Getting Little: Chapter 14

Content Warning: Not Checking For Consent – Careless Domination Play The interior of Astra’s car was stifling hot. Sarita wiped a bead of sweat off her eyebrow and looked out the window impatiently, hoping they’d find a parking spot soon. Though some of her overheating was due to the warm summer night, most of the …

Adult Changeling: Chapter 7

Wind ruffled the faerie garden like a great hand ruffling fur. Mariah woke to the sound of tiny bells. Silver flowers had bloomed at the top of her cage; their crystalline stamens clattered musically against the metallic petals. It would have been a soothing escape from having to think about her predicament, if Mariah didn’t …

Getting Little: Chapter 13

Within the warm embrace of a bubble bath, Sarita had no concerns or anxieties. The same could not be said for Nero. He hated it when Sarita took a bath. When his meows at Sarita went un-answered, he tracked Astra down and berated her. Unfortunately for the little black tyrant, Astra was willing to talk …

Getting Little: Chapter 12

It took every bit of Sarita’s will to cancel the date with Pauline instead of ghosting her. That painful text was the last one she sent. A pile of notifications sat un-reviewed on her phone, increasing Sarita’s anxiety every time she looked at the number. Eventually, the anxiety had her abandoning her phone altogether. Ditching …

Getting Little: Chapter 11

A knock on the door startled Sarita out of a dazed stupor. She made her way to the door, painfully re-orienting herself. It was some time in the morning, or the sun would be coming in through the windows. She was glad to see it was still morning, because she had work in the afternoon. …

Getting Little: Chapter 10

Sarita sat on her couch with an amused expression. Nero was on the back of the couch, meowing at her. He’d been at it for a good five minutes. He’d always been a little complainer, but Sarita was pretty sure she was feeling outright lectured by her kitty for the first time. “Nero, you’re repeating …

Getting Little: Chapter 9

Feeling super little wasn’t compatible with being moved around an apartment, Sarita was discovering. After being diapered and wetting on Astra’s bed, Sarita had wonderful snuggly time with her Angel. It was warm in the apartment, especially for someone wearing a diaper and the fuzzy thigh-high socks that Astra had put Sarita in. Warmth and …

Getting Little: Chapter 8

The diner coffee was badly burnt. That, of course, was how you knew you were in a real diner. The other tell was the mingled smell of grease and over-polished wood that permeated the place. It was weird to be in Rosco’s when the sun was up. One didn’t go to The R to get …

Getting Little: Chapter 7

Sarita didn’t retrieve her phone from under the couch until Nohemi was gone. As she’d suspected, the notification had been from Astra. For a pleasant surprise, there were only two texts from Astra. Neither text was pushy. Reasonable communication was exactly what Sarita needed to see. Instead of feeling emotionally fraught, reconnecting with Astra was …