the semblance of questioning her situation.

    There was pleasure thrumming between her legs, soft under her hands, and sweet in her mouth. She latched on to Mommy’s breast, moving only when a bright spark of bliss made her spasm. Similarly, her mouth was locked to Mommy’s nipple except when she was overcome by a particularly powerful moan.

    It was with a full tummy and a leaky pullup that Dottie was transferred to the changing table. Somewhere along the way she’d lost her pajama top and her bra. Mommy tore the pullup sides and opened it like a diaper. Dotty didn’t have to lift her butt for the pullup to be thrown away, Mommy lifted the Little Girl’s ankles with a single hand.

    “What a wonderful baby girl you are.” Mommy said, lightly tickling Dotty’s sides.

    Giggling, Dotty shook her head. “No, I’m not a baby.”

    “Yes you are, Dotty Potty. You’re just a little potty pants baby.”

    “No, no I’m a big girl, I don’t have accidents anymore!”

    “Then why were your pants wet when you came here? Why was your pullup wet when I found you in your room?”

    “Well – okay, sometimes I have accidents, but not usually. I’m really careful!”

    “You don’t have to be careful here, Little Girl. I’m putting you in a nice big diaper so you don’t have to worry about anything.”

    “Like Tammy’s?”

    “Almost as fancy as hers. If you’re a very good Little Girl, maybe you’ll be my favorite some day.”

    “I don’t want to forget like she does.”

    “Well you’re not in line for the treatment anyway. That’s only for really good girls.”

    “I’m not a good girl?”

    “You’re working on it. Do as Mommy says, and you’ll get there.”

    Mommy blew a raspberry on Dotty’s tummy. She shrieked and giggled. The pacifier Mommy put in her mouth seemed to signal the end of the conversation. Dotty sucked on nipple happily. It was big for a pacifier, fitting her mouth far better than a baby’s paci would have. The slight weight of the plastic shield on her lips soothed her almost as much as having her mouth full did.

    In a dreamy state, she felt Mommy wipe her down with nice warm wipes. Lotion covered her butt, crotch, and abdomen, sparing nothing. Thick padding under her hips heralded the heavy smell of baby powder. Mommy wrapped the diaper snugly around Dotty, setting the tapes and stroking he girl’s breasts and belly.

    “You’re so darling like this. Be a good baby for Mommy and wait in your room until it’s dinnertime, do you understand?”

    Dotty nodded, smiling up at Mommy in a daze.

    “Perfect. Who knew you’d be so – susceptible, considering who sent you here?”

    “Hmm?” Dotty couldn’t force a word out around the rubble nipple in her mouth, but something about that statement made clouds in her otherwise happy mind.

    “Oh don’t worry about it. You just worry about filling your pants.” Mommy laughed, carrying Dotty back to the bed. It was warm, almost too warm under the covers with stuffies piled on top.

    “Naptime, Dotty Potty.” Mommy patted Dotty on the head and left. The spicy scent of Mommy’s perfume lingered long after the door was closed.

    Dotty stared at the door, not sleepy, but with a stalled mind. In her warm, soft banket cocoon, she was so comfortable that moving felt impossible. The most she could manage was to keep sucking on her pacifier, working the rubber nipple like her life depended on it.

  • Tammy Bambino – Chapter 3

    4 – Change-a Change-a Change Me

    A loud popping sound drove Dotty out of her nap. Restless limbs had her out of bed before she was fully conscious. The bedroom was empty, just as Mommy – as Dr. O’Flogger had left her in it. Looking down, Dotty confirmed that she was wearing nothing but a large diaper. As much as she didn’t to reunite with Charles looking like a baby, searching a strange building naked appealed even less.

    There was no sign of her clothes, even in the trash. Dotty had checked the bin next to the changing table just in case, but all she found was the pullup she’d wet when earlier. She blushed to remember how much of a baby she’d been for Dr. O’Flogger. Quickly, her hand went to the crotch of her diaper.

    Still dry. Thank god. Dotty considered the baby clothes in the room’s dresser, but she wasn’t sure they’d fit. Plus, it feels like putting myself even more in enemy hands. I have to find Charles and get out of here. Screw the Wi-Fi!

    No one stopped her from opening the door or creeping along the hall. Though there were other doorways, Dotty knew that Charles had been taken to the opposite wing of the house. Getting back to the central area seemed most important.

    I can’t believe I’m going to reunite with Charles, while I’m in a diaper. He’s never going to let me live this down! Maybe he’ll – make me wear one on car trips. Dotty shivered at the thought. From dread or excitement, she couldn’t say.

    Back in the nursery room, with its oversized furniture, Dotty tried to remember which door Charles had been taken through. A quick search of the room revealed a new addition. Next to the enormous armchair was a monitor stand with half a dozen screens branching off it. They seemed to be cycling through views of the rooms and hallways of the facility.

    Jackpot! Maybe our luck is finally turning! Dotty ran to the chair and climbed into it, feeling ridiculous on the broad expanse of upholstery. Each of the screens had a pair of buttons. One made the screen show its next camera right away, the other stopped the screen on a specific scene.

    Dotty played the screen buttons like a brightly colored musical organ. At her command the screens flickered past scenes of Hoi Polloi and Violet – up to who-knows what, Lesbiab running about, and many empty rooms.

    When she finally found Charles, Dotty almost flicked past the camera in his room. At the last moment, she hit the stabilization button instead. He looks like he’s alright! Alright meant in a pullup, but that’s how she’d been before Dr. O’Flogger had taken her down a sexy, childish path. If Charles still had his wits about him, they could surely escape…

    Dotty’s hopes were dashed as the camera’s view was eclipsed by the shoulders and broad hat of Dr. Fanny O’Flogger. Riveted in place by fear and fascination, Dotty watched while…


    Betty Beige: It is perhaps better to bring in another eyewitness account at this point, as our Hero was just as forthcoming with the details as his fiancé was.


    Charles shuddered as the massive woman approached him. There was something hypnotizing about her. Probably because she uses actual hypnosis! Snap out of it, Charlie!

    “Listen, I don’t know what you think you’re doing but…”

    “Hush, Little Boy.” Dr. O’Flogger scooped Charles onto her hip like he was made of paper. A rush of excitement had Charles blushing – and hard. He quivered as Dr. O’Flogger stroked the back of his head and neck.

    “D-Dr. O’Flogger, I think there’s been some…”

    “Call me Mommy, Charlie.” Fanny O’Flogger smiled sweetly, pulling Charles’ face inexorably onto her titanic bosom. “Call me Mommy, and I’ll be the Mommy you’ve always wanted.”

    His arms were braced against the giant woman but were trembling uselessly. Charles could feel a flush over his entire body. Swaddled in a pullup, his cocked was throbbing, harder than he could ever remember it being. As soon as his face met that broad, velvety expanse of cleavage, Charles’ brain filled with static.


    “Good boy! Now let’s get you out of this silly pullup. Baby boys like you need a nice thick diaper.”

    Pathetically, Charles found himself reaching for Mommy when she put him on the bed. She tore the pullup sides with a mere flick of her finger and peeled it open. With an amused expression, Mommy shook her head and clucked her tongue.

    “Dear, dear, this is too much of a big-boy thing for a little boy like you to have. Let’s get that fixed.”

    Before Charles could ask what the fix was going to be, Mommy’s massive hand was gripping the whole of his shaft. Her hand was slick with lotion, rubbing and squeezing all along Charles’ hardness, her thumb flicking across the tip.

    Struggling earned Charles a pacifier in the mouth and his hands pinned above his head. It was easy to give in to Mommy, and that surrender felt like heaven. Far too fast the tingling in Charles’ boy parts made him twitch his hips and spread a puddle across his tummy.

    While he panted around the pacifier, exhausted, Charles felt wet wipes cleaning him off. Something cool and oddly shaped enclosed his sex. He sat up on his elbows to catch a glimpse of a gleaming metal cage surrounding his bits, fixing his cock in a soft, curved shape.

    No sooner had he sat up than Mommy had him on his back again. The smells and feel of powder and lotion combined with a persistent hum in the room to dull Charles’s mind. Sucking on the pacifier felt like it was taking all of his brainpower.

    Mommy had Charles in a fat diaper, but she didn’t stop there. While he groped greedily for her, she worked his arms and legs into a one-piece pajama. With a gorgeous, head-sized breast coming at his face, Charles let go of all remaining thought and his bladder together. Wet and happy, he put his lips on Mommy’s nipple.


    Betty Beige: We now return to our Heroine, who has not at all liked seeing Charles’ little show…


    Dotty wanted to scream. How could he! At least one of us was supposed to be strong! It was an unfair thought, for certain. Watching Charles capitulate even more easily than she had was terrifying for poor Dotty. Escape was looking like less and less of a possibility. Except that Dotty couldn’t allow herself to become a brainless Baby-doll like Tammy.

    A soft sound sent Dotty into a flat crouch on the armchair. Peeking out, she didn’t see Violet or Hoi Polloi. The sound had come from the crib. Tammy was napping there, though she was stirring.

    Out of escape ideas for the moment, Dotty let her fascination take hold and approached the crib. Tammy was every bit as beautiful as she’d been at her demonstration. Seeing her asleep added a layer of cuteness that made Dotty’s heart go out to the other girl.

    Later, Dotty would tell herself that she was trying to wake Tammy up, so she could rescue the hypnotized girl too. Truthfully, she couldn’t stop herself from touching that soft, flawless skin. Tammy was warm and smelled like vanilla flowers. An irresistible desire to snuggle with the Baby Girl gripped Dotty. It was a simple matter to find the switch that lowered the crib side.

    As the crib bars came down, something small and hard hit Dotty in the head. She yelped, then clapped her hand over her mouth. Luckily, no one seemed to have taken note. Picking up the thing that had brained her, Dotty realized she was holding Tammy’s remote. The poor girl had her remote set to “Sleep”. It was clearly effective. Tammy hadn’t so much as twitched when Dotty cried out.

    Gingerly, Dotty adjusted settings on the remote. Turning off sleep seemed like an important step. There was  switch marked “Free” which was off. Knowing it was too good to be true, Dotty turned that switch on. Oh, I hope she’s back to normal! I hope there’s one person here that’s normal!

    “Is it play time?” Tammy sat up and stretched, smiling angelically at Dotty. She was a sexy Adult-Baby mirror of Dotty, wearing nothing but a diaper. Tammy’s perfect breasts swayed with their own form of hypnosis before Dotty’s eyes.

    “You’re free now, right? We can get you out of here. We can escape!”

    Tammy giggled. “I don’t know how to play Escape, sorry! But you’re really pretty, if you come in my crib I know a game we can play.”

    “I shouldn’t…” Dotty said, climbing into Tammy’s crib.

    “It’s okay, Mommy’s not here to say no.” Tammy wasted no time, pulling Dotty into a face to face embrace. Their mouths met, sending a tingle through Dotty’s lips.

    “We – were going to play, right?” Dotty said, trying desperately to clear her head.

    “Right!” Tammy squirmed against Dotty. Her leg forced its way between Dotty’s, until they were each straddling one another’s thigh. Tammy bit her lip in concentration. Warmth spread across Dotty’s thigh as Tammy’s diaper sagged.

    “You’re peeing!” Dotty squirmed against the other girl, unable to decide if she was trying to get away or rub their chests together.

    “You need to potty too, then we can play.” Tammy kissed Dotty’s neck sweetly. An involuntary moan rose out of Dotty.

    Resistance was a stupid idea. Whatever pretty, friendly Tammy wanted, Dotty wanted too. If she needed to wet her diaper to “play”, well she’d already wet a pullup and her pants. Pressing her sweat-slick body against Tammy, Dotty flooded her diaper.

    Hearing Tammy moan when Dotty’s accident hit, drove Dotty wild. They kissed again, with Dotty’s hands roaming all over Tammy’s tight body. Tammy had her hands on Dotty’s breasts. The lightest pinch on her nipples started Dotty grinding against Tammy’s leg.

    Tammy answered immediately, grinding back against Dotty. Heat and wet smashed against Dotty’s sex until she felt like her crotch was on fire. The slick padding touched her like the gentlest of hands. Dotty was moaning in time with Tammy, gasping and kissing whatever she could reach.

    With the pure delight of Tammy’s breasts under her hands, Dotty leaned in hard on the other girl’s leg. Pressure built up in her hips, expanding through her body until it exploded in her mind. They shrieked and moaned together, falling to the crib bedding and pressing their hips together in desperation.

    The shudders subsided, but not until they had left Dotty and Tammy as disheveled, filthy wrecks on the covers. Pleasure had taken Dotty to a place where words didn’t exist. As she struggled back toward language, her first thought was that it had been even better with Tammy than it had been with Mommy.

    I’m COVERED in potty – I mean pee. A new, dry diaper sounded wonderful. Dotty nuzzled the blissed out girl next to her.

    “Cha-cha-change me. Tammy, I’m all dirty. Change – a – change my diaper – please.”

    “Will you change mine?” Tammy stroked Dotty’s side dreamily.

    “Yes.” Dotty sealed her promise with a kiss.

    Giggling like bandits, they raided the changing table for diapers and supplies before returning to their love nest. Dotty laid out luxuriously for her lover, sighing in relief when Tammy tore her diaper tapes. Flirty touches with the wipes were fun, but leaving large swaths of Dotty feeling itchy.

    “Tammy, you’re missing spots.”

    “Show me.” Tammy grabbed Dotty’s hand and put it on her own diaper’s tapes.

    With a shy smile, Dotty tore Tammy’s tapes and stripped the girl of her soiled diaper. She took a wipe and caressed Tammy’s leg – her thigh – between her legs to her rear. As they gazed into each other’s eyes, Tammy mirrored Dotty’s motions.

    Tammy was on top of Dotty again when they finished, kissing her sweetly. Dotty tore the top off the baby powder with a devilish grin and dumped the whole bottle out on the blankets. Shrieking and tickling each other, they rolled in the powder until their bottoms were coated.

    Dotty laid Tammy down with reverent care and wrapped her in a diaper. With the tapes secured, she let her hands wander over the Baby Girl’s soft skin. Tammy let Dotty touch as she wanted, reaching down to wrap a diaper snugly around Dotty’s hips as well.

    By some miracle, there was an un-soiled blanket in the crib. Dotty pulled it over both of them and cuddled up to Tammy with a happy sigh. They fitted their curves against each other and cuddled in blissful silence.

    5 – One Two Three, Dotty McGee / Pink Pretty World

    Betty Beige: That bliss was not to last, however, for there was another visitor to the facility that day. Little did Charles and Dotty know that they were embroiled in machinations beyond their undergraduate-level ken.


    Dr. O’Flogger stalked into the nursery, pulling a sheepish-looking Charles by the hand. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, Little Man. An advance scout were you?”

    Charles sounded like he was protesting, but from behind the pacifier in his mouth the words were only mumbles. His steps were comically short next to the cyclopean O’Flogger, forcing him to stumble along like a toddler.

    “Let’s see if you can explain what’s on the MONITOR!” O’Flogger tossed Charles effortlessly onto the armchair, poking at the monitor screens until they showed a progression of cameras through the house.

    Violet and Hoi Polloi made their way from one camera to the next as they moved through the facility. Their path was a straight line, but on the monitors they bounced disjointedly from one screen to another. Between them was a frustrated looking woman that made Charles gasp so that his pacifier tumbled into his lap. She was wearing a three-piece tweed suit and had a smart butch haircut.

    “EXACTLY!” Dr. O’Flogger turned dramatically, sweeping her arm at the main nursery door. On cue, Violet and Hoi Polloi entered with their captive.

    “Dr. Magnussen!”

    “Hello Charles. Dr. O’Flogger, we meet at last,” said Dr. Magnusson. Dotty peeked under the blankets in shock to see her and Charles’ advisor in the bizarre place that had imprisoned them.

    “Oh yes, Doctor Magnusson, I know exactly why you and your Little protégés are here. Well you’re too late! With all three of you here, there will be no one to save you.” Fanny smirked, crossing her arms under her ponderous breasts.

    “You are very clever, O’Flogger, but don’t think that you’ve gotten away with this. Charles, are you alright?”

    “Well I…”

    “Oh no one CARES!” O’Flogger said dismissively. “I know what you’re really here to see, Magnusson. Well feast your eyes, my diminutive doctor, upon the ultimate triumph of Baby-Hypnosis!”

    Dotty bolted from the crib as O’Flogger approached. Tammy came with her. They held hands as they scurried across the room before the shocked eyes of the rest of the room. Hoi Polloi moved to cut them off from one door, and Dotty reversed direction. Violet made for the other door. That left only the main door, with Dr. O’Flogger in the way.

    Dotty and Tammy came to a halt, panting and looking up at their Mommy guiltily. O’Flogger had her arms akimbo, with a grimly disappointed frown on her face.

    “It’s one thing to see Dotty misbehaving like this, but Tammy! What has gotten into you?”

    “I uh – uh…” Tammy’s eyes darted back and forth. “Baba?”

    “Don’t give me that, I know you’re in free mode. You’re both in big trouble.” O’Flogger pulled a massive wooden spoon from her cleavage. It loomed in her hand like a centurion’s sword.

    With a shrill scream of fear, Dotty ran for the door Hoi Polloi was guarding. He squared his shoulders and went for the block, but Dotty and Tammy snatched up stuffies and pelted him in the face.

    Through the door and running down an unfamiliar hall, Dotty and Tammy glanced over their shoulders. Dr. O’Flogger was after them in a fine rage, with Dr. Magnussen on her heels. Trundling behind in his thick diaper, Charles was calling Dotty’s name.

    “One, two, three, Dotty McGee!” Dr. O’Flogger called after her. “You get your behind here now. If I have to count to three, Ms. McGee, you won’t sit down again for a month!”

    A tight circular staircase seemed like it might slow down the massive mommy. Dotty darted up it, her lungs and thighs burning from running up stairs at full tilt. Tammy and Dotty stumbled out into a room full of weird equipment. There were no exits.

    Why are there no exits?!

    Backing away from the stairway, Dotty glanced around desperately. Helmets with wires coming off them were stacked neatly on shelves. Along another wall were headphones with nobs and nixie tubes sticking out of them. An old vacuum tube computer dominated one part of the room while a table held more than two dozen sleek modern tablets.

    Time had run out, Dr. O’Flogger was upon them. Unlike Dotty, the huge mommy was not at all bewildered by the mess of gadgets in her lab. She snatched up a baby rattle and pointed it at Dotty and Tammy.

    “I didn’t want to have to do this! I wanted a nice, sensual descent into hypnotic babyhood for you. But you leave me no choice, Dotty!”

    “What is that thing!?”

    “It’s a Babyification Hypnotizer Device.” Dr. Magnussen said grimly. “Come here Dotty, and your friend too. I can shield us from the AB-Rays.”

    “That’s what you think, you so-called-Doctor!” O’Flogger turned the rattle on Dr. Magnussen and pressed a button on the handle.

    The rattle end lit up hot pink and began rattling with a tremendous noise. Dotty and Tammy were driven to their knees by the thundering racket. Charles, who had just reached the lab, was reduced to crawling up the last few steps.

    Dr. Magnussen tried to block with a grey armband, but she was engulfed in pink sparkles like she’d been hit by a confetti cannon. Bravely, the Doctor held her stance for a few moments – until a childish wail came out of her mouth.

    Dotty watched in fascinated horror as blotch of wet spread out from Dr. Magnusson’s crotch, soaking her tweed pants. Magnusson fell to her knees, crying and holding her crotch. Charles was the next hit by the ray. He shrieked in discomfort as a dark blotch spread out across the back of his diaper.

    Dotty whimpered and backed up against the wall. There was nowhere to go. Mommy was looming over the stairs, which were the only way out. The pink sparkles came for her and…


    Betty Beige: Readers will have to forgive the next section, as it was transcribed directly from the subject while she was under Reverse-Cyber-Hypnosis.

    The subject recovered nearly entirely from the experience. By experience, I mean the trauma she experienced in the O’Flogger facility. There is no need to recover from Reverse-Cyber-Hypnosis, as it is perfectly safe to use, even on children and marmosets.

    Yes, Dotty is quite recovered. Though she experiences – relapses, which are mercifully brief.

    For now.


    Pretty sparkles made Dotty giggle! She swatted at them, managing to catch a few in her clumsy hands. There were pretty sparkles all over her play partner. Dotty mashed them against beautiful Tammy’s boobies. They both laughed and danced around each other.

    Wet spread across Dotty’s crotch and rear. It didn’t bother her. Potties meant that she could do super fun play with Tammy! Then Mommy could take care of them both.

    Mommy! Dotty looked up with delight at Mommy. She had two bad babies over one arm, and had just scooped Tammy up with the other. Dotty held her arms out for uppies. Mommy paused, surprised, then scooped Dotty up to her bosom. Dotty snuggled happily against Mommy, hanging on to Mommy’s boobies.

    “Well, this is a surprise. Even Tammy didn’t take to the Babyfication ray like this. At least not before I – well, that doesn’t matter to you now, does it Baby Girl?”

    “Mommy!” Dotty giggled. “I wanna play with Tammy!”

    “I suppose you can, while I deal with these other two. Come on, it’s back to the nursery for all babies.”

    The trip was nice. Dotty had her face in Mommy’s boobies the whole time. She didn’t even have to be sad when Mommy put her down, because Tammy was there. Tammy’s boobies weren’t as big, but they were more fun to play with.

    Dotty rolled around a blanket in her soggy diaper, snuggling with Tammy. Her friend was just as happily empty-headed as she was. They took delight in tickling each other, staring at their hands, or just laughing at each other’s weird facial expressions.

    Mommy was lecturing the bad babies. Dotty was a good baby! She was so happy to be a good baby that could play with her bestest friend Tammy forever and ever. They’d do all the squirmy games, until Mommy put them to bed.

    “What do you think you’re doing!? You insolent imbeciles, you’re the ones who let our guests roam around at will in the first place!” Mommy’s voice was sharp, upset. It made Dotty’s tummy upset. She sat up on her squishy butt to see what was wrong.

    Hoi Polloi and Violet were standing together at the end of the room. They weren’t in their boring clothes anymore. They had fancy silver clothes! Dotty clapped her hands in glee. Violet was holding a golden thing in her hand that had a flashing bulb at the end. It was so bright that it made Dotty’s eyes all blinky and sore.

    “Your reckless capturing of mortals has doomed our endeavors here. I’m taking command of this expedition and announcing its finale, with immediate effect.” Violet raised the flashing bulbs at Mommy.

    “I don’t know what you think you have in your hand, but you lack the authority to bring me back and survive the trial that would follow!” Mommy was mad – but scared too. If Mommy was scared, then Dotty was too. She tried to be brave, but she couldn’t help whimpering a little.

    “Oh, this little thing? I have in my hands a laser capable of firing a beam of pure Fluffmancy.” Violet said arrogantly. “We won’t be taking you back at all – except as a trophy for our stuffie wall.”

    “You wouldn’t dare!” Mommy shouted. A beam of green energy lanced out of the bulb. Tammy shrieked, and hurled herself in the way of the beam. Dotty’s bestest super friend sparkled with terrible mauve and cyan light.

    The blinding light cleared. Where Tammy had been, there was now an adorable bunny stuffie. Dotty blinked at it and tried waving.

    “Tammy?” Dotty got no response from the stuffie.

    A second beam of light shot out while Dotty was distracted by the stuffie. She looked up in time to see Mommy swathed in hues of radiant viridian and vermillion. It was very Christmassy, but too eldritch to be fun. Mommy ballooned into a monumental teddy bear.

    It was a very confusing development for Dottie. On the one hand – SUPER BIG TEDDY BEAR! On the other, who was going to be Mommy now? While she pondered that, she crawled over to Charles. He was a super special extra good friend too. The nice teacher lady was a baby now too, so it seemed like she’d have a lot of baby friends at least.

    One moment Dotty was acquainting herself with her new friends, and the next she heard Hoi Polloi scream, “Fire the Ejection Module!”

    A cyclone of pillows emerged from the floor, scooping Dotty and her friends up like they were being launched into Oz. They went spinning out under sky, whirling in an endless tornado of pillows and stuffies. The landing was soft and squooshy, especially in Dotty’s pants.

    Giggling, she watched as Mommy’s house blinked in colors and dissolved into pretty pink sparkles. The cars that had been parked out in front of it were gone, even the driveway was gone. Dotty was in a mushy diaper, half-buried in a pile of pillows in a field. What remained of the only human habitation in sight was so much pink glitter on the wind.

    “Again, again!” Dotty giggled, clapping her hands.


    Betty Beige: What is happiness after all, except an unburdening of thought?

    Does the infant possess what the Buddhist seeks in vain?

    Sweet dreams, sweet Littles.

